Shri Krishan Versus Jasoda Devi and Others Lnind 2017 Del 4301
Shri Krishan Versus Jasoda Devi and Others Lnind 2017 Del 4301
Shri Krishan Versus Jasoda Devi and Others Lnind 2017 Del 4301
(Emphasis supplied)
11. In Koli Mansukh Rana v. Patel Natha Ramji, 1992 ACJ 772,
the Gujarat High Court explained the object of Section 12 as under:
―15 ...the very object behind the provisions of section
12 of the Act is to secure compensation to the workman who
cannot fight out his battle for compensation by a speedy
process. A person who employs others to advance his own
business and interest is expected to provide a surer basis for
payment of the injured workman than the intermediary, who
may often turn out to be a man of straw, from whom
compensation may not be available. This is the purpose for
which the claimant is given the option under section 12(3) of
the Act to claim the compensation either from the principal
or from the employer.‖
(Emphasis supplied)
17. In Raj Pal Saini v. Kamla, (2016) 151 FLR 302, a mistry
suffered an electric shock during the construction of second floor of a
35. The principles of statutory construction are well settled that the
words occurring in statutes of liberal import such as social welfare
legislation and 'Human Rights' legislation are not to be put in
procrustean beds or shrunk to Lilliputian dimensions. In construing
these legislations, the imposture of literal construction must be
avoided and the prodigality of its mis-application must be recognised
and reduced. Where legislation is designed to give relief against
certain kinds of mischief, the Court is, not to make inroads by making
etymological excursions but to advance the intent.
36. It is a recognised rule of interpretation of statutes that the
expressions used therein should ordinarily be understood in a sense in
which they best harmonise with the object of the statute, and which
effectuate the object of the Legislature. If an expression is susceptible
of a narrow or technical meaning as well as a popular meaning, the
Court would be justified in assuming that the Legislature used the
expression in the sense which would carry out its object and reject that
which renders the exercise of its powers invalid.
37. It is trite law that the safe guidance for interpreting any
provision in a statute or for understanding the scope and meaning of a
44. In the present case, the appellant awarded the contract to
respondent no.5 (contractor) for construction of a gymnasium as part
of his trade and business in pursuance to which Respondent no.5
engaged the deceased, Babu Lal who suffered an accident arising out
of and during the course of his employment on 6 th March, 2010 which
resulted in fatal injuries. Applying the principles laid down in the
judgements discussed above, Babu Lal is held to be an employee
within the meaning of Section 2(1)(dd) read with Entry (viii) (a) of
Schedule II of the Employees‟ Compensation Act; respondent no.5 is