Dwyer Reading Folders
Dwyer Reading Folders
Dwyer Reading Folders
The first two pages are the sounds and their alternate spellings. Print those on regular paper and cut and sort the sounds using the table below.
The reading folders can be made from small sized envelopes. The sound being represented needs to be stuck outside.
The cards that go into each envelope can be made by sticking the sounds onto blank index cards and put in the folders.
The rest of the pages contain words that go with each of the sounds. Use a few or as many as you want to create little books to go with the folder cards. The sound being
represented needs to go on the cover of these books.
ar ar, a
er er, ir, ur
au au, aw, ough
ai ai, ay, er, a-e
ee ee, ea, e-e, y, ie
ie ie, y, i-e, igh
oa oa, oe, ow, o-e
ue ue, ew, oo, u-e
ou ou, ow
oy oy, oi
s s, ce, ci
f f, ph
e e, ea
j j, ge, gi
** Please note that this file was created using the NAMTA Journal Article by Muriel Dwyer. For detailed instruction on usage please refer to that **
ar ar a er er
ir ur au au aw
ough ai ai ay
ei a - e ee ee ea
e-e y ie ie y
i-e igh oa oa ow
o - e oe ue ue oo
u - e ew ou ou ow
oy oy oi s s ce ci
f f ph e e
ea j j ge gi
her fern herb
helper under stern
dinner supper letter
kerb river thunder
sister butter perhaps
winter lantern summer
sir bird girl
first skirt dirt
twirl swirl stir
firm confirm squirt
fir curl burn
burnt surf burden
hurt spurt curd
occur church fur
turn burst turban
nurse turnip burgle
murmur absurd Paul
fault taut haul
maul fraud cauldron
haunted August saw
lawn claw raw
draw paw jaw
yawn hawk prawn
sawdust bawl crawl
thaw awful law
dawn straw sprawl
ought bought brought
thought sought nought
fought ail mail
nail pail aim
brain stain waist
laid tail contain
rain rail snail
pain paint wait
again explain afraid
chain sail May
day pay tray
play clay stay
away stray railway
say Sunday may
holiday way cake
late date snake
safe maze flake
blame lake wave
came game brave
make same take
gate made name
plane shape save
plate rein feint
skein vein reindeer
veil pet expect
elect egg lent
spent tent bend
pedal felt exit
dress desk spell
sent shell held
swell left head
bread lead instead
read bread spread
weather meant bedstead
feather sweat headlamp
leather breath car
artist far park
jar star market
target scarf carton
parsnip snarl scarlet
tart scar bark
harm strata bath
path last grass
father rather fast
calf pass after
class ask fasten
out pout about
sprout stout found
ground around proud
mount shout house
mouse roundabout thousand
sour cloud mouth
sound count pound
cow sow owl
frown scowl brown
allow gown trowel
crowd now power
town powder drown
row how brow
shower tower oil
boil soil coil
join point coin
toil joint spoil
avoid foil moist
soy joy toy
boy annoy royal
loyal employ destroy
ahoy coy enjoy
convoy seem been
week feed creep
steep peep weep
feet seed sweet
meet tree green
keep sleep street
speed bee screen
heel sea tea
eat read seat
team stream cream
heat meat dream
each bean season
scream flea please
speak east beat
eve even Pete
delete athlete extreme
complete penny funny
silly sunny frilly
fussy Polly envy
putty misty frosty
grumpy simply family
suddenly milky windy
daddy mummy plenty
field priest yield
brief grief frieze
chief shield achieve
wield mischief relief
pie tie die
lie cried dried
tried fried tied
untied pine time
kite wine twine
ride pipe stripe
bite tide five
arrive white invite
high sigh light
tight right sight
fright bright blight
midnight might fight
fly cry try
my by sty
pry fry why
sky spy shy
dry cent central
lance pence recent
accept palace concert
cell cinder Cinderella
accident cinema civil
pencil sin sit
sun son sand
sing set scrap
snip snap skip
splash gem gent
edge ledge bridge
gin gib giraffe
engine lounge hedge
message damage job
jug jig jag
jet jam eject
jab jazz jog
joy graph telegraph
paragraph phonogram telephone
Philip phrase Philippa
elephant alphabet fox
felt elf fan
fanatic fun fin
fact fix frog
flag flip flan
fog sue blue
flue glue rue
untrue construe clue
lute flute rude
prune include brute
salute use tune
new few stew
newt crew grew
blew drew flew
screw threw hoot
root roof spoon
moon gloom tooth
boot broom choose
loose balloon proof
smooth scoop bloom
goat loaf roam
Joan toast coast
roast toad moan
boat coat coax
throat float groan
soap road toe
doe hoe toes
goes woe foe
oboe roe sloe
Joe note cone
dome home tone
stroke smoke rope
pole rose joke
drove hose rode
bone broke stone
close bow blow
low snow own
mow flow glow
row show grow
throw pillow follow
yellow elbow