Ethics Assignment

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Submitted by: Lacno, jeremiah B.


Subject: ETHICS

Q1: With the rules implemented in the school, what rules do you find constricting?

Q2: Why rules is important to social being?

Ans1. Rules constricting us like don't talk if the teacher discussing, don't interrupt if there's someone
explaining, be silent, and be responsible.

Ans2. To avoid unorganised situations it serves as guide to know what is right, being protected, justice,
and being fair to everyone.

Q1: Explain this statement by Albert Casmus "A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this

Q2: How ethical problem solving and engineering design are similar?

Ans1. For me the quote means about pointing to those people have no morals, values, and uneducated
people about good moral that they didn't showing respect in their surroundings without limit theirself
of some aspects.

Ans2. It similarly that includes issues such as safety, sustainability, and privacy. Concern with respect to
technology that interpreting environment by identifying a moral problem based upom what valies

Q1: What is ethics?

Q2: Why is it important to study engineering ethics?

Ans1. Ethics is a branch of philosophy concerned with that which is deemed acceptable in human
behavior. Talks about goodness or badness of character, knowing the right and wrong. This relates
about morals and dealing with regulations of conduct.

Ethics explore the nature of rights, of moral responsibilities of how to go about an ethical problem.
Ethics connects with your feelings and conscience in situation choosing right and wrong. If you are a
good person you choose the right thing.

Each of us needs to think critically about what is right and wrong, make our opinions, and never
hesitate to communicate those opinions for fear of being judgemental about fairness and open-minded.
Choosing the right thing is hard, but if you practice it becomes easier.
Ans2.It is important because principles followed depending upon the moral responsibility that a person
feels. The study of related questions about moral ideals, character, policies and relationships of people
and organizations involved in activity, can be termed as Engineering ethics.

An engineer whether he works individually or works for a company, has to go through some ethical
issues, mostly under the conditions such as, issues arising in design and testing, or may be on the issues
involving the manufacturing, sales and services. Questions related to morality also arise during
supervision and team works.

The ethical decisions and moral values of an engineer need to be considered because the decisions of an
engineer have an impact. The field applied ethics which examines and sets standards for engineers
obligations to the public, their clients, employers, and the profession and its appropriate in all aspects of

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