K. Nutrition and Digestion
K. Nutrition and Digestion
K. Nutrition and Digestion
Nutrients - substances obtained from the environment that organisms need for growth
and survival
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Proteins
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water
- Broken down by digestion to their subunits, which are used during cellular respiration
A calorie - the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius
Food calorie content is measured in units of 1,000 calories (kcal) known as Calories
The average human burns 70 Calories per hour at rest, and up to 20 Calories per minute
during exercise
People differ in metabolic rate - the speed at which cellular reactions that release
energy will occur
When an animal’s diet provides more energy than it expends, most of the excess
carbohydrates and fats are stored as body fat
- Stored fat does not accumulate water and so more energy can be stored per unit of
weight from fats than from other molecules
Fat deposits also provide insulation for animals living in cold environments - seals,
whales, walruses
Body Mass Index (BMI) a common tool for estimating a healthy weight
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that about 33% of all U.S. adults
are overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9) and an addition 33% are obese (BMI of 30 or more)
Essential nutrients
Our cells can synthesize most of the molecules our bodies require, but they cannot
synthesize certain raw materials, called essential nutrients, which must be supplied in
the diet
Essential Nutrients for humans include certain fatty acids, amino acids, a variety of minerals,
vitamins, and water
Essential fatty acids
Fats and oils provide a source of energy and essential fatty acids
Essential fatty acids serve as raw materials used to synthesize molecules in a wide range
of physiological activities
- They help us absorb fat-soluble vitamins, are important in cell division, fetal
development, and immune response
- Sources of essential fatty acids are fish oils, canola oil, soybean oil, flaxseed, walnuts
Amino Acids
Protein from food is broken down into its amino acid subunits, which can be used to
synthesize new proteins
Protein functions in the body - act as enzymes, receptors on cell membranes, oxygen
transport molecules, structural proteins, antibodies, muscle proteins
- Fatigue
- Hair changes
Minerals - elements that play a role in animal nutrition and can only be obtained in diet
or drinking water
- Sodium, calcium, and potassium - needed for muscle contraction and nerve impulses
Animals also require trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, copper, and chromium
Vitamins - organic molecules that animals require in small amounts for normal cell
function, growth, and development
Vitamins are required for the proper functioning of enzymes that control metabolic
reactions in the body
Vitamins are essential nutrients that the body cannot synthesize and must be obtained
in the diet
They are grouped into two categories: water soluble or fat soluble
Water-soluble vitamins
Each vitamin participates in several metabolic processes so the deficiency of one vitamin
can have wide-ranging effects
- For example, folic acid is required to synthesize thymine, a nucleotide; folic acid
deficiency impairs cell division
Important for pregnant women to get enough folic acid to supply a rapidly growing fetus
Folic acid deficiency leads to a reduction in red blood cells and anemia
• Pellagra is a disease caused by low levels of niacin, also known as vitamin B-3. It’s
marked by dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis, also known as “the three Ds”. If left
untreated, pellagra can be fatal.
• Symptoms
- Dermatitis
- Dementia
- diarrhea
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A is used to synthesize the light-capturing molecule in the retina of the eye
All metabolic reactions occur in solution, and water participates directly in hydrolysis
reactions that break down proteins, carbohydrates, fats
Water is the principal component of saliva, blood, lymph, extracellular fluid, and
cytoplasmic fluid
Digestion - the process that physically and chemically breaks down food, accomplished
by digestive systems
- Takes in food and digests complex molecules into simpler molecules that can be used by the
Ingestion: Food is brought into the digestive tract through an opening, usually a mouth
Mechanical digestion: Food is physically broken down into smaller pieces that have a
greater surface area, allowing digestive enzymes to attack them more efficiently
Chemical digestion: Digestive chemicals and enzymes break down large food molecules
into smaller subunits
Absorption: The small subunits are transported out of the digestive tract through cells
lining the digestive tract to the blood for use by body cells
Sponges are permanently attached to rocks, circulating seawater and food particles
through pores in their bodies
Collar cells engulf food particles in the water and ingest them using phagocytosis,
forming a food vacuole
The food vacuole fuses with a lysosome, a packet of digestive enzymes within the cell
that breaks down the food into smaller molecules
Indigestible material is expelled from the cell and sponge through a large opening in the
body wall
Extracellular digestion
All other types of animals evolved a chamber within the body in which chunks of food
are broken down by enzymes outside the cells, a process called extracellular digestion
A sac with one opening is the simplest digestive system, and is found in the cnidarians
such as sea anemones, Hydra, and sea jellies
Gastrovascular Cavity
Gastrovascular cavity - a single opening at one end that acts as both a mouth and an
Food is captured by stinging tentacles that bring food to the mouth and into the
gastrovascular cavity
Gland cells lining the gastrovascular cavity release enzymes and digest the prey
Nutritive cells lining the cavity then absorb the nutrients, and food particles are
engulfed by phagocytosis
Further digestion occurs within the vacuoles in the nutritive cells and undigested wastes
are expelled through the mouth
Tubular digestive systems
Specialized regions within the tube physically grind up the food and enzymatically break
it down, absorbing the nutrients, and expelling the wastes through the anus
As it burrows the worm ingests soil through the esophagus, a muscular tube leading
from the mouth to the crop, an expandable sac where food is stored
The food is released into the gizzard, where sand grains and muscular contractions grind
it into smaller particles
In the intestine, enzymes breaks down food particles, producing small molecules that
are absorbed into the worm’s body
- Carnivores -wolves, cats, seals, and predatory birds - eat other animals
- Herbivores - eat only plants - seed-eating birds, deer, camels, cows, many rodents such
as mice
- Omnivores - humans, bears, and raccoons - eat both animals and plants
The teeth of omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores are adapted to their diet
- Omnivores, like humans, have flat incisors for shearing food, small canines, and large
premolars and molars for crushing and grinding
- Carnivores have enlarged canines for stabbing and tearing flesh, and molars and
premolars with sharp edges for shearing through tendon and bone
- Herbivores have reduced canines but large incisors for snipping plants, and big,
flattened premolars and molars for grinding plant material
The food passes through a muscular esophagus and enters the crop, which stores and
moistens the food
The food enters the stomach, the first chamber secretes protein-digesting enzymes, and
the second chamber (a thick- walled, muscular chamber) grinds the food
Pulverized food particles are released to the small intestine, where they are further
digested and nutrients absorbed
Ruminant herbivores are able to break down cellulose and extract nutrients from tough
plant matter
These animals have elaborate digestive systems that house microorganisms able to
break down cellulose
Ruminants have multiple stomach chambers that contribute to the digestion of plant
- The first chamber is the rumen, which houses microorganisms that use enzymes to
break down and ferment cellulose and other carbohydrates
- The plant material enters the reticulum, where it is formed into a cud that is
regurgitated, chewed, and swallowed back into the rumen
- The partially digested plant material enters the omasum where water, salts, and some
small organic molecules are absorbed
- Plant material is then passed to the abomasum, where acid and protein- digesting
enzymes begin protein digestion
Most of the products of digestion are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine
Small intestine
- Because cellulose is difficult to digest, herbivore intestines are long, to allow more time
for nutrient absorption
- Carnivore intestines are relatively short because proteins are easy to digest
In frogs the herbivorous tadpole has a long small intestine, but the carnivorous
frog intestine shortens to one-third its tadpole length
The human digestive system, which is adapted for processing a wide variety of foods,
provides a good example of the mammalian digestive system
Pharynx: Shared digestive and Liver: Secretes bile (also has many
respiratory passage non-digestive functions)
Epiglottis: Directs food down the Gallbladder: Stores bile from the
esophagus liver
Pancreas: Secretes pH buffers and Stomach: Breaks down food and
several digestive enzymes begins protein digestion
It dissolves some molecules, acids and sugars, exposing them to taste buds on tongue, which
helps to identify the type and quality of food
The epiglottis folds over the larynx (leads to the trachea and the lungs) keeps swallowed
food from entering the trachea
The esophagus conducts food to the stomach, mechanical and chemical digestion
Muscles surrounding the esophagus produce waves of muscular contraction, called peristalsis,
which propel food to the stomach and though the rest of the digestive tract
Food is held in the stomach by two rings of circular muscles, called sphincter muscles
- The sphincter at the top, the lower esophageal sphincter, keeps food and acid from
sloshing up into the esophagus
- A second sphincter, the pyloric sphincter, separates the lower portion of the stomach
from the upper small intestine, regulating the passage of food into the small intestine
Four functions of the stomach
1. It stores food and gradually releases it into the small intestine at a rate that allows the
small intestine to completely digest the food and absorb the nutrients
3. It begins protein breakdown using secretions from gastric glands, clusters of specialized
epithelial cells that line the stomach
- Hydrochloric acid (HCl) gives the stomach an acidic pH of 1 – 3 which destroys many
microbes swallowed along with food
The stomach’s acidity converts inactive pepsinogen into pepsin, its active form
Food in the stomach is converted to chyme, a mixture of partially digested food and
stomach secretions
Peristaltic waves move the chyme toward the small intestine
Small intestine
The small intestine - a long, narrow tube that receives food from the stomach
The main functions are to chemically digest food into small molecules and to absorb
these molecules into the body
Most fat and carbohydrate digestion occurs in the small intestine, and protein digestion
started in the stomach is completed here
After the stomach releases chyme into the small intestine, chemical digestion is
accomplished with the aid of enzymes and other digestive secretions from three
- The liver
- The pancreas
The liver and gallbladder provide bile which helps break down fats
Lipid-digesting enzymes from the pancreas, called lipases, are able to attack the fat
molecules due to the increased surface area for digestion produced by emulsification
The other secretes pancreatic juice, a digestive secretion that is released into the small
intestine through the pancreatic duct
Digestive enzymes
- Small intestinal cells have microscopic projections or microvilli that increase the surface
area for absorption and release enzymes that complete the digestion process
The small intestine has numerous folds with fingerlike projections, called villi, on its
surface to increase absorptive surface area
Each villus cell has many microvilli that increase surface area even more
Movement in the small intestine
After absorption is complete, peristaltic waves conduct the leftovers into the large
- Each intestinal villus contains capillaries and lymph vessels, called lacteals, that are
responsible for the collection of absorbed nutrients that pass across the intestinal cells
Nutrients are absorbed into intestinal cells by diffusion or active transport, and then
diffuses from the cell to the bloodstream
Fats are absorbed into the lacteals as chylomicrons, which then enter lymphatic
capillaries that lead to the bloodstream
Large intestine
Water is absorbed and feces are formed in the large intestine
- The large intestine is about 5 feet long and 2.5 inches wide; most is called the colon, the
last 6 inches is the rectum
The feces is transported by peristaltic contractions to the rectum, which expands and
stimulates defecation
- The large intestine contains bacteria that consume unabsorbed nutrients and synthesize
vitamins such as vitamin B12, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin K
Control of Digestion
The nervous system responds to sensory input, such as sight, smell, taste, and even
thought of food
Signals from the brain act on the salivary glands and other parts of the digestive system,
preparing it to digest and absorb food
Hormones secreted by the digestive system enter the bloodstream and circulate
through the body, acting on receptors within the digestive tract
For example, the amino acids and peptides in chime stimulate cells in the stomach lining
to release gastrin into the bloodstream
Gastrin stimulates further acid secretion in the stomach, which promotes protein
When the pH of the stomach reaches a high level of acidity, this inhibits gastrin
secretion, which in turn inhibits further acid production
Two additional hormones are released by cells of the duodenum in response to the
acidity and nutrients in chyme, particularly peptides and fats
These hormones help regulate the chemical environment within the small intestine, and
the rate at which chyme enters, promoting optimal digestion and absorption of