Charina Riodil Ncm114 Rle Reactionpaper
Charina Riodil Ncm114 Rle Reactionpaper
Charina Riodil Ncm114 Rle Reactionpaper
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part of their medicine regimen. An accurate assessment should include a listing of all
these agents. Many of these agents have not had adequate testing for effectiveness,
side effects, or interactions with other medications.
Most older adults living independently in the community take their medication
without supervision. To reduce the incidence and adverse effects of polypharmacy
medication regimes of elderly patients should be evaluated monthly. A single
agent/drug should be prescribed instead of multiple drugs for the treatment of a
single condition, if possible. Medications should be started with the lower drug
dosage where clinically indicated and if required incremental increase can be done.
Drugs that can be given once or twice a day should be preferred over the drugs
given three times a day. Drugs that are suspected to cause a problem should be
discontinued. If the drug taken has no therapeutic beneficial effect or clinical
indication it should be eliminated. Unessential drugs should be identified and
eliminated prescribed by different health care providers for the same
condition/disease. Safer drugs should be substituted with the higher risk
medications. Identifying and avoiding the polypharmacy can lead to better outcomes
in the elderly patients and also helps in improving the quality of life. Medication
review is an essential part in the elderly patient to avoid adverse effects that can be
caused due to polypharmacy.