Lecture Notes On Environmental Impact Assessment and Management IV B. Tech II Semester (JNTU (A) - R13)
Lecture Notes On Environmental Impact Assessment and Management IV B. Tech II Semester (JNTU (A) - R13)
Lecture Notes On Environmental Impact Assessment and Management IV B. Tech II Semester (JNTU (A) - R13)
Assistant Professor
Process And Framework Of EIA
The united nation conference on Human environment held at Stockholm in
june,1972 urged developing countries to take appropriate steps for the protection and
improvement of human environment. Long term and sustainable development can only
be achieved through sound environmental management. Needs methodologies, analytical
tools and conceptual frameworks to integrate environmental concerns in development
plans, programmes and objects. National international funding agencies are eager to
identify and adopt methodologies to improve project financing making projects more
multidisciplinary, less sectoral, and more responsive to ecological constraints and
Though the bad effects of development activities are identified it may not always
be possible to make a quantative evaluation in terms of money of certain environmental
effects or the cost of long term damage.
Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) is one of the most important tools to
assess the viability of any development project from all point of view including cost ,
environment and sustainable development/. The preparation EIA is closely related to cost
benefit analysis EIA has to specially deal effectively with the following.
i. Risk evaluation in terms of long-term consequences, with special reference to
events with high negative effects like desertification, rehabilitation,
deforestation etc.
ii. Comparative weighing with the present and future costs and benefits.
3. The prediction of changes in environ-mental quality which would result from the
proposed action.
4. An attempt to weigh economic costs and benefits .
Before initiating any action like the construction of a dam, or the construction of a long
irrigation canal, or a the construction of a big industry, site –specific environmental
setting has to be understood properly . In an systematic procedure, information on
environmental setting as a quesifiltering mechanism, eliminating consideration of impacts
unrelated to the specific site.
iii. Identify actions to achieve the stated objectives. Alternative plans for achieving
the set objectives have to be identified.
iv. Prepare a report on the condition of the existing environment before the
proposed action.
vii. Assess the impacts of the separate actions which comprise the project upon the
different environmental factors.
viii. Summarize and give recommendations including a discussion on the relative
merits and rationales of the action plan.
For maintaining clean and healthy environment, the state and central government
have a responsibility to protest the environment. Through the department of
Environment, Government of India has to formulate and recommend :national policies
for the improvement of the quality of the environment. Through gathering information,
reviewing programme, conducting investigations and by preparing Environmental impact
Assessment for different projects the departmental of Environment will keep informs the
central Government about environmental status around the country. Environmental
Impact Analysis is thud mandatory for all big projects like constructions of major dams.
Major industries, mining activity, development of townships etc. The environmental
impact statement should include a description of the environmental impact of the
proposed action, unavoidable adverse impacts which would result should action take
place, possible alternatives and discussion on short term versus long-term advantages of
the proposal . It is obligatory to circulate the Environmental impact analysis publicly and
consider both the analysis made by experts and publicly response to it when making it is
final decision on the proposal. The specific purpose of Environmental impact Assessment
, is to influence the decisions to be made for maintaining the environment and its values,
for sustainable development. Through the world has gained by industrialization, we are
now facing many environmental problems like holes in the ozone layer , global warming ,
green house effect, acid rains, deforestation etc. Poverty and environmental degradation
are the two sides of the same coin and a good approach to development through proper
environmental impact analysis will result in better things to happen.
ii. What are the available resources like money, time , skill , data and computer
facilities? Comprehensive E.I.A. require more of everything.
iii. Is the person in charge of preparing E.I.A. familiar with the type of action
contemplated and the area in which the project has to come up? Grated
familiarity will improve the quality of E.I.A.
iv. How big are the issues being dealt with? All other things being equal, the
bigger the issue, the grated the need to be explicit, to quantify and to identify
key issues. Arbitrary comparison of on type of impact, says for example on
environment, with another type of impact, say like economic, and become less
i. Ad Hoc method
v. Method of Matrix
The names of the methods are self explanatory and description of each one of the six
methods is made below.
i. Ad Hoc Method: Broad areas of possible impacts like impacts upon flora and fauna,
impacts on lakes and forests etc.; are identified in this method. This method does not
define specific parameters to be investigated, and so may not provided sufficient
guidance for impact assessment. A team of specialists will identify the nature of the
impacts such as no effect, short or long term, reversible or irreversible etc. Ad hoc
methods are for rough assessment of total impact giving the board areas of possible
impacts and general nature of these possible impacts.
This method was use initially in 1971 as a planning tool for sating power
generation and power transmission facilities. the approach consider a range of
pollution , and ecological, economic and
ii. Overlays Method :
(4) used scaling checklists, involving the scaling of impacts on a relative basis
from minus five to plus five. Scaling –weighting checklists represent scaling
checklists with information provides as to subjective evaluation of each parameter
with respect to every other parameter. Scaling weighting checklists employ both
magnitude and importance factor.