Reasons To Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System: Sustainability
Reasons To Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System: Sustainability
Reasons To Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System: Sustainability
Reasons to Adopt ISO 50001 Energy
Management System
Frederic Marimon 1, * ID
and Martí Casadesús 2 ID
Abstract: Purpose: The main aim of this paper is to analyze the relationships between the corporate
motivations that lead organizations to establish the ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS)
standard, and the difficulties and benefits derived from its adoption. Design/methodology/approach:
Three independent exploratory factor analyses (EFA) were conducted in order to identify (i) sources
of motivation: social requirements, ecology drivers, and competitive advantage; (ii) the difficulties
of an ISO 50001 adoption: operational difficulties and organizational difficulty; and (iii) types
of benefits: ecological benefits and operational benefits. In a second step, an exploratory path
analysis, performed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), was used to analyze the relations
among motivation, difficulties, and benefits related to the adoption of the ISO 50001 standard.
Findings: Social requirements explain operational difficulties, which in turn impacts on operational
benefits. Ecology drivers are directly related to ecological benefits. Organizational difficulties
have an inverse relationship with operational and ecological benefits. Operational difficulties
are related to operational benefits and ecological benefits. Research limitations/implications:
The questionnaire was disseminated to 87 Spanish companies with ISO 50001 certification. Managers
and other practitioners such as consultants, auditing companies, and official organizations in charge
of developing standards might find useful implications. Originality/value: The standard was
published in 2011 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This paper contributes
to assessment of the benefits of the standard by collecting information directly from the pioneer
organizations that have adopted it, and provides clues on how to implement the standard and
improve it in future.
Keywords: sustainability; ISO 50001; Energy Management System; motivations; difficulties; benefits
1. Introduction
The adoption of international standards on Environmental Management Systems (EMSs), notably
the ISO 14001 standard, has grown significantly worldwide over the last two decades [1,2]. Following
this successful path, some other management standards that deal with environmental management
aspects have been launched, such as the ISO 14006 standard for eco-design [3], the ISO 14064 standard
for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gases, and the ISO 14031 standard for environmental
performance evaluation, among many others. This is also the case with ISO 50001, a standard to guide
the adoption of an Energy Management System (EnMS), which was published in July 2011. Targeting
broad applicability across national economic sectors, it is estimated that the standard could influence
up to 60% of the world’s energy use [4].
In particular, ISO 50001 accounts for 11,985 registered organizations in 2015. The certification
grew rapidly, from 459 in 2011 to 1981 in 2012, with total annual growth of 332%. Considering the
growth of ISO 50001 and ISO 14001, also referred to as meta-standards [2], and given the importance
of the promotion of energy management for cleaner production [5], a study analyzing causal relation
between motivations, difficulties, and benefits is needed.
The main aim of this paper is to analyze the relationships between the corporate motivations
that lead organizations to establish the ISO 50001 EnMS standard and the difficulties and benefits
derived from its adoption. This research helps to fill this gap, based on the information obtained from
57 Spanish companies that participated in a survey.
energy security, energy use, and consumption [16]. ISO 50001 aims to facilitate the establishment of the
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 3 of 15
systems and processes necessary to improve energy performance in organizations, including energy
efficiency, use, and of
establishment consumption
the systems[4].and processes necessary to improve energy performance in
ISO 50001 is including
organizations, not the first
energyenergy management
efficiency, standard [4].
use, and consumption in the world. Earlier, there were
ISO 50001 is not the first energy management standard in the world.The
14 regional and/or local energy management standards. research
Earlier, thereconducted
by Anisimova [17] 14 regional and/or
concluded that the local energy management
previous standards.standards
energy management The research
haveconducted by
many features
in common. [17] is
This concluded that the previous
not accidental, since allenergy management
the previous energystandards have many
management features in
standards before
common. This is not accidental, since all the previous energy management
ISO 50001 were developed by individuals working within the ISO management model for continuous standards before ISO
50001 were developed by individuals working within the ISO management model for continuous
improvement. Still, ISO 50001 has several significant improvements, especially compared to the
improvement. Still, ISO 50001 has several significant improvements, especially compared to the
European Energy Standard EN 16001:2010 [18].
European Energy Standard EN 16001:2010 [18].
The structure
The structure of ISO 50001
of ISO is isdesigned
50001 designedaccording
according totoother
management system
system standards,
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) in in
(Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems)
particular. Since
particular. all three
Since management
all three managementsystemssystems are basedon
are based onthe
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
(PDCA) cyclecycle
(Figure 1), ISO
(Figure 50001
1), ISO cancan
50001 be be
these systems [19].
systems [19].
Figure 1. Plan-Do-Check-Act
Figure 1. Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA) CycleofofISO
(PDCA) Cycle ISO50001.
50001. Source:
Source: [20].[20].
In the context of energy management, the PDCA cycle can be summarized as follows [20]:
In the context of energy management, the PDCA cycle can be summarized as follows [20]:
Plan: conduct the energy review and establish the baseline, energy performance indicators
‚ Plan:(EnPIs),
conduct the energy
objectives, review
targets, and establish
and action the baseline,
plans necessary energy
to deliver resultsperformance
in accordanceindicators
(EnPIs), objectives,
opportunities targets,energy
to improve and action plans and
performance necessary to deliverenergy
the organization’s resultspolicy.
in accordance with
opportunities to improve
Do: implement energy
the energy performance
management action and the organization’s energy policy.
‚ Do: Check: monitor and measure processes and
implement the energy management action plans. the key characteristics of operations that determine
energy performance against the energy policy and objectives and report the results.
‚ Check: monitor and measure processes and the key characteristics of operations that determine
Act: take actions to continually improve energy performance and the EnMS.
energy performance against the energy policy and objectives and report the results.
‚ Act:Motives
2.2. take actions to continually improve energy performance and the EnMS.
There are various motives behind the application of standards. From an empirical perspective,
2.2. Motives
Bansal and Roth [21] propose three types of motive that lead companies to implement ISO 14001:
There are variouslegitimation,
competitiveness, motives behind the application
and ecological of standards.
responsibility. Fromand
Neumayer an empirical perspective,
Perkins [22] also
Bansal and Roth [21] propose three types of motive that lead companies to implement ISOto14001:
underlined a couple of motivations that lead companies to adopt ISO 14001: internal related
efficiency, and legitimation,
competitiveness, external related and
to theecological
social pressure exerted by different
responsibility. agents toand
Neumayer persuade company
Perkins [22] also
underlined a couple of motivations that lead companies to adopt ISO 14001: internalISO
managers to adopt certain practices. Pan [23], exploring the motivations of firms registering related
14001 in four far Eastern countries (Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Hong-Kong), found that the desire for
to efficiency, and external related to the social pressure exerted by different agents to persuade
company managers to adopt certain practices. Pan [23], exploring the motivations of firms
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 4 of 15
registering ISO 14001 in four far Eastern countries (Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Hong-Kong),
found that the desire for improving corporate image, environmental improvement, gaining marketing
advantage, and improving relations with communities were the most important reasons for the
ISO 14001 certification. In the same vein, Psomas et al. [24], through exploratory factor analysis in
Greek companies, emphasized three main sources of ISO 14001 motives: competitive advantage,
social requirements, and environmentally-friendly policy. González-Benito, J. and González-Benito,
O. [25] differentiated the following four drivers for the adoption of EMSs: operational competitive
motivations (costs, productivity), commercial competitive motivations (market, image, customers),
ethical motivations, and relational motivations (regulators, local organizations). Gavronski et al. [26]
proposed four typologies of motivation in implementing the ISO 14001 standard: pressures from the
external stakeholders; pro-action looking for future business concerns; legal motivations; and internal
motivations. Recently, Marimon et al. [1] found that some sectors are using the ISO 14001 certification
in order to “clean” their image as “dirty” sectors or sectors which are aggressive against the
environment. This is particularly true in the energy sector. In the same vein, Marimon et al. [27]
claim that other standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are also used by the energy
sector in order to disclose information about their interaction with and respect to the environment.
2.3. Difficulties
According to Wessels [28], the difficulty of ISO 50001 implementation in Toyota SA was in
changing people’s mindset that energy reduction does not necessarily have an impact on safety, quality,
or production cycle time. Babakri et al. [29] has investigated the obstacles of ISO 14001 implementation
in US companies, such as high cost of certification, lack of available resources, lack of leadership
commitment, uncertainty of ISO 14001 benefits, etc. Velázquez et al. [30] stated that the difficulty
in EnMS implementation in petroleum industries in Seville was in determining the energy baseline
and energy performance indicator (EnPI) because of the complexity of the data; the production
rates are highly variable and several interacting processes coexist at a single site. One cannot easily
determine the energy baseline and energy performance indicator (EnPI). Another difficulty comes
from the technical issue of installing an automated real-time energy measurement in accordance with
Wessels [28]. Liyin et al. [31] mentioned that the increased cost, and the time and resources consumed,
have discouraged construction companies from engaging actively in improving their environmental
performance. In the same vein, Babakri et al. [29] also mentioned that the two highest obstacles of
ISO 14001 are the high cost of certification and lack of available resources, along with the benefits
uncertainty of ISO 14001 adoption.
2.4. Benefits
The ISO 50001 standard is a powerful tool for organizations to improve their energy performance.
Wessels [28] showed that the implementation in Toyota SA has proved to be successful with indicators
of energy savings/year and kg CO2 savings/year. Velazquez et al. [30] also found that 2.82 GWh
energy savings have been achieved. Lambert [32] estimated that the Bentley Group saved at least
180 kW and 1,532,768 kWh in one year. Also, it has been shown that in the Bridgestone group, between
2000 and 2010, the energy used on site for each car produced was reduced by two thirds [33]. Recently,
Jabbour [13] also identified several contributions of the ISO 50001 in support of the adoption of green
supply chain management. The integration-energy-practice model for introducing an ISO 50001 Energy
Management System can efficiently meet demands for energy performance indicators and pass the
international certification for ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems [34].
Other standards, such as ISO 14001, are proven to give operational benefits as well. ISO 14001
gives operational benefits in terms of cycle time, efficiency, flexibility, cost, plant safety, overall
productivity, product innovation, product performance, product quality, defects, quality assurance,
and process optimization [35–38]. Giving another perspective, Psomas et al. [24] stated that the
internal benefits of ISO 14001 adoption in Greek companies are more significant than the external
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 5 of 15
ones. Chavan [39] highlighted that the ISO 14001 standard is a powerful tool for organizations to
both improve their environmental performance and enhance their business efficiency by minimizing
environmental liabilities, maximizing the efficient use of resources, reducing waste, demonstrating a
good corporate image, building awareness of environmental concern among employees, gaining better
understanding of the environmental impacts of business activities, and increasing profit through more
efficient operations.
3.1. Questionnaire
To investigate the motivations and benefits of companies who have adopted the ISO 50001 EnMS,
a structured questionnaire was designed on the basis of a comprehensive literature review. Since there
is scarce previous empirical literature related to ISO 50001, some items were borrowed from previous
authors who have analyzed motivations and benefits of other related standards (e.g., ISO 140001 and
EMAS). The questionnaire contained four sections: (1) background information; (2) organization
motivation to adopt ISO 50001; (3) adoption process of ISO 50001; and (4) result of ISO 50001
implementation. Each section has different content, as shown in more detail in Table 1. The last
three sections correspond to the three constructs analyzed in the literature: motivations, difficulties,
and benefits.
Chapter Contents
Organization classification
1. Organization data
International scope
2. Input Motivations
Commitment leadership
Human resource
Other resources
3. Implementation
Time and cost
Operational benefits
4. Output Financial benefits
A total of six pages of questions were employed, using a combination of the one-to-five
Likert scale and open-ended answers. The Likert scale provides five alternatives with different
degrees of agreement: (1) no effect; (2) a little important; (3) important; (4) very important;
and (5) totally important.
It is important to stress that since the methodology used to obtain the quantitative information is
based on the perceptions of specialized managers in charge of the process, it could suffer from social
desirability and other related bias [2].
3.2. Sample
This research is focused in Spain since it has the second-highest share of ISO 50001 certification
throughout the world, next to Germany [19]. Given that Spain has been a member of the European
Union since 1986, Spanish energy policy goals are derived from the EU goals and aligned with
“Europe 2020”. In line with the target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 20% from 1990
to 2020, Spain will have to increase energy efficiency to contribute to the EU target of reducing energy
demand by 20% by 2020.
As stated, despite the study being focused in Spain, the findings of this research could clearly be
of interest to stakeholders from other countries, since it can be argued that the main characteristics
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 6 of 15
of the process of adoption of management standard systems do not differ much from one region to
another, since the organizational field in which these kinds of standards have been disseminated is a
global one [2].
Consequently, the questionnaire was disseminated first via internet and, for the organizations
from which we didn’t obtain any response, later through paper questionnaire to senior management
representatives who were in charge of energy management certification in the organizations adopting
the ISO 50001 EnMS. These organizations were recorded in the database of AENOR (Asociación Española
de Normalización y Certificación), the company in charge of the development and diffusion of technical
norms and certifications in Spain.
The questionnaire was disseminated in November 2014 to 87 companies of the total 120 ISO 50001
certified Spanish organizations [19], out of which 57 responded, representing a response rate of 65%
(Table 2). The small quantity of the data sample is mainly due to the low number of certifications,
the difficulty to discover the organizations adopting ISO 50001, the difficulty of data access, and the
exploratory character of the study. Although the quantity of organizations which collaborated in the
study was small, it is a high response rate when taken as a relative measure.
and 500 workers, representing the largest group in terms of size. Interestingly, the percentage of
organizations having between 501 and 1000 workers (4%) is less than the percentage of organizations
having more than 1000 employees (20%). According to the organizations’ average turnover,
the organizations with big turnover (>50 M€) comprised the highest percentage (38%) of the
respondents, followed by organizations with micro turnover (<2 M€) with 36%, organizations with
small turnover (<10 M€) with 14%, and organizations with big turnover (<50 M€). The majority of
organizations adopting ISO 50001 (85%) integrate their meta-standards adoption with ISO 9001 and/or
ISO 14001, while only 15% do not.
Table 3. Exploratory factor analysis for the motives in adopting ISO 50001.
F1 F2 F3
Variables Mean Value Social Requirements Ecology Drivers Competitive Advantage
Incentive given by public administration 2.19 0.701
Pressure from professional association 2.30 0.969
Improve energy efficiency 4.42 0.727
Reduce the greenhouse gas effect 3.49 0.749
Enhance employee energy awareness 4.02 0.605
The rise of energy prices 3.67 0.659
The impacts of climate change 3.39 0.907
Competitors pressure 2.51 0.708
Clients’ requirements 2.67 0.833
Image improvement 3.67 0.520
Model information
Eigenvalue 4.674 2.679 1.337
Cronbach’s alpha 0.809 0.847 0.721
Composite reliability (CR) 0.660 0.953 0.895
Average variance extracted (AVE) 0.492 0.676 0.501
Mean value a 2.246 3.796 2.947
a Mean value range: 1 represents “no effect” to 5 represents “totally important”.
Consequently, internal drivers such as ecology drivers seem to be the strongest motives for
adopting ISO 50001 for the organizations that participated in the present study. However, external
motives such as obtaining a competitive advantage and social requirements seem to also be present,
but are less significant with regard to their contribution to the organizations’ decision to adopt
ISO 50001. The term “social requirements” might cause some misunderstanding. In this case, it is
composed of two items. The first is related to public administration incentives, and the second is
related to the incentives promoted by other professional institutions.
The findings from the study of Psomas et al. [24] on Greek companies with ISO 14001 is in line
with findings from the present survey. Using the Exploratory Factor Analysis, it was shown that both
internal reasons and external reasons influence ISO 14001 certified companies, and the internal reason
constructs of “environmentally-friendly policy” are of higher significance than external reasons of
“competitive advantage” and “social requirements”.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 8 of 15
Table 4. Exploratory factor analysis for the difficulties in adopting ISO 50001.
F6 F7
Variables Mean Value Operational Difficulty Organizational Difficulty
The necessity of continuous measurement tools 3.34 0.849
Data complexity 3.04 0.721
Lack of economic resources 3.02 0.715
Norm complexity 2.26 0.751
Changing mindset 2.77 0.661
Internal communication 2.40 0.758
Lack of Leadership commitment 2.28 0.759
Benefits uncertainty 2.57 0.559
Model information
Eigenvalue 4.238 0.943
Cronbach’s alpha 0.838 0.775
Composite reliability (CR) 0.971 0.781
Average variance extracted (AVE) 0.721 0.475
Mean value a 2.92 2.50
a Mean value range: 1 represents “no effect” to 5 represents “totally important”.
Based on Table 4, the difficulties faced by the organizations adopting ISO 50001 are quite low,
showed by the mean values of 2.92 and 2.50, with the operational issues more difficult than the
organizational ones. The previous experience of adopting international standards such as ISO 9001
and ISO 14001 may have facilitated conformity with ISO 50001 requirements. It has to be considered
that 85% of the organizations adopting ISO 50001 have adopted other international standards, namely,
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Table 5. Exploratory factor analysis of the benefits for adopting ISO 50001.
F4 F5
Variables Mean Value Ecological Benefits Production Benefits
Energy saving 4.43 0.749
Improve environmental performance 4.02 0.917
Improve environmental impact 3.83 0.892
Increase of environmental awareness 3.55 0.784
Increase plant safety 2.47 0.628
Increase overall productivity 3.04 0.776
Process optimization 3.49 0.712
Improve product performance 2.38 0.782
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 9 of 15
Table 5. Cont.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 9 of 15
F4 F5
Improve product quality 2.43 0.793
Variables Mean Value Ecological Benefits Production Benefits
Model information
Improve product quality Eigenvalue 2.43 4.520 0.793
Model information Cronbach’s alpha 0.895 0.858
Eigenvalue 4.520 1.825
Composite reliability (CR)
Cronbach’s alpha
Average variance
Composite extracted
reliability (AVE)
(CR) 0.561
0.962 0.549
Average variance extracted
value a 0.561
3.958 0.549
Mean value a 3.958 2.762
a Mean value range: 1 represents “no effect” to 5 represents “totally important”.
a Mean value range: 1 represents “no effect” to 5 represents “totally important”.
The mean
mean value
value of
of ecological
ecological benefits scored quite
benefits scored quite high
high in
in terms
terms of
of importance
importance (3.958),
(3.958), while
while the
production benefits scored a lower significance (2.762 out of 5). Therefore, the adoption of ISO
production benefits scored a lower significance (2.762 out of 5). Therefore, the adoption of ISO 50001 50001
is quite successful
is quite successful in
in granting
granting ecological
ecological benefits
benefits for
for the
the organizations
organizations adopting
adopting it.
it. However,
However, it is
it is
possibly due to the immature age of ISO 50001, which gives the euphoria sensation of a new
possibly due to the immature age of ISO 50001, which gives the euphoria sensation of a new standard standard
adoption; this was
adoption; this was the
the case
case for
for ISO
ISO 9001,
9001, the
the benefits
benefits of
of which
which have
have actually
actually fallen
fallen over
over time
time [41].
4.5. Path
Path Analysis
The three previous
The three previous exploratory
exploratory factor
factor analyses
analyses identified
identified three
three dimensions
dimensions ofof motivations,
explaining two dimensions of difficulties which in turn explain two dimensions of benefits. From
two dimensions of difficulties which in turn explain two dimensions of benefits. From the
obtained latent constructs, an
latent constructs, exploratory path
an exploratory analysis was
path analysis was conducted
conducted correlating
correlating all
all motivation
with difficulties
with difficulties and
and all
all difficulties
difficulties with
with benefits,
benefits, as
as shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 2.
2. The
The path
path analysis
analysis model
model was
estimated by using the maximum likelihood method from the asymptotic variance–covariance
estimated by using the maximum likelihood method from the asymptotic variance–covariance matrix.
matrix. EQS Version
EQS Version 6.1 was
6.1 was the the software
software used to compute
used to compute the empirical
the empirical work. work.
Figure 2.
Figure Exploratory path
2. Exploratory path analysis
analysis graphical
graphical representation.
The model
obtained waswas
thenthen improved
improved by adding
by adding parameters
parameters suggested suggested
by Lagrangeby Multiplier
Multiplier Test until it reached the required fit indices parameter. The selected fit indices
Test until it reached the required fit indices parameter. The selected fit indices parameter was parameter
was Comparative
Comparative Fit Indices
Fit Indices (CFI)
(CFI) since
since thisthis parameter
parameter performs
performs welleven
well evenwhen
sample size
size is
small [42]. The final model and results obtained are shown in Figure Figure 3.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 10 of 15
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 10 of 15
Figure 3. Final path analysis graphical representation. Note: standardized solution paths in the arrows.
Figure 3. Final path analysis graphical representation. Note: standardized solution paths in the
Before analyzing the relation further, the discriminant validity was assessed by linear correlations
or standardized covariances
Before analyzing betweenfurther,
the relation latent factors by examiningvalidity
the discriminant whetherwasinter-factor
by linear
were less than the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE). Table 6 shows the square
correlations or standardized covariances between latent factors by examining whether inter-factor roots
of each AVE were greater
correlations less thanthan
thethe off-diagonal
square elements.
root of the average variance extracted (AVE). Table 6 shows
the square roots of each AVE were greater than the off-diagonal elements.
Table 6. Correlation matrix of latent factors.
Table 6. Correlation matrix of latent factors.
Correlation Matrix of Latent Factors F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Correlation Matrix of Latent Factors
F1. Social requirements F1
0.702 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Social requirements
Ecology drivers 0.702
0.099 0.822
F2.F3. Competitive
Ecology advantage
drivers 0.438 0.822
0.099 0.007 0.708
F4. Ecological benefits
F3. Competitive advantage ´0.099
0.438 ´0.160
0.007 0.708 0.749
F5. Operational benefits 0.034 ´0.016 ´0.025 0.426 0.628
Ecological benefits
Operational difficulties −0.099
´0.141 −0.160 −0.234 0.354
0.034 ´0.418 0.749 0.149 0.849
Operational benefits
Organizational difficulties 0.034
´0.022 −0.016 −0.025 0.169
0.000 ´0.275 0.426 0.098
0.628 0.735 0.661
F6. Operational difficulties −0.141 0.034 −0.418 0.354 0.149 0.849
The diagonal elements, in italics, are the square roots of average variance extracted (AVE).
F7. Organizational difficulties −0.022 0.000 −0.275 0.169 0.098 0.735 0.661
The The
measurement modelinwas
diagonal elements, estimated
italics, by using
are the square theaverage
roots of robustvariance
maximum likelihood
extracted (AVE). method.
Th fit indices obtained in the measurement model estimation showed that the variables converged
(see Table 7). The x2 Satorra–Bentler
The measurement model was estimated
was 358 by using
with 294 the robust
degrees of maximum
freedom, the likelihood
p-value method. The
was 0.00613,
fit indices
the obtained
Root Mean in Error
Square the measurement model(RMSEA)
of Approximation estimation showed
was that the
0.065, and the CFI
variables converged
was 0.907. Taking(see
Table 7). Theof ݔthe
significance 2
Satorra–Bentler waswith
robust x statistic 358 with 294 degrees
caution, of freedom,
and noting the globaltheindicators,
p-value wasthe0.00613,
was Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was 0.065, and the CFI was 0.907. Taking the
significance of the robust ݔଶ statistic with caution, and noting the global indicators, the global fit was
acceptable. Table 7. Standardized solution of the causal model.
The social requirements (consisting of incentive given by public administration and professional
associations) cause the operational difficulties, which arise during the implementation process. On the
other hand, the ecology drivers cause ecological benefits. In other words, without ecology drivers,
“only” operational benefits would be attained. The incentive and pressure received from public
administration and professional associations enable the organizations to perform on a superficial level
resulting in operational benefits such as safety, productivity, optimization, performance, and quality,
but not ecological benefits.
The ecology drivers are directly related to ecological benefits. This finding is logical since
the organizations obtain ecological benefits by having ecology motives in mind before adopting
ISO 50001. Regarding the relations between motivations and benefits, there is a positive relationship
between the level of internal motivation of Spanish companies when adopting the ISO 14001 standard
and the internal benefits obtained from that process [2,43]. This finding is also in line with that
of Gavronski et al. [26] on ISO 14001 adoption in Brazilian companies, where internal motivations
presented a strong relationship to the perceived internal benefits and legal motivations.
The organizational difficulty has an inverse relationship with the operational and ecological
benefits. This is logical since change management is initiated first on organizational and
managerial activities, and afterwards continues to technical activities. Therefore, organizational
difficulties—ranging from changing mindset, internal communication, lack of leadership commitment,
and benefits uncertainty—restrain operational and ecological benefits. With a reduction of
organizational difficulty, an organization is more agile and able to work faster and, as a result, achieve
higher operational and ecological benefits.
The last finding is that operational difficulties, which comprise the necessity of continuous
measurement tools, data complexity, lack of economic resources, and norm complexity, are related to
operational benefits and ecological benefits. ISO 50001 requires the organization to develop a policy for
more efficient use of energy, fix targets and objectives to meet the policy, manage energy data, measure
the results, and so on. These activities inevitably cause operational difficulties and, although it may
sound counterintuitive, the more seriously an organization takes the implementation of ISO 50001,
the more ecological benefits gained due to the effort required to face these difficulties. In other words,
these operational difficulties cause operational and ecological benefits; it is a challenge which the
organization needs to overcome to win the energy challenge and gain benefits.
requirements impact indirectly on ecological benefits. Consequently, these social requirements are
relevant in order to achieve a good performance in terms of both ecological and operational benefits.
On the other hand, the ecology drivers only impact on ecological benefits, not operational. This issue
gives rise to a question that managers must face: whether to invest in social requirements or in ecology
drivers. If operational benefits are prioritized, managers should invest in social requirements, to the
detriment of ecological benefits; on the other hand, if ecological benefits are the main goal, managers
should invest in ecology drivers, neglecting operational benefits. There is a tradeoff between both
types of benefits. This is the dilemma that the current research model helps to solve.
These results might also be useful to the “makers” of the next version of the standard. The standard
is still in its starting phase, with respect to the diffusion phenomenon and regarding the maturation
of the standard in itself. These findings will provide insights in order to improve the next release of
the standard.
The efficiency of energy use enables organizations to save money, as well as helping to conserve
resources; consequently, this is also a factor that helps to prevent damage to natural resources. Due to
the extent to which an Energy Management System (and particularly ISO 50001) contributes to saving
the use of natural resources, the standard will also contribute to the stabilization of climate parameters,
and will therefore be of interest to the national governmental institutions and international associations
that are dealing with environmental issues. Hence, the findings of this paper and, in general, research
which investigates energy efficiency will be more and more relevant for these institutions.
On the other hand, taking into account that ISO 50001 is based on the management system model
of continual improvement (also used for other well-known standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001),
the organizations will have an extra incentive to integrate this standard with the previous standards.
Both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 have been very successful and have gained great popularity. Both are
well diffused among countries and economic activities. Marimon et al. [27,44] and Llach et al. [45]
have analyzed the diffusion phenomenon of both standards. Shortly after the publication of the
ISO 9001 standard, Casadesus and Karapetrovic [46] studied the causes that lead organizations to
certify under the ISO 9001 standard. In most cases, the main motivation was external. In other
words, the organizations were not motivated by a potential improvement in economic or efficiency
performance. The main reason to adopt was explained in terms of image and prestige. The subsequent
editions of the standard were more focused on customer satisfaction, and the reasons that lead
organizations to certify evolved into seeking customer satisfaction [47]. This case demonstrates how
the standard adapts to the necessities and requirements of the organizations. Something similar
happened with the evolution of ISO 14001, and we foresee that the ISO 50001 standard will also have a
process to fit with the real necessities of the organizations. The recent new standard versions ISO 14001:
2015 and 9001: 2015 enable the process and integration with other international standards, which will
impact on the diffusion of the ISO 50001 standard.
The ISO 50001 standard provides a framework of requirements for organizations regarding
some different issues. Internally, it is intended to help develop a policy for more efficient use of
energy, but also to fix targets and objectives to meet this policy. To the extent that organizations are
measuring results in terms of efficiency energy, the standard will help them to continually improve
energy management. If organizations do not find it useful, the standard will decrease its diffusion,
and it might even trigger a decertification process. Hence, the ISO organization has an interest in
understanding the motivations that organizations might have to certify, and also those reasons that
might lead them to decertify.
Some empirical papers have analyzed how the improvement in energy management can be
measured through some indicators. Each industry and each country requires different indicators to
show its evolution and how different management decisions impact on the overall energy efficiency [48].
However, this paper contributes to the understanding of the motivations in deciding to adopt an EnMS
based on ISO 50001 and the expected benefits. Wulandari [15] analyzed it from a purely descriptive
point of view, without finding any relationship between motivations, difficulties, and benefits.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1740 13 of 15
Moreover, the particular case of the ISO 50001 standard has some particular features, which need
special attention. Unlike the ISO 9001 standard case, where the only interested party in the adoption
process is the organization, the adoption of ISO 50001 affects third parties. Governments have to
attain a certain level of emissions in accordance with international agreements. There are also other
stakeholders that are demanding sustainable processes and products. Consumers are more and more
interested in products that are manufactured according to sustainable requirements [49]. Sustainable
consumption is gaining impetus as a new environmental policy objective. Like other ISO management
system standards, certification to ISO 50001 is not obligatory. The organizations might decide to
implement the standard solely for the benefits it provides or also to show external parties (customers,
government regulatory bodies, etc.) that they have implemented an Energy Management System.
Obviously, the fact that the survey was carried out within a single country gives rise to a limitation,
since specific conditions in other countries and regions may alter the findings [2]. It will also be
interesting to collect data through several years in order to assess evolution and trends, enabling a
longitudinal analysis.
Some future research lines arise from the findings of this paper. Once the standard is well
established and diffused, among different activity sectors and geographical areas, it will be necessary
to analyze differences between adopters and non-adopters. This will shed light on the contribution
of the standard to the adopting organizations. Along this line, an analysis of the diffusion will also
be needed, in order to understand the phenomenon. The Rogers’ typology [50] for adopters will
provide specific characteristics for organizations in each phase for the innovation adoption group
(innovators, early adopters, and laggards). This will allow forecast behavior of new adopters, which
will be of interest not only for managers, but all institutions and organizations involved with this type
of certification—including accreditation organizations, certifying bodies, and business consultants
specializing in the implementation of the ISO 50001 standard.
Author Contributions: This research was designed, carried out and written principally by Frederic Marimon and
Martí Casadesús. Frederic Marimon contributed mainly to the methodology and data section. Both authors were
involved in the review and finalization of the paper. All authors read and approved the final paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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