B.usha Rani Dissertation Obg Nursing

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Dissertation Submitted to

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


Under the guidance of

Mrs M.Paravathamma M.sc (N) Professor Of
Obstetrics& Gynecological Nursing Department



This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “A study to assess the effectiveness

of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding pelvic rocking

exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls in

selected rural area, Hyderabad, T.S.” is thebonafied work of Ms. BHUKYA

USHARANI Under the guidance of Mrs M.Paravathamma M.sc (N) Professor Of

Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing Department, Owaisi College of Nursing,

Hyderabad: Submitted in Partial fulfillment for the degree of Master Science in

Nursing from Kaloji Narayana Rao university of health science, Warangal,


Inernal Examiner: External Examiner:

Name : Name :

Signature : Signature :


“ When one is being driven to the edge, we either fight back or jump”
- Dino KF wong

I am deeply indebted to GOD Almighty for enabling me to complete

this dissertation in a fine manner. I owe a great deal of thanks to many

people who supported me with their time and encouragement

throughout this enormous dissertation.

I express my sincere gratitude to the Management of Owaisi College of

Nursing for giving me an opportunity to purse post graduation course in this

esteemed institution.

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mrs M.Paravathamma

M.sc (N) Professor Of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Owaisi College of

Nursing, Hyderabad, a source of inspiration, encouragement and support

throughout the study.

It is my great pleasure and privilege to take up this study under the scholarly

guidance of Mrs M.Paravathamma M.sc (N) Professor Of Obstetrics and

Gynecological Nursing, Owaisi College of Nursing, Hyderabad for her

encouragement patience and expert guidance.

I also take the opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards

to nursing, the Mrs. Parvathamma, M.sc (N) professor, Obstetrics and

Gynecological Nursing, Owaisi College of Nursing, Hyderabad for her

exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the

course of this thesis. The blessings help and guidance given by them time to

time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to


I would like to extend my gratitude to all faculty members of Owaisi college of

nursing, Hyderabad, for their constant guidance valuable suggestions and

helpful support during the study.

I extend my deep sense of gratitude to all the experts who had validated the

questionnaire for their valuable suggestions and constructive criticisms.

I am grateful to the Narsingi rural area of PHC center for permitting

me to conduct pilot study and also for their cooperation during the

period of my assignment.

I extent grateful to the Hassan Nagar rural area of PHC center for

permitting me to conduct Main study and also for their cooperation

during the period of my assignment.

I would like to express acknowledgement is extended to Dr E. Krishna Kishore

M.Sc, M. Phil, in statistics( Ph,D) In Economics, biostatistics and research for

valuable help and timely guidance in the Stastical analysis.

I am obliged to all the adolescent girls who participated in this study.

Also express my sincere thanks to the librarian, of Owaisi college of nursing ,

Hyderabad for permitting and guiding me in referring the books and journal, mu

deepest gratitude to translation of Hindi and Telugu translation.

I am deeply indebted to my parents Mr. Bhavsingh and Mrs. Bharathi

garu for their endless love, patience motivation and assistance without which

this assignment would not be possible.

It’s my immense pleasure to express my heartfelt thanks to all my

friends specially Laisa, Srikanth, Nagesh, Chowdary sir for their help

throughout my thesis work and well wishers for their support in fulfilling the






• Need for thestudy

• Problemstatement

• Objectives of thestudy 12

• Operationaldefinitions 12

• Assumptions 13

• Delimitations

• Hypothesis 13

• Conceptualframework 13

• Summary 13-15


➢ Section A: Studies related to Prevalence of 15-16

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

➢ Section B: Studies related to signs and 16-17

symptoms of dysmenorrhea among
adolescent girls

➢ Section C: Studies related to management of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls

➢ Section D: Studies related to importance of
pelvic rocking exercises to reduce
➢ Section E : Studies related to structure 18
teaching programme on pelvic rocking
exercises to reduce dysmenorrhea
among adolescent girls.

Research Approach 19

Researchdesign 19-20

Description ofVariables 20

Setting of thestudy 20-21

Population 21

Sample and sampling technique 21-22

Criteria for Sample Selection 22

Method of Data Collection 22-23

Development & Description of the tool 23

Content Validity of the tool 24

Reliability 24

Pilotstudy 25

Data collectionprocedure 26

Plan for dataanalysis 27

➢ Summary

 Sample characteristics 30

 Comparison of pre and post levelsof 31-38


 Mean, standered deviation of

knowledge scores with pre test and

post test

 Chi square value association between 39-50

knowledge scores of adolescent girls with

selected demographic variables.

V 51-60

➢ Epilogue finding

➢ Conclusion

➢ Major findings of the study,

➢ Discurssion

➢ Implications

➢ Limitations

➢ Recommendations

➢ Summary

VI Reference

VII Annexure

VIII Abstract



1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 28

their Age
2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 29
their education status.

3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 30

their Religion.

4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 31

their family income for month.

5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 32

their Father's Educational status.

6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 33

their Mother's Educational.

7 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 34

their father's occupation.

8 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 35

their Mother's Occupational status.

9 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 36

their type of family.

10 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 37

their Duration of menstrual cycle

11 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 38

their Pain during menstruation

12 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 39

their duration of pain

13 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 40

their previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of

14 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of adolescent girls according to 41

their information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhea
through whom you got

15 Assess the pre and post test level of knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises
reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls
16 Mean, standard deviation of knowledge scores of pre and post test

17 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 42
with their age

18 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 43
with their education

19 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 44
with their Religion
20 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 45
with their family income per month.

21 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 46
with theirFather's Educational status

22 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 47
with their mother educational status

23 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 48
with their Father's Occupation

24 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 49
with their Mother's Occupation

25 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 50
with their Type of family

26 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 51
with their Duration of menstrual cycle.

27 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 52
with theirPain during menstruation

28 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 53
with their Duration of pain
29 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 54
with their previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of
30 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls knowledge 55
and with their If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking


1 frequency distribution of adults according to age
2 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
education status
3 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
4 Percentage distribution of adolescent girl according to their
family income for month.
5 percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Father's Educational status.
6 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Mother's Educational status.
7 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
father's occupation.
8 percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Mother's Occupational status.
9 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Mother's Occupational status.
10 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Mother's Occupational status.
11 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Pain during menstruation.
12 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Pain duration
13 percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their
Do you have any previous information on pelvic rocking
exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhoea
14 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to
whom you got information on pelvic rocking exercises.

15 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge with their age
16 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their education
17 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Religion.
18 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their family income per month.
19 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Father's Educational status
20 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their mother educational status
21 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Father's Occupation
22 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Mother's Occupation
23 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Type of family
24 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Duration of menstrual cycle.
25 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Pain during menstruation
26 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Duration of pain
27 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Do you have any previous
information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of
28 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their If yes , through whom you get
information on pelvic rocking exercise


Appendix Appendices Page no

1 Letter seeking permission to conduct pilot research study. 57

2 Letter seeking permission to conduct main research study.

3 Letter seeking expert opinion to establish the content validity of the 58


4 Validating rating scale

5 Tool used for assessing the knowledge of adolescent girls on pelvic 59

rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea ( English )

6 Structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking exercises on

reduction of dysmenorrhea ( English)

7 Tool used for assessing the knowledge of adolescent girls on pelvic

rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea ( Telugu )

8 Structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking exercises on

reduction of dysmenorrhea ( Telugu )

9 Tool used for assessing the knowledge of adolescent girls on pelvic

rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea ( Hindi )

10 Structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking exercises on

reduction of dysmenorrhea ( Hindi )

11 List of experts 61

12 Master sheet 62



“To enjoy the glow of good health you must exercise”.

- Gene Tunney

The word adolescence is Latin in origin, derived from the verb adolescence, which

means "to grow into adulthood." Adolescence is a time of moving from the immaturity

of childhood into the maturity of adulthood. There is no single event or boundary line

that denotes the end of childhood or the beginning of adolescence. Adolescence is the

period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big changes -

to the body and to the way a young person relates to the world. The many physical,

sexual, cognitive, social and emotional changes that happen during this time can bring

anticipation and anxiety for both children and their families. ( Nizy John 2019)

Dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation. It is also known as painful periods or

menstrual cramps. Its usual onset occurs around the time that menstruation

begins. Symptoms typically last less than three days. The pain is usually in the pelvis

or lower abdomen. Other symptoms may include back pain, diarrhoea or nausea . It is

classified into primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea occurs when

pelvic anatomy and ovarian function are normal and no organic cause can be found

for menstrual pain. Secondary dysmenorrhea describes pain due to pelvic pathology.

It can occur at any age but most commonly observed in women 20 - 45 years of age.

(Will rogers 2018).

The Latin word “Adolescence” means “to grow into adulthood” or “to grow into

maturity”. Developmentally adolescence means, “Achieving an identity. The Indian

academy of pediatrics took lead in focusing the attention on adolescence by

declaring the year 2000 as the “Year of the Adolescents” and August 1 st as the

“Teenagers day” (Wadhwa, 2017).

Adolescence is divided into three phases: Early,MiddleandLateadolescence.

Earlyadolescencemeans10-13years,middle adolescencemeans14-

16yearsandlate adolescencemeans17-

20yearsofagegroup.OnebillionAdolescentsarethereinthis world equal to one

fifth of world’s population. India has reached one billion marks, out of which

21% are adolescents (Martini,2016).

Adolescence is a transition period between childhood and adulthood and is

characterized by a spurt in physical, endocrinal, emotional and mental growth with a

change from complete dependence to relative independence. One of the major

physiological changes that take place in adolescent girls is the onset of menarche. It is

the stepping childhood to maturity. Menstruation is the monthly cycle or monthly

vaginal discharges in woman. It is experienced by woman from puberty to

menopause starts between the age of 9 to 19 and lasts up to 40 to 60 in some. Most

of the women experience menstruation once in 28 days, but it can vary considerably

from one person to another person though the menstruation is normal The

commonly experienced problem by the adolescent girls is cramping pain during

menstruation, known as primary dysmenorrhea. common problem prevailing in women

of reproductive age.

75% of adolescent girl’s experiences menstruation related health problems.

Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as painful menses in women with normal

pelvic anatomy. It usually begins in during adolescence for the first six months

after the attainment of menstruation. The affected women experiences sharp,

intermittent spasmodic pain usually concentrated in the supra pubic area. Pain

may be radiated to the back of the legs and lower part of the back. Systemic

symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, mild fever and

headache are fairly common. Pain usually develops within an hour of

menstruation and peaks in the first or second day ( Metrack, 2013 ).

The term dysmenorrhea is derived from the Greek word ‘dys’ meaning

difficult/painful/abnormal, ’meno’ meaning month, and ‘rrhea’ meaning flow.

Dysmenorrhea is defined as the difficult menstrual flow or painful

menstruation. Pain during or few hours before menstruation is one of the most

common gynecologic problemsin women.Manyadolescent girls have

severedysmenorrheain thefirstthree years of menarche (Patel and


Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecologic complaints and represents

the leading cause of periodic college or school absenteeism. It is one of

the most common health problems among women during their

reproductive years ( Pavin Tiwari ,2008).

It can be divided into two broad categories such as primary and secondary. Primary

dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation, in absence of any specific pelvic diseases is

one of the most common gynaecological problem worldwide. Secondary dysmenorrhea

is menstrual pain associated with underlying pelvic pathology. Primary dysmenorrhea

is characterized by lower abdominal pain which may irradiate to thigh and back. It is

commonly associated with nausea headache, fatigue and diarrhoea . pain usually

starts the day before or at the 1st day of menstrual cycle and disappears at the end of

menstruation the cause of menstrual pain is ischemia. during menstruation , the

uterus get spasm and this causes rise in tension which produce ischemia muscles.

Primary dysmenorrhea is a common menstrual complaint with a major impact on

women's quality of life, work productivity and health-care utilization.

The prevalence of primary dysmenorrhea varies between 16% and 91% in women

of reproductive age, with severe pain in 2%–29% of the women. The prevalence of

dysmenorrhea varies all over the world. On Global scale, more than 50% of post

pubescent menstruating women are affected by dysmenorrhea with 10-12% of them

having severe dysmenorrhea. In India, dysmenorrhea incidence is 33.5% among

adolescent girls.

Dysmenorrhea lessen with age and most women experience cramps at one

time or another. There are so many ways to treat dysmenorrhea like non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs the day before period begins, birth control pills, injections

or patches, heating pad or soaked towel in a hot water over the abdomen to

relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. Exercises today are an integral part of

normal life for many women. Exercises help in reducing pain, relieving stress,

elevating mood and improving health.

Secondarydysmenorrheaispainfulmenstruationthatoccursinthepresenceof an

underlying disorder or pelvic pathology. This is sometimes referred to as

psychogenic dysmenorrhea. It is attributed to an unpleasant sexual

experience or a lackofinformation aboutmenstruation

andsexuality,combinedwithnegativeattitude towards sex. Secondary

dysmenorrhea most frequently occurs in women in their late thirty years.

Secondary dysmenorrhea is less prevalent than primary dysmenorrhea

(Edmondson et al.,2007).

Women who exercise show less severe dysmenorrhea and greater positive effects

than women who are sedentary. Exercises reduces menstrual cramps and improves

associated symptoms. Health care providers suggest some forms of aerobic exercises

such as pelvic rocking and tilting, walking and bicycling beneficial for dysmenorrhea

They were advised to practice for a period of 3 weeks.

Many girls and young women have cramps when they have their periods.

Cramps usually feel like pain in the abdomen (belly), pelvis (hip area), lower back,

and upper legs. The pain usually hurts worst on the day before the period begins

and on the first day of the period. If cramps are heavy (very painful), it you might not

feel like you can go to school. Instead of missing school, you can try stretching and

moderate-intensity exercise to help relieve the pain caused by cramps. You may feel

like you have less energy than normal during the first couple of menstrual a days, when

bleeding and cramping are usually heavier. High-intensity exercises like running may

not be appropriate. Instead, yoga and breathing exercises can be a good way to help

reduce the pain caused by cramping. Yoga also reduces stress, improves flexibility,

and strengthens muscles.

How painful your cramps are will depend on how much your body produces hormones

known as prostaglandins to help the uterus contract and shed its lining. Many women

experience the uterus contracting to create the menstrual flow as cramps, exercise
reducing painful menstrual cramps. Exercising raises the level of beta-endorphins, your

body's own natural painkillers. Swimming is a good exercise to swim away your pain.

You may try one of the over-the-counter drugs containing ibuprofen, a very effective

prostaglandin inhibitor. Ibuprofen drugs are Advil, Midol IB, Motrin, Nuprin, etc. Other

drugs that lower the production of prostaglandins and lessen its effect and don't require

a prescription include Naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox). The effect of drugs builds up

over time. Timing is critical to fend off the pain of cramps so don't wait for the pain to

begin to take a medication.

dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation with out pelvic pathology is one of the most

common complaints in women's medicine. More than 50% of women who have

menstrual bleeding have a painful menstruation, as 10% of them are so severe that

they disrupt 1–3 days of their lives each month. The pain begins with the onset of

menstrual bleeding and lasts for 72–12 h. Pain is usually in the middle line of the

highest severity.

Dysmenorrhea pain is often described as cramped and intermittent. Some women

have severe back and thigh pain. Abdominal pain is often accompanied by nausea and

vomiting, bruising and headache, and an unpleasant general feeling. Pain usually has

the highest severity on the 1st day of bleeding and gradually decreases its severity.

Although primary dysmenorrhea is not a life-threatening person and does not cause

organ failure, it can affect the quality of life of women and in severe cases, leads to

disability and inability to function in the absence of school or work place. The

recommended treatment methods to reduce the severity of pain in the primary

dysmenorrhea include the use of contraceptive pills, calcium channel blockers, skin

electrical stimulation, dietary supplements, exercise and massage. Most of these

methods are costly and time consuming and some people refuse to use them. Given

that the use of synthetic drugs, especially in long-term prescriptions, has side effects

such as nausea, gastric ulcers and kidney papillary necrosis.

During the past 30 years, exercise and physical activity have also been considered as

an effective treatment for the prevention and treatment of dysmenorrhea. Primary

dysmenorrhea occurs when the uterus suffers from spasticity due to reduced blood

supply. The release of prostaglandins and other inflammatory mediators in the uterus is

thought to be one of the primary causes of dysmenorrhea. An increase in the amount

of prostaglandins leads to ischemia and uterine contractions.

In some studies, there is also a link between levels of hormones such as

progesterone, estrogen, and vasopressin. The reason for pain in dysmenorrhea is the

increase in the level of prostaglandins in the body, as the decrease in the amount of

progesterone at the end of the luteal phase leads to stimulation of the lubricating action

of the enzymes, which causes the release of arachidonic acid from the phospholipids

along with activation of the cyclooxygenase pathway. Increasing the level of

prostaglandins leads to uterine contraction, uterine ischemia, and increased sensitivity

to pain fibers and ultimately causes pelvic pain. Sports activity decreases the level of

serum aldosterone by reducing the level of renin and increasing oestrogen and

progesterone and thus decreases and improves physical symptoms.

The study of Mohammad et al. aimed at determining the effect of aerobic exercise

on some of the menstrual symptoms of adolescent girls showed that with the regular

and continuous exercise of aerobic exercise, early menstrual dysmenorrhea and

severe menstrual bleeding can be controlled or Preventing it. Shav and et al. examined

the effect of an isometric exercise on primary dysmenorrhea, and concluded that, given

the positive effect of isometric exercise exercises on primary dysmenorrhea as an

important problem for female students that lead to absenteeism from the classroom

and Isometric exercise is a useful method for this age group, and it is possible to spend

isometric exercises anywhere without spending money to reduce the complications of

primary dysmenorrhea.

However, according to Blakey et al. Study, which aimed to determine the relationship

between primary dysmenorrhea and aerobic exercise on 654 female students, there

was no significant relationship between primary dysmenorrhea and aerobic exercise,

Also, according to Davaneghi et al. Study, There was no correlation between

participation in sport activity and the severity of primary dysmenorrhea. according to

Sehati et al. study There was no significant relationship between the distribution of

dysmenorrhea between athletic and nonathlete groups.

Considering the high prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its adverse effects on the

quality of life and social activities of women on the one hand and the different and

contradictory results in some studies, and being low studies on aerobic exercise and

the severity of primary dysmenorrhea, on the other hand, it seems that the study

Identifying effective lifestyle factors like exercise can be a step in the prevention,

control and even cure of it. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect

of 8 weeks of regular aerobic exercise on the severity of primary dysmenorrhea.

Pelvicrockingexercises,anexercisewhichcontractsdeepabdominalmuscles and

buttocks by taking deep breath, so that a small movement takes place inside

the uterus(University of Maryland medical center,1986).

Pelvic rocking exercise has been found to relieve menstrual discomfort,

smoothening in aching back, relieving pain, improving flexibility, restoring

mobility, increasing circulation in the discs and spinal tissues, releasing the

tight back muscles and maintaining good abdominal tone (Strinic et al.,


Pelvic rocking exercise is increased flexibility and strengthening the back and

abdominal muscles. This exercise was also associated with a reduction of


ls have relieved pain by doing Pelvic rocking exercise. This exercise helps to

strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and the lower part of the back. It

helps to relieve back pressure and reduction in dysmenorrheal symptoms

(Dr.Moshe feldenkrais,1984).


The world health organization defines adolescent as the beginning of puberty.

Adolescence means that adulteration the WHO deposits them within 10 to 19 years.

The ICDS program identified adolescents between 11 to 17 years of age. This stage

does not start all at once. Some children are 9 years and some of them in to 10 to 11

years. Healthy and strong in children’s who are malnourished with malnutrition.

Adolescent is the right of all children’s to experience. That childhood, youth, old age,

whatever life, it is life cycle . it is important that children grow up physically during the

adolescent stage and undergo the process of reproduction.Adolescent age is between9

to 19 years.WHO (2019)

The incidence of dysmenorrhea in adolescents were reporting as high as 92%(2006).

In that 38% were reported missing school due to dysmenorrhea, 33% were reported

missing individual classes. The peak incidence of Primary dysmenorrhea aoccurs in

late adolescence period and the early twenty years of the age group. Dysmenorrhoea

may be affected more than half of menstruating women. A Survey was conducted in

113 patients in a Family practice setting, the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 29% to

44%, In that 59% of adolescent girls with dysmenorrhoea was affected by house hold

activities , Sports had been affected by 51%, class participation affected by50%, Social

activities affected by 46%, not doing home work by 34% (Andersch, 2008).

The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was reported in adolescent girls aged 20years. The

prevalence rate of dysmenorrhea in UK was reported (12%). The lowest prevalence

was reported in Bulgaria (8.8%), highest prevalence was reported fenland in (94%) of

adolescent girls (Indian physiol pharmacy, 2008).

A cross sectional survey was conducted on the prevalence and determinants of

dysmenorrhoea. Three thousand women aged 18-45 years were randomly selected. A

total of 2494 woman were participated, in that 2262 woman were selected as asample

by random method. More than half reported as moderate to severe dysmenorrhoea

(Patel et al., 2006)

In 60-90% of adolescent girls in India, dysmenorrhea is a major cause for

absenteeism from school or restriction of activities of daily living or social

interaction. Exercise today is an integral part of normal life for many women. It

is clear that there are many health benefits for women who exercise regularly

and in moderation. Exercise improves cardiovascular status, increases bone mineral

content; improves dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Exercise

reduces menstrual cramps and improves associated symptoms. Health care

providers suggest some forms of aerobic exercises such as pelvic rocking and

tilting, walking and bicycling beneficial for dysmenorrhea (2018)

African American and Caucasian adolescents had similar rates of dysmenorrhea

in nationwide. The late 1990 found a rate of severe dysmenorrhea the times

higher 42% than that previously reported for African Americans and Caucasians

14%, with nearly 20% girls were missing school days due to dysmenorrhea (The

U.S. National Health Examination Survey, 2018).

Menstrual problem was surveyed among the adolescent girls aged 15-19 years of age

among the subjects, 75.8% were recorded as having problems related to menstruation.

Physical problems were present in adolescent girls were reported as35.2%, 49.5%

reported abdominal pain, 41.8% had backache, 17.6% were reported as having

depression (Wadhwal et al., 2004).

During menstrual cycle most of the adolescent girls are having school absenteeism due

to dysmenorrhoea in my village. So the researcher has interested to do study regarding

the pelvic rocking exercise on reduction of dysmenorrhoea. It can be done by ourselves

no need to spend money and less skilled procedure.

Majority of the school girls attained menarche between 10-12 years. 45% of adolescent

girls were reported pelvic pain during first five days of menstruation,60% were reported

primary dysmenorrhoea. The pelvic rocking exercise helps in smoothening and

relieving the back ache and also improving the relaxation of muscles (Burnet et.al.,


Dysmenorrhea is a common problem among adolescent girls. According to the

American Academy of Family physicians, 90% of menstruating women experiences

this disorder usually in the adolescent girls. Exercise may helps to alleviate the primary

dysmenorrhea ( Wandan Marie, 2009).

The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 84.9%. About 11% had mild dysmenorrhea,

62.3% had moderate and 25.8% had severe dysmenorrhea. The three most common

associated symptoms were mood change 84.8%, fatigue 70.7% and backache 63.7%.

Other problems like 34% of the students were poorly concentrated in the class room,

18.2% were reported as school abcenteesm. Most of the affected students have been

used drugs. In that 89.3% had analgesics, 73.4% of students were used

acetaminophen, 16.4% of students were used mefenamic acid (Maree T. Smith,2001).

The prevalence of dysmenorrhea world wide ranges 15.8 - 89.5% with higher

prevalence rates reported in the adolescent population. A similar scenario exists

in India. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was found to be 78.69% in a study

conducted in Gwalior among higher secondary schoolgirls. Dysmenorrhea is

frequently associated with sickness absenteeism, decrease in academic

performance and decrease in physical and social activities in adolescents. In

spite of the frequency and severity of dysmenorrhea, most girls do not seek

medical treatment for this condition because they feel it is a normal part of the

menstrual cycle. Therefore, dysmenorrhea affects not only the untreated person

but also her family, her social life and national economics as well. (2019)

The prevalence of dysmenorrhea worldwide is similar to that in the United

States. Reported prevalence have ranged from 15.8% to 89.5%, with higher

rates reported in adolescent populations. The most common causes of

dysmenorrhea differ by age. The prevalence of this condition is estimated to be

25% among adult women and as high as 90% among adolescents.

Pelvic rocking exercise is increased flexibility and strengthening the back and

abdominal muscles. This exercise was also associated with a reduction of

dysmenorrhea discomfort. Family physicians reported that 90% of menstruating girls

have relieved pain by doing Pelvic rocking exercise. This exercise helps to

strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and the lower part of the back. It helps to

relieve back pressure and reduction in dysmenorrhea symptoms.

Mohammed, H. and Nafez (2017) A conducted a study on “The effect of

practicing pelvic rocking exercise on primary dysmenorrhea among adolescent

girls”. A quasi experimental research design with pre-post assessment was used.

Following the intervention, pain intensity scores decreased significantly (p<0.0001)

in the experimental group as compared to control group during the first and

second cycle. Based on the result, the application of pelvic rocking exercise for

adolescent girls who were suffering from moderate to severe primary

dysmenorrhea had a positive effect in reducing pain intensity scores, pain

duration and menstrual flow duration.

Treatment of dysmenorrhoea includes taking rest 58%, using medication

52%,application of heating pad 26%, drinking tea 20%, doing exercise 15% and using

herbs 7%. Dysmenorrhea is often classified as mild, moderate and severe pain

intensity, impact on working ability, and requirement of analgesics. (Mohammad

Sharify, 2017).

Pelvic rocking exercise help in smoothing an aching back , relieving pain, increased

vasodilatation and subsequent reduction in increased ischemia by release of

endogenous opiates, specifically beta endorphins, in suppression of prostaglandin

sand shunting of blood away from the viscera, resulting in the increased circulation to

the pelvis and relieved from dysmenorrhea(Colombia university








1. To assess the knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls by pre- test.

2. To develop and administer STP on knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises

on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

3. To evaluate the effectiveness of STP on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea in terms of post-test knowledge scores among adolescent girls.

4. To find out the association between the knowledge scores of adolescent girls
regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea with their
selected demographic variables.


1. ASSESS : It refers to systematically measuring and monitoring the level of

dysmenorrhea before and after the pelvic rocking exercises by assessing

structure questionnaire.

2. EFFECTIVENESS: In this study effectiveness refers to determine the extent to

which the structure teaching programme has achieved.

The desired effect in term of gaining knowledge score obtained on structured

questionnaire among adolescent girls.

3. STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAMME: Systematically developed

teaching module designed for educating adolescent girls on pelvic rocking

exercise which is helps on reduction of dysmenorrhea.

4. KNOWLEDGE: appropriate response received from the adolescent girls to the

items elicited through a structure questionnaire.

5. DYSMENORRHEA : Dysmenorrhea refers to difficult menstrual flow or painful

menstruation of the adolescent girls.

6. ADOLSCENT GIRLS: Adolescent is defined as the period from the onset of

puberty to the termination of physical growth and attainment of final adult height

and characteristics.

7. PELVIC ROCKING EXERCISES : pelvic rocking exercises an exercise which

contracts deep abdominal muscle and buttocks by taking deep breath, so that a

small movement takes place in side the uterus . in this study pelvic rocking

exercises is structured questionnaire to the sample in morning and evening

(7an 6pm ) for the period of 3 weeks.


Independent variable: Pelvic rocking exercise.

Dependent variable: Dysmenorrhea.


➢ Dysmenorrhea is a most common health problem among female adolescents.

➢ Most of the adolescent girls were experiencing abdominal pain, backache and

leg ache but in few of the adolescent girls are experiencing pains is intolerable

and incapacitating.

➢ Pelvic rocking exercise may helped in alleviating menstrual discomfort like

dysmenorrhea, smoothening an aching back, relieving pain and maintaining

good abdominal tone.


The study is delimited to:

➢ 60 Adolescent girls of selected rural area, Hyderabad

➢ Adolescents who have only either dysmenorrhea during menstruation

➢ The study is delimited to the rural area , Hyderabad, T.S.


H1: There will be significant difference between the pre-test and post- test scores of

adolescent girls regarding pelvic rocking exercises.

H2: There will be significant association between the pre- test knowledge regarding

pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with

their selected demographic variables.


Theconceptual frameworkisasetofinterrelatedconceptsthat are assemblein

together in some rational scheme, in virtue of their relevance to a

common theme. Conceptual framework helps to stimulate research and

extensive knowledge. (Polit,1990).

Theconceptualframeworkfor researchstudypresents the measure on whichthe

purpose of study is based. The framework provides the perspective

from which the investigator views the problems.

The study is based on the concept that the effectiveness of structure

teaching programme on pelvic rocking exercise in reduction of the

dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls. The investigator adoptedthe

modifiedErnestine widen Bach’s helping artof clinical nursingtheory as a

base for developing conceptualframework.

Ernestinewiden Bach’s proposeshelpingartofclinical nursingtheoryin1964

fornursing, whichdescribesadesiredsituationandawayto attainit.

Itdirectsaction towards the explicit goal. This theory has 3factors.

• Centralpurpose

• Prescription

• Realities

Central purpose

In my studythe central purpose is to reduce dysmenorrhea inadolescentgirls.


Pelvic rocking exercise will helptoreduce thedysmenorrhea.


The five realities are identified by widen Bach are agent, recipient, goal,

means, activities and framework.

Agent: The agent is one who has personal attributes, capacities,

capabilities, commitment andcompetenceto provide structure questionnaire.Inthis

studythe researcheris the agent. It refers to plan for providing structure

teaching program of pelvic rocking exercise to reduce dysmenorrhea among

adolescent girls.

Recipient: The recipient is the adolescent girls who had received for

reduction of dysmenorrhea investigator intervention. In this study adolescent

girlswhoreceived structure teaching programme on pelvic rockingexercise were the


Goal: The goal is to direct actions and suggests that the reason for taking

those actions. In the study goal is to gain knowledge after the STP on pelvic

rocking exercise among adolescent girls.

Means: The means are the activities used by the investigator to achieve the

goal. In this study provided information on pelvic rocking exercise is provided

Framework:Theframeworkrefers tothe facilitiesinwhichnursingispracticed.In

thisstudy framework referstoHassan Nagar , rural area Hyderabad.

The conceptualization of nursing according to this theory consists of

three steps as follows.

StepI : Identifying the need for help.

StepII : Ministering the need for help.

Step III : Validating that the need for help was met.

Researcher Recipient
Adolescents girls
Acquisition of knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises on
reduction of dysmenhorrea among adolescent girls in rural area. R
(Hassan Nagar) E Goal
A Gain in knowledge on
L pelvic rocking
exercise on reduction
I of dysmenorrhea
T among adolescents
Structured Teaching Programme On Pelvic Rocking Exercises On Reduction
Of Dysmenorrhea Among Adolescents Girls to Means
Pelvic rocking


Selected rural area
Demographic variables- age, Assess the Assessment of knowledge
educational status, religion, knowledge of Administration Of on pelvic rocking exercises
family income per month, adolescents girls Structured Teaching on reduction of
father’s education status, regarding pelvic Programme On Pelvic dysmenorrhea by post-test.
mother’s educational status, rocking rocking Rocking Exercises On
father’s occupation, mother’s exercises on Reduction Of
occupation, type of family, reduction of Dysmenorrhea Among
duration of menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea by Adolescents Girls In Rural
pain during menstruation, pre-test Area.
duration of pain, previous
information regarding pelvic
rocking exercises in reduction
of dysmenorrhea, through
whom get information on
pelvic rocking exercises
FEEDBACK Below average Average Above average





Review of literature is a key step in research process. The term review of

literature refers to the initial summary of research on a topic of interest often

prepared to put a research problem in context or as the basis for

implementation of the project. It can serve a number of important functions in

research process and suggests ways of going about in the process of

conducting a study on a topic of interest. It develops a broad conceptual

context into which a research problem will fit.

For the following study review of literature are categorized in following sections

➢ Section A : Studies related to Prevalence of dysmenorrhea among adolescent


➢ Section B : Studies related to signs and symptoms of dysmenorrhea among

adolescent girls

➢ Section C : Studies related to management of dysmenorrhea among adolescent


➢ Section D : Studies related to importance of pelvic rocking exercises to reduce


➢ Section E : Studies related to structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking

exercises to reduce dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls

SECTION A: Studies related to Prevalence of dysmenorrhea among adolescent


K.SATISH KUMAR, et al. (2019) conducted a study to determine the prevalence of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls; a cross-sectional study conducted among

higher secondary schoolgirls of Imphal West district, Manipur from December 2012 to

September 2014. The sample size was calculated to be 660. Participants were

selected by stratified two-stage cluster sampling. Data were collected using a self-

administered questionnaire. Data were entered and analyzed using IBM SPSS version

20 (Armonk, New York, USA). Analysis was done using chi-square test and chi-square

test for trend. Among the 703 respondents, the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was

76.0%, and about one-fifth (21.2%) of the respondents were suffering from severe

dysmenorrhea. Painful menstruation caused school absenteeism, poor exam grades,

and poor interpersonal relationships, decreased concentration in class and affected

daily physical activities in the majority of respondents. Only 37.5% of the dysmenorrhea

girls were receiving treatment for painful menstruation, of which medication was the

common, but only 13.1% of the dysmenorrhea girls took medication on prescription by

a doctor.

M Proctor et al, ( 2018 ) A cross sectional study was conducted among nursing

students in Western turkey school of nursing to determine the prevalence of

dysmenorrhea. The sample size was 857.The sampling method used was simple

random sampling .Data was collected by questionnaires consisted of two parts. The

prevalence of dysmenorrhea among the students was 50%.The intensity of the pain

was assessed by visual Analogue scale. The results showed that 32.2% students had

severe pain, 62.6% had moderate pain and 5.2% had mild pain.

S Omidvar et al, ( 2016 ), 13.6 years. Menorrhagia was a very rare form of

menstrual abnormality. Early menarcheespeciallybetweentheagesof12-

14yearswasfoundtobeassociatedwith higher frequency of irregular menstrual

cycles while this was found to be improved phenomena with late onset of

menarche. About45% had one form of menstrual abnormality; amenorrhea

4.6%, oligomenorrhoea 18% and polymenorrhoea


d menarche by the age of 14 years. Dysmenorrhoea was just slightly

common by the


Amita singh., et.al(2008) conducted a cross Sectional, descriptive study

on the prevalence and severity of dysmenorrhea, Conducted on 107

female medical students. This Study reported approximately 83% of

moderate, 4.67% subjects had severe dysmenorrhea. Prevalence of

other menstrual disorders like irregularity, prolonged menstrual bleeding,

heavy menstrual bleeding and PCOD were 7.47%, 10.28%, 23.36% and

3.73% respectively. Abdominal cramping 31.67% and 8.68%

wasfrequently missing college

&classesrespectively.Premenstrualsymptomwasthe secondmost (60.50%)

prevalent disorder and67.08%reportedsocialwithdrawal.

Patel, et.al (2006) conducted a cross sectional survey study on prevalence of


45yearswererandomlyselected.A total of 2494 women participated (83%).The

participants were asked questions regarding menstrual complaints over the

past 12 months regarding the socio- demographic and reproductive risk

factors. Vaginal swabs or urine specimens were collected for the diagnosis of

reproductive tract infection. Total 2262 women were eligible for this study.

More than half reported as moderate type and severe type of


y othergynecologicalcomplaintsandisassociatedwithsignificantimpact.

Burnett.MA, et.al (2005) Conducted a study on the prevalence of

primary dysmenorrhea in Canada. The samples were selected and

identified by stratified random sampling among 18 years of adolescent girls

interviewed by telephone.2721 samples participated in these 1546 has

regular menstrual cycle,60% having primary dysmenorrhoea,59% reported

moderate to severe dysmenorrhoea, 51% reported severe type, 50%

activities affected,17% missed their school. The prevalence of


with smoking (p=0.002). Oral contraceptive users tend to have less pain than

non users (p=0.005).Finding suggested that the majority of Canadian women

suffered from dysmenorrhea at the same time during the reproductiveyears.

Boln et al., (2000) Conducted a study is to determine the prevalence of

dysmenorrhea, its associated factors and its effects on school activities

among adolescent girls in asecondaryschool in a rural district ofSelangor,

Malaysia.Thisis a cross-sectional study conducted in a public secondary

school. A stratified random sampling of 300 female students (12 to 17 years

old) from one to five classes were selected.Aself-

administeredquestionnaireconsistingof 20items wasusedtocollect socio

demographic and menstrual data. Pain intensity for dysmenorrhea was

measured by numerical rating scale. There was no significant association

with mean ageofmenarcheanddurationofmenstruation.

Themeanpainscorewassignificantly higher in girls who reported to be unable

to participate in sports (p=0.008) and with poor concentration in


Uma Devi (1999) Conducted a study on evaluate the menstrual problem

specially dysmenorrhea and its severity in female medical students and its

effect on their regular activities. This is across-sectional descriptive study

conducted on 107 female medical students, All participants were given a

questionnaire to complete,


ed the verbal multi-dimensional scoring system, participants were given

20minutes to


) years, with a range of 10-15 years. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was

73.83%; approximately 4.67% of subjects had severe dysmenorrhea. The

average duration between


(±2.45) days respectively.

SECTION B : Studies related to signs and symptoms of dysmenorrhea among

adolescent girls

HSMSK Wijesiri et al, (2013), A study was conducted to identify the prevalence of

dysmenorrhea severity and its associated symptoms among adolescent girls .A co

relational approach was used for the study. The setting for the study was pre-

university colleges in the Gwalior district. A probability sampling method of multistage

cluster sampling technique was used to select the sample subjects. The tool was a

semi structured dysmenorrhea status questionnaire with a total of 14 items. A visual

analogue scale was used for measuring the pain intensity. The results showed that

majority of adolescent girls under study had experienced dysmenorrhea that is

(71.96%). .Further analysis was conducted to find out how frequently they experienced

dysmenorrhea .The maxium number of girls that is (33.95%) experienced

dysmenorrhea every month, and (16.90%) experienced it in most of the months and it

was statistically highly significant.

Chen CH et al., (2006) conducted a focus group study in Taiwan, on “The

self care strategies of 23 female adolescent girls with primary

dysmenorrhea”. Thematic content analysis was used to explore and

organize the data. The self care strategies for dysmenorrhea reported by

participants included reducing physical activity,modifyingdietusingherbal

remediesor medication applying complimentary therapees paying attention

to symptom clusters of discomforts, and expressing emotions. This is the

first study to describe the self care strategies adopted by adolescent girls with

dysmenorrhea in Asia. Data were analyzed in culturalcontexts. It was found

that knowledge of beneficial food related or herbal health practices can

enable professionals to counsel this population moreeffectively.

Ecles N.K. (2005) conducted a randomized double blinded, placebo controlled

pilot study to assess the effectiveness of a static magnet to relieve

dysmenorrhea. Sixty five (65) women were (mean age 29.1-1.52 years) recruited

from London newspaper. There was a Significant reduction (p=0.056).

Juhasz.AG., et.al(2005) Conducted a study on dysmenorrhea among

adolescent girls. Totally 2337 girls were interviewed in this study regarding their

menstrual cycle. The overall prevalence of dysmenorrhea in these girls was

79.2%. In that 67% were described pain and abdominal cramping was severe.

61.2% of the girls were found to be a use of medication due to dysmenorrhea.

Despite these data only 1.2% of them had previous medical counseling because

of their complaints. Findings suggested that is important to screen female

adolescents for dysmenorrhea and provide them with information on the disease

and possible treatments.

Pedron. Nuevo.N, et.al(1998) Conducted a study on the incidence of

dysmenorrheaandassociatedsymptoms among womenaged12-

24yearsMenstrual symptoms was assessed by using questionnaire. Total

1,066 students from Mexico city involved. The questionnaire included

general data and 12 symptoms related to

dysmenorrhea.Thefrequencyofabsenteeismasaresultofdysmenorrhea inthe

group 20-24 years. The systemic symptoms accompanying dysmenorrhea

were clustered for analysis. The most frequent symptoms associated with

dysmenorrhea such as nervousness, depression, irritability and


Section C: Studies related to management of dysmenorrhea among adolescent


Brown J, (2016) Conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of exercise in

the treatment of dysmenorrhea. The investigator selected a sample by randomized

control trials for comparing exercise with a control and intervention group in

women with dysmenorrhoea. Control group has no intervention after that

analysis done by using a menstrual distress questionnaire score during the

menstrual phase findings are suggested that the exercise reduced the

dysmenorrhea and its symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea.

Osayande et, al (2014), Studies revealed that pharmacological measure will cause

unwanted side effects. Approximately 30% adolescents use medications to manage

dysmenorrhea and about 80 % do not use prescription of medication. Several non

pharmaceutical approaches to alleviate the dysmenorrhea exist. Alternative and

complementary therapy is widely accepted and available .Among this, pelvic exercise

plays an important role.

Sebenick, et.al,(2008) conducted a study on effectiveness of music-assisted

progressive muscle relaxation on the self reported symptoms of women suffering

from primary dysmenorrhea. 24 women with a mean age of 22.7 years participated

in the study and were evenly divided in 3 groups: a control group (n=8),a progressive

muscle relaxation only group(n=8), and progressive muscle relaxation with music

group (n=8). After completing the modified shortened premenstrual assessment form

(SPAF) which was used to determine the eligibility. Using MANOVA analysis of the

total modified SPAF score for pretest and days 1-3 across each condition and time.

There was the greatest c hange in means between the pretest of the PMR- music

group and the day score of the same group when compared with the control and

PMR-only group.

O.Connell.ketal.,(2006) conducted across sectional study onselftreatment

patterns among adolescents girls with dysmenorrhea. Healthy adolescents

aged 19 years on younger (n=76) with moderate to severe primary

dysmenorrhea were recruited. They used the validated pain subscale of the

mood menstrual distress questionnaire and a 0-10 pain rating scale to

estimate pain severity. The adolescents mean age was 16.8 years (SD=2).

Similar proportions described themselves as white 26%, black 30% or

Hispanic 28%. Dysmenorrhea was moderate in 42%, severe in


(n=66) 46% reported missing school for one or more days in a month due to

dysmenorrhea a minority sought formal medical care, majority has used non-

pharmacological remedies such as sleeping and heat application.

Tseng yf, et.al(2005) conducted a randomized controlled trial study on

“rose teaforreliefofprimary dysmenorrhea in

adolescents”.Theuseofroseteatoalleviate menstrual pain has long been a

part of folk knowledge around the world but has not been studied

scientifically. To determine the effectiveness of drinking rose tea as an

intervention for reducing pain and psycho physiologic distress in adolescents

with primary dysmenorrheal,130 female adolescents were randomly assigned

to an experimental(n=70)andacontrol(n=60)group.



psychologicaloutcome of dysmenorrhea. The results showed that compared

with the control group, the experimental group perceived less menstrual pain,

distress and anxiety and showed gather psycho physiologic well-being

through time, at 1,3 and 6 months after the


d simple treatment fordysmenorrhea.

Strinie.T, et.al (2003) Conducted a study on Anthropological and clinical

characteristics in adolescent women with dysmenorrhea 297 girls from several

elementary and secondary schools were interviewed about the presence of the

menstrual pain. There were 104(55%) samples with dysmenorrhea and

133(45%) without dysmenorrhea. Due to dysmenorrhea 22% of the girls were

using pharmacological drugs, 96% taking oral pills. No difference can observed

between the girls in their chronological age, heights, weights, menorrheal age,

quality of their menstrual cycles, cigarette smoking and sexual activity.

D. Fraser, (1992) Conducted a study on effectiveness of reflexology and

ibuprofen on dysmenorrhea. Total 68 students with primary dysmenorrhea

living in


e the efficacy of reflexology and ibuprofen on reduction of pain intensity and

duration of menstrual pain. Quasi experimental design used for this study.

The students randomly divided into 2 groups. In the reflexology group

received 10 reflexology section40mtseachintoconsecutivemenstrualcycle.





Consideringtheindependentandpaired‘t’test showed that there was a

significant difference in two group between intensity and

durationofmenstrualpainusing visual analogue scale ineachof

the3cyclesbetween reflexology and Ibuprofen groups(p<0.05).

Section D: Studies related to importance of pelvic rocking exercises to reduce


NIZY JOHN ET,AL(2019) conducted a study to assess the pre-test and post-test level

of dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls in experimental and control group, to find

out the effectiveness of pelvic rocking exercise on dysmenorrhoea among adolescent

girls and to associate the pre-test level of dysmenorrhoea with selected demographic

and clinical variables in experimental and control group. A quasi experimental with

pre test-post test control group design was used in this study. The study was

conducted in selected arts and science colleges at Kanyakumari District. The samples

consisted of 60 adolescent girls. Among them, 30 samples were allotted to the

experimental group and 30 samples were allotted to the control group and selected

by purposive sampling technique on the basis of inclusion criteria. The tools used for

data collection were Demographic Variables, Clinical Variables and Numerical Pain

Rating Scale. The study revealed that, the pre-test mean score of dysmenorrhoea

was 75.67+13.085 and the post-test mean score was 45.33+27.17. The mean

difference was 30.34 and the paired ‘t’ value was 5.511. The obtained ‘t’ value was

higher than the table value in experimental group. Hence, it was highly significant

at 0.05 level. In control group, the pre-test mean mean score of dysmenorrhoea
was 75.33+14.079 and the post-test mean score was 70.33+17.221. The mean

difference was 5 and the paired ‘t’ value was 1.231. The obtained ‘t’ value was lower

than the table value. Hence, it was not significant at 0.05 level. The study concluded

that, pelvic rocking exercise was effective in reduction of dysmenorrhoea among

adolescent girls.

Karim Anton (2019) , An evaluative study was conducted to determine effectiveness

of exercise on dysmenorrhea. Sample of this study was 50 junior high school girls.

The method of selection was simple random sampling. All samples divided into

exercise and non exercise group. Both Groups recorded the character, severity and

duration of bleeding. Visual analogue scale was used to measure the severity of pain.

The samples four cycles were observed for severity of pain. After 2 cycle’s

observation, exercise group was educated about 4 activities including pelvic rocking

exercises. The result of this study showed that severity of pain was lower in

exercise group. The intensity of pain in exercise groups declined from 8.59 to 4.63

in the third period and 2.84 in the fourth period. The exercise will decrease duration

and severity of pain and also decrease the use of analgesics.

Alsaleem 2018) Pelvic rocking exercise helps to relieve menstrual discomfort through

increased vasodilatation and subsequent decreased ischemia, release of endogenous

opiates, suppression of prostaglandins and shunting of blood away from cascara thus

decreasing pelvic congestion. These types of exercises students can practice in the

home or hostel set up .

AMAL SUZANE el.al (2018)Conducted a study on effectiveness of pelvic rock

exercises during menstruation. 60 samples were selected by simple random

sampling technique, 30 in each group, group I received pelvic rocking exercises and

group II received aerobic exercises. Preusing structured questionnaire and

assessment of level of pain scale. After pelvic rocking exercises for group I and

aerobic exercises for group II, level of pain perception was assessed using the

numerical pain rating scale. The main conclusion of the present study was all

adolescents girls with primary dysmenorrhea reported moderate and severe pain

on numerical pain rating scale before intervention. Pelvic rocking exercises and

aerobic exercises were effective on menstrual pain perception in both group I and

group II. While comparing effectiveness of pelvic rocking exercise es and aerobic

exercises, result shows that Wilcoxon test of group I and group II was -4.748 and -

4.848, respectively. It indicates that there was variation in the level of pain reduction in

group II than group I. thus the study concludes that aerobic exercises is effective on

reduction of menstrual pain perception among adolescent girls with primary


Jyoti kapoor et, al(2017) conducted a study on effectiveness of pelvic rocking

exercise on dysmenorrhea. The sample consisted of 60 adolescent girls staying at

SGRD College of Nursing Hostel Vallah, Amritsar, (Punjab). Purposive sampling

technique was used to select the sample. Socio-demographic profile and Standardized

numerical (0-10) pain intensity rating scale was used to assess the dysmenorrhea

among adolescent girls. The comparison of pre-interventional and post-interventional

dysmenorrhea was found to be statistically significant with ‘t’ value 12.443 at p<0.05

level of significance. Therefore, it was concluded that the pelvic rocking exercises had

significant effect on dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

H Ju et al , (2014), An evaluative study was conducted to determine the effectiveness

of acupressure on reducing the dysmenorrhea. The research design was pre

experimental one group pre test post test design. The sample consisted of 30 B .Sc

nursing students between the age group of 18-21Years.Convenient sampling technique

was used to select the samples. Numerical pain rating scale and self administered

rating scale were used to assess the discomfort during menstruation. The collected

data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics .The result showed that

mean post test scores 35.33% is lower than mean pre test scores

(53.67%).Dysmenorrhea score were reduced after giving acupressure .The paired ‘t’

test (t29=6.26,P<o.o5)showed that there is significant difference between

dysmenorrhea score before and after acupressure. It reveals that acupressure was

effective in reducing the dysmenorrhea.

Brown J, (2009) Conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of exercise

in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. The investigator selected a sample by

randomized controltrialsforcomparing exercisewithacontrolandintervention

groupinwomen with dysmenorrhea. Control group has no intervention after

that analysis done by usinga menstrualdistress questionnaire score during

themenstrual phasefindingsare suggested that the exercise reduced the

dysmenorrhea and its symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea. The score

during the menstrual phase (p<0.05) and result issustained decrease in

symptoms over the three observed a cycles(p<0.05).

Ms. Lakshmi (2007) conducted a study on the effectiveness of pelvic rocking exercise

on dysmenorrhea among school girls in Erode District. The investigator used pre-

experimental design, one group pre test and post test design. Subject was selected by

simple random technique to the experimental group. The experimental group assessed

for pre-test and were administering pelvic rocking exercise after three weeks post tests

was done to determine the effectiveness’ of the exercise control group has no

intervention. The obtained mean difference between the pre-test and post-test

regarding dysmenorrhea score was 4.0.The obtained ‘t’ value t=8.26(p<0.05) was

significant. Therefore the null hypothesis (H01) was rejected. The study concluded that

pelvic rocking exercise was effective on dysmenorrhea.

Latha P.(2006) Conducted a Pre-Experimental design to assess the

effectiveness of planned education programme on knowledge related to

relation technique in stress reduction during dysmenorrhea among

adolescent girls in selected school in Namakal (DT). The investigator

selected 30 higher secondary schoolgirlsbystratifiedrandomtechnique.

Asemistructuredquestionnairewasused to assess the knowledge related to

relaxation technique stress reduction during dysmenorrhea before and after

the planned teaching programme. The gathered data were analyzed by

using paired ‘t’ test and chi squire test the finding suggested that the higher

secondary school girls gained knowledge in post test score,


Section E : Studies related to structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking
exercises to reduce dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls

V Wiwanitkit et,al (2015), Keeping in view of the above findings in literature,

dysmenorrhea can be considered as prevalent problem, which adversely affect the day

to day activities of nursing students. The investigator in her personal experience

realized that many adolescent girls suffering from dysmenorrhea go into absenteeism

at class and clinicals. After doing the extensive review of literature regarding pelvic

rocking exercises the investigator is motivated to undertake the study on effect of pelvic

rocking exercises on dysmenorrhea.

Abbaspour.z, Rostami.M (2006) Conducted a randominized control trial to

determine the effectiveness of exercise on primary dysmenorrhea. Total 150

high school girl students in Mashed slay man city that suffering from severe

dysmenorrhea. Students were separated in two groups “exercise” and “non

exercise” groups. Then the exercise group was given some exercise and the

results are analyzed after the exercise was registered. The findings were

suggested that the intending of the pain in the exercise group declined from

8.59 to 4.63 in the third period and 2.84 in the fourth period.

Ms. Lakshmi(2000)conductedastudyon the effectiveness ofpelvicrocking

exerciseondysmenorrhea amongschool girls in

ErodeDistrict.Theinvestigatorused pre-experimentaldesign,onegrouppretest

and posttestdesign.Subjectwasselected by simple random technique to the

experimental group. The experimental group assessedfor pretest and

wereadministeringpelvicrocking exercise afterthreeweeks post tests was

done to determine the effectiveness’ of the exercise control group has no

intervention. The obtained mean difference between the pretest and posttest

regarding dysmenorrhea score was 4.0. The obtained ‘t’ value

t=8.26(p<0.05) was


at pelvic rocking exercise was effective ondysmenorrhea.



Methodology is the systematic way to solve the research problem. Research

methodology defines the way pertinent information is gathered in order to answer

question or analyse. The methodology is the general research strategy that outlines the

way in which research is to be undertaken and among, other things, identifies the

methods to be used in it. It is considered as back bone or structure of the study. It

involves the systematic study of methods that can be applied with in a discipline. Polit


This chapter deals with the research approach, research design,

variables under the study, setting, population, criteria for sample selection,

sample size, sampling technique, development and description of tool,

content validity, reliability, pilot study, data collection and plan for data



According to Polit (2010) the research approach refers to a general set of

orderly disciplined procedures used to acquire dependable and useful information. The

research approach used for the present study is quantitative evaluate research

aproach with pre-test and post-test to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching



The research design is a blueprint to conduct the study that maximizes control over

factors that could interfere with the desired outcome of the study

- Burns 1993.

The research design adopted for this study was pre experimental one group pre -
test -post-test design.

The symbol representation of design is:

Group Pre- test Intervention Post- test

Adolescent girls O1 X O2


O1 - Pre test knowledge of adolescent girls

X –The structure teaching programme.

O2 - Post test knowledge of adolescent girls

In this study only one group is taken pre-test for knowledge(O1) was assessed using

structured questionnaire following the pre-test the intervention (X) i.e., structured

teaching programme was administered to the complete sample and the effectiveness

of intervention is tested with the help of the post-test (O2) level of knowledge scores,

which was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics.


The setting of the study refers to area where the study was conducted. The present

study was conducted rural area in Hassan Nagar Hyderabad, Telangana.


The term population refer to the aggregate of all the units in which researches is


The study Population composed of adolescent girls between 9-19 years


It refers to the elements, people, objects to which the investigator wants to generalize

the research findings. In the present study the target populations are adolescent girls .


Accessible population refers to the aggregate of cases which confirms to the designed

criteria and which is accessible to the researcher as a pool of subjects or objects. In

this research study the accessible populations are adolescent girls who are available at

the time of data collection in Hassan Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.


The study samples were adolescent girls between 9-19 years who fulfill the

inclusive criteria residing in rural area at Hassan Nagar, Hyderabad.

Thesample sizefor the present study was60 adolescent girls.


According to polit (2010) sampling technique refers to the process of selecting a

portion of the population to represent the entire population. In the present study non

probability convenient technique was used to select the sample. It is selected based

on sample selection criteria.


The sample was selected based on the following inclusion and exclusion

Inclusive criteria:- The study included

1. Adolescent girls aged between 9-19years.

2. Adolescent girls with regular menstrual cycle.
3. Adolescentgirlswhowereavailableduringthedatacollectionperiod.
4. Adolescent girls who can understand Telugu, English and Hindi.

Exclusive criteria:- The study excluded

1. Adolescent girls aged below 9 years and above 19 years.

2. Adolescent girls who are married.
3. Adolescent girls who are not available during the data collection period
4. Adolescent girls who can not understand Telugu, Hindi,& English.


According to polit (2010) specifies that the method of data collection is a method of

gathering information from respondents in a standardized fashion. In this study the data

collection was done through structured questionnaire.

Phase I

Assess the existing knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with the help of structured questionnaire.

Phase II

Administerstructured teaching programme regarding pelvic rocking exercises on

reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

Phase III

After a period of one week, post test level of knowledge was assessed within the same

group usingstructured questionnaire.

Developmental and description of STP and tool.

Development and description of STP and tool

The structured teaching programme and structured questionnaire was given to 7

experts chosen from field of Obstetrics and gynecology nursing 5 , medical experts 2 ,

and statistics. As per the experts suggestions twenty items were deleted and and ten

items were added, some changes were madein structured teaching programme .


The reliability was established by test re test method and was used by karl- pearson’s

correlation efficient. Computed from the score on obtain r=0.94, which indicated that

the tool was reliable.

A pilot study is asmall scale version or trial run done, in the preparation of the main

study. It was a rehearsal for main study. The researcher got permission from the

principal and research ethical committee of Owaisi college of nursing and

HOD of obstetrics and gynecological nursing. Before the data collection

formal permission was obtained from the medical officer of Hassan Nagar,

rural area Hyderabad.


adolescentgirlsandabriefintroductionaboutthestudy was given. Consent was

obtained from each adolescent girls and reassurance was

providedthatthecollecteddatawouldbekeptconfidential. Thedatarelatedto

demographic variable was collected from the samples and also assessed

by structure questionnaire.


The researcher got permission from principal and research ethical

committee and HOD of obstetrics and gynecological nursing , Owaisi college

of nursing. Before the data collection formal permission was obtained from

the medical officer Hassan Nagar, Hyderabad.


conductedasurveytofindouttheadolescentgirlsaged 9-19years in Hassan

Nagar rural area,Hyderabad.

Rapport was established with the adolescent girls and a brief introduction

about the study was given. Consent was obtained from each adolescent girls

and reassurance was provided that the collected data would be kept

confidential. The data related to demographic variable was collected from

the both groupsandalsoassessedthepre-testlevelofdysmenorrheabystructure


From the sixth day (00-00-000) onwards the researcher gathered the

adolescent girls in rural area and administered structure teaching program

on the pelvic rockingexercise.Post test was done after 3 weeks. There was

a significant reduction of dysmenorrhea among the adolescent girls in the

post test.

The data were analyzed by using both inferential and descriptive statistics.

Inferential statistics

➢ Paired‘t’testwas usedtocomparepretest and post test

oftheeffectivenessofpelvicrockingexercise on reductionof

dysmenorrhea among adolescentgirls.

➢ Chi-square test was used to find out associate the post- test level of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with selected demographic


Data analysis is the schematic organization of research data and the

testing of research hypothesis using the data.

The data obtained in this study was analyzed by both description and

inferential statistics,on the basis of objectives and hypothesis of the study.

1. Organization of data in master sheet.

2. Demographic data were analyzed in terms of frequency and


3. Mean, Median and standard deviation were used to analyzed the

prepost and post test scores.


The chapter seal with the methodology adopted for the proposed study,

research approach, research design, setting, population, sample and

sampling technique, criteria for sampling collection, development and

description of tool, validity, reliability, pilot study, data collection procedure,

technique of data collection and plan for data analysis.

To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge
regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among
adolescent girls in selected rural area , Hyderabad, TS.

RESEARCH APPROACH- quantitative evaluation with pre-test and post-test


RESEARCH DESIGN - pre experimental one group pre test - post test design

STUDY SETTING – Hassan Nagar Hyderabad

Adolescent girls at area of hassan nagar Hyderabad

Non probability convenient sampling technique


Structured multiple choice questionnaire


Pre-test Post-test

DATA ANALYSIS - Using Descriptive & Inferential Statistics






This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data related to

“Study to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching programme on knowledge

regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent

girls in selected rural area, Hyderabad, Telangana.” Data was collected from 60

adolescent girls regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea.

Analysis and interpretation was done with the help of descriptive and inferential

statistics to examine the objectives and test the hypothesis of the study.

Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage distribution, mean, median,

mode, and standard deviation were utilized to know the Effectiveness of structure

teaching programme on knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls in selected rural area Hyderabad, Telangana..

Inferential statistics such as paired t-test was used to test the significance of the

Effectiveness of structure teaching programme on knowledge regarding pelvic rocking

exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls in selected rural area

Hyderabad, Telangana. With selected demographic variables such as Age,

Educational status, Religion, Family income per month, Father’s educational status,

Mother’s educational status, Father’s Occupation, Mother’s occupation, Type of

family, Duration of menstrual cycle, Pain during menstruation, Duration of pain, .Do

you have previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of

dysmenorrheal, If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking exercise .

❖ To assess the knowledge of pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls at selected rural area, Hyderabad.

❖ To develop and administer structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking

exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

❖ To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on pelvic

rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls by post

test knowledge scores.

❖ To find out the association between the knowledge scores of pelvic rocking

exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with their

selected demographic variables.

H1: There will be significant difference in pre-test and post- test scores of adolescent

girls .

H2: There will be significant association between the post - test

knowledge scores regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with their selected demographic


The data is presented under the following headings:

SECTION-I: Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their demographic variables.

Section II: Assess the knowledge pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls

Section B divided in to two parts :

Part -A: Consist of adolescent , menstruation and dysmenorrhea.

Part-B: Consist of structured questionnaire to knowledge regarding pelvic rocking

exercise on dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

Section III : Effectiveness of pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea

among adolescent girls.

Section D: To find out the association between the post tests level of pelvic rocking

exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with their

demographic variables.




Section I deals with the frequency and percentage distribution of pelvic rocking

exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls in selected rural area

according to demographic data such as Age, Educational status, Religion, Family

income per month, Father’s educational status, Mother’s educational status,

Father’s Occupation, Mother’s occupation, Type of family, Duration of menstrual cycle,

Pain during menstruation, Duration of pain, Do you have any previous information on

pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrheal, If yes , through whom you get

information on pelvic rocking exercise.

Table No:1:1Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Age

Age in years Frequency Percentage


9-11 years 5 8.3
12-14 years 14 23.3
15-17 years 25 41.7

18 -20 years 16 26.7 S

Total 60 100.0 ho

s that selected adolescent girls age distribution. With regard to age of adolescent girls

(8.3%) were in the age group of 9-11 years, ( 23.3%) were in the age group of 12-14

years, (41.7%) were in the age group of 15-17 years and (26.7%) were in the age

group of 18-20 years.

Age in years

9-11 years
12-14 years
15-17 years
42% 18 -20 years

Fig no 1:1 frequency distribution of adults according to age


Table No:1:2 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent

girls according to their education status


Educational status Frequency Percentage

Primary 10 16.7

Secondary 22 36.7

Intermediate 17 28.3

Graduation 11 18.3

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:2 Shows that educational status of adolescent girls is , out of 60

adolescent girls 10 (16.7%) were with primary education, 22 (36.7%) were secondary,

17 (28.3%) were from intermediate education and 11 (18.3%) were from the


40.0 36.7



20.0 16.7




Primary Secondary Intermediate Graduation
Educational status

Fig No:1:2 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their education status

Table No:1:3 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Religion.


Frequency Percentage
Hindu 44 73.3

Muslim 12 20.0

Christian 4 6.7

Others 0 0.0

Total 60 100.0

Table no 1:3 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls, Hindu were 44(73.3%),

Muslims were 12(20.0%), Christian were 4(6.7%) and others were none of them.


30.0 20.0
20.0 6.7
10.0 0.0
Hindu Muslim Christian others

Fig No:1:3 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Religion.

Table No:1:4 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girl according to their family income for month.

Family income per month Frequency Percentage

Rs5000/-Rs10000/- 6 10.0

Rs11000/-Rs15000/- 20 33.3

Rs16000-Rs20000/- 22 36.7

Above-Rs24000/- 12 20.0

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:4 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls, family income of the

month of adolescent girls belonging to Rs5000/-Rs10000/- were 6(10.0%), Rs11000/-

Rs15000/- were 20(33.3%), Rs16000-Rs20000/- were 22(36.7%) and Above-

Rs24000/- were12(20.0%).

Family income per month


33% Rs16000-Rs20000/-


Fig no 1:4 Percentage distribution of adolescent girl according to their family

income for month.

Table No:1:5 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Father's Educational status.

Father's Educational status Frequency Percentage

Illiterate 11 18.3

Primary schooling 20 33.3

S.S.C 15 25.0

Intermediate & above 14 23.3

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:5 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls father’s educational status

of adolescent girls were belonging to illiterates were 11(18.3%), primary schooling

were 20(33.3%), SSC were 15(25.0%) and intermediate and above were 14(23.3%).

Father's Educational status

23% 18%
Primary schooling
25% 34%
Intermediate & above

Fig no: 1:5 percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their

Father's Educational status.

Table No:1:6 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Mother's Educational status.

Mother's Educational status Frequency Percentage

Illiterate 11 18.3

Primary schooling 30 50.0

S.S.C 18 30.0

Intermediate & above 1 1.7

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:6 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls the mother’s educational status of

adolescent girls were belonging to illiterates were 11(18.3%), primary schooling were

30(50.0%), SSC were 18(30.0%) and intermediate and above were 1(1.7%).

Mother's Educational status


30% Illiterate
Primary schooling
Intermediate & above


Fig no 1:6 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Mother's Educational status.

Table No:1:7 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their father's occupation status.

Father's Occupation Frequency Percentage

Day wage worker 17 28.3

Private employee 15 25.0

Govt employee 8 13.3

Business 20 33.3

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1.7 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls the father’s occupation of

adolescent girls were belonging to daily wage workers were belonging to

17(28.3%),15(25.0%) were belonging to Private employee,8(13.3%) were Govt.

employee and 20(33.3%) were Business.






Father's Occupation

Fig no: 1:7 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their father's occupation.

Table No:1:8 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Mother's Occupational status.

Mother's Occupation Frequency Percentage

House wife 17 28.3

Day wage worker 21 35.0

Private employee 20 33.3

Govt employee 2 3.3

Total 60 100.0

Table no:1.8 shows that out of 60 adolescent girls the mother’s occupation of

adolescent girls were belonging to house wives were 17(28.3%) , daily wage workers

were belonging to 21 (35.0%), 20(33.0%) were belonging to Private employee, and

2(3.3%) were Govt. employee.







Mother's Occupation

Fig no:1:8 percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Mother's Occupational status.

Table No:1:9 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent girls
according to their type of family.

Type of family Frequency Percentage

Nuclear family 37 61.7

Single parent family 7 11.7

Joint family 10 16.7

Extended family 6 10.0

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:9 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls type of family

ofadolescent girls were belonging37(61.7%) were belonging to nuclear family,

7(11.7%) were single parent family, 10(16.7%) were joint family and 6(10.0%0 were

extended family.

Type of family

17% Nuclear family
Single parent family
12% 61%
Joint family
Extended family

Fig no :1:9 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to their

Mother's Occupational status.

Table No:1:10 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Duration of menstrual cycle

Duration of menstrual cycle Frequency Percentage

< 3 days 20 33.3

3-4 days 22 36.7

5-6 days 13 21.7
> 6 days 5 8.3

Total 60 100.0

Table no : 1:10 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls Duration of menstrual cycle

ofadolescent girls is below 3 days 20(33.3%) 22(36.7%) were 3-4 days cycle

13(21.7%) were 5-6 days cycle, and 5(8.3%) were >6 days cycle.

Chart Title

40.0 36.7
25.0 21.7

< 3 days 3-4 days 5-6 days > 6 days
Duration of menstrual cycle

Fig no :1:10 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Duration of menstrual cycle

Table No:1:11 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Pain during menstruation

Pain during menstruation Frequency Percentage

Mild 25 41.7

Moderate 27 45.0

Severe 8 13.3

Very severe 0 0.0

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:11 shows that out of 60 adolescent girls Pain during menstruation is mild

pain 25(41.7%) 27(45.0%) were moderate pain 8(13.3%) were severe pain and

none of them were in very severe pain.

45.0 41.7


Mild Moderate Severe Very severe
Pain during menstruation

Fig no :1:11 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Pain during menstruation.

Table No:1:12 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Pain duration

Duration of pain Frequency Percent

On day before cycle to end 14 23.3

First day of cycle 32 53.3

3 days of cycle 12 20.0

Throughout cycle 2 3.3

Total 60 100.0

Table no: 1:12 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls Pain duration of pain adolescent

girls 14(23.3%) were belonging On day before cycle to end, 32(53.3%) were First day

of cycle, 12(20.0%) were 3 days of cycle and 2(3.3%) were in Throughout cycle.

60.0 53.3



30.0 23.3

10.0 3.3

On day First day of 3 days of Through out
before cycle cycle cycle cycle
to end
Duration of pain

Fig no :1:12 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Pain duration

Table No:1:13 Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Do you have any previous information on
pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhoea

Do you have any previous information on

pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of Frequency Percentage

Yes 29 48.3
No 31 51.7
Total 60 100.0

Table No:1:13 Shows that previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in

reduction of dysmenorrheaamong adolescent girls were belonging 29(48.3%) were

have previous information and 31(51.7%) were they don’t have previous information

of pelvic rocking exercise and 31 ( 51.7%) were No.

Do you have any previous information
on pelvic rocking exercises in
reduction of dysmenorrhea


Fig no:1:13 percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to

their Do you have any previous information on pelvic rocking

exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhoea

Table No:1:14Frequency and percentage distribution of adolescent
girls according to their Do you have any previous information on
pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhoea

If yes , through whom you get

Frequency Percentage
information on pelvic rocking exercise

Health personnel 16 26.7

Literature ( Books newspaper) 5 8.3

Mass media 18 30.0

Friends and relatives 21 35.0
Total 60 100.0

Table no :1:14 Shows that out of 60 adolescent girls If yes , through whom get

information on pelvic rocking exercise ofadolescent girls 16(26.7%) were though

Health personnel, 5(8.3%) from Literature ( Books newspaper), 18(30.0%) from mass

media and 21(35.0%) from Friends and relatives.

30.0 26.7





Health personnel Literature ( Books, Mass media Friends and
newspaper) relatives

If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking


Fig no: 1: 14 Percentage distribution of adolescent girls according to whom

you got information on pelvic rocking exercises.




In this section deals with Paired t test of significance for knowledge scores of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among
adolescent girls in pre test and post test and comparing pre test and post test
knowledge scores.
Table no:2:1
Pre test Post test Paired t
S. Area of value
No knowledge Mean SD SE Mean SD SE

6.60 2.18 0.28 13.37 1.32 0.257 22.51**

1 Below average
4.92 2.65 0.29 8.33 2.08 0.270 10.20**
2 Average
11.52 3.08 0.39 21.70 3.22 0.41 24.392**
3 Above average
** Significant Table value=2.021, at df=59

The above table shows that the pre test mean was 6.60 with 2.18 standard
deviation, 0.28 standard error of mean and in post test mean was 13.37 with 1.32
standard deviation, 0.257 standard error of mean. The calculated ‘t’ value was 22.51,
which is significant at 59df with 0.05 level of significance (p=0.000<0.05).
The above table show that in pre test at above average mean 6.60 SD 2.18 SE
0.28 Average mean 4.92 SD 2.65 SE 0.29 regarding knowledge on “Pelvic rocking
exercise”, in the pre test mean was 4.92 with 2.65 standard deviation, 0.29 standard
error of mean and in post test mean was 8.33 with 2.08 standard deviation 0.27
standard error of mean. The calculated ‘t’ value was 10.20, which is significant at 59df
with 0.05 level of significance (p=0.000<0.05).
The table no. 2.1 revealed that out of 60 adolescent girls Below average
knowledge on “Overall knowledge”, in the pre test mean was 11.52 with 3.089 standard
deviation, 0.399 standard error of mean and in post test mean was 21.70 with 3.22

standard deviation, 0.417 standard error of mean. The calculated ‘t’ value was 24.39,
which is significant at 59df with 0.05 level of significance (p=0.000<0.05).
It shows that there is significant difference (p<0.05) in pre test and post test
mean knowledge scores of adolescent girls on Adolescent, menstruation &
dysmenorrhea which is evident by significant paired t values. Hence the formulated null
hypothesis “there is no significant difference in pre test and post test mean knowledge
scores of adolescent girls on Adolescent, menstruation & dysmenorrhea”.
It shows that there is significant difference (p<0.05) in pre test and post test mean
knowledge scores of adolescent girls on Pelvic rocking exercise which is evident by
significant paired t values. Hence the formulated null hypothesis “there is no significant
difference in pre test and post test mean knowledge scores of adolescent girls on
“Pelvic rocking exercise” .
It shows that there is significant difference (p<0.05) in pre test and post test
mean knowledge scores of adolescent girls on overall knowledge which is evident by
significant paired t values. Hence the formulated null hypothesis “there is no significant
difference in pre test and post test mean knowledge scores of adolescent girls on
“overall knowledge”.

25.00 23.00 23


15.00 13.37 13.00 13


10.00 8.33 8.00 8 Adolescent, menstruation&

7.00 dysmenorrhea. Score
4.92 5.00 5 Pelvic rocking exercise Score
5.00 3.089 3.228
2.188 2.088






Std. Deviation

Std. Deviation

Pre test Post test

Section wise

14.00 13.37




6.00 4.92 Mean

Std. Deviation
2.188 1.991 2.265 2.088

pre post pre post
section I section II

It dealt with the mean knowledge and comparison of pre test and post test mean
knowledge scores by using paired t test and testing the hypothesis of the present

Table no 3:1 No: 60

S.No Test Mean SD SE Paired t value

1 11.52 3.08 0.39

Pre test
2 21.70 3.22 0.41
Post test
** Significant Table value=2.021, at df=59
The table no. 15 revealed that out of 60 adolescent girls regarding knowledge on
“effectiveness of pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among
adolescent girls”, in the pre test mean was 11.52 with 3.089 standard deviation, 0.399
standard error of mean and in post test mean was 21.70 with 3.22 standard deviation,
0.417 standard error of mean. The calculated ‘t’ value was 24.392, which is significant
at 59df with 0.05 level of significance (p=0.000<0.05).
It shows that there is significant difference (p<0.05) in pre test and post test
mean knowledge scores of adolescent girls on overall knowledge which is evident by
significant paired t values.
Hence we conclude that the structure teaching programme on knowledge
regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent
girls in selected rural area is effective.



Pre test
10 Post test

5 3.08 3.22

Mean SD
Knowledge score




In this section Chi Square test was used to examine the association between
demographic variables and the Adolescent girls knowledge regarding knowledge
regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent
girls in selected rural area. The variables included were Adolescent girls Age,
Educational status, Religion, Family income per month, Father’s educational status,
Mother’s educational status, Father’s Occupation, Mother’s occupation, Type of family,
Duration of menstrual cycle, Pain during menstruation, Duration of pain, .Do you have
any previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhea, If
yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking exercise.

Table no:4:1 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge with their age
average Average Above average
Age of
girls F % F % F % ᵡ2

9-11 years 0 0.0% 3 60.0% 2 40.0% 9.89

12-14 years 0 0.0% 5 35.7% 9 64.3% df=3**

15-17 years 0 0.0% 9 36.0% 1664.0%

18 -20 years 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 16 %
** Significant Calculated value=7.815, df=3, p=0.019<0.05
Table no: Shows that the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea with age
(Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 9.89) was greater than table value at 0.05 level of significance.
Hence conclude that accepts the hypothesis and it is inferred that there is a significant
association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises
on reduction of dysmenorrhea with age.

70.0% 64.3% 64.0%

50.0% Below Avg(<=33.33%)

35.7% 36.0%
40.0% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)
30.0% Above Avg(>66.67%)
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
9-11 12-14 15-17 18 -20
years years years years

Fig no: 4:1 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge with their age

Table no:4:2 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their education
Education of
Adolescent girls Average Above average ᵡ2

F % F % F %

Primary 7 70.0% 3 30.0%

0 0.0%
Secondary 6 27.3% 16 72.7% 13.10
0 0.0%
Intermediate 4 23.5% 13 76.5%
0 0.0%
Graduation 11 100.0%
0 0.0% 0 0.0%
** Significant Calculated value=7.815, df=3, p=0.004<0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
education (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 13.10) was greater than table value at 0.05 level of
significance. Hence conclude that accepts the hypothesis and it is inferred that there is
a significant association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic
rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their education.



80.0% 76.5%


Below Avg(<=33.33%)
30.0% Above Avg(>66.67%)
30.0% 23.5%


0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Primary Secondary Intermediate Graduation

Educational status * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no: 4:2 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their education

Table no:4:3Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their Religion.

Religionof Adolescent girls Below average Average Above average ᵡ2

F % F % F %

Hindu 12 27.3% 32 72.7%

0 0.0%
Muslim 4 33.3% 8 66.7% 0.19
0 0.0%
Christian 1 25.0% 3 75.0% NS
0 0.0%
others 12 27.3% 32 72.7%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=5.991, df=2, p=0.908>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
religion (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 0.19) was less than table value at 0.05 level of
significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is inferred that
there is no significant association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on
pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their religion.

80.0% 75.0%



Below Avg(<=33.33%)
40.0% 33.3%
27.3% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)
30.0% 25.0%
Above Avg(>66.67%)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Hindu Muslim Christian
Axis Title

Fig no:4:3 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Religion.

Table no:4:4 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their family income per month.
Family income per monthof
Below Above
Adolescent girls Average ᵡ2
average average

F % F % F %

Rs5000/-Rs10000/- 2 33.3% 4 66.7%

0 0.0%
Rs11000/-Rs15000/- 6 30.0% 14 70.0% 0.179
0 0.0%
Rs16000-Rs20000/- 6 27.3% 16 72.7% NS
0 0.0%
Above-Rs24000/- 3 25.0% 9 75.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.981>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
family income per month (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 0.179) was less than table value at
0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is
inferred that there is no significant association is existing between Adolescent girls
knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their family
income per month.

80.0% 75.0%



40.0% 33.3% Below Avg(<=33.33%)

30.0% 25.0% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)

20.0% Above Avg(>66.67%)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Family income per month * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:4 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their family income per month.

Table no:4:5 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with theirFather's Educational status
Below Above
Father's Educational status of Average ᵡ2
average average
Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

Illiterate 2 18.2% 9 81.8%

0 0.0%
Primary schooling 7 35.0% 13 65.0% 1.59
0 0.0%
S.S.C 5 33.3% 10 66.7% NS
0 0.0%
Intermediate & above 3 21.4% 11 78.6%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.680>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
Father's Educational status (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 1.59) was less than table value at
0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is
inferred that there is no significant association is existing between Adolescent girls
knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their Father's
Educational status.


70.0% 65.0% 66.7%


Below Avg(<=33.33%)
40.0% 35.0% 33.3% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)
Above Avg(>66.67%)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
0.0% Illiterate Primary S.S.C Intermediate
schooling & above

Father's Educational status * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:5 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with theirFather's Educational status

Table no:4:6 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their mother educational status

Mother educational status Below average Average Above average ᵡ2

of Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

Illiterate 5 45.5% 6 54.5%

0 0.0%
Primary schooling 6 20.0% 24 80.0% 3.23
0 0.0%
S.S.C 6 33.3% 12 66.7% NS
0 0.0%
Intermediate & above 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.357>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
mother's Educational status (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 3.23) was less than table value at
0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is
inferred that there is no significant association is existing between Adolescent girls’
knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
mother's Educational status.

90.0% 80.0%

50.0% 45.5%

40.0% 33.3%
Below Avg(<=33.33%)
30.0% 20.0%
10.0% Above Avg(>66.67%)
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Mother's Educational status * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:6 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their mother educational status

Table no:4:7Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their Father's Occupation
Below Above
Father's Occupation of Average ᵡ2
average average
Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

Day wage worker 4 23.5% 13 76.5%

0 0.0%
Private employee 6 40.0% 9 60.0% 1.35
0 0.0%
Govt employee 2 25.0% 6 75.0% NS
0 0.0%
Business 5 25.0% 15 75.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.717>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between

knowledge of Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of
dysmenorrhea and their Father's Occupation (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 1.35) was less than
table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null
hypothesis and it is inferred that there is no significant association is existing between
Adolescent girls’ knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea
and their Father's Occupation.

80.0% 76.5% 75.0% 75.0%




30.0% 25.0% 25.0% Below Avg(<=33.33%)

Above Avg(>66.67%)
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Father's Occupation * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:7 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Father's Occupation

Table no:4:8 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their Mother's Occupation
Below Above
Mother's Occupation of Average ᵡ2
average average
Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

House wife 9 52.9% 8 47.1%

0 0.0%
Day wage worker 3 14.3% 18 85.7% 8.011
0 0.0%
Privateemployee 5 25.0% 15 75.0%
0 0.0%
Govt employee 0 0.0% 2 100.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.046<0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
mother's Occupation (ᵡ2 = 8.011) was greater than table value at 0.05 level of
significance. Hence conclude that accepts the hypothesis and it is inferred that there is
a significant association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic
rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their mother's Occupation.

90.0% 85.7%

80.0% 75.0%


60.0% 52.9%
Below Avg(<=33.33%)
30.0% 25.0%
Above Avg(>66.67%)
20.0% 14.3%

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Mother's Occupation * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:8 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Mother's Occupation

Table no:4:9 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their Type of family
Below Above
Type of family of Adolescent Average ᵡ2
average average
F % F % F %

Nuclear family 9 24.3% 28 75.7%

0 0.0%
Single parent family 3 42.9% 4 57.1% 2.09
0 0.0%
Joint family 4 40.0% 6 60.0% NS
0 0.0%
Extended family 1 16.7% 5 83.3%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.553>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
Type of family (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 2.09) was less than table value at 0.05 level of
significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is inferred that
there is no significant association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on
pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their Type of family.

90.0% 83.3%
80.0% 75.7%


50.0% 42.9%
40.0% Below Avg(<=33.33%)

30.0% 24.3% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)

16.7% Above Avg(>66.67%)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Nuclear Single Joint Extended
family parent family family
Type of family * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:9 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Type of family

Table no:4:10Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Duration of menstrual cycle.
Below Above
Duration of menstrual cycle of Average ᵡ2
average average
Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

< 3 days 4 20.0% 16 80.0%

0 0.0%
3-4 days 7 31.8% 15 68.2% 1.64
0 0.0%
5-6 days 5 38.5% 8 61.5% NS
0 0.0%
> 6 days 1 20.0% 4 80.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.650>0.05

Table no:4:10 Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between
knowledge of Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of
dysmenorrhea and their Duration of menstrual cycle (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 1.64) was
less than table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null
hypothesis and it is inferred that there is no significant association is existing between
Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea
and their Duration of menstrual cycle.

80.0% 80.0%


38.5% Below Avg(<=33.33%)

20.0% 20.0% Above Avg(>66.67%)

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
< 3 days 3-4 days 5-6 days > 6 days
Duration of menstrual cycle * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:10 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Duration of menstrual cycle.

Table no:4:11 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with theirPain during menstruation
Below Above
Average ᵡ2
average average
Pain during menstruation of
Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

Mild 7 28.0% 18 72.0%

0 0.0%
Moderate 10 37.0% 17 63.0% df=2
0 0.0%
Severe 0 0.0% 8 100.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=5.99 at df=2, p=0.124>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between

knowledge of Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of
dysmenorrhea and their Pain during menstruation (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 4.17) was less
than table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null
hypothesis and it is inferred that there is no significant association is existing between
Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea
and their Pain during menstruation.



70.0% 63.0%


Below Avg(<=33.33%)
37.0% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)
Above Avg(>66.67%)


0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Mild Moderate Severe
Pain during menstruation * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:11 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with theirPain during menstruation

Table no:4:12 Chi square test for the association between

Adolescent girls knowledge and with their Duration of pain

Below Above
Duration of pain of Adolescent Average ᵡ2
average average
F % F % F %

On day before cycle to end 3 21.4% 11 78.6%

0 0.0%
First day of cycle 8 25.0% 24 75.0% 2.10
0 0.0%
3 days of cycle 5 41.7% 7 58.3% NS
0 0.0%
Throughout cycle 1 50.0% 1 50.0%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.569>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between knowledge of
Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their
Duration of pain (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 2.10) was less than table value at 0.05 level of
significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is inferred that
there is no significant association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on
pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their Duration of pain.

80.0% 75.0%


Below Avg(<=33.33%)
30.0% 25.0%
21.4% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)
Above Avg(>66.67%)
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
On day First day 3 days of Through
before of cycle cycle out cycle
cycle to
Duration of pain * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:12 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Duration of pain

Table no:4:13 Chi square test for theassociation between Adolescent girls
knowledge and with their Do you have any previous information on pelvic
rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhea
Below Above
Do you have any previous information Average ᵡ2
average average
on pelvic rocking exercises in
reduction of dysmenorrhea of
Adolescent girls F % F % F %

Yes 7 24.1% 22 75.9% 0.87

0 0.0%
No 10 32.3% 21 67.7% NS
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=3.841at df=1, p=0.485>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between

knowledge of Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of
dysmenorrhea and their Do you have any previous information on pelvic rocking
exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhea (Chi-square value ᵡ2 = 0.87) was less than
table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence conclude that accepts the null
hypothesis and it is inferred that there is no significant association is existing between
Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea
and their Do you have any previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in reduction
of dysmenorrhea.





40.0% Below Avg(<=33.33%)

30.0% 24.1%
Above Avg(>66.67%)

0.0% 0.0%
Yes No
Do you have any previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in
reduction of dysmenorrhea * KNOWLEDGE LEVEL

Fig no:4:13 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their Do you have any previous information on pelvic

rocking exercises in reduction of dysmenorrhea

Table no:4:14 Chi square test for the association between Adolescent
girls knowledge and with their If yes , through whom you get
information on pelvic rocking exercise
Below Above
If yes , through whom you get Average ᵡ2
average average
information on pelvic rocking
exercise of Adolescent girls
F % F % F %

Health personnel 5 31.3% 11 68.8%

0 0.0%
Literature ( Books, newspaper) 2 40.0% 3 60.0% 1.86
0 0.0%
Mass media 3 16.7% 15 83.3% NS
0 0.0%
Friends and relatives 7 33.3% 14 66.7%
0 0.0%
NS=Non-Significant Calculated value=7.815 at df=3, p=0.600>0.05

Above table reflects the Chi square value computed between

knowledge of Adolescent girls on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of
dysmenorrhea and their If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking
exercise (ᵡ2 = 1.86) was less than table value at 0.05 level of significance. Hence
conclude that accepts the null hypothesis and it is inferred that there is no significant
association is existing between Adolescent girls knowledge on pelvic rocking exercises
on reduction of dysmenorrhea and their If yes , through whom you get information on
pelvic rocking exercise.

90.0% 83.3%
68.8% 66.7%

40.0% 33.3%
30.0% Below Avg(<=33.33%)
16.7% Avg(33.34%-66.66%)
10.0% Above Avg(>66.67%)
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking


Fig no:4:14Chi square test for theassociation between Adolescent girls

knowledge and with their If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic

rocking exercise









This chapter deals with summary of the study, findings, conclusion drawn,

implications, recommendations and limitations of the study.


This study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of pelvic rocking

exercise on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls in selected

rural area of Hyderabad TS.

Dysmenorrhea literally means painful menstruation. It is the most common

gynecologic complaints 92% of adolescent girls reported as dysmenorrhea.

The girls were experiencing cramping abdominal pain, backache, leg ache

and some of the


he leading cause of periodic school absenteeism. Depending on the cause

painful menstruation is traditionally classified as primary and secondary

dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is pain during menstruation where

there is no underlying




s the main cause of secondary dysmenorrhea. Normally the hormone

prostaglandin which is produced in the uterus. When the increasing activity of

prostaglandin may cause proliferation of endometrium and uterine contraction

this may leads to mostof


Pelvic rocking exercise has been shown to be the ideal source of exercisefor


a menstrual discomfort through an increased vasodilatation and subsequent

decreased ischemia, release of endogenous opiates, specifically endorphins

inhibiting the production & release of prostaglandins. This exercise

strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and lower back. Evidence suggests

that dysmenorrhea can be reduced without medicine intake. Pelvic rocking

exercise was very helpful to reduce pain, stimulates blood circulation, and

relax the abdominal muscles. And also there is no complications for Pelvic


Objectives for the study are:

5. To assess the knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls by pre- test.

6. To develop and administer STP on knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises

on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

7. To evaluate the effectiveness of STP on pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of

dysmenorrhea in terms of post-test knowledge scores among adolescent girls.

8. To find out the association between the knowledge scores of adolescent girls

regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea with their

selected demographic variables.


H1: There will be significant difference in pre-test and post- test scores of adolescent

girls .

H2: There will be significant association between the pre- test knowledge regarding

pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls with

their selected demographic variables.


➢ Dysmenorrhea is a most common health problem among female adolescents.

➢ Most of the adolescent girls were experiencing abdominal pain, backache and

leg ache but in few of the adolescent girls are experiencing pains is intolerable

and incapacitating.

➢ Pelvic rocking exercise may helped in alleviating menstrual discomfort like

dysmenorrhea, smoothening an aching back, relieving pain and maintaining

good abdominal tone.

For the following study review of literature are categorized in

following sections :

➢ Section A: Studies related to Prevalence of dysmenorrhoea among adolescent


➢ Section B: Studies related to signs and symptoms of dysmenorrhea on

adolescent girls

➢ Section C: Studies related to importance of pelvic rocking exercises to reduce


➢ Section D: Studies related to structure teaching programme on pelvic rocking

exercises to reduce dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls .


From the result of the study, it was concluded that rendering pelvic rocking

exercise to the adolescent girls was effective in reduction of dysmenorrhea.

Therefore the investigator felt that, more importance should be given for

pelvic rocking exercise to reduce the dysmenorrhea among the adolescent



Theresearcherhadderivedfromthestudythefollowingimplicationsthatare of

vital concern in the field of nursing practice, nursing education, nursing

administration and nursingresearch.


The nurse working in the community has a key role to play in providing

effective nursing care to the community includes improving the health status



intervention and healtheducation.

➢ The nurses educate the adolescents girls regarding the steps of pelvic

rocking exercise.

➢ Thenursingpersonmusthaveanin-

depthknowledgeaboutthestepsofpelvic rocking exercise and its effect


➢ The nurse should educate the community about non pharmacological

management fordysmenorrhoea.

➢ Thenurseshouldexplainregardingthephysiologicalandpathologicaltypes

of dysmenorrhoea.

Implication for nursing education

➢ Nursing curriculum should ensure that students learns more about

various modalities for dysmenorrhea and knowledge about the

alternative therapies which can be incorporated with routine clinical

care measures in the cure of variousailments.

➢ Itshouldencouragestudentstoexploitallthepossiblemethodsofnursingcar

e to relieve dysmenorrhea and enhance comfort like providing the



a in adolescentgirls.

Implication for nursing administration

➢ Conduct in-service education program in effective management of

dysmenorrhea by providing pelvic rockingexercise.

➢ Collaboratewithgovernmentprogrammelikenationalirondeficiencyanemi

a control programme and help to implement the government policies

and procedures.

➢ Conductschoolhealthprogrammedforscreeningthegynecologicalproblems.

➢ Conduct workshop about the effect of pelvic rocking exercise

on dysmenorrhea.

➢ Provide opportunities for nurses to attend training programs on

non- Pharmacological methods for reducingdysmenorrhea.

Implication for nursing research

➢ Thefindingsneedtobepublishingthroughconference,seminarsan

d publishing in nursing journal to the nursingstaff.

➢ Theresearchfindingshelptobuildingandstrengtheningtheknowledgeabo

ut the effect of pelvic rocking exercise ondysmenorrhea.


➢ OnlylimitedliteratureandstudieswereobtainedfromIndiancontext.

➢ Due to time constraints the investigator was unable to take larger

samples for thestudy.

➢ Adolescent girls who were under the pharmacological management

cannot be included in thestudy.


The study recommends the following future research.

➢ Similar kind of study can be conducted to a large group to generalize

the findings.

➢ A comparative study can be done to determine the effect of pelvic

rocking exercise and pharmacological management in reduction of

dysmenorrhea among adolescentgirls.

➢ Adescriptivestudytoassesstheprevalenceofdysmenorrheaamongtheurb

an and rural community of selected district in TamilNadu.

➢ A study to assess the pharmacologic management and home

remedies for dysmenorrhea.

➢ Theeffectivenessofpelvicrockingexercisecanbetestedforotherconditions

like low back pain and incontinence ofurine.

➢ A study can be conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of

nurses on pharmacological management and other physical activities

for reduction of dysmenorrhea in adolescentgirls.


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3. www.http://unihealthcare.com

4. www.http://wikepedia.com

5. www.http://reproductive.healthjournal.com

6. www. http://wikihealth.com

7. www. http://wikihow.com

8. www.http://pubmed.com

9. www.http://google.com

10. www.http://indemed.nic.in

11. www.http://elsewhere.com

12. www.http://sciencedirect.com

13. www.http://guttmacher.org/pubs/journal/2810502:html

14. www.http://madscape.com

15. www.http://sweden.org.in


Respected Madam/Sir,
Kindly go through the content and place right mark ( ) against question in the following
columns ranging from very relevant to not relevant.

When found to be not relevant and needs modification kindly give your opinion in the
remarks column.

S.No Item Very Relevant Needs Not Remarks

Relevant Modification Relevant
1. Section - A
Demographic Data
▪ Includes all the
necessary for the
▪ Variables are
well defined.
2. Section - B
General data i.e.;
definitions and

Pelvic rocking
exercise on


General Comments and suggestions

Signature of Validator:





“Study to assess the Effectiveness of structure teaching programme on

knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercise on dysmenorrhea among

adolescent girls in selected rural area of Hyderabad, Telangana.”

Code No:


1. Please be free and frank in answering the questions .

2. Please answer all the questions

3. Your response will be confidential & solely used for research study .

4. You need not write your name

The structure questionnaire on pelvic rocking exercise on dysmenorrhea for

adolescent girls presented on two section:

Section -A: Consist of demographic data of adolescent girls

Section -B: Consist of structure questionnaire on knowledge regarding

prevention of pelvic rocking exercise on dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls .

Section -B: Subdivided in to following parts

Part-A: Questions related to general knowledge question on adolescent,

menstruation & dysmenorrhea.

Part-B: Questions related to pelvic rocking exercise.

“Study to assess the Effectiveness of structure teaching programme on
knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises on reduction of dysmenorrhea
among adolescent girls in selected rural area of Hyderabad, Telangana.”
Questionnaire consists of two section A&B
SECTION -A : Consist of demographic data of adolescent girls .
SECTION -B : Consist of structured questionnaire to knowledge regarding
pelvic rocking exercise on dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls.

1. Age in years ( )
A. 9-11 years
B. 12-14 years
C. 15-17 years
D. 18 -20 years
2. Educational status ( )
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Intermediate
D. Graduation
3. Religion ( )
A. Hindu
B. Muslim
C. Christian
D. Other ( specify)

4.Family income per month ( )

A. Rs5000/-Rs10000/-
B. Rs11000/-Rs15000/-

C. Rs16000-Rs20000/-
D. Above-Rs24000/-
5.Father’s educational status ( )
A. Illiterate
B. Primary schooling
C. S S C
D. Intermediate & above
6.Mother’seducational status ( )
A. Illiterate
B. Primary schooling
C. S S C
D. Intermediate & above
7.Father’s occupation( )
A. Day wage worker
B. Privateemployee
C. Govt employee
D. Business
8.Mother’s occupation( )
A. House wife
B. Daily wages earner
C. Private employee
D. Govt employee

9.Type of family( )
A. Nuclear family
B. Single parent family
C. Joint family
D. Extended family
10.Duration of menstrual cycle ( )

A. < 3 days
B. 3-4 days
C. 5-6 days
D. > 6 days
11. Pain during menstruation ( )
A. Mild
B. Moderate
C. Severe
D. Very severe
12.Duration of pain ( )
A. On day before cycle to end
B. First day of cycle
C. 3 days of cycle
D. Through out cycle
13.Do you have any previous information on pelvic rocking exercises in
reduction of dysmenorrhea ( )
A. Yes
B. No

14. If yes , through whom you get information on pelvic rocking exercise
A. Health personnel ( )
B. Literature ( Books, newspaper)
C. Mass media
D. Friends and relatives


To assess knowledge regarding pelvic rocking exercises of dysmenorrhea

structured questionnaire is divided in to
• Part -A
• Part -B
Part -A Consist of questions related toadolescent, menstruation &
Part -B Consist of questions related to pelvic rocking exercise
Part -A
Questions related to knowledge questions on adolescent, menstruation &
1.Who is called as adolescent ? ( )
A. It the process of developing an adult to older
B. It the process of developing from a child in to an adult
C. It is a process developinga Neonate to child
D. A young child is just beginning to walk

2.What is the adolescent age ? ( )

A. Age between 9-18years of age
B. Age between 9-19years of age
C. Age between 9-22years of age
D. Age between 9-25years of age
3. Which is the common age of attaining menarche ? ( )
A. 9-12 years
B. 9-18 years
C. 9-16 years
D. 9-20 years

4 .What is the menstruation ? ( )

A. Menstruation is discharge of blood, mucous.
B. Is an pregnancy related bleeding
C. Symptoms of underlying Disease
D. It is a painful defecation
5. What is menarche ? ( )
A. Period of onset of the first menstrual period
B. It is the last menstrual period
C. It is heavy menstrual bleeding
D. Before first menstrual cycle
6. What are the common symptoms present during menstruation in
adolescent girls? ( )
A. Epistasis, chest pain
B. Constipation, diarrhea
C. Cramps in the lower abdominal pain,&bleeding
D. Hypertension, hypotension
7. What is dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. A failure of the menstrual cycle to begin
B. Painful menstruation
C. Spotting in between periods
D. Pain during ovulation
8.What are the types of dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. Mild dysmenorrhea& moderate dysmenorrhea
B. Primary dysmenorrhea& secondary dysmenorrhea
C. Moderate dysmenorrhea & severe dysmenorrhea
D. heavy dysmenorrhea & low dysmenorrhea

9.What are the causes of dysmenorrhea ? ( )

A. Excessive production of androgen
B. Excessive production of prostaglandin
C. Excessive production of cholesterol
D. Excessive production of estrogen
10. Whenis the primary dysmenorrhea will start ? ( )
A. It start from the 12 to 24 hours before the onset of menses
B. It start from the 48 hours before the onset of menses
C. It start from the 10 hours before the onset of menses
D. It start from the 72 hours after menstruation
11. Which of the following medicine will reduce dysmenorrhea? ( )
A. Ant analgesics
B. Ant pyritic
C. Anta acids
D. Diuretics
12. Which of the following activity the adolescent girls should perform
during dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. Follow daily routine work
B. Has to take off
C. Can do house hold work
D. Complete bed rest
13. What are the relaxation techniques to reduce the dysmenorrhea ?( )
A. Sleep & rest for adequate time
B. Having sedentary life
C. Doing sedentary work’s
D. Having less adequate sleep

14. What are the home remedies to reduce the dysmenorrhea ? ( )

A. Drink ginger tea and do the exercise
B. Having fried food
C. Frequently drinking soft drink & juices
D. Having more spicy food
15. What diet should be taken to prevent dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. High protein diet
B. High calorie diet
C. Balanced diet

D. Take more liquid diet
16. How will regular exercises help in dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. Endorphins
B. Release of prostaglandin
C. Release of estrogen
D. Release of progesterone
17. What are the complication of dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. Fainting
B. Excessive sweating
C. Causes heart failure
D. Causes renal failure
18. Which is the best exercise to reduce dysmenorrhea ? ( )
A. Abdominal
B. Squatting
C. Pelvic rocking exercise
D. Wall mount

Part -B Questions related to pelvic rocking exercise
19.What is a pelvic rocking exercise ? ( )
A. Pelvic tilt is an anteroposterior motion of pelvis
B. Gently massaging your abdomen
C. Applying heat on the abdomen
D. Jumping and running
20. What are the pelvic rocking exercise ? ( )
A. Jogging and walking
B. Sit ups and skipping
C. Anterior pelvic tilt , Posterior pelvic tilt
D. Yoga and meditation
21.How will pelvic rocking exercises help in reducing dysmenorrhea?( )
A. Relief from dysmenorrhea
B. Increase the constipation
C. Maintain the normal blood pressure
D. Weight gain
22. How much duration for each pelvic rocking exercise is suggestable?
A. 30 minutes per day ( )
B. 1 hours per day
C. 2 hours per day
D. 4 hours per day
23.How frequently pelvic rocking exercises are advised? ( )
A. Daily once
B. Alternate days
C. Five to seven days a week
D. Monthly once
24. Who should do the pelvic rocking exercise ? ( )
A. Children
B. Adolescence
C. Elders
D. Old age women’s
25. What are the benefits of pelvic rocking exercise ? ( )
A. Increase the pain during menstruation
B. Cause the heavy bleeding
C. To relive stiffness of the lower back pain
D. It helps in weight loss
26.What is the anterior pelvic tilt ?( )
A. Posteriorly , front of pelvic rises.
B. Antero inferiorly, front of pelvis drops, back of pelvis rises.
C. Lateral pelvic tilt
D. Walking and bending towards one side
27. What effect on muscles in posterior tilt?( )
A. Hip flexors and lengthen
B. flexier calf muscles
C. No effect on abdominal muscles
D. No effect on hip muscles
28.Which position is good to perform the pelvic rocking exercises ? ( )
A. Lie well supported with pillow, knees bent & feet flat
B. Lie with knees and feet extended
C. Lie in squatting position
D. Lie flat on floor

29. What are steps of pelvic rocking exercise ? ( )

A. Position on knees, hands Under your shoulders & knees under your hips
B. Lie flat on floor & flex your abdomen
C. Lie in prone position on floor & extending knees
D. Sit on floor & extend your legs
30. How many times can do the pelvic rocking exercise ? ( )
A. Do this exercise 8 times or to your comfort level
B. Do this exercise 10 to 15 times per day
C. Do this exercise 15 to 20 times per day
D. Do this exercise 20 to 22 times per day

డిస్మె నోరేహాలోపెల్వి క్రాకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింగురించిజ్ఞానాన్ని తెలుసుకో
వడాన్నకన్నర్మె ణాత్ె కక్రరశ్ి
సమసా లన్నవేదిక:
తెలంగాణలోనిఎంచుకున్న గ్రగామీణగ్రరంతంలోకౌమారదశలోఉన్న బాలికలలోడిస్మె నోరి
యాతగ్ గంపుపైకటిరాకంగాయ ా యామాలకుసంబంధంచిన్జ్ఞాన్ంపైనిరాె ణబోధన్కారా గ్రక
మంయొకక గ్రరభావానిన అంచనావేయడానికఅధా యన్ం.”
గమన్నక :
గ్రరశ్నన రగ్రతంలోఎ&బిఅనేరండువిభాగాలుఉంటాయి
విభాగిం - ఎ: కౌమారబాలికలజనాభాడేటానుకలిగ్ఉంటంది.
బి:కౌమారదశలోఉన్న బాలికలలోడిస్మె నోరియాపైకటిరాకంగాయ ా యామానికసంబంధంచి
న్జ్ఞానానికనిరాె ణాతె కగ్రరశ్నన రగ్రతంఉంటంది.
విభాగిం - ఎ
డెమోక్రగ్వ్ఫి ేటా
4. సింవత్స ర్మలలోవయసుస ( )
ఎ) 9-11సంవతస రాలు
బి) 12-14సంవతస రాలు
సి) 15-17సంవతస రాలు
డి) 18 -20 సంవతస రాలు
5. విద్యా స్థితి ( )
ఎ) గ్రరథమిక
బి) స్మకండరీ
సి) ఇంటరీె డియట్
డి) గ్రగాడుా యేషన్
6. మత్ిం ( )
ఎ) హందూ
బి) ముసిం ల
సి) గ్రకసియ
ి న్
డి) ఇతర (పేర్కక న్ండి)
4.నెలకుకుటింబఆద్యయిం ( )
ఎ) రూ5000 / -ఆర్10000 / -
బి) రూ11000 / -ఆర్15000 / -
సి) రూ .16000-రూ .20000 / -
డి) పైన-రూ .24000 / -
5.త్ింక్రడివిద్యా స్థితి ( )
ఎ) నిరక్షరాస్యా లు
బి) గ్రరథమికరఠశ్నలవిదా
సి) ఎస్ఎసిస
డి) ఇంటరీె డియట్&పైన్
6.త్ల్వివిద్యా స్థితి ( )
ఎ) నిరక్షరాస్యా లు

బి) గ్రరథమికరఠశ్నలవిదా
సి) ఎస్ఎసిస
డి) ఇంటరీె డియట్&పైన్
7.త్ింక్రడియొకక వృతిి ( )
ఎ) రోజుకూలీకారిె కుడు
బి) ప్రపైవేట్ఎంరలయి
సి) గ్రరభుతయ ఉద్యా గ్
డి) వాా రరం
8.త్ల్వివృతిి ( )
ఎ) ఇంటిభారా
బి) రోజువారీవేతనాలుసంరదించేవాడు
సి) ప్రపైవేట్ఉద్యా గ్
డి) గ్రరభుతయ ఉద్యా గ్
9.కుటింబింరకిం ( )
ఎ) అణుకుటంబం
బి) ఒకేమాతృకుటంబం
సి) ఉమె డికుటంబం
డి) విసతరించిన్కుటంబం
10. రుతుక్రకమించక్రకింయొకక వా వధి ( )
బి. 3-4రోజులు
సి. 5-6రోజులు
డి.> 6 రోజులు
11. రుతుక్రావింసమయింలోనొప్పి ( )
ఎ. తేలికరటి
బి. మితమైన్
డి. చాలాతీగ్రవమైన్ది
12.నొప్పి యొకక వా వధి ( )
ఎ. చగ్రకంముగ్సేముందురోజు
బి. చగ్రకంయొకక మొదటిరోజు
సి. 3రోజులచగ్రకం
డి. అవుట్సస కలావయ రా
13.డిస్మె నోరయానుత్గ్ గించడింలోకటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాలపైమీకుమునురటిసమా
చారింఉింద్య? ( )
ఎ. అవును
బి. లేదు

14. అవునుఅయితే,
ఎవరద్యి ర్మమీరుకటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింగురించిసమాచారింపిందుతారు.?
( )
ఎ. ఆరోగ్ా సిబబ ంది

బి. సాహతా ం (పుసతకాలు, వారాత రగ్రిక)
సి .మాస్మె డియా
డి. సేన హతులుమరియుబంధువులు
విభాగిం –బి

డిస్మె నోరయాస్టసక ర చ స్టర ేి శ్ని రక్రత్ింయొకక కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాలకుసింబింధిించి

నజ్ఞానాన్ని అించనావేయడాన్నక
➢ భాగిం -ఏ
➢ భాగిం -బి
పా ర -ఏఅడోలెస్మింట్,
మెనెస క్రూయేషన్&డిస్మె నోరయాకుసింబింధిించినక్రరశ్ి లనుకల్వగ్ఉింటింది.
పార్ట-ర బికటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాన్నకసింబింధిించినక్రరశ్ి లనుకల్వగ్ఉింటింది
భాగిం –ఏ

రుతుక్రావిం&డిస్మె నోరయాపైాధారణజ్ఞానక్రరశ్ి లకుసింబింధిించినక్రరశ్ి లు.

1.కౌమారదశ్లోఎవరుప్పలుాిరు? ( )
స) ఇదిపెదవా వ రినిపెదవవారికఅభివృదిచే ి సేగ్రరగ్రకయ
బి. ఇదిపి ల ల ల నుండిపె వా ద వ రిగాఅభివృదిచి ందేగ్రరగ్రకయ
సి. ఇదినియోనేట్్‌నుపి ల ల ది
ల కఅభివృ చేి సేగ్రరగ్రకయ
డి.. ఒకచిన్న పి వాల ల డున్డవడంగ్రరరంభించాడు
2.కౌమారవయసుస ఎింత్? ( )
ఎ. 9సంవతస రాలమధా వయస్యస
బి. వయస్యస 9-19సంవతస రాలమధా
సి. 9-22సంవతస రాలమధా వయస్యస
డి. వయస్యస 9-25 సంవతస రాలమధా
3. మెనారేచ ాధిించేాధారణవయసుస ఇది ? ( )
ఎ .9-12సంవతస రాలు
బి .9-18సంవతస రాలు
సి .9-16సంవతస రాలు
డి .9-20 సంవతస రాలు
4 .నెలవింకఅింటేఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. రకగ్రత సావం, ్‌ే లషె ం.
బి .ఒకగ్రభ ధారణసంబంధతరకగ్రత సావం
సి. అంతరీ లన్వాా ధయొకక లక్షణాలు
డి .ఇదిబాధాకరమైన్మలవిసర జన్
5 . మెనారేచ అింటేఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. మొదటిరుతుగ్రసావంగ్రరరంభమైన్కాలం
బి. ఇదిచివరిరుతుగ్రసావంకాలం
సి. ఇదిభారీరుతుగ్రసావంరకగ్రత సావం
డి. మొదటిరుతుగ్రకమంచగ్రకానికముందు
6.రుతుక్రావింయొకక లక్షణాలుఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ .ఎపిసాిసిస్, ఛాతీనొపిి

బి .కనిస ిపేషన్, డయేరియా
సి. తకుక వకడుపునొపిి , రకగ్రత సావం
డి .హైరర్్‌టెన్న్ ష , హైపోటెన్న్

7 . డిస్మె నోరయాఅింటేఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. గ్రరరంభమయేా రుతుగ్రకమంచగ్రకంయొకక వైఫలా ం
బి. బాధాకరమైన్రుతుగ్రకమం
సి. కాలాలమధా గురి తంచడం
డి. అండోతస ర గముసమయంలోనొపిి
8.డిస్మె నోరయారాలుఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. తేలికరటిడిస్మె నోరియా&మోడరే స్మ టి ి ె నోరియా
బి. ప్రపైమరీడిస్మె నోరియా&స్మకండరీడిస్మె నోరియా
సి. మోడరేటిస్మ ి ె నోరియా&తీగ్రవమైన్డిస్మె నోరియా
డి. హెవీడిస్మె నోరియా&తకుక వడిస్మె నోరియా
9.డిస్మె నోరయాకుారణాలుఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. ఆంగ్రడోజెనొా కక అధకఉతి ిత
బి.గ్రపోసాిగాలండినొా కక అధకఉతి ిత
సి. కొలెప్రసాిల్యా కక అధకఉతి ిత
డి. ఈప్రరిజెనొా కక అధకఉతి ిత
10. క్రపాధమికడిస్మె నోరయాక్రపారింభమవుతుింది? ( )
బి. ఇదిరుతుగ్రసావంగ్రరరంభమయేా 48గ్ంటలముందుగ్రరరంభమవుతుంది
సి. ఇదిరుతుగ్రసావంగ్రరరంభానిక10గ్ంటలముందుగ్రరరంభమవుతుంది
డి. ఇదిరుతుగ్రకమంఆగ్న్72 గ్ంటలనుండిగ్రరరంభమవుతుంది
11. కిందివాటిలోఏదిడిస్మె నోరయానుత్గ్సు గ ి ింది? ( )
ఎ. యాంటీఅనా సి లె జ క్సస
బి. యాంటీపిరిటిక్స
సి. అంటాఆమాలలు
డి. యాంటీమూగ్రతవిసర జన్
కౌమారదశ్లోఉని బాల్వకలుడిస్మె నోరయాసమయింలోచేయవలస్థనచరా ఏది? ()
ఎ. రోజువారీదిన్చరా నుఅనుసరించండి
బి. టేకాఫ్ఉంది
సి. హౌరోలయి రేక ే యవచుే
డి. పూరి తబెగ్రెస్ ి
13. డిస్మె నోరయానుత్గ్ గించడాన్నకసడల్వింపురదధతులుఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ) తగ్న్ంతసమయంనిగ్రదమరియువిగ్రశ్నంి
బి. నిశే లజీవితం
సి. నిశే లరనిచేయడం
డి. తగ్న్ంతనిగ్రదలేకపోవడం
14. డిస్మె నోరయానుత్గ్ గించడాన్నకఇింటిన్నవారణలుఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ) అలం ల టీతాగ్వాా యామంచేయండి
బి. వేయించిన్ఆహారానిన కలిగ్ఉండటం
సి. తరచుగాశీతలరనీయాలు&రసాలనుతాగ్డం

డి. ఎకుక వకారంగాఉండేఆహారంకలిగ్ఉండటం
15. డిస్మె నోరయానున్నవారించడాన్నకఏఆహారింతీసుకోవాల్వ ? ( )
ఎ. అధకగ్రపోటీన్ఆహారం
బి. అధకకేలరీలఆహారం
సి. సమతులా ఆహారం
డి. మరింతగ్రదవఆహారం
16. క్రకమమైనవాా యామిండిస్మె నోరయాలోఎలాసహాయరడుతుింది? ( )
ఎ. ఎండారిి న్స
బి. గ్రపోసాిగాలండినియ డుదల
సి. ఈప్రరిజెనియ డుదల
డి. గ్రొజెస్మరా
ి నియ డుదల
17. డిస్మె నోరయాయొకక సమసా ఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. మూరఛ
బి. అధకచమట
సి. గుంెఆగ్పోవడానికకారణమవుతుంది
డి. మూగ్రతపిండవైఫలాా నికకారణమవుతుంది
18. డిస్మె నోరయానుత్గ్ గించడాన్నకఇదిఉత్ిమమైనవాా యామిం? ( )
ఎ. ఉదరం
బి. సాక య టింగ్
సి. పెలియ గ్రకాకంగాయ ా యామం
డి. వాల్ె ంట్
భాగిం- బి
పార్ట-ర బికటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాన్నకసింబింధిించినక్రరశ్ి లు
19.కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింఅింటేఏమిటి? ()
ఎ. కటివంపుకటియొకక యాంటెరోపోస్మరి ి యరక దలిక
బి. మీొితకడుపునుస్యనిన తంగామసాజ్చే యండి
సి. ొితకడుపుపైవేడినిపూయడం
డి. జంపింగ్ె రియురనిన ంగ్
20.కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. జ్ఞగ్ంగ్ె రియున్డక
బి. సిట్అరస ె రియుసిక పిి ంగ్
సి. పూరయ కటివంపు, రృషక ఠ టివంపు
డి. యోగామరియుధాా న్ం
21.కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాలుడిస్మె నోరయానుత్గ్ గించడింలోఎలాసహాయరడతాయి
ఎ .రిలీగ్రోమిిస్మె నోరియా
బి .మలకనుపెంచండి
సి. సాధారణరకపోటనునిరయ
త హంచండి
డి .వెయి ల భం
22.క్రరతికటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాన్నకఎింత్వా వధిసూచిించదగ్నది?( )
ఎ. రోజుకు30నిమిషాలు
బి. రోజుకు1గ్ంటలు
సి. రోజుకు2గ్ంటలు

డి. రోజుకు4 గ్ంటలు
23. కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాలుఎింత్త్రచుగ్వ్సలహాఇాిరు? ( )
ఎ) గ్రరిరోజూఒకసారి
బి.గ్రరతాా మాన యరోజులు
సి. వారానికఐదునుండిఏడురోజులు
డి. నెలవారీఒకసారి
24.కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింఎవరుచేయాల్వ? ()

ఎ) పి లు ల
బి. అడోలెస న్స
సి.ఎలర్ ి స
డి. వృ ి రా మహళలు
25. కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింయొకక క్రరయోజనాలుఏమిటి ? ( )
ఎ. రుతుగ్రసావంసమయంలోనొపిి నిపెంచండి
బి. అధకరకగ్రత సావం
సి. తకుక వవెనున నొపిి యొకక గ్టినె ి స్యన ండిబయటరడటానిక
డి. ఇదిబరువుత గడానికసహాయరడుతుంది
26.పూరి కటివింపుఏమిటి? ( )
ఎ. పో రి లీ
ి య ,ల కటిముందుపెరుగుతుంది.
బి. యాంటెరోనాసిరకంగా, కటిచుకక లముందు, కటివెనుకభాగ్ంపెరుగుతుంది.
సి. రర్ య కటివంపు
డి. వాకంగ్ె రియుఒకవైపువంగ్
27. రృషవ ఠ ింపులోకిండర్మలపైఎలాింటిక్రరభావింఉింటింది? ( )
ఎ. హపెి ెకస రులమరియుొడవు
ె రూ
బి. ్‌ కల స య వ డకండరాలు
సి. ఉదరకండరాలపైగ్రరభావంలేదు
డి, హరక ండరాలపైగ్రరభావంలేదు
28.కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామాలుచేయడాన్నకఏాినింమించిది ? ( )
ఎ.దిండుతోబాగామదతు వ ఇస్యతంది, మోకాలువంగ్ఫ్లలటాగఅనిపిస్యతంది
బి. మోకాలుమరియుకాళ్ళు విసతరించిరడుకండి
సి. సాక య టింగాస ాన్ంలోరడుకండి
డి.నేలపైఫ్లలట్అబదం ి
29. కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింయొకక దశ్లుఏమిటి ? ( )
ఎ. మోకాళ లపైఉంచండి, మీచేతులనుఉంచండి
మీభుజ్ఞలుమరియుమోకాళ లగ్రకందమీతుంటిగ్రకంద
బి. నేలమీదఫ్లలటాగరడుకండిమరియుమీొితకడుపునువంచు
సి. నేలమీదమరియుమోకాళు నువిసతరించేఅవకాశంఉంది
డి. నేలపైకూరోే ండిమరియుమీకాళు నువిసతరించండి
30. కటిర్మకింగ్వ్ి ా యామింఎన్ని ారుిచేయవచుచ ? ( )
ఎ. ఈవాా యామం8సా లలేద్ధమీకంఫ ి స ాయికచేయండిరా
బి.ఈవాా యామంరోజుకు10నుండి15సారులచేయండి
సి. ఈవాా యామంరోజుకు15నుండి20సారులచేయండి
డి. ఈవాా యామంరోజుకు20 నుండి22 సారులచేయండి

डायस्नोनेरोराहा पर बढ़ते प्राकृततक जल संरक्षण के संबंध में ज्ञात प्रश्न
समस्या का वििरण:
"है दराबाद, तेलंगाना के चयननत ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में ककशोर लड़ककयों के बीच
कष्टाततव को कम करने के ललए पैल्ववक रॉककंग अभ्यास के बारे में ज्ञान पर

संरचना लशक्षण कायतक्रम की प्रभावशीलता का आकलन करने के ललए
ध्यान दें :
प्रश्नािली में दो खंड एऔरबीशाममल हैं
खंड ए: ककशोर लड़ककयों के जनसांख्ययकीय डेटा से ममलकर।
ु ाग-बी: ककशोर लड़ककयों के बीच कष्टातति पर पैख्विक रॉककंग व्यायाम के
बारे में ज्ञान के मलए संरचचत प्रश्नािली से ममलकर।
जनसांख्ययकीय डेटा
7. िर्षों में आयु ( )

ए) 9-11 साल
बी) 12-14 साल
सी) 15-17 वर्त
डी) 18 -20 वर्त
8. शैक्षक्षक ख्स्ितत ( )

ए) प्राथलमक
बी) माध्यलमक
सी) मध्यवती
डी) स्नातक स्तर की पढाई

9. धमत ( )
ए) हहन्द ू
बी) मुल्स्लम
सी) ईसाई
डी)अन्य (ननहदतष्ट करें )
4.प्रतत माह पाररिाररक आय ( )
ए) रुपये5000/-Rs10000/-
बी) रुपये11000/-Rs15000/-
सी) रुपये16000-Rs20000/-
डी) ऊपर-Rs24000/-
5.वपता की शैक्षक्षक ख्स्ितत ( )
ए) अनपढ

बी) प्राथलमक स्कूली लशक्षा
सी) एस एस सी
डी) इंटरमीडडएट और ऊपर
6.माता की शैक्षक्षक ख्स्ितत ( )
ए) ननरक्षर
बी) प्राथलमक स्कूली लशक्षा
सी) एस एस सी
डी) इंटरमीडडएट और ऊपर
7.वपता का व्यिसाय ( )
ए)हदहाड़ी मजदरू
बी) ननजी कमतचारी
ग) सरकारी कमतचारी
डी) व्यवसाय
8.मां का व्यिसाय ( )
ए)घर की पत्नी
बी) दै ननक मजदरू ी कमाने वाला
ग) ननजी कमतचारी
डी) सरकारी कमतचारी
9.पररिार का प्रकार ( )
ए)परमाणु पररवार
बी) एकल माता-पपता पररवार
ग) संयुक्त पररवार
डी) पवस्ताररत पररवार
10. मामसक धमत चक्र की अिचध ( )
ए. <3 हदन
बी. >3-4 हदन
सी.>5-6 हदन
डी. > 6 हदन
11. मामसक धमत के दौरान ददत ( )
ए. हवका
बी. मध्यम
सी. गंभीर
डी. बहुत गंभीर
12.ददत की अिचध ( )

ए. चक्र समाप्त होने से पहले हदन पर
बी. चक्र का पहला हदन
सी. 3 हदन का चक्र
डी. चक्र के माध्यम से
13.क्या आपको डडसमेनोररया की कमी में पेख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम के बारे में कोई वपछली
जानकारी है ( )
ए) हााँ
ब) नहीं
14 .यदद हााँ, तो ख्जसके माध्यम से आपको पेख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम के बारे में जानकारी
ममलती है ( )
ए. स्वास््य कमी
बी. साहहत्य (पुस्तकें, समाचार पत्र)
सी. मास मीडडया
डी. दोस्तों और ररश्तेदारों

ु ाग -बी
डडसमेनोररया संरचचत प्रश्नािली के पैख्विक रॉककंग अभ्यास के बारे में ज्ञान का
आकलन करने के मलए विभाख्जत ककया गया है
➢ भाग-ए
➢ भाग-बी

भाग -अमभनय, मामसक धमत और कष्टातति से संबंचधत प्रश्नों से युक्त
भाग - बी पैख्विक रॉककंग व्यायाम से संबंचधत प्रश्नों से ममलकर बनता है
भाग- ए
ककशोर, मामसक धमत और कष्टातति पर सामान्य ज्ञान से संबचं धत प्रश्न।
1.ख्जसे ककशोर कहा जाता है ? ( बी )
ए. यह एक वयस्क से वद्
ृ ध तक के पवकास की प्रकक्रया है
बी. यह एक बच्चे से वयस्क में पवकलसत होने की प्रकक्रया है
सी. यह बच्चे के ललए एक प्रकक्रया पवकलसत करने वाला ननयोनेट है
डी. एक छोटा बच्चा अभी शुरुआत कर रहा है
2.ककशोर उम्र क्या है ? ( )
ए. उम्र के 9-18 वर्त के बीच
बी. उम्र 9-19 वर्त के बीच
सी. उम्र 9-22 साल के बीच
डी. उम्र 9-25 वर्त के बीच
3. जो मामसक धमत प्राप्त करने की सामान्य आयु है ? ( )
ए.9-12 वर्त
बी.9-18 वर्त
सी.9-16 वर्त
डी.9-20 साल
4 .माहिारी क्या है ? ( )
ए. मालसक धमत रक्त, श्लेष्म का ननवतहन है।
बी. एक गभातवस्था से संबंधधत रक्तस्राव है
सी. अंतननतहहत रोग के लक्षण
डी. यह एक ददतनाक शौच है
5 . मेनाचत क्या है ? ( )
ए. पहले मालसक धमत की शुरुआत की अवधध
बी. यह अंनतम मालसक धमत है
सी. यह भारी माहवारी रक्तस्राव है
डी. पहले मालसक धमत से पहले
6.मामसक धमत के लक्षण क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. ईपपल्स्टलसस, सीने में ददत
बी. असंयम, दस्त
सी. कम पेट में ददत , खून बह रहा है

डी. हाइपरटें शन, हाइपोटें शन
7 . कष्टातति क्या है ? ()
ए. मालसक धमत चक्र की पवफलता शरू
ु होने के ललए
बी. ददतनाक माहवारी
सी. पीररयड्स के बीच में स्पॉहटंग
डी. ओव्यल
ू ेशन के दौरान ददत
8.कष्टातति के प्रकार क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. हवके कष्टाततव और मध्यम कष्टाततव
बी. प्रसव संबंधी कष्टाततव और द्पवतीयक कष्टाततव
सी. मध्यम कष्टाततव और गंभीर कष्टाततव
डी. भारी कष्टाततव और ननम्न कष्टाततव
9.कष्टातति के कारण क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. एण्ड्रोजन का अत्यधधक उत्पादन
बी. प्रोस्टाग्लैंडीन का अत्यधधक उत्पादन
सी. कोलेस्रॉल का अत्यधधक उत्पादन
डी. एस्रोजन का अत्यधधक उत्पादन
10. जब प्रािममक कष्टातति शुरू हो जाएगा ? ( )
ए. यह मालसक धमत की शुरुआत से 12 से 24 घंटे पहले शुरू होता है
बी. यह मालसक धमत की शुरुआत से 48 घंटे पहले शुरू होता है
सी. यह मालसक धमत की शुरुआत से 10 घंटे पहले से शुरू होता है
डी. यह मालसक धमत के 72 घंटे बाद से शुरू होता है
डी. एंडोमेहरयोलसस, एडडनोमायोलसस
11. तनम्न में से कौन सी दिा कष्टातति को कम करे गी? ( )
ए . एंटी एनावजेलसक
बी. एंटी पायररहटक
सी. अंता एलसड
डी. पवरोधी मूत्रवधतक

12. तनम्न में से कौन सी गततविचध ककशोर लड़ककयों को कष्टातति के दौरान करनी चादहए?
( )
ए. दै ननक हदनचयात के कायों का पालन करें
बी. उतारना पड़ता है
सी. हाउस होवड का काम कर सकते हैं

डी. पूरा बेड रे स्ट
13. कष्टातति को कम करने के मलए विश्राम तकनीक क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. पयातप्त समय तक सोएं और आराम करें
बी एक गनतहीन जीवन होने
सी. गनतहीन कायत करना
डी. पयातप्त नींद कम होना
14. कष्टातति को कम करने के मलए घरे लू उपचार क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. अदरक वाली चाय पपएं और व्यायाम करें
बी. तला हुआ भोजन करना
सी. अक्सर शीतल पेय और जूस पीना
डी. अधधक मसालेदार भोजन करना
15. कष्टातति को रोकने के मलए क्या आहार लेना चादहए ? ( )
ए. उच्च प्रोटीन आहार
बी. उच्च कैलोरी आहार
सी. संतुललत आहार
डी. अधधक तरल आहार
16. तनयममत व्यायाम कष्टातति में कैसे मदद करे गा ? ( )
ए. एंडोकफत न
बी. प्रोस्टाग्लैंडीन की ररहाई
सी.एस्रोजन की ररहाई
डी.प्रोजेस्टे रोन की ररहाई
17. कष्टातति की जदटलता क्या हैं? ( )
ए. बेहोशी
बी. अत्यधधक पसीना आना
सी. हदल की पवफलता का कारण बनता है
डी. गुदे की पवफलता का कारण बनता है

18. कष्टातति को कम करने के मलए सबसे अच्छा व्यायाम कौन सा है ? ( )

ए. उदर
बी. स्क्वाहटंग
सी. पेल्ववक रॉककं ग व्यायाम
डी. वॉल माउं ट

भाग- बी
पैख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम से संबंचधत पाटत -बी प्रश्न
19.पैख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम क्या है ? ( )
ए. श्रोणण झक
ु ाव श्रोणण की एक अपररपक्व गनत है
बी. धीरे अपने पेट की माललश
सी. उदर पर गमी लगाना
डी. कूदना और दौड़ना
20. पैख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. टहलना और टहलना
बी. बैठो और लंघन
त ाल श्रोणण झुकाव, पश्च श्रोणण झुकाव
डी. योग और ध्यान
21.पैख्विक रॉककं ग अभ्यास डडसमेनोररया को कम करने में कैसे मदद करे गा
ए. कष्टाततव से राहत ( )
बी. कब्ज में वद्
ृ धध
सी. सामान्य रक्तचाप को बनाए रखता है
डी. वाइट गेन
22.प्रत्येक पेख्विक रॉककं ग एक्सरसाइज की अिचध ककतनी है ? ( )
ए. प्रनत हदन 30 लमनट
बी. प्रनत हदन 1 घंटे
सी. प्रनत हदन 2 घंटे
डी. प्रनत हदन 4 घंटे
23.पेख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम ककतनी बार सलाह दी जाती है ?()
ए. रोज एक बार
बी एक छोड़कर हदन
सी. सप्ताह में पांच से सात हदन
डी. मालसक एक बार

24.पेख्विक रॉककं ग एक्सरसाइज ककसे करना चादहए ? ( )

ए. बच्चा
बी. ककशोरावस्था
सी. बज
ु ग
ु त
डी. वद्
ृ ध महहलाओं की

25. पेख्विक रॉककं ग एक्सरसाइज के क्या फायदे हैं ? ( )
ए. मालसक धमत के दौरान ददत को बढाएं
बी. भारी रक्तस्राव का कारण
सी. पीठ के ननचले हहस्से में ददत की कठोरता को दरू करने के ललए
डी. यह वजन घटाने में मदद करता है
ू क
त ाल श्रोणण झुकाि क्या है ? ( )
ए. आमतौर पर, श्रोणण के सामने उगता है।
बी. अंटेरो हीनता से, श्रोणण के सामने की ओर, श्रोणण की पीठ ऊपर उठती है।
सी. पाश्वत श्रोणण झुकाव
डी. एक तरफ झुककर चलना
27. पीछे की ओर झुकाि में मांसपेमशयों पर क्या प्रभाि पड़ता है ? ( )
ए. हहप फ्लेक्ससत और लंबा
बी.फ्लेल्क्सयर बछड़ा मांसपेलशयों
सी. पेट की मांसपेलशयों पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है
डी, कूवहे की मांसपेलशयों पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं
28.पेख्विक रॉककं ग अभ्यास करने के मलए कौन सी ख्स्ितत अच्छी है? ( )
ए. तककया, घुटनों के बल लेटे और सपाट महसूस करें
बी. घुटनों और पैरों के बल लेटें
सी. स्क्वैट करने की ल्स्थनत में लेटें
डी. फशत पर सपाट लेट जाएं
29. पैख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम के चरण क्या हैं ? ( )
ए. घुटनों पर ल्स्थनत, अपने हाथ रखें
अपने कंधों और घुटनों के नीचे अपने कूवहों के नीचे
बी. फशत पर सपाट और अपने पेट को फ्लेक्स करें
सी.फशत और प्रवत्त
ृ घुटनों पर प्रवण ल्स्थनत में झूठ
डी.फशत पर बैठो और अपने पैर बढाओ

30. पेख्विक रॉककं ग व्यायाम ककतनी बार कर सकते हैं ? ( )

ए. इस व्यायाम को 8 बार या अपने आराम के स्तर पर करें
बी. इस व्यायाम को प्रनतहदन 10 से 15 बार करें
सी. इस व्यायाम को प्रनतहदन 15 से 20 बार करें

डी. इस व्यायाम को प्रनतहदन 20 से 22 बार करें

Part -A
Questions related to knowledge questions on adolescent, menstruation &
1. B

2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. B
13. A
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. A
18. C

Part -B Questions related to pelvic rocking exercise
19. A
20. C
21. A

22. A
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. B
27. A
28. A
29. A
30. A

The world health organization defines adolescent as the
Introduce the beginning of puberty. Adolescence means that adulteration the Lecture cum
topic 2min WHO deposits them within 10 to 19 years. The ICDS program discussion Listening
identified adolescents between 11 to 17 years of age. This stage
does not start all at once. Some children are 9 years and some of
them in to 10 to 11 years. Healthy and strong in children’s who
are malnourished with malnutrition. Adolescent is the right of all
children’s to experience. That childhood, youth, old age,
whatever life, it is life cycle . it is important that children grow
up physically during the adolescent stage and undergo the
process of reproduction.
 Adolescent age is between9 to 19 years.
Adolescence is simply a transition stage from childhood to
 The period during which adolescents reach sexual
maturity and become capable of reproduction
2min Power
- WHO (World health organization) What is adolescent
Define ADOLESCENCE Explaining using Understanding present
adolescent A) The process of developing from child in to an adult AV aids ation
B) Progression from appearance of secondary sex
characteristics (puberty) to sexual and reproductive
-Bradford brown
C) Development of adult mental processes and adult
-World health organization

 The adolescent girls gets menarche at the age of

9-16 years .
Three main stages of adolescence What are the stages
1.Early adolescence (9-13years)- Characterized by a Explaining using Listening of adolescence
spurt of growth and the development of secondary AV aids cards
sexual characteristics.
Explain the 3min 2.Mid adolescence (14-15years)- Distinguished by the
stages of
development of a separate identity from parents, of new
relationships with peer groups and the opposite sex, and
of experimentation.
3.Late adolescence (16-19years)– At this stage,
adolescence have fully developed physical
characteristics (similar to adults,) and have formed a
distinct identity and have well-formed.
 Menstruation is the cyclical discharge of blood, mucous
and cellular debris from the uterine lining. The time of What do you mean
2min onset of the first menstrual period is termed as menarche. by menstruation
This cyclical ( 28-30days) monthly process is by and
Define large regular and predictable right from menarche until
menstruation menopause except during pregnancy, lactation, Explaining using Power
anovulation or interference with medication. AV aids Understanding point
- Nima Bhaskar present
 Menstruation will start at the age of 9-15 years. ation

Although each woman has an individual cycle which varies in

length, the average cycle is taken to be 28 days long and recurs
regularly from puberty to the menopause except when pregnancy
Menstruation cycle begins from the first day of the menstruation
to the next one.
In females, the reproductive cycle normally occurs once each
3min month from menarche, the first menses, to menopause, the
permanent cessation of menses. Thus the female reproductive
system has a time – limited span of fertility between menarche
and menopause. for the first 1 to 2 years after menarche,
ovulation only occurs in about 10% of the cycles and the luteal
phase is short. Gradually, the percentage of ovulatory cycles
increases, and the luteal phase reaches it’s normal duration of 14
days. With age, fertility declines. Between the ages of 40 and 50
the pool of remaining ovarian follicles becomes exhausted. As a
result, the ovaries become less responsive to hormonal
Many women experience –
 Hot flashes
 Heavy sweeting and
The other symptoms of menopause are :-
 Headache
 Hair loss
 Muscular pains
 Vaginal dryness Explaining using
2min  Insomnia AV aids Understanding
 Depression
 Weight gain and mood swings. What is
Dysmenorrhea – derived from the Greek meaning difficult
monthly flow
Define  the word dysmenorrhea has come to mean painful
dysmenorrhea menstruation Power
Dys = difficult/ pain full/ abnormal point
Meno = meaning month present
Rrhea = meaning flow ation
A women is considered to have premenstrual syndrome if she
complains of recurrent psychological (or) somatic symptoms (or)
both occurring specifically during the luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle and which resolve in the follicular phase at least
by the end of menstruation.
Definition of dysmenorrhea:
 Dysmenorrhea is defined as painful menstruation
-Rezhan Yassin khalil
 Dysmenorrhea is a term describing painful menstruation
that typically involves cramps caused by uterine
contractions .
-Abdullah baghaffar
 Dysmenorrhea also known as dysmenorrhea, painful
 menstrual cramps is pain during menstruation.
2min  Dysmenorrhea is a term describing painful menstruation
that typically involves cramps caused by uterine Explaining using
contraction AV aids
-Wikipedia Listening
 Painful cramps that may occur immediately before (or)
during the menstrual period.
-Mrs. Sarita sharma

 Excessive production of prostaglandin, the
chemical that cause the uterus to contract
List down the  Hormonal disorders What are the causes
causes of  Endometriosis Charts of dysmenorrhea
dysmenorrhea  Fibroids {benign tumours in the uterus } which
the uterus may try to expel
 IUD [ intra uterine contraceptive device] other
2min foreign body in the uterus , which may the uterus
may try to expel
 Pelvic infection or inflammation
 Disorder s of the reproductive organs{eg ; cysts

Explaining using
AV aids Understanding



Dysmenorrhea is divided into two categories
1. spasmodic [primary dysmenorrhea]
2. secondary dysmenorrhea
 Painful menstruation with no identifiable pelvic
 Note: the highest level is in the first 2 days of menses
 primary dysmenorrhea starts from 12 to 24 hour before
the onset of menses.
3min  Is cramping pain in the lower abdomen occurring just
before or during menstruation in the absence of other Explaining using Listening
disease such as endometriosis. AV aids
-Mrs. Sarita
 The cause is thought to be related to excessive
prostaglandin production.
 Increase prostaglandin
 production by the endometrium in an ovulatory cycle
which cause contraction of the uterus
 Present with Abdominal pain aften accompanied by
 Nausea Power
 Diarrhea point
 Fatigue present
 Headache or dizziness ation
 Usually begins with a first periods and is heralded by
cramping lower abdominal pain starting just before or
with the menstrual flow and continuing during
menstruation . it is often associated with nausea, What do you mean
vomiting, headache, faintness and symptoms of by secondary
peripheral vasodilation. dysmenorrhea
secondary 3min  Painful menstruation due to pelvic or uterine pathology.
 Is pain caused by a disorder in the women’s reproductive
organs, such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine
fibroids,(or) infection.
-Mrs. Sarita
CAUSES OF SECONDARY DYSMENORRHEA Explaining using Understanding
 Pelvic inflammatory disease, AV aids
 endometriosis
 uterine fibroids and the presence of an IUD.
 adenomyosis
 pelvic infection
 congenital uterine or vaginal anomaly

 Secondary dysmenorrhea usually occurs after the women

2min has experienced problem free periods for sometime.
 Pain may be unilateral , constant and continues, longer
than primary dysmenorrhea .
 Painful intercourse
 Painful defecation
 Heavy menstrual flow or irregular bleeding
 Pelvic abnormality with physical examination
 Poor response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs(NSAIDS) or oral contraceptives. What are the signs
 Irregular bleeding may occur at times other than menses and symptoms of
 usually effects older women who complain of a dysmenorrhea
congested ache with a lower abdominal cramps, which
usually starts from a few days to weeks before
Enumerate the the pain is typically described as dull, aching , cramping and
signs and aften radiates to the lower back.
symptoms of  Mild to severe cramps in the lower abdomen, which may
dysmenorrhea comes and go in waves.
 Dull ache in lower back hips or thighs. Explaining using Listening and
3min  Headaches AV aids understanding
 Dizziness, nausea, and vomitings.
 Hot and cold sensations
 Diarrhea, in some cases
 Fainting in some cases


Enlist the
management of
 Provide complete bed rest
 During menstruation legs abdominal pain (dysmenorrhea
) occurs, due to cervical movements.
 During menstruation unpleasant and painful condition
chore and drinking ginger tea should be done to alleviate
pain & do simple exercise ( it is a simple home remedy).
 Drink more liquids. Listening
 Reduce salt, coffee and tea. Medications can be used in Explaining using
consultation with doctors if there is severe pain. But don’t AV aids
use drugs.
 It adequate exercise like walking, yoga and rest.
 Administer Pain relief:- NSAIDS, Eg; Naproxen,
ibuprofen, meftal spas, cycloform.
3min  Low doses- of oral contraceptive pills. (If married)
Oral contraceptive pills suppress ovulation, which could
result in a reduction in dysmenorrhea.
 Heat application- take hot bath to reduce the pain
 heat is applied to the lower abdomen or back may reduce
 Place a heating pad on your abdomen
 Exercises-Life style changes like daily exercises
 Gently massaging your abdomen
 Getting plenty of rest and avoiding stressful situation as
your periods approaches.
 Weight loss: Maintain weight Power
-Obesity: reduce the weight point What is pelvic
 Relaxation techniques; sleep and rest for adequate time present rocking exercise
 Avoid unnecessary work load ation
 Pelvic rocking exercise will help during menstruation to
reduce the dysmenorrhea.
Introduce the
Pelvic floor muscles : also play an important role in sexual
function , strengthening these muscles can reduce pelvic pain
during sex and increase the ability of achieving pleasurable
sensation, during pregnancy, pelvic floor muscles support the
baby and assist in the birthing process,
2min After childbirth or as you get older, you may notice that your Lecture cum
pelvic floor muscles have weakened. The pelvic muscles support Discussion Understanding
the bladder, bowel, and uterus. When they contract, the organs
are lifted and the openings to the vagina, anus, and urethra, are
tightened. When the muscles are relaxed, urine, and feces can be
released from the body.

Explaining using
3min AV aids Listening
Power What do you mean
point by pelvic rocking
MEANING exercise
Pelvis: Greek word; basin…..bowl present
Define pelvic Formed by; ilium, pubis, ischium, sacrum and coccyx. ation
rocking exercise Tilt: slope, incline, lean, bend.
pelvic tilt is an anteroposterior motion of the pelvis around an
imaginary axis in the frontal plane.
-Sirshahid sarwar
The action of moving or being moved gently to and fro or from
side to side.
- Oxford
2min Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or
improve health and fitness.
What are the types
Engage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and
of pelvic rocking
-Oxford Hand
Enlist the types It is of 3 types:
of pelvic rocking  Anterior pelvic tilt
exercise  Posterior pelvic tilt
 Lateral pelvic tilt
 Antero inferiorly, front of pelvis drops, back of pelvis
 Muscles work: hip flexors-----shorten
 Spinal extensors----- shorten
 Hip extensors------- lengthen Explaining using Listening
 Straight abdominal muscles------ lengthen AV aids
 Posteriorly, front of pelvis rises, back of pelvis drops
 Muscle work
 Hip flexors -------lengthen
 Spinal extensors-------- lengthen
 Hip extensors --------shorten
 Straight abdominal muscle----- shorten
 Lateral pelvic tilt describes tilting in both directions and
is associated with scoliosis or people who have legs of
different length. It can also happen when one leg is bent
sides hip can follow the femur as knee lowers towards the
ground. What are the
 Lie well supported with pillow, knees bent and feel flat. benefits of pelvic
2min Place one hand under the back and other on top of the rocking exercise
abdomen. Tighten the abdominals and buttocks and press
the small of the back down on the underneath hand.
Breath normally and hold 4sec then relax.
 LEFT PELVIC TILT : is when the right side of the pelvis
is elevated higher than the left side.
 RIGHT PELVIC TILT : is when the left side of the pelvis Explaining using
Discuss the is elevated higher than the right side. AV aids Listening
rocking exercise  Improve bladder and bowel control
 Reduce the risk of prolapse
 Improve recovery from childbirth and gynaecological
surgery (in women)
 Improve recovery after prostate surgery (in men)
 Increase sexual sensation and orgasmic potential,
 Increase social confidence and quality of life
3min STEPS
 Position on your hands and knees, place your hands
directly under your shoulders and your knees under your
 Breathe in deeply…….
 Breathe out slowly and bring your head back up…
 Lie down on your back, supporting the head with pillow.
 Bend the knees.
 Keep the foot flat on floor.
 Place one hand under the curve of the back.
 Place another hand on top of the abdomen
 Tighten the buttocks and abdominal muscles Power
simultaneously, inhale and hold (1,2,3,4) point
 Exhale 4-3-2-1 and relax the muscles and feel your back present
flat on the underneath hand ation
 Repeat the last two steps for about 10 times twice a day Explaining using
for 3 weeks. AV aids Understanding
 Do this exercise 8 time or to your comfort level.
 Then gradually increase that to 30 minutes a day, five to
seven days a week.
 Pelvic rocking helps to relive stiffness of the lower back.
INTERVENTION:- How to prevent the
 Ask adolescent to apply heat eg; warm baths, putting a dysmenorrhea
hot water bottle or heating pad on the abdomen
 Ask adolescent to drink plenty of oral fluids, but avoid
 Ask adolescent to do regular exercise, particularly
aerobics[ cycling, jogging, brisk walking].
 Balanced diet and healthy diet with lot of fruits and
Enumerate the vegetables
prevention of  Regular exercise – for endorphins ( the natural pain
dysmenorrhea killers)
 Proper medical management of the cause, if any
 Relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, laughter
What are the
therapy, hot water bath ect…
complications of
 Keep your bladder empty-urinate every 2 hours to Power
point dysmenorrhea
decrease the pain.
 Bowel movements can change with differing hormonel present
levels ation
 Do not eat any type of spicy food.
 No cold and frozen drinks.
 Take warm water to reduce the pain
 Fainting -from severe menstrual cramps
Describe the  abdominal pain
complications of  back pain
dysmenorrhea  Nausea
 Vomiting
1. Iron deficiency anemia: Menorrhagia may decrease iron
levels enough to increase the risk of iron deficiency
2. Severe pain: with heavy menstrual bleeding, you might
have painful menstrual cramps ( dysmenorrhea) .
Dysmenorrhea is common among adolescent girls and it is major
problem representing the cause of feeling depressed, poor
personal relationship, and class absenteeism. Majority of the
study participants used self – medication to treat dysmenorrhea.
www.google search.com
http:// creativecommons.org
http:// doktermelya, dagdidug.com
 EMMESS Medical publishers , Nima Bhaskar,
second edition page no 250-253.
ప్రత్యే కమైన స విషయము టీచంగ్ నేర్చు కు AV మూల్ే ంక
లక్ష్ే ం మ యాక్ట ివిటీ నే ఎయి నం
యం కార్యే చర

ప్పపంచ ఆరోగ్య సంస థ కౌమార్దశను యుక్ తవయస్సా యొక్క
అంశాన్ని ప్ార్ంభంగా న్నర్వ చంచంది. కౌమార్దశ అంటే WHO యొక్క క్ల్తత 10 ఉపన్సయ సం
పరిచయం 2మి నుండి 19 సంవత్ా రాలలోపు వాటిన్న జమ చేస్సతంది. ఐసిడిఎస్ మరియు వంూ
కార్య ప్క్మం 11 నుండి 17 సంవత్ా రాల మధ్య వయస్సా గ్ల
చేయండి న్నట్
కౌమార్దశను గురి తంచంది. ఈ దశ ఒకేసారి ప్ార్ంభం కాదు. చర్ే
కంత్మంది పిలలు ల 9 సంవత్ా రాలు, మరికందరు 10 నుండి 11
సంవత్ా రాల వయస్సా లో ఉంటారు. పోషకాహార్ లోపంతో
పోషకాహార్ లోపం ఉన్ి పిలల ల లో ఆరోగ్య క్ర్మైన్ మరియు బలమైన్.
కౌమార్దశ అనేది పిలల ల ందరికీ అనుభవంచే హక్కక . ఆ బాలయ ం,
యువత్, వృద్ధాపయ ం, ఏ జీవత్ం అయిన్స అది జీవత్ చప్క్ం. కౌమార్
దశలో పిలలు ల శారీర్క్ంగా ఎదగ్డం మరియు పున్రుత్ప త్తత
ప్పప్ియలో ాల్గొన్డం చాలా ముఖ్య ం.
మెప్్్ ూషన్ యొకక నిరవ చనం:
 గ్రాా శయ పొర్ నుండి ర్క్ం, త శ్లే లషమ ం మరియు సెలుయ లార్
శిధిలాల యొక్క చప్కీయ ఉత్ా ర్ ొ మెన్సా ప్ూషన్. మొదటి
రుతుప్సావం ప్ార్ంభమయ్యయ సమయాన్ని మెన్సరేే
మెన్సా ప్ూష
న్నర్వ చంచండి అంటారు. ఈ చప్కీయ (28-30 రోజులు) నెలవారీ ప్పప్ియ చాలా
AV ఎయిడ్సా న్ అంటే
మెన్సా చురేష పెదదది మరియు గ్ర్ా ధార్ణ, చనుబాలివవ డం, పవర్
అర్ థం ఏమిటి?
న్ అనోయులేషన్ లేద్ధ మందులతో జోక్య ం చేస్సకోవడం ఉపయోగం
2మి చేస్సకోవడం ాయిం
మిన్హా రుతువర్త్త వర్క్క మెన్సరేే నుండి సరైన్ చ
న్నట్ సామరాథయ న్ని అంచన్స వేస్సతంది. ట్
- నిమా భాసక ర్ ప్పదర్శ
 తుప్సావం 9-15 సంవత్ా రాల వయస్సా లో ర్ంభమవుతుంది. న్
ప్పత్త స్త్రతి ఒక్ వయ ి త చప్క్ం ఉన్ి పప టికీ, ఇది పొడవులో తేడా
ఉంటంది, సగ్ట చప్క్ం 28 రోజుల పొడవుగా తీస్సకోబడుతుంది
మరియు గ్ర్ా ం జోక్య ం చేస్సక్కన్ి పుప డు త్పప యుక్వయస్సా త
నుండి రుతువర్త్త వర్క్క ప్క్మం త్పప క్కండా
రుతుప్క్మం ప్ార్ంభమైన్ మొదటి రోజు నుండి మరుసటి రోజు
వర్క్క రుతుప్క్మం ప్ార్ంభమవుతుంది.
కౌమారదశ యొకక నిరవ చనం:
కౌమార్దశ అనేది బాలయ ం నుండి యుక్ తవయస్సా వర్క్క పరివర్ తన్ పవర్
దశ. AV ఎయిడ్సా ాయిం కౌమార్దశ
 కౌమార్దశలో ఉన్ి వారు లంగక్ పరిపక్వ త్క్క చేరుక్కన్న, ఉపయోగం ట్ అంటే ఏమిటి
3మి చ వంూ
పున్రుత్ప త్తత సామర్ థయ ం పొందే కాలం ప్పదర్శ
న్నట్ - WHO (వరల్డహీల్తోర గనైజేషన్) వవరిస్సతన్సి న్
కౌమారదశ రు
కౌమార్దశను ఎ) పిలల ల నుండి పెదదవాడిగా అభివృదిా చందే ప్పప్ియ
న్నర్వ చంచండి బి) దివ తీయ లింగ్ లక్షణాలు (యుక్ తవయస్సా ) నుండి లంగక్
మరియు పున్రుత్ప త్తత పరిపక్వ త్ వర్క్క పురోగ్త్త.
-ప్బాడ్సశ్లఫోర్ ్ ప్ౌన్
ఎ) వయోజన్ మాన్సిక్ ప్పప్ియల అభివృదిా మరియు వయోజన్
గురి తంపు. -ప్రరంచ ఆరోగ్ే సంసథ
 కౌమార్దశలో ఉన్ి బాలిక్లు 9-16 సంవత్ా రాల
వయస్సా లో మెన్సరేే పొందుతారు.
కౌమార దశలు: కౌమారదశలో మూడు ప్రధాన దశలు
1. ప్ార్ంభ కౌమార్దశ (9-13 సంవత్ా రాలు) - పెరుగుదల మరియు
కౌమార్దశ దివ తీయ లంగక్ లక్షణాల అభివృదిా ద్ధవ రా వరీ ొక్రించబడుతుంది.
యొక్క 3మి 2.మిడ్స కౌమార్దశ (14-15 సంవత్ా రాలు) - త్లిద ల ంప్డుల నుండి ా
శ్ల ల ్ కౌమార్దశ
దశలను న్నట్ ప్పతేయ క్ గురి తంపును అభివృదిా చేయడం, తోటి సమూహాలతో కత్త కారు్లు యొక్క దశలు
సంబంధాలు మరియు వయ త్తరేక్ లింగ్ం మరియు ప్పయోగాలు. AV ఎయిడ్సా అవగాహన్ ఏమిటి
3. లేట్ కౌమార్దశ (16-19 సంవత్ా రాలు) - ఈ దశలో, కౌమార్దశ ఉపయోగం
పూరి తగా శారీర్క్ లక్షణాలను అభివృదిా చేసింది (పెదదల మాదిరిగానే) చ
మరియు ఒక్ ప్పతేయ క్మైన్ గురి తంపును ఏర్ప రుస్సతంది మరియు బాగా వవరిస్సతన్సి
ఏర్ప డింది. రు
అర థం
డిసెమ నోరియా - ప్ీక్క నుండి ఉదా వంచన్ క్షం ట నెలవారీ ప్పవాహం
 డిసెమ నోరియా అనే పద్ధన్ని బాధాక్ర్మైన్ రుతుప్సావం అన్న
అర్ ాం
రోజులు = క్షంట / నొపిప పూరి త / అసాధార్ణమైన్ది
న్నట్ మెనో = అర్ థం నెల
రిరియా = అర్ థం ప్పవాహం

పున్రావృత్ మాన్సిక్ (లేద్ధ) సోమాటిక్ లక్షణాలు (లేద్ధ) రండింటినీ

ప్పతేయ క్ంగా రుతుప్సావం చప్క్ం యొక్క లూటియల్ దశలో
సంభవస్సతంది మరియు ఫోలిక్కయ లర్ దశలో క్నీసం రుతుప్సావం
ముగసే సమయాన్ని పరిషక రిస్సతందన్న ఫిరాయ దు చేసేత స్త్రతి
ప్ీమెప్న్ా రల్ సింప్ోమ్ ఉన్ి టల భావసాతరు.
నిరవ చనాలు
డిస్మె నోరియా యొకక నిరవ చనం:
 డిసెమ నోరియాను బాధాక్ర్మైన్ రుతుప్సావం అన్న
న్నర్వ చంచారు
-రజాన్ యాసిన్ ఖ్ల్తల్
 డిసెమ నోరియా అనేది బాధాక్ర్మైన్ రుతుప్సావం గురించ
వవరించే పదం, ఇది సాధార్ణంగా గ్రాా శయ సంకోచాల వల ల
క్లిగే త్తమిమ రిన్న క్లిగ ఉంటంది.
న్నర్వ చంచండి 3మి పవర్
-అబ్దదలాల బాఘఫర్ AV ఎయిడ్సా
డిసెమ నోరియా న్నట్ ాయిం
ఉపయోగం ట్
డిసెమ నోరియాను డిసెమ నోరియా, బాధాక్ర్మైన్ కాలాలు, (or) అవగాహన్ డిసెమ నోరియా
 మెన్సా ప్టవల్ త్తమిమ రి సమయంలో నొపిప రుతుప్సావం. చ ప్పదర్శ
- ఆక్ ఫ ర్ డ వవరిస్సతన్సి అంటే ఏమిటి
 సెమ నోరియా అనేది గ్రాా శయ సంకోచం వల ల క్లిగే త్తమిమ రిన్న రు
క్లిగ ఉండే బాధాక్ర్మైన్ రుతుప్సావం గురించ వవరించే
- వికీపీడియా
 తుప్సావం ముందు (లేద్ధ) ముందు సంభవంచే బాధాక్ర్మైన్
త్తమిమ రి. -ప్ీమతి. సరితాశరె

న్నట్ కారణాలు
 ప్పోసాటగాలండిన్ యొక్క అధిక్ ఉత్ప త్తత, గ్రాా శయం క్కదించడాన్ని
కార్ణమయ్యయ ర్సాయన్ం
 హారోమ న్ ల రుగ్మ త్లు
 ఎంోమెప్టియోసిస్
 ఫైప్బాయిడుల-గ్రాా శయంలోన్న న్నర్ాయమైన్ క్ణితులు}
గ్రాా శయం బహిషక రించడాన్ని ప్పయత్తి ంచవచుే
 గ్రాా శయంలోన్న IUD [ఇంప్టా గ్రాా శయ గ్ర్ా న్నరోధ్క్ పరిక్ర్ం]
ఇత్ర్ వదేశీ శరీర్ం, ఇది గ్రాా శయం బహిషక రించడాన్ని
ప్పయత్తి ంచవచుే
 క్టి సంప్క్మణ లేద్ధ మంట
 పున్రుత్ప త్తత అవయవాల రుగ్మ త్ s ఉద్ధ; త్తతుతలు క్ణితులు}

డిసెమ నోరియా
యొక్క AV ఎయిడ్సా డిసెమ నోరియా
కార్ణాలను ఉపయోగం పటాలు క్క కార్ణాలు
జాబితా చ ఏమిటి
చేయండి వవరిస్సతన్సి

డైస్మె నోరియా రకాలు: -

డైసెమ నోరియా యొక్క రండు రూాలు
డిసెమ నోరియా రండు వరాొలుగా వభజంచబడింది
1.సప సోమ డిక్ [ప్ాధ్మిక్ డిసెమ నోరియా]
2మి 2. దివ తీయ డిసెమ నోరియా
న్నట్ ( స్పా స్మె డిక్ (ప్రైమరీ డైస్మె నోరియా)
 గురి తంచదగన్ క్టి ాథాలజీ లేన్న బాధాక్ర్మైన్ రుతుప్సావం
 గ్మన్నక్: నెలవారీ యొక్క మొదటి 2 రోజులలో అత్య ధిక్
 Ys ప్ాధ్మిక్ డిసెమ నోరియా రుతుప్సావం ప్ార్ంభాన్ని 12
నుండి 24 గ్ంటల ముందు ప్ార్ంభమవుతుంది.
ప్రైమరీ డైస్మె నోరియా యొకక నిరవ చనం
 ఎంోమెప్టియోసిస్ వంటి ఇత్ర్ వాయ ధులు లేన్పుప డు,
పొత్తతక్డుపులో నొపిప లేద్ధ రుతుప్సావం సమయంలో
సంభవస్సతంది. - ప్ీమతి సరిత
ప్రైమరీ డైస్మె నోరియా కారణం
 కార్ణం అధిక్ ప్పోసాటగాలండిన్ ఉత్ప త్తతి సంబంధించన్ది.
 ప్పోసాటగాలండిన్ పెంచండి
 గ్రాా శయం యొక్క సంకోచాన్ని కార్ణమయ్యయ అంోత్ా ర్ ొ
చప్క్ంలో ఎంోమెప్టియం ద్ధవ రా ఉత్ప త్తత
ప్రైమరీ డైస్మె నోరేయా యొకక సంకేతాలు మరియు
 క్డుపు నొపిప తో త్ర్చుగా ఉంటంది AV ఎయిడ్సా అవగాహన్
 వకార్ం ఉపయోగం
 అత్తసార్ం చ శ్లాల్
 అలసట కారు్లు
 త్లనొపిప లేద్ధ మైక్ము
 సాధార్ణంగా మొదటి కాలాలతో మొదలవుతుంది మరియు రు
దీన్న ద్ధవ రా తెలియజేయబడుతుంది త్క్కక వ క్డుపు నొపిప న్న
2మి మెంప్టవల్ ప్పవాహంతో ముందు లేద్ధ మెంప్టవల్
ప్పవాహంతో ప్ార్ంభించ, మెంప్ూయ్యషన్ సమయంలో
న్నట్ కన్సాగుతుంది. ఇది త్ర్చుగా వకార్ం, వాంతులు,
త్లనొపిప , మూర్ఛ మరియు పరిధీయ వాసోడైలేషన్ యొక్క
లక్షణాలతో సంబంధ్ం క్లిగ ఉంటంది.
ి (స్మకండరీ డిస్మె నోరే)
 పెలివ క్ లేద్ధ గ్రాా శయ ాథాలజీ కార్ణంగా బాధాక్ర్మైన్
స్మకండరీ డిస్మె నోరోహీని నిరవ చంచడం
 మహిళల పున్రుత్ప త్తత అవయవాలలో ఎంోమెప్టియోసిస్,
అడెనోమైయోసిస్, గ్రాా శయ ఫైప్బాయిడ్సా , (లేద్ధ) ఇనెె క్షన్
వంటి రుగ్మ త్ వల ల నొపిప వస్సతంది.
-ప్ీమతి. సరిత
స్మకండరీ డైస్మె నోరియా కారణాలు
 క్టి ఇన్ె లమేటరీ డిరజ్,
 ఎంోమెప్టియోసిస్
2మి  గ్రాా శయ ఫైప్బాయిడుల మరియు IUD ఉన్ని.
న్నట్  అడెనోమైయోసిస్
 క్టి సంప్క్మణ
 పుటటక్తో వచేే గ్రాా శయం లేద్ధ యోన్న ప్క్మరాహిత్య ం సెక్ండరీ
సెక్ండరీ  మహిళలు కంత్కాలం సమసయ లేన్న కాలాలను అనుభవంచన్ డిసెమ నోరియా
డిసెమ నోరియా త్రావ త్ సెక్ండరీ డిసెమ నోరియా సాధార్ణంగా సంభవస్సతంది. పవర్ అంటే
అంటే ఏమిటి  నొపిప ఏక్పక్షంగా, శ్లసిర్
థ ంగా మరియు కన్సాగ్వచుే , ప్ాధ్మిక్ ాయిం ఏమిటి?
డిసెమ నోరియా క్ంటే ఎక్కక వ. ట్
 బాధాక్ర్మైన్ సంభోగ్ం ప్పదర్శ
 బాధాక్ర్మైన్ మలవసర్ జన్
వంూ న్
స్మకండరీ డైస్మె నోరేయా యొకక సంకేతాలు &
 భారీ మాన్సిక్ ప్పవాహం లేద్ధ సప్క్మంగా ర్క్ప్సావం

 శారీర్క్ పరీక్షతో క్టి అసాధార్ణత్ AV ఎయిడ్సా
 న్సన్శ్లసె
శ్ల రాట యిడ్స యాంటీ ఇన్ె లమేటరీ ప్డగ్సా (NSAIDS) లేద్ధ ఉపయోగం
నోటి గ్ర్ా న్నరోధ్క్ మందులక్క పేలవమైన్ ప్పత్తసప ందన్. చ
 మెన్ా స్ కాక్కండా ఇత్ర్ సమయాలోల సప్క్మంగా ర్క్ప్సావం త వవరిస్సతన్సి
జర్గ్వచుే రు
 సాధార్ణంగా త్క్కక వ పొత్తతక్డుపు త్తమిమ రితో ర్దీదగా ఉండే
3మి నొపుప ల గురించ ఫిరాయ దు చేసే వృదా మహిళలను ప్పభావత్ం
న్నట్ చేస్సతంది, ఇది సాధార్ణంగా కన్ని రోజుల నుండి వారాల
ముందు మెంటరేషన్ ముందు మొదలవుతుంది.
డిస్మె నోరోరియా యొకక సంకేతాలు మరియు
నొపిప సాధార్ణంగా నీర్సంగా, బాధాక్ర్ంగా, త్తమిమ రిగా మరియు
వెనుక్ వీపుక్క ప్పసరిస్సతంది.
 పొత్తత క్డుపులో తేలిక్ాటి నుండి తీప్వమైన్ త్తమిమ రి వస్సతంది,
డిసెమ నోరియా ఇది వచే త్ర్ంగాలలోి వెళళ వచుే . AV ఎయిడ్సా
యొక్క  వెనుక్ వెనుక్ పండుల లేద్ధ తొడలలో మొండి నొపిప . ఉపయోగం డిసెమ నోరియా
సంకేతాలు  త్లనొపిప చ పటాలు యొక్క
 మైక్ము, వకార్ం మరియు వాంతులు. అవగాహన్ సంకేతాలు
మరియు వవరిస్సతన్సి
 వేడి మరియు చలన్న ల అనుభూతులు మరియు
లక్షణాలను  వరేచన్సలు, కన్ని సందరాా లోల రుs
వవరించండి  కన్ని సందరాా లోల మూర్ఛ లక్షణాలు

3మి నిరవ హణ / చక్టత్

న్నట్  తుప్సావం సమయంలో గ్రాా శయ క్దలిక్ల వల ల క్డుపు
నొపిప (డిసెమ నోరియా) సంభవస్సతంది.
డిసెమ నోరియా  తుప్సావం సమయంలో అసహయ క్ర్మైన్ మరియు
న్నర్వ హణను బాధాక్ర్మైన్ పరిసిత్త
థ మరియు నొపిప న్న త్గ ొంచడాన్ని అలం

న్మోదు టీ తాగ్డం చేయాలి.
చేయండి  ఉపుప , కాఫీ మరియు టీ త్గ ొంచండి. తీప్వమైన్ నొపిప ఉంటే
మందులను వైదుయ లతో సంప్పదించ ఉపయోగంచవచుే .
కానీ మందులు వాడక్ండి.
 ఇది న్డక్, యోగా మరియు వప్శాంత్త వంటి త్గన్ంత్
వాయ యామం.
 నొపిప న్నవార్ణను న్నర్వ హించండి- NSAIDS, ఉద్ధ; పవర్
న్సప్పోక్సా న్, ఇబ్దప్పోఫెన్, మెఫల్ ట సాప స్, సైకోా
ల ర్మ . ాయిం
 త్క్కక వ మోతాదు- నోటి గ్ర్ా న్నరోధ్క్ మాప్త్లు. (వవాహం ట్
చేస్సక్కంటే) ప్పదర్శ
2మి AV ఎయిడ్సా మరియు
ఓర్ల్ గ్ర్ా న్నరోధ్క్ మాప్త్లు అంోత్ా ర్ ొమును న్
న్నట్ ఉపయోగం అర్ థం
అణిచవేసాతయి, దీన్నవల ల డిసెమ నోరియా త్గుతు ొ ంది. చ చేస్సకోవడం
 వేడి అపి లకేషన్- నొపిప న్న త్గ ొంచడాన్ని వేడి సాి న్ం చేయండి వవరిస్సతన్సి
 వేడి ఉదర్ం లేద్ధ వెనుక్ భాగ్ంలో వరి తంచబడుతుంది, ఇది రు
డిసెమ నోరియాను త్గస్సత ొ ంది
 త్తత
మీ పొ క్డుపుపై తాపన్ ాయ డ్స ఉంచండి
 వాయ యామాలు-రోజువారీ వాయ యామాలు వంటి జీవన్ శైలి
మారుప లు
 మీ పొత్తతక్డుపును స్సన్ని త్ంగా మసాజ్ చేయండి
 మీ కాలాలు సమీపిస్సతన్ి కదీద వప్శాంత్త తీస్సకోవడం మరియు
ఒత్తతడితో కూడిన్ పరిసిత్త థ న్న న్నవారించడం.
 గ్
బరువు త్ ొడం: బరువును కాాడుకోండి
-ఆబేసిటీ: బరువు త్గ ొంచండి
 వప్శాంత్త పదాతులు; న్నప్ద మరియు త్గన్ంత్ సమయం
 అన్వసర్మైన్ పన్నభారాన్ని న్నవారించండి
 తుప్సావం సమయంలో క్టి రాింగ్స వాయ యామం

డిసెమ నోరియాను త్ ొంచడాన్ని సహాయపడుతుంది. AV ఎయిడ్సా
క్టి రాింగ్స వాటిసెప లివ క్
వాయ యామం పెల్వవ క్ ర్యక్టంగ్ వ్యే యామం ఉపయోగం పవర్ రాింగ్స
పరిచయం రరిచయం చ ాయిం వాయ యామం
3మి వంూ
న్నట్ క్టి శ్లఫోలర్ క్ండరాలు: లంగక్ పన్నతీరులో కూడా ఒక్ ముఖ్య మైన్ ాప్త్ వవరిస్సతన్సి ట్
పోషిస్సతంది, ఈ క్ండరాలను బలోపేత్ం చేయడం వల ల సెక్ా రు ప్పదర్శ
సమయంలో క్టి నొపిప త్గుొతుంది మరియు ఆహాలదక్ర్మైన్
అనుభూత్తన్న పొందగ్ల సామరాథయ న్ని పెంచుతుంది, గ్ర్ా ధార్ణ
సమయంలో, క్టి శ్లఫోలర్ క్ండరాలు శిశువుక్క మదదతు ఇసాతయి
మరియు ప్పసవ ప్పప్ియలో సహాయపడతాయి,
ప్పసవ త్రావ త్ లేద్ధ మీరు పెదదయాయ క్, మీ క్టి నేల క్ండరాలు
బలహీన్పడిన్టల మీరు గ్మన్నంచవచుే . క్టి క్ండరాలు
మూప్తాశయం, ప్పేగు మరియు గ్రాా శయాన్ని మదదతు ఇసాతయి. అవ
సంకోచంచన్పుప డు, అవయవాలు ఎత్తత యోన్న, ాయువు మరియు
మూప్తాశయాన్ని ఓపెన్నంగ్సా బిగంచబడతాయి. క్ండరాలు
సడలించన్పుప డు, శరీర్ం నుండి మూప్త్ం మరియు మలం

క్టి రాింగ్స
వాయ యామాన్ని అర థం
న్నర్వ చంచండి పెల్వవ స్: ప్ీక్క పదం; బేసిన్… ..బోల్
ఏరాప ట; ఇలియం, పుబిస్, ఇసిక యం, సాప్క్మ్ మరియు కోిక్ా . క్టి రాింగ్స
వంపు: వాలు, వంపు, సన్ి , వంగ. వాయ యామం
నిరవ చనం
క్టి వంపు అనేది ప్ఫంటల్ శ్లపేన్
ల శ్లలో ఒక్ ఇమాజ్ ఇన్రీ అక్షం చుూట అంటే
క్టి యొక్క యాంటెరోపోరరి ట యర్ క్దలిక్. ఏమిటి?
అవగాహన్ ాయిం
-స్టర్యాహిద్ సర్యవ ర్
లెక్ే ర్ క్మ్ ట్
చర్ే ప్పదర్శ
క్దిలే లేద్ధ క్దిలే చర్య శాంత్ముగా మరియు వెనుక్క్క లేద్ధ ప్పక్క
నుండి ప్పక్క క్క. – ఆక్ ఫ ర్ డ న్
వ్యే యామం
3మి శారీర్క్ ప్శమ అవసర్మయ్యయ కారాయ చర్ణ, ఆరోగ్య ం మరియు
న్నట్ ఫిట్శ్లనెస్శ్లను కన్సాగంచడాన్ని లేద్ధ మెరుగుపర్చడాన్ని
న్నర్వ హి రు. త
ఆరోగ్య ం మరియు ఫిట్శ్లనెస్శ్లను కన్సాగంచడాన్ని లేద్ధ
మెరుగుపర్చడాన్ని శారీర్క్ ప్శమలో ాల్గొన్ండి. -
ఆక్స్్ ఫ ర్ డ
క్టి రాింగ్స రకాలు
వాయ యామం ఇది 3 ర్కాలు:
-అంటీరియర్ పెలివ క్ టిల్ట క్టి రాింగ్స
యొక్క -పోరరి ట యర్ పెలివ క్ టిల్ట వంూ హాయ ండ్స వాయ యామం
ర్కాలను -లాటర్ల్ పెలివ క్ టిల్ట
AV ఎయిడ్సా అవుట్ యొక్క ర్కాలు
న్మోదు అంటెరియర్ పెల్వవ క్ టిల్ి
ఉపయోగం ఏమిటి
చేయండి  యాంటీరో న్ససిర్క్ంగా, క్టి చుక్క ల ముందు, క్టి

వెనుక్భాగ్ం పెరుగుతుంది.
 క్ండరాలు పన్నచేశాయి: హిప్ ఫె ల ా రుల ----- త్గ ొంచండి
శ్ల క్
 వెనెి ముక్ పొడిగంపులు ----- త్గ ొంచండి
 హిప్ ఎక్ా శ్లటెన్ా ర్శ్లలు ------- పొడవు
 నేరుగా ఉదర్ క్ండరాలు ------ పొడవు
పోస్టరి ి యర్ పెల్వవ క్ టిల్ి
 పృషం ఠ గా, క్టి ముందు భాగ్ం పెరుగుతుంది, క్టి చుక్క ల
 క్ండరాల పన్న
 హిప్ శ్లఫెక్ ల ా రుల ------- పొడవు
2మి  వెనెి ముక్ పొడిగంపులు -------- పొడవు
న్నట్  హిప్ ఎక్ా శ్లటెన్ా ర్శ్లలు -------- త్గ ొంచండి
 నేరుగా ఉదర్ క్ండర్ం ----- త్గ ొంచండి
ల్టరల్ పెల్వవ క్ టిల్ి
 ార్శ వ క్టి వంపు రండు దిశలలో టిలిం ట గ్స గురించ
వవరిస్సతంది మరియు ార్శ వ గూన్న లేద్ధ వవధ్ పొడవు గ్ల
కాళ్ళళ ఉన్ి వయ క్కత లతో సంబంధ్ం క్లిగ ఉంటంది. ఒక్
కాలు వంగన్ వైపులా ఉన్ి పుప డు కూడా ఇది జరుగుతుంది. AV ఎయిడ్సా వంూ క్టి రాింగ్స
మోకాలి భూమి వైపు త్గుతు ొ ంది. ఉపయోగం వాయ యామం
 దిండుతో బాగా మదదతు ఇవవ ండి, మోకాలు వంగ శ్లాలట్ గా చ యొక్క
అన్నపిస్సతంది. ఒక్ చేత్తన్న వెనుక్ ింద మరియు మరొక్టి వవరిస్సతన్సి ప్పయోజన్సలు
ఉదర్ం పైన్ ఉంచండి. ఉదర్ మరియు పిరుదులను రు ఏమిటి
బిగంచ, వెనుక్ భాగ్ంలో చన్ి ద్ధన్ని చేత్తి ప్ిందిి నొక్క ండి.
సాధార్ణంగా శావ స తీస్సకోండి మరియు 4 సెక్నుల పటటక్కన్న
వప్శాంత్త తీస్సకోండి.
 ఎడమ పెలివ క్ టిల్:ట క్టి యొక్క క్కడి వైపు ఎడమ వైపు క్ంటే
ఎతుతలో ఉన్ి పుప డు.
 క్కడి పెలివ క్ టిల్:ట క్టి యొక్క ఎడమ వైపు క్కడి వైపు క్ంటే
ఎతుతలో ఉన్ి పుప డు.
పెల్వవ క్ ర్యక్టంగ్ వ్యే యామం యొకక ప్రయోజనాలు
 మూప్తాశయం మరియు ప్పేగు న్నయంప్త్ణను
క్టి రాింగ్స మెరుగుపర్చండి
వాయ యామం 3మి  ప్పోలాప్ా ప్పమాద్ధన్ని త్గ ొంచండి
యొక్క న్నట్  ప్పసవ మరియు స్త్రత జన్నేంప్దియ శస్త్సతచిత్ా నుండి
ప్పయోజన్సల రిక్వరీన్న మెరుగుపర్చండి (మహిళ ల ) లో
ను  ప్పోసేట్ ట శస్త్సతచిత్ా త్రావ త్ రిక్వరీన్న మెరుగుపర్చండి
చరిే ంచండి (పురుషులలో)
 లంగక్ సంచలన్ం మరియు ఉదేవ గ్భరిత్మైన్ సామరాథయ న్ని
 సామాజక్ వశావ సం మరియు జీవన్ న్సణయ త్ను పెంచండి
ి ్
 మీ చేతులు మరియు మోకాళపై ల ఉంచండి, మీ చేతులను
నేరుగా మీ భుజాల ప్ింద మరియు మీ మోకాళళ ను మీ తుంటి
ప్ింద ఉంచండి.
 లోతుగా శావ స …….……. AV ఎయిడ్సా పవర్
 నెమమ దిగా శావ స తీస్సకోండి మరియు మీ త్లన్న త్తరిగ పైి ఉపయోగం ాయిం డిసెమ నోరియా
తీస్సక్కర్ండి… చ ట్ ను ఎలా
2మి  మీ వెనుక్భాగ్ంలో పడుకోండి, త్లపై దిండుతో మదదతు వవరిస్సతన్సి ప్పదర్శ న్నవారించాలి
న్నట్ ఇస్సతంది. రు న్
 మోకాళళ ను వంచు.
 అడుగు నేలపై చదునుగా ఉంచండి.
 వెనుక్ వంపు ింద ఒక్ చేత్తన్న ఉంచండి.
 ఉదర్ం పైన్ మరో చేయి ఉంచండి
 పిరుదులు మరియు ఉదర్ క్ండరాలను ఒకేసారి బిగంచ,
ీలుే కోండి మరియు పటటకోండి (1,2,3,4)
 ఎక్ా హేల్ 4-3-2-1 మరియు క్ండరాలను సడలించండి
మరియు మీ వెనుక్ చేత్తన్న ాశ్ల ల ట్ గా భావసాతరు
 చవరి రండు దశలను 3 వారాల ాట రోజుక్క రండుసారుల 10
సారుల చేయండి.
 ఈ వాయ యామం 8 సారుల లేద్ధ మీ క్ంఫర్ ట సా శ్ల థ యిి చేయండి.
 అపుప డు ప్క్మంగా రోజుక్క 30 న్నమిషాలు, వారాన్ని ఐదు
2మి నుండి ఏడు రోజులు పెంచండి.
న్నట్  క్టి రాింగ్స దిగువ వీపు యొక్క గ్టిట నెస్ నుండి ఉపశమన్ం
డిసెమ నోరియా పొందటాన్ని సహాయపడుతుంది.
న్నవార్ణను ఇంటర్వవ నాన్: -
వవరించండి  కౌమార్దశను వేడిన్న వరి తంచమన్న అడగ్ండి ఉద్ధ; వెచే న్న
సాి న్సలు, వేడి నీటి బాటిల్ లేద్ధ పొత్తతక్డుపుపై తాపన్ ాయ డ్స
 నోటి ప్దవాలు పుషక లంగా తాగ్మన్న కౌమార్దశను అడగ్ండి,
కాన్న మద్ధయ న్ని దూర్ంగా ఉండండి డిసెమ నోరియా
 సాధార్ణ వాయ యామం చేయమన్న కౌమార్దశను అడగ్ండి, అవగాహన్ యొక్క
AV ఎయిడ్సా సమసయ లు
ముఖ్య ంగా ఏరోబిక్ా [సైింగ్స,ల జాగంగ్స, చురుకైన్ న్డక్].
ఉపయోగం పవర్
నివ్యరణ: ఏమిటి
చ ాయిం
డిసెమ నోరియా  పండుల మరియు కూర్గాయలతో సమతులయ ఆహార్ం మరియు
వవరిస్సతన్సి ట్
యొక్క న్నట్ ఆరోగ్య క్ర్మైన్ ఆహార్ం
రు ప్పదర్శ
సమసయ లను  రగుయ లర్ వాయ యామం - ఎండారిె న్ ల కోసం (సహజ నొపిప
వవరించండి న్నవార్ణలు)
 ఏదైన్స కార్ణం ఉంటే సరైన్ వైదయ న్నర్వ హణ
 యోగా, ధాయ న్ం, న్వువ చిత్ా , వేడి నీటి సాి న్ం వంటి
వప్శాంత్త పదాతులు…
 నొపిప త్గ్ ొడాన్ని ప్పత్త 2 గ్ంటలక్క మీ మూప్తాశయాన్ని
3మి ఖాళీగా ఉంచండి.
న్నట్  హారోమ న్ ల సా
శ్ల థ యిలతో వభిన్ి ంగా ప్పేగు క్దలిక్లు మార్వచుే
 ఎలాంటి మసాలా ఆహారాన్ని త్తన్వదుద.
 చలన్న ల మరియు సత శ్ల ంభింపచేసిన్ ానీయాలు లేవు.

 త్ ొంచడాన్ని వెచే న్న నీరు తీస్సకోండి

కాంప్ల ికేషన్
 మూర్ఛ -తీప్వమైన్ రుతుప్సావం నుండి
 క్డుపు నొపిప
 వెనుి నొపిప
 వకార్ం
 వాంతులు
 ఇనుము లోరం రక తహీనత: ఐర్న్ లోపం ర్క్హీన్త్ త
ప్పమాద్ధన్ని పెంచడాన్ని మెనోరాగయా ఇనుము శ్లసాథయిలను
త్గ ొంచవచుే .
 విరరీతైమైన నొప్లా : భారీ రుతుప్సావం ర్క్ప్సావం,
త మీరు
బాధాక్ర్మైన్ రుతుప్క్మం త్తమిమ రి (డిసెమ నోరియా)
ఉండవచుే .
కౌమార్దశలో ఉన్ి బాలిక్లలో డిసెమ నోరియా సర్వ సాధార్ణం
మరియు ఇది న్నరాశక్క గురికావడం, వయ ి తగ్త్ సంబంధాలు సరిగా
లేక్పోవడం మరియు త్ర్గ్త్త హాజరుకాన్న భావన్ను సూచంచే
ప్పధాన్ సమసయ . అధ్య యన్ంలో ాల్గొన్ి వారిలో ఎక్కక వ మంది
డిసెమ నోరియా చిత్ా క్క సెల్ె మెడికా టియోనుి ఉపయోగంచారు.
www.google search.com
http:// creativecommons.org
http:// doktermelya, dagdidug.com
 EMMESS వైదయ ప్పచుర్ణక్ర్ తలు, న్నమా భాసక ర్, రండవ
ఎడిషన్ పేజీ సంఖ్య 250-253.
पाठ योजना
पेल्विक रॉककिंग एक्ससााइज
को प्रस्तुत द्वारा प्रस्तुत

श्रीमर्ी पािार्ी मैडम M.SC (N) बी। उषारानी

प्रोफेसर M.SC (N) II िषा

प्रसूतर् और स्त्री रोग प्रसूतर् और स्त्री रोग

नर्सिंग नर्सिंग

ओिैसी कॉलेज ऑफ नर्सिंग ओिैसी कॉलेज ऑफ नर्सिंग

है दराबाद है दराबाद
उद्दे श्य
सामान्य उद्दे श्य
प्रस्तु ति के अंि िक तकशोर लड़तकय ं कष्ट ित व पर पेल्विक रॉतकंग व्य य म के ब रे में गहर ई से ज्ञ न प्र प्त करें गी।

विविष्ट उद्दे श्ययों

सत्र के अंि में तकशोर लड़तकय ं कर सकेंगी
 म तसक धमत, तकशोर वस्थ और आयुध तिपो को पररभ तिि करें

 तकशोर वस्थ के चरणों की व्य ख्य कीतिए

 कष्ट ित व के क रण को सूचीबद्ध करें

 कष्ट ित व के प्रक रों को सूचीबद्ध करें

 प्र थतमक और म ध्यतमक कष्ट ित व के क रणों को तवकतसि करन

 कष्ट ित व के संकेिों और लक्षणों को पहच नें

 कष्ट ित व के प्रबंधन पर चच त करें

 पैल्विक रॉतकंग व्य य म को पररभ तिि करें

 पेल्विक रॉतकंग व्य य म क वणतन करें

 पैल्विक रॉतकंग व्य य म के प्रक रों को सूचीबद्ध करें

 पैल्विक रॉतकंग व्य य म के ल भों की गणन करें

 कष्ट ित व की रोकथ म और ितिलि ओं के ब रे में बि एं


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1 c d b c c b c c a b b a a d
2 b c a a a a a b a c b b b a
3 d c a b d b b b c b a d b a
4 c c c a b b b a a c a b b a
5 d b a b a b a b c a b c a c
6 c c b d d c c a a a c b a d
7 c b b c b a d c a b b a a d
8 d c a a d b d a a c b b b a
9 c b a c b b a b c b a d b a
10 d d c a b b b b a c a b b a
11 a a a d c c d c c a b c a c
12 c b a d d c d c a a c b a d
13 b a b c b a b a b c b b a d
14 c c a c a b a c a a a a a a
15 d d a c b a c b a b b a b a
16 c a a d d b d a c a a b b a
17 b b a c b b d b a b b b b c
18 a a a b c c c a a b a c a d
19 d b b d b b b c b d b b a d
20 b b a a a a a b a a c b a b
21 c a a b d c b b a c b b b c
22 c b a d b b d c c a a b b c
23 b a a b c a c a a b c b b a
24 c b a b d c d b a d a c a c
25 d d b c d b b a a c b b a d
26 c c a c c b b c a a a a a b
27 c b a b b a d a a b b c b d
28 b b a a c c a b a a a a b a
29 c c b c c c b b b b b b b c
30 d d b c b b a b a b a c a c
31 b c a d c b d c a d b b a d
32 c b a b a a b b a a a a b c
33 d c c c c b a b a b b b a d
34 d d a b a b a c c a c a b a
35 c c a c c c a a a b b a a d
36 a a b b b b a c c b a c a b
37 d d a c c c d a b c c b a c
38 c c a b b b a b a c a a b c
39 d d c b a b a c c b b b b c
40 b a a c c b b c a a a c b d
41 c c a d a c d b d c a c b c
42 b b b c d b c a a b b b b d
43 d d a b a a d c d a a b a a
44 d d a b d c a b a b b b b d
45 a a a c d b d c b c b b a d
46 b b a d d d d c a a a a a d
47 c b a b c c b a a b b a b c
48 d b b c b b a c d a a b a d
49 b b a b c a b a a b b b b a
50 c b a b b b a b a b a c a c
51 c b b b b c c c b d b b b b
52 a a a c b a d b a a c b a a
53 b b a d b c d d d c b b b d
54 d d b d d c d c c a a b b d
55 c c a c c c b d a b c b b b
56 c c a b b b a c a d a c a c
57 b b a c a b b a b c b b a c
58 c c a c a b c a a a a a a a
59 b b a b b b d b d b b c b c
60 c c a d d c d a d a a a b d

S Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q To
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 tal
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 15
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 10
3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 10
4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 10
5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 13
6 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
7 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8
8 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 10
9 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 11
10 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 17
11 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10
12 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8
13 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
14 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
15 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 14
16 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10
17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 11
18 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 8
19 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 14
20 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 11
21 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7
22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6
23 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 8
24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 9
25 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 15
26 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
27 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
28 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 10
29 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 13
30 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 19
31 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 13
32 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 11
33 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 13
34 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13
35 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 15
36 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 9
37 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 15
38 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 17
39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17
40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 10
41 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 12
42 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 11
43 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 13
44 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 14
45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 10
46 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8
47 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9
48 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 14
49 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 10
50 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 14
51 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 9
52 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 13
53 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 12
54 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 18
55 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 11
56 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 14
57 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9
58 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 14
59 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 15
60 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 13

S Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q to
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ta
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
3 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
5 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
6 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
7 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8
8 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
9 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
11 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
12 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8
13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
14 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
15 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
16 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
17 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
18 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 8
19 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
20 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
21 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7
22 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6
23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 8
24 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 9
25 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
27 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
28 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
29 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
30 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
31 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
32 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
33 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
34 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
35 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
36 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 9
37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
38 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
40 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
41 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
42 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
43 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
44 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
46 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8
47 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9
48 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
49 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
50 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
51 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 9
52 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
53 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
54 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 8
55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
57 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9
58 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
59 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
60 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

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