fle, Tii,:v,' Jy ' TR Ijf, Q D, 4cto'r:.,ma, Ri:al' :1j::"""
fle, Tii,:v,' Jy ' TR Ijf, Q D, 4cto'r:.,ma, Ri:al' :1j::"""
fle, Tii,:v,' Jy ' TR Ijf, Q D, 4cto'r:.,ma, Ri:al' :1j::"""
Designation: B 193 - 87
~ .' , .~,
~ .. !o :.
• 'f
\T~~si\~t~n~ard.}s i~w~d",u~de~,the, fix~~;~esi~nati9n B "~~;~~e num~~r, \mm~~i~tel)' ,r.ol~O\"iq~\tl}p: (l.~sigpa!io!qndic~te~ the yellr of
ongirial adoptIOn or, 'Iii \he 'ca~e of tevislqn, the ye~r 'of last revision. A ~umb~r}n pa,rentheses mdiGates the yea.r o(la~t reappro"al. A
superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial bh~nge' slnce'thdast revi~ibh 'otitedpptoval.·L ,~, J . , , ' , ' , ,', • , '
This test method has been approved for use by agencies of the DepartrA~n{hJD~fense to repl~ce ~~thod61 ~.i' ojFe~~ral Test Method
Standard No. 151 b and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.
',,',J\',' .. ", ;, ...A,:. " , •• \ ('
:,.;\.~ ," ,', ••.. /"\1.1 "(,~' : " '.,.~~~ \.:·'::i.Lf'I,.~·~( v" ; ~:%., ,; '"',' , \I.~
resistivity accuracy may be adversely affected' bytJ0ssibie :, .3.3 W~lght ReslstlvltYlS com~only,expressed In. ohms for
inaccuracies in the assumed density of the conductor. a theoretIcal cond~ctor .of um! ~e~gth and wel~t. The
1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials, oper- method for cal~ulatmg weIght reSIstIvIty, based?n res~sta~ce,
ations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to ~ength, and weIght measurements, of a test speCImen IS gIVen
address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is In Explanatory Note 2.
the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish
appropriate safety and health practices and determine the 4. Apparatus
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 4.1 Resistance shall be measured with a Kelvin-type
double bridge or a potentiometer if the resistance of the
2. Referenced Documents specimen is below 1 Q. If it is 1 Q or more, a Wheatstone
bridge may be used. Where applicable, a Hoopes conduc-
2.1 ASTM Standards: tivity bridge may be used.
A 326 Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) High
Tensile Steel Telephone and Telegraph Line Wire2 5. Test Specimen
B 9 Specification for Bronze Trolley Wire 3 5.1 The test specimen may be in the form of a wire, strip,
BIOS Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper Alloy Wires rod, bar, tube, or shape. It shall be of uniform cross section
for Electrical Conductors throughout its length within ±0.75 % of the cross-sectional
B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor area. Wherever possible it shall be the full cross section of the
Materials3 material it represents, if the full cross section is such that the
B 355 Specification for Nickel-Coated Soft or Annealed uniformity of the cross-sectional area can be accurately
Copper Wire determined.
B 566 Specification for Copper-Clad Aluminum Wire 5.2 The test specimen shall have the following character-
2.2 National Bureau of Standards: istics:
NBS Handbook IOO-Copper Wire Tables 5.2.1 A resistance of at least 0.00001 Q (10 J..lQ) in the test
length between potential contacts,
3. Resistivity 5.2.2 A test length of at least 1 ft or 300 mm,
3.1 Resistivity (Explanatory Note 1) is the electrical resist- 5.2.3 A diameter, thickness, width, or other dimension
ance of a body of unit length, and unit cross-sectional area or suitable to the limitations of the resistance measuring instru-
unit weight. ment,
3.2 Volume Resistivity is commonly expressed in ohms 5.2.4 No surface cracks or defects visible to the unaided
for a theoretical conductor of unit length and cross-sectional normal eye, and substantially free from surface oxide, dirt,
area; in inch-pound units in Q. cmil/ft and in acceptable and grease, and
metric units in Q. mm2/m. It may be calculated by the 5.2.5 No joints or splices.
following equation:
Pv = (AIL)R 6. Procedure
6.1 Make all determinations of the dimensions and weight
of the test specimen using instruments accurate to ±0.05 %.
1 This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-1 on Wires In order to assure this accuracy in measuring the length
for Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee BO 1.02
on Methods of Test and Sampling Procedure.
between potential contacts, the surface in contact with the
Current edition approved Aug. 28, 1987. Published October 1987. Originally test specimen shall be a substantially sharp knife-edge when
published as B 193 - 44 T. Last previous edition B 193 - 78 (1983)E2. using a Kelvin-type bridge or a potentiometer.
2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 01.06 and 02.03.
6.2 The cross-sectional dimensions of the specimen may
3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.03.
4 Available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal
be determined by micrometer measurements, and a suffi-
Road, Springfield, VA 22161. cient number of measurements shall be made to obtain the
B 193
TABLE 1 Equivalent Resistivity Values for Copper A change'in resistance cannot be detected with the galvanom-
Conductivity at 20°C (68°F) 100.0 eter. To eliminate errors due to contact potential, take two
percent lACS readings, .one direct and one with current reversed, in direct
Volume Resistivity succession. Check tests are recommended whereby the spec-
Q·cmil/ft 10.371 imen is turned end for end, and the test repeated. Surface
Q·mm 2 /m 0.017241 cleaning of the specimen ,at current and potential contact
/lQ·in. 0.67879 '
points may be necessary to obtain good electrical contact.
Weight Resistivity
7. Temperature Correction
Q·lb/mile2 875.20
{l·g/m 2 0.15328 7.1 When the measurement is made at any other than a
A The equivalent resistivity values for 100 % lACS (soft copper) were. each
reference temperature, the resistance may be corrected for
computed from the fundamental IEC value (1/58 Q. mm 2 /m) using conversion moderate temperature differences to what it would be at the
factors each accurate to at least seven significant figures. Corresponding values reference temperature, as follows:
for other conductivities (aluminum, etc.) may be derived from these by multiplying
by the reciprocal of the conductivity ratios and where applicable also by the density R - Rt
ratios, both accurate to at least seven significant figures. T - 1 + ar'/ - 1)
mean cross section to within ±0.10 %. In case any dimen- RT = resistance at reference temperature T,
sion of the specimen is less than 0.100 in. and cannot be R t = resistance as measured at temperature t,
measured to the required accuracy, determine thecross-; aT = known or given temperature coefficient of resistance
section from the weight, density, and length of the specimen. of the specimen being measured at reference tempera-
6.3 When the density is unknown, determine the density ture T,
by weighing a specimen first in air and then in a liquid of T = reference temperature, and
known density at the test temperature; which shall be room = temperature at which measurement is' made.
temperature to avoid errors due to convection currents.
Exercise care in removing all air bubbles from the specimen NOTE-the parameter aT" in the above equation, varies With
when weighing it in the liquid. Calculate the density from the conductivity and temperature. for copper of 100 %. conductivity and a
following equation:' , reference temperature of 20°C, its value is 0.00393. Values at other
conductivities and temperatures will be found in N1;JSllandbook 100.. 4
0= (Wa x d)/(Wa - Wt) Table 2 lists temperature coefficients for the common electrical .con-
where: ductor materials.
o = density of the specimen, g/cm 3 ,
Wa = weight of the specimen in air, g, 8. Report
Wi weight of the specimen in the liquid" g,and
= 8.1 For referee tests, report the following information:
d = density of the liquid at the test temperature, g/cm 3 • 8.1: 1 Identification of te'st specimen, ' .
6.4 When potential leads are used, make sure the distance 8.1.2 Kind of material,
between each potential contact and the corresponding cur- 8.1.3 Test temperature,
rent contact is at least equal to 11/2 times the cross-sectional 8.1.4 Test length of speCimen,
perimeter of the specimen. Make sure the yoke resistance 8.1.5. Method of obtaIning cross-sectional area:
(between reference standard and test specimen) is appre- If by micrometer, the average values of mi-
ciably smaller than that of either the reference standard or crometer readings, or
the test specimen unless a suitable lead compensation If by weighing: a record of length, weight, any
method is used, or it is known that the coil and lead ratios density determinations that may be made" and'calc\llaJed.
are sufficiently balanced so that variation in yoke resistance cross-sectional areas.
will not decrease the bridge accuracy below stated require- 8.1.6; Weight, if used,
ment& ' 8.1.7 Method of measuring resistance,
6.5 Make resistance measurements to an accuracy· of 8.1.8 Value of resistanc.e,
±O .15, %. To ensure a correct reading, allow the reference 8.1;9 Reference temperature,
standard and the test ,specimen to come to" the same 8.1.10 Calculated value of resistivity at the· reference
temperature as the surrounding medium. (If the reference temperature, and
standard is made of manganin it is possible to obtain correct 8.1.11 Previous mechanical and thermal treatments.
readings with the test specimen at reference temperatures (Since the resistivity of a material usually depends upon
other than room temperature). In all resistance measure- them, these shall be stated whenever the information is
ments, the measuring current raises the temperature of the available.)
medium. Therefore, take care to keep the magnitude of the 8.2 For routine tests, only such of the items in 8.1 as apply
current low, and the time of its use short enough so that the to the particular case, or are significant, shall be reported.
g::j: g ),'';,
. 8.9,5
C9Pper~ Cl.j:ld
30A",HS, EHS 8.15 0.00378
Class E 9.05 ·0.00395 Grade 40'1\, "HS,EH$' 8.25 0.0.0378
.~ '<'~"" ~. .'~(,,-~ ~L" ~")
61.4 2.705 . :0.00406, Grade 135 and 195 7.80 0.0042.: . ";
61.3 ".i·' 2.705 I" '. 10.00405'
61.2 2.705': .'0'; - '. '0;00404 , Class C' Gdatlng:'
61.0 2.1,95;. '. '<: :. '0.0040.3 :;) \Grade'85 ,c' ",'7.17 :., l ' j ' •• ,r, ,'0.0046,:;'"
;•. , >:<f,!ad'f ~ ;351~pd 19~5." :.7.77,:' ./ \' !" 9. 0042,: ';e; .
../. ': ~ ,
." : ~ .
B 193
NOTE 1-Volume resistivity is used in place of "weight resistivity" NOTE .2-Weight resistivity'is expressed in U.S. customary units in
and "percent conductivity." o·lb/mile2 and in metric units in O· g/m2. It may be calculated as
Resistivity units are based on the International Annealed Copper follows:
Standard (lACS) adopted byIEC in 1913, which is 1/58 0·mm2/m at
20°C (68°F) for 100 % conductivity. The value of 0.017241 0·mm2/m·
and the value of 0.15328 O· g/m 2 at 20°C (6S0F) are respectively the
Pw weigh~ resistivity, 0 ·lb/mile2 or (2. g/m 2 ,
international equivalent of volume and weight resistivity of annealed
copper equal (to five significant figures) to 100 % conductivity. The W weight of the test specimen, lb or g,
latter term means that a copper wire 1 m in length and weighing 1 g L2 length of the test specimen, miles or m,
would have a resistance of 0.15328 O. This is equivalent to a resistivity L1 gage length, used to determine R, miles or m, and
value of 875.20 '0 ·lb/mile2 , which signifies the resistance of a copper R . measured resistance, 0,
wire 1 mile in length weighing 1 lb. It is also equivalent, for example, to :, NOTE 3....,.,..Resistlvity. and Conductivity Conversion-Conversion of
1.72411l0/cm of length of a copper bar 1 cm2 in cross section. A the. various. units of volume resistivity, weight resistivity, and conduc-
complete discussion of this subject is' contained in NBS Handbook 100. 4 tivity, may be facilitated by employing the formulas and factors shown
The use of five significant figures 'in expressing resistivity does not imply in Table 3. The factors given ther~ip are applicable to all metallic
the need for greater accuracy of measurement than that specified in Test, electrical conductor material. Table 2 lists values of density, 0, for the
Method B 193. The use of five significant figures is .required for common electrical conductor materials.
NOTE 4-Density~Forthe purpose of resistivity and conductivity
reasonably accurate. reversible conversion from one set of resistivity
conversion, the density'of the various conductor materials 'may be taken
units to ,another. The equivalent resistivity values in Table 1 w~re'
as shown in Table 4, based on a temperature :of 20°C (68°F).
derived from the fundamental IEC value (1/58 0.mm2 /m) computed tq However, if the conversion is for speQification acceptanc~purposes,
seven significant figures and then rounded to five significant figures. ' the density used shall be that specified, in the product specification
iilVolved.' '. , '
Iln · in . N x 0.065450 N x 39.370 ... N x 0.39370 N x 0.0068950' N x 39.370 ~" (liN) X 67.879.! (liN) X 603.45
x (II~) (II~) X (1IfJ)
Iln •cm N x 0.16624 N x 100.00 N x 2.5400 ... : N x 0.D17513 x N x 100.00 x (liN) x .. 172.41 (liN) x 1532.8
" (II~) . (118) x (1IfJ)
, '
'. . ..'
Weight ReSistivity at 20 ° C ,.',
n·lb/mlle 2
N x 9.4924 x ~ N x 5710.0 x ~ N x 145.03 x ~ Nx57.100x~ ... N x 5710.0 (liN) x 9844.8, WN) X,87520
n·g/m2 N x 0.0016624 Nx ~ I;
NxO;025400 N x 0.010000 NXO.00017513 . (,:~. ~ (liN) x 1.7241 (lIN) x 15.328
x~ x~ XfJ X ~ . "'.
Conductivity at 20°C
% lACS (volume basis) (liN) x 10~7~1. (1IN).x 1.7241' (liN) x 67,.879 (liN) x 172.41
(liN) x 9844.6. , (liN) x 1.7241 .,. .... N; x O.1~24f) x fJ
I ':
, ~q" .
% iAGS (weight basis) (iIN) x 9220.0 ' (IINFX 15;328 (liN) x 603.45 . (liN) x 1532:.8' (liN) x 87520 (liN) x 15.328 . Nx 8.89 x (1IfJ) ...
x (II~) x (II~) x (1IfJ) x (1Igd)
, . The~merican Soclety'for Testing and Materials takes no position respectlflg the validity of any patent rIghts a;seited in connection !, i . " "-,
. with any Item mentioned In this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised thatdeterminatfonof the validity of, any such.
, " pate'!t rights, and the rls./( of Infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. ' ,
,," This standard fssubJect to revision at any tIme by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every flve.years and:' .'
If not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are InvIted either for revision of this standard or for a'dditional"standards
and should be adgressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technIcal committee,whlch you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should,make your
views known to t~9 A,STM Committee on Standards, 1Q16 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. '.,