Compositional Modeling With An Equation of State
Compositional Modeling With An Equation of State
Compositional Modeling With An Equation of State
This paper describes an implicit-pressure explicit- simultaneous solution of II h (v + I) nonlinear equations,
composition and explicit-saturation compositional where II" is the number of grid blocks and v is the
model. The model uses an equation of state (Peng- number of components in the hydrocarbon system. The
Robinson) for phase equilibrium and density calcula- explicit treatment of the transmissibilities limits the size
tions. Interfacial tension effects are considered also. The of the allowable time step. On the other hand, Coats pro-
formulation of the pressure equation yields a symmetric posed a fully implicit equation-of-state compositional
and diagonally dominant matrix that allows the use of the model. His fOffi1Ulation requires the simultaneous solu-
iterative conjugate gradient method for large systems. tion of 11,,(21' + 4) equations. Although the stability of
Simulation of laboratory CO 2 displacements shows Coats' model is better than that of Fussell and Fussell's
good agreement between ealculated and experimental model, the computational cost of Coats' implicit model
results. The int1uence of interfacial tension is in- may become prohibitive for systems containing a large
vestigated. Physically reasonable results also have been' number of grid blocks and components.
obtained for hypothetical areal and cross-sectional This paper presents an implicit-pressure, explicit-
problems. composition and saturation equation-of-state composi-
tional model that is a variation of that proposed by
Introduction Kazemi et al. 10 The fOffi1Ulation of the pressure equa-
The design of high-pressure-gas, enriched-gas, or tion yields a symmetric and diagonally dominant matrix
COrinjection schemes requires an accurate prediction that allows the use of the iterative conjugate gradient
of the vapor-liquid equilibrium between the oil-in-place method for large systems. The diagonal dominance is
and the injected t1uid. In recent years, vapor-liquid also a desirable feature for the numerical stability of
equilibrium calculations have been enhanced by the in- direct elimination methods.
troduction of many two-constant equations of state that An efficient method for t1ash calculation II allows the
can be applied to both the vapor and liquid phases. 1-3 use of the model in the vicinity of the critical point and
The application of these equations of state to petroleum avoids the computation of the saturation pressure in
reservoir t1uids was made possible by the ability to deteffilining the single-phase region.
evaluate the parameters of these equations from proper- A new model for relative peffileabilities that is depend-
ties of the heavy fraction-i .e., density, average boiling ent on interfacial tension is proposed and the sensitivity
point, and molecular weight 4 -6 _which can be measured of the recovery to interfacial tension is discussed.
easily. A well model that allows the simulation of constant
Two compositional models that utilize an equation of volume, constant injection/production wells and
state for phase equilibrium and properties calculation are multiblock well completions is provided.
described by Fussell and Fusse1l 7 . 8 and Coats. 9 When The Peng-Robinson equation of state 3 is used in all
both gas and oil are present in every grid block, the for- examples, although the solution method is general and
mulation of Fussell and Fussell requires the applicable for any other equation of state.
Mathematical Model
• Now with Shell Canada Resources Ltd
Flow Equations
0197· 7520/81/0012·9306$00 25
Copyright 1981 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME Assuming Darcy's law is valid, the material balance on
Constraint Equations
The definition of mole fractions and saturations gives the
and additional constraint equations:
Il [Tllyll
o mo (Ilpll0 + 1 - "0111
An) + TilgYll1g
II 2..: zm = 2..:Ymo = 2..:Ymg = I, ............. (9)
III m 111
L + V= I, .............................. (10)
So +Sg +S", = I ......................... (11)
where p)}'+ I), and P~I'+ I). Finally, Eq. 7 or 8 and Eq. II are
used to obtain S)}"+ I) and S~I'+ I). The procedure is
qh = 2..:qll1' ............................. (4) repeated until convergence is achieved.
Pressure Equation
Equilibrium Equations
The pressure equation is obtained by multiplying Eq.
It is assumed that interphase thennodynamic exchange in by a constant parameter 8 and adding the product to Eq.
the reservoir is rapid compared with fluid flow so that the 4:
gas and oil are in phase equilibrium. It also is assumed
that mass transfer between the water and hydrocarbon Il [8TII.( ll + 1 _ UApllCH'O
\t llp () IlD) + Til() (Apfl
- 'V .
1\1 U () + 1
phases is negligible.
The thennodynamic equilibrium conditions are given
by the equality of the component fugacities in the oil and
gas phases-i.e., - I'll
o IlD) + Tilg (Ilpll() + I +LlApl1cog II AD)]
- 'YgLl
Let Fi denote the left side of Eq. 12 for the ith grid block
and letp(f+0,1
I) be the fth . iterate ofp"-+:
I. The (f+ I)th :.l
UP o
uP g )
iterate can be obtained from the following Newton-like +So--+Sg-- , ...... (21)
iteration. oPo oPo i
OPj = _1_(I_ Po OZi),
j = o,g . ........ (22)
oPo R T Zj Zi oPo
= -F(n
I , I'-1
- ... nh, .............. . (IS)
Since op;lop 0 is positive, it follows that o¢alop 0 is
also positive. Furthermore, it is shown later that
where J ik is the ikth element of an approximation to the oq ".lop 0 and oq ,,lop 0 are negative or zero, depending
Jacobian described below. The sum in Eq. 15 is over the on the type of well. Examination of Eq. 16 shows that
ith grid block and its adjacent blocks. TheJ ik 's are com- the Jacobian is symmetric and strictly diagonally domi-
puted as follows. nant. The formulation of the pressure equation in Ref. 10
of (i, does not yield a symmetric matrix nor does it guarantee
= ( __ 1_)
= (OT". + To + Tg) + k)/2 ;li diagonal dominance.
oPo k The pressure equation is solved using either direct
.................................... (l6a)
elimination or the iterative conjugate gradient method
with incomplete Choleski factorization ICCG(O) as pro-
and posed by Meijerink and van der Vorst. 12
Composition Equation
Composition is computed explicitly at every iteration
after piJ'+ I) has been detemlined. Let
................. (23)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (l6b)
where the subscript (i + k)/2 denotes the interface be-
tween grid blocks i and k.
In ~q. 13, P () is a function of p 0 and Y 1110' and P g is a
functIOn of p 0 and YlIlg' The actual derivative of a with An explicit composition equation is obtained by re-
respect to p will involve the temlS oS ".lop 0' oS,/op 0'
(! arranging Eq. 2:
OS~ lop 0' oy /nO lop 0' and oy II1g lop 0' which are com-
plicated to compute and will yield partial derivative
terms in th,e off-diagonal elements. An approximation to
1) = rl .1 [Til""
o. 1110
I) + Tilg.\,"mg .1<1>(('+
.............................. (17)
In solving nonlinear equations, an exact Jacobian is -'-
[~¢(i'+ 1) (p 0 S0 + P g Sg ) (i'+ I)] . (25)
not required for convergence. In the approximation of
s)1'+ I) = [(I - S",)Lp g (+ I) ••.......•..... (28) k rog = ( I-e" r)k- rog + e "rk mill"
-{l -{l
Lpg + Vp"
.................. (33b)
.................. (29) I - S I1'r
An efficient flash-calculation method described by where a ()' a g' b ()' an~ b g ar~ ad~ustab\e parameters. a*
Nghiem and Aziz II is used. It provides convergence in is a specified interfacial tensIOn mtroduced for conven-
the vicinity of the critical point and avoids the computa- ience to make r, a g , b g , ao' and b o dimensionless.
tion of the saturation pressure to determine the single- Common values used for a* are in the range of I to 5
phase region. dyne/cm. Eq. 33 is based on the requirement that the
The attribution of the term "oil" or "gas" to a single- relative permeabilities to oil or gas in the presence of ir-
phase fluid around the critical point is meaningless. reducible water saturation are equal.
Note that for values of a such that e ~(/,r = 0 and Eqs. 39 and 40 apply to both oil and gas compositions.
e ~(/"r =.0, k rg' and k rog are equal to f rg' and frog' If only one hydrocarbon phase is present in grid block
respectively. As a decreases toward zero, k rM and k ror; i-I, the global composition, z/II' is used instead ofY/II in
approach the respective straight lines k roil\' [S/(I-S "'r») these equations.
and kroi".(Sj(l-S"T»)'
The three-phase oil relative permeability is estimated Well Models
usingAziz and Settari's version 13 of Stone's equation: This section describes the formulation of rate- or
pressure-constrained injection/production wells, and
k ro -- k roil\' [( --.-
k roll' + k n ,· ) ( --.-
k rog + krg ) multiblock well completions. The rates are positive for
k TO/'" k rol\" injection wells and negative for production wells by
-(k nt + k rg ) J. ..................... (36)
The molar flow rates for water and for component In
into or from the ith grid block containing a well are
!he values of f rg , frog' k n," and k roll' are computed
uSing either tabulated data or the following equations. q". = p(:.Q(: . ............................. (41)
k rg = k roi,,'
( Sg-Sgr )'"
. . .............. (37a)
I-S gr-S",/,
q /II -_ ) ,111Il() plIQI1
0 + Y /IIg Pg
g, ............... (42)
Component, mol% Reservoir Fluid Recombined Reservoir Fluid + CO 2
CO 2 1.64 18.45 37.03 56.79 77.74
N2 2.18 1.81 1.40 0.96 0.49
C1 28.99 24.03 18.55 12.73 6.57
C2 7.97 6.61 5.10 3.50 1.80
C3 7.15 5.93 4.58 3.14 1.62
iC 4 1.21 1.00 0.77 0.53 0.27
nC 4 3.54 2.94 2.27 1.56 0.80
iC 5 2.00 1.66 1.28 0.88 0.45
nC 5 2.12 1.76 1.36 0.93 0.48
C 6+ 43.20 35.81 27.66 18.98 9.78
C 6+ density at 15.6 °C, g/mL 0.8358 0.8358 0.8358 0.8358 0.8358
C 6+ molecular weight 178.47 178.47 178.47 178.47 178.47
Bubble-point pressure, psia (kPa) 2,300 2,705 2,945 3,515 6,000
(15 858) (18 650) (20 305) (24 235) (41 368)
Reservoir temperature, OF (0C) 206 (96.6) 206 (96.6) 206 (96.6) 206 (96.6) 206 (96.6)
Solution GOR' 746 (132.9) 1,079 (192.1) 1,336 (238.0) 2,662 (474.1) 5,836
Swelling factor' * 1.000 1.103 1.133 1.487 2083
Calculated Data
Bubble-point pressure, psia (kPa) 2,303 2,584 3,000 3,754 6,157
(15 880) (17 814) (20 681) (25 884) (42 449)
Solution GOR 665 (118.5) 966 (172.0) 1,489 (265.2) 2,567 (457.2) 5,903
Swelling factor 1.000 1.084 1.227 1.503 2.170
~Cubic feet of gas at 14.7 psia and 60 OF per barrel of oil at 147 psia and 60 OF.
Cubic centimeters of gas at 1 aIm and 15.6 °C per cubic centimeter of 011 at 1 aIm and 15.6 °C
* *Barrels of oil + CO 2 at saturation pressure and temperature per barrel of all at saturation pressure and temperature.
3 C6
Interaction Coefficients
for C 6+ Fractions
0.105 0.120 0.090
C 15 0.120 0.120 0.110
C 22 0.150 0.120 0.145
/ t1
Let Qj be the specified total flow rate. It can be shown in the simulation.
that -
................................. (52)
k ~
= (1_,,-aI3.31 )k~
• ~
+ (,-an.31 S g'
a~l~ I = I"'".i P::',i ( :P::'~':
-I) ....... ,. (53a)
where (J is in dyne/cm. The value of 3.3 I corresponds to
and the interfacial tension in dyne/cm between the vapor and
a ,,+ I
- (I
lI'O.i PO ,1
+1 Il'g,IPg,1
. 11 . ) ( ap"
aph/z,1 -I)
+ I '
liquid phases obtained by flashing the recombined reser-
voir oil at 1,885.5 psia and 205.9 OF. The capillary
PO,I 0,1
pressure is assumed negligible. The slim tube was
, , .... , , .... , ..... , ........... (53 b) represented by a 25 grid-block system.
Figs. 2a and 2b show the experimental and computed
where, from Eq. 52,
oil recovery (calculated from the standard volume of
ap h/z,i
2: III),i original oil in place) at two different pressures, 3,000
and 3,840 psia and a temperature of 205.9 OF. Results
_,~"c:..j_ _ _ _ _ with} = (J,g, 11'. . . (54)
obtained with fixed relative pemleability curves that are
independent of interfacial tension (i.e., kro = fro'
k rg = f rg ) are shown abo.
100 80
80 0
I- 60
er Z
w W
> u
8w 60 0::
o Gas saturation
er Cl. 40 o C02 mole percent
f'> C 1 mole percent
25 50 75 100 125 150
100 0
(b) Q) 2.0
>- Z
er Q 1.5
w (f)
0 60 Z
er I-
I- ...J
w 40
c- o:: 0.5
20 w
0 0
0 )!5 50 75 100 125 150 0 5 10 15 25
Fig. 2-0il recovery curve at (a) 20 684 kPa and (b) 23 993 Fig. 3-Saturation, composition, and interfacial tension pro-
kPa. files at 20 684 kPa and 61.9% PV injected.
~ 60
a:: o Gas saturation
a. 40 o CO 2 mole percent
" C1 mole percent
CD 2.0
52 1.5
~ 0.5
0 10 15 20 25 ~INJECTOR ~PRODUCER
Fig. 4-Saturation, composition, and interfacial tension pro- Fig. 5-Gas saturation contours at 3,582 days.
files at 23 993 kPa and 66.7% PV injected.
Higher recovery is obtained when interfacial tension is for this example. These fixed curves should be thought
considered. At 1.29 PY injected, the additional of as average curves that account for the effects of
recoveries are 3.46 and 1.59% at 3,000 and 3,480 psia, porous medium heterogeneities and changes in inter-
respectively. Fig. 3 shows the computed profiles of CO 2 facial tension and mobility ratios with respect to pressure
and C 1 concentration, gas saturation, and interfacial ten- and composition.
sion at 3,000 psia and 61.9% PY injected. One also can The program took five iterations per time step and the
observe a leading methane bank (grid block 21), fol- average computation time on the Honeywell DPS 2 with
lowed by a miscible region (grid blocks 18 through 20). Multics operating system is 0.471 seconds per time step
It is interesting to note that the interfacial tension per grid block. Direct elimination was used to solve the
decreases sharply as the miscible region is approached pressure equation. About 50 time steps were required to
and becomes almost zero just behind the miscible region inject 1.36 PY of CO 2 ,
(grid blocks 16 and 17). Fig. 4 shows the computed pro-
files for the same variables at 3,480 psia and 66.7% PY CO 2 Areal Displacement
injected; note a shorter transition zone (the gas saturation Half of a 5-spot pattern of a CO 2 lDJection process was
decreases more abruptly) and the absence of a leading simulated using an 8 x 8 areal grid system that covers an
C 1 bank. area of 160 acres. Pertinent data for the simulation are
The influence of interfacial tension on the recovery given in Table 3. The bottomhole pressures for injectors
depends on the size of the region of very low interfacial and producers are 3,000 and 2320.6 psia, respectively.
tension 19 (less than 10- 1 dyne/cm). That region is larger The interfacial tension and capillary effects are assumed
in the displacement at 3,000 psia, which is a multiple- negligible. Fig. 5 shows the gas saturation contour at
contact miscible process, than the one at 3,480 psia, 3,582 days. Simulation results show an enrichment zone
which is close to a first contact miscible process. This where the densities of oil and gas gradually approach
explains why the computed additional recovery due to each other. However, no miscible bank was fornled and
interfacial tension effects is higher for the former the process was immiscible.
displacement (3.46% compared with 1.59% at 1.29 PY The program took 6.5 iterations per time step and the
injected). However, these effects are quite small and average execution time on the Honeywell DPS 2 was
fixed relative permeability curves could have been used 0.757 seconds per time step per grid block when direct
DECEMBER 1981 695
Grid System
10x 10 13x13 17x17 25x 25
Average execution time per
grid block per time step,
CPU seconds*
Direct elimination 0.125 (0.022) 0.112 (0.020) 0.121 (0.022) 0.153 (0.027)
ICCG (0) 0.134 (0.024) 0.122 (0.022) 0.115 (0.021) 0.119 (0.021)
Average number of
iterations per time step 6.2 5.8 6.2 6.2
Average number of
iterations in ICCG (0) routine 12.2 15.1 18.4 25.4
• ExecutIon times are for the Honeywell DPS 2 wIth Multics operatrng system. Figures In parentheses represent the eqUivalent execu-
tion time for the CDC 6600 based on our benchmark runs. .
The following addresses "Compositional Modeling not valid and the Newton method may lead to a diverg-
With an Equation of State," L.X. Nghiem, D.K. Fong, ing, or oscillatory, or slow-converging system of equa-
and K. Aziz (Dec. 1981 SPEJ, Pages 687-698). tions. A new formulation has been presented to over-
The compositional formulation as presented calls for come this difficulty.
the solution of the pressure equation given by A situation where an unstable behavior first was
observed was during the simulation of pressure decline
of an undersaturated reservoir in which a hydrocarbon
~ rOT w n(~p 0 n+ I -~Pcwo n -)'w n ~h) gas phase was generated as the reservoir pressure passed
through the bubble point. Since variation in water satura-
+To n(~p 0 n+1 -'V
n~h)+T n(~p
g 0
n+1 +~pn
cog tion is negligible compared with that of hydrocarbon
phases, Eq. 2 can be differentiated with respect to
pressure to give
___b_(¢n+lan+l _¢na n ) =0 .............. (1)
Eq. 5 yields
Although this equation leads to a diagonally dominant
Jacobian matrix using SRK or PR equation of state, ex-
perience has shown that under certain reservoir flow con-
ditions where the time variations of hydrocarbon phase
saturations are considerably more pronounced than the
respective changes in their physical properties, Eq. 3 is
The total hydrocarbon mass in each grid block,
0197·7520/82/0041·0894$00.25 therefore, can be derived from Eq. 5 as
.................................. (7) =>
or W
a d
-(~oSo +~gSg) 0 2 ~ 6 8 W 12
~(,'~g 2 + V(~o 2~g' -~g 2~0')- V'~o~g(~o -~g)
Fig. 1-Numerical behavior of Newton method for the two ap-
[~ g + V( ~ () - ~ g)] 2
proximations of J(q,a)/JP o'
Compositional Modeling
With an Equation of State
Long X. Nghiem, SPE, Computer Modelling Group
We have observed the same convergence problems improve the convergence of the algorithm described in
described by Mansoori with certain fluids under certain our paper by including aVI ap 0 in the derivative aod ap o.
reservoir flow conditions. They usually occur during This method requires one additional flash calculation per
pressure decline across the bubble point of an oil reser- grid block per iteration to compute aVI ap o. Since no
voir or the dewpoint of a gas condensate reservoir. data were provided, we were unable to compare Man-
Under certain circumstances, during the iteration of soori's approach with ours.
the pressure equation, the gas released from an oil while Coats I has reported anomalous pressure response even
pressure declines below the bubble point affects the ap- for fully implicit simulators.
proximate Jacobian described in our paper in such a way
that the pressure increases after the subsequent iteration, Nomenclature
and all or most of the gas goes back into solution. This nh number of grid blocks
creates a vicious circle and yields oscillations. The same p o,k oil pressure of kth grid block
reasoning applies to certain gas condensate reservoirs as V vapor mole fraction
the pressure declines below the dewpoint. ex defined in Eq. 13 of our paper
A solution to this problem is to use a damping factor in
the update of the pressure solution-i.e.,
op k change in pressure
w damping factor
(f) iteration level