Regulatory Framework OTT - ITU Cambodia Robert Ravi
Regulatory Framework OTT - ITU Cambodia Robert Ravi
Regulatory Framework OTT - ITU Cambodia Robert Ravi
What is OTT?
� Applications and services which are accessible over
the internet and ride on operators’ networks
offering internet access services
� Three types of OTT –communications, Video
content, Application eco system.
� Two broad categories of services– communications1
& non-communications
� Three broad public policy issues- Regulatory
imbalances; impact on economy & Security issues.
‘telegraph’ means any appliance, instrument, material or apparatus used or capable of use for transmission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images
and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, visual or other electro-magnetic emissions, radio waves or Hertzian waves, galvanic, electric or magnetic
Need for Consultation
� Powers under TRAI ACT
◦ The license given to a service provider is
governed by Sec. 4 of The Telegraph Act 1885.
… recommend the actual terms on which a
license should be granted under Sec. 4 of the
afore mentioned act.
◦ Section 11-1 (a) Recommendations to the
◦ Section 11-2 … to notify the rates at which the
telecommunication services shall be provided.
Growth of OTT….
� The rapid growth of OTT services has
raised a number of national policy issues
relating to regulatory imbalances & security
concerns that need to be addressed.
� The regulatory imbalances need
examination at various levels by different
agencies of Government.
� In addition public safety and privacy issues
requires attention.
Important issues in CP
� Policy and regulatory environment and need
for regulation
� Security concerns of OTT players providing
communication services
� Issues related to security ,safety and privacy of
the consumer
� Issues arising because of net neutrality
� Network discrimination3 and traffic
management practices
3-price & non-price
Regulatory Imbalances
Area of Regulation Telecom Service Providers OTTs
Spectrum allotment and Need to bear costs and adhere to No such costs
use rules
Licensing Yes, different licenses and their No such licenses or costs
associated costs including
licensing fee
Spectrum related Need to bear the costs No such costs
Space related charges Need to bear the costs No such costs
� The biggest security threat is from the select off shore OTT
communication service players which are highly capitalized,
global monopolies and today control multiple million
customers across continents.
Issues related to security ,safety and privacy
of the consumer
� Cultural sensitivity and diversity as most of the
OTT players operates from outside the country
� loss of content privacy & compromised cyber
security leading to cybercrimes
� free apps share the personal information with
various third party developers
� In constant ‘always on’ connection, what
information is being collected by mobile apps.( Big
� Cyber predators, bullies, stalkers are all online
waiting to find their next victim. ( Child abuse ..)
Issues related to Net Neutrality
◦The examination of any framework for OTT will not be
complete without dealing with the concept and policy of Net
What is Net Neutrality (NN)?
� There is no standard definition of Net Neutrality.
� Net neutrality (NN) is generally construed to mean that the
network providers must treat all internet traffic on an equal
basis, no matter its type or origin of content or means used
to transmit packets. It should be able to deliver traffic from
one point to another seamlessly, without any differentiation
on speed, access or price. All internet traffic should be
treated equally.
Definition of NN
� “Network neutrality is best defined as a network design
principle. The idea is that a maximally useful public
information network aspires to treat all content, sites and
platforms equally. This allows the network to carry every
form of information and support every kind of application” -
Professor Tim Wu, who coined the word “Net Neutrality”
� “The principle that all electronic communication passing
through a network is treated equally” - The Body of
European Regulators for Electronic Communications
� “NN prohibits TSPs from speeding up, slowing down or
blocking internet traffic based on its source, ownership or
destination” – Jan Kramer; Lukas Wiewiorra
Definition of NN
� “NN usually means that broadband service providers
charge consumers only once for internet access, do not
favour one content provider over another, and do not
charge content providers for sending information over
broadband lines to end users” -Hahn & Wallsten.
� According to some economists, NN has no widely
accepted definition, but usually means that TSPs charge
consumers only once for internet access without
discriminating between content providers and content
over the network.
Related Issue -Net Neutrality
� TSPs must treat all internet traffic on an equal
basis, no matter its type or origin of content or
means used to transmit packets.
� Service providers should be able to deliver traffic
from one point to another seamlessly,
� The delivery is without any differentiation on
speed, access or price.
� All internet traffic should be treated equally.
Network discrimination and traffic
management practices