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According to the Telemarketing and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA),
November 2003, ‘Telemarketing is a practice where a business initiates a Geetika, Deepesh
Tiwari, and Preeti Gupta A Study of Indian Consumers’ Perception on Telemarketing 97
International Journal of e-Education, e Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2,
April 2012 phone call in order to propose a commercial transaction.’ Hence, any marketing done
over the telephone can be categorized under telemarketing. According to Rosette Siriban (2008),
telemarketing is the process of marketing goods, advertising services or customer service over
the telephone. Direct marketing has registered massive growth owing to changes in market
behaviour and declining effectiveness of traditional media. This growth is set to continue,
particularly in terms of telemarketing and direct response advertising.

Plastic packaging is a significant part of the global economy; its production has increased
by 20 times over the past 50 years and is expected to double again in the next 20 years. This has
happened, is happening and will happen again because plastics have come able to serve more
markets throughout the years. Plastics packaging has always been and is going to have the largest
usage – 26% of the gross quantity of plastics used. (World Economic Forum 2016.)

For the company cost-effectiveness is definitely the strongest advantage. Sending an e-
mail is relatively cheap because it does not cost anything extra: it is enough that marketer has
access to the internet. The possibility to contact and stay in touch with customers all around the
world just adds value for the company. E-mail marketing has definitely facilitated interna- tional
business communication. It is also beneficial to staying in touch and maintaining the customers,
whether or not they are domestic or international. (Brennan et al. 2007, 206-207.)
To summarize, Brassington and Pettitt (2003, 1077) declare that most mentioned benefits
for companies are “low cost, speed and ease to delivery”. They also accentuate the endless possi-
bilities for small companies. With a creative design and using e-mail marketing properly, it can
be the most effective promotional tool without enormous necessity for resources. Another
advantage is its high and quick response rate. Marketers get almost immediate results and can
start adjusting and developing their campaign to the needed direction. (Brassington & Pettitt
2003, 1083)

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