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ART600 ART600 ART600 ART600 Battery Battery Battery Battery Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer

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ART600 Battery Analyzer

Table of Content

Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03
1. Battery safty---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03
2. Start reading this manual------------------------------------------------------------ 03
3. Quick start guide (1)------------------------------------------------------------------ 04
4. Quick start guide (2)------------------------------------------------------------------ 05
5. View ART-600 Battery Analyze r----------------------------------------------------
5.1 Display Interface-----------------------------------------------------------------05
5.2 Button------------------------------------------------------------------------------06
5.3 Use the navigation----------------------------------------------------------------06
6. ART Series product rang e------------------------------------------------------------ 07
7. Link--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07
8. Test Set----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07
9. Testing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08
9.1 Basic diagnostic tests------------------------------------------------------------09
9.2 Understanding the basic diagnosis---------------------------------------------10
9.3 Battery life test results-----------------------------------------------------------11
9.4 Interpretation of battery life test results---------------------------------------11
9.5 Start Performance Test----------------------------------------------------------12
9.6 Analysis of Starting Performance test results--------------------------------13
9.7 Repeated Browse Results-------------------------------------------------------15
10. Services---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
11. Troubleshooting ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -16

This product is for 12V battery, starter battery, charging system and starting system.

1. Battery Safety
The battery is very dangerous. Batteries contain toxic and corrosive chemicals, and store large
amounts of energy. Batteries can produce explosive gases. Test battery, please follow these basic
safety guidelines.

1) When dealing with batteries, first lowered the metal fingers and wrist jewelry.
2) Contact with the battery, you should carefully check its leakage and corrosion material.
3) If the test vehicle's battery, need to beware of nearby hazards, such as turning the fan
and belts. Put a good analyzer, cable and clamp, to ensure they do not and rotating
parts and hot parts of the contacts.
4) Analyzer battery clamps, check the cable's insulation and damage
5) Charging the battery, do not spark or flame near the battery.
6) Analyzer before the battery clamps, thoroughly clean the battery terminals.
7) In order to avoid sparks during testing, turn to shake clip, clip to clip the teeth into the
battery terminals and to maintain maximum contact surface.

2. Start reading this manual

We hope that you read every word of this manual. If you are pressed for time, please at least
read: battery safety information, battery analyzer appearance, and quick test guide.

To make the manual more useful, we will use two icons emphasize key points.

★ The testing technology and influence the results of important information.

◆ You must be in the testing process you must perform the operation.

3. Quick Start Guide (1)

Users who don’t need to test start ability follow:
1 2

Connect th e pos itive a n d negative T y p e choose

t erminals, after b e e p , appear: Use to choose W E T
If lead-acid battery then choose V R L A
then press

S tandard choose SA E
U se to choose S A E (C H )

then press
A fter s te p 1 a n d 2 w ait fo r a
B attery voltage second t o s et th e C C A

3 4
U se
Choos e C C A

then press W ET
Ho m e m ad e batteries m a y n o t
appear th e C C A ,
Please input 7 times of nominal If short circuit, w ill b e e p 3 tim es
capacity If failed , appear th e
then press N ext test

5 6


L if e tes t w ith temperature L if e tes t w ithout temperature

then press then press

7 8


Internal resistance Conductivity Tests

then press

4. Quick Start Guide (2)

Users who need to test start ability follow:
When appears in step 5 then start the car. specific test result analysis please look at
the part of starting ability test.


5. View ART-600 Battery Analyzer

5.1 Display Interface

1 the percentage of display area 8 "start the vehicle" Tips

2 the main data display area 9 Enter tips
3 alarm / tips area 10 battery testing standards
4 reference CCA battery 11 the battery type
5 battery charge / loss electroretinogram 12 character display interface
6 the battery is good, the bad icon 13 percentages
7 alternators icon 14 the printer connection icon
15 temperature compensation mode

5.2 Button

5.3 Use the navigation

Input: Press or to select the input CCA reference value, click to confirm the
input value;
Testing: When prompted, click the button to test;
Browse results: buttons to switch all test results screen, press the or buttons.

6. ART Series product range

ART series models are designed for testing of any structure, almost any size, the nominal
voltage of 12V lead-acid batteries. Although ART-600 battery analyzer can also test other
chemical battery (Ni-MH batteries, lithium batteries, nickel cadmium, etc.), but the capacity to
provide accurate test results do not guarantee.

Production application Service Application General features

1: Battery Manufacturer 1: Battery sales and service shop 1:Ships,warships, submarines,
2: auto manufacturing plant 2: Auto Maintenance & Beauty 2: Yacht
3: shipyard 3: gas station 3:Emergency Power Supply
4: electric car manufacturing 4: The car repair workshop 4: Lifeboat
5: ship maintenance 5: Emergency Communications

7. Link
Under the guidance of the security operation, connect the clip to the battery analyzer, make sure
the red clips to connect to the battery positive, black negative clamp to connect to the battery,
turn and shake clip, ensure the clip's teeth bite into the battery terminals and ensure maximum
contact area.

� Analyzer terminal is usually connected directly to the battery terminals, terminals to

connect remote or ground vehicles will affect the test results. Analyzer, two clips must be
correctly connected with the battery terminals.
� Battery test before you start, turn off all loads and charging equipment.
� Load and charging device connected to the battery does not affect the capacity testing. But
will affect the state of charge testing and start-up performance test.

After the battery is properly connected, the analyzer beeps, screen activated display, and, if the
battery voltage exceeds 10V, the display backlight will be illuminated.

To reset the analyzer into the next test, as long as you can clip from the battery connection.

8. Test Set
Before the battery life test, asked to enter some information to the analyzer inside. When

connecting the battery analyzer, the analyzer will be prompted to enter the information.

8.1 Input Battery Types

Press or to select and test the battery you need to match the type. Standard box flashing
around the block WET, MF, VRLA prompted to choose the type. Press button to confirm
your choice.

If you do not know what you need to test the battery type, consult the table below for more

Type Description Feature

Wet lotus, low-maintenance Water run, water line; or the battery label
of "free" or "low maintenance" words; or
or maintenance-free battery battery at the top of an electric eye
(density meter) mark the battery charge
status, these batteries typically used to
start the vehicle engine
VRLA Battery These batteries have a special label and
shape are generally used for electric
vehicles, communications base station,
room or other areas

8.2 Setting the standard battery test

Press or to select and match the standards of the battery being tested, a flashing box
displays the value button to confirm selection, select the analyzer according to standardized
test results.

Battery testing standards are usually printed on battery or on the label displays the battery's
capacity and other information, consult the table below can help you select the most appropriate

Standard Unit Description Use of national

SAE CCA Cold Start Amps China, the United States, Japan
DIN A German standard Germany
EN A European standards Europe (new)
International Electrotechnical
IEC A Europe (old)

8.3 Set the reference value of the test battery

Reference value of the test battery is cold-start battery current, this value is the battery when the
battery manufacturers manufacturing calibration. This value is usually affixed to the battery
above the print, such as "530CCA" or "EN300A", according to the standard test battery. China's
domestic production of batteries, may not mark the cold start current, but will be marked out of
battery AH value, according to the Chinese Institute of relevant provisions of the battery, usually
cold start current is 7 times the value of AH. Battery Analyzer reference value will refer to this
test to assess how much the battery has lost capacity. Comparison of the decision by the battery
life, these will be further discussed later in the manual.

In the choice of battery standards, with or select reference test value, or the
key has been pressed quickly select this value, press the button to confirm, this value will be
displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

If you do not know the reference value, or you do not want to enter the reference value, press the
Enter into the test procedure, this case, the reference value does not appear in the lower right
corner of the screen.

If you entered an incorrect reference value, or an incorrect battery standard battery "life" results
may not be accurate.

9. Testing
Set the value in the choice of the final completion of the test process begins.

9.1 Basic diagnostic tests

The first test result is the basic diagnostic test battery. After the completion of this result is
done automatically and displayed. Battery of basic diagnostic tests will be included "SoC"
icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

1 Charge state 2 Battery voltage 3 Alarm / Tips

At this time there will be prompt icon in the "alert / prompt" area flashing. Button will
start life test and switch to the battery life test interface.

9.2 Understanding the basic diagnosis

� Charge state
SoC direct current battery capacity status. If less than 75% SoC, the proposed charge
before testing.

� Low battery capacity

If the SOC is less than 25%, the icon will be displayed on the screen, battery life
analysis and pass / fail results are not shown, the battery must be charged to re-test.
� Battery voltage
Two terminal battery voltage is the battery open circuit voltage (no load).

� Battery failure
If you detect one or more single battery short-circuit the battery symbol will display
failure, analyzer will beep 3 times. Repeat test to confirm the status of the battery. If the
results are confirmed, the battery needs to be replaced. On the battery charge is not
� Battery life test
In the basic diagnostic mode immediately press the button, the battery life test begins,
and display the test results.
Battery life tests show that the top left corner BL
BL, BL is the Battery Life of abbreviations.

1 Battery Life 2 Battery Performance 3 Alarm / Tips

Then the icon will be in the "warning / prompt" area blinking, start the engine
will start, "start-up performance" test.

9.3 Battery life test results

Top of the screen shows remaining battery life in percentage, this is based on the battery
manufacturer's input in the setting reference value (has been a low charge state and temperature
state adjusted) test out the battery.

Living in the middle of the screen area shows a variety of battery testing standards of the
practical performance (CCA or A), this value has been going on battery charge status and
temperature check (the right side of the screen will display "SOC" and "T").

By pressing the button, you can change the order of the main data as described below:
■ test performance (CCA or A) with SoC and T correction;
■ test performance (CCA or A) does not use SoC and T correction;
■ ohm level test battery in the slightest resistance;
■ test battery conductance;
Occurs (Warning, by failure) suggested using only prompt SoC and T correction.

9.4 Interpretation of battery life test results

End of life
When the battery's performance down to the manufacturer for 75% of the specified

reference value , he battery end of life, time, battery life of BL to 0%. End of life battery
icon appears, will be issued three times analyzer beeps, advice immediately replace the

� When the battery's performance down to the manufacturer for 75% of the specified
reference value, the battery end of life, time, battery life of BL to 0%. End of life battery
icon appears, will be issued three times analyzer beeps, advice immediately replace the
� Battery life may not be used to calculate 75%. BL = (Cm-(Cr * Cu%)) / Cr * (Cu%),
where Cm = test value, Cr = reference value, Cu% = end target.

— Low battery life

� If the battery life of the 0% -50%, low battery life warning - icon (shown by alternating
failure symbols) display;
� If the battery is used for sensitive applications, the battery should be replaced immediately;
� If the battery is not used for sensitive applications, the battery can continue to serve, but
the need for frequent testing, the proposed change as soon as possible.

Good battery
If the battery life up to 50%, and the icon on, the battery can continue to use.
+ usee
Good battery charger before us
� If the battery life of more than 50%, but below 75% state of charge, and icons light, the
battery is good, but the charge before use.
� If the battery charge after the test, will be more accurate battery life data;
� If the battery charge just finished, and and icons, may not be fully charged battery, use
without correction for SoC and T battery life calculation. Or, connect the battery charger
to re-test.

Charge and re-test

� If the charging voltage is less than 25%, the battery life can not be detected by the line, but

- 10 -
will not show results, the battery must be charged and re-test.
� If the battery when the reference value is not entered in the settings, battery life values are
not displayed, pass / fail will not direct instruction.
� If the SoC is less than or equal to 25% of the value of the battery life will not be displayed
on the screen, pass / fail will not direct instruction. Battery must be charged and re-test.

9.5 Start Performance Test

Start performance testing is the most important start to understand cell performance test, the test
can detect the device connected to the start battery. If you are testing the battery is not start the
battery, please ignore the start-up performance testing, test results have to rely on battery life
battery performance.

1) Start the engine before you turn off all other loads (lighting, fans, radios, etc.)
2) There start the engine when the tag flash
Analyzer will automatically detect the engine start up and record performance data and
display performance results. At this point, in the upper left corner of the screen shows
"CH" icon, CH is the abbreviation startup performance.

1 Start capability 2 Battery Voltage 3 Alarm / Tips

Start-up performance to get accurate test results, not need to physically open the car.
However, during testing we require the engine is fully functioning. If the engine is not
fully operational, the charge circuit is not an accurate test.

9.6 Analysis of Starting Performance test results

� Start life in the form of the boot process to reflect the percentage of start battery
performance (on screen display with the header pattern), 100% of the starting capability
that it is a standard capacity, fully charged new battery. 0% means that the start battery
� At room temperature (10 ° C-30 ° C) test launch capacity <40% (without temperature

- 11 -
correction), it should replace the battery, unless the temperature is below 0 ° C only need
to re-test.
� At a lower temperature, such as <-15 ° C (without temperature compensation cases), poor
battery performance test does not mean the end of battery life, this case replace the
batteries meaningful.
� Start battery performance and easy starting capability results affected by temperature.
� Start battery performance and easy starting capability results affected by the lack of
battery charging. If the SoC <75%, need to re-test charge.
� Start Battery Performance and capacity results for the first time start the test results after a
period of time than the start of the outcomes. Cold engines and low temperature lubricants
need a higher starting current. Easy to start the engine hot, CH value is relatively high.
Results of the first start of the low-value but also help you determine battery performance.

Start failure factors
� If CH = 0%, failed to start icon will appear, analyzer will beep 3 times, I suggest you
replace the battery immediately.
� If the accident caused the battery start-up performance is poor, such as excessive
discharge, and re-test after charging.

— Poor start
� If the CH in the 0% -50%, and the poor start - the icon appears.
� If the battery is more difficult to start the vehicle or not start, you must immediately
replace the battery.
� If the battery can start the vehicle, but should always test, I suggest you replace the
batteries as soon as possible.
Good battery, continue to use
� If the startup performance of more than 50%, the icon appears, you can continue to use.

Alternator work, the normal voltage and ripple

� Start the engine, the alternator work in the normal voltage and diode ripple in the
allowable range, the icon will appear..
� Generator output voltage displayed on the screen.

Generator does not work

� If the generator after the operation can not produce the appropriate voltage, generator failure icon will
� If the generator voltage ripple produced after running too much, alternator failure icon will appear;
� Generator output voltage displayed on the screen.
� Some vehicles, it is the alternator output by the control system control. It started in the
engine control system may not be immediately activated. If the charge control circuit is
not open, open some of the load (air conditioning, fan, dome light, etc.) to activate the
charging circuit, and to monitor the generator icon.
Over-charging generator
� If the alternator output voltage exceeds 15V, over charging icon is displayed. Need to

- 12 -
adjust the generator's voltage regulator. Serious impact on long-term overcharge the
battery life.

9.7 Repeated Browse Results

Disconnect the analyzer from the battery before the test results can be repeated here. Press
Enter to view the different test to meet, press the navigation key you can see all test results.
Different for each test, analysis is carried out on different aspects of the battery.
Comprehensive analysis of test results must not be decided as a test battery is good or bad, we
must how to use the battery is used to determine the battery in any situation good or bad.
When we start testing the battery, start the integrated battery capacity and battery life of CH
BL results help us to determine the battery or system problems.
Detailed below:


0% ~ 1~50% 51~100%
Replace battery
Replacebattery now
batterynow 1.check correct rating entered 1.check correct rating entered in
in tester
intester and
testerand retest
andretest testerandretest
2.check/repair starting system 2.check/repair starting system and
and retest
andretest retest
Cranking health test results (CH)

3.check battery
3.checkbattery size
batterysize 3. check batterysize

4..replace battery now with 4.replace battery now with

appropriate size
appropriatesize battery
sizebattery appropriatesizebattery
1.check correct rating Replace battery
Replacebattery soon
batterysoon 1.check correct rating entered in
entered in tester and testerandretest

retest 2.check/repair starting system and

2.check battery
2.checkbattery size
batterysize retest
3.replace battery now 3. check batterysize

with appropriate size 4. replace battery now with

battery appropriatesizebattery
1.check correct rating 1.check correct rating entered BatteryOK

enteredin tester andretest in

intesterand retest
2.checkbatterysize 2.checkbatterysize
3.replace battery now with 3.replace battery now with
appropriatesizebattery appropriatesizebattery

10. Services
The products provide up to 3 years free warranty, replacement technology guarantee. Any
customer from the date of purchase, the company has filed with customers, can receive the
service. As the use of precision instrumentation device, the user should not open themselves.

Themselves open to any device, will no longer enjoy the company of the warranty, replacement

- 13 -
or technical services.

11. Troubleshooting
Question 1: analyzer connected to the battery can not be displayed.
� Battery polarity is not connected properly;
� Battery voltage less than 6V, if the voltage is less than 6V, analyzer can not open, please
charge before testing.
Please charge after the test.

Question 2: Repeat test analyzer, the results vary greatly.

� Battery terminals are dirty, or poor contact with the chuck and the battery terminals, clean
and make sure the battery terminal clamps and reliable connection.

Question 3: Battery capacity test is not passed, but the ability to test is a good start.
� Reference to the CCA value of input errors;
� Battery capacity has been reduced to a nominal capacity of the following, but some
machines also have enough start-up energy;
� Battery capacity is greater than the energy needed to start the engine.

Question 4: Battery capacity test is good, but it did not pass the proficiency test start.
� CCA reference value input error;
� Battery capacity is less than the energy needs of the engine start.

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