Bahan Kesimpulan
Bahan Kesimpulan
Bahan Kesimpulan
Although many people believe that they have insomnia—that they do not obtain as much sleep
as they would like—insomnia is not a disease. Insomnia can be caused by depression, pain,
illness, or even excited anticipation of a pleasurable event. Only recently have sleeping
medications been developed that do not cause a hangover of grogginess and dif-ficulty
concentrating the next day. Sometimes, insom-nia is caused by sleep apnea, which can often be
cor-rected surgically or treated by wearing a mask that delivers pressurized air.Narcolepsy is
characterized by four symptoms. Sleep attacks consist of overwhelming urges to sleep for a few
minutes. Cataplexy is sudden paralysis, dur-ing which the person remains conscious. Sleep
paraly-sis is similar to cataplexy, but it occurs just before sleep or on waking. Hypnagogic
hallucinations are dreams that occur during periods of sleep paralysis, just before a night’s sleep.
Sleep attacks are treated with stimulants such as amphetamine, and the other symptoms are
treated with serotonin agonists or, more commonly, with modafinil. Studies with narcoleptic
dogs and humans indicate that this disorder is caused by pathologies in a system of neurons that
secrete a neuropeptide known as orexin (also known as hypo-cretin). REM sleep behavior
disorder is caused by a neurodegenerative disease that damages brain mech-anisms that produce
paralysis during REM sleep. As a result, the patient acts out his or her dreams.During slow-wave
sleep, especially during stage 4, some people are afflicted by bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis),
sleepwalking (somnambulism), or night ter-rors (pavor nocturnus). These problems are most
com-mon in children, who usually outgrow them. People with sleep-related eating disorder seek
and consume food while sleepwalking.
The two principal explanations for sleep are that sleep serves as an adaptive response or that it
pro-vides a period of restoration. The fact that all verte-brates sleep, including some that would
seem to be mild hallucinations and difficulty performing tasks that require prolonged
concentration. These effects suggest that sleep deprivation impairs cerebral functioning. Deep
slow-wave sleep appears to be the most impor-tant stage, and perhaps its function is to permit the
brain to rest and recuperate. Fatal familial insomnia is an inherited disease that results in
degeneration of parts of the thalamus, deficits in attention and memory, a dreamlike state, loss of
control of the autonomic ner-vous system and the endocrine system, insomnia, and death. Rats
that are sleep deprived eventually die. Their symptoms include increased body temperature and
metabolic rate, voracious eating, and weight loss, but no obvious signs of a stress response.
The primary function of sleep does not seem to be to provide an opportunity for the body to
repair the wear and tear that occurs during waking hours. Changes in a person’s level of exercise
do not signifi-cantly alter the amount of sleep the person needs the following night. Instead, the
most important function of slow-wave sleep seems to be to lower the brain’s metabolism and
permit it to rest. In support of this hypothesis, research has shown that slow-wave sleep does
indeed reduce the brain’s metabolic rate and that increased mental activity (the surprise treat
experiment) can cause an increase in slow-wave sleep the next night. better off without it,
suggests that sleep is more than an adaptive response.
In humans the effects of several days of sleep depri-vation include perceptual distortions and
he functions of REM sleep are even less under-stood than those of slow-wave sleep. REM sleep
may promote brain development. Both REM sleep and slow-wave sleep promote learning: REM
sleep facilitates nondeclarative learning, and slow-wave sleep facilitates declarative learning.
The fact that the amount of sleep is regulated sug-gests that a sleep-promoting substance is
produced during wakefulness and destroyed during sleep. The sleeping pattern of the dolphin
brain suggests that such a substance does not accumulate in the blood. Instead, evidence
indicates that adenosine, released when neurons are obliged to utilize the supply of gly-cogen
stored in astrocytes, serves as the link between increased brain metabolism and the necessity of
Five systems of neurons appear to be important for alert, active wakefulness: the
acetylcholinergic system of the pons and the basal forebrain, involved in cortical activation; the
noradrenergic system of the locus coeruleus, involved in vigilance; the sero-tonergic system of
the raphe nuclei, involved in acti-vation of automatic behaviors such as locomotion and
grooming; the histaminergic neurons of the tuberomammillary nucleus, involved in maintaining
wakefulness; and the orexinergic system of the lat-eral hypothalamus, also involved in
maintaining wakefulness.
Slow-wave sleep occurs when neurons in the ven-trolateral preoptic area (vlPOA) become
active. These neurons inhibit the systems of neurons that promote wakefulness. In turn, the
vlPOA is inhibited by these same wakefulness-promoting regions, thus forming a kind of flip-
flop that keeps us either awake or asleep. The accumulation of adenosine promotes sleep by
inhibiting wakefulness-promoting regions and activat-ing the sleep-promoting neurons of the
vlPOA. Activity of the orexinergic neurons of the lateral hypothalamus keeps the flip-flop that
controls sleep and waking in the “waking” state.
REM sleep is controlled by another flip-flop. The sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD) serves as the
REM-ON region, and the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray region (vlPAG) serves as the REM-
OFF region. This flip-flop is controlled by the sleep/waking flip-flop; only when the
sleep/waking flip-flop is in the “sleep-ing” state can the REM flip-flop switch to the “REM”
state. The muscular paralysis that prevents our act-ing out our dreams is produced by
connections between neurons in the SLD that excite inhibitory interneurons in the spinal cord.
Penile erections dur-ing REM sleep (but not during waking) are abolished by lesions of the
lateral preoptic area. Rapid eye movements are produced by indirect connections between the
SLD and the tectum, through the medial pontine reticular formation and acetylcholin-ergic
neurons in the pons.
Our daily lives are characterized by cycles in physical activity, sleep, body temperature,
secretion of hor-mones, and many other physiological changes. Circadian rhythms—those with a
period of approxi-mately one day—are controlled by biological clocks in the brain. The principal
biological clock appears to be located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypo-thalamus;
lesions of these nuclei disrupt most circa-dian rhythms, and the activity of neurons located there
correlates with the day/night cycle. Light, detected by special retinal ganglion cells that contain a
photopigment called melanopsin, serves as a zeit-geber for most circadian rhythms. The human
biologi-cal clock tends to run a bit slow, with a period of approximately 25 hours. The sight of
sunlight in the morning is conveyed from the retina to the SCN, and the daily cycle is
resynchronized. Information from the SCN is conveyed via the subparaventricular zone and the
dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus to regions of the brain involved in sleep and waking.
ndividual neurons, rather than circuits of neurons, are responsible for the “ticking.” Each tick,
approximately 24 hours long, consists of the production and breakdown of a series of proteins in
two interlocking loops that act back on the genes responsible for their own production.
The SCN and the pineal gland control annual rhythms. During the night the SCN signals the
pineal gland to secrete melatonin. Prolonged melatonin secretion, which occurs during winter,
causes animals to enter the winter phase of their annual cycle. Melatonin also appears to be
involved in synchronizing circadian rhythms: The hormone can help people to adjust to the
effects of shift work or jet lag and even synchronize the daily rhythms of blind people for whom
light cannot serve as a zeitgeber.