Product Application Sheet: Rockett Brand 118 Racing Gasoline Is An
Product Application Sheet: Rockett Brand 118 Racing Gasoline Is An
Product Application Sheet: Rockett Brand 118 Racing Gasoline Is An
New Issue
Rockett Brand 118 Racing Gasoline is Rockett Brand 118 Racing Gasoline has
formulated from high octane gasoline unique, light front end volatility charac-
blend stocks and selected additives. It teristics that make it unlike other prod-
is highly resistant to detonation under ucts on the market. It burns clean, leaves
high speed, high output conditions. Its little or no deposits and allows maximum
low vapor pressure quality provides pro- engine power to be developed. The high
tection against vapor lock. Mid-range quality stocks used in this gasoline make
volatility is carefully controlled to give it very stable and resistant to gum for-
excellent throttle response and accel- mation. This assures cleaner carbure-
eration. The composition of this fuel is tors, injectors, intake manifolds, and
carefully controlled to deliver consistent, valves. An antioxidant promotes stabil-
reproducible quality, allowing precise ity and longer shelf life. This gasoline
engine tuning for maximum perfor- does not contain any alcohols or other
mance. oxygenates.
Product Code......................................................................................118L
Density, g/cm3 @ 60°F........................................................................0.704
Gravity, °API...........................................................................................69.5
Di-Electric Constant..............................................................................-1.4
Octane Number, AKI, (R+M)/2...............................................................118
Octane Number, Motor..........................................................................115+
Octane Number, Research...................................................................120+
Reid Vapor Pressure, psi........................................................................5.5
Temperature @ V/L =6, °F.....................................................................145
Distillation, °F @ % Evap.
Initial Boiling Point.....................................................................100
End Point...................................................................................222