Chapter 1: Introduction To Computers What Is Computer?
Chapter 1: Introduction To Computers What Is Computer?
Chapter 1: Introduction To Computers What Is Computer?
What is Computer?
- In 1946 first electronic computer ENAIC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ) was
developed by Mr. J. Presper Eckert and Mr. John Manuchly at University of Pennsylvania.
- It uses 18,000 vacuum tubes and its cast was $500,000.
- Its weight was 30 tons and occupied a 30 by 50 foot space.
- It produced large amount of heat.
- Its speed was very slow.
- In this third generation transistors was replaced by IC’s (Integrated Circuits i.e fabrication of
thousands electronic components on single silicon chip).
- Using this drastic reduction in the size of computers.
- Speed / performance was high in comparison to third generation.
- Heat produced by computers was reduced.
- In this generation IC’s are replaced by LSI (Large Scale Integrated Circuits : more number of
electronic components on silicon chip)
- These are low cast, small size and high performance in comparisons to third generation computers
- In this generation LSI are replaced by VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits)
- Size and cost of these computers is very less and performance is very high
1. Hardware
2. Software
Hardware is basically anything that you can touch with your fingers. For computer hardware to
work it must follow a set of instructions that is supplied to it as software.
Hardware refers to the computer’s physical components,
• Computer Case
• CPU (central processing
unit...Pentium chip)
• Monitor
• Keyboard & Mouse
• Disk Drive, Zip Drive, CD-ROM,
• Hard Drive
• Memory (RAM)
• Speakers
• Printer
The term software refers to the set of instructions that directs the hardware to accomplish a task.
1. System Software
2. Application Software
3. Utility Software
- Application software is used or design for the specific purpose of the user
Corel Draw
- Utility Software is used to remove any problem or solve a complex situation in computer.
Partition Magic
Backup utility
Antivirus Data
Security Software
Win Ghost
Bits n Bytes
1. Bit:
- One digit, either 0 or 1
2. Byte:
- any combination of 0 or 1.
- also called an OCTET.
0 = off
1 = on
Consists of four parts where each part involves one or more specific components of the computer.
1. Input
2. Processing
3. Output
4. Storage
Input: A computer receives data via an input device such as the keyboard. Input: A computer
receives data via an input device such as the keyboard.
Output: A computer produces the output through an output device such as the monitor to display
the result of the processing operations.
Storage: A computer stores the result of the processing operations in a storage device such as the
hard disk.
- Computer is an Electronic device which can:
1. accept data
2. process it
Input data
Process data
Output information
Store data and information
I. Examples of data: 3547, Ahmad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
II. Examples of information: Roll No. 3547, Name-Ahmad, City-Kuala Lumpur, Country-Malaysia
Devices in INPUT:
Optical card reader (OCR)
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR)
Other examples that is not
Optical bar code reader (OBR)
stated in our notes.
Voice recognition devices
Optical mark reader (OMR)
Devices of OUTPUT:
Sound card
Screen protector
GPS location Other examples that
Plotter is not stated in our
Video card notes.
Enter data to be processed
Game controller
Digital camera
System Unit
Memory modules
- A processor present in system unit is the part that is like a computer’s brain.
- A system unit is a personal computer component that houses other devices necessary for the
computer to function.
- A display device is a personal computer component that enables users to view the text and
graphical data associated with a computer program.
Input Devices
- An input device is a personal computer component that enables users to enter data or instructions
into a computer.
External Devices
- The system unit itself has several important subcomponents, such as:
System Board
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
System Bus
Storage devices
- The system board is the personal computer component that acts as the backbone for the entire
computer system.
- The central processing unit (CPU), sometimes called microprocessor or just processor, is the real
brains of the computer and is where most of the calculations take place.
- Memory is the personal computer component that comprises the electronic storage areas in the
computer. It can be considered either volatile or non-volatile.
- The system bus is the main communication path between the CPU and memory.
Storage Devices
- A storage device is a system unit component, such as a hard drive, that enables users to save data
for reuse at a later time, even after the personal computer is shut down and restarted.
Power Supplies
- A power supply is an internal computer component that converts AC power from an electrical
outlet to the DC power needed by system components.
Cooling Systems
Adapter Cards
- An adapter card is a printed circuit board that you install into a slot on the computer’s system
board to expand the functionality of the computer.
Riser Cards
- A riser card is a board that plugs in to the system board and provides additional slots for adapter
Storage Devices
- FDD is a personal computer storage device that reads data from, and writes data to, removable
disks made of flexible Mylar plastic covered with a magnetic coating and enclosed in a stiff,
protective, plastic case.
- HDD is a personal computer storage device that uses fixed media, which means that the disk is
built into the drive and the drives are not removed from the computer unless you are performing
an upgrade or a repair.
Optical Disks
- An optical disk is a personal computer storage device that stores data optically, rather than
Tape Drives
- A tape drive is a personal computer storage device that stores data magnetically on a removable
tape that is enclosed in a tape cartridge.
Personal Computer Connections
Serial Connections
Parallel Connections
Universal Serial Bus (USB) Connections
IEEE 1394 and FireWire Connections
Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) Connections
Parallel ATA (PATA) Connections
Serial ATA (SATA) Connections
Serial Connections
- A serial connection is a personal computer connection that transfers data one bit at a time over a
single wire.
Parallel Connections
- A parallel connection is a personal computer connection that transfers data eight bits at a time
over eight wires and is typically used to connect a printer to a system unit.
USB Connections
- A USB connection is a personal computer connection that enables you to connect multiple
peripherals to a single port with high performance and minimal device configuration.
Type B connector connects to USB device
Type A connector connects to USB port on the computer or on a hub
- A FireWire connection is a personal computer connection that provides a high-speed interface for
peripheral devices that are designed to use the IEEE 1394 standard.
- A PATA connection is a personal computer connection that provides a parallel data channel from
a disk controller to the disk drives.
- A SATA connection is a personal computer connection that provides a serial data channel between the
drive controller and the disk drives.
Personal Computer
A single-user computer that can perform all input, processing, output and storage operations on
its own.
Two types of personal computer are desktop computer and workstation.
Notebook Computer
- Portable, small enough to fit on your lap.
-Also called a laptop computer.
-Usually more expensive than a desktop computer with equal capabilities.
Tablet PC
- A computer that is shaped like a slate or notebook.
- Normally fitted with a touch screen for users to enter input through a stylus.
Handheld Computer
- A small computer that can easily be fit in one hand and operated by the other hand.
Mid-Range Server
More powerful and larger that a workstation and can support up to 4,000 users at one time.
Formerly known as minicomputer.
Mainframe Computer
Very powerful, expensive computer that supports thousands of connected users
The fastest, most powerful, most expensive computer.
Used for applications requiring complex mathematical calculations.
500 B.C
o Abacus
o John Napier – discovers logarithm using his bones
o William Oughtred – The Slide Rule
o -Adding and Subtracting
o Blaise Pascal – Pascal Calculator (Multiplying)
o – Another name: PASCALINE
o Gottfried Leibniz – Leibnitz’s Calculator (Stepped Reckoner)
o Charles Babbage – modern computer
o – First Mechanical Computer
1832 – 1833
o Augusta Ada Byron – First Lady Programmer (upod ni sya ni Charles Babbage)
o Babbage’s (Analytical & Differential Engine)
o Herma Hollerith – punch cards
o – this machine was used to record data of US CENSUS
o IBM was formed
o – British Mathematician who develop the Turing Machine’s called Colossus
o – Colossus is a machine that process equation to break German codes
o Howard Aiken – Harvard Professor
o Howard Aiken and IBM develops Mark 1
o Mark 1 – An electromecahnical computer. Developed to calculate ballistics charts for the US
o Mark 1 (Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator)
o Mark 1 – half as long as a football field and contained 500 miles of wire
o Mark 1 – used electromagnetic signals to move mechanical parts
o Mark 1 – was obsolete by the time it was complete
o John Von Neuman – developed an electronic computer at the IAS that uses a stored
program concept
o John P. Eckert Jr. & John W. Mauchly – designs the ENIAC (Vacuum Tubes)
o Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
o The size of a cellphone built with Vacuum Tubes.
o The size of a pager built with Vacuum Tubes.
o The size of a home computer built with Vacuum Tubes.
o John Bardeen , Walter Brattain, William Shockley and Bell Telephone Laboratories –
invention of the Transistor
o Grace Murray Hopper – invented the high level language
o UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer
o The first commercially successful electronic computer
o Jack Kilby – invented integrated circuits. (Texas Instruments)
1959 – 1961
o COBOL, ALGOL, LISP, and APL Programming Languages
o Jon Kenemy – of Dartmouth leads the development of the BASIC programming languages
1964 – 1973
o PL/1, LOGO, PILOT, FORTH, PASCAL, C, Prolog Programming Languages
o Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
o Introduced the first minicomputer
o The mini computer – PDP-8
o Development of UNIX, LSI chips
o Dr. Tedd Hoff – the architect of first microprocessor was made the Intel 4004
o Atari was founded
o First personal computer – Altair that develop by MITS Inc.
o Bill Gates and Paul Allen – implemented the BASIC
o They form Microsoft
o Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak – founder of Apple Computer Inc. to Market Apple II
1979 – 1980
o ADA, Modula – 2 Programming Languages
o MS – DOS was released by Microsoft
o Hewlett-Packard – announces the first LaserJet printer for personal computers.
o Microsoft Windows Launched
o Tim Berners-Lee – invented the World Wide Web (www)
o Jim Clark and Marc Andreesen – found Netscape and launch Netscape Navigator 1.0 (a
browser of world wide web [www])
o Linus Torvalds – created the Linux kernel
o Microsoft Windows 95 Sun Microsystem launches Java
o Microsoft Releases Internet Explorer 4
o IBM’s Deep Blue – the first computer to beat a reigning World Chess Champion
o Gary Kasprov – in a six chess game match
o Intel Plentium II released
o Microsoft Windows ‘98
o Apple Computer introduces iMac
o Intel Plentium III released
o Official launched of Microsoft Windows 2000
o AMD releases the Athlon 1 GHz
o Apple releases MacOS X
o Microsoft releases Windows XP
o Release of the ‘X’ Box – Microsoft’s gaming console
o Intel released Pentium IV
o Microsoft launches its NET strategy
o Digital video cameras, DVD writers, easy-to-use video editing software, and
improvements in storage capabilities allow the average computer to create Hollywood-
like videos with introductions, conclusions, scenes, rearranged, music and voice over.
o Wireless computers and devices (Ex. Keyboards, mouse, home networks, and public
internet access points) become common place.
o Latest operating systems include support for both the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
o Flat-panel LCD monitors overtake bulky CRT monitors
o USB Flash Drives become a cost effective way to transport data and information from one
computer to another
o Apple computer introduces the sleek iMac G5, the new computer’s display device contains
the system unit
o Facebook – online social network available for college students is founded. Registration to
all people. 110 million users with more than billion photos, 20 million of which are
uploaded daily
o The Mozilla Foundation, the creators of the free open source Firefox browser, predicts
that by the end of 2005 it will have 10% of the browser market primarily at the expense of
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) security-plagued browser.
o Microsoft unveil Window XP Media Center Edition, 2005 - this operating system allows
user to success the routine capabilities of a Windows XP-based PC while focusing delivering
media content such as music digital photography, music and television
o Microsoft introduces Visual Studio 2005 – the product includes Visual Basic, Visual C#,
Visual J#< Visual C++, and SQL Server. It release for hobbyist students and non-professionals
o Smartphone – overtakes the PDA as the personal mobile device of choice
o YouTube – an online community for video sharing. Includes contents such as home videos,
movie previews, and clips from television shows.
November 2006 – Google acquires YouTube
o OQO handled computer – is fully-functional Windows XP computer with desktop
4.9 inches long
3.4 inches wide
0.9 inches thick
Weighing 14 ounces
Fills the void between bulk and awkwardness of a notebook computer and the
limited capability of a smart phone of PDA
o Windows VISTA – released
o Intel introduces its Core 2 Duo processor family.
Boasting record-breaking performance while using less power
Consist of 5 desktop computer processors
5 mobiles computer processor
Desktop includes 291 million transistors, yet uses 40% less power than the Pentium
o Windows 7 – released
o Intel releases the Core i5 and Core i7 line of processor.
Offers increased performance for some of the more demanding tasks
Intel enhances its Core processors family by realizing multi-core processors,
designed to increase the number of instructions that can be processed at a given
o Apple introduce iPad
o Instagram is launched
o Intel purchases McAfee
o Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 9
o Google+ is made available for invite only
o Pinterest – is made available to everyone
o Apple iPhone 5 goes on sale
o Apple introduces iOS7
o The deal between Facebook and Instagram for one billion dollars finalized
o Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Surface is released
o Microsoft releases Windows 8.1
o Satya Nadella – takes over as Microsoft CEO
o Sony – announces it will sell PC business to Japanese investment firm
o Apple iPhone goes on sale
At the end of the Chapter, the students will be able to:
understand fundamental computer concepts
realize the importance of computer literacy
know the advantages of electronic data processing systems
be aware of the limitations and failures of computers
be knowledgeable of the different classifications of computers
differentiate the elements of the computer system
classify computers according to their use
A World of Computers
What is computer literacy ?
Knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses
Computers are everywhere
Uses of Computers
How we do business – Computerized Operations
How we communicate – The Internet/ Digital Telecommunication.
The way we work – Local Area Network
What we buy – New products designed with the help of a Supercomputer
How we are entertained – Digital Movies/Sounds
The way we travel
What we can do by ourselves – Personal computer software
Our ability to move around – Cellular Telephones
Our ability to predict the World Around Us – Learning about Global Warming
How we learn – Multimedia CD –ROMS
How we play – Virtual Reality Games
The Microprocessor
A computer chip that contains on it the entire CPU
Mass produced at a very low price
Computers become smaller and cheaper
Intel 4004 – the first computer on a chip, more powerful than the original ENIAC.
What are the two most popular series of personal computers?
PC and compatibles use the Windows operating system
Apple Macintosh uses the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS)
Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices
What are smart phones and smart watches?
A smart phone is an Internet-enabled telephone that usually provides PDA capabilities.
A smart watch is an Internet-enabled watch that automatically adjusts to time zone changes and stores personal
A special-purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger product.
These are equipment involved in the function of a computer. Computer hardware consists of the components
that can be physically handled. Each of the four basic function of a computer system is performed by a specific
hardware component.
Data or instructions entered into memory of computer.
Input device is any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions.
Pointing device that fits under palm of hand
Mechanical mouse
Optical mouse
How does voice recognition work?
Step 1. A user dictates text into a microphone.
Step 2. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) translates sound waves into digital measurements
computer can process. Measurements include pitch, volume, silences, and phonemes. Phonemes are
sound units such as aw and guh.
Step 3. Software compares spoken measurements with those in its database to find a match or list of
possible matches.
Step 4. To narrow a list down, software presents user with a list of choices or uses a natural language
component to predict most likely match. User may correct any selection made by software.
Video conferencing
Two or more geographically separated people who use network or Internet to transmit audio and video
Data that has been processed into a useful form,
Output device is any hardware component that can convey information to user.
Ex: LCD Monitors, Plasma Monitors, HD TV, Flat-Panel Displays, Cathode Ray Tube Monitors
Flat-Panel Displays
What about using multiple LCD monitors?
Some users position two or more monitors side by side or stacked
Allows users to run multiple applications simultaneously
What is resolution?
Sharpness and clarity of image
Higher resolution makes image sharper, displays more text on screen, makes some elements smaller
How do you use an LCD monitor with a video card?
Plug monitor into Digital Video Interface (DVI) port on computer
What is a plasma monitor?
Displays image by applying voltage to layer of gas
Larger screen size and higher display quality than LCD, but are more expensive
CRT Monitors
What is a CRT monitor?
Contains cathode-ray tube (CRT)
Screen coated with tiny dots of phosphor material
Each dot consists of a red, blue, and green phosphor
Common sizes are 15, 17, 19, 21, and 22 inches
Viewable size is diagonal measurement of actual viewing area
Data Projector
Rear Projection Screens
Smart Boards
Speakers & Headset
Output device that produces text and graphics on paper
Result is hard copy, or printout
Two orientations: portrait and landscape
1) IMPACT PRINTERS - What is a dot-matrix printer?
Impact printer that produces printed images when tiny wire pins strike ribbon
Impact printer forms characters by striking mechanism against inked ribbon that contacts paper
2) What is a line printer?
High-speed impact printer that prints entire line at a time
Speed measured in lines per minute (lpm)
Band printer prints fully formed characters using a hammer mechanism
Shuttle-matrix printer is high-speed printer that works like dot-matrix printer
3) What is a non-impact printer?
Forms characters and graphics without striking paper
Ink-jet printer sprays tiny drops of liquid ink onto paper
Prints in black-andwhite or color on a variety of paper types
4) What is the resolution of a printer?
Next Sharpness and clarity
Measured by number of dots per inch (dpi) printer can output
5) What is a photo printer?
10)What is a plotter?
Sophisticated printer used to produce high-quality drawings
Large-format printer creates photo-realistic-quality color prints
1. Invented the world wide web - Tim Berners-Lee
2. Year that Microsoft introduces Visual Studio 2005 - 2005
3. First computing device invented by Chinese people - Abacus
4. Known as the first microprocessor - Intel 4004
5. First modern scientist to develop and build a calculator - Blaise Pascal
6. Year that USB flash drives become a cost-effective way to transport data and information from one
computer to another - 2004
7. He invented the slide rule in 1625 - William Oughtred
8. First large scale electronic general purpose digital computer developed by Dr. John Mauchly and
Presper Echkert. - ENIAC 1
9. Object-oriented programming language that allows users to write one program for a variety of
computer platforms - Java
10. He invented the integrated circuits in 1958 which lays the foundation for high speed computers and
large capacity memory - Jack Kilby
11. Year that smart phone overtakes the PDA as the personal mobile device - 2005
12. It is the online social network originally available only to college students in the year 2004 -
13. Father of computer science who developed the Colossus - Alan Turing
14. High-Level business application language developed by Dr. Grace Hopper - COBOL
15. First LaserJet printer for personal computers was developed by - Hewlett-Packart
16. Build the first apple computer - Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
17. He is known as the father of the modern computer - Charles Babbage
18. A popular search engine and portal founded by two Standford Ph. D students as a way to keep track
of their personal interests on the internet. - Google
19. First lady programmer worked with Babbage - Augusta Ada Byron
20. Machine that performs tasks under the control of a set of instructions – Computer
ASCII -American Standard Code for Information BASIC - Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic
Interchange Instruction Code
ACM- Association of Computing Machinery CAN- Campus Area Network
AI- Artificial Intelligence COBOL- Common Business-Oriented Language
ALGOL- Algorithmic Language CPU- Central Processing Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices DEC- Digital Equipment Corporation
APL- A Programming Language DOS - Disk Operating System
ASCII- American Standard Code for Information EBCDIC- Extended Binary-Coded Decimal
Interchange Interchange Code
ATM- Asynchronous Transfer Mode
EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic LISP- List Processing
Computer LOGO- Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented
ENIAC- Electronic Numeric Integrator and LSI- Large-Scale Integration
Calculator MacOS – Macintosh Operating System
FPD – Flat Panel Display MAN- Metropolitan Area Network
FORTRAN – Formula Translator MITS - Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry
GAN- Global Area Network Systems
HDMI- High-definition Multimedia Interface MS-DOS –Microsoft Disk Operating System
HP – Hewlett Packard OS- Operating System
IBM- International Business Machines PAN- Personal Area Network
ICT- Information and Communication Technology PDA- Personal Digital Assistant
IBM – International Business Machine PILOT- Programmed Inquiry Learning or Teaching
IDI- ICT Development Index RPA- Robotic Process Automation
IAS - Institute for Advanced Study UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer
IE- Internet Explorer UNIX- Uniplexed Information and Computing
IoT- Internet of Things System
IT- Information Technology USB- Universal Serial Bus
ITU- International Telecommunication Union WAN- Wide Area Network
LAN- Local area network Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display WWW – World Wide Web
LED -Light-Emitting Diode
Chapter II
Electronic Data Processing System
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) – can refer to the use of automated methods
To process commercial data
Computers exist in a wide range of sizes and power.
The smallest are embedded within the circuitry of appliances, such as televisions and
These computers are typically reprogrammed for a specific task, such as tuning to a particular
television frequency, delivering doses of medicine, or keeping accurate time.
They generally are “hard-wired” – that is, their programs are represented as circuits that
cannot be reprogrammed.
Components of computers
1. Input devices – any hardware components that allows you to enter data and
instructions into computer.
2. Output devices – any hardware components that conveys information to one or more
3. System unit – usually referred to as the Central Processing Unit. The system unit is
the case that contains the electronic components of computers that are process data.
4. Storage devices – storage holds data, instructions, and information for future use. A
computer keeps them on storage media.
5. Communication devices – a hardware components that enables a computer to
sends, transmit and receive data, instructions and information to and from one or more
Categories of computers
1. Desktop computers
2. Notebook computers
Categories of computers
1. Mind range server – more powerful and larger than a workstation computer. It
typically supports several hundreds and sometimes up to few thousand connected
computers at the same time.
2. Mainframes – a large, expensive, powerful computer that can handle hundreds of
thousands connected user simultaneously. Every major corporations uses mainframes
for business activities like billing of million of customers, prepare payroll for thousands
of employees, and manage thousands of items in inventory.
3. Supercomputers – the fastest, more powerful computer – and the most expensive.
Capable of processing more than 100 trillion instructions in a single second. Weighs
more than 100 tons, these computers can store more than 20,000 times the data and
information of an average desktop computer.
4. Embedded computers – a special-purpose computer that functions as a component
in a large product.
Disadvantages of computer
1. Violation of privacy -there are instances that confidential and personal records stored
in a computer is not properly protected
2. Impact on labor force – with hundred of thousand of a new computers’ jobs offer,
skills of millions of employees have been replaced by computers
3. Health risk – prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of
the hands, wrist, elbows, eyes, neck and back
4. Impact on environment – computers manufacturing processes and computer waste
are depleting natural resources and polluting the environment.
Computer limitations
1. Dependent on programs and/or instructions
2. Cannot derive meanings from objects
3. Cannot generate information by itself
4. Cannot correct wrong instructions
Computer failures
1. Input errors
2. Errors in instructing a computer
3. The communications gap
4. Improper controls
5. Lack of standards
6. Lack of adequate manufacturer support
Elements of computer
1. Hardware – these are equipment involved in the function of a computer. Computer
hardware consists of the components that can be physically handed. The functions of
these components are typically divided into four main categories: input, processing,
output and storage.
2. Software – these are set of instructions a computer uses to manipulate data such as
word-processing program or a video game, also computer instructions that cause the
hardware-the machines- to do work
3. Peopleware – represents the personnel involved in the function of the compute.
Computer professionals are referred to as those persons involved in system
analysis, maintenance and production, programming and the like. Computer users that
utilize an existing computer using a program are termed as end-users.
Post test 2
Personal computer
Desktop computers
Notebook computers
Computer keyboard
- it is a keypad device with buttons or keys that a user presses to enter data
characters and commands into a computer. Keyboards emerged from the
combination of typewriter and computer-terminal technology.
Christopher Sholes
- inventor of keyboard
Pointing devices – is an input device allows a user to control a pointer on the screen.
1. Mouse – a pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortably. It is
the most widely used pointing device on desktop computer
a. Douglas Engelbart – invented the mouse
i. Types of mouse:
1. Mechanical mouse – has a rubber ball on its underside
2. Optical mouse – uses device that emits and sense light to detect the mouse’s
2. Trackball – an upside-down mechanical mouse where you roll the ball directly
with your hand
3. Touchpad – a small, flat, rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure
and motion
4. Pointing Stick – a pressure-sensitive pointing device shaped like a pencil eraser
that is positioned between keys on a keyboard
5. Light Pen – a handheld input device that can detect the presence of light
6. Touch Screen and Touch Sensitive Pads – a touch-sensitive display device.
Users can interact with these devices by touching areas of the screen
7. Pen Input – mobile users often enter data and instructions with a pen-type
a. Two types of pen input
i. Stylus – small metal or plastic device that uses pressure sensitive
instead of ink
ii. Digital Pen – slightly larger than a stylus, some are pressure-
sensitive; others have built-in digital cameras
8. Digitizer – an image whether a drawing or a photo can be scanned by digitizer
which converts the image into digital data that the computer can accept and
represent on the screen
Video Input – the process of capturing full-motion images and storing them on a
computer’s storage medium such as hard disk or DVD
1. Digital Video Camera – captures and records video digital signals. Most DV
cameras can capture still frames as well as motion
2. PC Video Camera – a type of digital video camera that enables a home or small
business users to capture video and still images, send emails messages with
video attachments, add live images to instant messages, broadcast live images
over internet, and make video telephone calls.
a. Web Cam – any video camera that displays its output on a web page
b. Video Conferencing – is a meeting between two or more geographically
separated people who use a network or the internet to transmit audio video
Scanner and Reading Devices – some input devices save users time by eliminating
manual data entry. With these devices, users do not type, speak, or write into the
1. Source Data Automation – the use of special equipment to collect data at the
source, as a by product of the activity that generates the data and sends it
directly to the computers
a. Optical Scanners – convert text, drawing or picture into a computer
i. Flatbed Scanner – typically scans one sheet at a time
ii. Sheet-Fed Scanner – motorized rollers feed the sheet across the
scanning head
iii. Handheld Scanner – an inexpensive, handy and portable options for
iv. Drum Scanner – a very expensive type of scanners used to scan
large size photograph, slide negatives and single page document
Optical Readers – is a device that uses light source to read characters, mark, and
codes and the converts them into digital data that computer can process
1. Optical Mark Recognition – a technology that reads hand-drawn marks such
as small circles or rectangles.
a. OMR devices – are sometimes called mark sensing device,
because as it senses marks on piece of paper like test
questionnaires or blackened areas
2. Optical Character Recognition – it uses a light source to read special
characters and converts them to electrical signals to be sent to the central
processing unit. The characters-letters, numbers, and special characters can be
read by both humans and machines. They are found on sales tags on store
a. OCR – A – a standard typeface for optical characters. It was
established by the American National Standard Institute.
b. Wand Reader – is a popular input device for reading OCR -A
Optical Scanners
1. RFID Reader – Radio frequency Identification is a technology that uses radio
signals to communicate with a tag containing a memory chip and an antenna
placed in or attached to an object, animal or person. Mounted in a stationery
object such as doorway reads information on the tag via radio waves
2. Magnetic Stripe Card Reader – often called magstripe reader, reads the
magnetic stripe on the back of credit cards, bank cards, and another similar
3. Magnetic – Ink Character Recognition – involves a machine to read characters
made up magnetized particles. The most common example of magnetic
characters is the array of numbers found across the bottom of a personal check.
These characters are embedded on the check by using a MICR INSCRIBER
4. Bar code Reader – also called bar code scanner. Each product on the store
shelf has its own unique number, which is part of the UNIVERSAL PRODUCT
a. Code Number – is represented on the product label by a pattern or vertical
marks called BAR CODE. These zebra stripes can be sensed and read by
bar code reader; a PHOTOELECTRIC DEVICE that reads the code by
means of reflected light
Digital Cameras – allows user to take pictures and store the photographed image
digitally. Typically allow users review, and sometimes edit, images while they are in the
camera. Connect to or communicate wirelessly with a printer, computer or television,
allowing users to print or view images directly from the camera
1. Types of Digital Cameras
a. Compact Camera
b. Rugged Compact Camera
c. 360 Degree Camera
d. Modular Camera
e. Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Camera
f. Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLT) Camera
g. Bridge Camera
h. Digital Rangefinder Camera
i. Line Scan Camera
Biometric Input
Biometric Devices – vary from different recognition systems used today. Widely used
of biometric scanner is FINGERPRINT SCANNER
1. Face Recognition System – captures a live face image and compares it
with a stored image top determine if the person is a legitimate user
2. Hand Geometry System – measures the shape and size of person’s hand
3. Voice Verification System – compares a person’s live speech with their
stored voice pattern
4. Signature Verification System – recognize the shape of your handwritten
signature, as well as measures the pressure exerted and the motion used
to write the signature
5. Iris Recognition System – a camera is used to read pattern in the iris of
the eye. This type of recognition system are quite expensive and are used
by government security organizations, the military, and financial institutions
that deal with highly sensitive data.
• A computer generates several types of output depending on the hardware and software being used
and the requirements of the user.
• A user encounters four basic categories of output: text, graphics, audio, and video.
• Output hardware consists of external devices that transfer information from the computer’s CPU to
the computer user.
• A video display or screen, converts information generated by the computer into visual
The “hang on the wall” monitors that vary in size from 34” to 61”.
These monitors are 3” to 5” deep and most are set up to take regular video as well as
computer sources.
It uses gas plasma technology , which sandwiches a layer of gas between two glass plates.
Plasma monitor offer larger screen sizes and higher display quality than
LCD monitors but are more expensive.
The standard television like monitor most computers have used for the past decade consists of an
electron tube, evacuated glass container, having at one end a cathode, or negative electrode, and a
device called an electron gun that projects a beam of electrons against a luminescent screen at the
opposite end of the tube.
Raster scanning, a process of sweeping electron beams across the back of the screen. Pixel is a
computer display screen used for graphics is divided into dots which can be illuminated individually
on the screen. Resolution of the screen-its clarity is directly related to the number of pixels on the
screen: The more pixels, the higher the resolution.
A device that takes the text and images displaying on a computer screen and project them on a
computer screen and project them on a largest screen so an audience can see the image clearly.
Used for displaying computer images (data) as well as video from a VCR, DVD Player, Computer or a
Video Camera. There 2 types of smaller, lower cost projectors, the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and
the DLP (Digital Light Processing) Projectors.
Used in higher lighting conditions since the projector is behind the screen usually in a small room or
large closet along with any other associated equipment.
Are known as Interactive white boards. Smart board get hooked up to a computer and the computer
saves information written on the board. It allows for users to write and annotate on top of any
application even on the web.
Printer – is an output device that produces text and graphics on a physical medium
such as paper or transparency film. Printed information called hard copy, exists
physically and is more permanent form of output than represented on a display device
IMPACT PRINTER - Uses some sort of physical contact with the paper to produce an
image, by physically striking the paper, ribbon, hammer or tiny wire pins together
NON IMPACT PRINTER - Places an images on a page without physically touching
page, which prints by means of photographic, heat laser, or ink spray. Printer
resolution is measure by the number of dots per inch (dpi) a printer can print.
LINE PRINTER - A high speed impact printer that prints an entire line at a time.
INKJET PRINTER- A type of non-impact printer that forms character and graphics by
spraying tiny drops of liquid ink onto a piece of paper.
LASER PRINTER - A high-speed, high-quality non impact printer that prints text and
graphics in high resolutions, usually 1200
dpi for black and white and up to 2400 dpi for color printer.
MOBILE PRINTERS - Small, lightweight, battery powered printer that allows a mobile
user to print from a notebook computer, Tablet PC, PDA, or smart phone while
MULTIFUNCTION PERIPHERAL - A single device that look like a copy machine but
provides the functionality of a printer, scanner, copy machine, and perhaps a fax
• The system unit is a case that contains electronic components of the computer used
to process data.
• System units are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.
• The case of the system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is made of metal or
plastic and protects the internal electronic components from damage.
• The storage unit holds data, instructions and information for future use.
• Every computer uses storage to holds data, instructions, and information for future
• Every computer uses storage to hold system software and application software.
• A storage medium, also called secondary storage, is the physical material on which a
computer keeps data, instructions and information.
THE MOTHERBOARD - Sometimes called the system board is the main circuit board
of the system unit. Many electronic components attach to the motherboard; others are
built into it.
CONTROL UNIT - Controls, supervises and directs the operation of the computer. The
CPU’s control unit coordinates and times the CPU’s functions, and it uses the program
counter to locate and retrieve the next instruction from memory. Like an orchestra
leader, the control unit does not execute the instructions itself; rather it directs other
parts of the system to do so.
ARITHMETIC / LOGIC UNIT (ALU) - Has special circuitry for performing processing
operation which performs operations calculations and comparison. The ALU performs
specific operations such as addition, multiplication , and conditional tests on the data
entered in the computer for processing
REGISTERS - A small, high-speed storage locations that temporarily hold data and
instruction. Registers are part of the processor, but not part of the memory or
permanent storage device. Register functions include storing the location from where
an instruction was fetched, storing an instruction while the control unit decodes it,
storing data while the ALU computes it, and storing the results of a calculation.
SYSTEM CLOCK - The processor relies on this quartz crystal circuit that controls the
timing of all computer operations. The system clock generates regular electronic pulses
or ticks that set the operating pace of components of the system unit. The pace of the
system clock is called the clock speed. Current personal computers have clocks speed
in gigahertz range(hertz is one cycle per second). The system clock is one of the
factors that influence a computer’s speed. The faster the clock speed, the more
instruction the computer can execute.
Storage capacity determines the amount of information that can be held within the
computer memory at a particular time. Memory consists of electronic components on
one or more chips on the motherboard that store instructions waiting to be executed by
the processor, data needed by those instructions, and the results of processed data.
Example. RAM
– its contents do not disappear when the power is turned off. Ex. ROM
chips for printer contain data for font.
Cache. A type of memory that helps speed the processes of the computer because it
stores frequently used instructions and data. Most computers today have two types of
memory cache, L1 cache and L2 cache.
Flash Memory. A type of non-volatile memory that can be erased electronically and
rewritten. Used in most computers because it holds their start-up instructions by
allowing the computer to easily update its contents.
Alternative storage unit to augment the storage capabilities of the computer. Secondary
storage is necessary because memory, or primary memory, can be used only
temporarily, that is, your programs and data will disappear from memory when you turn
your computer off. However, you probably want to store the data you have used or the
information you have derived from processing, and that is why secondary storage, or
auxiliary storage, is needed. Often referred to as external storage units. Examples are
the following:
Magnetic Disk. Uses magnetic particles to store items such as data, instructions, and
information on the disk’s surface.
Floppy disks.
ZIP disks
Hard disk
Optical Disks. Type of storage media that consists of a flat, round, portable disc made
of metal, plastic, and lacquer that is written by a laser. Optical discs used in personal
computer are 4.75 inches in diameter. Mini discs have a
diameter of 3 inches or less.
PC Cards. A thin, credit card-sized device that adds memory, storage, sound,
fax/modem, network, and other capabilities to mobile computers
Flash Memory Cards. A removable flash memory device that allows user to transfer
data and information conveniently from mobile devices like PDAs, smart phones, digital
cameras and digital music players to desktop computers.
USB Flash Drives. Sometimes called a pen drive, is a flash memory device that plugs
in a USB port on a computer or portable device.
Solid State Drive (SSD) is a storage device that typically uses flash memory to store
data, instructions, and information. With available form factors of 3.5 inches,2.5 inches,
and 1.8 inches, SSDs are used in all types of
computers including servers.