Design of Abutment - 31+010
Design of Abutment - 31+010
Design of Abutment - 31+010
1. Preamble : Ref :
Design of Wall Type Abutment with Open Foundation
2. Design basis :
Codes of Indian Road Congress (IRCs)
IRC 6 - 2017 Code of Practice for Road bridges Load and Stresses
IRC 78 - 2014 Code of Practice for Road bridges Foundation and Sub Structure
IRC 112 - 2011 Code of Practice for Concrete Road bridges
3. Design data : A1 A2
Foundation Bottom Level Level = 0.000 0.000 m
Ground / Scour level = 3.500 3.500 m
Foundation Top Level = 1.100 1.100 m
HFL = 3.500 3.500 m
Abutment Cap Top level = 3.351 3.351 m
Soffit Level = 3.597 3.597 m
Finished Road Level = 5.826 5.826 m
Design is done for Crtical Abutment i.e "A1" which can be same adopted for "A2".
5 5
4 4
2.200 1.600
2 2 0.10
1 1
0.2375 0.28 0.238
3 3
2 2 0.170
d) Summary of Wind Loads Vertical Wind Up "-1", Dwn "1", No, "0" -1.00
Summary of Earth Pressure Earth Pressure to be Considered Yes "1", No, "0" 1.00
At Foundation Base
Vertical Load H. Load ( Long.) H.Load ( Trans.)
Description Axial V M-L M-T H-L L.A. M-L H-T L.A. M-T
kN kN-m kN-m kN m kN-m kN m kN-m
1 Earth Pressure Normal ( EP ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1326.7 2.4 3246 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 LL Surcharge Normal ( LLS ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 546.5 2.9 1592 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 Earth Pressure Seismic ( EP ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1700.7 2.4 3640 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 LL Surcharge Seismic ( LLS ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 700.6 2.9 2041 0.0 0.0 0.0
11. Summary of Loads for Stability Against Overturning and Sliding of Foundation:
Load Factors in Normal Case DL 1.00 SIDL 1.00 LL 1.00 EP 1.00 Tab 3.1 of IRC 6 - 2014
Eart Pressure as Leading Load WL 1.00 LLS 1.00
Load Factors in Seismic Case DL 1.00 SIDL 1.00 LL 1.00 EP 1.00
Seismic Force as Leading Load WL 1.00 LLS 1.00 SE 1.00
Load Factors in Wind Case DL 1.00 SIDL 1.00 LL 1.00 EP 1.00
Wind Load as Leading Load WL 1.00 LLS 1.00
Pressure Allowable
Load Combinations Status
Toe Tip Toe Base Heel Base Heel Tip Max Min
Normal Load Combinations
Comb 1 ( DL+SIDL+LL1+EP+WL+LLS ) 197 168 160 128 350 0.0 OK
Comb 2 ( DL+SIDL+LL2+EP+WL+LLS ) 201 172 164 132 350 0.0 OK
Comb 3 ( DL+SIDL+LL3+EP+WL+LLS ) 198 177 172 149 350 0.0 OK
Long Seismic Load Combinations
Comb 4 ( DL+SIDL+LL1+EP+WL+LLS ) 294 173 141 9 438 0.0 OK
Comb 5 ( DL+SIDL+LL2+EP+WL+LLS ) 295 173 142 9 438 0.0 OK
Comb 6 ( DL+SIDL+LL3+EP+WL+LLS ) 294 175 143 13 438 0.0 OK
Transv Seismic Load Combinations
Comb 7 ( DL+SIDL+LL1+EP+WL+LLS ) 242 181 166 100 438 0.0 OK
Comb 8 ( DL+SIDL+LL2+EP+WL+LLS ) 242 182 166 101 438 0.0 OK
Comb 9 ( DL+SIDL+LL3+EP+WL+LLS ) 242 183 168 105 438 0.0 OK
Wind Load Combinations
Comb 10 ( DL+SIDL+LL1+EP+WL+LLS ) 197 168 160 128 438 0.0 OK
Comb 11 ( DL+SIDL+LL2+EP+WL+LLS ) 201 172 164 132 438 0.0 OK
Comb 12 ( DL+SIDL+LL3+EP+WL+LLS ) 198 177 172 149 438 0.0 OK
Load Combinations
Toe Tip Toe Base Heel Base Heel Tip
Normal Load Combinations
Load Comb 1 230 176 162 103
Load Comb 2 235 180 166 107
Load Comb 3 234 190 178 130
Long Seismic Load Combinations
Load Comb 4 323 180 143 -12
Load Comb 5 324 181 144 -12
Load Comb 6 324 183 146 -7
Transv Seismic Load Combinations
Load Comb 7 246 196 182 127
Load Comb 8 246 195 182 127
Load Comb 9 249 200 187 133
Wind Load Combinations
Load Comb 10 209 174 165 127
Load Comb 11 214 179 170 131
Load Comb 12 211 185 179 151
Load Combinations
Toe Tip Toe Base Heel Base Heel Tip
Normal Load Combinations
Load Comb 1 191 166 159 132
Load Comb 2 195 170 163 136
Load Comb 3 192 175 171 153
Wind Load Combinations
Load Comb 10 186 163 156 131
Load Comb 11 189 165 159 133
Load Comb 12 187 170 165 146
Load Combinations
Toe Tip Toe Base Heel Base Heel Tip
Normal Load Combinations
Load Comb 1 134 132 131 129
18 Summary of Seismic Loads at Abutment Base Vertical Seismic Up "-1", Dwn "1", No, "0" 1.00
Considered fixed Bearing on LHS
Vertical Load H. Load ( Long.) H.Load ( Trans.)
Description Axial V M-L M-T H-L L.A. M-L H-T L.A. M-T
kN kN-m kN-m kN m kN-m kN m kN-m
1 Dead Load ( DL ) 298 -104 222 1432 2 3575 716 3 2319
2 Dead Load ( SIDL ) 77 -27 57 369 2 921 184 5 964
3 Pedestal ( PD ) 1 0 1 2 2 5 2 2 5
4 Abutment Cap ( AC ) 59 -48 0 70 2 136 70 2 136
5 Abutment Shaft ( AS ) 39 -1 0 94 1 113 94 1 113
6 Abutment Return Wal ( AR ) 27 -42 0 65 0 5 65 0 5
7 Abutment Wing Wal ( AW ) 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0
8 Live Load ( LL1 ) 27 -10 35 0 0 0 65 6 387
9 Live Load ( LL2 ) 21 -7 65 0 0 0 49 6 292
10 Live Load ( LL3 ) 41 -14 43 0 0 0 98 6 580
8 Live Load ( LL1 ) 27 -10 35 0 0 0 65 7 459
9 Live Load ( LL2 ) 21 -7 65 0 0 0 49 7 347
10 Live Load ( LL3 ) 41 -14 43 0 0 0 98 7 688
9 Live Load ( LL2 ) 1028 -360 3237 206 2.50 515 0 0.00 0
10 Live Load ( LL3 ) 2040 -714 2132 86 2.50 215 0 0.00 0
11 Wind Load ( WL ) -187 0 0 38 2.50 95 152 4.86 740
12 Live Load ( LL1 ) 1362 -477 1753 223 2.50 556 0 0 0
nt Point
13 Live Load ( LL2 ) 1028 -360 3237 206 2.50 515 0 0 0
14 Live Load ( LL3 ) 2040 -714 2132 86 2.50 215 0 0 0
15 Wind Load ( WL ) -187 0 0 38 2.50 95 152 4.86 740
16 Earth Pressure Normal ( EP ) 0 0 0 873 1.98 1733 0 0.00 0
(c) SV Loading
13.650 Abut Load Opp Load Eccentricity
(kN) (kN) (m)
B A (abut side) SV loading 2040.0 1560.0 1.0
3600 KN
RA = 2040.0 KN
RB = 1560.0 KN
1.0 Vertical Load V 1027.7 0.0 1361.9 0.0 1361.9 0.0 1311.1 0.0 2040.0
2.0 Transverse Ecc. eT 3.150 0.000 1.287 -0.521 2.004 -0.310 0.945 -0.805 1.045
3.0 Transverse Moment MT 3237.1 0.0 1753.1 0.0 2728.8 0.0 1239.0 0.0 2131.8
4.0 Longitudinal Ecc. eL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.0 Longitudinal Moment ML 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6.0 Horizontal Braking HL 240.0 0.0 273.24 0.00 273.24 0.00 199.44 0.00 0.00
Mu = 9144 kN m OK
Usage = 82%
Vertical Reinforcement at Outer Face of Stem
NOTE - Provide Minimum Reinforcement at outer face of Stem
Check for Total Minimum and Maximum Vertical Reinforcement ( IRC:112-2011, 16.3.1(2))
Maximum Allowabe Shear Force ( for maximum shear force take Ɵ = 45 )
VRd.max = αcw x bw x z x v1 x (fcd/(cotƟ+tanƟ)) ( IRC:112-2011, cl. no., Eq10.8)
αcw = 1
z = lever arm = 0.90d (For RCC)
v1 is the strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
v1 = 0.53 ( IRC:112-2011, Eq10.6 )
Ɵ= 21.8 (CotƟ = 2.5)
fcd is the design value of concrete compression strength =α cc x fck /ɣm ( IRC: 112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.1 )
αcc = 0.67 (Refer IRC:112-2011, Pg.87)
ɣm = 1.50 (Partial factors for concrete for ULS)
fcd = (αccxfck)/ɣm
= 15.6 N/mm2
VRd.max = 18240 kN Section is OK
K = 1.6
ρ1 = 0.0064
σcp = 0.0
VRd c min = 2683 kN
VRd c = 3568 kN
Shear Reinforcement is Required
Design yield strength of Shear Reinf ( fywd = 0.8 fywk, fywk = fyk/gs ) 348 MPa
Applied shear stress = V / 0.9bd = 0.69 MPa
Max allowable shear stress 0.225 v fck = 4.19 MPa OK
Limit of applied shear VED <=0.5bw d v fcd = 29389 > 4367 kN OK
Steel Shear capacity VRd.s = ( Asw / s ) z fywd cot q = 4635 kN
Status = OK
k = 0.65
kc = 0.4
As min = 14497 mm2
Ast, provd = 45138 mm2 OK
D2 Toe DF
D1 Toe
P2 P2
P1 P1
Face of Stem
GL 0.800
D2 H
2.500 0.600 2.300
Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Load Comb. Load Comb. Load Comb. Load Comb.
For Flexure / Shear on Heel Slab
1 4 2 7
Toe Slab Heel Slab
Moment at face of Stem Unit
Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Max Base Pressure at Toe Tip = 230 323 235 246 kN/m2
Min Base Pressure at Heel Tip = 103 -12 107 127 kN/m2
Soil Pressure at Tip ( P1 ) = 230 323 107 127 kN/m2
Soil Pressure at Face of Pier ( P2 ) = 176 180 166 182 kN/m2
Cantilever Length ( L ) = 2.30 2.30 2.50 2.50 m
Total Upward Force = 467 579 342 387 kN
Dist of CG of Upward Force = 1.20 1.26 1.16 1.18 m
Upward Moment ( M1 ) = 561 729 396 455 kN-m
b) Due to Self Wt of Foundation
Foundation Pressure at Tip = 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 kN/m2
Foundation Pressure at Abutment Face = 28 28 28 28 kN/m2
Cantilever Length ( L ) = 2.30 2.30 2.50 2.50 m
Total Downward Force = 40 40 44 44 kN
Dist of CG of Downward Force = 0.93 0.93 1.01 1.01 m
Load Factor for Strength Check = 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
Downward Moment ( M2 ) = 51 51 60 60 kN-m
Minimum Area of Reinforcement for Crack Control (as per Cl. 12.3.3 of IRC:112 - 2011)
a= 2.500
b/2 = 2.363
b = 4.726
Q1=ka*g*SHt Q2=ka*g*b
The end return wall has been designed as a plate fixed on its two faces i.e. at the base and on one of its vertical sides.
"a/b" Q2 (at x=a & z=0) Mb2 (at x=0 & z=0.6b) Ma2 (t-
b1 b2 g1 g2
(t/m2) (t-m/m) m/m)
(at x=a & z=0) Mb1 Ultimate Limit State Basic SLS Rare SLS Quasi-Permanent
(t-m/m) Factor Force Moment Factor Force Moment Factor Force Moment
Live Load Surcharge 1.20 0.805 2.104 0.80 0.536 1.402 0.00 0.000 0.000
Active Earth Pressure 1.50 3.961 5.19 1.00 2.641 3.46 1.00 2.641 3.46
Total 5 7 3 5 3 3
(at x=0 & z=0.4b) Ma1 Ultimate Limit State Basic SLS Rare SLS Quasi-Permanent
(t-m/m) Factor Force Moment Factor Force Moment Factor Force Moment
Live Load Surcharge 1.20 0.805 2.085 0.80 0.536 1.390 0.00 0.000 0.000
Active Earth Pressure 1.50 3.961 3.08 1.00 2.641 2.05 1.00 2.641 2.05
Total 5 5 3 3 3 2
0.350 m
2.47 m
13.83 6.71
10 T 10 T
2.79m 1.8
2.47 m
Earth Pressure due to LL surcharge =0.279×20 ×1.2 = 6.705 kN/m
Active Earth Pressure =0.279×20 ×2.475 = 13.828 kN/m
Force at the base due to LL surcharge =6.705×2.475 = 16.59 kN/m
Force due to Active Earth Pressure =0.5×13.828×2.475 = 17.11 kN/m
Force due to Braking =40/12.5 = 3.20 kN/m
Check for Total Minimum and Maximum Vertical Reinforcement ( IRC:112-2011, 16.3.1(2))
Ast, min = 0.0024 * Ac
= 0.0024×1000×0.350×1000
= 840 mm2 / m SAFE
K = 1.9
ρ1 = 0.0028
σcp = 0
VRd c min = 125 kN / m
VRd c = 119 kN / m
Shear Reinforcement is Not Required