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Development of A 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

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Development of a 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

by Satoru Maruyama *, Noboru Ishii * , Michihiro Shimada * , Shinji Kojima * 2 ,

Hideo Tanaka * 3 , Mitsumasa Asano * 4 , Tetsuya Yamanaka * 4 ,
and Shin’ichi Kawakami * 4

This paper describes development work on an XLPE cable system for HVDC
ABSTRACT lines, together with the results of pre-qualification (PQ) tests. XLPE material in
which there is no space charge accumulation was applied for the DC extruded cable, and the
factory joint was constructed by extrusion molding. In long-term (1-year) tests carried out on the
DC XLPE cable system developed here no breakdown occurred, and those samples passed to
the impulse test superposed on DC voltage after long-term test.
It was confirmed that the DC XLPE cable system developed here passed PQ tests conforming
to CIGRE recommendations and had performance adequate for HVDC transmission lines.

thereby lowering insulation performance, so that these

1. INTRODUCTION space charges must be suppressed at the design stage,
DC transmission is more suited to long distance or high in terms of the performance characteristics for XLPE
power applications than AC transmission. Conventional insulation material under DC voltage.
DC power cables have been oil-filled (OF) or mass The following dielectric breakdown characteristics are
impregnated non-drain (MIND) cables, but OF cables are inherent to DC voltage:
fundamentally unsuited to long-distance transmission, • heat generated due to current in the insulation (Joule
with the limitations imposed by the irksome need for oil heat); and
refilling, and MIND cables can rarely carry high power • local high electric field due to space charge.
due to their rather low operating temperature tolerance. Consequently, the properties required for the insulating
In AC transmission by contrast, the use of XLPE- material for DC XLPE cables are:
insulated cables has been widespread, and 500-kV XLPE- (1) high resistivity to reduce leakage current and
insulated power cables are in actual use in commercial suppress heat generation; and
AC lines 1). XLPE-insulated cables, being free from oil (2) absence of local high electric fields due to space
or grease, are more environment-friendly, and are thus charge formation.
expected to be of service in DC power transmission as The authors identified a polyethylene with a polar group
well. (hereinafter called DC-XLPE) as the insulation with the
Against the background, the authors have developed required properties.
a 500-kV DC XLPE cable 2), 3). This paper describes the It is known that the polar groups work as trap sites for
development process, together with the results of pre- electric charge 5). The existence of trap sites slows down
qualification (PQ) tests. the mobility of electric charges, thereby increasing the
resistivity of the polymer insulation. The trap sites also
have the effects of preventing the uneven distribution
of the space charges thereby stabilizing the behavior of
space charge. Furthermore, existing facilities can be used
MATERIALS FOR DC XLPE CABLE to manufacture the cable, because requirements for the
Previous research or studies on the application of XLPE handling of PE material for DC cables are the same as
cables designed for AC use to DC power transmission those for ordinary PE material.
have indicated that space charges accumulate in their Figures 1 and 2 plot the volume-resistivity curve
insulation 4). As a result, local high electric fields generate, and space charge formation for the subject DC-XLPE.
Figure 1 shows that the XLPE satisfies requirement (1)
above, i.e., at least 10 times the volume resistivity of the
* Energy Transmission Research Dept., Ecology & Energy
Lab., R&D Div.
conventional XLPE material for AC cables (hereinafter
* 2 Power Cable Production Dept., Power Cables Div. called AC-XLPE). Figure 2 shows that the XLPE satisfies
* 3 VISCAS Corp. requirement (2), allowing scarcely any accumulation of
* 4 Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. space charges, but that the AC-XLPE allows significant

Furukawa Review, No. 25 2004 47

Development of a 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

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Figure 3 Short term breakdown characteristics of
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model cables.
Figure 1 Volume resistivity of XLPE materials.

��� ���� �� ���� 3.2 Long-term Electrical Properties

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power law for the model cable under DC voltage was

15 or higher, and that the model cable had an “n” value
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equal to that of an ultra high voltage XLPE cable 1).
We were able to obtain satisfactory results from the
� model cables in terms of both the short-term breakdown
characteristics and long-term characteristic stability of the
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3.3 Space Charges
3.3.1 Under low electric field
Figure 2 Space charge characteristics of XLPE materials. We investigated the space charge characteristics of
the model cable in a low electric field equivalent to an
accumulation of space charges in specific regions operating field.
close to the inner semiconductive layer. On analysis we A pulsed electroacoustic method 6) was applied to
have found that the subject XLPE satisfies the electric measure the space charges, where the electric field
insulation requirements for DC XLPE cable. distribution was calculated based on the measured space
charge distribution. The test conditions were as follows:
Test sample:
conductor size: 100 mm2
insulation thickness: 3 mm
MODEL CABLES Test temperature: 90°C at conductor
We examined the dielectric breakdown characteristics Applied electric field: 30 kV/mm
of model cables to investigate the subject DC-XLPE Application time: 2,160 h
material. Figure 4 plots the electric field distribution for a
DC XLPE cable, while Figure 5 plots the electric field
3.1 Breakdown Characteristics distribution for an AC XLPE cable.
Dielectric breakdown test in the model cables was carried Figure 4 indicates that the DC XLPE cable incurred
out under the following conditions. scarcely any accumulation of space charges at the
Test sample: outset of voltage application, and the consequent electric
conductor size: 200 mm2 field distribution was determined by the electrostatic
insulation thickness: 9 mm capacitance. Yet, over time, we see a trend toward a
Test temperature: 90°C at conductor (∆ T=20°C) wide-spread accumulation of negative charges in the
Here, ∆ T means the temperature difference between insulation due to the injection of charges from the inner
the conductor and the shielding layer. semiconductive layer. Consequently, the electric field
Figure 3 plots dielectric breakdown strength for distribution increases on the outer semiconductive
DC-XLPE vs. AC-XLPE, showing that DC-XLPE clearly layer side and decreases on the inner side. This pattern
surpasses AC-XLPE in DC breakdown strength. Thus the of electric field distribution is almost the same as that
DC-XLPE has better characteristics than the AC-XLPE determined by resistivity, for instance in an OF cable.
from the standpoint of short-term operation in DC Figure 5 clearly indicates that even a cable using
breakdown strength. AC-XLPE induces an electric field distribution not

Furukawa Review, No. 25 2004 48

Development of a 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

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Figure 4 Electric field distribution in DC XLPE cables Figure 6 Electric field distribution in DC XLPE cables
under DC voltage. as a function of applied voltage.

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Figure 5 Electric field distribution in AC XLPE cables Figure 7 Electric field distribution in AC XLPE cables
under DC voltage. as a function of applied voltage.

significantly different from that in a cable using From Figure 6, it is clear that in every region from low
DC-XLPE, up to the elapse of several hours of voltage to high electric field, the electric field distribution is similar
application. But after that the electric field near the inner and is high on the outer semiconductive layer side and
semiconductive layer with positive charges (hetero- low on the inner semiconductive layer side. No local high
charges) accumulated is locally emphasized. electric field was formed in any region.
The above bottleneck (formation of a local high electric From Figure 7, it is clear that in a cable using AC-XLPE,
field) is one of the causal factors in identifying AC XLPE the same tendency is exhibited in the low electric field
cables as not suitable for the operation under DC voltage. region as in DC XLPE cable. However, as the electric
Along the way, we found that DC-XLPE exhibits stable field is increased, hetero-charges accumulate in the
behavior in its electric fields, which will not be localized, neighborhood of the inner semiconductive layer and a
even in long-term operation. local high electric field is formed even in a short time.
That is to say, it was found that in an AC XLPE cable the
3.3.2 Under High Electric Field electric field distribution was different inside a low electric
We measured the space charge up to the threshold of field versus a high electric field. It can also be said that
the breakdown electric field (the high-electric field region) the formation of a local high electric field at high electric
and investigated the relationship between the breakdown field is related to the reduction of DC breakdown strength
characteristics and the electric field due to space charge. discussed below.
The space charge was measured under the following Commercial power lines would undergo a polarity
conditions. reversal and a loading cycle, and the space charge
Test sample: characteristics ought to remain stable. Using the same
conductor: 100 mm2 sample and temperature, we checked on the following
insulation thickness: 3 mm characteristics.
Temperature: 90°C at conductor
Applied voltage: 90~290 kV 3.3.3 Under Polarity Reversal
Application time: 30 min at each voltage Figure 8 plots the electric field distribution in polarity
Figure 6 shows the electric field distribution in a cable reversal, with curve A showing electric field distribution
using DC-XLPE, and Figure 7 shows the distribution in resulting from a voltage of +75 kV applied for 5 hours,
one using AC-XLPE. and curve B showing the results just at a reverse shift to

Furukawa Review, No. 25 2004 49

Development of a 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

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Figure 8 Variation of electric field distribution Figure 9 Variation of field distribution under loading
in polarity reversal. cycle.

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Figure 10 Structure of factory joint for 500-kV DC XLPE cable.

-75 kV. At the same time, the electric field distribution the above conditions, but the methodology for DC-XLPE
was disturbed by the space charges generated under a insulation cable design has not yet matured. This is
voltage of +75 kV. At the elapse of about 5 hours under because the accumulation of space charges in a solid
-75 kV, the electric field distribution resumed the pattern insulating material disturbs or deranges the electric field,
shown by curve C before the reversal of the polarity of which in turn cannot easily be evaluated. A method has
voltage application. As a result, we have made sure that therefore been proposed for designing the insulation
the behavior of space charges remains stable. thickness for a DC XLPE cable based on evaluation of
the electric field in the insulation under DC voltage 7). This
3.3.4 Under Loading Cycle design technique was applied to determine the insulation
Figure 9 plots the electric field distribution with a loading thickness for a 500-kV DC XLPE cable, which turned out
cycle under -75 kV DC. We found that even 30 loading to be 23 mm.
cycles had hardly any effect on characteristics, let alone
one or two cycles. In other words, we suppose that 4.2 Development and Evaluation of Factory Joints
loading cycles will not affect the accumulation of space Intermediate joints (factory joints) are needed to allow
charges. the use of longer cable length. A factory joint needs to be
From the above perspective, DC-XLPE will act with almost of the same diameter as the cable diameter, where
more advantage on the space charge characteristics an extrusion molded joint (EMJ) technique 8) has been
in a DC XLPE cable. In these respects it is inferred that applied to work on reinforced insulation. Figure 10 shows
DC-XLPE has the more advantageous space charge the structure of a factory joint for a 500-kV DC XLPE
characteristics for a DC XLPE cable. cable.
A welding technique was adopted for the conductor
joints, because the connected parts of the conductor, for
which a sleeve was used, have no flexibility and differ in
diameter from the cable conductor.
JOINTS Table 1 shows the results of electrical and mechanical
4.1 Cable Design tests of 500-kV DC XLPE cables and factory joints.
Assumed operating conditions of 500-kV DC-XLPE are: The electrical tests were preceded by mechanical
DC voltage U0: 500 kV tests (bending, twisting, etc.). Those tests verified that
Impulse voltage: 850 kV the 500-kV DC XLPE cables and factory joints fulfilled
(arrester protection level: 1.7 U0) the requirements in terms of short-term electrical
The insulation needs to be designed to work under characteristics.

Furukawa Review, No. 25 2004 50

Development of a 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

Table 1 Electrical and mechanical properties of 500-kV DC XLPE cable and factory joints.

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Table 2 Dimensions of cable for PQ tests.

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Figure 11 Set-up for long-term test.
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Table 3 Long term test conditions for 500-kV DC XLPE cable system.

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4.3 Pre-qualification Tests on 500-kV DC XLPE Cable Table 3 shows long-term test conditions of PQ tests and
System Figure 11 shows the setup for the long-term test.
Pre-qualification (PQ) tests were carried out to
demonstrate the performance of 500-kV DC XLPE cable 4.3.2 Remaining Test Conditions
system developed here, in anticipation of commercial If no breakdown occurs during testing, the remaining
use. characteristics ought to be examined. Consequently,
an opposite polarity impulse withstand test superposed
4.3.1 Long-term Test Conditions on DC voltage was applied. That is, a DC voltage was
A long-term test was carried out on the 500-kV DC loaded for 3 hours at a conductor temperature of 90°C.
XLPE cable system developed here. The sample was as Subsequently, an opposite polarity impulse voltage of
follows: 1000 kV was superposed 10 times repeatedly on the DC
500-kV DC XLPE cable: 50 m in length voltage of 500 kV.
Factory joint: 1 Finally, we covered all the test requirements in Section
GIS terminations: 2 4.3, but found no breakdown throughout the long-
Table 2 shows dimensions of the cable for PQ tests. term test and the remaining characteristic test. This
Figure 10 shows the structure of a factory joint demonstrated that the 500-kV DC XLPE cable system
extrusion molded using the same material as the cable developed here fulfills the characteristic requirements for
insulation. A stress-relief cone was adopted for the GIS an HVDC transmission cable.
terminations. The conditions for the above test were approximately

Furukawa Review, No. 25 2004 51

Development of a 500-kV DC XLPE Cable System

the same as those under CIGRE recommendations

for “Testing DC extruded cable systems for power
transmission up to 250 kV” 10).
Namely, these pre-qualification tests are the first
examination result based on the CIGRE recommen-
dations on extruded HVDC cables, although the rated
voltage of 500-kV was higher than that.

This R&D program identified a polyethylene with a polar
group as the insulation material for a DC XLPE cable. Its
electrical characteristics were discussed mainly in terms
of the behavior of space charge accumulation. The XLPE
selected has turned out to be highly suitable for DC
Subsequently, the subject DC-XLPE was applied to
develop, design and fabricate 500-kV DC XLPE cables
and factory joints, which were in turn evaluated. A
pre-qualification test was then carried out to assess
the 500-kV DC XLPE cable system, which was found
successful in all tests.
In conclusion, the DC XLPE cable system developed
here was verified as having the highest suitability for
HVDC transmission lines.


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Furukawa Review, No. 25 2004 52

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