RSMSSB JEN Previous Question Paper For JEN Mechanical Diploma Exam 2016

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)(~ ~ i ~/ESTION BOOKLET ~ ~~cm/

SR.No .
• /C\)BE: 12
Number of Pages in Booklet: 32
~ il ~~;{fetl ~ /
Number of Questions in Booklet: 120
~--------------------- ~ / Maximum Marks: 120
wrn / Time: 2.00 ~ / Hours

1. Answer all questions.

1. '~1'4t lT~~ cf; \3"iR ~ I


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I 5. Each question has four alternative responses marked 5. ~ lT~'l cf; 'i'lR ~ \3"iR f?;it 'lit ~, ~ w:r~T:

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L Do~;~es7h::; :~;: a:::~~.

12 - .:. 111111 1lllllli~llllli 1111111111111111 1
1) From where is the source for the various 'Lay-Bags' which were charged from the peasants?
1) u~-'Copperplate (1535 A.D) 2) Cakli Copperplate (1483 AD)
3) Kheroda Copperplate (1437 A.D) 4) Ahar Copperplate (1206 AD)

1) ~ B~ ctt \JfA crrffi ~ ffiTf-GIl'iT Cf,T ~ fctBii ~ 1?Rrr %7

1) ~ ~ 1535~. 2) ~ ~ 1483~.
3) @OO ~ 1437 t 4) .~ ~ 1206 t

2) Which code does not match?

1) J aisalmer - Maand 2) Udaipur - Mewal
3) Pratapgarh - Kaanthal 4) Jhallawar, Tonk - Maalav

2) ~ ?fC (code) ~ .,m %7

1) Jlfl~il{ - ~ 2) ~ - itcwT
3) !:Ictlq111p - ~ 4) ~1~lqI9 iiCfl - 11WfCr

3) The intention of Guru Vishwa Roop related to Paashupath sect to found in :-

1) Harsh Parwat Inscription (975 A.D)
2) Ranakpur Prashasti (1439 AD)
3) Bijolia Inscription (1170 A.D)
4) Saarneshwar Prashasti (953 AD)

1) ~ qcfu- cnr ~wrWmr 975 t 2) ~ >f!?Tful1439~.

3) ~\ii18l'Q1~ 1170~. 4) ~!?CR >f~Tful953~.

4) The ornament 'Tedhar' is worn on :-

1) On the heads of women 2) On the feet of the women
3) On the hands of the women 4) On the ears of the women

4) '~~' ~ ~ \ifRfT %-
1) fun:iT $ ft:R 1:1( 2) ~ $ tm if
3) ff;r:IT $ ~tiT if 4) ~ $ C5At if
5) Who is the author of 'Mayad Ro Helo' ?
1) Meghraj Mukul 2) Kesri singh
3) Murari Daan 4) Kanhiya Lal Sethia

12 - .:. 3
5)'~ iT ~' ~'1T fchu-;;; WmIT?

1) ir~ ~ 2) m 1m;
3) ~{Ifkd"l 4) ~ ~ B"RAT
6) Which code matches :-
1) Hammir Mahakavya - Jaichand suri
2) Prithviraj Vijaya - Chand Bardai
3) Radha Vallabh - Mandan
4) Gun Rupak - Veerbhan

1) ~ ClQI6bIC4 - ~ WI 2) ~~ ~ - iFe:Cl~G"{
3)~-~ 4) ~l.ul~.q6b - cffi'qrur

7) 'Dongi Jawahar Ji' was associated with :-

1) Shekhawati Brigade 2) Meena Brigade

3) Bml Brigade 4) Jat Regiment

7) ~ - Cijc:ll{\J11 COT ~ m -

1) ~~ fWIs B- 2) 4turr rn-rrs B-

3) .~ EPTs -ij' 4) \JITC ~. B-
8) With whom was Gentleman Agreement related to ?
1) Heeralal Shastri 2) Jainarain Vyas
3) Jawaharlal Nehru 4) Raghuwar Singh

8) JtT?:«Jl4'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ WI %-
1) Q"I'U«II«I ~m 2) \*'1"11{I'"'IOI "C4TB
3) CijClln«ll«l ~ 4)~~

9) Where is the site called 'Veeron Ke Smarak Stambh' located

1) N awalgarh 2) Galiakot
3) Bhachundla 4) Mahansar

9) 'ell?i ~ ~ ~' ~ "%l ~ w.m %?

1) '1Cl«Jllcp
~"\ "\
2) II <.l16b1C:
3) ~Sffi 4)~

12 - .:. 4
10) With whom are the terms 'Bharat' Suuf, Huramji' and Aaari' associated with?
I) Brass engraving 2) Rugs and carpet industry
3) Blue Pottery 4) Embroidery and Patchwork
10) ''If{(1', '~', '~ ;:#r, '0lRr' fcnOO N~ % -
1) ~ 'iCN"JIB1 2) ~q?it ~
3) ~ tffcfi 4)~q~

11) Which Native Infantry was stationed in Nasirabad Cantonment at the time of the revolt of 1857 ?

1) lyh 2) 72nd
3) 34ili ~ ~

11) 1857 ct'r ~ ~ ~ 'i(11WH~ ~ it ~ ~ ~.-ih.dl~ m?

1) 15 en. 2) 72 en.
3) 34 en. 4) 7 en.
12) When was Jawahar Diwas first celebrated in the history of Jaisalmer state?
1) 15 August, 1936 2) 26 March, 1938
3) 16 November, 1930 4) 3 May, 1941
12) J\~<:1il{ ~ ~ ~ it ~ qn ~ ~ Cf)Gf l1'1Tm rr:rr?
1) 15~, 1936 2) 2611ffl, 1938,
3) 16~, 1930 4) 3li{, 1941

13) Who started Ekki Movement in Rajasthan?

1) Vijay Singh Pathik 2) Motilal Tejawat
3) Sadhu Sitaram Das 4) Sagannal Gopa

13) ~ it '~ ~' ct'r ~3lRf ~ct'r?

1) N\Jj;qfB~ qfucn 2) Ji"l\"tl<:1l<:1
3) BT~ (11cmlJi ~ 4) ~JlI<Ji<:1 11fq1

14) Who attacked Kumbhalgarh in 1~78A.D.?

1) Ala-ud-din Khilji 2) Mahmud Khilji
3) Shahbaaz Khan 4) Mahmud Lodhi
14) 1578 ~. it ~ 1:11 fcR:R i3llifl11UT fct<:rr?
1) 0i<:1I1:I~'i ~
3) ~~@

15) With which civilization in Rajasthan is 'Dhoo.kot' associated with?
1) Khar Civilization 2) Kalibanga Civilization

3) Bagore Civilization 4) Balathal Civilization

1) ~ B'Rfill 2) 4)lttfP4JlI ~

3) ~ B'Rfill 4) Cffi'lT~ B'RmT

16) Who was the representative of Marwar who was sent to England in 1887 A.D., to participate in the
golden jubilee celebration of Queen Victoria?
1) Jaswant Singh 2) Kalyan Singh
3) Pratap Singh 4) Vijay Singh
16) 4tw<fl fc!Cfi\R£l1 $- ~ ~ ~ iT 'l.".JTlT #R- $- ~ 1887 t. it lffiCff9 $- ~ $- ~ iT fctlB
~ ~ If£I1?
l)~m 2)~m
4) ~ Rfu
17) The 16 ancient temples located in the hermitage (Mandkala) of sage Mandav are in
1) Bikaner 2) Dholpur
3) Jodhpur 4) ToD.k:.
, ,

17) ~ ~ q:5T ~ 410g4)«11 $- 16 mriR ~ ~ ~:

1) ~ iT 2) ~ if
3) \JlTtlp iT 4) iicn ii
18) Which code does not match?
1) Jodhpur - Rathore 2) Almer - Bhati
3) Jaipur - Kacchwaha 4) Sirohi - Devra

18) ~m~~~~?
1) \JlT~ - $ 2) ~ - mtT
3) ~ - 4)BCjI~1 4) ro-mt - ~ !

19) The number of Rajput dynasties listed by Poet Chandbardai are : -

1) 36 2) 54
3) 42 4) 18


1) 36 2) 54

3) 42 4) 18

20) In which case was Pratap Singh Barhat put behind bars in Bareilly jail ?
1) Alipur conspiracy case 2) Lahore Conspiracy case (First)
3) Banaras Conspiracy case 4) Meerut Conspiracy case

20) !>lnlqfB~ qm;o c8 ffiB ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ir:rrr <mr?

1) ~~~ 2) ~~~ (sr~)
3) GRTm~~ 4) iRo~~

21) Tropic of cancer passes through which one of the districts of Rajasthan -
1) Chittorgarh 2) Sirohi
3) Udaipur 4) Banswara

21) ~ if ~ t&r ffiB ~ B- ~ ~ ~?

1) M't\l911q> 2) m-mT
3) ~ 4) Cliflql91
22) Chappan plain in Rajasthan extends in-
1) Banswara, Dungarpur and Chittorgarh districts
2) Pratapgarh and Banswara districts
3) Chittorgarh and Pratapgarh districts
4) Udaipur and Rajsamand districts

22) ~.if (91l:R CfiT ~ ~ ~ -

1) qi(1C1I~I, ~ q Rrctp$mp ~. it
2) Sldlq11q> q Cliflql$1 ~ if
3) Rn-fl$llq> q !>ldlq11q> ~ if
4) ~ q <1\Jj1ct~;;::: ~ if
23) On the basis of mode of formation Aravallis are -
1) Folded mountains 2) Accumulated mountains
3) Block Mountains 4) Residual mountains

23) ~ ~ ~ J1fm CR ~ ~ ~ -
1) BT9GR 2)~
3) 01Cffim 4)~

12 - .:. 7
24) Which is the longest river of internal drainage system of Rajasthan?
1) Kakani 2) Ghaggar
3) Banganga 4) Kantli

24) ~-Wf ~ ,~ ~ ~ rtr BGffi ~ <rft ~-m %7

1) ~ 2) cpcn:
3) Cllopjlll 4) ~
25) The river that originates from Madhya Pradesh, flows through Rajasthan and empties itself in Bay of
Khambhat is -
1) Kali Sindh 2) Parwati
3) Mahi 4) Sabarmati
25) % ;¢r ~ ~ ll~~T B m-m %, ~ if ~ % 0ffi ~ rtr ~ if fi'mil % -
1) cowTI rn-.-<q 2) ~

3) ~ 4) flICl(+lro

26) Maximum annual average rainfall in Rajasthan occurs in which one of the districts?
1) Baran 2) Jhalawar
3) Banswara 4) Chittorgarh

1)cmf 2) $Ilif1l¢1l"$
3) Cllflclli?1 4)~~

27) Koppen's BWhw climate in Rajasthan occurs in-

1) Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Ganganagar 2) Hanumangarhxlaipur; Dausa
3) Chum, Nagaur, Pali 4) Kotai Burldi, 1lia'Iawar

27) ~ if ~ qfUfu- BWhw ~ ~ %-

1) Glfliflih, ~, ljlll'ill< if 2) $j+ll'ill(f, ~, -mn if
3) ~, ~, qwfr if 4) c€tcr, ~, $I1{1"{¢II"$if

28) Which of the crops are generally grown in mixed red and black soils in Raja~th~n
1) Rice, Sugarcane 2) Groundnut, mustard
3) Wheat, gram 4) Cotton, maize

\ 8
28) ?T~ it fi:rf~ ~ \3W: ~ ~ it ~11I1i'''J.8;::rr ct\-q-m ~ 'j'lI~ ~ %?
1) Ufcr, lfTIT 2) ipJ-q,~, mm
3) llt 'QTIT 4) Cfl11TG, ~

29) Forests in Rajasthan extend over what percentage of land area in Rajasthan (March, 2011) ?
1) 9.49 2) 9.55
3) 10.21 4) 7.68
29) ~ ~ ~ >Tfu~Td T~ "CR cAT Cf)T fcr«w: % (~, 2011)?
1) 9.49 2) 9.55
3) 10.21 4) 7.68
30) Where is the first biological park in Rajasthan established?
1) Nahargarh 2) Shergarh

3) Aka1 4) Van Vihar


1) 'i1~{JIq; 2) ~~
3) ~ 4) CR fcrm
31) Which of the districts of Rajasthan are most seriously infested with water-logging problem?
1) Bundi, lhalawar 2) Hanumangarh, Ganganagar
3) Bhilwara, Bikaner 4) Kota, Baran

1) {cfr, ~1~lql~ 2) ~j,l11"PIq;, llPIHll<

3) '4'1~ql~l, ~ 4) cNcr, cmT
32) Which of the districts are the leading producers of spices in Rajasthan?
1) Kota, Jhalwar 2) Barmer, Nagaur
3) Udaipur, Swai Madhopur 4) Baran, Bundi

32) ~~ it ~ ~ B+m ~ it c6A-B ~ 0ffiUTI ~?

1) cNcr, ~,I~lql~ 2) ~, 'IT'iR
3) ~, ~ lTImp 4) GffiT, {cfr

33) Approximately 30 per cent area of mustard production in Rajasthan is concentrated in -

1) Ganganagar region 2) Kota region
3) Bharatpur region 4) Jaipur region


1) lj11l;:PI{ ~ it 2) cblcl ~ it
3) ~ etl it 4) ~ I$r if
34) According to the livestock census 2012 (provisional) the largest number of livestock in Rajasthan
consists of -
1) Cattle 2) Buffaloes
3) Sheep 4) Goats

34) crsr 2012 GfiT1:f~ TflJl'lT (~) ~ '3TjBR ~ if ~ 0If~ 1:f~ B&:rr % -
1) ifTcf~T GfiT 2) ~ ctT
3) ~ ctT 4) ~ ctT
35) Meja dam in Rajasthan has been erected on -
1) Kothari river 2) Mansi river
3) Khari river 4) Parwati ri ver

35) ~-.Wf if *m- qf~ C5T Rl1iur M rp:rr % -

1) ~~~ 2) lRft ~ ~
3) ~~~ 4) ~ ~ l:R
36) Maximum area in Rajasthan is irrigated by which of the sources (2013-14) ?
1) Canals 2) Tube wells

3) Tanks 4) Wells

36) ~ it ~ ~if(f1fU~i~ ~ B mill % (2013-14)?

1) ~B 2) ~B
3) ~ B 4)3i-3TI B

37) From the point of view of availability and quality of underground

the most worrisome state in Rajastha~?!: f' !

1) Jaisalmer, Bikaner 2) Pali, Churu

3) Barmer, Jalore 4)

37) ~\JWf ctT ~ n-m "T'fclffi eN m B ~-.Wf if wro ~ ~~1~4C6 fuWf fcfn ~ ctT~?
1) $i(:FilY{, ~ 2) 1:ffilIT, ~

3) ~, ~ 4) ft, ~

12 - +:+
38) Where is the fluoresces - infested belt located in Rajasthan?
. ),Bharatpur - Alwar T Kota - Bundi
3) Banswara - Dungarpur 4) Nagaur - Ajmer

38) mw-TR if ~~RHl -~ t@ ~ ~ ~?

1)~-~ 2) c8cT - ~
. . ~\ "\
3) qm~ -~ 4)~-~

39) Which is the longest National Highway within Rajasthan territory

1) NH - 15 2) NH - 8
3) NH - 12 4) NH-11
39) ?]\JW-ffi ~t~ if ~ ~ U\il11flf c5t ~ ~ ~?
1) ~ U\il11flf - 15 2) ~ U\il11flf - 8
3) u$ U\il11flf - 12 4) u$ U\il11flf - 11

40) Principal bentonite producing districts of Rajasthan are -

1) Sikar, Pali, Sirohi
2) Barmer, Bikaner, Sawai Madhopur
3) Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Udaipur
4) Alwar, Dausa, Karauli

40) ~ if &;i)'1I~c it W.fSldl1 ~ ~ ~ -

1) ~, 'ffi'IT, m-mt 2) ~, ~, wm: ~
3) ~, ~ ~ 4) ~, ~, cnfu;fr
41) The viscosity of
1) Liquid increases with temperature
2) Fluids decreases with temperature
3) Fluids increases with temperature
4) Gases increases with temperature

41 ) fcl %1m €I q)[

1) ~~t ~itm~ 2) ~~t ~itm~

3) ~~t ~itm~ 4) fro ~~, ~ it m~
42) Local atmospheric pressure is measured by
1) Barometer 2) Altimeter
3) Hydrometer 4) Hygrometer

42) ~ cllg;4"S(i1 COT zyrrq (5l"~R) -qr:rr ;sm:rr %
1) ~~4'lc{ 2) ,3Wfir ~

3) 61~~lqlC:< 4) ~1~£i)4h~(
43) The force exerted by a jet of water on a moving vertical plate, in the direction of motion of plate is
given by

1) e a v? 2) e a y3

3) e a (v-u)? 4) e a (v-u)"

43) ~, ~ trRT ~ ;:ffc &m ~ M ~, ~ crrffi ~ ~ t#tc;, t#tc; ~ l1T~R c5t m~TT if imT %1

1) e a y2 2) e a v3
3) e a (V-U)2 4) e a (Y-U)3

44) In case of laminar flow, the loss of pressure head is

1) Proportional to (Velocity? 2) Proportional to velocity

3) Proportional to (Velocity)Yz 4) None of the above

44) ~ qmq ~ ~ if Q-~R~ q)f ~ %

1) mm~f;wrCfiT (lTfu)2 2) mm~f;wr qIT 7Wf


45) The-power transmitted through the pipe is maximum when head lost due to friction in pipe is equal to

1 1
1) 3" of total supply head 2) "4 of total supply head

1 1
3) "5 of total supply head ,(4) '8 of total supply head

1) !~~~
2) ~ ~

3) !~~~ 4) ~ ~~r$jl{ ~!'~1


46) The energy loss in a pipe line is due to

1) Viscous action only

2) Surface Roughness only
3) Friction offered by pipe wall as well as by viscous action
4) None of the above

\ 12 - .:. 12
-,' r r-: "\ r-; :;
46) ~ ~ 11 0)\Jff sm ~ Q

1) ~ ~~Ff rot
2) ~cm~m
3) &cf~R ~ am ~l" fc8n 'l<:fT m~ #r m~ ~ ~~Ff
47) The loss at the exit of a submerged pipe in a reservoir is
v2 v2
1) 0.1- 2) 0.5 2g

3) 2g 4) Negligibly small

47) ~ R\J1Fl1<:n ~ ~, ~Gl4CJf:s ~ ~ ~ rn: ~ (~) %

v2 v2
1) 0.1 2g 2) 0.5 2g
3) 4) Wfq'T ~ -mer

48) In a pipe flow the boundary shear stress is related to friction factor f and mean velocity v as To

2 2
1) f ev 2) f ev
2 6
2 2
3) f ev 4) f ev
8 11 4

2 2
fev f ev
1) 2)
2 6
2 2
3) 4) f ev
8 4

49) A turbulent pipe flow is said to be in the transitional regime, if the friction factor

1) Independent of Reynolds number

2) Independent of relative roughness
3) Independent of both Reynold number and relative roughness
4) Dependent on both Reynold number and relative roughness

49) ~ tfViTif c{CLJi;cqffi ~~Ff ~ if Cf)Q\TIldl ~ ~ &cf~Ff ~

1) ~fSrq~c ~ ~
2) ~\%rq.gc ~ ~
3) ~fSrq.gc ?J;n, ~ ~ crm ~ ~
4) f%q~;c ?J;n rn: ~ ~ crm ffitRq ~ .

12· .:. 13
50) The flow in town water supply pipes in generally
1) Lami r'~ 2) Transiti n
3) Turbulent 4) Any of above

50) ~W{ if qAT ~ ~, t1lYI~d: ~ %

1) J\4"I'1H 2) ~~R
3) c{&{J\;c 4) 0l1R B~ m
51) The discharge through a large rectangular orifice is given by

1) !cd b J2g (jR; -~) 2) 32 cd bfii

.[II; -%:).

3) ~Cd bJ2g (~H2312 -~Hl312) 4) 3:cd Jt; 2g(~ -~)


51) ~ 01tlldICfll{ 01IRftb'l'l if ~ men ~

1) !cd b.fii (.[II; -JR:) 2) ~Cd b.fii (.[II; - JR:)

3) ~Cd b f2i (~H/12 -~H1312 ) 4) 3:cd Jt; 2g (.[II; -~)


52) The total head ia a flow is the sum of

1) Piezeometric head and datum head
2) Piezeometric head and pressurehead
, '_' i ~. , "." ,. i.

3) Piezeometric head and velocity head

4) Piezeomatric head, velocity head and d~t;n bead

52) ~ qmq it ~ %?5 m-w ~, Bl1 01fCI?

1) Y"IM"'11~f¢Cf) %5 0Trr kq %g
2) y"IM1Iilf¢Cfl ~ 0Trr!.T~n: %g
3) YIM1Iilf¢Cfl %5 0Trr 'lfu ~
4) Y"IM'1lilf¢Cf) %5, 'lfu 'k; 0Trr W:r %?5

53) An orifice meter consists of an orifice of diameterd in a pipe ofdi~~.[n general the Cdof the
orifice meter is
1) A function of dID only
2) A function of Reynolds number only
3) a function of dID and Roynolds number
4) Independent of dID and Reynolds number

53) ~cn '3"llflfihft +flc~ i{ tlm ~, ~ ~"""B fuRm o::rn:f d ~ q)T a:rm D ftPil;;Qi1: 0'llflfCh(1 Ghl Cd ~

1) ~cn q5q:~R 0f[Cf) dID m

2) ~ $F~R0f[Cf) ~ ~ ftrt
3) ~ q5q:~R 0f[Cf) dID i3ffi ~ ~ rot
4) ~f%fCI~c ;men dID i3fR ~ ~
54) For maximum transmission of power through a pipe line with a total Head H, the head loss due to
friction hfis given by hf=
1) 0.1 H 2) H/3
3) 2/3 4) Y2 H
54) ~ ~ ~ c.cmT~ -q-[Cf{ ~~R ~ ~H, ~ BRC, &cf~R hf~ &m~, h
1) 0.1 H 2) H/3

3) 2/3 4) Yz H
55) Euler's equation (in differential form) is written as

1) ? 2) ? + vdu + = 0

3) ? +vdu-r-g/dz e O 4) ~; + v.du+gdz e O

55) \3lr:lW Wt"~Cf)<OI (~~B) (~~ ~), Wr@T \JlTill~

1) ? + v2du + = 0
2) p+vdu
. = 0

3) ? +vdu+g tdz e O 4) ~; + v.du + gdz = 0

56) Hydraulic accumulator is used for

1) Accumulating oil
2) Accumulating hydraulic energy
3) Supplying large quantities of oil for very short duration
4) Supplying energy when main supply fails

56) QI~ $) Wi Cf) CJ>Cf'<[ll#lc< Cf)1l1 i{ \3TIill ~

1) ~ ~ (CJ>Cf'<[~#tc) cnR
2) QI~~WiCf) \3Wff ~ cnR
3) G@l q)l1 wn::r ~ Ri1ir ~ 1=[f;IT i{ ~ ~ (supply) cnR
4) ~ ~ ~ ~ N \JfTir ,ill \3Wff ~ cnR

57) With regard to hydraulic ram, which of the following statements is incorrect
1) It works automatically 2) It requires very little maintenance
3) Its running cost is high 4) It has no moving parts

1) (fQ ("Cli:lIWtct cnm ~ % 2) ~ ~ m Cfi11 ~ ~ %

3) ~~~~% 4) ~~m~GTt~%

58) Discharge through a double acting reciprocating pump is given as

1) ALN 2) ALN
60 120

4) 120
58) ~ ~ 1(11sil4iRolI ~ if ~ m-ctT % I

1) ALN 2) ALN
3) ZALN 4) 3ALN
59) Reciprocating pumps are most suited for where I
1) Operating speeds are much high
2) Constant heads are required on mains despite
3) Constant supplies are required regardless of pressure fluctuations I
4) None of the above

1fIISi)4iRll %, ~
1) i3ilq1Rll
~ ~

'lffi W ~ %
~ q)]1{ i3WfT
if:m c#r ~, ~ if
2) CfiI«Z %3 ~, lk'i<'.f6f~!1R ~ ~

3) CfiI«Z ~ ~, ~ ~!1R Lk'11<'.f6f~!1R

4) i3)11{ U~ ~
60) The delivery value while starting centrifugal pump is kept
1) Half open 2) Fully open
3) Fully Close 4) in any position
60) B~q:q;lii'I~ \i'j'q ~ c€r ~ cnm % I nq ru~"ICj{) ~ ~ \ilTill % I

1) i3TIm ~ 2) 'iU ~
3) ~ q;c: 4) fcR:IT m wmt if

61) Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is proportional to (N = speed)
1) N 2) N2
3) N3 4) N4

61) ?i~lfq;lijJ qlq" em ~ ~ ~ Writ l:[fCR mq)~~ mm ~, (N = TTffi)

1) N
3) N3
62) The ratio of power developed by the reconer to the power supplied by the jet at entrance to the
turbine is known as
1) Hydraulic efficiency 2) Mechanical efficiency
3) Volumetric efficiency 4) Overall efficiency

62) ~ ~ &RT t{lCR ~ ~ ;:jfc iT ~ ~ c€t ~, ~ cF4I~'1 if ~~T qmn ~ I

1) ~1$$IW1Ch~ 2) ~ ~

3) ~'I~~~Ch ~M 4) 1{Of (~0lWf) ~

63) Piston rings usually made of

1) Carbon steel 2) Aluminium
3) Cast - iron 4) Phosphorous bronze
63) ~ fM1 Bll1l;{1ct: cRT mm %r

1)~~ 2) q~H'LIl1

3) Cf)f"R \3lT0f 4)~~

64) In a carburetor idling system is used
1) For cold starting
2) To compensate for dilution of charge due to residual gases
3) For rapid opening of throttle
4) For meeting maximum power requirements
64) Cbl{&{<c{ if 0l1~sWill ~ Cfillt if Wr:n \ifTffi '~

1) iScn if ~ ~
2) hl~~(!t f)i:m ~ CORUT~ ~ c8 51'L1~c ~Cffi ~~R

3) Wcrr Cffi ~ ~

4) ~ cncR: in Rqql'LI<~'c~ ~ ~ (lfu: ~)

65) The compression ratio used in a high speed c.r. engine is of the order of

1) 4 2) 8
3) 12 4) 20
65) \j'E'q .-ffiT m.~. ~ if ~SR t1Tir iTill ~ ~ ~ if
1) 4 2) 8
3) 12 4) 20
66) Morse test can be easily applied to determine LP. of

1) Single cylinder c.r. engine 2) Multi cylinder c.l. engine

3) Single cylinder S.I. engine 4) Multi cylinder S.l. engine

66) -qrn ~ ~ i3lBRT U Cf)111it ~ \JffdT %, 0n{-qr-0ll'f)

1) ~ ~ m.~. ~ 2) ~·fB<il;g·{ m.~. ~

3) ~ ~ D;U.~. ~ 4) ~ ~<il;g{ D;U.~. ~

67) Air cooling of engines is preferred because

1) It is compact 2) It is mOte, efficient

3) Cooling rate can be controlled 4) None of the above

67) ~ if crrg ~ ~ ~ cfr \JffiIT ~ ~

1) q) I"""F.fcr %
.. (.jQ

3) iST ~ c5T ~ Cf)f ~

68) The Lubrication system is used to

1) Decrease F.P
. 3) Lubricate the components 4) All of these
d~~tl~ .~
68) ~~R fm:cB Cf)111if \3ITill %1

1) ~.qr.'tRRT
3) q)'"""ll~'c ~ ~ ~
69) The Silencer of an Internal Combustion Engine.
1) Increases brake specific fuel-corisumption (BSFC)
2) Has no effect on its efficiency
3) reduces noise
4) decreases BSFC

12 - +:+ 18
69) s;:cc-wr Cf)lq~R ~ it BI~#l~:H

1) ~ {ilmN1Gfi ~ ~~R (BSFC) ~

ti 2) ~ ~~i~'BI CR ~ ~
3) ~ 'C:lCAT
4) (BSFC) ercffi %
70) Knocking tendency in a Spark Ignition engine reduces with increasing
1) Engine Speed 2) Compression ratio
3) Wall temperature 4) Supercharging

70) ~ ~ it ~ ~ crcill ~, \J{q ~ %

1)~'Tffi 2) ~~R mlZIT
3)~~ 4)~~

71) Supercharging of LC. Engine is essential for

1) Stationary engine 2) Marine engine

3) Air craft engine 4) None of above

71) ~.m. (I.e.) ~ it (£4{f.!IMlI ~ mm ~

1) -R~'Rft~

72) A gas turbine fycle with infinitely large number of stages during compression and expansion leads to

1) Sterling cycle 2) Ericsson cycle

3) Atkinson Cycle 4) Brayton cycles

72) ~ W c",ql~'1 ~ ~ 0i'1fTF1d -qtf ~ ctt ~ mm t ~~R i3fR ~~R ~ m, ~

Cflclt ~
1) \t:{Mll ~

73) With increasing temperature of intake air, I.C.engine efficiency

1) Decreases 2) Remains same

3) Increases 4) Depends onother factor

73) ~ Cl'T9;Cf)f crr:JllR m CR, 0l1t.m. (I.C.) 0JR ctt qqj)m~4

1) t{Cill ~ 2) fll1R ~ %
3) ~% 4) ~~CR~Cl?@~

74) In centrifugal air compressor the pressure developed depends on
1) Impellertip velocy 2) Inlet temperature

3) Compression index 4) all of above

74) ?l©~I~ ~ ~ ii, CTGf (~~n:) sqMq, f.fl:h CR(IT %

1) ~ Rq- 1@r 2) ~ ~
3) ~!{I-;:r ~ 4) ~ cmif B'lft

75) If the value of poison's ratio is zero then it means that

1) The material is rigid
2) There is no longitudinal strain in the material
3) The material is perfectly plastic
4) none of the above

75) ~ ~ ffiTtil q)f l1R (~ ~ t ~~ l1<lWf £\3lT ~

1) 4~R'Q~ ~ %
2) 4~R'Q~ i{ ~lrln~qf%1~"$1 ~ %
3) 4~R'Q~ "TIT (l"W 'k'l1\«CfJ %
4) ~~~
76) The ratio of maximum shear strain developed in beam of rectangular action to that of average shear
stress i~
1) 2 2) 1.5
3) 3 4) 1

76) 0i1'QdlCbI{ ~~R ~ ~ q)f ~ ~W:R@~ ~ q)f"d"~ ~ ~Tr:n:@ q)f ?:r~T'1Oll~ %

1) 2 2) 1.5
3) 3 4) 1
77) The strain energy stored in a simply supported beam of length L and flexural rigidity EI due to a
central concentrated load W is
1) W2U/48EI 2) W2U/48EI "

3) W2U/96EI 4) W2U/96EI
77) ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ L q#jcfcg~ Rfulwfl EI Cb«J)'Qqld Ws W t "$1 ~ ~ mT
1) W2U/48EI 2) W2U/48EI
3) W2U/96EI 4) W2U/96EI

78) The Euler load for a column is 1000 KN and crushing load is 1500KN. The Rankine load is equal to
1) 600 KNj 2) 1000 K~ , .l

3) 1500 t..:l~ 4) 2500 KN

78) qc5 CfiWIll em ~ ~ 1000 KN om ~M @s 1500KN %, ~ Rrs m-
1) 600 KN 2) 1000 KN
3) 1500 KN 4) 2500 KN
79) Bending moment M and torque T is applied on a solid circular shaft. If the maximum bending stress
equals to maximum shear stress developed, then M is equal to

1) TI2 2) T
3) 2T 4) 4T
79) qc5 ~ ~ ~TNC 1R ~ ~ M om CRCf) Tww:rr \IffifT %1 ~ ~ ~n~ll @ q
~.fclC/?fBd :2:'* ~W:R @ ~ m- \IfTdi t ~M ~ m-
1) T/2 2) T
3) 2T 4) 4T
80) In a thin long closed cylindrical container, the fluid pressure induces
1) Only hoop stress
2) Only Longitudinal stress
3) Longitudinal stress equal to twice hoop stress
4) Longitudinal stress equal to half the hoop stress

80) m., ~ ~ fB~1JC/?~~ if, ~ :2:'* ~ ~~R ~

2) m ~1;:Jn~qf%'1~@ c

3) (11\rift~<t~i1\'j~ ..~ .~ ..~. ~ @

4) (i11~~~qi%W~i"~i~klcH l~l~ .$1
81) Ratio of average sfrearsltr~ssiio)t1i~;1rtaxlfnu'm
shear stress ih a:beam with require cross section is
1) 1 2) 2/3
3) 3/2 4) 2
81) ~ cW=r ~. ~ Wf~R~ %~ ~ ~W:R @ om ~ ~fu:n: $ CfiT mvn WIT
1) 1 2) 2/3
3) 312 4) 2

82) A circular shaft can transmit a torque of 5KN m. If the torque is reduced to 4 KN m, then the maximum
value of bending moment that can be applied to the shaft is

1) 1 KNm 2) 2 KNm

3) 3KNm 4) 4KNm
82) ~ B(1l~< ~lT1:fC5KNm"CRCf) ~1"8Mc Cfi7: BCfXfT % 1 ~ Gf(Cf) tIC ~ 4 KNm m \jffffi %1 dCr \31T~
~ ~ Chl BR, ;:#r ~TT1fC1:R ww:rr \J1T WlmT %1
1) 1 KNm 2) 2 KNm

3) 3 KNm 4) 4KNm
83) The maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of length L located by a concentrated
load W at the midpoint is given by

1) WL 2) WL/2
3) WL/4 4) WLl8

83) ~ ~ wnts cW:r ~ ~ L Cf)"8~CS, -WS, w fits ~ 1:R ~ \llIill %1 ~ ~

1) WL 2) WLl2
3) WL/4 4) WL/8
84) Which of the following is an inversion of single slider crank chain

1) Watt's indicator mechanism

2) Beam Engine
3) Elliptical trammels
4) Whitworth quick return motion mechanism

1) crrc ~;J)43C!'( 443R""11 2) <frl ~

" 4) ~~ ~ fu:.f m~RYCbPt~
85) The magnitude oflinear velocity of a point B. on link. AB relative to pojntl\, is .
:'.' i , _'i ..: -', " _:.. ,:..
: ~ _--'' ,"." . . '.:': :. :' " .:. . : '_' '. ;;, ", ",

w = angular velocity of link AB

1) w.AB 2) w. (AB)2
3) w2.AB 4) (w.AB?

85) ~ ~ B q5T ~ Tfffi ~ AB ~ ~ ~ A m-ill % 1

w =~ AB q5T ~ Tfffi
1) w.AB 2) w. (AB?
3) w2.AB 4) (w.AB)2

86) The coriolis component of acceleration is taken into account for

1)~Slider crank mechanism '"') Four bar chain mechanism

3), Quick return motion mechanism "'> none of these
86) lJ>CR:1"l~<~Rq)T cnliT~ Cf)01~< cnl CQTl1 if #fa t
1) ~ ~ ~CbH'fY 2) qp: qn: ~ ~CbH'fY
3) men ft:c;f l:ft~R 4CbH'fY 4) I£Y{ ~ ~

87) The efficiency of a screw jack is maximum, when

1) ex:= 4S + <p 2) ex:=4S--
2 2

3) oc =90+<p 4) ex:=90-<p

2) ex:=4S--

3) DC = 90+ <p 4) oc = 90- <p

88) The power transmitted by a belt is maximum when the maximum tension in belt (T) is equal to
Tc = Centrifugal Tension r

88) ~ m-u ~1~lOjlc C@ ~ ~, ~ ~ \jfq ~ ?tt ~ ~~R (T) ~ iRIT %,

Tc €\el'~l«t e~R
1) Tc

89) The factor which effects the critical speed of a shaft is

1) Diameter of the disc 2) Span of the shaft
3) Eccentricity 4) all of the above

1) ~ q)T am:r
3) Q<ffi{\fBEl

12 - .:. 23
90) The brakes commonly used in motor cars is

1) Shoe brake 2) Band brake

3) Band and block brake 4) Internal expanding brake

90) ~ Cl?'i1 if v"4IC::FH cnr:r '3lR crr#r -w.o %

1) ~l-w.n
3) ~ ~ ~?\co

91) A disc is spinning with angular velocity w red/s about the axis of spin. The couple applied to the disc
causing precession will be
I = Mass moment of Inertia of disc
wp = angular velocity of precession of axis of spin

1) 112w2 2) Iw2

3) 1I2Iww p
4) Iww p

91) ~ fm<.ow t5~ c5t TWf u m- ~ ~ "f.lTB"m- Cf){ -®" ~ I fm<.o1:11 ~ ~ \ifrill t~
Cf?RUT mt~R ~
I=~ q)f lffi1 ~ ~
w p = ~ .• ~c5timt~R ~ TWf

1) 112w2 2) Iw2

3) 1I2Iww p
4) Iww p

92) When the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below the mean speed, then the
governor is said to be
1) Unstable 2) Stable
3) Isochronous 4) hunt

92) \j'fC{ ~ c5t r@r l=fR TWf ~ wn: ~ -;ftir ~ CK1CfT{21 c mID t ~~ ~Writ W \ifrill ~ I

1) 01fuR 2) Wn:
3) 0lIBI~l'iB 4) ~

93) Central brain of computer aided design is

1) Processor 2) Hardware
3) CPU 4) Logic

12 - .:. 24
93) ~Qgg f%-~ CfiT ~ ~~ %
1) m-mn- 2) t:r~~
3) tn. qr. ~ 4)~

94) To draw either horizontal or vertical lines, the command in Auto CAD is

94) ~ ~ ~ !?IfI'Jj'I;:CM ~ ~ ~ ~ cn0 $" Wlir \3lTir ~ if ~ %

1) Fr:r (SNAP) 2) ftrg (GRID)
3) 0lTm (ORTHO) 4) ~ (UNDO)

95) In computer graphics conics like ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas can be specified by
1) Specifying five points on the element
2) Specifying three points and a tangency condition
3) Either above
4) None of these
95) ~!l1 filiCR1 Cfil
"'f.:l Cfl(i ~\Jl~ ~~~II~, ;>, "\ "\"\
q{IClIMI n-w i?1~q<(;.uMICfiT ftlBllbl~
f"\ r ~

1) u}inil;:c1R qfu ~ ~«llbl{ ~

2) q~il;:c 1R ~ ~ 0:P3Ilbl{ CWfT ~
, ~
~ em ~~m (~~R)
3) ~if~~
4) ~if~~
96) A typical interactive graphics workstation consists of hardware components
1) A graphical terminal and operator input device
2) Output devices and terminal
3) CPU'and terminal
4) all of the above
96) R:41CflM~;c<qfckq ~ cnr:l ~~R if ml!f ~ ~ i?lg~;q< CflP:jI~;:C

l)i~C~I~{!j;~.~ ~ ~ ~
2) ~ f~~i~~'ij
~ ~
3) m. ~. ~ .~ cfif.wr
4)~~ r·{

12 - .:. 25
97) In which graphic terminal selective erase is not possible

1) Direct beam refresh 2) DVST

3) Roster scan 4) All of above
97) ~ mf1tcn c<4H~ if ?1#tfcfcCl ~ W=!q ~ ~
1) mm cfr:1 fufi~T 2) tt en-~ it
3)~~ 4)~~

98) Which of the following is not a part of CAD hardware.

1) Graphic display terminal 2) Keyboards
3) Computer programme 4) Peripheral equipment
98) R9 if B ~ ~ ~ q?T fm:m ~ ~
1) mf1tcn ~ c<41'1~ 2)
c6t -~"\ r
3) ~ cWtbli (~) 4) q {)(b(~ ~qCf)<OI

99) Platter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and

1) Buffer Size
3) Intelligence
2) Resolution
4) Vertical dimension
99) ~ qcp{h"11 ;wft \Jffifr t ~Clfu 0m? fNk~~lt10fu:

1) ~,,~ 2)~~R

100)ACamot cycle refrigerator operates between250k and 300k. Its coefficient of performance is

1) 6 2) 5
3) 1.2 4) 0.8

100)~ ~ ~ ~Cflfl\Jl~c< 250k ~ 300k ~ ~.~ q){ffi ~ I WCbT ~~ 0m? q{lfiHil'-(1 ~

1) 6 2) 5
3) 12 4) 0.8

101) For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of diesel cycle as compared to the otto cycle is
1) Less 2) More
3) Equal 4) None of the above

1) "Cf)11

3) ~

12 - .:. 26
102)In a boiler, a fusible valve is located at

1) Bottom of drum 2) Bottom of fire tubes

3) Super heater drums 4) None of the above

102)~ ~ if, lRfufl~(11 q5T ww:rr (~~R) ;:rrrm %

1) ~~~if 2) ~~~mmif
3) Qq(~c:{ ~ 4) ~ if B ~ ;:;W
103)When the wet steam flows through a throttle valve and remains wet at exit
1) Its temperature and quality increases
2) Its temperature decreases but quality increases
3) Its temperature increases but quality decreases
4) Its temperature and quality decreases

103)\jffl1fufr ~ ~ cmrq ~ ~ HChMd", ~ i3fu: Rctmt 1R '4T 1fu;IT ~ ~

1) ~ ~ q CfCIIRittl ~ %
2) ~ ~"QCcfT ~ ~ Cf:IlRittl ~ %
3) ~ ~ ~ % ~. CfCIIRittl ~ ~
4) ~ ~ q CfCIIRittt ~ %
104) Performance of boiler is measured by

1) Amount of 'Mater supported per hour

2) Steam produced in kg per kg of fuel burnt
3) Steam produced in kg/hr
4) All of above

104)qqi ~ ctr 4{4"il<il'"B ~ \JfTill %

1) tlffT ~qlq'nc:M "If{ ~ tier
:h mw ~ ~ fitlm. it, ~ Ptm. ~ ~"If{

3) _),~ fcImr. ~ tfc:T


105) Availability function is expressed as

1) 'ti'='(u+PbU;;T"s)

3) a = (du+Podu-Tods) 4) a = (u+p ou+T 0s)

105)13I~M~fB1a ~~R Chl a::rcR1 fu1m ~ir %
1) a = (u+pu-Tjs) 2) a = (du+pdu-Tjls)
3) a = (du+pdu-T'jis) 4) a = (u+pou+Tos)
106) In steam and other vapour cycles, the process of removing non-condensable is called
1) Scavenging process 2) Deaeration process

3) Exhaust process 4) Condensation process

I06)~ cr W m~ if, 1Ff-Cbo%BG~ c5'r ~ ctT ~ Cb$~F11 ~

1) «b~l~JI fc!fu 2) ~~R ~

107) The steam is boiler drum is always

1) Wet 2) Dry

3) Super heat 4) Wet or Dry

107)~ ~ if ~ ~~TT ~ ~

1) 1ftffi 2) ~

3) ~m 4) Tfurfr cr ~
108) An Economizer is installed in a boiler primarily to

1) Super heat the steam 2) Reduce fuel consumption
3) Increase steam pressure 4) all of above
108)~ ~CbI'1I'"1I~'3Hc5'r ~ if lJff "Wl"B- ~ iiffill ~

1) ~ co) Qy{tlc; ~ ~ Mit

2) ~ ~R c@ ~ ~ ~ Mit
3) ~ ?r~R m ~Mit
4) \3Q'!iCKi ~

109) Ratio of heat absorbs by feed water to the heat supplied by fuel in a giVen time, is known as
1) Factor of Evaporation 2) Equivalent Evaporation
3) Boiler Efficiency 4) Power of a boiler
109)m ~ &m ~ ctr ~ ~ nm ~ &m ~ 'Tir ~ if ~.~:Cf)f ):~WiT, CbQ~@%
1) ~ ~ ~~R 2) ~Fcfqcit;c ~~R
3) ~ ~ 4) ~ ctr qrcn:

110)Diesel cycle consists of
1) Two adiabatic and two cons' 'nt volume process
2) Two adiabatic and two constant pressure process
3) Two adiabatic, one constant pressure and one constant volume process
4) Two isothermal, one constant pressure and one constant volume process

110)~ ~ it m-at %
1) m ~g)~CiRCf) ~ m Cf)H:~'"Ci3ffiRR ~

2) m ~Sl~~feCfi 0ffi m cnl~'"C ~~R ~

3) m ~i14CifeCfi ~ GflI«<:Z ?r!m ~ ~ Cf)1~Z ,~ ~
"\ "\" ~"\" "\ ~
4) CJ 0i1~~k1i41'4, ~ Cfil Z >l~R J1R ~ CfiI<=I;CZ~ 1'11"'1"-11

111) Brayton cycle consists of sets of process

1) Isentropic and constant volume 2) Isentropic and constant pressure

3) Isothermal and constant pressure 4) Isothermal and constant volume

111)~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ -&m ~
1) 0i1~~;ilfqCfi Jfn: CfiH~Z ~ 2) 0i1~~;;lyqCfi 8fR GflI~Z ~~R
3) ~ ~ ~ CfiI~Z ~~R 4) ~ ~ Jfn: CfiI~Z ~

112) White metal is an alloy of

1) Copper and Zinc 2) Copper and Tin

3) Copper, Tin and Zinc 4) Copper, Tin and Antimony

112)~ mg, ~ ~
1) ~ i3fR ~ 2) ~ ~ re.,
3) ~, R'1 I3fR ~ 4) Cf)TtR, re., 0ffi ~;€Il1;:fl

113) Pressure of cobalt in steel improves its

1) Cutting ability 2) Corrosion resistance
3) Tensile strength 4) None

113)"RWr ~ ~ c8 ~ B-, ~ irm ~

1) ~ tT q<if)Mc?t 2) chl €I\iF1 ~M (G'+i
3) ~ $r£l 4) ~~

114) Carbon percentage is same in cast iron and

1) Wrought Iron 2) Pig Iron

3) Mild Steel 4) High Silicon

114) ~ ctr ~~TffilT w:rR ~ CflRG3ITlfB .3ffi
1) W:~ 2) fqTr .~
3)~~ 4) ::jUT fB~;ICbH
115) Which key permits axial movement as well as transmits a turning moment?

1) Feather key 2) Parallel Sunk key

3) Saddle key 4) Woodruff key
l1S)$R m~ (key) qFcR1iq~ ~ it_m~ cf.:PT 111iR ciT ~14;lfqc cnB rir ~ ~ ~
ctr Ben ctr

1) ~ 2) ~

3) ~ ctr<> 4) ~ ctr
] 16) Which of the following is Trapezoidal thread
1) Acme 2) Square
3) Buttress 4) all of above
116) R9 it B ~ ~(hll~s~ ~ ~

1) ~ 2) mrn
3) ~ 4) ~ B'lfr
117) The longitudinal joint, in a boiler shell is
1) Butt joint 2) Lap joint
3) Butt joint with two cover plates 4) Butt joint with single cover plate

117)~ ~t;r CfiT ~1;:Jn~qj%'1~~, flIYIOiq~: mrr %

1) qc ~ 2) #tq- ~

118) Cavitation is caused by

1) High velocity 2) Low barometric pressure
3) High pressure 4) Low pressure

118) W~R m CfiT q)R1JT ~ ?

1) ~~ 2) C!)11 ~<I~~C!) GJCf (~~R)

3) ij'eq GJCf 4) C!)11GJCf

119) Highest air-fuel ratio is found in

1) Open cycle gas turbines 2) Two stroke diesel engines
3) Two stroke petrol engines 4) Four stroke diesel engines

1) ~~Tffi~ 2) ©cn~~
-, -, ~\"'\

3) GJ ©Cfi ~ ~ 4) w ~ ihl1(rf ~

120) The firing order for a six cylinder engine is

1) 1-6-2-5-3-4 2) 1-5-3-6-2-4
3) 1-2-5-4-3-6 4) 1-3-2-6-5-4
120)3: ~ ~ Cf)f ~ ~ ~

1) 1-6-2-5-3-4 2) 1-5-3-6-2-4
3) 1-2-5-4-3-6 4) 1-3-2-6-5-4


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