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Student Name : Shiroya Ankitkumar Dilipbhai

Student ID : 202001176
Unit : PRJ5106 Research Methodology and Data Analysis
Assignment 2 : Research Design
Tutor/Lecturer : Dr. Tas Adam
Campus : Melbourne
Table of Contents
Key words:..............................................................................................................................................3
Rationale of research design:....................................................................................................................3
Research Design:.......................................................................................................................................4
Conceptual framework:............................................................................................................................5
Data collection (Elsbach and Kramer, 2015):..........................................................................................6
Data analysis:.............................................................................................................................................7
Ethical Consideration:..............................................................................................................................8
This research is aimed to address to find out the solution for choosing the appropriate innovation
model for the contemporary organization in the field of technological area. The aim to do
research this research is to achieve the competitive advantages and growth. The research is
carried by the qualitative research method. The research is carried on the major technological
firm which has great success in their business model. The key issue of the modern organization
is to stay in very aggressive competition. To tackle this problem, the organization often go with
the various approaches, but the most popular way is the adopting innovation practices into
business model. Innovation models contrast the firm from the rest of the firm. However, the open
innovation model is very well able to achieve the competitive benefits and growth to the firm.
despite of any other innovation model. This conclusion is obtained by the qualitative research
approach on the various firm and interview approaches. Final conclusion of the research based
on the evidence is that open innovation model is the better approach in the 21 st century and it is
also helping firm to expand their working sector. A well adopted innovation model can help to
solve the external varieties face by the organization and resolve the competition.

Key words: contemporary organization, open innovation, best innovation model, contemporary
organization’s challenges

Rationale of research design:

The qualitative research is an example of the formal and explicitly control mechanism which
used to solve the modern organization problem. The research is based on the various literature,
interviews etc. The qualitative research is focused on the output of the various research sources
and behaviors of the research sources (Patton, 1990). Other research methods like quantitative
research approaches are not good enough to make research because that research approaches are
based on the numerical study rather to deep reflection of various case study. Here the case study,
interview and literature review have crucial role to find out the desired output of the research
(Dowling et al., 2015). Literature review has paid some attention to qualitative approach to solve
the innovation models problem (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2012). Most of the literature review were
focused on the qualitative based approach. This research has no inclusion of any numerical data
or numerical measure and no numbers hence qualitative research were not the best option to
carry out the research. Qualitative analysis focuses on analyzing people's experiences from a
social context using a range of qualitative data collection methods, including interviews, social
questions, polls and surveys. The outcome of qualitative analysis appears to be primarily
analytical. In order to carry out an in-depth analysis of some social or business phenomenon
based on the view of the participants, the proper incorporation of qualitative studies is necessary.
Qualitative analysis aims to create substantive connections between the researcher and the
ordinary people, promoting a greater interpretation of their environment and presenting the
findings in terms of a qualitative approach (Haverkamp and Young, 2007). One of the major
reason for choosing a qualitative approach to analysis is the versatility and efficiency of data
collection. Qualitative research approach offers several methods for gathering researchers own
knowledge using a variety of resources. It is also incredibly accurate, because researchers may
gather their own data and use data from their co-researchers to control the validity of their data
(Luborsky and Rubinstein, 1995). In addition, triangulation methodology helps researchers to use
many ways to capture the same data and hence to improve their reliability. There are many
methods of data collection available for qualitative approaches which substantially eliminate the
scope of errors and error rates (Long, 2005). It also improves the perception and analysis of
qualitative knowledge.

Research Design:
To explore the modern organization challenges and their solution in present time, I have adopted
the multi case qualitative research design. However, a single case approach will limited to
provide a limited information on the research, the collection of rich and accurate data is possible
with the multi case research design and it is also provide an opportunity to add pivotal
knowledge and theory on the problem (Gaya and Smith, 2016). Case based research approach are
suitable when the previous research has provided the evidence as with the current research topic
of innovation model selection on the technological domain. Therefore, using the qualitative case
study approach offers a prospect of generating the deep understanding of the impact of the aspect
of the various innovation model relationship and which is the best for the modern organization in
the field of the technological domain (Baxter and Jack, 2008). I have decided to carry the
research based on the case study approach, there is a specific research method for the selection of
the case study.

The first stage is the observation (Baker, 2006): I am going to record some local business details
which I heard from the journal and then post briefly with their strength and weakness. This will
give a basic criteria for choosing the case study. For example, which points needs to be add to
criteria to find the accurate result or not.

The second stage is the interview (Byrne, 2001): I will ask the few question to the local
representative to full proof the scope and avoid the scope breaching of the research. Now, I have
two kind of data. One is from the case study and second is the interview from the local
representative of the firm.

The Third stage is the group focus stage (Kitzinger, 1995): Based on the third stage I have
selected the two-case study, one from the Apple and another from the Samsung. Based on this
case study, I will arrange the small group discussion. Where the participants are randomly
selected to find the accurate result. Then, record the new derived theories and compare it with the
existing literature review to compare the accuracy of the model.

The fourth approach is survey (Granello and Wheaton, 2004): I will carry a random survey on
the basis on my selected case study and ask the innovation related question to the random people.
Then record their response.

The fifth approach is the secondary stage: Now, I have data from the interviews, focus group
discussion and survey and finding from the literature. I have compared the various theories and
then conclude the findings.

Conceptual framework:
I have used the Grounded Theory model for investigate the research problem.

The model is grounded theory model. This model is selected by me because the problem of
selection of innovation model is faced by all firms and each firms are handling in different way,
but which way is the best (Bitsch, 2005).

This conceptual model involved the data collection from the various interviews, observation,
record interview or combination of it. I have used three different approach for this model.
Data collection:

Interviews (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2010): I have collected data from the interview method and the
person are who is working in the any kind of technological firm and must have more than 5 years
of experience. I have recorded data from them and prepare a notes.

Observation (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2010): I have observed the local news based on the
technological firm or various article that quote about the challenges are faced by the firm on the
innovation model. then, prepare a short note on those articles.

Record interview (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2010): I have invited a local Samsung and Apple
executive for interview and asked few question related to their business model and how their
works. What is the challenge they are facing at a present. Then makes a short note on that.

Data Analysis (Grbich, 2012):

Concept formation: I have collected data from the above three method and then I will do research
by myself on the various literature review. This help me to derive a concept that how the entire
technology industry follows a trend and what are the impact of it (Grbich, 2012).

Concept development: I have reducing the various common problem from the research and select
the sampling approach for do research on the quality and credible literature review. Then
compare all data and prepare note and with the help of NVivo tools I will combine all theories
and develop conclusion of finding.

Concept modification and integration: I will be final for review on all theories and each details
then if necessary, then do changes and integrate to theory.

Finally, I will publish the outcome with the evidence and example which I found from the

Data collection (Elsbach and Kramer, 2015):

I have basically used the five data collection method for the carry the investigation.

Observation: I am going to record some local business details which I heard from the journal and
then post briefly with their strength and weakness. This will give a basic criteria for choosing the
case study. For example, which points needs to be add to criteria to find the accurate result or

Interview: I will ask the few question to the local representative of Samsung and apple to full
proof the scope and avoid the scope breaching of the research. The asked question is my research
question and sub research question and some question based on the research objective. Now, I
have two kind of data. One is from the case study and second is the interview from the local
representative of the firm.

The group focus stage: I have selected the two-case study from Samsung and Apple, one from
the Apple and another from the Samsung. Based on this case study, I will arrange the small
group discussion. Where the participants are randomly selected to find the accurate result. Then,
record the new derived theories and compare it with the existing literature review to compare the
accuracy of the model.

Survey: I will carry a random survey on the basis on my selected case study and ask the
innovation related question to the random people. Then record their response. These people are
from the technological background and having more than 3 years of experience.

Literature review: Now, I have data from the interviews, focus group discussion and survey and
finding from the literature. I have compared the various theories and then conclude the findings.

Data analysis:
Once all data is collected, I will perform the Data analysis by the use of NVivo data analysis
tool. With the help of this tools I will be able to set the data, do data grouping and data shaping,
to avoid data ambiguity and make more clear conclusive evidence (Bazeley and Jackson, 2013).

First, I will understand the virtual information like trends, graphs and any other information
related to research problem. Then, I will understand the textual information which help me to
understand the information related literature review. Then compare my results and the facts
which I have got from the literature and build up the network and then do the study.

Quality criteria for research:

The basic and important Quality research criteria will be followed by the research is the 1)
worthy topic; (2) rich rigor; (3) sincerity; (4) credibility; (5) resonance; (6) significant
contribution; (7) ethics and; (8) meaningful coherence (Bryman et al., 2008).

1 Worthy topic: The selected topic is worth because many firm are facing the innovation
problem, and which resulted to scumble of the research. hence, investigate in this research topic
must be needed.

2 Rich rigor: The data used in the research are sufficient, abundant, appropriate and complex.
The data are will appropriate evidence.

3 Sincerity: The derived research is based on the evidence, there is no involvement of any
hypothetical idea.

4 Credibility: The selected article is from the A to B plus Journal article with the issued date and
from the reputable author and publisher.

5 Resonance: The research is based on the important ontological and epistemological

counterpoint to the postpositivist stance of objective analysis.

6 Significant Contribution: The research is followed the significant contribution from myside,
and it is not te other findings.

7 Ethical: The research follows ethical consideration during data collection.

8 Meaningful coherence: The research is referring to overall consistency, soundness and

rationality of the research.

Ethical Consideration:
This research is carried under all ethical consideration.

Informed consent: The participant involved in the research are fully informed with the research
and where this research will use, what are the adverse impact, who can access to this finding
etcetera (Miller and Boulton, 2007).

Do not harm: This research does not include any physical or physiological or financial harm to
participant (Munhall, 1988).
Confidentiality: The identified information like age, name etcetera will be excluded from the
research report.

Anonymity: All participants involved in the research are remain unknown in the research and
generally known as the Engineer (Wiles et al., 2008).

Only assess the relative component: The participant involved in the research only allows to
access their relative component to stay focus and maintain the privacy.

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