SPE 100747 Expandable Sandface Completions-Design and Performance Review of Single-Zone Applications and Journey To Next-Generation Multizone Systems
SPE 100747 Expandable Sandface Completions-Design and Performance Review of Single-Zone Applications and Journey To Next-Generation Multizone Systems
SPE 100747 Expandable Sandface Completions-Design and Performance Review of Single-Zone Applications and Journey To Next-Generation Multizone Systems
area than perforated pipes. The entire length of the ESS joint
is expanded, including the connectors, which are sand tight yet
allow flow through. This allows flow along the entire ESS
completion without any blank sections.
As the ESS is expanded it eliminates the annulus between
the screen and the borehole. This feature offers a number of
The Xijang Field in China is a mature field with high water limiting formation movement and yield. This could
cut. ESS was installed in a number of wells, including a theoretically lead to a slightly lower skin16. Filtercake cleanup
multilateral6. Each lateral produced 2-3 times more production and mixing with failed formation material will also have a
than alternative fracpack and gravel pack sand control large role.
completions used previously. Figure 4 shows the openhole skin values broken down for
Due to its small running outside diameter and large final vertical (<15°), deviated (>15° & <85°) and horizontal (>85°).
internal diameter (ID) ESS is particularly applicable to The data shows no negative bias towards the deviated and
situations where reductions in final ID must be avoided, such horizontal wells, which suggests that the skins are in fact true
as in workovers and sidetracks. Oluwatosin et al7 show that formation/completion skins.
ESS completed sidetracks produced between 60-99% more
than the prognosed rates. 15.00
Openhole Customer Skin Data Analysis
There have been many others, which have noted increased
Data Wells
production and a reduction in costs8,9,10,11. ESS has also been All OH Skins
used as replacements for multzone CHGP12. There have also 10.00 30
# Data Wells
Skin Value
large ESS ID in improving sweep efficiency and recovery 5.00 20
factor of a reservoir13.
All the references cited above have looked at the
0.00 10
performance of the ESS completed wells shortly after
installation. Typically a well test will be performed just after
completion to determine the wells performance and to check if -5.00 -
All Horizontal
All OH Deviated
Cone Deviated
Cone Straight
any further clean up or stimulation is needed for the well to
All OH
achieve its potential. A number of operators have shared the
skin values determined from the well tests. Data is available
on 98 wells; some of this data has already been published14.
Figure 3 shows an updated compilation of the openhole
skin values. Although we have no control on how the skins are Figure 4 - Openhole skins for vertical, deviated and horizontal
calculated, we have been assured that they are wells
formation/completion skin values as defined by Van ESS completed wells have now been producing for close
Everdingen and Hurst15, the effect of deviation and horizontal to 6 years. Case studies are now being published looking at
wells has been removed. The data shows that for the openhole long-term performance (Mason et al17, 19). This case study
wells there is an average skin of 0.9. This is a very low value analysed the long-term performance of an installation dating
and compares favourably with other openhole sand control back to Q4 2000, which has close to 6 years of production
completions. history. The ESS was compared to a SAS and an OHGP. The
Customer Supplied Openhole Skin Data ESS had much higher productivity and lower skin. Also the
# Cone OH Skin ESS appeared to maintain a low skin over the study period,
# Compliant OH Skin whereas the SAS became rapidly impaired. The OHGP also
30 declined but to a lesser extent. Normally in a sand prone
25 environment electrical submersible pumps (ESP) need
# of skins
20 changing regularly, but the well with ESS has had the same
ESP for more than 4 years. This is a strong testament to the
long-term sand integrity of the ESS.
To summerise the production performance of the ESS the
5 published data shows that the ESS results in low completion
0 skin and thus high productivity, and can sustain this
of open hole sand control systems requires detailed review of horizontal oil wells, fluid velocities will generally be
formation sand sieve analyses, fluid chemistry, production significantly less than this threshold velocity.
conditions and well data.
Sand sieve analyses are used to derive recommendations Filtercake Flow-Back Tests. A common concern with all
for weave size and assess plugging potential. Corrosion forms of downhole sand control in open hole environments,
potential is quantified from analyses of fluid chemistry and particularly in long reach horizontal well applications, is the
production conditions, culminating in metallurgy potential difficulty experienced lifting off the mud filtercake
recommendations to mitigate sand retention and mechanical and potential for this to plug the screens. With fully compliant
failures. Erosion is not generally an issue in open hole ESS screens, the expansion process crushes the filter cake, and
environments owing to the large in-flow area, however it will so aids filtercake removal. The filtercake nonetheless must
be necessary to review rock properties to ensure the ESS pass directly through the Hollander weave sand filter.
Screens can withstand collapse stresses induced by reservoir However, extensive laboratory tests and field experience
drawdown and depletion. suggest that filtercake flow back is not a common problem,
It will also be necessary to consider impact of well with an extensive database compiled of laboratory flow-back
trajectory on ability to deploy the sand-face completion tests of different filtercakes.
without risking helical buckling or exceeding the maximum
permissible dogleg severity and ensure there will be sufficient Mud Flow-Through Tests. Proper selection and design of the
slack-off weight available to expand the sand-face completion. drill-in fluid has a major impact on overall success of any
The chemical formulation of the Drill-In-Fluid (DIF) will horizontal open hole drilling and completion program. A
also need to be reviewed and an assessment made of the properly engineered mud system should be able to drill a near
screen plugging potential during deployment and ability to lift gauge hole, limit fluid loss, create a thin tight filter cake and
off and flow-back the filtercake during subsequent well clean- have optimum rheology for hole cleaning. In wells requiring
up operations. downhole mechanical sand control, the particle sizes of
additives used could lead to plugging of the screens if not
ESS Weave Size Selection. Various Hollander twill woven properly conditioned. The alternative is to swap out to a
wire weaves are available for use with ESS. Selecting the solids-free mud system prior to running the sand-face
appropriate weave size for controlling sand production is a completion.
critical part of the sand-face completion design process. For
open hole applications the sizing criterion developed by Expandable Reservoir Completion System Concept
Ballard & Beare18 based on the largest 5% of sand grain and Configuration
distributions is used. From the extensive experience gained from the 400+ ESS
installations to date, the base ESS technology platforms are
Geomechanical Modeling. Owing to the modest collapse now being integrated with new and conventional downhole
strength of slotted ESS, the use of this technology in open hole technologies in a move to evolve the original, single zone
environments requires careful analysis to ensure an open reservoir system into a suite of solutions aligned with
production channel is maintained throughout well life under Operators’ increasing preference to unlock the potential
anticipated changes in rock stresses arising from reservoir afforded by migrating to a multi-zone reservoir completion
drawdown and depletion. strategy.
Contrary to common perception, the ability to withstand The most common conventional approach employed to
such stresses is dictated predominantly by rock friction angle provide zonal isolation in unconsolidated formations is to set
rather than either rock strength or ESS strength, with slotted and cement casing in the wellbore to isolate between zones.
ESS proven by experiment to withstand collapse pressures in The casing is then perforated prior to the installation of a
excess of 10,000 psi in even highly unconsolidated rocks. screen and placing gravel to control solids migration. This
technique has worked reasonably well but has a history of
Metallurgy Selection. ESS metallurgy has to be thoroughly producing high skin values and, with the advent of long,
researched to ensure compatibility with prevailing in-situ horizontal completions, has often been found problematic and
reservoir conditions and fluid chemistries, including potential expensive to implement.
treatment and stimulation cocktails that might be employed at In 2004-05 Weatherford have developed an expandable
any stage during well life. In particular, the Hollander twill system that addresses these limitations by providing maximum
weave has a large surface area and low cross-section, and thus wellbore productivity while negating the requirement for
cannot be allowed to suffer any material loss through cementing and perforating; an openhole ESS installation with
corrosion as this could quickly alter and ultimately integrated solid expandable zonal isolation joints between
compromise sand retention integrity. zones.
Figure 5 shows a schematic of the ERC design concept.
Erosion Potential. Extensive erosion tests of Hollander twill The stated mission of the development project was to “Deliver
weave in accordance with Southwest Research Institute a widely applied completion technology, with sand control
(SwRI) erosion protocols led to development of a velocity effectiveness and installation efficiency better than
threshold criterion to ensure sand impingement does not conventional; productivity better than open hole; operability
compromise sand retention integrity. In long open hole better than cased hole”. The project mission stated the
following goals:
SPE 100747 5
• Compliant Sand Control [and associated productivity the new product and are common to all system components,
benefits] promoting modularity.
• Zonal Isolation Capabilities The transition between the non-expanded and expanded
• Fluid Loss Control Capability section includes solid plates behind the weave to prevent
• Full Compatibility with Selective / Intelligent Upper potential erosion over the non-compliant length.
• Single Trip Installation Expandable Zonal Isolation [EZI]. The key to
Weatherford’s new Expandable Reservoir Completion System
These goals, alongside the operator’s technical is the Expandable Zonal Isolation [EZI] device, which utilises
requirements, drove the functional specifications that proprietary rotary compliant expansion technique to clad the
constrained the product development. Table 1 details some of formation wall, effecting openhole zonal isolation.
the high-level system functional specifications. Solid expandable technology has been used extensively to
address zonal isolation challenges in the wellbore and has
been applied in both cased and openhole scenarios. In order to
System Functional Specifications provide effective isolation an elastomeric compound is bonded
Number of Trips to Install One to the outside diameter of the pipe. When the pipe is expanded
Expansion Mechanism Compliant to contact the wellbore inside diameter, the elastomer is
Target Reservoir Hole Size 8.50” compressed between the formation and the solid pipe,
Minimum Compliant Range 9.25” providing a hydraulic seal.
Selective Upper Completion Compatibility Full Unlike casedholes, drilled openholes are seldom gauge or
Sand Exclusion Functional Specification guaranteed to fall within predetermined tolerances. Therefore
Type ESS® in order to provide a competent seal, the zonal isolation device
Hydraulic Collapse 250psi must have the ability to accommodate variable borehole
Zonal Isolation Functional Specification diameters and non-circular cross sections. The EZI unit is
activated using compliant rotary expansion tool. The tool
Type Solid Expandables
delivers a compliant range of geometries designed to operate
Target Differential Rating 3000psi
and effect a seal in openhole conditions.
Table 1. Multi-zone ESS System Functional Specifications
The expandable section of the EZI unit features an
extended section of moulded, ribbed elastomer with solid end
Development of the Expandable Reservoir Completion
back-up (Figure 7). The elastomers are protected during
required involvement of the entire product, manufacturing and
deployment using cross coupling centralisers and a mechanical
operations expertise and know-how that Weatherford have
tag is located within the expandable section for positive depth
created over the last 8 years, in both slotted and solid
correlation during expansion operation. As with all of the
expanded tubulars, as well as intellectual property.
expandable reservoir system components, the connections are
The resultant system is an evolution of existing ESS
non-expanded premium couplings.
technology and incorporates compliant expanded solid tubing
to provide zonal isolation capability. When providing a sand-
Conventional Unexpanded Casing. The expandable
face completion with reservoir zonal isolation functionality, it
reservoir completion system is modular by design and can
is imperative that the system is able to fully backwards
include lengths of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) casing
integrate with conventional upper completion components, in
between ESS and EZI joints. The casing is not designed to be
order to provide selective production and isolation
expanded, but is used to space out the completion across the
reservoir section – resulting in maximum completion design
Operationally, it was recognized that this next generation
system must have the ability to be deployed and expanded in a
Including standard OCTG unexpanded pipe in the string
single trip. This is an important feature for higher cost well
provides reference points for integration with conventional
environments where trip time is an expensive commodity.
inner string completions including ICT. This high level of
Fulfilling these various objectives culminated in the
integration with conventional technology is the hallmark of a
following system components:
mature technology offering.
Expandable Sand Screen [ESS]. A new size of ESS,
ERC Expansion System. Both the ESS and EZI are expanded
incorporating a 7.0”, 29ppf base pipe, has been created as part
using proprietary rotary compliant expansion technology. The
of the system development (Figure 6). The 7.0” platform
ESS and EZI require slightly different tool designs. The ESS
enables a greater compliant range to ensure compliance in hole
has a larger % expansion requirement with reduced force,
sizes in excess of 9.0”. The thicker wall section and optimized
whereas the EZI requires less % expansion, but higher
slot pattern also makes the new product more robust.
expansion forces. For this reason 2 different expansion tools
Unlike the original ESS® design, the basepipe is not
are required in the string. The ESS Expansion Tool is situated
slotted along its entire length; solid pipe remains at the joints
at the bottom of the string and incorporates 2 rows of 3 piston-
ends, to allow for non-expandable premium couplings.
mounted rollers. The EZI tool is situated above the ESS® tool
Unexpanded premium couplings underline the robust nature of
and has 1 row of piston-mounted rollers.
6 SPE 100747
Figure 5. The Next Generation of Expandable Completion Systems is designed to be applied to multizone reservoirs that are
conventionally completed cased hole. The Expandable Reservoir Completion [ERC] combines ESS® across producing intervals, Solid
Expandable pipe between zones for isolation, and conventional casing to space the components across the reservoir.
Figure 6. A new size of ESS® was developed specifically for Figure 7. Zonal Ioslation is achieved through application of
this joint development project. The 7.0” ESS joint uses the Solid Expandable technology
same base technology but expandable connections were
replaced with conventional premium, unexpanded couplings.