Basics of Biopharmaceutics: A Mini Review: Bioequivalence & Bioavailability International Journal
Basics of Biopharmaceutics: A Mini Review: Bioequivalence & Bioavailability International Journal
Basics of Biopharmaceutics: A Mini Review: Bioequivalence & Bioavailability International Journal
Drug research is a unique multi-disciplinary process towards the development of novel therapeutic agent to meet the
current global medicinal needs. Drug discovery and development are the two major stages in drug research. Drug
discovery includes new target identification and characterization, synthesis of new lead molecules, physicochemical
characterization and screening of the lead molecule for its biological activity through in vitro and in vivo techniques.
Drug development stage includes the assessment of its safety and toxicity of the developed new drug molecule. Drug
molecules are substance used for diagnosis or treating for various diseases. Drugs can be given in different dosage
form such as solids, semisolids, liquids, topical and parenteral preparation to produce the desired therapeutic activity
and to meet the patient's needs. Biopharmaceutics is a major branch in pharmaceutical sciences describes the role of
dosage form in the absorption and disposition of drugs in the body which are assessed through pharmacodynamic
and pharmacokinetic parameters or properties. Pharmacodynamics correlates the concentration of the drug with its
therapeutic and toxicological effect. Pharmacokinetics correlates how the drug moves through the human body by its
four main pathways such as absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination and measuring the drug
concentration in biological matrices.
Drug discovery and development are the two major is composed as series of membrane barriers which are
stages in drug research to meet the current global divided into compartment filled with aqueous
medicinal needs. Target identification and its components. These membrane barriers are composed
characterization, synthesis of new chemical entity and of phospholipid bilayers; these phospholipid
its characterization, evaluation of biological activity membranes consist of head group (polar) and tail
through in vitro and in vivo techniques are involved in groups (non-polar). Drugs lipophilicity and partition
drug discovery. To develop a new chemical entity coefficient are important for membrane permeability
around 10-14 years are needed with an average cost of [3,4].
more than $800 million. Success rate of the drug
discovery and development is approximate of 0.01% [1
out of 10,000 screened compounds] [1,2]. Human body
Absorption of Drug: Drugs are either weak acid or Distribution of the drug is depends upon the
base in nature; it exist both ionized and non-ionized following factors, such as:
forms in the body. In membrane lipids, non-ionized Blood flow to the tissue
form of drug is sufficiently soluble and it can cross the Ratio between tissue/blood
biological cell membrane. The protonated form is Apparent Volume of Distribution
predominates when the pH is less than pKa, whereas Protein binding
non-protonated form is predominates when the pH is Lipid solubility
greater than pKa. When weak acid drugs are protonated Molecular Size
it becomes non-ionized form and readily absorb in Ionization of drug
stomach, when weak basic drugs are protonated it Permeation across the cell membrane
becomes ionized and readily absorb in the intestine. Compartment models in drug distribution
Lakshmana Prabu S and Suriyaprakash TNK. Basics of Biopharmaceutics: Copyright© Lakshmana Prabu S and Suriyaprakash TNK.
A Mini Review. Bioequiv & Bioavailab Int J 2017, 1(1): 000103.
Bioequivalence & Bioavailability International Journal
Lakshmana Prabu S and Suriyaprakash TNK. Basics of Biopharmaceutics: Copyright© Lakshmana Prabu S and Suriyaprakash TNK.
A Mini Review. Bioequiv & Bioavailab Int J 2017, 1(1): 000103.
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A Mini Review. Bioequiv & Bioavailab Int J 2017, 1(1): 000103.