"The Effect of Mobile Phone Usage Towards The Behavior of Grade 12 TVL Students''
"The Effect of Mobile Phone Usage Towards The Behavior of Grade 12 TVL Students''
"The Effect of Mobile Phone Usage Towards The Behavior of Grade 12 TVL Students''
Having a cell phone will tempt your teen to spend all day talking or texting,
instead of doing anything productive. Studies have proven that teens who spend too
much of their time with their cell phones are more prone to stress and fatigue. It can
As cell phone technology continues its rapid development, the device appears
rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives,
particularly those of Students. Results depict that gender; age and relationship with
However, marital status, spending time on a mobile phone, negative effect of mobile
phone and application usage while studying has a negative effect on students'
academic performance. Cell phones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study
and can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a
student. Mobile phone designers must take into account how young people use cell
phones for educational purposes. Rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple
problematic. As Ling and Helmerson (2000) states, the mobile phone is “at cross
purpose with the mission of the school”. While in school students are supposed to take
on their prescribed roles as students with full concentration on their studies and free
from contact with the outside world. However, the mobile phone gives room to blending
students’ roles with other roles thus distracting and disrupting the students’ academic
work. In the past when fixed telephones were the norm in schools, there were minimum
distractions and disruptions but presently with the invasion of mobile phone and the
eagerness of parents to maintain contact with their wards, the device is becoming part
of the classroom Thus, the mobile phone has the power to undermine the schools’
authority and weaken their control over students as well as affects their level of
academic performances. Mobile phone has gained immeasurable ground in the lives of
Mobile phone is a common sight today in our schools as you see students going
to school/class with some of the most expensive and sophisticated mobile phones,
tablets and iPod’s that has all the applications, facilities and software that can connect
them to the internet and all forms of social media platforms, other web sites where they
chat, access, stream, download, upload, exchange and play different kinds of media
Along with their books and school supplies, most high school and college
students and many younger students -- make their daily trip to school with their trusty
longer do students have to rely on in-person networks or copying off of someone else's
paper to cheat. Instead, they can easily text answers to their friends or sneak a peek at
their laptop during tests. A host of sites that allow students to pay for access to papers
has sprung up, and the ready availability of sites with useful information makes
students to access online journals, to solicit help on message boards and to send
emails to classmates seeking help. But the Pew Research Center reported in 2012 that
technology is also changing the way students’ research, and may be lowering the
overall quality of research as well as the effort it requires. Teachers told the Pew
Research Center that many college students believe that research consists solely of
searching online.
Theoretical / conceptual Framework
Effect to a student
Cellphone behavior
recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives,
particularly those of Students. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to determine the
influence of the mobile phone usage on TVL performance among male and female
students of GCCNHS.
Results depict that gender; age and relationship with opposite sex have a
significant positive effect on mobile phone usage towards the behavior of students.
However, marital status, spending time on a mobile phone, negative effect of mobile
phone and application usage while studying has a negative effect on students'
academic performance. Cell phones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study
and can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a
student. The author, however, suggests that mobile phone designers must take into
account how young people use cell phones for educational purposes.
combination of self-reported monthly cell phone expenses and frequency of use data to
identify intensive cell phone users in a large sample of Spanish high school students. In
the study, intensive cell phone use was related to school failure as well as other
negative behaviors such as smoking and excessive alcohol use. More recent studies
operationalize cell phone use as calling and texting while utilizing a variety of measures
for academic performance. For example, Jacobsen and Forste (2011) identified a
negative relationship between calling, texting, and self-reported grade point average
phone use and academic performance, they neither use objective measures of
academic performance nor do they take into account the cell phone’s expanding
capabilities beyond calling and texting. Modern cell phones enable users to access a
As cell phone technology continues its rapid development, the device appears
recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects of our daily lives,
less device reduces the hazards of the land phone. In spite of its various advantages it
of this device It is becoming very difficult for the web search engines to provide relevant
information to the users with the growth of the One of the Data Mining technique called
Web mining is defined to extract the hidden information from the web documents and
enhance teaching and learning in distance education. Its usage ensures flexible course
course resources. Smart phones and other mobile digital devices, such as tablets, can
face-to-face university studies. But many researchers note that, using smart phone as a
Technology all over the world. Technology is main key indicator of development of
today’s world. The effect of mobile phone on daily activities of a human being is affected
the whole society and even the whole country. The bad effect of mobile phone is so
much serious not only on the way but also on the home. Human behavior is radically
changed while user used mobile phone for their emotional moment (Dragutinovi, 2014).
in society and it has a strong effect on human behavior and human psychology
(Chatterjee, 2014).
Mobile phone has some health hazards which can even cause cancer(Sanchez,
2006). Physical and psychosocial exposure that can have effects on human health by
the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in which include mobile phone
and computer (Thomée, 2012).Mobile telephony has brought new possibilities all over
phones could have an effect on the brain. They reported higher sugar use in the brain, a