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Landing Techniques

Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

Flight Operations Briefing Notes

Landing Techniques
Preventing Tailstrike at Landing

I Introduction
A tailstrike occurs when the tail of an aircraft touches the runway during takeoff or
landing. It can occur with any type of aircraft, although tailstrikes occur more often
with long aircraft, because tailstrike occurrence is directly related to pitch attitude
versus aircraft geometry, and the status of main landing gear extension.
Tailstrikes can result in significant structural damage to the aircraft and, therefore, may
jeopardize the safety of the flight and lead to considerable maintenance action.

The purpose of this Flight Operations Briefing Note is to address tailstrike occurrence at

II Background Information

II.1 Statistical Data

About 25% of reported tailstrikes occur at takeoff, and 65% at landing (Source: Airbus-

Tailstrike at takeoff is addressed in the Flight Operations Briefing Note “Preventing
Tailstrike at Takeoff”.

Tailstrike at landing often occurs on the second touchdown, following a bounce.

It is often associated with a hard landing.

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

Although most of landing tailstrikes are due to deviations from normal landing
techniques, some are associated with external conditions, such as turbulence and wind

II.2 Operational Consequences

Tailstrikes at landing generally cause more damage than tailstrikes at takeoff because
the tail may strike the runway before the main gear, and cause damage to the aft
pressure bulkhead.

Figure 1
Damage Following a Tailstrike at Landing

Flight crewmembers may not always be aware that a tailstrike has occurred during
landing, because the impact may not be felt. In these cases, a walk-around inspection
performed by the flight crew before the next flight will ensure that the marks on
the aircraft from the tailstrike are detected, and repaired, if required.
However, shallow damage that the flight crew did not detect, and that was therefore
not repaired, may result in increased long-term risks (e.g. structural damage in flight,
when the aircraft is pressurized).

III Operational and Human Factors Involved in Tailstrikes at Landing

Unstabilized approaches due to deviations from normal approach and landing
techniques are the most common causes of tailstrikes.

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

The following factors increase the probability of a tailstrike during landing (Figure 2):

A decrease in speed
(well below Vapp)
before the flare
Sink rate too high just
before the aircraft reaches
the flare height

Flare too high

hold-off for a

Crosswinds not handled correctly

Bounce at touchdown

Figure 2
Operational & Human Factors Involved in Tailstrikes at Landing

Usually, no single factor will result in a tailstrike. However, the combination of several
factors significantly reduce the tail clearance margin (distance between the aircraft tail
and the ground).

Decrease in Speed (Well Below Vapp) Before the Flare

Flight at too low a speed results in a high Angle-of-Attack and a high pitch attitude, and
therefore, reduced ground clearance. When the aircraft reaches the flare height,
the flight crew must significally increase the pitch to reduce the sink rate. This will
further reduce the ground clearance.

Sink Rate Too High Just Prior to Reaching the Flare Height
If the sink rate is too high when the aircraft is close to the ground, the flight crew may
attempt to avoid a firm touchdown by commanding a high pitch rate. This action will
significally increase the pitch attitude. However, if the resulting lift increase is not
sufficient to significantly reduce the sink rate, a firm touchdown may occur. In addition,
the high pitch rate may be difficult to control after touchdown , particularly in the case
of a bounce.

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

Flare Too High

A flare that is too high can result in a combination of decreased airspeed and a long
float. Since both increase the aircraft’s pitch attitude, the result is reduced tail

Prolonged Hold-Off for a Smooth Touchdown

As the pitch attitude increases, the flight crew must assess the aircraft’s position in
relation to the ground.

Bounce at Touchdown
In the case of a bounce at touchdown, the flight crew may decide to increase the pitch
attitude, to ensure a smooth second touchdown. If the bounce results from a firm
touchdown associated with a high pitch rate, it is important for the flight crew to control
the pitch, so that it does not continue to increase.

Crosswinds Not Handled Correctly

When the aircraft is close to the ground, the wind velocity tends to decrease, and
the wind direction tends to turn (direction in degrees decreasing in northern latitudes).
The flight crew must be aware that during the approach phase, and especially during
the flare, a crosswind effect could suddenly increase the pitch of the aircraft, and result
in tailstrike.

IV Prevention Strategies and Lines of Defense

IV.1 Flying Techniques

For detailed information, refer to the Airbus operational and training documentation:
The following is only an overview of some approach and landing techniques.

A stabilized approach (i.e. pitch, thrust, flight path, VAPP) is essential for achieving
a successful landing.
Autothrust and the Flight Path Vector (FPV), if available, are effective flight crew aids.

For the approach phase, the flight crew should:

• Not chase the glide slope close to the ground: Progressively and carefully monitor
the pitch attitude and sink rate
• Avoid high sink rate when close to the ground.

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

PNF callouts during the final approach are essential to alert the PF of any excessive
deviation of flight parameters, and/or excessive pitch attitude at landing. Following
a PNF flight parameter exceedance callout, the suitable PF response will be to:
• Acknowledge the PNF callout, for proper crew coordination purposes
• Take immediate corrective action to control the exceeded parameter back into
the defined stabilized conditions
• Assess whether stabilized conditions will be recovered early enough prior to landing,
otherwise initiate a go-around.

The flight crew should adapt the flare height to the aircraft inertia: It is imperative that
the aircraft reaches the flare height at the appropriate airspeed and flight path angle.
The aircraft should be “in trim” at the start of the flare. For A300/A310/A300-600
aircraft, the flight crew should avoid the use of pitch trim during the flare, or after
During the flare, the flight crew should concentrate on the pitch and roll attitude, using
external visual cues.
Finally, the flight crew should set the pitch rate to zero prior touchdown.

The flight crew should avoid “holding off the aircraft” in an attempt to make
an excessively smooth landing.
Immediately after main landing gear touchdown, the PF should release the back
pressure on the sidestick (or control column, as applicable) and fly the nose wheel
smoothly, but without delay, on to the runway.
The PNF should continue to monitor the attitude.
“PITCH, PITCH” auto callout (synthetic voice, if installed) triggers when pitch becomes
excessive during flare and landing.
The Pitch Limit Indication on the PFD (if installed) can also help flight crew awaraness,
because it indicates the pitch limit before a tailstrike (Figure 3).

Bouncing at Touchdown
In case of a light bounce, the flight crew can apply the following typical recovery
• Maintain a normal landing pitch attitude:
− Do not increase pitch attitude, as this could cause a tailstrike
− Do not allow the pitch attitude to increase, particularly following a firm
touchdown with a high pitch rate.
Note: Spoiler extension may induce a pitch-up effect.

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

• Continue the landing

• Keep thrust at idle
• Be aware of the increased landing distance.

In case of a more severe bounce, the flight crew should not attempt to land, because
the remaining runway length might not be sufficient to stop the aircraft.
For more information, refer to the Flight Operations Briefing Note Bounce Recovery –
Rejected Landing.

Figure 3
Typical Pitch Limitation Indication on the PFD

IV.2 Training Programs

Tailstrike prevention should be part of the recurrent training program, and Operators
should provide adequate flight crew briefings.
Airbus has released a new document in electronic format called Tailstrike Avoidance
e-briefing. This Airbus e-briefing provides several types of multimedia information in
a single document, for flight crew self-education and/or instructor briefings, including:
Documentation, videos, powerpoint presentations with sound.
Relevant technical data in the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM), such as aircraft
geometry limits (e.g. gear extended) and pitch attitude at touchdown, also provides
the flight crew with an awareness of the aircraft characteristics, and helps to avoid
a tailstrike.

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

V Summary of Key Points

The following key points will help the flight crew to reduce the risk of tailstrike at
• Fly a stabilized approach (i.e. pitch, thrust, flight path angle, VAPP)
• Do not chase the glide slope when close to the ground, and carefully monitor
the pitch and sink rate
• Adapt the flare height to the aircraft inertia
• Reinforce PNF callouts during final approach to prevent excessive deviation of flight
parameters (e.g. high sink rate when close to the ground, a decrease in speed
below VAPP, etc.)
• Maintain the pitch attitude prior to touch down
• Do not hold off the aircraft to make an “extra smooth” landing
• Do not wait to bring the nose wheel to the ground just after main landing gear
• Avoid increasing the pitch, or letting the pitch increase (e.g. ground spoilers effect)
after a bounce.

Perform a walk-around inspection to detect any marks that might have resulted from
a tailstrike that was not noticed during the landing.

VI Associated Flight Operations Briefing Notes

The following Flight Operations Briefing Notes provide additional information on related
• Flying Stabilized Approaches
• Aircraft Energy Management During Approach
• Crosswind Landings
• Bounce Recovery/Rejected Landing

VII Airbus References

• Flight Crew Operating Manuals (FCOM) – Standard Operating Procedures and
Supplementary Techniques
• A318/A319/A320/A321, A330/A340 and A380 Flight Crew Training Manuals (FCTMs)
– Normal Operations – Tailstrike Avoidance
• Flight Crew Operating Manual Bulletins – Avoiding Tailstrikes
• A318/A319/A320/A321 and A330/A340 e-briefings – Tailstrike Avoidance

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Landing Techniques
Flight Operations Briefing Notes Preventing Tailstrikes at Landing

This FOBN is part of a set of Flight Operations Briefing Notes that provide an overview of the applicable standards, flying
techniques and best practices, operational and human factors, suggested company prevention strategies and personal lines-
of-defense related to major threats and hazards to flight operations safety.

This FOBN is intended to enhance the reader's flight safety awareness but it shall not supersede the applicable regulations
and the Airbus or airline's operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this FOBN and the Airbus or
airline’s AFM / (M)MEL / FCOM / QRH / FCTM, the latter shall prevail at all times.

In the interest of aviation safety, this FOBN may be reproduced in whole or in part - in all media - or translated; any use of
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FOBN Reference : FLT_OPS – LAND – SEQ08– REV01 – SEP. 2007

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