Goldberg Chapter2

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Caroline Echols

Chapter Two: Art Integration: A Methodology for Learning

Question to Ponder: In what ways have the arts been important in your own education?

When thinking about my experience with the arts during my own educational journey,

there was a quote in the text that I felt directly related to my own experiences. “Taught as

disciplines unto themselves, the arts reveal many aspects of human nature and give students

multiple outlets to express their innermost thoughts. As taught in traditional settings, the arts

allow students to travel to places of mystery, dreams, and adventure. Keeping them separate,

however, from the sciences, math, social studies, or the language arts, limits the arts’ potential in

teaching and learning” (Goldberg, 2017, p. 20-21). Growing up, I received instruction about the

arts through the very traditional sense. We would have time set aside to visit our art and music

teachers, and be given the opportunities to express ourselves through the different outlets. I

distinctly remember these being my favorite times of the week. The sense of self-expression that

I felt during these times was almost freeing of the content that was being taught in the classroom.

As stated in the text, the arts allowed me to connect with my innermost thoughts, and by doing so

aided me in doing my very best work. Getting the opportunity to express myself led me to open

my mind to solutions that I had never experienced before. However, I do not remember a time

where the arts were integrated into everyday classroom instruction. It was as if the arts were

content areas that were completely separate from language arts, math, science, and social studies.

I think that if I would have been given the opportunity to learn through arts integration, that my

interest in the content would have risen dramatically. Kids love to express themselves, in many

different forms. I currently work at a S.T.E.A.M. school, so arts integration plays a huge part in

my everyday instruction. Seeing the deep connections that students make due to this is truly
astonishing. While the arts did play an integral role in my educational journey, I do believe that

if I would have experienced more teaching through arts integration, that my journey would have

been much more meaningful.


Goldberg, M. R. (2017). Arts integration: teaching subject matter through the arts in

multicultural settings. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

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