cmsc451 2015 08 Handouts

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CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Homework 1: Algorithm Design Basics

Handed out Thu, Sep 10. Due at the start of class Tue, Sep 22.

Problem 1. Arrange the following functions in increasing order of asymptotic growth rate. If two
or more functions have the same asymptotic growth rates, then indicate this. No explanation
is required, but they are encouraged, since we can give partial credit if your explanation shows
some understanding of the concepts. (Remember that lg is shorthand for log2 )

f0 (n) = n lg n + n3/2
f1 (n) = n!
f2 (n) = 2n
f3 (n) = n5 lg n + 3n
f4 (n) = lg lg n
f5 (n) = log10 n
f6 (n) = 3lg n
f7 (n) = log3 n

f8 (n) = n n
f9 (n) = n lg n

Problem 2. In the stable-marriage problem, suppose that all the men share the same preference
ranking for the women. For example, suppose that they all list woman 1 first, woman 2 second,
and so on. Further, suppose that the women obtain a copy of this shared rank ordering.
The women meet and decide the final pairing that they desire. By using their knowledge of
the men’s preference ordering, can the women force the Gale-Shapley algorithm to produce
their desired pairing? (The women cannot change the algorithm, but they can coordinate
their preference lists.)
If possible, present the women’s solution and explain why it works. If not, give an counterex-
ample in the form of a pairing that women desire, but that no matter how the women present
their preferences, they cannot cause Gale-Shapley to produce this pairing.

Problem 3. Consider the following (extremely gender-biased) algorithm for the stable marriage
problem. As in the standard problem, there are n men, and n women. Each man and each
woman has an n-element preference list that rank orders all the members of the opposite sex.
This algorithm ignores the preferences of the women and simply pairs each man with the first
available woman on his list.

for (i = 1 to n) {
j = first woman on man m[i]’s preference list that is not already engaged
create the engagement between man i and woman j
mark woman j as engaged

(a) Is this algorithm guaranteed to produce a perfect matching (that is, is every man paired
exactly one woman and vice versa)? If so, give a proof, and if not, give a counterexample
and explain your counterexample.
(b) If your answer to (a) was “no”, skip this part. Otherwise, is the matching produced
by this algorithm guaranteed to be stable? If so, give a proof, and if not, present a
counterexample and explain your counterexample.

(To make the grader’s life easier, strive to make any counterexamples as short as possible.
The grader reserves the right to deduct some points if your counterexample, even if correct,
is much more complicated than it needs to be.)

Problem 4. Consider the following alternative approach to the previous-larger problem. (This
was motivated by a suggestion from one of the students in the class.)
Rather than scan the list from left to right, we scan from right to left. We let i run from
n down to 1. When processing element ai , some of the elements aj for j ≥ i will have no
prior element that is larger than they are. (This will certainly be true for the largest element
among {ai+1 , . . . , an }.) We will store the indices of these elements on a stack S, with the
property that the top of the stack has the smallest a-value and the values increase as we
descend deeper into the stack. In order to process the element ai , we will remove all items
from the stack whose a-value is not greater than ai , and set their p-value to point to ai . After
this, we push ai onto the stack.
After processing all the elements of a, if there are any other elements remaining on the stack,
we set their p-value to zero. The pseudo-code is given below.

// Input: An array of numeric values a[1..n]

// Returns: An array p[1..n] where p[i] contains the index of the previous
// larger element to a[i], or 0 if no such element exists.
prevLarger2(a, n) {
S = an empty stack
for (i = n downto 1) {
while (S is nonempty and a[top(S)] <= a[i]) {
p[top(S)] = i
push i onto S
while (S is nonempty) {
j = pop(S)
p[j] = 0
return p

(a) Show that for any fixed i, where 1 ≤ i ≤ n, there exists an input to this algorithm such
that when the for loop runs on index i, exactly n − i elements are popped from the stack.

(b) Show that if the observation from (a) applied to every iteration of the for loop, then the
above algorithm would have a worst-case running time of Θ(n2 ). (In particular, express
the running time as a sum, and show that this sum is Θ(n2 ).)
(c) Show that the worst-case scenario hypothesized in part (b) cannot occur. In particular,
prove that the worst-case running time of the above algorithm is Θ(n).

Challenge Problem. Challenge problems count for extra credit points. These additional points
are factored in only after the final cutoffs have been set, and can only increase your final
The distance between two nodes in a graph is defined to be the length of the shortest path
between them. Assuming that there are no edge weights, the length of a path is defined to
be the number of edges on the path. The diameter of a graph is defined to be the maximum
distance between any two nodes of the graph. Two nodes u and v whose distance equals the
diameter is said to be a diametrical pair. A graph may generally have many diametrical pairs
of nodes. The diameter is an important graph statistic. For example, many large networks
have very small diameters1
Computing the diameter of a graph generally involves computing the distances between all
pairs of nodes, but there are special cases where it is possible to do better. In particular,
suppose that you are given a free tree, that is, a connected, acyclic, undirected graph (see
Fig. 1(a)).

b v1
k v0
i j l
n c
g m
h d
g m
a d h i n
c j e f g
d k c e f
b j h i
f a
k m
e l b v1
l n v2
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Challenge Problem.

There are a number of algorithms for efficiently computing the diameter of a free tree with n
nodes. Here is a clever and rather surprising solution. First, start at any node v0 , and find
the node v1 that is farthest from v0 . (This can be done in O(n) time by any tree traversal
algorithm starting with v0 as the root and maintaining the level of each node in the resulting
rooted tree. BFS can also be used.) Next, compute the node v2 that is farthest from v1 . The
claim is that the distance between v1 and v2 is the diameter of the tree.
This is evidenced by the famous “6-degrees of separation” hypothesis, which states that every two people on
earth are within six friendship links of each other. According to Wikipedia, the Facebook friend graph has a diameter
of 12.

For example, suppose we start this algorithm with the tree of Fig. 1(a) letting v0 ← k. Its
farthest node is b (see Fig. 1(b)), which plays the role of v1 in the algorithm. We then
compute the farthest node from v1 , which is either n or l (see Fig. 1(c)). Thus, v2 ← n. The
final diametrical pair is (b, n), which we can see is the correct answer in this case. (We could
have also output (b, l), which is also correct.)
To prove the general correctness of the above algorithm, answer each of the following ques-
tions. (You will receive partial credit if you answer any subset.)

(a) A node of a free tree that has degree 1 is called a leaf. Prove that if v0 is any node and
v1 is a node of maximum distance from v0 , then v1 is a leaf.
(b) Suppose that (u1 , u2 ) is a diametrical pair. Prove that both u1 and u2 are leaves. (Hint:
The proof is very short, given (a).)
(c) Let v0 be an arbitrary node. Prove that if (u1 , u2 ) is a diametrical pair, then one of
these two nodes is the farthest node from v0 . (Hint: Let v1 be the node that is farthest
from v0 . It may help to first prove that the path from v0 to v1 and the path from u1 to
u2 must share at least one vertex in common. The proof is complicated by the fact that
there may be multiple longest paths of the same length. If it makes your life easier, you
may assume that each time you compute a longest path it is unique.)
(d) Using (c), prove that the above algorithm correctly computes the diameter of a free tree.
(e) (Optional) Show that the algorithm may fail to produce a correct result if the graph has
cycles. (Specify both the graph and initial node v0 .)

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Homework 2: BFS, DFS, and Greedy

Handed out Tue, Sep 29. Due at the start of class Thu, Oct 8.

Problem 1. Consider the graph shown in Fig. 1 below.

a e i

b f j

c g k

d h

Figure 1: Problem 1.

(a) Show the result of running BFS on this graph using “a” as the source vertex. For the
sake of uniformity, whenever you have a choice of vertex to visit/process next, chose the
one that is lowest in alphabetical order. Label each vertex with its d-value (distance
from the source). Indicate tree edges with solid lines and cross edges with dashed lines.
(b) Show the result of running DFS on this graph using the algorithm given on page 2 of
Lecture 5 (Same alphabetical rule applies.) Label each node u with its discovery and
finish times (d[u]/f [u]). (You need only show the final DFS tree, not the intermediate
results.) As in the lecture notes, show tree edges with solid lines and back edges using
dashed lines.
(c) Show the result of running the findCutVertices algorithm from Lecture 6 on this graph.
(Same alphabetical rule applies.) As in Fig. 8 of the lecture notes, label each node u
with the values d[u]/Low[u]. Also, indicate which vertices are cut vertices.

Problem 2. Suppose that you have an undirected graph G = (V, E) where each edge either has
weight 1 or weight 2. The length of a path in this graph is the sum of the edge weights along
the path. The distance between two vertices is the minimum length of any path joining them.
(You may assume that you have access to a function w(u, v) that returns the weight of edge
(u, v) in constant time.)
Given a source node s ∈ V , describe an O(n + m)-time algorithm that computes the distance
between s and every other node of G. Recall that n = |V | and m = |E|. (Hint: This can
be done by means of a simple modification to BFS, but I will accept any algorithm. Your
algorithm may create new labels associated with the vertices of the graph, but it should not
make any structural modifications to the graph.)
As always, justify your algorithm’s correctness and derive its running time. (If your algorithm
is a simple modification of BFS, you can rely on the BFS analysis given in class.)

Problem 3. You are given a directed acyclic graph G = (V, E). Each node u of this graph
represents a task to be performed, and each edge (u, v) is a precedence constraint, which
means that task u must be completed before task v is started. Each node u is associated with
a numeric value time[u], which indicates the time needed to perform this task. The cost of a
path is defined to be the sum of the time values of the nodes on the path. As shown in class,
if we attempt to run all the jobs in parallel, except where order is imposed by the precedence
constraints, the path of highest cost in the DAG yields the total time needed to complete all
the tasks.
In Lecture 6, we presented a DFS algorithm for computing the cost of the maximum cost
path in a DAG. Here we will consider some additional related problems.

(a) Present an algorithm to compute not just the cost of the maximum cost path, but the
path itself. (If there are multiple paths achieving the maximum cost, you may output
any one of them.) You may present a complete algorithm, or explain how to modify the
algorithm given in Lecture 6.
(b) Suppose that time starts at t = 0. For each node u, define its earliest start time,
denoted EST[u], to be earliest time at which the task associated with this node can be
started, subject to the precedence constraints. Present an O(n + m)-time algorithm that
computes EST[u] for all u ∈ V .
(Hint: I know of a DFS algorithm for this problem, but it requires either modifying the
DAG or constructing a modified copy of the DAG. I also know of a non-DFS algorithm
that has the desired running time, but does not need to copy or modify the DAG. Either
approach is fine.)
(c) For some tasks (for example for tasks that are not on any maximum-cost path) we can
start this task later than its earliest start time without affecting the total time needed
to complete all the tasks. We would like to know how late we can push each task
back until this happens. For each node u, define its latest start time, denoted LST[u],
to be the latest time at which task u can be started such that (assuming no further
tasks are delayed) the total completion time of all the tasks is unaffected. Present an
O(n + m)-time algorithm to compute this value for each node.

In all instances, justify the correctness of your algorithm and (if there are nontrivial changes
to DFS) derive the running time.

Problem 4. You are a working for a game development company. In your company’s latest game,
called “Duke Nukem vs. My Little Ponies,” pits our hero Duke Nukem against a horde of
super-cute colorful ponies. There are n ponies, and each pony makes an appearance on screen
for a single time interval. Let [si , ti ] denote the start time and end time for the ith pony.
Duke’s only defense is a bomb, which when activated destroys all the ponies that are currently
on screen.
Sadly, Duke has a limited supply of bombs. Given that Duke has exactly B bombs, the
question is whether he can judiciously choose when to activate them in order to blow up all
n of the ponies, thus saving the world from the horror of their excessive cuteness.
Write an efficient algorithm that, given the value of B and the n time intervals [si , ti ], de-
termines whether Duke can blow up all the ponies. If so, your program should also output

the exact times at which the bombs should be exploded. Derive the running time of your
algorithm and prove that it is correct. (Hint: Apply a greedy approach.)

Challenge Problem. Challenge problems count for extra credit points. These additional points
are factored in only after the final cutoffs have been set, and can only increase your final
This problem involves the question of how the number of back edges in a graph affects the
number of simple cycles. Recall that a cycle is simple if it no vertex appears twice in the
cycle. For the purposes of counting, two cycles containing the same set of vertices and the
same set of edges are the same cycle (whether you use a different starting node or traverse
the cycle backwards).

(a) Suppose that G is an undirected graph, and after running DFS you find that there is
exactly one back edge. What is the maximum number of simple cycles that G can have?
(b) Answer (a) again, but now suppose that there two back edges in the DFS. Explain.
(c) Answer (a) again, but now suppose that there are k back edges. Express your answer as
a function of k. Explain. (Hint: I don’t know the exact number. Try to derive as large a
value as you can. You can express your answer asymptotically (e.g., O(k), O(k 2 ), 2O(k) ).
(d) Suppose now that G is a directed graph, and after running DFS you find that there is
exactly one back edge, but there are potentially an arbitrary number of forward and
cross edges. As a function of the number of vertices n, what is the maximum number of
simple cycles that G can have? (If you prefer, you can express your answer in terms of
some other parameter, such as the total number of edges or the numbers of forward/cross

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Homework 3: Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Programming

Handed out Thu, Oct 15. Due at the start of class Thu, Oct 22.

Problem 1. The input to this problem consists of an ordered list of n words. The length of the ith word is
wi , that is the ith word takes up wi spaces. (For simplicity assume that there are no spaces between
words.) The goal is to break this ordered list of words into lines, this is called a layout. Note that you
are not allowed to reorder the words. The length of a line is the sum of the lengths of the words on
that line. The ideal line length is L. No line may be longer than L, but it may be shorter. The penalty
for having a line of length k is L − k. The total penalty is defined to be –fill in later– (see below).
The problem is to find a layout that minimizes the total penalty. Prove of disprove that the following
greedy algorithm correctly solves this problem.

for (i = 1 to n) {
Place the ith word on the current line if it fits
else {
start a new line and place the ith word on this line

(a) Suppose that we set “–fill in later–” to “the sum of the individual penalties”. Is the greedy
algorithm optimal? Either give a proof or present a (short) counterexample.
(b) Suppose that we set “–fill in later–” to “the maximum of the individual penalties”. Is the greedy
algorithm optimal? Either give a proof or present a (short) counterexample.

(Hint: For one of the above alternatives, the greedy algorithm is optimal and for the other it is not.)
Problem 2. You are given an integer n and two sequences P Pof nonnegative integers R = hr1 , . . . , rn i and
C = hc1 , . . . , cn i, such that 0 ≤ ri , cj ≤ n, and i ri = j ci .
Given these sequences, you are asked to determine whether it is possible to place pawns on an n × n
chess board such for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, row i has exactly ri pawns and column j has exactly cj pawns (see
Fig. 1). If so, specify which squares of the board contain pawns. (There may be many valid solutions,
and your algorithm can generate any one of them.)
cj : cj :
2 2 1 1 3 4 2 2 1 1 3 4
ri : 2 ri : 2
3 3
0 0
3 3
1 1
4 4

Figure 1: Two possible solutions to Challenge Problem 2 for the inputs R = h2, 3, 0, 3, 1, 4i and C =
h2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4i.

Show that there exists an algorithm that solves this problem in O(n2 ) time. Prove that your algorithm
is correct. (Hint: Greedy.)

Problem 3. You are working for a private space corporation that wants to configure its next space mission.
The job is to fill a rocket with a set of scientific experiments to be run in space. There are n experiments
that have been proposed as candidates to be on the mission, but their total weight is more than the
rocket can lift. You have been asked to determine the best subset of experiments to launch on the
For 1 ≤ i ≤ n, let wi denote the weight of the ith experiment. Let W denote the total weight that can
be carried by the rocket. The objective is to determine the subset of experiments whose total weight
comes as close to W without exceeding this value.
More formally,
P given the weights hw1 , . . . , wn iPand you want to compute the subset E ⊂ {1, . . . , n}, to
maximize i∈E wi subject to the constraint i∈E wi ≤ W .

(a) Suggest a greedy approach for solving this problem. That is, you will sort the items according to
some statistic, and then take as many items as possible (according to your ordering) as long as
the total weight does not exceed W . How would you order the experiments? (No explanation is
required. But please read (b) before trying to prove that your algorithm is optimal!)
(b) Show that your greedy algorithm is not optimal by showing that there is a set of of weights such
that your algorithm fails to achieve the optimum.
(c) Let us add the assumption that the weights wi and W are all integers. Present a dynamic
programming algorithm for this problem that achieves the optimum. (Hint: For 0 ≤ i ≤ n and
0 ≤ w ≤ W , define P [i, w] to be a boolean array where P [i, w] = true if and only if there is a
subset of {w1 , . . . , wi } whose total weight sums to w.) Derive the running time of your algorithm
and justify its correctness. Note that the running time will depend on W .
(d) Show that your greedy algorithm is not that bad after all, by proving that if the optimum algorithm
achieves a total weight of WO , your greedy algorithm will achieve a total weight of WG ≥ WO /2.
Challenge Problem. Challenge problems count for extra credit points. These additional points are fac-
tored in only after the final cutoffs have been set, and can only increase your final grade.
Consider the following hiking-path problem. You are given n people that start at one end of a hiking
path and want to walk to the other end. The ith person walks at speed si > 0. The goal is to get
all the people from one end of the path to the other in the minimum time subject to the following
• It is dark, and any party that crosses the path must carry a flashlight
• The path is narrow, and maximum of two people can walk along the path any one time
• The group has only have one flashlight, which must be shared by everyone
• The flashlight must be walked back and forth along the path—it cannot be thrown
• When a pair walks together, they move at the speed of the slower person
Present an efficient algorithm to compute the minimum time needed to get the group of people across
the path. You must provide a proof of correctness.

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Homework 4: Dynamic Programming and Network Flows

Handed out Thu, Nov 5. Due at the start of class Tue, Nov 17. Late homeworks are not accepted,
but you may drop your lowest homework score.

Problem 1. This problem involves some simple variants of the LCS problem. In each case you
are given two sequences, X = hx1 , . . . , xm i and Y = hy1 , . . . , yn i as input.

(a) It is sometimes useful to allow mismatches in the LCS, but at a penalty. Suppose, for
example, that the alphabet is Σ = {a, b, c, d, e}. Your scanning equipment sometimes
confuses c’s and e’s. When evaluating the length of a common subsequence, we allow c’s
to be matched with e’s (and vice versa), but we penalize each such match by counting
it as just half a character.
In the LCS, we show these special half-character matches with the symbol “ε”. This
character can match either a c or an e. An example is shown in Fig. 1(a). The standard
LCS is hbdccadei of length 7. By allowing matches between c’s and e’s, we have a
generalized LCS Z = hbdεcεaεdei of length 6 + 3/2 = 7.5.

X= a b d e c c b b a e d e X= a h d i e d c b d e w e e n

Z= b d ε c ε a ε d e Z= h i d d e n

Y = b b d c c e d a c d e Y = h a d i c d b a d d e w n

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Variants on the LCS problem

Present a DP algorithm for computing the length of the generalized LCS of two input
strings X and Y . (It is sufficient to present just the recursive rule, not a complete
algorithm.) Briefly explain. What is the running time of your algorithm (if you had
implemented it)?
(b) The FBI is developing a new document analyzer that is looking for hidden messages in
documents. The criminals conceal the same message in multiple documents, but they
hide the secret message by embedding it as a subsequence. To make these concealed
messages harder to find, whenever they place a hidden character, they make sure that
two consecutive characters of the hidden message are never consecutive in the document.
The FBI asks you to design an algorithm to find the LCS within a pair of documents,
but subject to the condition that consecutive characters of the LCS do not appear
consecutively either in X or in Y . An example is given in Fig. 1(b). The standard LCS
is (I believe) hadicbdewni (of length 9), but this involves many consecutive characters of
X and Y . The longest LCS without consecutive characters is (I believe) Z = hhiddeni
(of length 6).

Present a DP algorithm for computing the length of the nonconsecutive LCS of two
input strings X and Y . (It is sufficient to present just the recursive rule, not a complete
algorithm.) Briefly explain. What is the running time of your algorithm (if you had
implemented it)?

Problem 2. The following problem arises in image processing and compression. You are given a
black and white digitized picture P in the form a of a two dimensional n × n matrix P . For
1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, P [i, j] is 0 if the pixel on row i and column j is black and 1 if it is white. We
want to decompose the picture into a minimum number of monochromatic rectangles, which
means that each rectangle is either all white or all black.
The decomposition must be performed in the following hierarchical manner. Starting with
the full image as the starting rectangle, we can split it into two rectangles either by a vertical
line or a horizontal line that cuts through the entire rectangle. After this, we can split each
of these rectangles again either by a vertical or horizontal line that cuts through the entire
rectangles, and so on. The process stops when a rectangle is either all white or all black. An
example of such a decomposition is shown in Fig. 2(c). The question is where to place these
cuts so that the final number of rectangles is minimized.
1 2 3 n

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 2: (a) the image rectangle, (b) a partial decomposition after five cuts, (c) the final decom-
position into 31 monochromatic rectangles, (d) the cuts of the final decomposition.

(a) Derive a (recursive) dynamic programming rule, which given an image P , determines the
minimum number of rectangles in a hierarchical monochromatic decomposition. (Briefly
justify your algorithm’s correctness.)
(Hint: The subproblems are associated with rectangles of the original image. For 1 ≤
i0 ≤ i1 ≤ n and 1 ≤ j0 ≤ j1 ≤ n, let R[i0 , i1 , j0 , j1 ] be the minimum number of
monochromatic rectangles in a hierarchical decomposition of the rectangular portion of
the image of rows hi0 , . . . , i1 i and columns hj0 , . . . , j1 i.)
(b) Present an implementation of recursive rule of part (a). You may assume that you have
access to a function monochrome(i0 , i1 , j0 , j1 ) that returns true if the image rectangle
P [i, j], for i0 ≤ i ≤ i1 and j0 ≤ j ≤ j1 is monochromatic (all white or all black) in O(1)
time. (Hint: Memoization is probably simpler than a bottom-up computation in this
case, but either is acceptable.)
(c) Derive the running time of your algorithm.

Problem 3. Let’s return to the typesetting problem from Homework 3. Recall that we are given
a line of length L and a paragraph consisting of a sequence of words whose lengths are
W = hw1 , . . . , wn i. (We assume that wi ≤ L for all i.) We are to place words in order along
each line subject to the condition that the sum of word lengths on any line does not exceed
L. The penalty for each line is defined to be the difference between the sum of word lengths
on this line and L. The objective is to place the words to minimize the maximum penalty
over all the lines (see Fig. 3(a)).

w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4
w5 w6 w7 w5 w6 w7 penalty
w8 w9 w10 w11 w8 w9 w10 w11
w12 w13 w14 penalty w12 w13 w14 w15
w15 w16 w17 w18 w16 w17 w18

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Optimal typesetting of words to minimize the maximum penalty.

In Homework 3 we showed that a greedy strategy is not optimal. In this problem we will
show that this problem can be solved optimally by dynamic programming.

(a) Derive a (recursive) dynamic programming rule, which given L and the word sequence
W , determines the layout that minimizes the maximum penalty (see Fig. 3(a)). Actually,
I don’t care about the layout, just the final value of the maximum penalty, and I don’t
need a full algorithm, just the recursive DP formulation.
Briefly justify the correctness of your algorithm and derive its running time (if it were
implemented). It may help to imagine that you have access to a function W (i, j) that
returns the sum of word lengths from wi up to wj (assuming that 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n) that
runs in constant time.
(b) In practice, when laying out a paragraph we do not care whether the last line is “ragged.”
Modify your solution from part (a) to compute the layout that minimizes the maximum
layout excluding the last line. (For example, by this metric the layout shown in Fig. 3(b)
has a lower cost than the layout from Fig. 3(a).)
As in part (a), briefly justify the correctness of your algorithm and derive its running

Problem 4. The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm operates by finding an augmenting path in the residual
network. The effect of pushing flow along this path may result in flows increasing on some
edges and decreasing on others. Consider instead an algorithm that only increases flows
along the edges of some path from s to t. (There may generally be many such paths, and the
algorithm is free to chose any of them.) We call this the nondecreasing flow algorithm.
Show that the nondecreasing flow algorithm can be arbitrarily bad. In particular, given any
positive integer b > 1, give an example of an s-t network G such that the ratio between the
optimum flow in G and the flow generated by the nondecreasing algorithm is at least as large

as b. (The structure of the network will depend of course on b. You may give your example
for a specific value of b, but it should be easy to see how to generalize it to arbitrary values
of b. Remember that you may select the sequence of paths along which augmentations are to
be performed.)
In either case, explain how your counterexample works.

Challenge problems count for extra credit points. These additional points are factored in only
after the final cutoffs have been set, and can only increase your final grade.

Challenge Problem 1. In Problem 3, we suggested using a function W (i, j) that return the
sum of word lengths wi through wj in constant time. Show that, given the word lengths
hw1 , . . . , wn i, after O(n) preprocessing time it is possible to build a data structure from
which W (i, j) can be computed in O(1) time. (If you do not see how to do this, you might
try for a solution in which the preprocessing time is increased to O(n2 ) and/or the access
time is increased to O(log n).)

Challenge Problem 2. In Problem 2, we suggested using a function monochrome(i0 , i1 , j0 , j1 )

that returns true if the given rectangle is monochromatic. Show that, given the n × n input
image, after O(n2 ) preprocessing time it is possible to build a data structure from which
monochrome(i0 , i1 , j0 , j1 ) can be computed in O(1) time. (If you do not see how to do this,
you might try for a solution in which the preprocessing time is increased to O(n4 ) and/or the
access time is increased to O(log n).)
(Hint: Try to generalize the solution to Challenge Problem 1 to a 2-dimensional setting.)

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Homework 5: Network Flow and NP-Completeness (Part 1)

Handed out Tue, Nov 24. Due at the start of class Thu, Dec 3. (Part 2 will be handed out on Tue,
Dec 1 and will be due Thu, Dec 10.) Late homeworks are not accepted, but you may drop your
lowest homework score.

Problem 1. Your friend has a new drone delivery startup, and he has asked you to help him by
designing software to assist with scheduling deliveries.

• There are m drone stations throughout the city. For 1 ≤ i ≤ m, let di = (di,x , di,y ) denote
the (x, y) coordinates of the ith drone station (see Fig. 1(a)). Due to FAA regulations,
each drone station can launch no more than 5 drones each day.
• There are n customers expecting to receive a package this day. For 1 ≤ j ≤ n, let
ci = (cj,x , cj,y ) denote the (x, y) coordinates of the jth customer. (You may assume that
no two customers occupy the same location, and each customer is expected exactly one
• Each drone station is attached to complete warehouse, so in theory a drone from any
station can deliver the desired package to any customer. However, because of fuel limi-
tations, each drone can make a delivery only within a 10 mile radius of the station (see
Fig. 1(a)). That is, station i can only deliver packages to those customers j such that
dist(di , cj ) ≤ 10.

d3 d3
d2 d2
d1 d1
d4 d5 d4 d5
10 miles 10 miles

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Drone delivery service. Black points are drone stations and hollow points are customers:
(a) Input and (b) Possible solution.

Your algorithm is given the coordinates of the m drone stations and the coordinates of the
n customers. The problem is to determine the maximum number of deliveries that can be
made (ideally all n of them), subject to the constraints given above (see Fig. 1(b)).

(Hint: Reduce to network flow or some variant like circulations with flow demands. Give
both the reduction and a proof that your reduction is correct. Given the flow output, explain
how to determine the set of customers that station i will ship to.)

Problem 2. Most NP-complete problems are expressed as decision problems, where the answer
is simply “yes” or “no,” but in practice a user wants to know why the answer is “yes” or
“no.” In this problem, we will show that if we are given access to an algorithm for a decision
problem, it is often possible to use this to obtain the entire answer.

(a) Hamiltonian Cycle: Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), does there exist a cycle
that visits every vertex of graph exactly once?
Suppose that we had a function Hamiltonian Cycle(G), which (by some miracle) ran in
polynomial time and returns true if G has a Hamiltonian cycle and false otherwise. Show
that if G has a Hamiltonian cycle, then it is possible to use this function (as a black
box) to compute the sequence of vertices on the Hamiltonian cycle in polynomial time.
(Let n = |V | and m = |E|. For full credit, solve this problem using O(m) calls to the
function. For partial credit, any polynomial number of calls is allowed.)
(b) 3-Colorable: Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) can the vertices of G be labeled
with three colors (say, 1, 2, and 3) such that no edge is incident to two vertices of the
same color?
Suppose that we had a function Three Color(G), which (by some miracle) ran in poly-
nomial time and returns true if G is 3-colorable and false otherwise. Show that if G is
3-colorable, then it is possible to use this function (as a black box) to determine the
assignment of colors to the vertices.
(Let n = |V | and m = |E|. For full credit, solve this problem using O(n) calls to the
function. For partial credit, any polynomial number of calls is allowed.)

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Homework 5: Network Flow and NP-Completeness (Part 2)

Handed out Tue, Dec 1. Due at the start of class Thu, Dec 10. (Remember that Part 1 is due on
Thu, Dec 3.) Late homeworks are not accepted, but you may drop your lowest homework score.

Problem 3. A graph is said to be k-weird if it has both a clique of size k and an independent set
of size k. Given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k, the k-weird problem (kWP) is that of
determining whether G is k-weird. (For example, the graph in Fig. 1(a) is k-weird.)

(a) Show that kWP is in NP. (Either give a polynomial time verification procedure or present
a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm.)
(b) Prove that kWP is NP-hard. (Hint: Reduction from either the clique problem or the
independent set problem.)

clique = {a, c, d, f}
ind set= {b, i, g, e}
a 7 a −3 7 a −3
b d b −4 d 5 b −4 d 5
c e −9 1 c 3 0 e −9 1 c 3 0 e
j f j 4 f −7 6 j 4 f −7 6
i g 8 i 5 g 8 i 5 g
h h 0 h 0

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Problems 3 and 4.

Problem 4. Consider the following problem, called the zero cycle problem (ZC). You are given
an undirected graph G = (V, E) with integer weights on its edges (which may be positive,
negative or zero). The question is whether there exists a simple cycle consisting of at least
three edges whose total weight is zero? (For example, the graph shown in Fig. 1(b) has the
zero cycle shown in Fig. 1(c).)

(a) Show that ZC is in NP. (Either give a polynomial time verification procedure or present
a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm.)
(b) Prove that ZC is NP-hard. (Hint: Reduction from Hamiltonian cycle.)

Challenge Problem 1. Back in the old days, there were things called “video stores”. A local
video store owner received a shipment of a large number of video tapes. Among these is one
cursed tape. Exactly seven days after viewing this tape, the viewer dies a horrible death
without warning. (If you don’t believe this, see the 2002 movie “The Ring”.)
The video store manager wants to determine which of the tapes is the cursed one before the
upcoming big sale in eight days from now. He has managed to find a number of foolish people,

who are willing to test the tapes. Each tester will be given some subset of the tapes to view
on the first day, and will then wait nervously for seven days for the final results to develop.
(There is no limit on the number of tapes that may be assigned to one tester, and the same
tape may be viewed by many different testers.)
Suppose that there are n tapes total. The manager realizes that he can determine the cursed
tape by arranging for n testers, each of whom will view exactly one tape. A smart clerk
informs him that he can achieve the same result with fewer testers, if he cleverly arranges
which testers see which tapes.

(a) What is the minimum number of tape testers needed to determine which tape is cursed,
and how is the test conducted? (The greedy store manager does not care how many of
the testers dies in the process; he just wants to minimize the number of testers that he
needs to pay.)
(b) If the deadly tape is random among the set of n tapes, then what is the expected number
of testers that survive the process?

Challenge Problem 2. (This puzzle came from fellow classmate Joe Brosnihan.)
After a wild night of merry-making, you and nine of your friends wind up in jail. The jailer
decides to play a game with all of you.
Here is how the game is played. You are each assigned an integer 0-9 by the jailer, but no
one is told what their number is. Note that the assigned numbers are completely arbitrary,
and there may be duplicates. Each person is led into a separate room where they are shown
the nine numbers of their other friends. (There is no particular order in which these numbers
are shown, and so it is not possible to infer which number is associated with which friend.)
While still in these separate rooms, each person is then asked to guess the value of their own
number. Each person stays in their separate room until all the guesses are finished. There is
no way to communicate with your friends between the time you enter the room and the time
you guess your number. If at least one of you guesses their number correctly, then you all go
free. If not, you will be in jail for a long time.
You have all been informed of how the game will be played. The objective is for you and your
friends to devise a strategy beforehand, so that at least one person is guaranteed to guess
their number correctly. (Hint: There is no trick. The solution involves simple logic.)

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Practice Problems for the Midterm

The midterm will be on Tue, Oct 27. The exam will be closed-book and closed-notes, but you
will be allowed one cheat-sheet (front and back).
Disclaimer: These are practice problems, which have been taken from old homeworks and exams.
They do not reflect the actual length, difficulty, or coverage for the exam.

Problem 0. You should expect one problem in which you will be asked to work an example of
one of the algorithms we have presented in class on a short example.

Problem 1. Short answer questions.

(a) Suppose that in the Gale-Shapley algorithm, a man’s proposal has just been accepted.
True or false: He is guaranteed to remain engaged (to this person or someone else) for
the remainder of the algorithm’s execution.
(b) As a function of n, what is the asymptotic running time of the following function?
(Express your running time using Θ notation.)
void f(int n) {
i = n;
while (i > 0) {
for (j = 1 to i) print("hello!\n");
i = i/2;

(c) List the following functions in increasing asymptotic order. If two functions are asymp-
totically equivalent, then indicate this.

(a)nlg 4 (b)2lg n (c)2(2 lg n) (d) min(220 n2 , n3 )

Remember that “lg” means logarithm base 2.

(d) Let G be a undirected connected graph. Recall that a cut edge is an edge whose removal
causes G to be disconnected. For each of the following, is it True or False?
(i) There is a graph G that has a cut vertex but no cut edges.
(ii) There is a graph G that has a cut edge but no cut vertices.
(e) What is the maximum number of edges in an undirected graph with n vertices, in which
each vertex has degree at most k?
(f) You are given a DAG G with n vertices and m edges. As a function of n and m, what
is the maximum number of each of the following that can arise in a DFS of G? (No
explanation is required.)
(i) tree edges
(ii) back edges

(iii) forward edges
(iv) cross edges
Remember, the digraph is a DAG.

Problem 2. Recall the following problem, called the Interval Scheduling Problem. We are given
a set R = {x1 , . . . , xn } of n activity requests, each of which has a given start and finish time,
[si , fi ]. The objective is to compute the maximum number of activities whose corresponding
intervals do not overlap. In class we presented an greedy algorithm that solves this problem.
We will consider some alternatives here.

(a) Earliest Activity First (EAF): Schedule the activity with the earliest start time.
Remove all activities that overlap it. Repeat until no more activities remain.
Give an example to show that EAF is not optimal. Your example should show not only
that it is not optimal, but its approximation ratio can be arbitrarily high.
(b) Shortest Activity First (SAF): Schedule the activity with the smallest duration (fi −
si ). Remove all activities that overlap it. Repeat until no more activities remain.
Give an example to show that SAF is not optimal.
(c) Prove that SAF has an approximation ratio of 2, that is, it schedules at least half as
many activities as the optimal algorithm.

Problem 3. Professor Farnsworth drives from College Park to Miami Florida along I-95. He starts
with a full tank and can go for 100 miles on a full tank. Let x1 < . . . < xn denote the locations
of the various gas stations along the way, measured in miles from College Park (see Fig. 1).
Present an algorithm that determines the fewest number of gas stations he needs to stop at
to make it to Miami without running out of gas along the way. Give a short proof of the

0 x1 x2 x3 x4 . . . xn
College Park Miami

Figure 1: Example for Problem 3.

Problem 4. A pharmacist has W pills and n empty bottles. Let bi denote the capacity of bottle
i, that is, the number of pills it can hold. Let vi denote the cost of purchasing bottle i. The
objective is find the least expensive combination of bottles into which to place all W pills.
Describe a greedy algorithm, which given the number of pills W , the bottle capacities bi , and
the bottle costs vi , determines the most inexpensive set of bottles needed to store all the pills.
Assume that you pay only for the fraction of the bottle that is used. For example, if the ith
bottle is half filled with pills, you pay only vi /2. (This assumption is very important.) Prove
the correctness of your solution.

Problem 5. Given a DAG G = (V, E), a path of G is said to be tail-maximal if it ends at a vertex
with outdegree zero. (If u is a vertex of outdegree zero then the path consisting of just u itself
is a tail-maximal path.) Describe an O(n + m) algorithm which, given a DAG, G = (V, E),

computes for each vertex u the number of distinct tail-maximal paths that originate at u. (For
example, your algorithm can compute an array P [1..n] such that P [u] contains the desired
number of paths for vertex u.)
(Hint: Use DFS.)

Problem 6. Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph. Write an O(n + m) time algorithm to

determine whether it is possible to direct the edges of G such that the indegree of every
vertex is at least one. If it is possible, then your algorithm should show a way to do this.
(Hint: Use DFS.)

Problem 7.

(a) Describe a greedy algorithm for making change consisting of quarters, dimes, nickels,
and pennies. Assume that the input is given as the number of cents. Prove that your
algorithm yields the minimum number of coins. (Hint: For partial credit, prove it for
the simpler binary sequence of denominations: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.)
(b) The greedy algorithm is not optimum for all choices of coin denominations. Give a set
of coin denominations (including a 1 cent coin) for which the greedy algorithm does not
always give the minimum number of coins. Explain briefly.

Problem 8. You operate a business that has two offices, one in Washington DC and one in Los
Angeles. Each week, you need to decide whether you want to work in the DC office or the
LA office. Depending on the week, your business makes more profit by having you at one
office or the other. You are given a table of weekly profits, based on your location. Here is
an example:

Week 1 2 3 4 5
DC $400 $100 $200 $50 $1100
LA $210 $900 $100 $1500 $20

Clearly, you would prefer to work at the location where you get the greater profit, but
here is the catch. It costs $1000 to fly from one office to the other. (For example, if you
do the first job in DC, the next three in LA, and the last in DC, the total profit will be
$400 − $1000 + ($900 + $100 + $1500) − $1000 + $1100 = $2000.
You are given two lists of length n, DC[1..n] and LA[1..n], where DC[i] is the profit for
spending week i in DC, and LA[i] is the profit for spending week i in LA. Present an efficient
algorithm, which given these two arrays, determines your maximum overall profit. You must
start and end in DC, but you may travel back and forth any number of times. Briefly justify
your algorithm’s correctness and derive its running time.
Hint: O(n) time is possible using dynamic programming. It suffices to give just the recursive
rule. You will need to find a way to keep track of where you were the previous week.

Problem 9. The objective of this problem is to write a dynamic programming algorithm to play a
game. Two players, called Jen and Ben alternate in taking moves, with Jen always going first.
Initially the board consists of three piles of diamonds, which we denote (A, B, C), meaning

that there are A diamonds in the first pile, B in the second pile, and C in the third. The
board always consists of three numbers that are nonnegative. During a move a player can do
any one of the following:

(1) Remove 1 diamond from pile 1.

(2) Remove either 1 or 2 diamonds from pile 2.
(3) Remove either 2 or 3 diamonds from pile 3.

The first player who cannot make a move loses. (And the winner gets all the diamonds.)
That is, if it is a player’s turn to move and the board is either (0, 0, 0) or (0, 0, 1) then he/she
Given the initial configuration, (A, B, C), and with the assumptions that Jen plays first and
both players play as well as possible, determine which of the two players can force a win.
(Since there is no element of chance, and the game is finite in length, one of the two can
always force a win.)
For example, suppose that the initial board is (0, 1, 4). In this case Jen can force a win. She
uses rule (3) to remove 2 diamonds from pile 3, resulting in the board (0, 1, 2). Ben’s only
choices are to remove 1 from pile 2 or 2 from pile 3, resulting in the possible boards (0, 0, 2)
and (0, 1, 0). In either case, Jen can remove the final diamonds (using either rules (3) or (2),
respectively) leaving Ben without a move.

(a) Derive a (recursive) dynamic programming rule to determine the winner, given the initial
board (A, B, C). (Be sure to include a description of the basis cases.) Justify the
correctness of your formulation. (For this part I do not want a full algorithm, just the
recursive rule.) You are not allowed to use mathematical results from the game of Nim
to find a short-cut solution.
(b) Present an implementation of recursive rule of part (a). (You may use memoization or
the bottom-up method.) Express your running time as a function of A, B, and C.

Problem 10. A thief is robbing a store. There are n items in the store. The ith item has a weight
of wi and a dollar value vi . The thief has a knapsack that can hold a total of W units of
weights before ripping open. All weights and values are positive integers. The problem is
to determine the greatest value of goods that the thief can carry away in his knapsack. The
thief may either leave an object or take the entire object. (So, he cannot steal a fraction of
an object for a fraction of the value and weight.)

(a) Give a recursive dynamic programming rule for this problem. (Hint: For 0 ≤ i ≤ n and
0 ≤ u ≤ W , let V [i, u] be the maximum value that the thief could steal assuming that
he may select only among the first i objects and that he has a knapsack of capacity u.)
(b) Give the pseudo-code for a dynamic programming algorithm to solve this problem. Your
algorithm need not determine the actual items to be stolen, just the maximum value.
Your algorithm should run in O(nW ) time and O(nW ) space.

Problem 11. Given a graph G = (V, E), a subset of vertices V ′ ⊆ V is called a dominating set if
every vertex of G is either in the set V ′ or is a neighbor of a vertex in V ′ . In the dominating

set problem you are given a graph G and the objective is to compute a dominating set of
minmum cardinality. (For example, in the graph shown in Fig. 2 there is a dominating set of
size two, as indicated by the shaded nodes.)

Figure 2: Example for Problem 11.

(a) Describe a greedy algorithm for computing a dominating set of minimum size. (Note,
please read part (b) before trying to prove that your algorithm is optimal.) Your algo-
rithm should run in time that is polynomial in n, where n = |V |.
(b) Present an example to show that your greedy algorithm is not optimal.
(c) Show that your greedy algorithm achieves an approximation factor of ln n, where n = |V |.
That is, if there exists a dominating set of size k, then your greedy algorithm will find
a dominating set of size at most k · ln n.

Problem 12. Suppose you have a sequence of points X = hx1 , . . . , xn i sorted from left to right
along a line. The distance between two points xi and xj is just their absolute difference
|xj − xi |. The bottleneck TSP problem is the following: Find a cycle that visits each point
exactly once, such that maximum distance traveled between any two consecutive points is as
small as possible.
Consider the following alternating heuristic for this problem: Travel from x1 to xn , skipping
every other point. Then return from xn to x1 visiting the skipped points. (An example is
shown in Fig. 3. The final cost is the longest segment traversed, which is the segment of
length 7 between the points at positions 9 and 16.)

Alternating heuristic
0 2 45 789 14 16 20
0 2 45 789 14 16 20
x1 x2 · · · xn
L=5 x1 x2 · · · xn
cost = 7

Figure 3: Example for Problem 12.

Prove that this heuristic provides a factor-2 approximation to the bottleneck TSP problem
(for points on a line). Hint: Let L be the maximum distance between any two consecutive
points. Relate the costs of the optimum path and the heuristic path to L.
(Note: I believe that the alternating heuristic is actually optimal, but it is much easier to
prove the factor-2 approximation bound.)

Just for Fun. (If you get bored studying for the exam, you can waste your time thinking about
this puzzle.)
You and your roommate are contestants in a game of wits. A guy dressed up like the devil
gives each of you a card with a positive integer written on it. Each of you cannot see the other
person’s card, but he tells you that the difference in the two numbers is 1. For example, if
your number is “53”, then you know that your roommate may have the number “52”or “54”,
but you don’t know which. Otherwise, all you know about the possible numbers is that they
must be 1 or larger.
This devilish fellow tells you that if either of you can guess the number on your roommate’s
card, you will receive a “shiney fiddle made of gold” (proving that the devil listened to country
rock music from the 1970’s). Otherwise, you and your roommate will have to pay the devil’s
$2.50 parking bill. You and your roommate are pretty smart, so you take the devil’s challenge.
The devil starts his game:

• The devil asks you whether you know the number on your roommate’s card. After
thinking, you answer “no”.
• The devil then asks your roommate whether he/she knows your number. After thinking,
your roommate answers “no”.
• The devil is nice enough to give you another chance. After thinking, you again say “no”.
• The devil gives your roommate another chance. After thinking, your roommate answers

At this point, the devil gives up in disgust, and asks you two to cough up the $2.50. Suddenly,
you exclaim, “I know the number on my roommate’s card!” Your roommate says the same,
and you both get your golden fiddles.
Explain how each of you determined the number on your card. (Hint: There is no trick.
Just simple logic, but this works only because the devil was foolish enough to give you a
particularly nice pair of numbers.)

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Midterm Exam

This exam is closed-book and closed-notes. You may use one sheet of notes (front and back).
Write all answers in the exam booklet. You may use any algorithms or results given in class. If
you have a question, either raise your hand or come to the front of class. Total point value is 100
points. Good luck!

Problem 1. (10 points) Show the result of running DFS on the digraph shown below using the
algorithm given in class. (Whenever you have a choice which vertex to visit next, take the
lowest vertex in alphabetical order.)
Label each node u with its discovery and finish times (d[u]/f [u]). As in the lecture notes,
show tree edges with solid lines and the other edges with dashed lines. Label these other edges
as forward, cross, or back edges. (Show only the final tree, not the intermediate results.)



Problem 2. (25 points; 3–6 points each.) Short answer questions. Explanations are not required,
but may be given for partial credit.

(a) Suppose that in the Gale-Shapley algorithm, a woman has just accepted a proposal.
True or false: She is guaranteed to remain engaged (to this person or someone else)
for the remainder of the algorithm’s execution.
(b) List the following functions in increasing asymptotic order. If two functions are asymp-
totically equivalent, then indicate this.

(a) n3/2 + n2/3 (b) n(lg n)2 (c) 4lg n (d) max(2000 · n2 , n3 )

(Remember that “lg” means logarithm base 2.)

(c) Let G be a free tree (a connected, acyclic, undirected graph) with n vertices.
(i) As a function of n, what is the minimum number of cut vertices that G can have?
(ii) As a function of n, what is the maximum number of cut vertices that G can have?
(d) Let P be a set of n points in space, and let p and q be the two closest points in P .
Suppose that Gonzalez’s algorithm (that is, the greedy k-center algorithm) is given p as
the initial point and runs for n iterations. Where in the sequence will the point q be
added? (Second? Near the median? Last? We have no way of knowing?)

(e) Dynamic programming solutions make use of the Principle of Optimality, which states
that for the global problem to be solved optimally, the individual subproblems should
be solved optimally as well.
Give an example of an optimization problem that does not satisfy the principle of opti-

Problem 3. (20 points) You are given a directed graph G = (V, E). Each edge (u, v) of this graph
is associated with a positive numeric weight w(u, v). The cost of a path is defined to be the
sum of the weights of the edges along the path.
Suppose that G is a DAG. Present an efficient algorithm that computes the cost of the
maximum cost path in G. For example, in the figure below the maximum cost path is
ha, b, c, f i of total cost 10 + 8 + 7 = 25. (You need only the compute the cost, not the actual
a g
10 4 5
b d 8
8 5 6 9
c e 2 h
7 3
f i
Briefly justify your algorithm’s correctness and derive its running time. (Hint: Use DFS.)

Problem 4. (25 points) This problem involves a variant of the pony-bombing problem from the
homework. You are given a set I of m time intervals [si , fi ], where 1 ≤ i ≤ m. You are also
given a set of n possible bomb times T = {t1 , . . . , tn }. We say that bomb j hits interval i if
this bomb time lies within the interval, that is, tj ∈ [si , fi ]. The objective is to determine the
minimum number of bombs from T to hit every one of the intervals.
(The principal difference from the homework problem is that you cannot detonate a bomb
whenever you like. It must come from a time in T . For example, in the figure below, if we
could explode bombs whenever we wanted, we could hit all the intervals with bombs at f1
and f4 . However, for this problem three bombs are needed, for example, at times t2 , t4 , and
t5 .)
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
s4 f4
s1 s6 f6
f2 s5
s3 f3 f5

Present an efficient algorithm to determine a minimum set of bombs to hit all the intervals.
(Hint: Modify the greedy solution from the homework. The coding can be tricky, so first
explain your idea in English, then give the details.) You may assume that every interval is
hit by at least one bomb, therefore a solution always exists. Running time is not a big issue;
I will accept any (correct!) algorithm that runs in polynomial time.
Justify your algorithm’s correctness. (If you like, you can explain how to modify the correct-
ness proof from the homework.)

Problem 5. (20 points) Given a sequence X = hx1 , . . . , xn i an increasing subsequence is any
subsequence of elements of X that are in strictly increasing order. The longest increasing
subsequence (LIS) is the increasing subsequence of maximum length. For example, the LIS
of X = h10, 22, 9, 33, 21, 50, 41, 60, 80i is h10, 22, 33, 50, 60, 80i, and its length is 6. Present an
efficient algorithm, which given an n-element sequence computes the length of its LIS. (It
suffices to compute just the length, not the actual subsequence.)
Hint: Use Dynamic Programming. For 1 ≤ i ≤ n, let L[i] denote the length of the LIS of
hx1 , . . . , xi i with the constraint that the LIS must end with xi . Show how to compute this
array in O(n2 ) time. Given the array, what is the final solution to the LIS problem? (I do
not need a complete algorithm. It is sufficient to present the recursive formula for computing

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Practice Problems for the Final Exam

The final will be Tue, Dec 15, 8:00-10:00am in our usual classroom. The exam will be closed-
book and closed-notes, but you will be allowed two sheets of notes (front and back of each sheet).
Disclaimer: These are practice problems, which have been taken from old homeworks and exams.
They do not necessarily reflect the actual length, difficulty, or coverage for the exam. For example,
we have covered some topics this year that were not covered in previous semesters. So, just because
a topic is not covered here, do not assume it will not be on the exam.

Problem 0. You should expect one problem in which you will be asked to work an example of
one of the algorithms or NP-complete reductions that we have presented in class.

Problem 1. Short answer questions.

(a) Suppose you are given an undirected graph which has n vertices, and each vertex has
exactly six incident edges. As a function of n, what is the total number edges in this
graph? (Give an exact answer for full credit, asymptotic answer for partial credit.)
(b) What is the longest common subsequence of the strings X = hababai and Y = hbababi?
(If there are multiple, list any one. I don’t need to see a trace of the algorithm, just the
final answer.)
(c) Given a flow network G, let (X, Y ) denote a cut. Let c denote the sum of the edge
capacities of all edges (x, y), where x ∈ X and y ∈ Y . What can be said about the
maximum flow in G?
(i) The value of the maximum flow in G is at most c (but may be smaller)
(ii) The value of the maximum flow in G is at least c (but may be larger)
(iii) The value of the maximum flow in G is equal to c.
(iv) We cannot say anything about the maximum flow, because we failed to consider the
capacities of the edges going from Y to X when defining c.
(d) True or False: It is possible to determine in polynomial time whether a graph G has an
independent set of size 100.

Problem 2. Recall that in the longest common subsequence (LCS) problem the input consists of
two strings X = hx1 , . . . xm i and Y = hy1 , . . . , yn i and the the objective is to compute the
longest string that is a subsequence of both X and Y .

(a) (LCS with wild cards) Each of the strings X and Y may contain a special character
“?”, which is allowed to match any single character of the other string, except another
wild-card character (see Fig 1(a)).
(b) (LCS with swaps) Any two consecutive characters of either string are allowed to be
swapped before matching in the LCS (see Fig 1(b)).

In all cases, your revised rule should admit an O(mn) time solution.

X: A ? B B ? D A X: A B C A C C D

Y: A ? B C D C ? Y: A C C B D A D C
(a) (b)

Figure 1: LCS variants.

Problem 3. A shipping company wants to ship n objects of weights {w1 , . . . , wn }. Each weight is
a positive integer. The company wants to partition these objects between two different ships,
so that the total weight of the two ships is as similar as possible. In particular, if W1 is the
total weight of objects on Ship 1, and W2 is the total weight on Ship 2, then the objective is
to minimize the weight ratio,
max(W1 , W2 )
min(W1 , W2 )
Observe that this ratio is never smaller than 1, and it equals 1 if and only if the two ships
are carrying identical total weights.
For example, suppose the inputs are w1 = 40, w2 = 70, w3 = 20, w4 = 30, w5 = 60, and
w6 = 50. If we partition the elements as Ship-1 = {2, 5} and Ship-2 = {1, 3, 4, 6}, then the
total weights are 70 + 60 = 130 and 40 + 20 + 30 + 50 = 140. The final weight ratio is
140/130 ≈ 1.077.
This is called the Partition Problem. Present an efficient algorithm, which given the set of
weights {w1 , . . . , wn }, computes the optimum weight ratio.
Pn You can express your running
time as a function of both n and the total weight W = i=1 wi .
(Hints: Use Dynamic Programming. You are not required to give the entire DP algorithm,
just a recursive formulation. You need only compute the optimum weight ratio, not the
actual partition. Justify your algorithm’s correctness and derive its running time. Note that
O(n · W ) time is possible. It suffices to focus on computing the total weight carried by just
one of the ships, since the other must carry all the remaining weight.)
By the way, the Partition Problem is NP-hard. The above algorithm is only pseudo-polynomial
time, because the running time depends on the magnitude of the numbers, not on the loga-
rithm of their magnitude.

Problem 4. You are given a directed network G = (V, E) with a root node r and a set of terminal
nodes T = {t1 , . . . , tk }. Present a polynomial time algorithm to determine the minimum
number of edges to remove so that there is no path from r to any of the terminals (see Fig 2).
(Hint: Use network flow.) Prove that your algorithm is correct.

Problem 5. (Bucket redistribution) You are given a collection of n blue buckets, and n red buckets.
These are denoted Bi and Ri for 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1. Initially each of the blue buckets contains
some number of balls and each red bucket is empty. The objective is to transfer all the balls
from the blue buckets into the red buckets, subject to some rules.

G: t1 G: t1

r t2 r t2

t3 t3
t4 t4

Figure 2: Eliminating edges to separated r from terminals.

More formally, the input consists of two sequences of integers, hb0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 i and hr0 , r1 , . . . , rn−1 i.
Blue bucket Bi holds bi balls initially, and at the end, red bucket Ri should hold exactly ri
balls. The balls from blue bucket Bi may be redistributed only P among the P red buckets Ri−1 ,
Ri , and Ri+1 (indices taken modulo n). You may assume that i bi = i ri .
Design a polynomial time algorithm which given the lists hb0 , b1 , . . . , bn−1 i and hr0 , r1 , . . . , rn−1 i,
determines whether it is possible to redistribute the balls from the blue buckets into the red
buckets according to these restrictions. (Hint: Reduce to either network flow or circulation.)

Problem 6. You are given a collection of n points U = {u1 , u2 , . . . , un } in the plane, each of which
is the location of a cell-phone user. You are also given the locations of m cell-phone towers,
C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cm }. A cell-phone user can connect to a tower if it is within distance ∆ of
the tower. For the sake of fault-tolerance each cell-phone user must be connected to at least
three different towers. For each tower ci you are given the maximum number of users, mi ,
that can connect to this tower.
Give a polynomial time algorithm, which determines whether it is possible to assign all the
cell-phone users to towers, subject to these constraints. Prove its correctness. (You may
assume you have a function that returns the distance between any two points in O(1) time.)

Problem 7. In the High-Degree Independent Set (HDIS) problem, you are given a graph G =
(V, E) and an integer k, and you want to know whether there exists an independent set V ′
in G of size k such that each vertex of V ′ is of degree at least k. (For example, the graph
in Fig. 3 has an HDIS for k = 3, shown as the shaded vertices. Note that it does not have
an HDIS for k = 4. Although adding the topmost vertex would still yield an independent
set, this vertex does not have degree at least four.) In this problem, we will show that the
following variant of the independent-set problem is NP-complete.

(a) Show that HDIS is in NP.

(b) Show that HDIS is NP-hard. (Hint: Use standard independent set (IS).)

Problem 8. Prove that the following problem, called the acyclic subgraph problem (AS) is NP-
complete. Given a directed graph G = (V, E) and an integer k, determine whether G contains
a subset V ′ of k vertices such that the induced subgraph on V ′ is acyclic. Recall that the
induced subgraph on V ′ is the subgraph G′ = (V ′ , E ′ ) whose vertex set is V ′ , and for which


Figure 3: High-degree independent set.

(u, v) ∈ E ′ if u, v ∈ V ′ and (u, v) ∈ E. (Hint: Reduction from Independent Set. Think of a

reduction that maps undirected edges to directed cycles.)

Problem 9. Show that the following problem is NP-complete.

Balanced 3-coloring (B3C): Given a graph G = (V, E), where |V | is a multiple of 3, can
G can be 3-colored such that the sizes of the 3 color groups are all equal to |V |/3. That is,
can we assign an integer from {1, 2, 3} to each vertex of G such that no two adjacent vertices
have the same color, and such that all the colors are used equally often.
Hint: Reduction from the standard 3-coloring problem (3COL).

CMSC 451:Fall 2015 Dave Mount

Final Exam

This exam is closed-book and closed-notes. You may use two sheets of notes (front and back).
Write all answers in the exam booklet. You may use any algorithms or results given in class. If
you have a question, either raise your hand or come to the front of class. Total point value is 100
points. Good luck!

Problem 1. (15 points) Consider the s-t network G shown in the figure below (a). Suppose that
we have already computed a partial flow f , shown in part (b) of the figure. (Each edge e is
labeled with f (e)/c(e), where f (e) is the flow on this edge and c(e) is the edge’s capacity.)
a a
4 3 1/4 3/3
3 2/3
s 3 t s 0/3 t
b b
2 2/2
5 1 3/5 1/1
c c
(a) (b)

(a) (8 points) Show the residual graph Gf corresponding to this flow.

(b) (3 points) Show any augmenting path from s to t in Gf .
(c) (4 points) Show the new flow f ′ that results by pushing as much flow as possible through
this augmenting path.

Problem 2. (30 points: 3–8 points each) Short answer questions. (Unless otherwise specified,
explanations are not required but may be given for partial credit.)
(a) Consider the following summation, f (n) = ni=1 i3 . Which of the following three asser-
tions are true? (Select any/all that apply.)

(i): f (n) = O(n3 ) (ii): f (n) = O(n4 ) (iii): f (n) = O(n5 )

(b) Suppose that you perform a DFS on an undirected graph G = (V, E), and for each vertex
u ∈ V , you compute the discovery time d[u] and finish time f [u]. Let u be a descendant
of v in the DFS tree. What can be said about the relative order of d[u], f [u], d[v], and
f [v]?
(c) Give a definition of the k-center problem. (What is the input and what is the output?)
What does it mean to say that an algorithm yields a factor-2 approximation to this
(d) True or False: Suppose that the capacities of the edges of an s-t network are integers
that are all evenly divisible by 3. (E.g., 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) Then there exists a maximum
flow, such that the flow on each edge is also evenly divisible by 3.

(e) It is known that determining whether a graph has a cut-vertex is in P. It is also known
that determining whether a graph has a Hamiltonian cycle in NP-hard. Answer the
following two questions under the assumption that P 6= NP. (No explanation required.)
(i) Is it possible to determine in polynomial time whether a graph has both a cut vertex
and a Hamiltonian cycle?
(ii) Is it possible to determine in polynomial time whether a graph has either a cut
vertex or a Hamiltonian cycle?
(f) Hyper-intelligent aliens from another world come to Earth and tell us (1) that the 3SAT
problem is solvable in O(n9 ) time and (2) that no algorithm for the 3SAT problem exists
that runs faster than Ω(n9 ) time in the worst case.
Which of the following statements follow as a consequence? (List all that are true. No
explanations are required.)
(i) All NP-complete problems are solvable in polynomial time.
(ii) All NP-complete problems are solvable in O(n9 ) time.
(iii) All problems in NP, even those that are not NP-complete, are solvable in polynomial
(iv) No NP-complete problem can be solved faster than O(n9 ) time in the worst case.

Problem 3. (15 points) You are given three strings X = hx1 , . . . , xm i, Y = hy1 , . . . , yn i, and
Z = hz1 , . . . , zp i, where p = m + n. We say that Z is a shuffle of X and Y if it is possible to
interleave the individual symbols of X and Y (without changing their relative order within
each string) to obtain Z. (The name “shuffle” comes from the obvious analogy with shuffling
two decks of cards X and Y together to form a single deck Z.)
For example, the figure below shows that Z = hABABBABCACBABBi can be formed by
shuffling X = hBAACBBi and Y = hABBBCAABi.
X= B A A C B B

Z= A B A B B A B C A C B A B B

Y = A B B B C A A B
Present an efficient algorithm which, given strings X, Y , and Z, determines whether Z is
a shuffle of X and Y . (Hint: Use dynamic programming. It suffices to present just the
recursive formulation. It is possible to do this in O(mn) time.) Present a short proof of your
algorithm’s correctness and derive its running time.

Problem 4. (15 points) Your local pharmacy has asked you to help set up the work schedule
for the next month. There are n pharmacists on the staff and m days in the month. Each
pharmacist gives a list of the days of the month that he/she is available to work. For the ith
pharmacist, this is given as a list Ai , where each number in the list is in the range from 1 to
m. For example, if Ai = h3, 5, 9, 15, 23i, then the ith pharmacist is available to work on days
3, 5, 9, 15, and 23 of the month. Let di = |Ai | denote the number of days that pharmacist i
is available to work. Then he/she should be scheduled to work at least ⌈di /2⌉ of these days.

Each day there must be exactly 3 pharmacists on duty. (An example is shown in the figure
below. There are 5 pharmacists and 4 days in the month.)
Availability Lists (Possible) Final Schedule:
A1 = h1, 2, 4i Day Pharmacists working
A2 = h1, 2, 3i 1 1, 2, 3
A3 = h1, 2, 3, 4i 2 1, 4, 5
A4 = h2, 4i 3 2, 3, 5
A5 = h2, 3, 4i 4 3, 4, 5
Present an efficient algorithm that is given the values of n, m, and the availability lists
A1 , . . . , An , and determines whether there exists a schedule that satisfies all the above re-
quirements. (Hint: Reduce to either Max-Flow or Circulation. You may give a figure for the
above example, but your description should work for any valid input.) Present a brief proof
that your algorithm is correct.

Problem 5. (25 points) Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), a Hamiltonian path is a simple
path (not a cycle) that visits every vertex in the graph. (The graph shown in the figure below
has a Hamiltonian path.) The Hamiltonian Path problem (HP) is the problem of determining
whether a given graph has a Hamiltonian path.

(a) (5 points) Show that HP is in NP.

(b) (2 points) Professor Mount observes that if a graph has a Hamiltonian Cycle, then it
also has a Hamiltonian Path. He suggests the following trivial reduction in order to
prove that HP is NP-hard. Given a graph G for the Hamiltonian Cycle problem, simply
output a copy of this graph. Explain why Professor Mount’s reduction is incorrect.
(c) (18 points) Give a (correct) proof that HP is NP-hard. (Hint: The reduction is from the
Hamiltonian Cycle problem, HC.)

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