ELD - Vocab Grid - 10-5-2020

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ELD – Week of 10/5/2020 Vocabulary Grid

Please use this vocabulary grid to track your personal weekly vocabulary development in your content area classes.
Please include academic words you learn in school over the course of the week.

Word/Phrase Definition (English) Home Language My Sentence

Word of the Week the action of electing or 选举 He's favored to win the election
(WoW!): Election the fact of being elected

My new word #1:  something which can 替补 The only alternative to intervention.

be chosen instead

My new word #2: lacking originality or 常规的 Most of her books

individuality are conventional detective stories.

My new word #3: free of encumbrance 无拘无束 These rules will only encumber the
people we're trying to help.

My new word #4  the history of 词源 He decline of etymology as a linguistic

etymology a linguistic form (such discipline
as a word)

My new word #5 unexpectedly 遭遇 We have encountered one small problem

encounter  experience or be faced
with (something
difficult or hostile

My new word #6 relaxed and 休闲 She regarded his affairs with a casual
casual unconcerned indulgence

My new word #7 a particular time or 场合 On one occasion I stayed up until two in

occasions instance of an event the morning

My new word #8 an example or single 例子 In this instance it mattered little

instance occurrence of

My new word #9 importance requiring 紧急 The discovery of the ozone hole gave
urgency swift action urgency to the issue of CFCs

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