Kelsh Jacqueline s331651 Assignment 2
Kelsh Jacqueline s331651 Assignment 2
Kelsh Jacqueline s331651 Assignment 2
The Aim
The aim this unit of work is to students to gain an understanding of the different techniques
that filmmakers purposely use to develop themes, characters, and storylines to convey their
(ICT). The reason I chose to incorporate the use of ICT in this unit of work is because 21st
they are exposed to these technologies and are given the opportunity to become confident
in using them as they will ultimately have to use some form of technology for whatever
career they take on as an adult. I believe all 21 st Century educators have a responsibility to
ensure these learning opportunities are provided across all curriculum areas. ICT will be
used as a way of improving the accessibility to all learners to improve their learning
outcomes through multimodal presentations and assistive technology, students who would
have been disadvantaged greatly in the past due to their ability to access written text and
produce written text. In this unit plan I have tried to incorporate exposure to a range of ICT
Use of ICT
The main presentation mode for this unit of work will be the Interactive whiteboard, it will be used
to present video clips and films to the class via YouTube and ClickView. Students will use Quizlet to
learn and play educational games related to the learning and undertake tests to check their
knowledge. All learning resources will be accessible to students through the class team on Microsoft
Teams so they can access it easily through their OneDrive at school and at home if they have an
internet connection. The dictate, immersive reader/read aloud tools will be used to differentiate the
learning. Students will also be encouraged to use Microsoft Edge as a search engine because it can
read aloud information from websites. Students will be required to access their Learn link emails
EST204 Assignment 2 S331651
account at times because it is a method of communication, they may need to use to contact
Students will have the choice over which presentation tool they use but they must be able to access
it at school, PowerPoint and Sway are both available as part of the Office 365 suite that students can
access through one drive and download for free on their own devices. These would be the most
logical choice as students could save their work in one drive and access it if they have internet,
without having to rely on a USB. Other free options are Prezi or Animoto which can be accessed for
I chose to focus on developing a knowledge of literary and film elements because this
knowledge enables students to better identify and understand the messages in literary texts
and films many of which are relevant to young people today. The film Hunt for the
and how we can help others when we connect with them (Capp, 2017). This plan will
enable me to gain a better understanding of the needs of a new class and build a rapport as
the resources are accessible in both written and verbal forms supported by visuals.
Additionally, they are typed in Open Dyslexic Font which improves the speed students' with
dyslexia can read them (Damiano et al., 2019). Due to the use of ICT many activities could be
easily differentiated. The main character of the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople Ricky has
lacked having a consistent responsible adult in his life to help guide him and educate him
(Lilja & Dahlbeck, 2019), this is a theme which many young people can identify with, and those
who do not may benefit from gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences of others
and why they might not behave or achieve the same as their peers.
EST204 Assignment 2 S331651
Skills Developed
Students will learn how to identify themes and make connections to their own identity,
culture, and relationships. They will learn how to identify a range of other literary and film
elements and how they are used to show the themes. Use a range of vocabulary to discuss
literary and film elements and write correctly structured TEEL paragraphs. They will learn
how to analyse the content, context, language, structure, techniques and stye of films and
analyse the effects of the director’s creative. Additionally, they will gain skills in how to
create a multimodal film analysis presentation with appropriate reference and formatting
with a supporting script/ voice over. Finally, students will develop skills in accessing a range
This will be achieved through pre- testing students to cater the teaching to their learning
needs/abilities are. By engaging the students in a variety of activities which teach them the
vocabulary they need to know, e.g. plot, theme, setting, symbolism and allowing them
independently(Fisher & Frey, 2014). Using the ‘Check-in and act’ formative assessment
practices and processes from the Teaching for Effective Learning(TfEL) to allow me to gauge
how effective my teaching is as a new teacher (Cole, 2019), what the students know, who
needs help, who is ready to move on and to inform selective grouping and task
classroom model to enable me to provide support to students who may need it and observe how the
students are engaging (Victoria State Government Education and Training, 2019).
EST204 Assignment 2 S331651
The unit will be taught over a 6-week timeframe with the final week dedicated to student
presentations which will be conducted in class or pre-recorded and viewed in class unless
Capp, R. (2017) Triumph of the Wilderpeople or the Making of “Uncle Hec”, Journal of
Damiano, R., Gena, C. & Venturini, G. Testing web-based solutions for improving
reading tasks in dyslexic and neuro-typical users. Multimed Tools Appl 78,
Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2014) Better learning through structured teaching: a framework for the gradual,-or-Not-Learning,-in-
Lilja, P. & Dahlbeck, J. (2019). In the Absence of Adults: Generations and Formation in
Noakes, M. A., Schmitt, A J., McCallum, E. & Schutte, K. (2019). Speech-to-text assistive technology
for the written expression of students with traumatic brain injuries: A single case
EST204 Assignment 2 S331651
Victoria State Government Education and Training. (2019). High impact teaching strategies in action:
differentiated teaching.
Young, M. C., Courtad, C. A., Douglas, K. H. & Chung, Y.C. (2018). The effects of text-to-speech on
reading outcomes for secondary students with learning disabilities. Journal of Special