Use of Tic's in Health Centers Againts Covid 19

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer (IJMRE) February-2021


COVID – 19
Mg. Juan Cotrina Aliaga1, Mg. Paul Sosa Celi2, Mg. Carlos Carranza Llanos3, Lic. Tula Espinoza
Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú
Universidad Peruana los Andes, Perú

Abstract—The article seeks to identify the use ofTICs in intelligence, 5G technologies as well as robotics, as well as
health centres againts covid-19. A cross-sectional and the use of integrated applications and information systems,
descriptive study was carried out. The census sample allowing to strengthen our range of digital tools in the
consisted of 85 health professionals from Lima Centro - Peru. frontal fight against COVID-19; so that health
In which the survey and data collection were used were
professionals can continue to save lives (5) , and improve
questionnaires for the Use of Information and
Communication Technologies in Health. The results people's quality of life.
regarding ICT'S use,Inpredomino the usual indicator with There are major challenges to achieving an initiative in the
74.1% (n-63), and the dimension access to TIC'S, I also use of TIC in health in Peru. even more so in these times of
always predominate with 74.1 % (n-63), almost always
followed by 12.9% (n-11); in theuse of TIC's I always
pandemic, where we find that there is a large gap of
predominate with 42.4% (n-36); while in appropriation of internet connectivity, in the management of these changes,
TIC's it almost never dominated with 56.5% (n-48), followed in the transformation to having a digital cultural, as well as
by regularly 16.5% (n-14), never 12.9% (n-11), almost always the financing mechanisms and administrative procedures of
8.2% (n-7) and always with 5.9% (n-5). In which we conclude health institutions (6). Similarly establishing regulatory,
theuse of TICs in health centres against covid-19 that I supervisory and monitoring procedures, which go hand in
always predominate in times of pandemic. hand with incentives to promote their use, digital health
literacy should not only be to users of these health services,
Keywords—Covi-19,health centers, pandemic, public but also to providers of these services, in addition to the
heath,TIC’s. constant training of health professionals (7).
Peru since 2014, is a member of the American Network of
Cooperation on Electronic Health RACSEL, in which
At the beginning of December 2019, the first cases of several technical documents have been generated in order
pneumonia unknown to its origin were detected and to facilitate the use of Tic's in the countries that make up
identified in the Eastern Republic of China, Wuhan City. the region, based on international models and standards,
The pathogen was identified as the new RNA which are endorsed by the Inter-American Development
betacoronavirus that has now been referred to as severe Bank (8).
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (Sarvs-Cov-2)
because of the great resemblance it bears to Sarvs-Cov (1). On May 10, 2020, the publication of D.L. No. 1490 was
As of 29 November 2020, 61,869 330 confirmed cases of formalized, in which he defined the use of these digital
COVID-19 and 1,448,896 deces were reported to the WHO health tools as "... the remote health service provided by
World Health Organization. competent health personnel, through digital tools, so that
they are accessible and timely (sic) to the population" (9).
In America as of January 14, 2021, 40,188,017 confirmed
cases and 932,788 deaths (2)had been reported, while in The objective of this study was to be able to identify TIC'S
Peru whose firstconfirmed case was reported on 6 March usein health centres frente to covid-19.
2020, 1,040,231 confirmed cases and 38,399 deaths (3)
have beenreported.
Studio design
The use of digital tools at the first level of care to address It is a quantitative, non-experimental study of the
covid-19 has had an impact and importance in the field of descriptive cross-sectional subtype, since it is interesting to
health service management, so first-level care facilities teach the state of reality at a certain time.
have had to adapt to this change and turn to this new digital
age, where health professionals interact with these digital Study population
tools to monitor the at-risk population, cases and their The population consisted of 85 health professionals
contacts (4) which allow to develop and implement models working in a health establishmentof the first level of care in
of greater complexity for data analysis, artificial Lima Centro - Peru. Website: Volume No.1, Issue. 3 7

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Explorer (IJMRE) February-2021

Source of data followed by 29.4% (n-25), regularly 24.6% (n-21), almost

The technique used for this research was the survey, never 2.4% (n-2) and never with 1.2% (n-1); in TIC's
which allowed the use of structured and standardized appropriation almost never dominated with 56.5% (n-48),
collection tools for our data, allowing the information to be followed by regularly 16.5% (n-14), never 12.9%(n-11),
collected in an appropriate manner. almost always 8.2% (n-7) and always with 5.9% (n-5).
The instrument that was used was the collection of data
from the Use of TICs in health centres, which makes it IV. DISCUSSION
possible to determine the relationship between the use of The study raises the issue of the use of Tic’s in health
TICs and patient care at the first level of care, is a tool used facilities,which seeks to help this toolkit help overcome the
by the American Network for Cooperation on Electronic difficulties that health professionals have in care at the
Health RACSEL, which was jointly developed by the firstlevel, which are further complicated in times of
Brazilian Information and Communications Center pandemic.
( and the Regional Centre for Development Studies In relation to the use of Tic’s in health centres versus
of the Information Society (, of which Peru is a covid-19, it is clear that 41% (n-35) always use digital
member (10). tools, 20% (no.17) almost never, 16.5% (n-14) almost
It consists of 3 categories such as, access to digital tools always and regularly, as well as 5.9% (n-5) ever. These
in the work environment (Item 1), use of digital tools in the results may be due to the innate and empirical use of most
work environment (Item 2) and appropriation of digital healthcare professionals, but in turn there is a gap that
tools (Item 3). Which have already been standardized by remains to achieve optimal digital competence in the use of
CERTIC using a LIKERT scale we can determine whether these tools, from the implementation of adequate
the level or grade is low, medium or high (11). infrastructure to training of healthcare personnel (13).
Description of the research scenario As for its dimensions of use of Tic's,most of them
The study was carried out at the san miguel health center showed a higher percentage in the indicator always. In the
that belongs to the Directorate of Integrated Health dimension access to digital tools it was found that 74.1%
Networks Lima Center of the Ministry of Health. (63 participants) always have access to these tools, 12.9%
Study variable (11 participants) almost always, 9.4% (8 participants)
The study variable is the use of TICs in health facilities, regularly, 2.4% (2 participants) almost never and 1.2% (1
which is defined as the interaction of health professionals participant) ever. In which the results of this dimension
with digital platforms with the aim of supporting better demonstrate that access to these tools is being given more
treatments for patients (12). frequently and as a priority in this pandemic context that
Ethical considerations we live in (14-16).
The health professions were invited to participate in the In relation to its second dimension, ICT employment
study conducted and those who were happy with the was shown to be mostly used with 42.4% (36 participants,
research were informed about the purpose of the analysis, 29.4% (25 participants) almost always, 24.6% (21
and gave their official informed consent both orally and in participants) regularly, 2.4% (2 participants) almost never
writing. and 1.2% (1 participant) ever.which means that healthcare
professionals use these tools either from the use of
III. RESULTS electronic medical history (E-QUALI)(17) to see clinical
Of a total of 85 participants we have 63 participants aged backgrounds, as well as the use of Google maps for
30 to 59 years (74.2%) majority age range, as well as an geolocation monitoring of patients with covid-19(18).
average of 50.25 years. While, in relation to sex, 32 As for its last dimension appropriation of ICTs it is
participants are male (37.6%) 53 female (62.4%). In evident that I almost never predominate with 56.5% (48
relation to the profession, a nursing technical pre-term with participants), followed 16.5% (14 participants) regularly,
27.1% (No. 23), followed by doctors at 24.7% (n.21). In 12.9% (11 participants) never, 8.2% (7 participants) almost
terms of working mode, face-to-face predmino with 65.9% always and 5.9% (5 participants) always. reflecting that
(n-56) and virtual with 34.1% (n-29). most professionals do not update on digital knowledge
The use of TIC's in professionals working in the center either on a personal initiative or on the basis of the same
of Lima Centro in which it almost always dominated with institution's policy, which must be responsible for such
41.1% (n.35), followed almost never, knowledge renewal through their trainings (19),which leads
We have the use Tic's by health professionals according to no awareness of digital culture and constantupdating of
to their size. As for the dimension of access to them (20), leadingto the lack of a real lack of digitalliteracy
Tic'S,always predominate with 74.1% (n-63), almost in health professionals (21).
always followed by 12.9% (n-11), regularly 9.4% (n-8), In conclusion, we note that the use of digital tools at the
almost never 2,9% (n-11), regularly 9.4% (n-8), almost first level of attention versus covid-19 was always
never 2.8 4% (n-2) and never with 1.2% (n-1); in the use of predated, almost always, regularly and never. Proper use of
pre-domino TICS always with 42.4% (n-36), almost always Website: Volume No.1, Issue. 3 8
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