Lesson Plan 1 Cricket

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LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Year Level: 5/6 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Time: 1:30pm - 2:25pm Students should know how to catch and throw from
Date: 23/03/2021 week 1’s lesson.
In week 2 students learnt some of the rules in
Learning Area: Health & Physical Education cricket such as the setup of a cricket game and the
ways in which a batter can get out.

Strand: Focus Area:

Movement and physical activity Fundamentals of cricket
• Bowling
Sub-strand: • Batting
Moving our body

Content Descriptor: Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Linking of fundamental movement skills to Ensure that all the equipment is in good condition
specific skills used in organised games, and that there is enough required for the drills.
sports and activities, such as linking kicking
to passing and shooting in soccer. Equipment List
16 x cones
12 x tennis balls
12 x cricket balls/soft cricket balls
4 x bats
8 x wickets

General Capabilities

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical Ethical Personal Intercultural

Competence and behaviour and Social understanding
creative competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s engagement Sustainability

Islander histories and with Asia
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Successful hit the wickets when bowling for 8 out of 10 bowl
• Understand the importance of having an accurate and strong bowl
• Critically decide where to position the ball when hitting it from different bowling styles


Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement::

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:


Motivation and Introduction:

Bring in all students to a stationary position in front of the teacher. Ensure all students
have their water bottle and hats on whilst taking the roll. Making sure to collect injury
1:30 - notes and ask students if anyone is sick or away today. Inform the students what
1:35 todays lesson will be about and outline the goals of this lesson. Elaborate to the
(5 students how this lesson can be transferred and appliqued to following lessons, tell
mins) them the importance of it.
1:35 to Student Lesson Content Class Organisation
1:45pm Organisation Resources/Equipment
(Content & KTP)
(10 mins) Warmup (Position of teacher/students,
• As it is just the setup/working area/grids for class,
Activity 1 warm up the transitions)
students will
Have two
figure out
ways in which
previously set
they want to
up with a
throw and
bucket of bean
catch the ball,
bags at each.
however they
On the side
have 2
remember the
buckets, 1
technique as
with soft
they have Learners
cricket balls
learnt how to
and 1 with Students divided into groups of 6-7.
throw and
harder cricket
catch in the Equipment
Get the lessons Total equipment
students to • 15-20 beanbags.
pick a partner
Progressions • 8 cones.
and get them
• 2 buckets.
to choose to • Decrease
either be a 1 playing space Space
or a 2. Get • Add more Each square is approximately 5m by 5m.
each student balls/beanbag
to go to each s
square Time
5 minutes.
Get each
student to get
a bean bag Teacher positioning
out of the
Positioned behind both games in the
bucket and the
middle to ensure students are playing
aim of the
within the rules, while maintaining a view
game is for
of both sides of the playing area.
the students to
Additionally, being near the beanbags,
all be against
reducing any potential equipment
each other in
their square
and the aim of
the game is to
try and get
them out by
hitting them
with the bean
bag below the
waist. Once
you get out
you then
become a
thrower as
well and
people do not
try to get you
Activity 2
Whilst the
students are
staying in their
groups get
them to grab a
ball from the
bucket (one
group will
have the soft
balls and one
group will
have the hard
balls). Get the
students to
throw the ball
in the air and
clap 5 times
catching it
again. Repeat
with the
• Clappin
• Doing a
g it
• Clappin
g and
• Catchin
g under
the leg
• Catchin
• Catchin
Bridging organization
1:45 -
Students can remain in pairs but now pick up a cone from the equipment area. Ask 1
(2 students to place the 2 cone around 1m away from the pair with the other students
mins) placing the first cone in line with original cone. This should now look like a square
playing field. There should be 8 cones places in line on each side of the students
round 2 meters apart.

Introduction Key teaching points: Activity 1

Bowling - Bowling comes with
- 2:02
Activity 1 various steps, however
(15 mins) the students are still
Get the
learning the 5 steps
students to
which are used for an
realise that they
underarm throw.
are all using a
These include:
different ball.
Now allow the • Stepping
students to forward with
which ball they opposite hand
would like. to foot.
Once they have • Throw the ball
chosen, get forwards with
them to line up dominant
along the cones hand
set out, weather • Follow through Activity 2
1 or 2, have once released
them facing • Tracking the
opposite each ball into hands
partner. • Catch the ball
• Give this is for
Do a them to absorb
demonstration the force
with a student • Stepping
slowly walk towards the
through the 5 target and
steps for an throw.
underarm throw. • This is then
Students are to repeated
now do this with
their partner
and follow the 5 Progression
steps. • Have some
Ensure students fun and make Learners
are using it a Students will be split into pairs
correct KTP competition.
when going • Once they’ve Equipment
through the done it get Each pair will have 1 wicket, and 1 tennis
movement. them to take a ball.
Total equipment:
• 8 wickets
Bowling - • 8 tennis balls
Activity 2 • 16 cones
Breaking it
down Space
The first drill will There should be around 10m distance
progress into between each pair.
breaking it
down, which
includes the This drill should last for around 8 minutes.
movement into
a target drill. Teacher positioning
Students are to Teacher to position behind all students to
work on their ensure a wide view of all games.
accuracy by
bowling down
the wickets.

Get 1 student to
stand behind
the wickets. 1
student will be a
bowler they are
to aim to hit the
wickets with
each bowl. If the
bowler hits the
wicket the
wicket keeper
will remove 1
The aim of this
drill is to hit the
wicket enough
times to remove
all 3 stumps and
the base.
Once the bowler
has bowler, the
other partners
will swap
positions and
rotate through
for each student
to get a chance.

Bridging organization
2:02 to
2:05 nd
For transitioning the cones for the next drill, every 2 pair will pick up both cones and
(3 walk them towards the teacher, although first the teacher will demonstrate this with
mins) one lot of pair so students can visualise it. Once completed students have now made
4 playing squares. Students are now to make a group of 4 with 2 more tennis balls,
and 1 bat between each group. The teacher will make sure each group has 3 balls, 1
bat, and 4 cones.
2:05 to Student Lesson Content Class Organisation
2:15pm Organisation) Resources/Equipment
Key Teaching
(10 Batting - Points
mins) Activity 1
• Standing side
Students are on with feet
now in groups shoulder width
of 4, each group apart.
will be within a • Shoulders
square of 4 should be
cones. facing to the
Students are to bowler
rotate between • Eyes facing
3 fielders and 1 the ball
batter. Each • Backlift
fielder will is to • Leaning in Students are to be split into groups of 4
position stepping with 1 student batting and the remaining 3
themselves in- forward fielders/feeders.
between each 2 • Swing through, Equipment
cones, this is to showing the
fill the gaps. bowler the Each group of 4 has 3 tennis balls and 1
The batter will front of the bat cricket bat. 4 cones will be used for each
be just in front playing square.
of all 3 fielders, Progressions can Total equipment:
still in eyesight made through game
of the fielders • 12 balls
play pressure through
and ensuring to • 16 cones
have a clear • 4 bats
• adding Space
Each group will another ball,
The playing area to measure
have 3 tennis which
approximately 4m x 4m.
balls; although, increases the
start the drill batter’s Time
with 1 adding awareness
Approximately 8 minutes, no longer.
more through under
progression. pressure Teacher positioning
• The width of
Teacher to be positioned with a view of all
Firstly, the the playing
games, probably in the middle and behind
batter will aim to area made
students (not in their way). Continuously
hit the ball larger and the
giving feedback.
towards the cones can be
fielders, the decreased to
fielders are make it
trying to catch harder to aim.
the ball and
throwing it back
to them. Each
batter will have
10 hits each.

Progressing the
drill further, the
fielders throw
the ball to the
batter allowing
opportunities for
the batter to hit
the ball. This
allows for the
batter to aim
and make a
choice. Getting
it between the
cones will be a
goal or 1 point.
The fielders
must aim to
catch the ball or
stop it passing
through the

Bridging organization
2:15 to
Before the next activity, get the groups of 4 to make a group of 8. One group of 8 will
be asked to collect all equipment and the other group are to collect the equipment for
(2 the next activity which is 4 wickets, 4 bats, and 4 balls. Teachers is to instruct one
mins) student to set this up and the other students will copy. Teacher is to explain the game
and brief game rules. Ensure to ask student if they have any questions.

2:17 to Student Lesson Content Class Organisation

2:27pm Organisation Resources/Equipment
For this drill ensure to
Modified game incorporate everything
(10 play that has been learnt
mins) throughout todays
For this drill
lesson and previously.
depending on
class numbers
but ideally 8 Key Teaching Points
people per
game, there will Batting
be a pair • Standing side
batting, a pair on with feet
bowling and a shoulder width
pair wicket apart.
keeping, and • Shoulders
the others will should be
be fielding. facing to the
Each batting bowler
pair will Learners
• Eyes facing
complete two
the ball Students will be spread out like in the
overs, which will
• Backlift diagram, with 8 students in one game and
be the bowler
• Leaning in will rotate though the roles.
and the fielder
rotating. There Equipment
will be 6 balls.
Fielders should • Swing through, • 4 wickets
swap around showing the • 4 balls
just so they get bowler the • 4 bats
a chance at all front of the bat
positons. Every Bowling
student should This depends on the ability of the groups,
have a chance • Stepping the game can be made bigger or smaller.
to rotate forward with
opposite hand
This should last around 10 minutes before
to foot.
the end
• Throw the ball
forwards with Teacher positioning
Teacher is to be positioned on the outside
of the game, walking up and down keeping
• Follow through
an eye on all games to watch out for
once released
injuries that can occur or students
• Tracking the misbehaving.
ball into hands
• Catch the ball
• Give this is for
them to absorb
the force
• Stepping
towards the
target and
• This is then

2:27 to Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

• Giving positive feedback to students, for example such as “you all did an
(3 mins) excellent job today guys well done!”
• Ask the students what are some key teaching points that they learn in
today’s lesson.
• Ask the students to put the equipment in the area where they collected it

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

• Making sure that all equipment is back in a neatly matter and that nothing
has been misplaced, therefore its ready for the next class.
• The lesson may need to be changed a little for the future classes, maybe
skills that need to be focused on more.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
• This will be done as an informal assessment, the teacher will be walking
around and watching the game play.
• Teacher is to take notes on those who struggle with certain skills and for
next lesson it should aim for focus on them in future to improve their skills.
SCSA, (2021). Assessment activities. Retrieved from

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