Research Article: MODULATORY EFFECT OF Drosera Peltata J.E.Sm ON Development of Metabolic Syndrome in Tumor Bearing Mice

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Indonesian J. Pharm. Vol. 27 No.

4 : 203– 210
ISSN-p : 2338-9427
Research Article
DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm27iss4pp203


Raju Asirvatham1*, Seeja S Raj2, Arockiasamy Josphin Maria Christina3

1Dept of Pharmacology, ABSTRACT

Sreekrishna College of The purpose of the study conducted was to know the
Pharmacy and Research extent of protection over the cancer associated metabolic
Centre, Parassala, syndrome development after administration of ethanol and
Trivandrum, Kerala, India. aqueous extracts of Drosera peltata J.E.Sm against Dalton’s
2Dept of Pharmaceutical
ascites lymphoma (DAL) and Ehrlich's Ascites Carcinoma (EAC)
Analysis, Sreekrishna College bearing mice. Animals were divided into thirteen groups with a
of Pharmacy and Research
normal control, EAC control, DAL control, two groups with
Centre, Parassala,
standard drug 5-Flurouracil 20mg/kg+ DAL & EAC and eight
Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
3Dept of Pharmacology,
groups with 250 and 500mg/kg of ethanol and aqueous extracts
of D.peltata J.E.Sm + EAC & DAL, for respective cell lines. After
Nirmala college of Pharmacy,
Muvattupuzha, Kerala, India. 24h of both tumor cell inoculations, animals were treated with
extracts, once in a day for 14 days continuously. The indicators
Submitted: 02-07-2016 for the development of metabolic syndrome such as changes in
Revised: 20-09-2016 blood glucose, serum hormone and lipid profile were found with
Accepted: 10-10-2016 both cell line bearing mice. Both ethanol and aqueous extracts of
D.peltata J.E.Sm at doses of 250 and 500mg/kg significantly
*Corresponding author reduced the elevated blood glucose, hormonal and lipid profile
Raju Asirvatham changes. These results confirmed that ethanol and aqueous
extracts can stabilize the tumor induced hormonal, blood glucose
Email: and lipid profile changes in tumor bearing mice. This effect might
[email protected] be due to the presence of pharmacologically active phyto-
constituents in extracts.

Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, Ehrlich's Ascites Carcinoma, Dalton’s

ascites lymphoma, Drocera peltata, anticancer

INTRODUCTION effects of the above components are key

The components of metabolic syndrome factors for cancer development and cancer
(MS) was described by National Cholesterol related mortality. Abnormal body weight,
Education Program/Adult Treatment Panel III inflammation and insulin resistance are
(NCEP-ATP III), the World Health interconnected where insulin resistant obese
Organization (WHO), the International individuals are associated with secretion of
Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the American tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) from
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists adipose tissue which affect the intracellular
(AACE) where is associated with type 2 insulin signal cascade (hyperglycaemia). It is
diabetes mellitus, polycystic ovarian disease, also associated with elevation in free fatty
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and acid levels (dyslipidaemia), decrease in
possibly some cancers (Pooja et al., 2009). adiponectin levels, inhibition of peroxisome
Different study reports supported that the MS, proliferator-activated receptor gamma by
or its components, might play an important TNF-α and interleukin (IL)-1 stimulated
role in the ethiology and progression of certain with nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB)
cancer types and a worse prognosis for some (Uzunlulu et al., 2016). This leads to an
cancers such as breast, endometrial, colorectal, abnormal variation of energy metabolism in
pancreatic, hepatic and renal cancer cancer survivors and has become a hallmark
(Sandra Braun et al., 2011). MS is a bunch of syndrome for them. To overcome this
adiposity, hyperglycaemia, hypertension and increased energy requirements, tumor cells
dyslipidaemia. The additive or synergistic secrete cytokines/factors inducing muscle and

Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016) 203

Raju Asirvatham

fat degradation in cancer patients, a condition which contains all the above three
known as cancer cachexia which is the main Drosera species. The genus Drosera contains
cause of death, even in patients undergone plumbagin, naphthoquinones and flavonoids. It
drug treatments. Drug therapy with targeting has been reported that it can be used for the
devoid of cancer cachexia development is treatment of bronchial disorders, diabetes
under research. A study reported that ketogenic mellitus, dyslipidaemia, tuberculosis, spasms,
diet supplied to cachectic phenotype altered infections by various microbes, leprosy, malaria,
metabolic condition, reduced tumor growth cancer, leishmaniasis, fertility problems, CVS
and inhibition of muscle and body weight loss disorders such as arteriosclerosis, phthisis and
(Surendra, et al., 2014). also have immunomodulatory effect. The
The main approach for the treatment quercetin present in this plant is active against
and prevention of MS in cancer is change in cancer (Raju et al., 2013b). From D. peltata
lifestyle and the next step is to treat the J.E.Sm, 11 compounds were elucidated as
individual with their clinical manifestations isoshinanolone-4-O-beta-D-glucoside, isoshina-
(Pooja et al., 2009). The epidemiologic studies nolone, epi-isoshinanolone, plumbagin, drose-
of MS to cancer are scarce and the reported rone, droserone-5-O-glucoside, quercetin, ka-
study states that low levels of HDL are related empferol, gossypetin-8-O-glucoside, 3,3'-dime-
with an augmented risk of malignancy. Similarly thoxy ellagic acid, and ellagic acid. Extracts of
decreased level of serum low density lipoprotein plumbagin from Plum-bagineae and Drosera-
is associated with the development of ceae have long traditions of use in folk
haematological cancer. High level triglyceride in medicines in China and other Asian countries
serum is associated with increased risk of for the treatment of cancer, rheumatoid
postmenopausal breast cancer and prostate arthritis, dysmenorrhea and contusion of
cancer (Emily and Derek, 2013). Currently, extremities (Robert et al., 2012). This present
there is no drug therapy for the symptomatic study is aimed to know the effect of ethanol
treatment of MS to cancer or as an entire and aqueous extract D. peltata J.E.Sm on
disease. However widespread research endures protection over the cancer associated metabolic
to focus on this and have published lot of syndrome developed in tumor bearing mice.
articles per year. These problems can be solved
by naturopathic plant drug treatment where the MATERIALS AND METHODS
treatment will help for the maintenance of Plant materials
normal metabolism, reduction of side effects The entire plant of D. peltata J.E.Sm. was
and enhancement of body's immune system collected from Munnar hills, Kerala, India.
(Sanyal et al., 2002). In Ayurveda, the treatment Prof. K. Madhava Chetty, Taxonomist from
comprises the use of entire plant extracts either S.V. University Andhra Pradesh, India,
alone or as a mixture of numerous plant identified and authenticated this plant.
extracts for better efficacy and reduction in Preparation of the extracts
toxicity. These herbal preparations contain Alcohol extract
variety of active constituents, which may The weighed, shade dried powdered
function synergistically, causing therapeutic plant materials were extracted with 90 % v/v
benefits and dropping the risks of adverse ethanol in a Soxhlet extraction apparatus. The
effects (Prachi et al., 2007). A plant with high concentrated extract was suspended in distilled
flavonoid content with well-known anticancer water for experimental use as EEDP (Ethanol
property might be the best drug for the extract of D. peltata J.E.Sm).
treatment of cancer associated MS (Raju et al., Aqueous extract
2013a). An example for such a plant is D. peltata The marc which was obtained at the end
J.E.Sm, Droseraceae, which is a cosmopolitan, of ethanol extraction was soaked in water for
insectivorous plant. Among the 170 species, 48 hours to get the aqueous extract of D.
three plants are found in India, namely peltata. This was concentrated under reduced
D. peltata J.E.Sm, D. indica L., and D. burmannii. pressure and was used as AEDP (Aqueous
Swarnabhasma is an Ayurvedic preparation extract of D. peltata J.E.Sm).

204 Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016)

Modulatory Effect of Drosera peltata J.E.Sm

The ethanol (EEDP) and aqueous parameters such as body weight, packed cell
(AEDP) extracts of D. peltata were stored in air volume (PCV), tumor cell count (viable), Mean
tight containers for further study. survival time (MST), and Percentage increase in
life span (% ILS). On day 15, from the
Induction of tumor using DAL and EAC abdomen inoculated tumor cell lines were
cells collected in a centrifuge tube and packed cell
Dalton Ascites Lymphoma (DAL) and volume was measured. Viable cell count from
Ehrlich's Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) cells were suspension containing 100µL of cells were
supplied by Amala Cancer Research Center, stained with 400µL 0.4% Trypan Blue using a
Thrissur, Kerala, India. The cells were main- hemocytometer. The live, unstained cells (live
tained in vivo in Swiss albino mice by intraperi- cells do not take up Trypan Blue) were counted
toneal transplantation. The tumor cells were in one set of 16 squares using a hand tally
injected intraperitoneally (2x106 cells per mouse) counter.
to animals of all groups except the first group.
Assay of hormones
Determination of anticancer activity Mature female (virgin) Swiss Albino
For the anticancer activity study (Raju et mice weighing 20-25g were used for the assay
al., 2013a) Swiss Albino mice weighing 20-25g of hormone (Rezvanfar et al., 2008). LH, FSH,
were kept in identical laboratory condition and E2 and progesterone levels were measured from
were fed with standard pellet diet and water ad. the blood serum (Anup et al., 2007).
libitum. Study protocol was approved by the
Institution Animal Ethical Committee (Protocol. Lipid profile, blood glucose and liver
No: A. Raju 0903PH2254/JNTUH 2009). They enzymes
were divided into thirteen groups (G1-G13) viz. Blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride,
Normal group(G1), DAL control group (G2), HDL cholesterol were estimated (Feinleib,
EAC control (G3), DAL+ 20mg/kg of 5- 1983) using kits from Agappe Diagnostics,
Fluorouracil treated group (G4), EAC+ 20mg/kg Kerala, India. Similarly estimation of Aspartate
of 5-Fluorouracil treated group (G5), DAL Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Aminotrans-
+250mg/kg EEDP treated (G6), DAL ferase (ALT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
+500mg/kg EEDP treated (G7), EAC +250 Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) were also
mg/kg EEDP treated (G8), EAC +500mg/kg carried out on fully automated Analyzer Hitachi
EEDP treated (G9), DAL +250 mg/kg AEDP
717 (Italy).
treated (G10), DAL +500mg/kg AEDP treated
(G11), EAC +250mg/kg AEDP treated (G12), Statistical analysis
EAC +500mg/kg AEDP treated (G13) with six The results were expressed as mean ±
mice each, were used for the study. The DAL S.E.M. The evaluation of the data was done
and EAC cells were injected intraperi-toneally using one way ANOVA followed by Newman-
(2X106 cells/mouse) to all groups of animals Keul’s multiple comparison test; p< 0.05
except G1. On the second day the animals of G4 implied significance.
and G5 were treated with 5- fluorouracil
(20mg/kg, i.p), G6 to G9 were treated with 250,
500mg/kg of EEDP and G10 to G13 with 250, RESULT AND DISCUSSION
500mg/kg of AEDP orally. The treatment was The effect of EEDP and AEDP on
continued for 14 days. G1 was treated with tumor growth and development in DAL
vehicle. On day 15, blood was withdrawn by bearing mice (Table I), with respect to
retro orbital plexus method, the mice were packed cell volume, cell counts (viable) and
sacrificed and the following parameters were % ILS. Both the doses of extracts and 5 FU,
checked. significantly (p<0.001) restored the body
weight and cell count and was compared
Assessment of antitumor activity with tumor control group mice. Similarly %
Tumor growth and development in DAL ILS and MST were increased in extract
and EAC bearing mice are assessed by derived treatment groups and was compared with

Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016) 205

Raju Asirvatham

Table I. Effect of EEDP and AEDP on tumor growth and development in DAL bearing mice
Body MST Viable cell count
Parameters ILS (%) PCV (mL)
Weight (g) (Days) (106 cells /mouse)
Normal 22.5±0.81 40 100 - -
DAL control 35.43±1.34 14±1.14 36±2.81 30.56±0.54 7.16±1.45
22.63±0.75 36.6±0.9 91.5±2.32 18.46±0.25 0.68±0.12
23.7±0.8a 35.4±0.5a 88.5±1.28a 25.6±1.5a 0.48±0.11a
22.1±0.68a 39.4±0.5a 98±0.94a 27.02±0.65a 0.3±0.11a
26.3±1.03a 32.8±0.86a 82±2.15a 27.3±0.66a 2.54±0.71a
24.25±0.42a 35±0.55a 86±0.61a 28.01±0.48a 1.9±0.18a
These experimental outcomes indicated that the two doses of EEDP and AEDP exhibited inhibition of
tumor cell growth on tumor cell inoculated mice.

Table II. Effect of EEDP and AEDP tumor growth and development in EAC bearing mice
Body MST Viable cell count
Parameters ILS (%) PCV (mL)
Weight (g) (Days) (106 cells /mouse)
Normal 22.55±1 40 100 - -
EAC control 37.98±1.79 11.4±0.5 28.5±1.28 30.56±0.54 10.6±1.58
22.1±0.89 37.8±0.6 94.5±1.66 18.46±0.25 0.76±0.17
24.35±1.6a 35±0.5 a 87.5±1.37a 25.6±1.5 a 0.44±0.1 a
23.3±0.29 a 36.8±0.86a 92±2.15 a 27.02±0.65 a 0.32±0.09 a
25.3±0.29 a 35±1 a 87.5±2.5 a 27.3±0.66 a 2.52±0.5 a
24.1±0.7 a 35.2±0.37a 88±0.94 a 28.01±0.48 a 1.82±0.17 a
The data are expressed as mean± S.E.M. n = 6. The data was analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by
Newman-Keul’s multiple comparison test. a- p<0.001, compared to the tumor control group.

the tumor control group. The level of PCV Oral administration of 250, 500mg/kg of
was increased in tumor control mice and was EEDP and AEDP significantly (p<0.001)
normalised by extract treatment. increased the MST and % ILS of EAC bearing
The data are mentioned as mean± S. E. mice whereas MST and % ILS were decreased
M. n = 6. The data was evaluated by one way in second group mice. Similarly, there was an
ANOVA by using Newman-Keul’s multiple increase in body weight, PCV and viable cell
comparison test. a- p<0.001, compared to count in tumor control group mice and were
the tumor control group. Effective role of significantly (p<0.001) decreased to near to
EEDP and AEDP on tumor growth and normal by 14 days continuous administration of
development in EAC bearing mice (Table II). 250, 500mg/kg of EEDP and AEDP.

206 Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016)

Modulatory Effect of Drosera peltata J.E.Sm

Table III. Effect of EEDP and AEDP on lipid profile and blood glucose on EAC tumor cell
bearing mice
Cholesterol Triglyceride HDL LDL Blood glucose
(mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL)
Normal 142.89±2.19 92.87±2.49 39.78±0.21 119.73±1.09 110.6±1.23
EAC Control 107.03±1.22 124.63±0.79 27.73±0.71 81.45±2.66 214.3±4.45
118.46±0.92 88.23±1.19 35.33±1.08 116.98±0.9 130.1±1.9
130.5±0.2a 99.13±1.39a 32.08±0.64a 117.98±1.3a 148.4±2.1a
135.43±1.43a 93.6±1.93a 37.73±0.75a 127.5±0.57a 127.4±2.7 a
125.9±1.7a 114.35±2.0a 34.53±0.52a 106.8±1.14a 180.7±8.1b
134.98±1.52a 104.18±0.9a 33.85±0.82a 113.7±1.45a 137.2±5.2 a

Table IV. Effect of EEDP and AEDP on lipid profile and blood glucose on DAL tumor cell
bearing mice

Cholesterol Triglyceride HDL LDL Blood glucose
(mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL) (mg/dL)
Normal 154.45±5.12 128.6±4.37 36.65±0.39 119.3±3.3 110.6±1.23
DAL Control 122.68±3.7 206.06±3.31 23.55±0.81 69.3±3.1 263.7±8.3
145±0.95 158.75±2.15 34.8±1.13 119.78±1.2 142.5±2.5
137.08±1.27b 168.6±1.4a 32.58±0.9 a 120.15±0.74a 128.6±3.4a
149.9±1.87a 153.86±1.3a 36.13±0.88 a 116.3±0.9a 117.5±2.6 a
130.58±3.69d 175.4±0.8 a 30.53±0.51a 107.55±2.29 a 193.4±1.2b
146.43±0.63a 170.95±1.5 a 32.7±1.01a 112.9±1.59a 149.3±5.8 a
The data is mentioned as mean ± S. E. M. n = 6. The data was evaluated by one way ANOVA by using
Newman-Keul’s multiple comparison test.a-p<0.001, compared to the tumor control group, b- p<0.01,
compared to the tumor control group.

An altered lipid profile and blood cholesterol and showed significant (p<0.001)
glucose level was found in EAC bearing mice decrease in EAC control mice. In that, serum
(Table II). The continuous oral treatment triglycerides and blood glucose values were
for 14 days with 250, 500mg/kg of EEDP significantly elevated in EAC control mice and
and AEDP in EAC bearing mice, restored were brought back to normal by the extract
the altered parameters, i.e; the serum treatments, 250 and 500 mg/kg of EEDP and
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL AEDP.

Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016) 207

Raju Asirvatham

Table V. Effect of EEDP and AEDP on serum hormone levels in virgin female bearing EAC cell
Groups LH(ng/mL) FSH E2(ß-estradiol) Progesterone
Parameters X10-2 (ng/mL) pg/m (ng/mL)
Normal 21.45±1.17 10±0.39 24.9±0.29 18.55±0.17
EAC Control 29.55±0.78 4.65±0.15 7.45±0.15 6.63±0.33
19.83±1.6 7.98±0.45 22.55±1.15 16.8±0.64
25.87±1.8 d 6.28±0.13b 14.8±1.36a 12.8±0.23 a
24.63±0.23c 8.17±0.27 a 23.73±0.5 a 17.73±0.15 a
27.88±1.06d 4.95±0.23 d 12.75±1.02a 10.57±0.32 a
24.85±0.76 c 6.3±0.16b 14.8±1.34 a 14.88±0.36 a

Table VI. Effect of EEDP and AEDP on serum hormone levels in virgin female bearing DAL cell

Groups LH(ng/mL) FSH E2(ß-estradiol) Progesterone

Parameters X10-2 (ng/mL) pg/mL (ng/mL)
Normal 22.05±1.77 8.68±0.3 23.13±0.24 17.73±0.14
DAL control 37.23±2.12 3.57±0.18 5.52±0.52 6.8±0.23
DAL + 5FU 18.43±0.45 8.25±0.33 21.65±0.85 16.8±0.22
22.8±1.56a 6.1±0.09 a 15.23±0.98 a 12.55±0.21 a
(500mg/kg) 23.4±0.67 a 7.58±0.17 a 23.88±0.74 a 17.28±0.48 a
27.43±0.26 a 4.95±0.23 a 9.35±0.39 a 10.67±0.2 a
25.35±0.69 a 5.95±0.06 a 14.05±0.63 a 14.85±0.33 a

Table IV shows the blood glucose and The continuous oral administration for
lipid profile of DAL bearing mice, where the 14 days with 250 and 500 mg/kg of EEDP and
cholesterol, HDL and LDL level showed AEDP restored the hormone level near to
significant (p<0.001) decrease in DAL control normal in female virgin mice bearing EAC cell
mice and were restored by the doses of 250, line. The altered hormonal levels in virgin
500mg/kg of EEDP and AEDP, whereas, the (Table V), where 250mg/kg of AEDP and
serum triglyceride and blood glucose values AEDP were not significant (P>0.05) in
were significantly elevated in DAL control mice restoration of LH and less significant (P<0.01)
and were brought back to normal by the extract to FSH and E2. Also 500mg/kg of EEDP and
treatment. However, 250mg/kg of AEDP was AEDP showed less significant (P<0.01) effect
less significant (P<0.05) in normalization of on LH level in EAC bearing mice. Lower dose
cholesterol level.

208 Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016)

Modulatory Effect of Drosera peltata J.E.Sm

of AEDP (250mg/kg) was not significant volume was high which reflected their body
(P>0.05) on FSH restoration. weight in both DAL and EAC control mice
The data is mentioned as mean ± S. E. (Malaya et al., 2004). Both the ethanol and
M. n = 6. The data was evaluated by one way aqueous extracts of DB, DP, and DI reduced
ANOVA by using Newman-Keul’s multiple the tumor growth and development of tumor in
comparison test. a-p<0.001, compared to the mice.
tumor control group, b- p<0.01, compared to Metabolism of glucose and its utilization
the tumor control group, c-p<0.05, compared are generally regulated by certain herbs and
to the tumor control group, d- p>0.05 spices through their signalling pathways. High
compared to the tumor control group. triglycerides level, low HDL and high LDL,
The serum hormone levels in virgin elevated level of blood pressure, incidence of
female mice of DAL bearing mice were greatly insulin resistance, and increased level of pro-
altered (Table VI). An increased LH level was inflammatory markers and proteins in plasma
found in DAL control group mice. The are the characteristic for MS. A subject showing
continuous oral administration for 14 days with 3 or more than three of the above
250 and 500 mg/kg of EEDP and AEDP characteristics plus insulin resistance is
significantly (p<0.001) restored the LH, FSH, generally considered to have the MS. Plants
E2 and progesterone level in female virgin mice with polyphenols and flavonoids have
bearing DAL cell line. antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and
The data is mentioned as mean ± S. E. hypoglycaemic potential which play an
M. n = 6. The data was evaluated by one way important role in reducing risk factors which
ANOVA by using Newman-Keul’s multiple are associated with development of metabolic
comparison test. a-p<0.001, compared to the syndrome (Kiran, 2013). In this study also, the
tumor control group. plant genus Drosera contains plumbagin,
Metabolic syndrome (MS) plays a naphthoquinones and flavonoids, which reduce
significant role in the progression of cancer the elevated blood sugar level in tumor bearing
which includes hypertriglyceridemia, low serum mice to normal.
HDL level, etc. There is an epidemiological In cancer cachexia, reduction in body
survey supporting that, a persons with MS are weight is due to exhaustion of body fat.
more prone to get colon cancer. Earlier Triglyceride, the major storage form of fat, is
preclinical animal study report revealed that soy converted to glycerol and free fatty acids (FFA)
and tea combination delayed the progression by hydrolytic metabolism. This causes
and the growth of breast and prostate tumour. hyperlipidaemia and is associated with some
The study also suggested that bioactive tumors. In certain cancers, there is an
component which was present in soy and tea association between weight loss and reduction
might have strong cancer prevention activity of enzyme activity. When compared to normal
via the prevention of metabolic irregularities person, cancer patient’s body energy
(Zhou et al., 2007). Based on the above requirements are provided by fat which are
hypothesis, this study has been conducted to mobilized and oxidized in a greater extent
evaluate the cancer development prevention which leads to low HDL and high triglycerides;
and protection over the cancer associated these lipid abnormalities also can be observed
metabolic syndrome in tumor bearing mice by in type 2 diabetes (Gallagher and LeRoith,
using species of carnivorous plant Drosera in 2013, Douglas and Shaw, 1990). In the present
India. study, an increased level of triglyceride and low
Tumor growth response was evaluated level of HDL were observed in tumor control
by change in body weight, PCV, tumor cell mice and were restored after continuous oral
count, MST, and % ILS of cancer control mice administration for 14 days with EEDP and
was compared with extract treatment groups. AEDP.
In both DAL and EAC-bearing mice, ascites Researchers have also reported that there
fluid volume increased progressively. This is an increase in risk of cancer development in
ascites fluids act as a nutritional supplement for those with increased level of endogenous sex
tumor cell growth and development. This fluid hormones and gonadotrophic hormones with

Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016) 209

Raju Asirvatham

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College of Pharmacy for providing support and Raju A., Christina AJM., Anita Murali., 2013a.
facilities for this research work. The authors Effect of Drosera burmannii vahl on
also thank Dr. S.N Yoganarasimhan for his metabolic syndrome developed in Ehrlich
guidance in the selection and collection of plant Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) bearing mice.
material. Phytopharmacology. 4(1): 53-60.
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210 Volume 27 Issue 4 (2016)

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