RSMSSB JEN Previous Question Paper For JEN Mechanical Diploma Exam 2016
RSMSSB JEN Previous Question Paper For JEN Mechanical Diploma Exam 2016
RSMSSB JEN Previous Question Paper For JEN Mechanical Diploma Exam 2016
SR.No .
• /C\)BE: 12
Number of Pages in Booklet: 32
~ il ~~;{fetl ~ /
Number of Questions in Booklet: 120
~--------------------- ~ / Maximum Marks: 120
wrn / Time: 2.00 ~ / Hours
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4) '~~' ~ ~ \ifRfT %-
1) fun:iT $ ft:R 1:1( 2) ~ $ tm if
3) ff;r:IT $ ~tiT if 4) ~ $ C5At if
5) Who is the author of 'Mayad Ro Helo' ?
1) Meghraj Mukul 2) Kesri singh
3) Murari Daan 4) Kanhiya Lal Sethia
12 - .:. 3
5)'~ iT ~' ~'1T fchu-;;; WmIT?
1) ir~ ~ 2) m 1m;
3) ~{Ifkd"l 4) ~ ~ B"RAT
6) Which code matches :-
1) Hammir Mahakavya - Jaichand suri
2) Prithviraj Vijaya - Chand Bardai
3) Radha Vallabh - Mandan
4) Gun Rupak - Veerbhan
1) ~ ClQI6bIC4 - ~ WI 2) ~~ ~ - iFe:Cl~G"{
3)~-~ 4) ~l.ul~.q6b - cffi'qrur
7) ~ - Cijc:ll{\J11 COT ~ m -
8) JtT?:«Jl4'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ WI %-
1) Q"I'U«II«I ~m 2) \*'1"11{I'"'IOI "C4TB
3) CijClln«ll«l ~ 4)~~
12 - .:. 4
10) With whom are the terms 'Bharat' Suuf, Huramji' and Aaari' associated with?
I) Brass engraving 2) Rugs and carpet industry
3) Blue Pottery 4) Embroidery and Patchwork
10) ''If{(1', '~', '~ ;:#r, '0lRr' fcnOO N~ % -
1) ~ 'iCN"JIB1 2) ~q?it ~
3) ~ tffcfi 4)~q~
11) Which Native Infantry was stationed in Nasirabad Cantonment at the time of the revolt of 1857 ?
1) lyh 2) 72nd
3) 34ili ~ ~
15) With which civilization in Rajasthan is 'Dhoo.kot' associated with?
1) Khar Civilization 2) Kalibanga Civilization
1) ~ B'Rfill 2) 4)lttfP4JlI ~
16) Who was the representative of Marwar who was sent to England in 1887 A.D., to participate in the
golden jubilee celebration of Queen Victoria?
1) Jaswant Singh 2) Kalyan Singh
3) Pratap Singh 4) Vijay Singh
16) 4tw<fl fc!Cfi\R£l1 $- ~ ~ ~ iT 'l.".JTlT #R- $- ~ 1887 t. it lffiCff9 $- ~ $- ~ iT fctlB
~ ~ If£I1?
l)~m 2)~m
4) ~ Rfu
17) The 16 ancient temples located in the hermitage (Mandkala) of sage Mandav are in
1) Bikaner 2) Dholpur
3) Jodhpur 4) ToD.k:.
, ,
18) ~m~~~~?
1) \JlT~ - $ 2) ~ - mtT
3) ~ - 4)BCjI~1 4) ro-mt - ~ !
1) 36 2) 54
3) 42 4) 18
20) In which case was Pratap Singh Barhat put behind bars in Bareilly jail ?
1) Alipur conspiracy case 2) Lahore Conspiracy case (First)
3) Banaras Conspiracy case 4) Meerut Conspiracy case
21) Tropic of cancer passes through which one of the districts of Rajasthan -
1) Chittorgarh 2) Sirohi
3) Udaipur 4) Banswara
23) ~ ~ ~ J1fm CR ~ ~ ~ -
1) BT9GR 2)~
3) 01Cffim 4)~
12 - .:. 7
24) Which is the longest river of internal drainage system of Rajasthan?
1) Kakani 2) Ghaggar
3) Banganga 4) Kantli
3) ~ 4) flICl(+lro
26) Maximum annual average rainfall in Rajasthan occurs in which one of the districts?
1) Baran 2) Jhalawar
3) Banswara 4) Chittorgarh
1)cmf 2) $Ilif1l¢1l"$
3) Cllflclli?1 4)~~
28) Which of the crops are generally grown in mixed red and black soils in Raja~th~n
1) Rice, Sugarcane 2) Groundnut, mustard
3) Wheat, gram 4) Cotton, maize
\ 8
28) ?T~ it fi:rf~ ~ \3W: ~ ~ it ~11I1i'''J.8;::rr ct\-q-m ~ 'j'lI~ ~ %?
1) Ufcr, lfTIT 2) ipJ-q,~, mm
3) llt 'QTIT 4) Cfl11TG, ~
29) Forests in Rajasthan extend over what percentage of land area in Rajasthan (March, 2011) ?
1) 9.49 2) 9.55
3) 10.21 4) 7.68
29) ~ ~ ~ >Tfu~Td T~ "CR cAT Cf)T fcr«w: % (~, 2011)?
1) 9.49 2) 9.55
3) 10.21 4) 7.68
30) Where is the first biological park in Rajasthan established?
1) Nahargarh 2) Shergarh
1) 'i1~{JIq; 2) ~~
3) ~ 4) CR fcrm
31) Which of the districts of Rajasthan are most seriously infested with water-logging problem?
1) Bundi, lhalawar 2) Hanumangarh, Ganganagar
3) Bhilwara, Bikaner 4) Kota, Baran
1) lj11l;:PI{ ~ it 2) cblcl ~ it
3) ~ etl it 4) ~ I$r if
34) According to the livestock census 2012 (provisional) the largest number of livestock in Rajasthan
consists of -
1) Cattle 2) Buffaloes
3) Sheep 4) Goats
34) crsr 2012 GfiT1:f~ TflJl'lT (~) ~ '3TjBR ~ if ~ 0If~ 1:f~ B&:rr % -
1) ifTcf~T GfiT 2) ~ ctT
3) ~ ctT 4) ~ ctT
35) Meja dam in Rajasthan has been erected on -
1) Kothari river 2) Mansi river
3) Khari river 4) Parwati ri ver
3) Tanks 4) Wells
37) ~\JWf ctT ~ n-m "T'fclffi eN m B ~-.Wf if wro ~ ~~1~4C6 fuWf fcfn ~ ctT~?
1) $i(:FilY{, ~ 2) 1:ffilIT, ~
3) ~, ~ 4) ft, ~
12 - +:+
38) Where is the fluoresces - infested belt located in Rajasthan?
. ),Bharatpur - Alwar T Kota - Bundi
3) Banswara - Dungarpur 4) Nagaur - Ajmer
1) NH - 15 2) NH - 8
3) NH - 12 4) NH-11
39) ?]\JW-ffi ~t~ if ~ ~ U\il11flf c5t ~ ~ ~?
1) ~ U\il11flf - 15 2) ~ U\il11flf - 8
3) u$ U\il11flf - 12 4) u$ U\il11flf - 11
42) ~ cllg;4"S(i1 COT zyrrq (5l"~R) -qr:rr ;sm:rr %
1) ~~4'lc{ 2) ,3Wfir ~
3) 61~~lqlC:< 4) ~1~£i)4h~(
43) The force exerted by a jet of water on a moving vertical plate, in the direction of motion of plate is
given by
1) e a v? 2) e a y3
3) e a (v-u)? 4) e a (v-u)"
43) ~, ~ trRT ~ ;:ffc &m ~ M ~, ~ crrffi ~ ~ t#tc;, t#tc; ~ l1T~R c5t m~TT if imT %1
1) e a y2 2) e a v3
3) e a (V-U)2 4) e a (Y-U)3
45) The-power transmitted through the pipe is maximum when head lost due to friction in pipe is equal to
1 1
1) 3" of total supply head 2) "4 of total supply head
1 1
3) "5 of total supply head ,(4) '8 of total supply head
1) !~~~
2) ~ ~
\ 12 - .:. 12
-,' r r-: "\ r-; :;
46) ~ ~ 11 0)\Jff sm ~ Q
1) ~ ~~Ff rot
2) ~cm~m
3) &cf~R ~ am ~l" fc8n 'l<:fT m~ #r m~ ~ ~~Ff
47) The loss at the exit of a submerged pipe in a reservoir is
v2 v2
1) 0.1- 2) 0.5 2g
3) 2g 4) Negligibly small
48) In a pipe flow the boundary shear stress is related to friction factor f and mean velocity v as To
2 2
1) f ev 2) f ev
2 6
2 2
3) f ev 4) f ev
8 11 4
2 2
fev f ev
1) 2)
2 6
2 2
3) 4) f ev
8 4
49) A turbulent pipe flow is said to be in the transitional regime, if the friction factor
1) ~fSrq~c ~ ~
2) ~\%rq.gc ~ ~
3) ~fSrq.gc ?J;n, ~ ~ crm ~ ~
4) f%q~;c ?J;n rn: ~ ~ crm ffitRq ~ .
12· .:. 13
50) The flow in town water supply pipes in generally
1) Lami r'~ 2) Transiti n
3) Turbulent 4) Any of above
1) Y"IM"'11~f¢Cf) %5 0Trr kq %g
2) y"IM1Iilf¢Cfl ~ 0Trr!.T~n: %g
3) YIM1Iilf¢Cfl %5 0Trr 'lfu ~
4) Y"IM'1lilf¢Cf) %5, 'lfu 'k; 0Trr W:r %?5
53) An orifice meter consists of an orifice of diameterd in a pipe ofdi~~.[n general the Cdof the
orifice meter is
1) A function of dID only
2) A function of Reynolds number only
3) a function of dID and Roynolds number
4) Independent of dID and Reynolds number
53) ~cn '3"llflfihft +flc~ i{ tlm ~, ~ ~"""B fuRm o::rn:f d ~ q)T a:rm D ftPil;;Qi1: 0'llflfCh(1 Ghl Cd ~
3) 2/3 4) Yz H
55) Euler's equation (in differential form) is written as
3) ? +vdu-r-g/dz e O 4) ~; + v.du+gdz e O
1) ? + v2du + = 0
2) p+vdu
. = 0
57) With regard to hydraulic ram, which of the following statements is incorrect
1) It works automatically 2) It requires very little maintenance
3) Its running cost is high 4) It has no moving parts
1) ALN 2) ALN
60 120
4) 120
58) ~ ~ 1(11sil4iRolI ~ if ~ m-ctT % I
1) ALN 2) ALN
3) ZALN 4) 3ALN
59) Reciprocating pumps are most suited for where I
1) Operating speeds are much high
2) Constant heads are required on mains despite
3) Constant supplies are required regardless of pressure fluctuations I
4) None of the above
1fIISi)4iRll %, ~
1) i3ilq1Rll
~ ~
'lffi W ~ %
~ q)]1{ i3WfT
if:m c#r ~, ~ if
2) CfiI«Z %3 ~, lk'i<'.f6f~!1R ~ ~
4) i3)11{ U~ ~
60) The delivery value while starting centrifugal pump is kept
1) Half open 2) Fully open
3) Fully Close 4) in any position
60) B~q:q;lii'I~ \i'j'q ~ c€r ~ cnm % I nq ru~"ICj{) ~ ~ \ilTill % I
1) i3TIm ~ 2) 'iU ~
3) ~ q;c: 4) fcR:IT m wmt if
61) Power required to drive a centrifugal pump is proportional to (N = speed)
1) N 2) N2
3) N3 4) N4
1)~~ 2) q~H'LIl1
1) iScn if ~ ~
2) hl~~(!t f)i:m ~ CORUT~ ~ c8 51'L1~c ~Cffi ~~R
3) Wcrr Cffi ~ ~
65) The compression ratio used in a high speed c.r. engine is of the order of
1) 4 2) 8
3) 12 4) 20
65) \j'E'q .-ffiT m.~. ~ if ~SR t1Tir iTill ~ ~ ~ if
1) 4 2) 8
3) 12 4) 20
66) Morse test can be easily applied to determine LP. of
1) q) I"""F.fcr %
.. (.jQ
1) ~.qr.'tRRT
3) q)'"""ll~'c ~ ~ ~
69) The Silencer of an Internal Combustion Engine.
1) Increases brake specific fuel-corisumption (BSFC)
2) Has no effect on its efficiency
3) reduces noise
4) decreases BSFC
12 - +:+ 18
69) s;:cc-wr Cf)lq~R ~ it BI~#l~:H
72) A gas turbine fycle with infinitely large number of stages during compression and expansion leads to
74) In centrifugal air compressor the pressure developed depends on
1) Impellertip velocy 2) Inlet temperature
1) ~ Rq- 1@r 2) ~ ~
3) ~!{I-;:r ~ 4) ~ cmif B'lft
1) 4~R'Q~ ~ %
2) 4~R'Q~ i{ ~lrln~qf%1~"$1 ~ %
3) 4~R'Q~ "TIT (l"W 'k'l1\«CfJ %
4) ~~~
76) The ratio of maximum shear strain developed in beam of rectangular action to that of average shear
stress i~
1) 2 2) 1.5
3) 3 4) 1
3) W2U/96EI 4) W2U/96EI
77) ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ L q#jcfcg~ Rfulwfl EI Cb«J)'Qqld Ws W t "$1 ~ ~ mT
1) W2U/48EI 2) W2U/48EI
3) W2U/96EI 4) W2U/96EI
78) The Euler load for a column is 1000 KN and crushing load is 1500KN. The Rankine load is equal to
1) 600 KNj 2) 1000 K~ , .l
1) TI2 2) T
3) 2T 4) 4T
79) qc5 ~ ~ ~TNC 1R ~ ~ M om CRCf) Tww:rr \IffifT %1 ~ ~ ~n~ll @ q
~.fclC/?fBd :2:'* ~W:R @ ~ m- \IfTdi t ~M ~ m-
1) T/2 2) T
3) 2T 4) 4T
80) In a thin long closed cylindrical container, the fluid pressure induces
1) Only hoop stress
2) Only Longitudinal stress
3) Longitudinal stress equal to twice hoop stress
4) Longitudinal stress equal to half the hoop stress
2) m ~1;:Jn~qf%'1~@ c
82) A circular shaft can transmit a torque of 5KN m. If the torque is reduced to 4 KN m, then the maximum
value of bending moment that can be applied to the shaft is
1) 1 KNm 2) 2 KNm
3) 3KNm 4) 4KNm
82) ~ B(1l~< ~lT1:fC5KNm"CRCf) ~1"8Mc Cfi7: BCfXfT % 1 ~ Gf(Cf) tIC ~ 4 KNm m \jffffi %1 dCr \31T~
~ ~ Chl BR, ;:#r ~TT1fC1:R ww:rr \J1T WlmT %1
1) 1 KNm 2) 2 KNm
3) 3 KNm 4) 4KNm
83) The maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of length L located by a concentrated
load W at the midpoint is given by
1) WL 2) WL/2
3) WL/4 4) WLl8
1) w.AB 2) w. (AB)2
3) w2.AB 4) (w.AB?
w =~ AB q5T ~ Tfffi
1) w.AB 2) w. (AB?
3) w2.AB 4) (w.AB)2
86) The coriolis component of acceleration is taken into account for
3) oc =90+<p 4) ex:=90-<p
2) ex:=4S--
88) The power transmitted by a belt is maximum when the maximum tension in belt (T) is equal to
Tc = Centrifugal Tension r
1) ~ q)T am:r
3) Q<ffi{\fBEl
12 - .:. 23
90) The brakes commonly used in motor cars is
91) A disc is spinning with angular velocity w red/s about the axis of spin. The couple applied to the disc
causing precession will be
I = Mass moment of Inertia of disc
wp = angular velocity of precession of axis of spin
1) 112w2 2) Iw2
3) 1I2Iww p
4) Iww p
91) ~ fm<.ow t5~ c5t TWf u m- ~ ~ "f.lTB"m- Cf){ -®" ~ I fm<.o1:11 ~ ~ \ifrill t~
Cf?RUT mt~R ~
I=~ q)f lffi1 ~ ~
w p = ~ .• ~c5timt~R ~ TWf
1) 112w2 2) Iw2
3) 1I2Iww p
4) Iww p
92) When the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below the mean speed, then the
governor is said to be
1) Unstable 2) Stable
3) Isochronous 4) hunt
92) \j'fC{ ~ c5t r@r l=fR TWf ~ wn: ~ -;ftir ~ CK1CfT{21 c mID t ~~ ~Writ W \ifrill ~ I
1) 01fuR 2) Wn:
3) 0lIBI~l'iB 4) ~
12 - .:. 24
93) ~Qgg f%-~ CfiT ~ ~~ %
1) m-mn- 2) t:r~~
3) tn. qr. ~ 4)~
94) To draw either horizontal or vertical lines, the command in Auto CAD is
95) In computer graphics conics like ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas can be specified by
1) Specifying five points on the element
2) Specifying three points and a tangency condition
3) Either above
4) None of these
95) ~!l1 filiCR1 Cfil
"'f.:l Cfl(i ~\Jl~ ~~~II~, ;>, "\ "\"\
q{IClIMI n-w i?1~q<(;.uMICfiT ftlBllbl~
f"\ r ~
l)i~C~I~{!j;~.~ ~ ~ ~
2) ~ f~~i~~'ij
~ ~
3) m. ~. ~ .~ cfif.wr
4)~~ r·{
12 - .:. 25
97) In which graphic terminal selective erase is not possible
1) Buffer Size
3) Intelligence
2) Resolution
4) Vertical dimension
99) ~ qcp{h"11 ;wft \Jffifr t ~Clfu 0m? fNk~~lt10fu:
1) ~,,~ 2)~~R
100)ACamot cycle refrigerator operates between250k and 300k. Its coefficient of performance is
1) 6 2) 5
3) 1.2 4) 0.8
1) 6 2) 5
3) 12 4) 0.8
101) For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of diesel cycle as compared to the otto cycle is
1) Less 2) More
3) Equal 4) None of the above
1) "Cf)11
3) ~
12 - .:. 26
102)In a boiler, a fusible valve is located at
1) ~ ~ q CfCIIRittl ~ %
2) ~ ~"QCcfT ~ ~ Cf:IlRittl ~ %
3) ~ ~ ~ % ~. CfCIIRittl ~ ~
4) ~ ~ q CfCIIRittt ~ %
104) Performance of boiler is measured by
1) 'ti'='(u+PbU;;T"s)
105)13I~M~fB1a ~~R Chl a::rcR1 fu1m ~ir %
1) a = (u+pu-Tjs) 2) a = (du+pdu-Tjls)
3) a = (du+pdu-T'jis) 4) a = (u+pou+Tos)
106) In steam and other vapour cycles, the process of removing non-condensable is called
1) Scavenging process 2) Deaeration process
107)~ ~ if ~ ~~TT ~ ~
1) 1ftffi 2) ~
3) ~m 4) Tfurfr cr ~
108) An Economizer is installed in a boiler primarily to
1) Super heat the steam 2) Reduce fuel consumption
3) Increase steam pressure 4) all of above
108)~ ~CbI'1I'"1I~'3Hc5'r ~ if lJff "Wl"B- ~ iiffill ~
109) Ratio of heat absorbs by feed water to the heat supplied by fuel in a giVen time, is known as
1) Factor of Evaporation 2) Equivalent Evaporation
3) Boiler Efficiency 4) Power of a boiler
109)m ~ &m ~ ctr ~ ~ nm ~ &m ~ 'Tir ~ if ~.~:Cf)f ):~WiT, CbQ~@%
1) ~ ~ ~~R 2) ~Fcfqcit;c ~~R
3) ~ ~ 4) ~ ctr qrcn:
110)Diesel cycle consists of
1) Two adiabatic and two cons' 'nt volume process
2) Two adiabatic and two constant pressure process
3) Two adiabatic, one constant pressure and one constant volume process
4) Two isothermal, one constant pressure and one constant volume process
110)~ ~ it m-at %
1) m ~g)~CiRCf) ~ m Cf)H:~'"Ci3ffiRR ~
111)~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ -&m ~
1) 0i1~~;ilfqCfi Jfn: CfiH~Z ~ 2) 0i1~~;;lyqCfi 8fR GflI~Z ~~R
3) ~ ~ ~ CfiI~Z ~~R 4) ~ ~ Jfn: CfiI~Z ~
112)~ mg, ~ ~
1) ~ i3fR ~ 2) ~ ~ re.,
3) ~, R'1 I3fR ~ 4) Cf)TtR, re., 0ffi ~;€Il1;:fl
114) ~ ctr ~~TffilT w:rR ~ CflRG3ITlfB .3ffi
1) W:~ 2) fqTr .~
3)~~ 4) ::jUT fB~;ICbH
115) Which key permits axial movement as well as transmits a turning moment?
1) ~ 2) ~
3) ~ ctr<> 4) ~ ctr
] 16) Which of the following is Trapezoidal thread
1) Acme 2) Square
3) Buttress 4) all of above
116) R9 it B ~ ~(hll~s~ ~ ~
1) ~ 2) mrn
3) ~ 4) ~ B'lfr
117) The longitudinal joint, in a boiler shell is
1) Butt joint 2) Lap joint
3) Butt joint with two cover plates 4) Butt joint with single cover plate
1) ~~Tffi~ 2) ©cn~~
-, -, ~\"'\
3) GJ ©Cfi ~ ~ 4) w ~ ihl1(rf ~
1) 1-6-2-5-3-4 2) 1-5-3-6-2-4
3) 1-2-5-4-3-6 4) 1-3-2-6-5-4