Autonomous Programmes Bachelor of Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)

Autonomous Programmes

Department of Computer Science and Engineering





Department Vision
To become a prominent department of Computer Science & Engineering producing competent
professionals with research and innovation skills, inculcating moral values and societal concerns.

Department Mission
1. Provide learning ambience to generate innovative and problem solving skills with professionalism
2. To create facilities and expertise in advanced computer technology thereby promote research
3. Enhance Industry Institute Interaction programme to get acquainted with corporate culture
4. To induce ethical values and spirit of social commitment

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1: Graduates will be an efficient software developer in diverse fields and will be a successful
professional and/or pursue higher studies

PEO 2: Graduates will be capable to adapt to new computing technology for professional
excellence and Research and be a lifelong learner

PEO 3: Graduates will work productively exhibiting ethical qualities for the betterment of

PEO 4 : Graduates will possess leadership qualities, work harmoniously as a team

member with effective communication skills

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1.Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2.Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3.Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4.Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.
5.Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with
an understanding of the limitations.
6.The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
7.Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions
in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development.

8.Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.
9.Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10.Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.
11.Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1. An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools necessary for carrying out multidisciplinary

PSO2. An ability to build a computer based system, process or a component that meets the desired

II Year B.E.: Scheme of Teaching and Credits: 2019-2020

SCHEME: III Semester
Sub. Code Subject Name L T P CH C
18MA301 Engineering Mathematics - III 4 0 0 4 4

18CS302 Computer Organization 3 0 0 3 3

18CS303 Analog and Digital Circuits 3 0 0 3 3
18CS304 Data Structures and its applications 4 0 0 4 4

18CS305 Finite Automata & Formal languages 3 0 0 3 3

18CS306 UNIX and Shell Programming 3 1 0 3 4

18HS003 Communication Skills - I 0 0 2 2 1

18CS307 Data Structures Laboratory 0 0 2 2 1

18CS308 Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory 0 0 2 2 1

Total 26 24

SCHEME: IV Semester
Sub. code Subject Name L T P CH C
18MA401 Engineering Mathematics - IV 4 0 0 4 4
18MA402 Discrete Mathematical Structures 3 0 0 3 3
18CS403 Object Oriented Programming with 5
3 1 0 4
18CS404 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4 0 0 4 4
18CS405 Microcontroller & Embedded System 4 0 0 4 4
18CS406 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 0 0 3 3
18CS407 Algorithms Laboratory with JAVA 0 0 2 2 1
18CS408 Microcontrollers Laboratory 0 0 2 2 1
Total 27 24


(Common to all branches of engineering)

Course Code: 18MA301 L-T-P-C-3-1-0-4

Exam hours- 3 Hours/week-4
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours-52

Course Objective:
The student will learn different linear algebra, transform techniques, (Fourier transform and Z -
transform) vector calculus and application related problems.

Course outcomes:
After the completion of the course the student will be able to:
CO1 Apply transforms techniques, inverse transform techniques (Laplace PO1,PO2,PO3
transform, z transform) on a given function and apply its concept to
solve the differential equations, difference equations,.

CO2 Compute the linearly independent Eigen vectors, diagnolize the

matrix, determine the orthogonal basis, find the least square solution
of system of equations
CO3 To represent the function/experimental data in terms of a Fourier
series and apply Fourier transforms/inverse transform techniques on
a given function

CO4 Evaluate the triple integral, solve problems on stokes theorem/gauss PO2,PO3
theorem and apply this concept to engineering application problems
based on vector calculus

Course Contents
Module I
Linear algebra: Importance of Matrices in engineering.
Rank of a matrix, Consistency and inconsistency of non homogeneous and homogeneous
system of equations using the rank concept, linearly independent set of vectors, linearly
dependent set of vectors, relation between rank of a matrix and number of linearly
independent set of vectors in a matrix - Illustrative examples. Solution of the system of linear
equations by Gauss elimination method and Gauss- Seidel iterative method.
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Illustrative examples, Applications of Eigen values and Eigen
vectors - mass on a spring, Diagnolization of 2X2 matrices, Diagnolization of 3X3 matrices
when Eigen values are already given, least square solution of system of equations- a matrix
approach, Gram Schmidt process to find an orthogonal basis. 13 Hours
Module II
Laplace Transforms: Introduction, Definition, Importance of Laplace transform in engineering
applications, properties, Laplace transform of standard functions, Laplace transform of periodic
functions, unit-step functions and unit impulse functions (Dirac – delta function).
Inverse Laplace Transforms: Definition and general properties, Convolution theorem –
illustrative examples, Initial value problems. Applications of Laplace transform to solve initial
value problems in engineering - RLC Circuit. 13 Hours
Module III
Fourier Transforms and Inverse Fourier transforms: – properties of Fourier transform,
Evaluation of Complex Fourier, Fourier sine & Fourier cosine transforms. Inverse complex
Fourier transform, Inverse sine & Cosine transforms. Applications from engineering Field.
Fourier series: Periodic functions and their graphical representation, Finding Fourier series
using Euler’s method, change of interval method, half range series method, illustrative examples
from engineering field. Graph of Fourier series of a given function. To represent the
experimental data as a Fourier series using the method - Practical harmonic analysis. 13 Hours
Module IV
Multiple Integrals: Evaluation of triple, integrals in Cartesian & Polar form, Application to
find volume and centre of gravity.
Evaluation of Line integrals, surface integrals and volume integrals, Statement of Green’s
theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss Divergence theorem, Illustrative examples from engineering
field. Z-Transforms: Introduction to z transform and inverse Z transform - properties and
simple examples. Solution of Difference equations using Z Transforms, Application to
deflection of a loaded string. 13 Hours

Course Code : 18CS302 LTPC: (3-0-0) 3
Exam. Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 03
SEE: 50 Marks Total hours: 40
Course Objective: A student should quantitatively evaluate different designs and organizations
Course Outcomes (COs): Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to :
Describe the overall system architecture , structure and functioning of a
1. PO1
digital computer.

Design memory organization and demonstrate how arithmetic and
2. logical operations are performed in the ALU. PO2,PO3,PO4
Demonstrating the different ways of communications with I/O devices
3. PO1,PO2
and standard I/O interfaces.

Course Contents:

Module – 1
Basic Structures of Computers: Computer types: Functional units: Input unit, Memory unit,
Arithmetic & logic unit, output unit, Control unit; Basic Operational Concepts : Bus Structures ,
Pipelining & Superscalar operation, Clock rate, Performance measurement; Data Organization
Numbers, Arithmetic operations and characters, Memory Locations & Addresses: Byte
addressability, Big-endian & Little endian assignments, Word Alignment, Accessing Numbers,
Characters & Character strings. 10 Hrs
Module – 2
Input/output Organization: Accessing I/O devices: Interrupts: Interrupt Hardware, Enabling &
Disabling Interrupt, Handling Multiple devices, Controlling Device Requests, Exceptions; Direct
Memory Access: Bus Arbitration. Buses: Synchronous Bus, Asynchronous Bus; PCI bus,
SCSI bus, USB. The Memory System: Some Basic Concepts : Semiconductor RAM Memories
: Internal Organization of Memory Chips, Static Memories, Asynchronous DRAMs,
Synchronous DRAMs. 10 Hrs
Module – 3
The Memory System (contd): Structure of Larger Memories, RAM bus memory. Read-only
Memories: ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash memory. Speed, Size & Cost. Cache
Memories: Mapping functions; Performance considerations: Interleaving, Hit Rate & Miss
Penalty Secondary Storage: Magnetic Hard Disks, Optical Disks. 10 Hrs

Module – 4
Arithmetic: Addition & Subtraction of Signed Numbers: Addition/Subtraction. Multiplication of
Positive numbers: Signed-Operand Multiplication: Booth Algorithm; Fast Multiplication; Bit-
pair Recoding of Multipliers. Arithmetic (contd.): Integer division: Floating-Point Numbers &
Operations: IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Numbers, Arithmetic Operations on Floating-Point
Numbers, Implementing floating Point Operations. 10 Hrs

Text Books :
1. Carl Hamacher, Z Vranesic & S Zaky, Computer Organization , 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012
2. Hesham El-Rewini, H. & Mostafa Abd-el-Barr, M. Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel
Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Reference Books:
1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessey, “Computer organization and design, Morgan
kaufmann / elsevier, Fifth edition, 2014.
2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition, Pearson India,
3. Kai Hwang: Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability, 2 nd
Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2011



Analog and Digital Circuits

Course Code : 18CS303 LTPC: (3-0-0)3
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 3
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 40
Course Objective: Design and Develop java application programs using object-oriented concepts.

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
CO Statement POs
Describe basic gates, multiplexers, decoders, registers, counters, flip
1. PO1
flops, analog to digital conversion and vice-versa
Design combinational logic circuits , registers, counters, sequential PO3
circuits, analog to digital conversion and vice-versa
Apply multiplexers, decoders, memory devices , flip flops in PO1,PO2
designing circuits.
Analyze combinational logic circuits, multiplexers, decoders, PO2
4. memory devices, registers, counters and synchronous sequential
circuits , analog to digital conversion and vice-versa

Digital Logic: The Basic Gates: NOT, OR, AND, Universal Logic Gates: NOR, NAND, Positive
and Negative Logic
Combinational Logic Circuits: Sum-of-Products Method, Truth Table to Karnaugh Map, Pairs
Quads, and Octets, Karnaugh Simplifications, Don’t-care Conditions.
Product-of-sums Method, Product-of-sums simplifications, Simplification by Quine-McClusky
Method, VEM technique
Data-Processing Circuits: Multiplexers, De-multiplexers,
10 Hours
Data-Processing Circuits (conti..) : 1-of-16 Decoder, Encoders, Exclusive-or Gates, Parity
Generators and Checkers, Magnitude Comparator, Programmable Array Logic, Programmable Logic
Arithmetic Circuits Arithmetic building blocks, the adder, subtracter, fast adder.
Flip-Flops: SR flip flop, Clocked D FLIP-FLOP, Edge-triggered D FLIP-FLOP, Edge-triggered JK
10 Hours
Flip-Flops (conti..) : Switch Contact Bounce Circuits, Various Representation of FLIP-FLOPs.
Analysis of sequential Circuits
Registers: Types of Registers, Serial In - Serial Out, Serial In - Parallel out, Parallel In - Serial Out,
Parallel In - Parallel Out, Universal Shift Register, Applications of Shift Registers.
Counters: Asynchronous Counters, Decoding Gates, Synchronous Counters, Changing the Counter
10 Hours
Counters (conti..): Decade Counters, Counter Design as a Synthesis problem
Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits: Model Selection, State Transition Diagram, State
Synthesis Table, Design equation and circuit diagram.
D/A Conversion and A/D Conversion: Variable, Resistor Networks, Binary Ladders, D/A
Converters, D/A Accuracy and Resolution, A/D Converter- Simultaneous Conversion, A/D
Converter-Counter Method, Continuous A/D Conversion, A/D Techniques, Dual-slope A/D
Conversion, A/D Accuracy and Resolution.
10 Hours
Self Learning: Verilog/VHDL implementation of logic circuits (mentioned at the end of each
chapter of the text book)

Text Book:
1. Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino & Goutam Saha: Digital Principles and Applications,
8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2015

Reference Books:
1. Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic: Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL, 2nd
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2014.
2. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss: Digital Systems Principles and
Applications, 10th Edition, Pearson Education, 2013.
3. M Morris Mano: Digital Logic and Computer Design, 1st Edition, Pearson, 2013.



Course Code : 18CS304 LTPC: (4-0-0)4

Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 4
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 52
Course Objective: To become accustomed to the use of appropriate data structures for designing

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
CO Statement POs
1. Implement Stack operations & Design applications using stacks PO1,PO2,PO3,PSO2
2. Implement Queue operations & design applications to use it PO1,PO2,PO3,PSO2
Demonstrate operations on a Linked list and its variants and use them for
3. PO1,PO2,PO3,PSO2
implementing linear structures like stacks and Queues
Demonstrate the Creation and Operations on binary trees & efficient binary
4. PO1,PO2,PO3,PSO2
5. PO1,PO2,PO3,PSO2


Introduction: Structures and pointers revisited, File Management in C – Defining, opening,
closing,I/O operations, Random access to files. Introduction to data structures - Basic terminology,
Classification, Operations, ADT. The Stack - Definition , Operations, Array Representation of
stacks in C Applications of stack: Infix, postfix and prefix, Basic definitions and examples,
Evaluating a postfix expression, Program to evaluate a postfix expression, Converting an expression
from infix to postfix, Program in C to convert an expression from infix to
postfix 13 Hours

Recursion - finding GCD, Fibonacci Series, Recursion Types, Tower of Hanoi, Recursion versus
iteration Queues - Definition, Array representation of Queues, Operations on Queues, Types of
Queues- Circular Queue and its implementation in C, Priority queue definition and its array
representation, Deque (implementation in C excluded) , Applications of Queues Linked List :
Dynamic Memory allocation in C programs , Introduction to linked list, linked list versus Arrays,
Singly lined list operations - Insert , Delete , Display, Search and Traverse.
13 Hours
Other Lists structures: Circular Lists - C Implementation by adding and deleting nodes from front
Doubly Linked List - C implementation by adding and deleting nodes from front, Circular doubly
linked list Linked list Applications: Linked Implementation of stacks and Queues, Polynomial
Representation. TREES : Basic Terminology, Types, Representation using array and Linked List.
13 Hours
Creating a binary tree from a general tree, Traversing a binary tree- Inorder ,Preorder, Post order,
Level order, Constructing a binary tree from traversal results. Efficient Binary Trees : Binary Search
trees-definition, Operations- Create, Insert, delete, display, Finding height, Finding number of nodes.
Threaded Binary tree - One way threading, two way threading, Traversing a threaded binary tree,
Advantages of threaded binary tree. AVL trees - Definition, Rotations, Constructing an AVL tree.
13 Hours
Text Book:
1. Data Structures Using C, Second edition, Reema Thereja, Oxford Press, 2017
Reference Books:
1. Yedidyah, Augenstein, Tannenbaum: Data Structures Using C and C++, 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2003.
2. Richard F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan: Data Structures A Pseudocode Approach with
C, Cengage Learning, 2005.
3. Debasis Samanta: Classic Data Structures, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2009.
4. Balagurusamy E, Programming in ANSI C, 7th Edition, TataMcGraw Hill, 2017.

Course Code : 18CS305 LTPC: (3-0-0)3
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 3
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 40
Course Objective: Design and Develop java application programs using object-oriented concepts.

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
CO Statement POs
1. Describe regular expression, regular language, grammar, deterministic
and non-deterministic finite automata, PDA, Turing machine
2. PO3
Design DFA, NFA, PDA, Turing machine
3. Apply regular expression, Context Free Grammars, non-context free
grammars in designing DFA, NFA, PDA, Turing machine
4. PO2
Analyze regular expressions, CFG’s,DFA, NFA, PDA, Turing Machine

Introduction to Finite Automata: Why Study Automata Theory?, The Central Concepts of
Automata Theory.
Finite Automata : An Informal Picture of Finite Automata, Deterministic Finite Automata,
Nondeterministic Finite Automata, Finite Automata with Epsilon-Transitions.
10 Hrs
Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular Expressions, Finite Automata and Regular
Expressions, Applications of Regular Expressions.
Properties of Regular Languages: Proving Languages Not to Be Regular – Pumping
Lemma, Closure Properties of Regular Languages, Equivalence and Minimization of Automata
10 Hrs
Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Context-Free Grammars, Parse Trees, Applications of
Context-Free Grammars, Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages.
Pushdown Automata: Definition of the Pushdown Automata, The languages of a PDA,
Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s, Deterministic Pushdown Automata
. 10 Hrs
Properties of Context-Free Languages: Normal Forms for Context-Free Grammars, The
Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Grammars.
Introduction to Turing Machines: Problems that Computers cannot Solve, The Turing Machine
Programming Techniques for Turing Machines.
10 Hrs
Text Book:
John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages and Computation, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2013

Reference Books:
1. Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, IV Edition, Narosa
Publishing House, 2011.
2. John C Martin, Introduction to Languages and Automata Theory, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill, 2007.
3. Thomas A. Sudkamp: An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science, Languages and
Machines, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
4. K.L.P. Mishra, Chandrasekaran N: Theory of Computer Science, Automata, Languages and
Computation, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning, 2012.



Course Code: 18CS306 LTPC: (3-1-0) 4
Exam. Hours: 3 Hours / Week: 4
SEE: 50 Marks Total hours: 52

Course Objectives: To provide the skills needed to develop and customize Unix shell programs and to
make effective use of a wide range of standard UNIX programming and development tools.

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
1. Illustrate the architecture, salient features of UNIX operating system. PO1,PO2
2. Utilize UNIX commands to work with UNIX operating system. PO2,PO3
3. Use vi – one of the text editor supported on UNIX platform. PO1,PO2
Portray the various filters available on UNIX operating system including
4. PO1,PO3
grep and sed.
5. Develop advanced shell scripts. PO3

Course Contents:

Module 1
The Unix Operating System, The UNIX architecture and Command Usage: , Features of UNIX, Locating
commands, internal and external commands, command structure, Flexibility of command usage, Man
Browsing the Manual pages On-line, Understanding the Man documentation, Further Help with man –

k,apropos and whatis. General Purpose Utilities:cal, date, echo, printf, bc, script, passwd, who, uname, tty,
and stty.The File System: The File, what’s in a (file) name?, The Parent-Child relationship, The Home
Variable, pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, Absolute pathnames, Relative pathnames, ls, The Unix File system.
Handling Ordinary Files: cat, cp, rm, mv, more, The lp Subsystem:Printing a File,file, wc, od, cmp,
comm.,diff, dos2unix and unix2dos, Compressing and Archiving Files,gzip and gunzip, tar, zip and unzip.
Basic File Attributes: ls –l, the –d option, File Ownership, File Permissions, chmod, Directory Permissions,
Changing File Ownership.
13 Hrs

Module 2
The vi Editor: vi Basics, Input Mode, Saving Text and Quitting, Navigation, Editing text, Undoing Last
Editing Instructions, Repeating the last command (.), Searching for the Pattern (/ and ?), Substitution –
Search and Replace. The Shell: The Shell’s Interpretive Cycle, Shell Offerings, Pattern Matching, Escaping
and Quoting, Redirection, /dev/null and /dev/tty: Two special files, Pipes, tee, Command Substitution, Shell
Variables. The Process: Process Basics, ps, System Processes (-e or –a), Mechanism of Process Creation,
Internal and External Command, Process States and Zombies, Running jobs in Background, nice: job
execution with Low priority, Killing processes with signals, Job control, at and batch, cron, time.
Customizing the Environment: The shells, Environment Variables, The Common Environment Variables,
Aliases ( bash and ksh), Command History (bash and ksh), In-Line Command Editing (bash and ksh),
Miscellaneous Features ,The initialization Scripts.
13 Hrs

Module 3
More File Attributes: File Systems and Inodes, Hard Links, Symbolic Links and ln, The Directory, umask:
Default File and Directory Permissions, Modification and access times, find: Locating Files. Simple Filters:
The sample database, pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, An Example: Displaying a Word Count List.
Filters using Regular Expressions: grep and sed, grep-searching for a pattern, Basic Regular Expressions
(BRE), Extended Regular Expressions and egrep, sed, Line Addressing, Using Multiple instructions, (-E and
–F), Context Addressing, Writing selected lines to a file(w), Text Editing, Substitutions(s). Essential Shell
Programming: Shell Scripts, read, Using Command Line Arguments, exit and Exit Status of command, The
Logical Operators && and || - Conditional Execution, The if conditional, Using test and [] to evaluate
Expressions, The case conditional, expr, $0-Calling a Script by different names, while, for, set and shift, the
Here Document (<<), trap, Debugging Shell Scripts with set –x.
13 Hrs
Module 4

Inter-process Communication: Introduction, Pipes, popen ,pclose functions, FIFOs, Message Queues,
Semaphores, Shared Memory, client- server Properties . Networking Tools: TCP/IP Basics, Resolving IP
Addresses, The Applications, ping, telnet, ftp, Cryptography Basics, SSH, SSH Tools, The domain name
System(DNS), Internet Mail, MIME, The world wide Web, Multimedia on the web: MIME revisited. Awk-
An Advanced Filter: Simple awk filtering, Splitting a Line into Fields, printf: Formatting Output, Variables
and Expressions, The comparison operators, Number Processing, Variables, The –f Option: Storing awk
programs in a File, The BEGIN and END Sections, Built-in Variables, Arrays, Functions, Control Flow-The
if Statement, Looping with for, looping with while.
13 Hrs
Text book:
1. Sumitabha Das, UNIX- Concepts and Applications, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. W Richard Stevens,Stephen A Rago: Advanced programming in the UNIX Environment, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education,2011.
Reference books:
Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F.Gilberg ,UNIX and Shell Programming A Textbook, First edition,
Thomson course Technology, 2005.
Kenneth Rosen, Douglas Host, James Farber and Richard Rosinski, The Complete Reference- UNIX,
Tata McGraw- Hill, Edition 2000.


Communication Skills – I
Course Code: 18HS003 LTPC: (0-0-2)1
Exam. Hours: 3 Hours / Week: 3
SEE: 50 Marks Total hours: 39

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
1. Understand the rules of spelling, pronunciation and accent and demonstrate the speaking skills
2. Draw conclusions, relate contents and make presentations using multimedia
Express ideas in essay structure that are clearly linked through cohesive paragraphs and
appropriate transitions
4. Apply writing and presentation skills to assignments of other courses

Course Contents:
Me - My Dreams – SMART Goals, Explanation of Goals, Action Planning, Talking about self, Writing
about self in 500 words, SWOT Analysis - SWOT through situations, Time management strategies and
application in a given situation, Essay Writing, Spotting difference in formal and informal writing &
Rewriting informal in formal form, Grammar - error corrections, Grammar exercises (application and
analysis). 12 Hrs
Rules of spelling/ pronunciation & Accent, Homophones, Homonyms - Academic Vocabulary/
Speaking Skills, Time Management - Time management strategies and application in a given situation.
Comprehensions - Reading comprehension for drawing inferences, skimming and scanning techniques.
9 Hrs
Understanding academic essay structure - Formal & Informal writing - Interpretation of graphs and
Report writing, Negotiations/ Conflict Management - Application of negotiation and conflict
management skills in a given situation, Power of Body Language - understanding body language,
Interpreting body language, Individual activities through solving problems given in worksheets.
9 Hrs
Taking and Giving directions – General & Academics, Giving and taking information - Writing process
of model making (any) writing directions to reach a destination by looking at picture, Presentation Skills
– Making academic presentations - Making power point presentations/ using multi-media. These sessions
will be student centered practical sessions imparted through language games, group activities, group
discussions based on video clippings. 9 Hrs
Evaluation: CIE–1 & 2 (20 marks each); Assignment–1 (10 marks) and SEE (50 Marks)

18CS307 – DATA STRUCTURES LAB (0-0-2) 1

Exam. Hours: 3 Hrs / week: 2
SEE: 50 Total hrs: 30
Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:

1. PO1,PO2,
Develop, design and document C programs to implement structures and pointers
2. Illustrate the concepts of data structures stack, queue, linked list and trees in C using static PO1,PO2,
or dynamic memory allocation and document them. PO3,PO9
3. Demonstrate the concept of recursion by developing recursive C programs and document PO1,PO2,
them. PO3,PO9

Practice Programs:( Self Learning Component)

Following set of programs are given for execution in lab, which will be helpful in understanding the
basics of programming and serves as base for execution of Exercise Programs. These programs are

not considered for CIE and SEE, but carries 10 marks that will be included with record marks.
1. Write a C program to find the maximum and minimum element in an array of n integers. Use
only pointers for referencing the array.
2. Write a C program to calculate the area of circle, square and rectangle using pointers.
3. Write a C program for Dynamic Memory allocation of 10 elements and find the largest element.
4. Write a C program to concatenate 2 strings and check if the second string is present in the first
5. Write a C program to add and subtract 2 polynomials of degree n.
6. Write a C program to represent a complex number using structure variable. Write user defined
functions that accept two complex numbers and finds their sum and difference.
7. Write a C function that checks if every element of array A is equal to corresponding element in
array B. That is the function must check if a[0]=b[0], a[1]=b[1] ……a[n]=b[n] . It is assumed
that A and B have equal number of elements. The function must accept only two pointer values
and the integer n representing number of elements. Function returns 0 for equal and nonzero for
8. Write a C program to create an array of structure where each structure holds the following
details of a student
USN Name Marks1 Marks2 Marks3
Non-zero 25 Characters Positive Positive Positive
Positive integer integer integer
Write necessary functions1) Input details for n students.(n is the parameter to be read) 2) To display
all the records created 3) To search for specific record based on the USN using pointers. In case the
required record is not found, suitable message should be displayed. Both the options in this case
must be demonstrated.
9. Define a structure Author with fields: First name, Middle name ans Last name. Using the above
structure, design another structure Book: ISBN, Author name, Book_Title, Price, Publisher, Edition.
Write a function to search a book given the Author name. Using the above function write a C
Program to store N books information and display the details of a book given the author name.

Exercise Programs:
Following set of programs are included in CIE and SEE, Students have to pick a program in
CIE and SEE.
1. Write a C program to construct a stack of integers and to perform the following operations on it.
a. Push
b. Pop
c. Display
The program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow, stack underflow and stack
2. Write a C program to convert and print a given valid parenthesized infix arithmetic expression to postfix
expression. The expression consists of single character operands and the binary operators + (plus), - (minus),
* (multiply) and / (divide).
3. Write a C program to evaluate a valid suffix/postfix expression-using stack. Assume that the suffix /
postfix expression is read as a single line consisting of non-negative single digit operands and binary
arithmetic operators. The arithmetic operators are +(ADD), -(SUBTRACT), *(MULTIPLY) and

4. Write a C program to implement a linear queue by initializing rear and front pointers.
5. Write a C program to implement a circular queue by initializing rear and front pointers.
6. Write a C program to implement a priority queue to add and delete the elements.
7. Write a C program to create a singly linked list and perform insertion, deletion and display
8. Write a C program to create and display an ordered linked list of integers.
9. Write a C program to create a doubly linked list and perform insertion, deletion and display
10. Write a C program to create a binary search tree and traverse the same in the three basic traversal
11. Write recursive C programs for the following:
 Searching an element on a given list of integers using the Binary search method.
 Solving the Towers of Hanoi problem.

18CS308- Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory (0-0-2) 1

Exam. Hours: 3 Hrs / week: 2
SEE: 50 Total hrs: 30
Course Outcomes (COs):
On the completion of this laboratory course, the students will be able to:
Demonstrate various Electronic Devices like Cathode ray Oscilloscope, Signal PO1,
1) generators, Digital Trainer Kit, Multimeters and components like Resistors, Capacitors, PO2,
Op amp and Integrated Circuit. PO9
Design and demonstrate various combinational logic circuits, counters and registers using PO1,
flip flops. PO2,
Implement and document the designed digital and analog circuits PO1,

Following set of programs are included in CIE and SEE, Students have to pick a program from lot
of 10 programs in CIE and SEE.

1. Realize a given expression using NAND gates.

2. Design and verify the Truth Table of 3-bit Parity Generator and 4- bit Parity Checker using basic
Logic Gates with an even parity bit.

3. Given any 4-variable logic expression, simplify using Entered Variable Map and realize the
simplified logic expression using 8:1 multiplexer

4. Design and implement the Full Adder and Full Subtractor using Decoder and other gates

5. Design and implement the BCD to Excess-3 code conversion and vice versa using 7483 ADDER

6. Design and verify the truth table of the J - K Master/ Slave Flip Flop using NAND gates.

7. Design and implement a Mod-N (N<8) Synchronous counter using J-K flip flops. Display the
result suitably.

8. Design and implement a 3-stage up/down counter that counts from a preset value using Decade
presettable counter ICs. Display the result suitably.

9. Design and Implementation of Shift Register using D Flip flop (IC 7474)

10. Generate a Ramp output waveform using DAC0800 (Inputs are given to DAC through IC74393
dual 4-bit binary counter).


Exam. Hours: 3 Hrs / week: 4
SEE: 50 Total hrs: 52

Course objective: The student will study the calculus of a complex valued function, correlation,
curve fitting of data and different probability distribution functions.
Course outcome:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
Apply the concepts of analytic functions, conformal mapping, complex integration
, singularities, residues to engineering oriented problems such as stability of a
Adopt statistical techniques such as correlation/regression, curve fitting to analyze
the data
Predict the probability of happening, through the concepts of random variables,
study the system applications, through the suitable pdf, sampling theory and
gain the capability to study the reliability of the system
Predict the behavior of Markov chain based problems in the long run and study
the correlation, covariance of random variables using joint PDF concept.

Course contents:
Statistics: Curve fitting by least square method – Straight lines, parabola, (when the experimental
output depends on one input) Correlation – Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation and Spearman’s
rank correlation coefficient. Physical interpretation of numerical value of the rank correlation
coefficient. Linear Regression analysis (when the experimental output depends on one input).
Illustrative examples from engineering field, Multiple regression analysis. (linear- when the
experimental output depends on two inputs) Probability: Discrete Random Variables: Definitions of
PDF & CDF, Expectation and Variance. Binominal and Poisson probability distribution functions.
Illustrative examples. 13 Hours
Continuous Random Variables: Definition of PDF and CDF, Expectation and Variance, illustrative
examples. Hyper geometric pdf, Uniform pdf, Exponential pdf, Normal/Gaussian pdf, discussion on
the choice of PDF. Illustrative examples from engineering field.
Sampling Distribution: Introduction, Testing a hypothesis, central limit theorem-statement, Level of
significance, Confidence limits, Simple sampling of attributes, Test of significance for large samples,
Comparison of large samples, Student’s t-distribution, Chi-square distribution and F- distribution.
Joint Probability Distribution & Stochastic Processes: Concept of joint probability, Joint distributions
of discrete random variables, Independent random variables – problems. Joint expectation, co-
variance and correlation.
Markov Chains: Introduction, stochastic matrices, fixed probability vectors and regular stochastic
Functions of a complex variable: Analytic functions. -Statement of Cauchy-Riemann equations in
Cartesian form and illustrative examples, Construction of an analytic function using Milne-Thomson
method (Cartesian form). Illustrative examples from eng. Field.
Harmonic functions and Conformal Mapping: Properties of Harmonic functions and Illustrative
examples (Cartesian form) Definition of Conformal transformation and discussion of simple
w  z2, w  ez , w  z  .
transformations ( z ) Bilinear transformation, Illustrative examples. Applications
of conformal mapping.
Complex Integration: – Evaluation of line integrals, Statement of Cauchy’s theorem, generalized
Cauchy’s Integral formula- illustrative examples. Brief introduction to Taylor and Lorentz series and
illustrative examples, Zeros of an analytic function, Singularities and Residues, Calculation of
residues, Evaluation of real definite integrals using Cauchy’s residue theorem.


Course Code: 18MA402 LTPC: (3-0-0)3

Exam. Hours: 3 Hours / Week: 3
SEE: 50 Marks Total hours: 40

Course Objective: To introduce several discrete structures which served / serves as a basis in the in
the development of theoretical computer science
Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:

COs Outcomes POs

Use logical notation to define and reason about fundamental

CO1 mathematical concepts such as sets, relations, functions, and PO1,PO2,PO3

CO2 Apply induction hypotheses, predicates and quantifiers concept PO1,PO2,PO3

in mathematical proofs

CO3 Solve problems of basic counting principles. PO1,PO2,PO3

Module 1

Set theory: Review of set operations, Statements of laws of set theory, Verification of set identities
using Venn diagrams and Membership table. Counting principles: Inclusion and Exclusion
Principle for 2 and 3 sets and rules of permutation and combinations.
10 Hrs
Module 2

Fundamentals of logic - I: Basic connectives and Truth tables. Logical equivalence, and Tautologies.
Methods of proof: Using rules of inference theory, method of direct and indirect proof. Mathematical
induction principle.
10 Hrs

Module 3
Relations - I: Cartesian products and relations, computer representation of a relation and directed graph,
properties of relations, equivalence relations, Equivalence classes and partition of a set. Relation - II:
Partial ordering relation, partially ordered set and totally ordered set. Hasse diagram. Minimal
element, maximal element, greatest element, least element, Least Upper Bound and Greatest Lower
Bound, Lattices and examples.
10 Hrs
Module 4

Function: Definition, various types of functions - Injective and Surjective functions, invertible
functions, function composition.Functions in computer science – Ceiling function, Floor function,
Characteristic function, Application of Stirling numbers of second kind. 10 Hrs

Text Book:
1. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, R C Grimaldi, Pearson’s publications, 5th
edition, 2007.
Reference book:
1 Discrete Mathematical Structures, by D. S. Malik & M. K. Sen, Thomson’s Publications, First
edition, 2006.


Course Code : 18CS403 LTPC: (3-1-0)4
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 4
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 52
Course Objective: Design and Develop java application programs using object-oriented concepts.

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
CO Statement POs
Describe object oriented concepts and illustrate them through suitable
1 PO1, PO2,PO3
java programs
Apply object oriented concepts to create user defined interfaces,
2 PO1, PO2,PO3
packages and exceptions.
3 Demonstrate java I/O system and create multi threaded programs PO2, PO3,

Object Oriented Concepts and Java: Concepts of object oriented programming language, Major and
minor elements, Object, Class, relationships among objects, message passing, inheritance, encapsulation,
and polymorphism. Difference between OOP and other conventional programming – advantages and
disadvantages of OOP. Java programming fundamentals – The Java Language, advantages of
java(java buzzwords) and applications, Java Development Kit (JDK), JVM, A first Simple program.
Introducing Data Types and Operators. Java’s Primitive Types, A Closer Look at Variables, The
Scope and Lifetime of Variables, operators, Shorthand Assignments, Type conversion in Assignments,
Using Cast, Operator Precedence, Expressions. Program Control Statements: Input characters from the
Keyword, if statement, Nested ifs, if-else-if Ladder, Switch Statement, Nested switch statements, for
Loop, Enhanced for Loop, While Loop, do-while Loop, Use break, Use continue, Nested Loops.
Introducing Classes, Objects and Methods: Class Fundamentals, How Objects are Created, Reference
Variables and Assignment, Methods, Returning from a Method, Returning Value, Using Parameters,
Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, The new operator Revisited, Garbage Collection. The this
Keyword. More Data Types and Operators: Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Alternative Array
Declaration Syntax, Assigning Array References, Using the Length Member, The For-Each Style for
Loop, Strings, The Bitwise operators.
13 Hrs
A Closer Look at Methods and Classes: Controlling Access to Class Members, Pass Objects to
Methods, How Arguments are passed, Returning Objects, Method Overloading, Overloading
Constructors, Recursion, Understanding Static, Introducing Nested and Inner Classes, Varargs: Variable-
Length Arguments. Inheritance: Inheritance Basics, Member Access and Inheritance, Constructors and
inheritance, Using super to C all Superclass constructors, Using super to Access Superclass Members,
Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When are Constructors Executed, Superclass References and Subclass
Objects, Method Overriding, Overridden Methods support polymorphism, Why overridden Methods,
Using Abstract Classes, Using final, The object class.
13 Hrs

Interfaces: Interface Fundamentals, Creating an Interface, Implementing an Interface, Using Interface
References, Implementing Multiple Interfaces, Constants in Interfaces, Interfaces can be extended,
Nested Interfaces, Final Thoughts on Interfaces. Packages: Package Fundamentals, Packages and
Member Access, Importing Packages, Static import. Exception Handling: The Exception Hierarchy,
Exception Handling Fundamentals, The Consequences of an Uncaught Exception, using Multiple catch
clauses, Catching subclass Exceptions, try blocks can be nested, Throwing an Exception, A Closer look at
Throwable, using finally, using throws, Java’s Built-in Exceptions, New Exception features added by
JDK 7, Creating Exception Subclasses.
13 Hrs
Multithreaded Programming: Multithreading fundamentals, The Thread Class and Runnable Interface,
Creating Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Determining When a Thread Ends, Thread Priorities,
Synchronization, using Synchronization Methods, The Synchronized Statement, Thread Communication
using notify(), wait() and notify All(), suspending, Resuming and stopping Threads. Exploring –
The I/O Classes and Interfaces, File, Autocloseable, Closeable and Flushable Interfaces, I/O Exceptions,
The Stream Classes, The Byte Streams, The Character Streams, The Console Class.
13 Hrs

Text Book:
1. Java Fundamentals, A comprehensive Introduction by Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien.Tata McGraw

HillEdition 2013 (Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12)
2. Java –The complete Reference, by Herbert Schildt Eight Edition Tata Mcgraw Hill Education
( Chapter 19).

Reference Books:
1. Programming in JAVA2 by Dr K Somasundaram ,Jaico publications
2. Java Programming by Hari Mohan Pandey, Pearson Education, 2012.
3. Deitel and Deitel – "Java How to Program" – 6th Ed. – Pearson.



Course Code : 18CS404 LTPC: (4-0-0)4
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 4
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 52
Course Objective:
Students should be capable of designing algorithms using suitable algorithm design method
and mathematically analyze it

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to
CO Statement POs
Apply analysis framework to perform mathematical analysis of recursive
1. PO1,PO2
and non recursive algorithms
Capable of designing and analyzing searching, sorting, graph traversal
2. and combinatorial objects generation algorithms using brute force, PO1,PO2,PO3
Divide and conquer Decrease and conquer & Transform and conquer
Can use techniques that spares more space for saving run time like input
3. PO1,PO2,PO3
enhancement & dynamic programming
Apply techniques that help cope up with limitation of algorithm power
4. PO1,PO2,PO3
like backtracking & branch and bound
5. Using parallel algorithms for solving the given problem PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4

Introduction : Notion of Algorithm, Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving, Fundamentals
of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Analysis Framework, Asymptotic Notations and Basic
efficiency classes, Mathematical analysis of Recursive and Non-recursive algorithms, Examples.
Brute Force : Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search and String Matching, Exhaustive
Search; Divide-and-Conquer Mergesort, Quicksort 13 Hours

Divide-and-Conquer(contd.) - Binary tree Traversals and related properties, Multiplication of large
integers, Strassen's Matrix Multiplication. Decrease-and-Conquer Insertion Sort, Depth First and
Breadth First Search.Topological Sorting, Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial Objects.
Transform-and-Conquer Presorting, Heaps and Heapsort, Problem Reduction 13 Hours
Space and Time Tradeoffs Sorting by Counting, Input Enhancement in String Matching, Hashing.
Dynamic Programming :Computing binomial coefficient, Warshall's Algorithm, Floyd's Algorithms,
The Knapsack Problem and Memory Functions. Greedy Technique Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's
Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Huffman Trees. 13 Hours
Limitations of Algorithm Power Lower-bound Arguments, Decision Trees, P, NP and NP-
Complete Problems. Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking, Branch-and-
Bound, Approximation Algorithms for NP-hard problems. PRAM ALGORITHMS: Introduction,
Computational Model, Parallel Algorithms for Prefix Computation, List Ranking, and Graph
Problems. 13 Hours
Text Book:
1. Anany Levitin, Introduction to The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2012.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,
2nd Edition, University press, 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Coremen T.H., Leiserson C. E., and Rivest R. L., Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition ,
PHI, 2015.
2. R.C.T. Lee, S.S. Tseng, R.C. Chang & Y.T.Tsai, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of
Algorithms A Strategic Approach, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.



Course Code : 18CS405 LTPC: (4-0-0)4

Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 4

SEE : 100 Marks Total hours : 52

Course Objective: To make familiar with importance and applications of microcontrollers and
embedded systems.
Course Outcomes (COs)
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to :
1. Analyze the concepts of ARM embedded system and its components PSO1
2. Design ARM based Assembly Language Programs to solve problems PO1
3. Demonstrate different embedded systems and its applications PSO1,PO2,PO3
4. Develop embedded programs using IDE PO1, PO2

Course Contents:
ARM Embedded Systems: microprocessors, microcontrollers, microprocessors v/s
microcontrollers, RISC v/s CISC, Harvard v/s Von-neumann processor, Big-endian v/s Little-
endian processors, Load store operation, The ARM Design Philosophy, Embedded System
Hardware, Embedded System Software.
ARM Processor Fundamentals: Registers, Current Program Status Register, Pipeline,
Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table, Core Extensions-cache and tightly coupled memory
13 Hrs
Introduction to the ARM Instruction Set: Data Processing Instructions-move, barrel shifter,
arithmetic, logical, comparison, multiply. Branch Instructions, Load-store instructions-single
register transfer, single register load-store addressing modes, multiple register transfer, stack
operations, swap instruction. Program Status Register Instructions, Loading Constants,
conditional execution. Introduction to Embedded Systems: What is an embedded system?,
Embedded Vs General computing system, Classification of Embedded systems, Major
applications and purpose of ES 13 Hrs
Memory, Sensors, Actuators, LED, 7 segment LED display, stepper motor, Keyboard, Push
button switch, Embedded firmware. RTOS and IDE for Embedded System Design: operating
system basics, Types of operating systems, integration of hardware and firmware-out of circuit
programming, ISP, IAP, use of factory programmed chip firmware loading.
13 Hrs
Embedded system Development Environment – Block diagram, disassemble/decompile,
simulators, emulators and debugging. Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded
Systems: characteristics of an embedded system, Operational and non-operational quality
attributes, Embedded Systems Application and Domain specific, Hardware Software Co-Design
and computational models in Embedded design, embedded firmware design and development
13 Hrs

Text Books:
1. ARM system developers guide, Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris Wright,
Elsevier,Morgan Kaufman publishers, 2008. (1.1 to 1.4, 2.1 to 2.5.1, 3.1 to 3.3, 3.5 to 3.6
(Excluding 3.5.1, 3.5.2),3.8)
2. Shibu K V, “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, Private Limited,
2nd edition
(1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.3, 2.5, 3, 4, 7.1, 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13.3, 13.4)
Reference Books:
1. The Insider’s Guide to the ARM7 Based Microcontrollers, Hitex Ltd.,1st edition, 2005
2. Steve Furber, ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, Second Edition, Pearson, 2015
3. Raj Kamal, Embedded System, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2008
4. Ragunandan, An Introduction to ARM System Design, Cengage Publication


Course Code : 18CS406 LTPC: (3-0-0)3
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 3
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 40

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:

1) Apply software process models for a given software project PO1,PO2
Exercise the role of software project management including planning, scheduling PO1,PO11
&risk management
3) Create software requirements and the SRS document PO1,PO2
4) Explore different software architectural styles PO3,PO5
5) Exercise approaches to verification and validation of a software product PO3,PO5

Course Contents:

Introduction : Professional software development, Software engineering Ethics, Case studies Software
processes Software process models, Process activities Coping with change. The RU process.
Requirements Engineering: Functional and non-functional requirements, the software requirements
document, requirements specification, requirements engineering processes, requirements elicitation and
analysis, requirements validation

Requirements management. System modeling: Context models interaction Models, Structural models,
Behavioral models model-driven engineering Software testing: Development testing
Test-driven development Release testing, User testing. Software evolution: Evolution processes Program
evolution dynamics. Software maintenance, Legacy system management
Dependability and security Dependability properties, Availability and Reliability, Safety, Security
Component-based software engineering CBSE Process
Component composition, Project management: risk management, Managing People, teamwork
Quality Management Software quality, software standards, reviews and Inspections, software
Agile software development Agile Methods, plan-drive and agile development, extreme programming
Agile project management, scaling agile methods and metrics

Text Book:
Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Person Education Ltd., 9th Edition, 2013.
Reference Books:
Roger.S.Pressman, “Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach”, McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition,


Course Code : 18CS407 LTPC: (0-0-2)1
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 2
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 30

Course Objective: Students will be able to write programs in java using suitable algorithm
design technique and analyze them.
Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to:
Design and implement programs using java through suitable algorithm design
1. methods like brute force, greedy method, divide and conquer, dynamic programming,
backtracking, searching, sorting.
Documentation of various algorithms and deriving their complexity
2. PO10


Following set of programs are given for execution in lab, which will be helpful in understanding the
basics of programming and serves as base for execution of Exercise Programs. These programs are not
considered for CIE and SEE, but carries 10 marks that will be included with record marks.
Practices the following Programs before executing the corresponding programs of Exercise Part.

a. Write a java program to print the following triangle.

b. Write a recursive method countdown () that takes integer parameter and prints values
from n down to 0 one per line and then prints “BLAST OFF”.
c. Create a Varargs method that is capable of handling arrays of different data types.
d. Write java program to demonstrate inheritance, Overloading & Overriding
e. Write a java program to create user defined exception.
f. Write a java program to demonstrate the use of static import.
g. Sort a given set of elements using selection sort method.


Following set of programs are included in CIE and SEE, Students have to pick a program
from lot of programs in CIE and SEE

Write and execute program in Java for the following

1. Sort a given set of n integer elements using Quick Sort method and compute its time
2. Sort a given set of n integer elements using Merge Sort method and compute its time
3. Sort a given set of elements using Heap sort method.
4. Implement in Java, the 0/1 Knapsack problem using
(a) Dynamic Programming method (b) Greedy method
5. To find shortest paths to all other vertices from a given vertex in a weighted connected
graph, using Dijkstra's algorithm.
6. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given connected undirected graph using
Kruskal's algorithm.
7. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given connected undirected graph using Prim's
8. Implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths problem using Floyd's algorithm.
Implement Binomial coefficient using Dynamic programming.
9. Design and implement a program in Java to find a subset of a given set S = {Sl,
S2,.....,Sn} of n positive integers whose SUM is equal to a given positive integer d. For
example, if S ={1, 2, 5, 6, 8} and d= 9, there are two solutions {1,2,6}and {1,8}. Display
a suitable message, if the given problem instance doesn't have a solution
10. Print all nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method
Check whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.
11. Implement Hors pool algorithm for string matching.

Course Code : 18CS408 LTPC: (0-0-2)1
Exam Hours : 3 Hours / Week : 2
SEE : 50 Marks Total hours : 30

Course Objective:
To make the students Develop and test Assembly Language Program (ALP) using

Course Outcomes (COs)

Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to :
COs Statement POs
1 Develop and document ALP using the software tool KEIL. PO1,PO5
Develop interfacing programs using ARM7 microcontroller and PO1,PO5
document them.

Course Contents:
Following set of Experiments are included in CIE and SEE, Students have to pick one
Experiment from PART-A and one Experiment from PART-B.

Conduct the following experiments by writing Assembly Language Program (ALP) using
ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 using an evaluation board/simulator and the required software tool.
1. Write an ALP to find the sum of first 10 integer numbers.
2. Write an ALP to find factorial of a number.
3. Write an ALP to find the square of a number (1 to 10) using look-up table.
4. Write an ALP to add an array of 16 bit numbers and store the 32 bit result in internal RAM
5. Write an ALP to count the number of ones and zeros in two consecutive memory locations
15 Hrs
Conduct the following experiments on an ARM7TDMI/LPC2148 evaluation board using
evaluation version of Embedded 'C' & Keil Uvision-4 tool/compiler.

1. Up-Down Counter on the Logic Controller Interface.

2. Display messages FIRE and HELP alternately on a 7-segment display interface.
3. Drive a Stepper Motor interface to rotate the motor in specified direction (Clockwise or
Counter-Clockwise) by N steps. Introduce suitable delay between successive steps. (Any
arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student).
4. Sine Wave using DAC interface (The output of the DAC is to be displayed on the CRO).

Scan a 4X4 keypad for key pressed and display the key pressed on LCD screen.

This Activity will not be evaluated in SEE and carries 10 marks in the CIE.
15 Hrs


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