Submarine Issues For Small and Medium Navies: Naval Modernisation in Southeast Asia, Part Two
Submarine Issues For Small and Medium Navies: Naval Modernisation in Southeast Asia, Part Two
Submarine Issues For Small and Medium Navies: Naval Modernisation in Southeast Asia, Part Two
Submarine Issues for
Small and
Medium Navies
Geoffrey Till
Collin Koh Swee Lean
Naval Modernisation in Southeast Asia, Part Two
Geoffrey Till · Collin Koh Swee Lean
Naval Modernisation
in Southeast Asia,
Part Two
Submarine Issues for Small and Medium Navies
Geoffrey Till Collin Koh Swee Lean
Defence Studies Department Institute of Defence and Strategic
King’s College London Studies
Swindon, UK S. Rajaratnam School of International
Studies (RSIS)
Singapore, Singapore
vi Contents
9 Conclusion 119
Geoffrey Till and Collin Koh Swee Lean
Appendix 135
viii Abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Tables
Geoffrey Till
Abstract This chapter sets the scene for the whole book by identifying
submarine acquisition as a particularly crucial and a particularly difficult
aspect of naval modernisation for small and medium navies. It explores
the historic role and performance of the submarine in naval warfare and
reviews the strategic impact they may have in Southeast Asia in an era of
dispute over the South China sea and rising competition between China
and the USA.
Ever since the weird little H.L. Hunly sank the USS Housatonic in
Charleston harbour in July 1864, the submarine has been seen as a
weapon of the weak, a ‘force-multiplier’ against a stronger adversary.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a skein of early inventors,
Bushnel, Fulton, Nordenfelt and Holland all justified their efforts on this
G. Till (*)
Defence Studies Department, King’s College London,
Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
basis, very often with an over-mighty Royal Navy in mind. The stealth
advantages of the submarine, they argued, would narrow the military-
technical dominance the great navies derived from the capacity of their
great ships to control the sea, to blockade the shipping of weaker coun-
tries, to seize their oversea possessions, to support land operations and
even to threaten invasion. In the words of the French delegate to the
1922 Washington Treaty, ‘the submarine is the only arm that allows a
country without a large navy to defend itself at sea’.1
The experience of the First World War seemed to confirm all this.
German U-boat operations seriously constrained the sea-control opera-
tions of the British Grand Fleet in the North Sea and its maritime power
projection capabilities in the Mediterranean. Worse still from the per-
spective of the great navies, submarine operations seemed likely to trans-
form the nature of maritime strategy itself by outflanking the classical
emphasis on securing sea control as a precondition for all operational
activity at sea. Instead, weaker navies equipped with submarines could
achieve decisive strategic effect through a direct assault on the commer-
cial shipping of the maritime powers. This moreover had major interna-
tional repercussions, not least for its impact on US strategic thinking.2
It was the same story in the Second World War, when Churchill rightly
regarded the struggle against the submarines as the decisive battle at sea,
at least in the Atlantic war.3
At this stage, submarine technology was still mostly fairly primitive
‘and [submarines] could be described as torpedo boats capable of short
periods of submerged operation’.4 However, the advent of more sophis-
ticated types like the German Type XXI pointed to numerous possible
futures for the submarine. Indeed, when the US Navy initiated a major
study of the possible functions of the submarine in the late 1940s, no less
than 13 different roles that could be developed were identified.
In the Cold War, the military–technical pendulum seemed to swing
even further in favour of the submarine and the significance of the
undersea campaign, first because many so believed in the improving
tactical advantage that stealthy long-endurance submarines had over
apparently vulnerable surface ships that they simply divided fleets into
2 categories—submarines and ‘targets’. This was exemplified by the tre-
mendous efforts the Royal Navy (one of the most skilled ASW operators
in the world at the time) had to make in order to prosecute a couple
of decrepit or malfunctioning and largely absent Argentine diesel sub-
marines in the Falklands operation of 1982. Likewise, HMS Conqueror
effectively checkmated the entire Argentine navy, after the sinking of the
General Belgrano.
Second, submarines came into their own in two other ways as well.
The deadly games played between the Russian and NATO submarines
in Europe’s northern waters confirmed that they had become agents not
just of sea denial, but of sea control, apparently usurping many of the
functions of the old battle fleet. In the Second World War, British subma-
rines sank 17 enemy submarines, and the Americans 24, but these were
nearly all on the surface. At that time, the limitations in submarine sen-
sors meant that submarine versus submarine operations under the surface
were not yet a practicable proposition. Despite the scepticism of those
who thought the submarine should stay focussed on fleet support, and
in particular on guarding the carriers, technological improvements led
to their assuming a central role in the general ASW battle.5 In the post-
war era, the submarine versus submarine battle became an essential—and
indeed many thought the essential—dimension of the struggle for sea
control. In this the nuclear propelled submarine had tremendous advan-
tages over their diesel-driven equivalents in speed, range and endurance.
From the end of the Second World War, it also became increasingly
clear that it was feasible for nuclear reactors to be installed in large sub-
marines equipped to fire solid fuel ballistic rockets against the land. This
all came to fruition in the USA with the cruise of the first SSN, the USS
Nautilus in 1955, the commissioning of the USS George Washington, the
first SSBN at the end of 1959 and the first firing of a guided Regulus I
missile from the USS Halibut in the following year.6 As the Soviet Navy’s
Admiral Gorshkov repeatedly pointed out to sceptical colleagues in the
Politburo, Army and Air forces, submarines were the ideal platform for
the operation of the strategic nuclear deterrent and so seemed likely to
make navies more strategically decisive than ever they had been before.
The development of this mission inspired other roles for submarines too,
in both the location and attack and defence of the SSBN ‘boomers’.
All these attributes of a well-handled submarine fleet seemed to mean
that the development of a submarine capability could offer the navies of
the Asia–Pacific region five different, but complementary kinds of poten-
tially decisive strategic effect:
• Sea Denial & Control. Most obviously, their stealth and expanding
offensive power, and their emerging role in ASW operations, made
submarines a key element in battles for sea control between equal
4 G. Till
fleets and very possibly for the sea denial operations of a weaker
fleet against a stronger one. The sinking of the ROKS Cheonan
apparently by a mini-submarine of the North Korean navy suggests
that even such unorthodox craft as these may have significant sea-
denial potential, at least in some circumstances. This is important
since such outcomes would effectively determine the shape of the
subsequent conflict at sea, or even its likelihood in the first place.
Given the current level of interest in anti-access/area denial (A2/
AD) operations in the congested and contested littoral, all this
would seem of particular interest to the navies of East Asia and the
Western Pacific.
Much of this then would seem to apply particularly well to the diverse
navies of the Asia–Pacific region, with some, as will be shown later,
attracted to some of the possible attributes of a submarine capability and
others to others. And yet, none of these aspirations are risk and cost-free,
especially for smaller navies seeking to recover a submarine capability or
to develop one for the first time. Lack of familiarity with the genre and
economy of scale problems make this particularly difficult for them—but
indeed all navies face considerable challenges in developing effective sub-
marine forces. Six such challenges stand out:
Firstly, for the submarine, stealthiness is a relative rather than an abso-
lute operational advantage. All though the Cold War, pundits spoke of
military-technical ways of rendering the oceans transparent, or at least
much less opaque. Now some warn of the tremendous advances in the
rapid collection, processing and dissemination of ‘Big Data’ which could,
for example, make low-frequency sonar much more effective as a means
of detecting submarines. It could, for example, deal with the distortions
caused to weak signals by the thermal layer complications to be found in
the sea. Were this to eventuate at least some of the operational advan-
tages that derive from a submarine’s stealthiness would disappear.13
Of course, this is speculative and such developments in ‘finding’ might
well be countered by the kind of ‘topographical acoustics’ suggested
by some researchers in Singapore as a means of enhanced ‘hiding.’ The
point is that stealthiness, the essential strategic advantage of the subma-
rine, is a dependent variable and the fewer resources a country devotes to
develop it, the less likely it is to be successful.
Secondly, this shows that technological innovation in the submarine
and anti-submarine world (as illustrated by improved sensors, more effec-
tive propulsion systems, the deployment of unmanned vehicles and so
forth) is far from over. From the time that Bushnell developed his bar-
rel like submersible in the eighteenth century, submarines have constantly
evolved in their hulls, propulsion systems,14 weaponry and sensors and
are still doing so. To the extent that states have the resources to invest
in and profit from this continuing campaign, their submarines are likely
to be markedly superior to those of states that do not—hence the appar-
ently increasing need to invest in potentially game-changing technologies
in both submarine and anti-submarine capacities.15 This must cast at least
some doubt on the ability of an inferior fleet with second rate subma-
rines to prevail in a sea denial campaign over an adversary with first rate
subsurface capabilities, other things being equal. Great navies, in other
words, may still hold the upper hand in the undersea world.
This is a particularly important point, given the emphasis on the sea
denial capabilities so often identified as the principal reason for acquiring
submarines. Such claims are usually based on the assumed advantage of
the submarine over the surface ship. But this superiority may not hold
against the superior submarine of a great power. To a large extent, the
first task of the modern nuclear propelled attack submarine SSN is actu-
ally ASW—indicated by the fact that for the first 20 years, US Navy SSNs
did not have a dedicated anti-ship missile. Operating against diesel-pro-
pelled submarines (SSKs), the SSNs of the great navies could seed SSK
operating areas with CAPTOR and other intelligent mines programmed,
for example, to attack particular submarines like the Kilo which are not
fast and would find outrunning such attacks difficult.
Thirdly, in the past, even quite sophisticated submarines for their time
have quite often proved unequal to defensive off-shore tasks because of
their poor position-keeping, low horizon of visibility, communication
limitations, relatively slow speed and surprisingly common problems with
8 G. Till
Australia 12
Bangladesh 2
China 20
India 13
Indonesia 6
Japan 8
North Korea 15
South Korea 14
Myanmar 2
Pakistan 8
The Philippines 2
Singapore 2
Taiwan 8
Thailand 3
Vietnam 4
1. Quoted in Thomas Parrish, The Submarine: A History (London: Penguin
Books, 2004) p. 174.
2. Dubbs, Chris, America’s U-boats: Terror Trophies of World War I (Lincoln:
Iniv of Nebraska Press, 2014).
3. Quoted in Thomas Parrish, The Submarine: A History. (London: Penguin
Books, 2004) p. 289.
4. Admiral I.J. Galantin, Submarine Admiral: From Battlewagons to Ballistic
Missiles (Urbana: Univ of Illinois Press, 1995) pp. 136–137.
5. Admiral I.J. Galantin, Submarine Admiral: From Battlewagons to Ballistic
Missiles (Urbana: Univ of Illinois Press, 1995) pp. 75, 200–202.
6. Admiral I.J. Galantin, Submarine Admiral: From Battlewagons to Ballistic
Missiles (Urbana: Univ of Illinois Press, 1995), pp. 149, 191, 206, 231,
7. Most famously by T.X. Hammes ‘Offshore Control: A Proposed Strategy
for an Unlikely Conflict’ (Washington: INSS at National Defense
University, June 2012).
12 G. Till
Author Biography
Geoffrey Till is Emeritus Professor of Maritime Studies at King’s
College London and Chairman of the Corbett Centre for Maritime
Policy Studies. Since 2009, he has also been a Visiting Professor and
Senior Research Fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International
Studies, Singapore. His Understanding Victory: Naval Operations from
Trafalgar to the Falklands was published by ABC Clio in 2014, and he
is currently working on a fourth edition of his Seapower: A Guide for the
21st Century.
Sam Bateman
Southeast Asian nations are acquiring more submarines for a range of
reasons. The utility of submarines for covert surveillance and intelligence
collection may be a more significant factor than the ability to sink ships.
However, perceptions of the deterrent value of submarines are also a fac-
tor. Submarines are a classic force multiplier requiring a disproportionate
S. Bateman (*)
University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
Operational Dangers
As the regular occurrence of submarine accidents around the world dem-
onstrates, submarines are inherently dangerous vehicles. In acquiring
submarines for the first time or building up submarine fleets, regional
countries may be underestimating the risks of submarine operations.
Even a relatively minor accident onboard can have catastrophic conse-
quences. Then, there are the navigational risks associated with having
more submarines operating in areas with a high level of fishing activity
and dense shipping traffic. Parts of regional waters, particularly in and
around the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, are poorly charted,
posing the risk of a submerged submarine striking an uncharted sub-
merged reef or pinnacle.
The most infamous submarine accident in recent decades was the
sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea in August
2000 with the loss of its entire crew of 118 personnel. The full crew of
70 of the Chinese submarine Ming 361 suffered a similar fate in May
2003 when they all suffocated after a technical malfunction onboard
leaked toxic fumes.3 In January 2008, an Indian Navy submarine was
damaged after it collided with a merchant ship in the Arabian Sea.4 Then
Strategic Dangers
Numerous implications for regional security flow from the proliferation
of submarines in the region. As well as the risks of a submarine ‘arms
race’, there is a greater possibility of incidents involving submarines lead-
ing to increased tensions or even conflict. ‘Intruder’ submarine incidents,
such as a foreign submarine being detected submerged in another coun-
try’s territorial sea, may occur in the future as submarines increase in
number and regional anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities improve.
States are extremely secretive when discussing submarine issues. This
is contrary to the desirable principle of transparency in military acqui-
sition programmes and operations. Surveillance, reconnaissance and
Longer-term Dangers
Longer-term dangers arise from the proliferation of submarine fleets in
Southeast Asia. There is potential for worrying developments with the
proliferation of cruise missiles and even weapons of mass destruction.
Submarine-launched land-attack missiles, mainly cruise missiles, such as
Tomahawk, by the USA and its allies, have been a major development
with submarine weapons that other countries are now seeking to emu-
late.28 However, while cruise missiles are superficially attractive, consider-
able investment in external targeting systems is required if the long-range
potential of these systems is to be exploited. This is likely to be beyond
Southeast Asian countries in the foreseeable future although more tech-
nologically advanced and larger navies, such as those of China, India and
Japan, will pursue their development.
Looking into the future, great advances continue to be made with
ASW and submarine detection. These developments may be shifting the
balance against the submarine. While technological developments with
making submarines stealthier have almost reached a limit, developments
continue with the ability to detect submarines both with acoustic and
with non-acoustic systems—and with some mix of both. Perhaps it is not
going too far to predict that in the foreseeable future submarines may
become more detectable in coastal waters.29 Thus, submarines may lose
some of their attractiveness to regional navies.
Vast improvements in signal processing, which allow very small sig-
nals to be processed, have increased the performance of acoustic sensors.
However, they still suffer from limitations dictated by the laws of the
physics, and their performance has probably been taken about as far as
it comes, except for developments with networking systems and different
sensors. Hence, much greater attention is now being given to non-acous-
tic ASW sensors. These gain importance because submarines have become
quieter, and greater attention is being given to littoral waters where the
performance of acoustic sensors may be significantly degraded.30
1. Collin Koh Swee Lean, ‘Submarines in Southeast Asia: Proliferation,
Not a Race’, The Diplomat, 30 January 2014,
2. This chapter draws on Sam Bateman, ‘Perils of the Deep—The Dangers
of Submarine Proliferation in the Seas of East Asia’, Asian Security, 7(1)
2011, pp. 61–84.
3. ‘70 sailors aboard China sub die in mystery accident’, Defense-Aerospace, 3
May 2003,
4. ‘Submarines fails to detect ship, collides’, Hindustan Times, 11 January
5. Charles Bremner and David Brown, ‘Silent: French and British crash subs
deaf to each other’, The Australian, 18 February 2009,,25197,25069697-31477,0.
6. P.K. Ghosh, ‘Short-sighted Submarine saga’, The New Indian Express,
28 August 2013,
7. ‘US Navy asked to share sub detail’, BBC News, 1 May 2010, http://
8. Keiligh Baker and Richard Spillett, ‘Trainees may have been at the con-
trols of £1.1billion British nuclear submarine when it crashed into a
tanker off Gibraltar’, Daily Mail, 23 July 2016,
9. Gerry J. Gilmore, ‘Sub Skipper Reprimanded for Ehime Maru Incident’,
American Forces Press Service, 25 April 2001,
10. Andrew Scutro, ‘Tethered sailors washed off sub, report finds’, Navy
Times, 17 April 2007,
11. ‘US submarine, Japanese ship collide’, China Daily, 9 January 2007,
12. ‘Submarine rams into ship as navigator listens to iPod’, The Economic
Times, 11 April 2010,
13. Commander Michael Dobbs USN (Rtd), ‘Preventing Undersea Mishaps’,
US Naval Institute Proceedings, 136(6) June 2010, p. 23.
14. Jan Joel Andersson, ‘Submarine Capabilities and Conventional Deterrence
in Southeast Asia’, Contemporary Security Policy, 36(3) 2015, pp. 473–497.
15. Ibid., p. 478.
16. Ibid., p. 483.
17. Views expressed at the workshop on Submarine Acquisitions in Southeast
Asia: Problems and Prospects hosted by RSIS in Singapore 13 November
18. Roger Thornhill, ‘Modern Under Sea Warfare’, The Navy, The Navy
League of Australia, 69(4) October–December 2007, p. 24.
19. Kim Eun-jung, ‘S. Korean Navy offers insight into demanding submarine
life’, Yonhap News Agency, 4 August 2013,
20. Noel Towell, ‘Hello sailor! Navy offers $50,000 per man in bid to keep
sub fleet afloat’, The Canberra Times, 4 February 2016,
21. Norman Friedman, Seapower as Strategy—Navies and National Interests
(Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2001), p. 261.
22. A comprehensive review of the legal standards governing submarine
espionage operations and the rights and duties of affected coastal states
is provided in James Kraska, ‘Putting Your Head in the Tiger’s Mouth:
Submarine Espionage in Territorial Waters’, Columbia Journal of
Transnational Law, 54 (16), 2015, pp. 164–247.
23. Desmond Rice and Arthur Gavshon, The Sinking of the Belgrano (London:
Secker and Warburg, 1984).
24. Sam Bateman, ‘Clashes at Sea: Why Chinese vessels harass US ships’, RSIS
Commentary, No. 27/2009, 13 March 2009.
25. UNCLOS Article 20.
26. Archipelagic waters are those within archipelagic baselines around the out-
ermost limits of the archipelago drawn in accordance with Article 47 of
UNCLOS. Archipelagic waters come under full sovereignty of the archi-
pelagic state with the exceptions of the rights of innocent passage and
archipelagic sea lanes passage.
James Goldrick
J. Goldrick (*)
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
not possess and would need to develop or acquire. Unlike every current
nuclear submarine operator, there is no domestic nuclear power industry
and Australia has only a single reactor for medical research and experi-
ments. However, there are very few (if any) other navies that expect
non-nuclear submarines to deploy at such great distances and main-
tain themselves in distant operating areas for so long. Having to meet
the operational requirements with a conventionally propelled boat thus
makes a unique, tailored-for-Australia design the only option for its
navy. This was recognised as far back as the 1970s and resulted in the six
Collins class boats, built in Australia to a Swedish design, which entered
service in the late 1990s.
Submarines need expert and well-trained personnel who are psycho-
logically suited to working for long periods in confined environments.
The RAN has faced significant difficulties in maintaining its expert work-
force. While some of these problems have resulted from factors related to
internal culture and management, as well as the challenge of holding onto
experienced technical personnel who are extremely attractive to domestic
and international industry, others have related to the availability of the
boats themselves. The workforce for a submarine fleet requires careful
planning, and the design of a new submarine class must make the training
and career requirements of its crews a key element. There are real prob-
lems achieving this with a force of six units or fewer unless extensive over-
seas support is available, including at-sea training facilities (such as those
required to qualify new commanding officers). Submarine skills take time
to develop and can degrade quickly. A shortfall in training days over even
a relatively brief period can have serious consequences lasting for years
and this is why serviceability problems in a small force can be so signifi-
cant. It should be easier, not harder, to crew a larger fleet because more
berths will be available for training and there is less likelihood of restric-
tions on training missions. A larger submarine force also makes it easier
for air and surface anti-submarine units to develop and maintain their
skills because there are more live ‘targets’ available. For all these reasons,
although the larger submarine fleet of twelve units which Australia plans
will be a formidable proposition in workforce terms, it will also reduce
some of the problems which have been endemic to the Australian effort.
The formidable task of designing a modern submarine is not within
the capability of Australian industry working alone, although there are
domestic skills that help make Australia a ‘smart customer’ and the new
boats will be built in-country. The involvement of an overseas partner
There is also the need to accept and factor into the budget any pre-
mium for in-country construction. Recent media reporting suggested
that 30% will be the estimated additional cost of building the new sub-
marines in Australia over constructing them in the designer’s yard over-
seas.9 Fierce debates rage amongst economists over the likely benefits for
the rest of the economy from such activity, or whether the opportunity
costs may be too great.10
Unless work on the future Australian submarine begins soon, there is
a possibility that a ‘capability gap’—a period during which the Australian
Navy does not have enough submarines to meet its operational tasking
and training requirements—will result sometime late next decade. There
is very little scope for further delay. Because of earlier tardiness in get-
ting the future submarine programme moving, Australia may have only
just enough time to produce a new fleet of submarines before the Collins
class boats retire. This assumes that all goes well with a life-extension
programme for the Collins boats—and even a 10-year extension leaves
little margin to further delay the future submarine programme.
There is, however, no compelling business case for an ‘interim’ sub-
marine capability to help bridge any gap. Australia would then have to
manage two or three classes of submarine over more than a decade,
and the cost, complexity and personnel challenges in doing that would
be likely to exceed the capacities of the Australian Navy, the rest of the
Australian Defence Organisation and the defence industry. The recent
release of the latest of five reports on the sustainment of the submarine
force has also given much more confidence in the ability to provide the
capability at the level required as well as an explicit warning about what
lies ahead. The improvements over the last few years have been called a
‘significant achievement’ and the Australian submarine force looks to be
in good shape, but there will be many challenges in managing the ‘inter-
twined’ requirements of the existing fleet and its replacement.11
1. Defence White Paper 2016 4.25, p. 90.
2. Defence White Paper 2016 4.25, p. 90.
3. h t t p : / / w w w. t e l e g r a p h . c o . u k / n e w s / w o r l d n e w s / e u r o p e /
to-bottom-of-sea.html and
approves-critical-design-review-of-s-80-submarine/ See also: Stephen
Saunders IHS Jane’s Fighting Ships 2016-2017 (Coulsdon, HIS, 2016).
10. h ttp://
12. See US Office of Naval Intelligence report: The PLA Navy: New
Capabilities and Missions for the 21st Century (Washington DC, ONI,
2015), especially pp. 18–20.
13. Robert L. Scheina, ‘Where Were Those Argentine Subs?’ U.S. Naval
Institute Proceedings, March 1984, pp. 115–120.
Author Biography
James Goldrick is a retired Rear Admiral, RAN. He joined the RAN in 1974,
and, after completing an Arts Degree at UNSW Kensington, graduated from the
RAN College at the end of 1978. He commanded HMA Ships Cessnock and
Sydney (twice), the multinational maritime interception force in the Persian Gulf,
the Australian Defence Force Academy (twice), Border Protection Command
and the Australian Defence College. He is an Adjunct Professor in the School
40 J. Goldrick
Yoji Koda
Y. Koda (*)
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), Tokyo, Japan
force started losing some of its best trained boats, which were, once,
counted as one of the most reliable assets against the US Pacific Fleet.
While the IJN’s submarine force was employed in indispensable transport
operations, which were most unsuitable missions for fleet submarines, the
force started suffering attrition in quantity in the later months of 1943.
Another factor in the IJN’s submarine operations in the Second World
War was an operational development that eventually became a real game
changer in anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations in the Pacific.
Improvements and adjustments made by the US Navy were deathblows
to the Combined Fleet’s submarine force. By late 1943, the US Navy
had transplanted to the Pacific the new ASW equipment and tactics
which had been developed in the Battles of the Atlantic, which were the
real causes of the Allied victory over German U-boats.
Ironically, as casualties of once formidable IJN aviation forces had
accumulated to a dangerous level through a series of combats and
engagements, from Midway to the Solomon Islands, the Combined Fleet
had no other options but to shift its core striking force from exhausted
aviation units, to the relatively still-capable submarine force, in late 1943.
For example, the Combined Feet, for the first time, deployed large num-
bers of submarines for ambush and intercept operations against US car-
rier task force and invasion units operating near the Gilbert Islands, since
only a limited number of land-based aircraft were available to attack the
US invasion forces from nearby islands. However, in spite of a huge pre-
deployment estimate and high expectations for the submarine forces,
many of the boats were sunk. Because of the large losses, moreover,
there was no way to confirm the damage that the deployed submarines
had inflicted US forces invading the Gilbert islands. Even worse for the
Combined Fleet was that the real casualties of its submarine force—
losing of six fleet submarines out of nine deployed for the operation—
turned to be extremely serious.
These boats were the first victims of IJN’s submarine force, in quan-
tity, hunted by the US Navy’s ASW forces using new operational con-
cepts. This marked just the beginning of the full demise of the IJN’s
submarine force 20 months later.
There was another serious problem in the Combined Fleet’s inability
to gain lessons learned. Due to the large loss of the boats, the Combined
Fleet could not receive sufficient post-action reports, in terms of both
quality and quantity. Therefore, only extremely limited information
about the US Navy’s new ASW capabilities was reported by the surviving
44 Y. Koda
boats. So, the Combined Fleet had no idea about the real reasons for
the huge losses of its best boats, which had been expected to be used as
“trump cards” against the US fleet. Thus, the IJN failed to draw practical
lessons to counter the US Navy’s new ASW operations.
Unfortunately, the Combined Fleet, ignorant of the US Navy’s ASW
improvements, simply employed the same operational doctrines in sub-
sequent major naval engagements at Mariana Islands (lost 17/deployed
29) in June 1944 and the Philippines Archipelago (lost 7/deployed 14),
in October and November 1944, respectively. In those operations, the
submarine force had failed to establish their strategic goals, i.e., repel-
ling US invading forces and protecting the islands by destroying the US
Navy’s major units—especially aircraft carriers and transports. Instead,
the IJN submarines were annihilated in a series of Pacific Island battles.
By 1945, the Combined Fleet’s surviving submarine force was very
low after a huge attrition of its force in 1944, and those boats were
deployed to defend against the US invasion of Okinawa, from April to
June, but practically gained nothing.
Instead, the final attempt and struggle of the submarine force in
1945, was marked by a shift from ordinary anti-surface operations using
Long Lance torpedo, to attacks using “manned torpedoes.” The torpedo
system used for this operation was a modified Long Lance with one-
skipper’s seat, and was named “Kaiten” (reverse), with the strong hope
of changing the flow of the tide that was most unfavorable to Imperial
Japan at that time.
The earlier failure to stop US counterattacks both in Solomon Islands
and in mid-Pacific Islands theaters eventually forced the IJN and the
Combined Fleet to shift their main tactics from ordinary attacks to spe-
cial operations by manned weapons. The well-known “Kamikaze” was a
name for the special attack units in Japan’s aviation forces, but the IJN
also conducted manned attacks in all branches of the service. Kaiten was
the name for the submarine force.
For Imperial Japan in 1945, all of the last-gasp attempts to stop the
advance of US and Allied forces failed, and thus, the decisions to ter-
minate the war and to surrender were made in mid-August in 1945. In
summary, the IJN operated 156 submarines during the campaigns of the
Pacific war and lost 127 boats at the cost of about 11,000 crew mem-
Japan drew five essential lessons from the experience of the Pacific war,
transfused into the once interrupted blood flow of Japan’s submarine com-
munity at that time. The year 2015 also marked the 100 years anniversary
of Japan’s submarine history, i.e., 40 years in IJN and 60 years in JMSDF.
The JMSDF has built nine classes of submarines, totaling 51 SSKs,
since 1955—and, as of June 30, 2016, 17 operational and 2 training die-
sel submarines are in commission. However, the way the JMSDF oper-
ates its submarine force is much different from that of the IJN. The main
mission of the JMSDF’s submarine force has been the conduct of ASW
operations against adversary submarine forces.
Based on this concept, the military strategy of the JSDF has been
to build and maintain the defense posture of Japan by close coop-
eration between the JSDF and US forces under the Japan–US alliance.
Exceptions would be the outbreak of a military conflict, or aggression
of a small and limited size against Japan, and in those cases, the JSDF
should be solely responsible for taking appropriate military measures to
defend Japan. Therefore, the operational concept of the JSDF and US
forces has clearly been complimentary mission sharing, in which US
forces maximize their offensive operations, while the JSDF maximizes
their defensive operations. This is the fundamental essence of the so-
called Spear and Shield relationship between the JSDF and US forces.
Under this concept, since its formation in 1954, the JMSDF started
building up all its forces in various operational branches, such as surface,
50 Y. Koda
air, and submarine forces, to serve as custom-made ASW forces. The only
exception to this was the MCM force.
In its National Defense Program Outline (NDPO) in 1976, the
Government of Japan set targets for the force strength of the JSDF’s
three component services and those of JMSDF are listed below.
Surface Force
Four Escort Flotillas: 1 DDH, 2 DDGs, 5 DDs with 8 ASW Helicopters
Ten Escort Divisions: 3 DD/FF for coastal ASW operations
Total: 60 plus Destroyers and Frigates
Submarine Force
Six Submarine Divisions: 2~3 SSs/Division for Choke Point ASW
Total: 16 SSs
Fleet Air Force
Eight Fixed-wing ASW SQDNs
Eight Helicopter ASW SQDNs
Total: 100 Fixed-wing ASW Aircraft and 100 Helicopter ASW Aircraft
The target force levels above clearly show the fundamental nature of the
JMSDF as an all-dedicated ASW force to protect Japan’s SLOCS.
In order for the JMSDF to become a real ASW force, it was clear that
for the training and readiness of related units—i.e., surface and fleet air
forces—it was essential to have good and tough targets/adversary forces
available for them to practice against in various exercises. This was the
initial rationale for JMSDF to introduce its first submarine in 1955.
So, the JMSDF started building a few small SSKs in the early days. For
example, in the 1956 ship construction program, the JMSDF built a sin-
gle domestically designed SSK1 (1100/1400 ton: Note-1), and thereaf-
ter two classes—totaling four small SSKs (750/950 ton)—followed in
the 1959 and 1960 programs.
At the same time, the JMSDF, even immediately after its foundation,
had a strong intent to build a robust functioning SSK force in order to
cope with future maritime threats from the Soviet Pacific Fleet, under the
Japan–US Alliance umbrella. In this regard, producing a large number of
well-trained submariners, over a short period, was one of the key elements
in realizing this objective. These five small boats, which were relatively
low level in their performance compared to international standards at that
time, really contributed to realize this goal, and almost all submariners of
JMSDF in 1970s and 1980s were trained and qualified in them.
It was clear that the main operational objective of this force structure was
to make JMSDF a real ASW force.
Fully recognizing the advantages of new hull designs and original
ASW missions, JMSDF started constructing three classes of teardrop-
hulled boats. The first group of seven boats (Uzushio class: 1850/2400
ton) were built, starting in 1967. From 1975, an enlarged and improved
class of ten boats (Yushio class: 2200/2900 ton) were built. One note-
worthy improvement on this class was made by introducing a Harpoon
launch capability, and Harpoon missiles were installed as standard equip-
ment from the fifth boat of this class and after.
Following the second class, the JMSDF started construction of fur-
ther improved SSKs with the same teardrop style, but a slightly larger
hull, in 1986. The displacement of the new class (Harushio class) had
reached 2450/3200 ton, and seven of these boats were built from 1986
to 1992. Submarine towed array sonar (S-TASS) was installed on this
class, for the first time in the JMSDF, in order to improve their ASW
These three classes of SSKs, especially the second and third classes,
became the first real ASW capable submarines in JMSDF history and
were postured against the SSKs/SSNs of the Soviet Pacific Fleet. Their
operational concept was to patrol and ambush adversary units at three
strategic straits in and around Japan.
1. Combination of single hull (central part) and double hull (fore and
after parts) with cigar-shaped design,
2. Fully digitalized and integrated command and control system, and
new sonar system with rubber dome and flank arrays,
3. Installation of acoustic tiles, and
4. Introduction of further improved noise reduction measures.
In total, six boats were built, and all of them are still operational and in
fleet service. Additionally, a newly developed Type 89 torpedo, which is
considered to be an equivalent with US Navy’s Mk-48, was introduced
for this class. This torpedo really enhanced attack capabilities of the
Oyashio class.
In this period, the JMSDF initiated a new program to introduce an
air-independent propulsion (AIP) system that was expected to make up
for the inherent inferiority of underwater endurance of the diesel-electric
submarine. After intense paper examinations, the JMSDF selected
Sweden’s Stirling engine (SE) as an actual power plant for evaluation and
testing, and imported one set. Then, JMSDF spent 2 years shore-testing
this AIP system.
Then, an 8-meter (26 feet)-long hull compartment, carrying four sets
of SE and oxygen tanks, was inserted into the main hull of JS Asashio,
the last boat of the Harushio class (2450/3200 ton), and a precise and
in-depth shipboard test was conducted for another 2 years.
After solving all the problems and malfunctions found in the tests, the
safety and reliability of the SE were certified and confirmed for opera-
tional use. Then, the plant was finally authorized to be put into the fol-
low-on Soryu-class submarines. This class is an improved version of the
Oyashio class with new integrated sonar and combat systems.
One of the reasons why construction of Oyashio class was terminated
only at the sixth boat was an estimate that this long-waited SE-AIP sys-
tem would be available in time for the JFY-2004-construction boat,
and the JMSDF shifted from Oyashio design to a new hull in order to
accommodate putting the SE onboard. SE at this time was really consid-
ered to be a game changer in submarine’s ASW operations for the com-
ing years.
54 Y. Koda
JS Soryu (2950/4200 ton) was funded and built in the JFY 2004 pro-
gram, and six sisters are now in fleet service, and four are under con-
struction. Then, from the JFY 2015 boat (the 11th boat in the series),
a newly developed lithium-ion battery system will replace the SE, while
maintaining all the other systems of the original Soryu. Thus, the boat
with a new battery is still designated as a Soryu class.
There are several AIP systems for submarines in the world today; how-
ever, when all the merits and demerits of each type of AIP are taken into
account, SE and fuel cell (FC) have the most potential for future use in
SSKs. Thanks to its high reliability, low life cycle cost, and low initial
purchase cost, SE has a good chance to survive the race. However, due
to its fully matured status in technology as an AIP, there will be little
room left for SE to realize future growth or substantial improvement in
its performance.
By contrast, FC is still less matured in technological development
than SE, but areas of applications for FC in non-military markets, such
as automobiles and household appliances, have been expanding quickly
in the world. So, FC-related industries and other research organiza-
tions have been allocating a lot of resources for development efforts in
order to improve its reliability and endurance, as well as reduce costs.
These have resulted, for example, in the introduction of new catalyst and
hydrogen storage alloys. Thus, FC has greater development potential as a
submarine-installed AIP system in the future, compared to SE.
Having said this, however, in JMSDF’s experience, AIP has not
turned out to be a game changer, as originally expected, in underwater
warfare from operational point view. A key element of this issue is the
fact that AIP is really an air-independent engine, but at the same time,
AIP is an oxygen-dependent engine too, so running out of the oxygen,
that has to be carried onboard means the end of AIP for that patrol.
When this happens, AIP becomes only extra deadweight and takes up
space for no further use in SSK operations.
Especially and hypothetically, the average endurance of the two
types of AIPs onboard today’s diesel boats (2–4000 tons) is said to be
about 3 to 4 weeks, and this is about one-quarter of the average general
As the strategic environments in Asia Pacific region change, so do the
operational concepts of the JMSDF submarine force, while keeping
ASW as its main mission. In order to meet today’s security challenges,
the JMSDF’s submarine force is shifting its traditional mission of choke
points control from northern Japan to southwestern Japan. Also, it is
clear that maritime operations around the Japanese archipelago that sur-
rounds the East China Sea will be more important than before.
So, the JMSDF decided to increase the number of its submarines from
16 to 22 in 2010. This enlarged force will provide a good deterrence
force for Japan against neighboring nations by its chokepoints control
and ASUW capabilities. Even a large surface combatant, such as an air-
craft carrier, could be severely damaged and eventually be sunk by an
anti-ship missile and torpedo attack by submarine(s) which might inflict
killer flooding in the ship.
However, in order for the JMSDF to maintain the high quality of sub-
marines, which have been treasures of JMSDF, the tempo of submarine
expansion should be incremental, roughly, to build about one boat every
year. This is the bottom line to keep real war fighting capability balanced
with operational safety in the JMSDF submarine force.
Recently, Japan’s submarine community was involved in the recent
bidding for the next-generation submarine of Royal Australian Navy
(RAN). The final year-long decision of Australian Government to select
France’s proposal was a matter influenced by Australia’s domestic politi-
cal situation and a sovereign matter for that country. As such, there is
no room for Japan, which was one of three bidding nations and a loser
of the game, to raise any objections to a decision made by Australian
people. So, whatever the hard and sincere challenges Japanese team
made through the process to achieve victory, Japan clearly accepts the
Australian decision and is happy to respect the decision. Japan sincerely
hopes that the Franco-Australian project succeeds and that the next-gen-
eration boat will be totally successful. The new boat will surely enhance
and improve the multilateral operational posture between Japan, USA,
and Australia to meet future challenges against the stability of the Indo-
Pacific Region. The last thing Japan would want to do is to weaken our
decades-long close relationship with Australia. We should not make any
political gift to any willful third nation in the region.
1. Displacements of each class in this article are standard/submerged. Source:
Sekai-no-Kansen (Ships of the World), September 2015 (p. 821). The
Definition of JMSDF Standard Displacement is Full-load Displacement—
(minus) Fuel, Freshwater, Munitions, Crew, and Consumables.
2. In the National Defense Program Guideline of 2010, the Government of
Japan decided to increase the number of submarines in the JMSDF from
16 to 22, in order to meet regional security situations.
58 Y. Koda
Author Biography
Yoji Koda (VADM (Ret.)) Admiral Koda was in the class of 1972 at the
Japan Defense Academy and spent 36 years in the JMSDF as a qualified Surface
Warfare Officer. He took various command billets, including Commander-in-
Chief JMSDF Fleet, and his last shore staff assignment was as Director General
for Strategy, Plans and Policy in the Maritime Staff Office. After his retirement,
he spent 2 years as a Senior Fellow at the Asia Center, Harvard University, focus-
ing on PLA Navy strategy and is currently serving as an advisor to the National
Security Bureau.
Submarines, have been, are and will be central to Indonesian naval devel-
opment. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Indonesian
Submarine Corps (Korps Hiu Kencana), Indonesia’s then Defence
Minister Juwono Sudarsono wrote in December 2008 that “irrespective
of the country’s financial situation, the Indonesian military, (TNI) must
acquire submarines because of their excellent deterrence value”.1 Indeed,
on 24 March 2016, South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding and
R. Atriandi Supriyanto (*)
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University,
Acton, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Historical Experience
The continuous service of Indonesian submarines and the important
roles they played in history left a deep and long-lasting impression in
Indonesia’s naval traditions. Indonesian submarines were involved in
major operations that remain pre-eminent in national historical narra-
tives. The importance and contributions of Indonesian submarines in
these events have created the imperative to retain them: since submarines
were important in the past, they are important at present and will remain
so in the future. Relinquishing the submarine would be tantamount to
betraying the critical roles it played in Indonesia’s history.
Compared to other Southeast Asian navies, with almost six decades
of experience, Indonesia is the region’s longest submarine operator.
After Thailand decommissioned its Matchanu-class in 1951, Indonesia
became the first Southeast Asian submarine operator with the two
Whiskey-class boats acquired from the Soviet Union via Poland in 1959,
the RI Tjakra and Nanggala. Ten more Whiskey boats followed until
class, KRI Pasopati, was retired in January 1990. But before Pasopati
was officially retired from service, the Indonesian government had pur-
chased two U-209-class boats from the then West Germany, KRI Cakra
and KRI Nanggala10 in 1981–1982. KRI Cakra and KRI Nanggala
remained Indonesia’s only submarines as of April 2016.
Although DSME refurbished the U-209 boats, the Indonesian navy
reasoned that more submarines were needed for patrols. Earlier plans
to procure six second-hand Type-206 boats from Germany, however,
were shelved soon after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis hit Indonesia
hard.11 In 2005, the navy submitted its “Green-Water Navy” proposal to
achieve a 274-ship proposal that was later incorporated into Indonesia’s
military modernisation plan beginning 2010: the “minimum essential
force” (MEF). Divided into three stages (2010–2014, 2015–2019, and
2020–2024), the MEF plan outlines Indonesia’s ambition to acquire
up to twelve submarines by 2024.12 After it had shown initial inter-
est in the Russian Kilo, German–Turkish enhanced U-209, and French
Scorpene, Indonesia finally decided to opt for the South Korean Type-
209 Chang Bogo. The decision was intriguing, for the Kilo boats were
what the navy really wanted since Admiral Slamet Subijanto became chief
in 2005. According to Soebijanto, the desire for Russian boats owed to
their “formidable reputation” and competitive prices, in addition to the
“historical” attachment to the Whiskey during Indonesia’s naval heyday
in the early 1960s.13 By October 2006, the navy had submitted a pro-
posal to the Indonesian to procure twelve Russian submarines, including
four Kilo and two Amur class by 2024.14 Even after Indonesia decided
to opt for the Korean Type-209, the navy still keeps the Kilo option on
the table for the acquisition of the six to eight remaining boats planned
under the MEF.15 The decision to go with South Korea probably owed
to the Koreans’ offer with more quantity for money compared to other
Moreover, Indonesia is no stranger to Korean naval shipbuild-
ers. In the 1970s and 1980s, Indonesia ordered from Korea’s Tacoma
Masan four fast attack craft (Mandau-class) and six landing ships (Teluk
Semangka-class). Indonesia also bought from DSME a Makassar-class
landing platform dock (LPD) in 2000 and licence-built four more in
2007–2011. Being Seoul’s single largest overseas defence export to date,
the contract for the Nagahanda-class also came with “offset” policy to
train 206 Indonesian naval engineers from PT-PAL at DSME shipyard
who will build the third submarine in Indonesia.17 Having overhauled
Joint exercises
7% Others
Special Ops
Show the
Geographical Context
Located along the main shipping routes between the Indian and Pacific
Oceans, Indonesia’s archipelagic geography naturally places it as a mari-
time crossroads of the world (see Table 5.1). This geographical context
underpins Indonesia’s two important maritime strategic predicaments:
the notion of national unity amid a fragmented archipelagic geography,
and the dilemma of a maritime crossroads. Both strategic predicaments
expose Indonesia’s sense of vulnerability against foreign maritime pres-
ence in the archipelago. Such vulnerability necessitates the retention of
submarines in the fleet.
Table 5.1 Indonesian
Islandsa 17,508
maritime characteristics Land 1,890,739 km2
Sea 6,315,222 km2
Territorial sea 282,583 km2
Archipelagic waters 3,092,085 km2
EEZ 2,936,345 km2
Continental shelf 2,749,001 km2
Coastline 99,093 km
Politically, Indonesia was concerned with its domestic national unity, polit-
ical stability, and national security. There are pockets of waters or the so-
called high-seas cutting between her islands. Indonesia watched helplessly
as submarines and other warships of foreign powers conducted manoeu-
vres only a short distance away from her coast in the waters on the sea
between the islands, often within eyesight from the coast. The fabric of
Indonesian national unity was at that time being challenged by various sep-
aratist and provincial movements largely based on “islands” sentimental-
ity as the result of the colonial policy in the past. Indonesia’s experiences
have indicated that whenever there was a domestic dissension, the dissenter
group was likely to receive clandestine support from the outside either by
air droppings or from foreign submarine and ships along the coast.31
Strategic Funnels
Entitled the “Archipelagic Sea Defence Strategy” (Strategi Pertahanan
Laut Nusantara, SPLN), the Indonesian naval strategy focuses attention
to the “strategic funnels” (corong strategis) as the maritime gateways into
Sea in the north and the Flores Sea in the south, Palu would provide
Indonesian submarines a closer access than Surabaya to patrol the adja-
cent second ASL (“ALKI II”), which runs along the choke points of
Lombok–Makassar Straits axis, as well as the third ASL (“ALKI III”),
which partly encompasses other important straits, such as the Ombai and
Wetar (see Table 5.2). Indeed, in the Second World War the Japanese
regarded the Lombok Strait as a “submarine highway” and made it a
heavily patrolled area against Allied submarines.65 The Ombai and Wetar
Straits also provide the required depth and width for safe navigation of
nuclear submarines, which make them critical for US strategic deterrence
Announced in March 2016, the third base will be built in the Natuna
Besar Island, the largest of the Natuna Islands located in the South
China Sea. Recent standoffs between Chinese and Indonesian maritime
authorities due to purported overlaps of maritime claims near the Natuna
Islands, and the proximity to the China-occupied and militarised features
in the Spratly Islands, could make the Natuna Besar ideal for Indonesia
Table 5.2 Approximate sea distance and sail duration of Cakra-class from base
Historical experience, geographical context, and strategic funnels con-
stitute the three imperatives that make submarines remain relevant in
Indonesia’s naval strategy. Historical experience suggests that since
1. Juwono Sudarsono, “Sambutan Menteri Pertahanan dalam Penerbitan
Buku’50 Tahun Pengabdian Hiu Kencana” [Preface by the Defence
Minister on the Publication of the “50 Years’ Service of Hiu Kencana”],
in Wahyono S. K., ed., 50 Tahun Pengabdian Hiu Kencana 1959–2009
(Jakarta: Panitia Penerbitan Buku 50 Tahun Pengabdian HIU KENCANA,
2009), viii.
2. Ridzwan Rahmat, “DSME launches first Indonesian SSK”, Jane’s Navy
International, 24 March 2016.
3. Ridzwan Rahmat, “Indonesian Navy plans for submarine base in South
China Sea”, Jane’s Navy International, 31 March 2016.
4. Mrityunjoy Mazumdar, “Underwater aspirations break the surface in SE
Asia”, Jane’s Navy International, 7 October 2011.
5. Indroyono Susilo and Budiman, Kapal Selam Indonesia [Indonesian
Submarines] (Bogor: Penerbit Buku Ilmiah Populer, 2008), 70.
20. Goldrick and McCaffrie, Navies, 71; Toh Boon Kwan, “Brinkmanship and
Deterrence Success during the Anglo-Indonesian Sunda Straits Crisis,
1964–1966”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 36:3 (2005): 410.
21. Kwan, “Brinkmanship”, 410–411.
22. David Dickens, “The United Nations in East Timor: Intervention at the
Military Operational Level”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, 23:2 (2001):
23. Indonesian Navy Headquarters, Sejarah, 173.
24. Wies Platje, “Dutch Sigint and the Conflict with Indonesia, 1950–62”,
Intelligence and National Security, 16:1 (2001): 305.
25. Goldrick and McCaffrie, Navies, 71.
26. Soentoro, “Pengalaman Bertugas di Kapal Selam” [The Experience
Serving on Submarines] in Wahyono, 50 Tahun, 158–174.
27. Hasjim Djalal, Indonesia and the Law of the Sea (Jakarta: Centre for
Strategic and International Studies, 1995), 294.
28. Dino Patti Djalal, The Geopolitics of Indonesia’s Maritime Territorial Policy
(Jakarta: Centre for Strategic and International Studies, 1996), 63–69.
29. Julious Pour, Laksamana Sudomo: Mengatasi Gelombang Kehidupan
[Admiral Sudomo: Overcoming the Swells of Life] (Jakarta: Gramedia
Widiasarana, 1997), 143; “Walrus”, Dutch Submarines,
30. Audrey Kahin and George Kahin, Subversion as Foreign Policy: The Secret
Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia (Seattle: University of
Washington Press, 1997), 121.
31. Djalal, Indonesia, 337.
32. Marsetio, Sea Power Indonesia (Jakarta: Universitas Pertahanan, 2014),
33. Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto, “Developing Indonesia’s Maritime Strategy
under President Jokowi”, The Asan Forum, 4:1 (2016).
34. UNCLOS article 49; Donald Rothwell, “The Indonesian Straits incident:
Transit or archipelagic sea lanes passage?” Marine Policy, 14:6 (1990):
35. Sam Bateman, “Perils of the Deep: The Dangers of Submarine
Proliferation in the Seas of East Asia”, Asian Security, 7:1 (2011): 72–73.
36. Kwan, “Deterrence”, 402.
37. Leonard Sebastian, Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto, and I. Made Andi Arsana,
“Beyond the Archipelagic Outlook: The Law of the Sea, Maritime
Security and the Great Powers”, in Christopher Roberts, Ahmad Habir,
and Leonard Sebastian, ed., Indonesia’s Ascent: Power, Leadership, and the
Regional Order (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 313.
Author Biography
Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto Indonesian Presidential Ph.D. Scholar with the
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University. He is
also a former Associate Research Fellow with the Maritime Security Programme
at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.
A submarine is an inherently offensive weapon system that combines
stealth, mobility and firepower, enabling it to conduct various peace and
wartime missions. Prior to the advent of nuclear propulsion, the diesel-
electric powered submarine (SSK) has already proven its worth in com-
bat. There are many recent examples. A Dutch SSK supported anti-piracy
operations off the Horn of Africa under NATO’s Operation Ocean Shield
in 2010.1 More recently in November 2015, the Russian SSK Rostov-On-
Don launched long-range cruise missile strikes at Islamic State targets in
Syria—a task that has traditionally been conducted by nuclear-powered
boats. These examples demonstrate the continued value of the SSK.
Small navies certainly cannot hope to acquire nuclear-powered under-
sea capabilities given the cost, technical complexity and vast infrastructure
involved. The modern SSK—equipped with advanced combat systems,
better quieting features and performance-enhancing “add-ons” such as air
independent propulsion (AIP)—is therefore a “strategic asset” of signifi-
cance for lower-tier navies. Despite the finances and technical complexity
involved, the investment is, at least in theory, well worth it: the SSK pro-
vides the weak navy with an asymmetric means of deterrence which helps
complicate the stronger naval adversary’s planning. A well-equipped SSK
manned by a well-trained crew capable of taking advantage of familiar-
ity with the local operating environment can still attain disproportionately
significant strategic effects. In other words, the SSK can be a credible
force multiplier for small navies. Thus, it is no wonder that a small navy
such as Singapore’s is keen on maintaining a submarine capability.
The Singapore case is interestingly unique since it is a small country
without the vast maritime zones of its neighbours and yet maintains a
submarine force that is larger and arguably more capable than theirs.
Accordingly, Singapore’s submarine policy shows how it views national
security. The SSK offers a way out of Singapore’s geostrategic and geo-
political conundrum, by essentially serving as a force multiplier for its
overall ability to defend its national interests effectively.
ships. Like any navy worldwide, the RSN is also a flexible foreign policy
instrument not only playing a primary role in the country’s immedi-
ate geographic area, but also contributing a secondary role to “out-of-
area” international security, for instance counter-piracy operations in the
Gulf of Aden.3 Thus, the RSN illustrates the two fundamental pillars of
Singapore’s defence: deterrence and diplomacy. As such, it has to maintain
a balanced set of capabilities to cover a spectrum of peacetime constabu-
lary (or, Operations Other Than War, OOTW) and wartime missions.
Nonetheless, it is going to remain a small navy due to financial and
manpower constraints. The latter factor is a particular key consideration,
given Singapore’s declining birth rates. The RSN therefore has to tran-
scend these limitations in order to maximise its effectiveness. One way is
to leverage on military hi-tech to compensate for manpower difficulties.
A “lean and mean” RSN submarine force could then be a very useful
force multiplier for peacetime deterrence and in times of war, for extend-
ing Singapore’s seaward defence, complicating the adversary’s plans
and interdicting its forces in the likely sea approaches in the Straits of
Malacca and Singapore as well as the SCS.4
Singapore’s policymakers also sometimes claim that a strong navy
contributes to regional security.5 This is in the context of the spate of
naval armament taking place in the broader Indo-Pacific region in which
submarine proliferation has become a key element as regional countries
become wealthier and likewise see the advantages of an undersea “force
multiplier” capability.
However, taking no chances while exploiting its relatively stable
economic health, Singapore continues to try to leapfrog its potential
competitors in military technology. To this end, in December 2013,
Singapore purchased a pair of new German-built SSKs, dubbed Type-
218SG, the first of which is slated to enter service before 2020. This pair
will allow the eventual phasing out of the ageing Challenger (Swedish
A12 Sjöormen) and augment the newer pair of Archer (Swedish A17
Västergotland) boats.
The question nonetheless arises: Are submarines merely prestige items
for Singapore? On the one hand, they have considerable utility for the
RSN’s littoral environment. The South China Sea, for example, is a
“submarine haven” with its deep patches, varied saline conditions, rug-
ged underwater terrain and rich marine biodiversity that altogether com-
plicate and frustrate enemy anti-submarine efforts. Submarines clearly
serve immediate practical defence and security needs for Singapore.
ing programme to train about 40 personnel. This was then followed by the purchase of three additional A12
boats in 1997 and the signing of a landmark submarine training agreement with Sweden in February 1998.
On the other hand, prestige also generates its own deterrent effect.6
For this, simply having submarines is not enough: Singapore must show
it can sustain, operate and maintain them too. The RSN’s undersea capa-
bility development is deliberately planned and implemented, as shown in
Table 6.1.
Singapore’s interest in acquiring an undersea capability stretches back
to the 1980s, when it began a feasibility study, including a visit by a RSN
delegation to Sweden.7 However, with funding constraints submarines
had less priority than building surface forces, particularly new missile
corvettes to provide an ASW capability for the first time.
It was not until the early 1990s that fiscal circumstances facilitated con-
crete moves into submarine acquisition. To this end, virtually the entire
fleet of A12 boats retired by the Swedes was acquired. The rationale was
based on prudence. Firstly, the RSN was a newcomer into the undersea
arena, and these second-hand SSKs provided a suitable platform for train-
ing and assimilation purposes. Secondly, acquiring second-hand instead of
new-build submarines minimised the risks involved in first building such
a capability. The A12 boats were much less expensive as a cost-effective
“starter platform,” for training and actual operations8 especially as they
had been well maintained by the Swedes and remained in good condition.
The A12 boats, christened the Challenger class, helped build the core
of the RSN’s submariners and institutional expertise and know-how. This
“seed capability” came at a time when many Southeast Asian navies were
also engaged in modernisation, but the RSN was able to forge ahead
Enablers and Constraints
In view of its strategic imperatives, the submarine forms a key facet of
Singapore’s quest for a balanced navy. Fortuitously, Singapore’s quest for
a submarine capability has been made possible by a series of economic,
1. “Dutch submarine to help NATO combat piracy off Somali coast”, North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, 28 June 2010; at:
2. Though not a claimant, Singapore is keen on upholding freedom of navi-
gation and overflight in the area to insure its national survival and pros-
3. Swee Lean Collin Koh, “‘Best Little Navy in Southeast Asia’: The Case
of the Republic of Singapore Navy”, in Michael Mulqueen, Deborah
Sanders and Ian Speller, Small Navies: Strategy and Policy for Small
Navies in War in Peace (Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.), 120–121.
4. Swee Lean Collin Koh, “Seeking Balance: Force Projection, Confidence
Building, and the Republic of Singapore Navy”, Naval War College
Review, Vol. 65, No. 1 (Winter 2012), pp. 75–92.
5. Sanjay Pereira, “Singapore may buy subs if needed, says Dr Lau”, Straits
Times, 11 December 1994; “New sub enhances stealth, endurance capabili-
ties of the RSN”, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Singapore, 17 June 2009.
6. Ken Booth, Navies and Foreign Policy (London: Croom Helm; NY:
Crane, Russak, 1977), 51, 54.
7. “Singapore to take close look at Kockums submarines”, Svenska
Dagbladet, 16 August 1989.
8. Less than a month after the RSN purchased the first A12 boat from
Sweden, then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew remarked that the subma-
rine purchase was not attributed to any regional anxiety over China’s
military build-up but because it was cheap. “Here is the Swedish sub-
marine”, he said. “The economy is doing well and it is a cheap sub.
Its purchase will still be within the five percent of GDP (gross domes-
tic product) assigned to defence. So, why not use it for some training?”
“New submarine not linked to Asian arms race – Lee”, Reuters News, 11
October 1995.
9. Even though the Archer class was commonly touted as the A17
Västergotland, actually it should be more accurately seen as a Singapore
version of the Södermanland class instead.
10. The author made this observation during one of his visits to the base,
when seen from the deck of a foreign warship on port visit to Singapore,
and via RSN-released photographs (including those of President Tony
Tan’s visit to Changi Naval Base by in early March 2016; see third picture
in the photo gallery on the Ministry of Defence webpage, at: http://
mar/02mar16_nr.html). This facility is co-located with the open berths
and appears to be sturdily built and hardened with concrete and rein-
forced steel. It is also situated in front of the 171 Squadron Headquarters
building. The structure is clearly designed to house submarines, since
the opening is too low in height for any surface warships with a sizeable
superstructure and mast to enter (except unmanned surface vessels or
USVs, but the facility would be too large to just house them). It could
well be a multi-purpose hardened shelter, but the most likely asset to
require such protective measures should be the submarine.
11. “Republic of Singapore Navy Launches New Submarine Training
Centre”, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Singapore, 11 March 2015.
12. This blueprint outlined three key capability enhancements to revitalise
the RSN and keep in pace with contemporary technological develop-
ments and evolving security environment: a fleet of eight Littoral Mission
Vessels (LMVs) to replace the existing Fearless class patrol vessels and
Bedok class mine countermeasures vessels; two Type-218SG submarines
as well as one or two Joint Multi-Mission Ships (JMSS) which are to pos-
sess larger capacity than the existing landing platform docks. Speech by
Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence, at Committee of Supply Debate
2014, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Singapore, 6 March 2014.
13. Fresh details of the Type-218SG were revealed during the International
Maritime Defence Exhibition (IMDEX) Asia 2015, when its model was
showcased at the ThyssenKrupp Marine System GmbH (TKMS) booth.
The boat measures 70 m long and 6.3 m wide, weighing 2000 tons.
Besides sharing certain characteristics as the RSN’s former Swedish boats,
for example the X-shaped rudders, this boat has eight torpedo tubes
and is equipped with an AIP. “Model of Singapore’s new submarines on
display”, Straits Times, May 20, 2015. See also, Kelvin Wong, “TKMS
starts construction of Singapore’s Type 218SG submarines”, Jane’s Navy
International, 28 June 2015.
14. The author gathered from his conversation with industrial representatives
involved in the Type-218SG project that the RSN would have been keen
to stick to Swedish boats, for example the A19 Götland or new-generation
A26, if not because Kockums—which constructed the A12 and A17 and
has cultivated a long working relationship with the RSN—was forbidden
to submit its bid, especially given its earlier acquisition by TKMS in 2011.
Author Biography
Collin Koh Swee Lean is a Research Fellow at the Maritime Security Programme,
part of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies which is a constituent unit
of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). He is especially inter-
ested in researching on naval affairs in the Indo-Pacific, focusing on Southeast Asia
in particular, and generally issues related to naval technologies, naval modernisa-
tion, naval arms control and the offence–defence theory. Collin also taught at the
Military Studies Programme and taught various professional military education
and training courses with the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute. Prior
to join the Maritime Security Programme, Collin worked at the Military Studies
Programme (2010–2014) and the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies
(2008–2010), also at RSIS.
Dzirhan Mhadzir
D. Mhadzir (*)
Malaysian Armed Forces Defence College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
transit through the narrow Straits of Malacca every time if it was based
there but deploying eastwards. The RMN naval base at Kuantan while
giving access to open seas was too small and too close to the commer-
cial port for the submarines to operate from there and building another
base on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia was rejected due to the
East Coast’s propensity for flooding and being more vulnerable to the
monsoon season. In any event, Peninsular Malaysia was too close to
neighbouring countries for submarines to be operated unnoticed. RMN
Kota Kinabalu on the other hand was ideal, being well away from neigh-
boring countries and enjoying easy access to open seas and it was slated
to be the main naval headquarters and base in East Malaysia with the
planned relocation from RMN Labuan, which was being handed back
to the civil authorities there. As far as the writer knows, the proximity of
Sepanggar to the Spratly Islands played very little part in the decision,
which was unsurprising given that at that time, the issue of competing
claims in the South China Sea had quietened down. Cost factors pre-
vented the RMN’s original plan of a submarine base built into a cavern
as the Swedish Navy had.
The RMN’s first submarine, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman returned to
Malaysia in September 2009 where it subsequently began operational
trials. Reports then emerged in January to February 2010 where it was
revealed that there were several defects in the submarine which tempo-
rarily rendered it unable to dive. This was successfully seized upon by
the political opposition and made into a mantra that the Malaysian sub-
marines could not dive at all times plus coupled with the ongoing con-
troversy over the submarine purchase and the murder of Altantuya led
to the submarines having a poor image among some segments of the
public. In 2011, in order to quell persistent claims that the submarines
could not operate and dive, then Defence Minister Dato Seri Ahmad
Zahid Hamidi arranged for Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, a key
opposition figure to embark on the submarine KD Tun Abdul Razak
and experience the submarine travelling underwater. While this tempo-
rarily quelled the mantra of the submarines being unable to operate, the
image of the Malaysian submarines as a byword for wastage and corrup-
tion along with the linkages to a murder continues to persist particularly
with Dato Seri NajibTun Razak’s tenure as Prime Minister.
During the 2013 Sulu incursion, segments of the public queried
why the submarines could not prevent the incursion, and in 2014, dur-
ing the search for MH370, an erroneous Singapore news report on the
at RMN Kota Kinabalu, where BDNC has several purpose built facili-
ties for the task, with three completed workshops being handed over on
16 January 2016 by the RMN to BDNC. While the submarine support
facilities are for the use of the RMN, they could in the long term form
also a useful infrastructure facility for the USA and Australian submarines
operating in the region. Particularly with DCNS winning the Australian
Collins class replacement programme, the USA and Malaysia have been
increasing submarine cooperation with annual port calls by USN subma-
rines and submarine tenders to RMN Kota Kinabalu along with annual
staff talks and so has Australia, with the most recent being the submarine
HMAS Dechaineux carrying out a 2-day exercise with the RMN subma-
rine KD Tunku Abdul Rahman between 12–14 October 2015.
Initially in 2006, Malaysia held a trilateral submarine staff talks with
the Royal Australian Navy and US Navy but in 2007 this had changed
into separate annual bilateral talks by the RMN with both navies and as
mentioned earlier both the RAN and US Navy have had a continuous
series of engagement and cooperation. The RMN also is gearing itself
up for increased interoperability with the US submarine force, as was
highlighted in a US Navy release in September 2015 after the RMN and
US Navy Submarine Staff Talks 2015 held in Guam. Here, it was stated
that the talks focused on reviewing and establishing plans for joint train-
ings and exercises in 2016 and beyond.4 A further example of the RMN
submarine force moving towards interoperability with their US counter-
parts is seen in the acquisition of a Ship Interface Template Set (SITS).
On 4 January 2016, the Malaysian Ministry of Defence issued a tender
for the transportation of a completed SITS from the USA to RMN Kota
Kinabalu. SITS comprises support structures that are welded onto a ves-
sel’s deck enabling the rapid integration of the US Navy’s Submarine
Rescue Diving and Recompression System (SRDRS) and Pressurised
Rescue Module System (PRMS) on a Vessel of Opportunity. In this case,
the SITS would allow the RMN’s submarine rescue ship MV Mega Bakti
to deploy the US systems which in turn would only be required if con-
ducting a rescue of a USN submarine rather than an RMN for which
the MV Mega Bakti already has the integral equipment.5 The MV Mega
Baktitook part in the 2016 Pacific Reach submarine rescue exercise held
in the Republic of Korea from 23 May to 3 June 2016 in which among
the exercises it was involved included simulated rescues of personnel
from an RAN submarine and a ROKN submarine.6 The MV Mega Bakti
is operated by a private Malaysian company, Target Resources SdnBhd,
under a 20 year service contract, originally the contract was to have been
award in 2009, but the Finance Ministry told the Defence Ministry to
renegotiate the deal and it was thus only awarded in 2012.
Malaysia hosted the annual Asia Pacific Submarine Conference in
September 2014 where the theme was “Enhancing Interoperability for
Safety”, the conference was attended by 61 participants which as well as
international navies also included the International Submarine Escape
and Rescue Liaison Office (ISMERLO).7
Cooperation has also being going on constantly with the French
Navy and French Navy officers were previously stationed at the Ministry
of Defence in Kuala Lumpur to assist with the RMN submarine pro-
ject before being relocated to RMN Kota Kinabalu with the arrival of
the RMN submarines in Malaysia. The most recent exercise between the
French Navy and RMN was a 2-day Combined Anti-Submarine Exercise
(Casex) between the submarine KD Tun Razak and the French Navy
frigate Provence between 16–18 February 2016. During the Casex, the
RMN Submarine Force Chief of Staff, Capt Baharudin Wan Md Nor
told the media that a number of RMN submarine personnel had already
clocked more than 10,000 h underwater in 7 years of operations.8
Beyond such exercises, the RMN has made it a policy not to generally
disclose the operational activities of its submarines though occasionally
that policy is relaxed with postings on social media and disclosures to
the media via press statements or postings on the RMN’s official home
page. The current RMN Chief, Admiral Tan Sri Kamarulzaman Ahmad
Badaruddin posted a tweet on twitter on 28 June 2016 announcing an
RMN submarine had reached a 21 days at sea milestone while the official
account for the RMN Submarine Force, RMN Subforce tweeted on 21
August that it had completed a 4th Black Shark torpedo launch since the
submarine’s return to Malaysia.9 It is expected that the RMN submarines
are employed in the traditional submarine peacetime role of conducting
covert surveillance and patrols.
The Black Shark torpedoes and the sub launched SM39 Exocet mis-
sile form the Scorpene’s armament and the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman
conducted a live test firing on 26 July 2010 in the South China Sea. The
weapon, launched from a distance of 40 km and when the submarine was
at a depth of 55 m, successfully destroyed a 40-m long target. The fir-
ing was part of an exercise that the submarine was taking part in. That
exercise, Operation Sea Training Exercise/Fleet Integration Training
With Submarine 2010 (OSTEX/SUB FIT 2010) involved 10 other
104 D. Mhadzir
RMN ships including the frigates KD Lekiu and KD Lekir and the Patrol
Vessels KD Perak, KD Terengganu, KD Pahang and KD Kedah and 1000
personnel from the RMN and Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). Also
participating were elements of the RMN’s special forces, diving and air
defence teams. The RMAF fielded two BAE Hawks, a Beechcraft 200T
Maritime Patrol Aircraft and an S-61 helicopter for the exercise. The
exercise was staged from the RMN’s COMNAV 2 HQ at RMN Kota
Kinabalu. An RMN official press release on the exercise stated that the
purpose of the exercise was to assess the RMN’s fleet readiness, develop
the capabilities of the RMN and RMAF in operations with submarines,
to highlight the RMN’s presence in the South China Sea and to test con-
tingency plans for the defence of the RMN posts located in the Spratly
Islands. The RMN though has held much of the training and firing exer-
cises involving submarines well clear of the Spratlys so as not to inflame
other claimants there. Even so the need to highlight the RMN’s presence
in the South China Sea and to test contingency plans to defend the RMN
stations also highlights some of the wartime scenarios that the RMN sub-
marines are expected to face. As mentioned earlier, the planned location
of the submarine base in Sepanggar was not related to the Spratlys but
the decision proved to be fortunate for Malaysia with the Spratlys issue
becoming active again after the decision to build the base there.
While the current angst among the political opposition and some seg-
ments of the Malaysian public over the submarines have not affected the
operations of Malaysia’s submarines and have basically been little more
than a source of constant annoyance to the RMN and Malaysia’s Ministry
of Defence, the long-term issue is what it bodes for the future of the
RMN’s submarine capability/Purchases of additional submarines would be
a hard sell in the future, particularly if the political opposition gains power.
It will be a while though before the RMN plans to expand its submarine
fleet, however, as a written reply in May 2015 by RMN Chief Admiral Tan
Sri Aziz to the writer on the future of the RMN’s submarine fleet states,
For a start, the two submarines are quite adequate for the RMN specific
submarine operations requirement. Since the submarine force is still in
its infant stage, we are paying particular attention to ensure that we do
everything right the first time in conducting its training, maintenance and
operation. It is paramount that these submarines are being operated safely,
effectively and efficiently before we embark into the future plan of the sub-
marine force. We reckon it will take us at least another 5 years or so before
we are able to plan for more submarines.
Given that timeframe, however, it should be noted that the political lead-
ers of that future time along with the public would all have been around
in the time of the controversy over the submarines purchase and maybe
unwilling to support any submarine purchase then due to the residual
stigma from the circumstances of the initial purchase.
Aziz’s successor as RMN Chief, Admiral Tan Sri Kamarulzaman
Ahmad Badaruddin, who took over as RMN Chief in November 2015,
has followed a similar tack on the future of additional submarines for the
RMN, in that additional submarines are still far off, though his ‘15 to 5’
RMN Strategic Plan which calls for the reduction of ship classes in the
RMN from 15 classes to 5 classes acknowledges the long-term expan-
sion of the RMN’s submarine fleet to four submarines from the current
two in service. The fact is that two submarines are insufficient to fully
meet operational requirements effectively and the recent overhaul and
refit of the Scorpene submarines means that currently, KD Tunku Abdul
Rahman has been unavailable since November 2015 due to the work
while KD Tun Razak begins its unavailability in June 2017 as per the
DCNS press release dated 8 April 2015 which stated,
The Malaysian government has just signed a new contract with Boustead
DCNS Naval Corporation for through-life support for the two 2000 type
Scorpene submarines of the Royal Malaysian Navy, based at Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah. The contract signed at the end of March will remain in force for
over two years (on May 31 2017). This new agreement makes it possible
to extend the through-life support time for the two 2000 type Scorpène
submarines currently in service before the beginning of their first major
maintenance campaign. Indeed, the Tunku Abdul Rahman should start its
period of unavailability for major repair and overhaul (ROH) in November
2015 and the Tun Razak in June 2017.
This means that for more than 3 years from November 2015, the RMN
will only have one operational submarine and at certain periods dur-
ing that time will not have an operational submarine to call upon. The
limitation of operational availability due to having two submarines is
why Singapore maintains a constant fleet of four submarines. Indeed in
the initial stages of negotiation, it was expected that the RMN would
opt for four submarines or take two with an option for a further two
more but the costs of such limited the procurement of two submarines
which causes difficulty in operational availability. However, expanding
the fleet of submarines even by an additional two would entail significant
106 D. Mhadzir
procurement and also operational maintenance costs, and given that the
RMN’s ageing fleet and the demands of operations in securing Eastern
Sabah from incursions and kidnappings are already straining the RMN
budget, it would not be fiscally and operationally viable for the RMN to
expand its submarine fleet.
The second factor is the state of Malaysia’s economy, given the con-
tinuing depreciation of the ringgit and the worsening of Malaysia’s econ-
omy, it might have to be asked as to whether Malaysia can even fiscally
afford to expand beyond its current fleet particularly given submarines
are expensive assets to purchase and operate. While the future of any
nation’s economy is difficult to predict, the lesson here is that countries
purchasing submarines should not only consider the fiscal situation sur-
rounding the current or planned purchase but also beyond that. The
question for naval planners might be to consider whether they can afford
to continue beyond an initial purchase and nascent capability or would
they be better off forgoing such given that they cannot fiscally afford to
go further after the initial stage.
Given the current situation surrounding Malaysia, it would appear
that for the future, the Royal Malaysian Navy is likely to remain within
its current submarine fleet size for a significant time.
1. In 2008, the Malaysian High Court acquitted Abdul Razak Baginda of
involvement in the murder and in the following year two Police comman-
does were found guilty of the murder and sentenced to death. “Ex-Najib
aide says he is living in Malaysia” The Straits Times, 5 Nov 2016.
2. Malaysian government denies any wrongdoing in defence deals—Dzirhan
Mahadzir Janes Defence Weekly 15 May 2008.
3. Reference Check Part 3—The Malaysian Experience—Rex Patrick, Asia
Pacific Defence Reporter, May 2016, pp. 38–39.
4. USA, Royal Malaysian Navy Submarine Leaders Participate in Guam Staff
Talks—US Navy Press release online at the US Navy official website at
5. Malaysia enhances submarine rescue interoperability with US Navy—
Dzirhan Mahadzir, Janes International Defence Review, 6 January 2016.
6. Submarine rescue vessel tested and proven in drill—The Star 18 June 2016,
online copy at
RMN To Share Knowledge On Submarine Escape and Rescue With
APSC Participants—Bernama National News Agency 9 September 2014,
online copy at
RMN’s submariners spend over a year underwater—The Sun 16 April
2016 online copy at
RMN Subforce tweet—
Author Biography
Dzirhan Mahadzir is a freelance defence journalist and analyst based in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. He has guest lectured at the Malaysian Armed Forces
Defence College on various topics pertaining to strategy and military history
from 1999–2003 and regularly gives presentations on the Malaysian Armed
Forces and Malaysia’s defence developments to visit delegations from mili-
tary institutions such as the US National Defense University, USAF Air War
College and the Australian Staff College. Amongst the publications he has writ-
ten for and currently writes for since 1998 include Defence Review Asia, Janes
Defence Weekly, Navy International, International Defence Review, Asian
Defence Journal, Defence Helicopter, Asian Military Review and the Asia-Pacific
Defence Reporter. He holds an MA in Defence and Security Analysis from the
University of Lancaster, UK, and an LLB Law Degree from the University of
Wolverhampton, UK.
Carlyle A. Thayer
In the mid-1980s, the Soviet Union agreed to assist Vietnam in the
development of an underwater warfare capability. A Vietnamese crew was
trained for service on a Project 641 diesel submarine in the Soviet Pacific
Fleet and formed part of Submarine Force 196. Mikhail Gorbachev later
suspended this programme.
C.A. Thayer (*)
Thayer Consultancy, Northcott Drive, Australia
What does it take for an ‘emerging’ Navy to make the successful transition
from two-dimensional (surface/air) to 3 dimensional force that includes
subs? We have observed that it has been a struggle for some SE Asian
navies with missions, force structures and funding not unlike those of
Vietnam to absorb submarines and produce an effective capacity in doing
so. Others seem to have handled the transition quite well…
What I draw from above is that Vietnam has the resources – national and
naval – to field a submarine force. It also has the manpower. And the mini-
sub experience provides a basic foundation for understanding submarine
operations and maintenance.
What the data doesn’t really help forecast is how well and how quickly
Vietnam will make the transition. My “gut instinct” is that their experi-
ence will be closer to Indonesia’s than Singapore’s – but a major unknown
is how much Russia will provide them in the way of sustained concrete
support over the coming years to help them effectively absorb a force of
Table 8.1 Characteris-
tics of the Varshavyanka-
class Submarine Crew 52–57 persons
Length 73.8 metres
Width 9.9 metres
Surface displacement 2,300–2,350 tons
Draft 6.2 metres
Diving Depth 300–350 metres
Surface speed/range 20 knots/9,650 km
Under water speed/range 5 km per hour/700 km
Endurance 45 days
Range 9650 km
Armament Torpedoes, mines, missiles
The Vietnamese have changed the whole scenario – they already have two
submarines, they have the crews and they appear to have the weapons and
their capabilities and experience will be growing from this point. From the
point of view of Chinese assumptions, the Vietnamese deterrent is already
at a point where it must be very real.13
The commissioning of the first four of six Varshavyanka-class subma-
rines into the VPA Navy marks a major milestone in the development of
Vietnam’s national defence capabilities. Vietnam is now a member of an
elite group of Southeast Asian nations that deploy submarines, including
Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. In order to turn the Varshavyanka-
class submarines into an effective naval force, Vietnam will have to make
great efforts to develop an effective doctrine for their use, recruit sail-
ors to crew them and absorb new military technology for operating and
maintaining the submarines and their weapons systems.
Vietnam’s military can now operate in three dimensions—on land,
in the air and under the sea. The Varshavyanka-class submarine is
known for its ability to elude detection. In 2017, when all six subma-
rines are operational, they will add a major capability in Vietnam’s abil-
ity to develop anti-access/area denial capabilities against any country
seeking to enter Vietnamese waters with hostile intent. In addition, the
1. It was initially reported the submarines were to be purchased by
Venezuela but Rosoboronexport broke contract on April 18.
2. According to analysts, the cost indicates that the Varshavyanka-class sub-
marines will not have the air independent propulsion (AIP) system.
3. ‘RE: Vietnam’s Navy and force modernization’, email to the author, 18
December 2009.
4. Southeast Asia Times, 29 March 2012.
5. Centre for Strategic and Technological Analysis quoted by RIA Novosti, 3
June 2010. Earlier, it was reported that the total cost for the submarines,
armaments, equipment and services was US $4 billion; RIA Novosti, 23
March 2010.
6. Tim Fish, Jane’s Navy International, 9 June 2012.
7. The Klub-S (also Club-S) missile has a range of 300 km with a 400 kg
warhead. The missile initially flies at subsonic speed but the warhead sep-
arates when it approaches its target flying at 5–10 m above the surface
and accelerates to three times the speed of sound.
8. James Goldrick, ‘Vietnam’s Submarine Fleet’, United States Naval
Institute Proceedings, 139(9), September 2013.
118 C.A. Thayer
9. Jane Perlez, ‘Q. and A.: Lyle Goldstein on China and the Vietnamese
Military’, The New York Times, 5 July 2014.
10. Greg Torode, ‘Vietnam building deterrent against China in disputed seas
with submarines’, Reuters, 7 September 2014.
11. Brian Benedictus, ‘The Wildcard: Vietnam’s Naval Modernization and Its
Role in the South China Sea’, Warm Oolong Tea, 11 February 2013.
12. Torode, ‘Vietnam building deterrent against China in disputed seas with
13. Quoted in Torode, ‘Vietnam building deterrent against China in disputed
seas with submarines’.
14. Carl Thayer, ‘Vietnam Mulling New Strategies to Deter China’, The
Diplomat, 28 May 2014.
15. Thayer, ‘Vietnam Mulling New Strategies to Deter China’.
Author Biography
Carl Thayer is Emeritus Professor of Politics. He is currently Director of Thayer
Consultancy, a small business registered in Australia in 2002 that provides politi-
cal analysis of current regional security issues and other research support to
selected clients; Southeast Asia Defence and Security columnist for The Diplomat
(2013-); Consultant, Gerson Lehrman Group (2012-); Editorial Consultant for
Radio Free Asia (2014-); External Expert Contributor, Oxford Analytica; Senior
Analyst, Wikistrat (2015-); Global Adjunct Faculty member, Ohio University
(2009-); Research Associate, ASEAN Studies Center, School of International
Service, American University (March 2011-); Adjunct Fellow, International
Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, Centre for Security
Studies, Stratad Malaysia (August 2013-); and Member of the International
Advisory Board of Contemporary Southeast Asia (2008-), International Journal
of China Studies (2014-), Journal for Social Sciences and Humanities (2015-); and
Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International
G. Till (*)
Defence Studies Department, King’s College London,
Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Koh Swee Lean
Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, S. Rajaratnam School
of International Studies (RSIS), Blk S4 Nanyang Avenue,
Singapore 639798, Singapore
e-mail: [email protected]
In this book, we have sought not just to explore whether a naval arms
race in submarines is developing in the Asia-Pacific region, but to analyse
the motivations driving those acquisitions and the prospects and chal-
lenges that each navy faces in building a submarine capability.
We have also concentrated on the small and medium navies in the
region. The reason for this specific interest is not just because small and
medium navies have in the main been overshadowed by major players
such as China and the USA in the existing literature, but also because
these “lesser players” by dint of having access to fewer resources for the
most part do face unique circumstances in their naval force development,
especially in the subsurface areas.
We began with several questions:
Previous chapters have shown not just the diversity of the area and of
the approach that the region’s navies have taken to submarine acquisition
but have also revealed a variety of different views and interpretations. In
this concluding chapter, we seek to review all these issues
Why Submarines?
It is clear that being in such a diverse region as the Asia-Pacific, each
country independently takes account of its unique circumstances when it
comes to threat perceptions, naval force developmental priorities and no
less important—economic or fiscal capacities. This is a point often missed
by some keen watchers of Asia-Pacific geopolitics and military dynamics.
Media commentaries in particular have tended to draw over-simple link-
ages between submarine proliferation and interstate maritime disputes.
Some sceptics have also questioned the utility of submarines and
hence the actual motives of such purchases, for example, pinning their
acquisition down merely to a matter of national prestige. And indeed
there may have been some evidence for this, and for other frivo-
lous purposes. Media reporting has also linked such purchases to cor-
rupt practices, the saga of Malaysia’s submarine deal with the French,
overshadowed by the controversial case surrounding the murder of
a Mongolian woman, being a case in point. As Dzirhan Mahadzir has
pointed out in his chapter, the ghost of this controversy continues to
haunt the Malaysian Government, such that public perceptions still have
significant bearing on the country’s naval modernization programmes.1
But as the previous chapters have also shown, it is clear that most
if not all these countries do have their own purposeful game plans for
building subsurface capabilities. Their submarine acquisition programs
ought not to be dismissed as ill-conceived projects for illusory purposes
of prestige. Australia and Japan, for instance, each has a long-term stra-
tegic plan to develop their naval capabilities, including a significant sub-
surface capability. They happened to be not just some of the Asia-Pacific
region’s longstanding submarine operators, but also some of the world’s
most predisposed—in both fiscal, operational and technological terms—
to sustain this capacity. Hence, there is not just a strategic imperative to
possess submarines, but also a historical one to maintain them as James
Goldrick and Yoji Koda have pointed out.
The same applies to Indonesia as Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto high-
lighted in his chapter, for it operated up to 12 Soviet Whiskey class sub-
marines in the 1960s. But for the most the countries in Southeast Asia,
subsurface warfare has traditionally been a gap in their respective quests
for balanced naval capabilities. Despite ambitions that dated as far back
as the Cold War, their submarine programs only came to fruition from
the 1990s onwards. This did not mean that these countries do not
have a “game plan” for submarine acquisition or that these were simply
“prestige buys” with little operational or strategic utility. As Carl Thayer
showed in his paper, Vietnam has a well-defined purpose for its under-
sea ambitions. The six Kilo class boats may be heavily taxing Hanoi’s
resource capacities at a time when the country needs to modernize much
more than just the navy, but the investment is intended to pay off for
the country’s long-term struggle against its ever-growing naval asym-
metry with China—its possible adversary in the South China Sea. That
Vietnam only managed to purchase submarines recently is to be attrib-
uted more to its past inability to finance such a costly purchase than any
lack of desire. The fact that it acquired six boats at one go is testament
to its determination to possess a fully functional subsurface fleet, not
just a token one, in order to deliver credible deterrence. Like Vietnam,
Singapore has also conducted an incremental approach to building a sub-
surface capability—first getting either low-capability (very rudimentary
Yugo class midget submarines in Vietnam’s case) or second-hand boats
(Sjöormen class coastal submarines in Singapore’s case), before moving
onto newer, more capable boats.
The motivations behind submarine proliferation are diverse and com-
plex, typically comprising a confluence of strategic and domestic factors.
Yet if there is any commonality, it is most likely the widespread agree-
ment about the utility of submarines—even if it is theoretical—in times
of peace and war. The very characteristics of a submarine—stealthy, being
able to operate autonomously and having the proven ability to deliver
significantly/ disproportionate operational effect—do endear this particu-
lar capability to countries faced with challenging strategic circumstances.
Of course, there are likely to be advances in ASW technology and
procedures. Big data approaches may transform the sensor situation
and underwater drones (deployed either by the submarine or its air
and surface hunters) may likewise shift the offence/defence balance. In
an increasingly networked maritime domain, we already have “bistatic
sonar” procedures where the returning “ping” of a sonar signal goes to
a different and possibly much closer platform from the originating one
and this too could make life more difficult for the submarine. And there
is also the fact the many would regard the submarine itself as the chief
ASW platform provided it has sufficient means of detection and strike.
In this case, one country’s investment in submarines might simply be
overwhelmed by another country’s better ones—thereby defeating its sea
denial aspirations. Nonetheless, it is clear that the submarine remains an
lose it over time and then having to rebuild it from scratch when the
need arises. Thailand, which was the first Southeast Asian submarine
operator prior to 1945, learned the hard lessons from this after it decom-
missioned its last Japanese-built boats. Expanding a cadre force is much
easier than completely reconstituting it.
Countries which have been operating and maintaining a submarine
capability also have clear incentives to try to sustain it for as long as they
can. The better-financed navies, which also may have readier access to the
requisite technologies either through indigenous development or from
reliable foreign sources, would potentially stand a much higher chance of
sustaining an effective submarine capacity that keeps in pace with times.
They may also be better predisposed to embark on their own innovative
processes to derive solutions catering for their navies’ specific operational
requirements. Japan’s shift from lead-acid batteries and air-independent
propulsion to Lithium-ion batteries for their new and most plausible
future classes of submarines is an example of this. This aspect adds to
the already impressive repertoire of submarine-related technologies that
Japan’s domestic industries are already producing—combat manage-
ment systems, sonars, propulsion and propellers, to name just a few. Even
Australia, despite being a relatively newer entrant into the indigenous
submarine industrial game, can boast of having built Swedish-design sub-
marines in its local yards. The recent deal with France for 12 Barracuda
Shortfin Block-1A submarines—adding to a pre-existing technological
base, in collaboration with the Americans, for such associated systems
as combat systems, sonars and the Mark-48 ADCAP heavyweight torpe-
does—should sustain this capacity for the longer term.
This comparatively rosy picture, even given the inherent challenges
involved, does not apply to the less well-endowed countries which, for
the most part, have to rely on foreign suppliers, which thereby has a sig-
nificant implication for their ability to sustain their tiny submarine fleets.
But it is also clear that while costs have always been a primary limiter
of submarine ambitions, there are always available solutions out there to
explore. For example, instead of refurbishing their Type-209s in German
yards, which would be more expensive due to the transportation distance
involved amongst other tangible factors, the Indonesians sent their boats
to South Korea for overhaul. And this certainly constitutes one of the
reasons why Jakarta opted for South Korean-built SS209 Chang Bogo
class submarines—thereby getting not only “more bang for the buck”
but also exploiting the existing institutional linkages between client and
supplier. The plan to build the third Chang Bogo in its own PT-PAL yard
is not without its teething problems, something which again exposes the
difficulties faced by small navies which do not have ready access to all
the necessary technologies and are maybe less able to enjoy economies of
scale due to their tiny procurements.
Perhaps for this reason, some other countries are more cautious about
building their own. Vietnam, for example, purchased Kilo boats all built
in Russia and equipped with Russian technologies and consequently
resigned itself to total reliance on this just one supplier. Purchasing
more to justify economies of scale to kick-start indigenization remains
a faraway ambition. The same goes for Malaysia—there are simply no
funds available to purchase more than the pair of Scorpene class boats,
let alone plan to build submarines locally. Nonetheless, this does not
preclude countries from exploring niche areas of submarine self-reli-
ance. Singapore, for example, would almost certainly not take a leap
into building its own submarines, but it remains interested in acquiring
a modicum of self-reliance in niche areas. Singapore’s cooperation with
Germany’s Atlas Elektronik to develop submarine combat systems is a
significant example of this.
One thing is clear: despite the challenges faced in acquiring, operat-
ing and sustaining submarine capabilities, Asia-Pacific countries con-
tinue to be keen to do so. What facilitates or fuels these aspirations has
been, amongst others, an international arms market that has increasingly
become “flatter”—in no small part attributed to the emergence of so-
called second-tier or new suppliers. This not only expands the range of
options, but also makes this “buyer’s market” even more competitive—
to the benefit of the submarine aspirant. This is well illustrated by, as
mentioned earlier, Indonesia’s decision to contract a South Korean
shipbuilder for its latest submarine purchases. And so was the case with
Thailand when it recently revived the decision—to proceed with pur-
chasing three S-26T submarines, the export-oriented model of the Type-
039A, from China.4
and sustain a much more sizeable and possibly more effective subma-
rine capability. They would also be better poised to embark on their own
innovative technological solutions that meet specific undersea mission
Small navies typical of those in Southeast Asia tend to muster rela-
tively tiny submarine forces which thereby bring into question their abil-
ity to sustain these capacities. However, as seen in the case of Indonesia,
even with a small handful of submarines it is possible to still maintain
at least a “fleet in being” peacetime posture. Notwithstanding doubts
about their actual operational capacity, this tiny force could not simply
be ignored by any would-be adversary. One recalls not just the Australian
worries of Indonesian submarine activities which might potentially inter-
fere with INTERFET movements in 2000, but also the obvious worries
displayed by such a superpower navy as the US Navy about Libya’s old
Soviet Foxtrot class boats, despite their poor state of material readiness,
especially during the episodic confrontations with the Qaddafi regime in
the 1980s.5 Submarine acquisition by the small navies of Southeast Asia
can be seen in the same light: notwithstanding the small size of their
undersea fleets, it remains a worthwhile peacetime investment that could
provide enormous deterrent effect especially in times of crisis.
But there are also clear caveats to this. While there is indeed evidence
that the mere existence of a submarine capacity may have significant stra-
tegic effect in conditioning an adversary’s perceptions and willingness
to take risk, many navies remain wary of the wisdom of relying on such
modest “existential” conceptions of deterrence. Real and reliable deter-
rence, they say, demands more than this. It requires credible and dem-
onstrated capacity, otherwise there must always be the concern that an
adversary allowed to conclude that he had the superior capacity might
be tempted to think he could easily manage the risk of challenging the
apparently weaker side. Just as on the surface or in the air above it, supe-
rior forces (whether in numbers of quality) can sweep aside the forces of
sea denial, impose sea control and enjoy all the strategic benefits it offers.
To prevent such perceptions arising at the strategic level, one’s subma-
rine force has not merely to exist, but to be tactically and operationally
effective, even if not aspiring to realistic expectations of ultimate victory.
With such expanded conceptions of deterrence, the aim will be to dem-
onstrate to adversary that the risks and costs of aggression are likely to
outweigh the benefits.
This was certainly the assumption of both sides in the Cold War in
the conduct of their subsurface encounters. For that reason, they both
invested heavily and continuously in a competition to have the best mix
of submarine attributes in their fleets—quietness and stealth, propulsion
and endurance, striking power, endurance, integration with the rest of
the fleet and so forth.6 This led inexorably to their development of the
nuclear-propelled submarine—the operational advantage of which over
its diesel-propelled equivalent was and remains very significant in many
(but not all) ways. This was extremely demanding technologically and
costs a great deal of more money. This is as true now as it was then.
Britain’s Astute class SSNs, for example, cost between 1.6 billion sterling
and £ 747 million (the more you build, the cheaper they get) compared,
say to the £ 260 million individual cost of a very capable German Type
212A SSK. Other than, possibly Australia or Japan, none of the small
and medium navies of the region can realistically aspire to this in the
foreseeable future, for this reason.
Even so, those smaller navies of the Asia-Pacific still confront the una-
voidable requirement for continued improvement in their submarine
capability if they aspire to anything more than mere existential deter-
rence. To be a serious player in this world of subsurface deterrence will
require serious and continuous investment for the foreseeable future, and
it is not clear that many of the countries in the region have either the
appetite or the wherewithal to engage in this.
Perhaps even worse from their point of view, there can be no doubt
that submarine technology is far from settled. The submarine’s future
role and power relative to the surface fleet and its air support are quite
uncertain, particularly with regard to the development of unmanned
underwater vehicles, deployed from ships, aircraft and submarines them-
selves. The historic role of the submarine as a “lonely hunter” operating
more or less independently of the surface fleet was never completely true
but is much more doubtful now, given the potential of networking and
the communications revolution. Neither, given this, can we be sure of
the future balance in tactical and operational effectiveness between the
submarine and anti-submarine forces. What we can be sure of, however,
is first that staying in constructive touch with all the potential advances
that technology offers will be challenging and expensive especially for
navies with limited resources and secondly that the strategic conse-
quences of not doing so could be severe.
is not just about sustaining an effective undersea fighting force, but also
one that will in peacetime perform professionally and in a safe, effective
manner. This is especially pertinent in times of crises, when tension runs
high. In such an operational context, the destabilizing effects of a sub-
marine’s action may be high since it would find it very difficult to cali-
brate its use of force, given that its first firing shot is most likely going
to disable or kill the target and therefore provoke a strong response. It is
hard to exaggerate the critical importance of human capital development
in such specialized, elite formations as a subsurface fighting arm, and the
challenges to be confronted in delivering it.
1. 101 East, Al Jazeera’s award-winning Asia-Pacific program, produced in
late 2015 a detailed report into the sensational murder of the Mongolian
woman, Altantuya Shaariibuu in October 2006 over alleged bribery of
Malaysian officials by French companies to secure the submarine contract.
This report provoked a vigorous response from Kuala Lumpur. This hap-
pened while Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was mired in
the controversial 1MDB saga that threatened his political survival. One
recalls that Najib was the Defence Minister at the time of the murder. See
“Malaysia govt responds to Al Jazeera investigation,” Al Jazeera English,
10 September 2015.
2. Rep. Randy J. Forbes, ‘Not Enough Subs so Buy More: Rep. Forbes’, 8
March 2016,
3. Nani Afrida, “Indonesia needs more submarines,” The Jakarta Post, 6
April 2016.
4. “Prawit confirms submarine purchase,” Bangkok Post, 1 July 2016.
5. In fact, the U.S. Navy was so concerned about the reckless way Qaddafi
used his Soviet weapons that each time, whenever a crisis broke out in
the Mediterranean between the US Sixth Fleet and the Libyans, the
navy alerted its attaché office in Belgrade to conduct an immediate
Authors Biography
Geoffrey Till is Emeritus Professor of Maritime Studies at King’s College
London and Chairman of the Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies. Since
2009, he has also been a Visiting Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the
Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore. His Understanding
Victory: Naval Operations from Trafalgar to the Falklands was published by ABC
Clio in 2014, and he is currently working on a fourth edition of his Seapower: A
Guide for the 21st Century.
Collin Koh Swee Lean is a Research Fellow at the Maritime Security Programme,
part of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies which is a constituent unit
of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). He is especially inter-
ested in researching on naval affairs in the Indo-Pacific, focusing on Southeast Asia
in particular, and generally issues related to naval technologies, naval modernisa-
tion, naval arms control and the offence–defence theory. Collin also taught at the
Military Studies Programme and taught various professional military education and
training courses with the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute. Prior to join
the Maritime Security Programme, Collin worked at the Military Studies Programme
(2010–14) and the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies (2008–10), also at
2 Tjakra RI Tjakra Feb–Mar 1960 Maluku RMS Sabotage
3 Waspada RI Tjakra May–Jun 1960 Maluku Dutch Sabotage
4 Lumba- RI Tjakra Jun–Jul 1960 Java Sea India Joint exercise
5 Karel RI Nanggala Jan–Feb 1961 West Irian Dutch Intelligence gath-
Doorman ering
6 Antareja RI Nanggala Feb–May 1962 West Irian Dutch Intelligence gath-
7 Jayawijaya I RI Tjakra Mar–Aug 1962 West Irian Dutch Sabotage (aborted)
RI Nagabanda
RI Trisula
RI Tjandrasa
RI Nagarangsang
8 Cakra I RI Nanggala Jul 1962 West Irian Dutch Intelligence gath-
RI Trisula ering
RI Tjandrasa
RI Nagarangsang
RI Nagabanda
9 Cakra II RI Trisula Aug 1962 West Irian Dutch Special
RI Tjandrasa Commando Op
RI Nagarangsang
Indonesian submarine operations
No. Operation Unit Period Location Antagonists/partners Mission
10 Alugoro RI Widjajadanu Jul–Aug 1962 West Irian Dutch Sabotage (aborted)
RI Hendradjala
RI Bramasta
RI Pasopati
RI Tjudamani
RI Alugoro
11 Bull dog RI Trisula Jan–Feb 1963 Sulawesi Sea United Kingdom Intelligence gath-
12 Wisnu Mukti RI Nagarangsang Apr–May 1963 West Irian UN Show the flag
RI Tjudamani
RI Alugoro
13 War patrol RI Nagarangsang Sep–Dec 1963 Karimata Straits UK, Australia, NZ Intelligence gath-
RI Tjudamani ering
RI Hendradjala
14 Kentjana RI Pasopati Oct 1963–Feb 1964 Indian Ocean United Kingdom Intelligence gath-
15 Ganyang RI Nanggala Jan–Dec 1964 Malacca, Karimata, Malaysia Intelligence gath-
Malaysia RI Nagabanda SCS ering
RI Tjandrasa
RI Tjudamani
RI Hendradjala
RI Alugoro
16 Kangguru RI Nagabanda Jun–Jul 1964 Indian Ocean UK & Australia Intelligence gath-
17 Tjegat RI Pasopati Aug–Sep 1964 Sunda, Lombok United Kingdom Show the flag
RI Tjandrasa Straits
RI Alugoro
RI Tjudamani
Indonesian submarine operations
No. Operation Unit Period Location Antagonists/partners Mission
18 Teliti RI Bramasta Aug–Sep 1965 Christmas Island UK & Australia Intelligence gath-
19 Gugus Tugas RI Nagarangsang Oct 1965–Mar 1966 Arabian Sea Pakistan Joint exercise
X RI Bramasta
138 Appendix