What Good Is A Book Publisher
What Good Is A Book Publisher
What Good Is A Book Publisher
"In this new marketplace in which all book sales depend on the
author’s efforts and general retail book sales are flat, doesn't it just
make more sense to self-publish?"
One of The 10 Awful Truths About Book Publishing that I have written
about highlights how most book marketing today is done by authors,
not by publishers. That statement has led some observers to question
what value publishers offer and whether authors would be better off
self-publishing their books, given that the authors, more than their
publishers, will drive sales. The case for self-publishing is further
strengthened by today’s ability of authors to reach the marketplace
through Amazon.com, the new social media, and the authors' own
In fact, I concur that self-publishing is the best avenue for many books,
and I often encourage authors to go this route -- particularly when they
are able to sell many copies of their books through their own channels.
overdesigned). Some self-published books lack the professional and
appropriate appearance that good publishers bring to books.
format, timing, market focus, marketing campaign, and even tie-in to
the author’s business strategies make a big difference in whether a
book succeeds.