Carlson Survey Software
Carlson Survey Software
Carlson Survey Software
• Get full tool kit – everything from network least squares “Carlson works because their de-
to surface modeling velopers come from a survey back-
• Work seamlessly between office and field
ground. I find it has the right kind of
• Establish company-wide design styles
thought process – the way it leads
• Create GIS links & exchange Esri® data
you through [the survey process] is
exactly the way a surveyor thinks.”
Choose your platform – Carlson Survey works on:
• AutoCAD® versions 2007 to current Stewart Bazeley, Baypoint Surveys, Bournemouth, Dorset, U.K.
• IntelliCAD® (built-in)
• Or choose Carlson Survey AutoCAD Embedded with the
AutoCAD OEM engine built-in
CARLSON SOFTWARE Inc | 33 East Second Street | Maysville, KY 41056 | 800-942-2540 |
Top New Features
Carlson SURVEY - Features
• Carlson Cloud: Transfer files and messages to SurvCE users in • Lock Points: Lock selected points in the coordinate database
the field to prevent modifications
• Geodetic Mapping: Calcs for geodetic angles, distances and • Field-to-Finish: New pipe network feature coding
• Google Earth: Added export for text, images and surfaces and
• Annotative Text/Points: Auto resize for drawing scale.
import for points with photos
Survey Commands Calculate Offsets: Reports stations and offsets for with functions to create lots, conduct map check
selected points along centerline for closure, edit in spreadsheet with graphics, report
Data Collection Interfaces: Upload and download Create Offset Points: Create points at specified lots and draw lots
to popular data collectors stations and offsets Offsets, Intersection and Cul-de-Sacs: Layout for
Traverse Adjustment: Spreadsheet editor for raw Spirals: Flexible handling of the most complex spi- ROW and EOP linework
data with graphics and processing for traverse adju- ral curves including “spiral-only” elements going
stments arc-spiral-arc, arc-spiral-line and line-spiral-line Annotation
SurvNET: Advanced network least-squares for total
station, GPS and level data Profiles Angle & Distance Labels: Flexible routines to label
Field-to-Finish: Draw points with styles and in linework in all possible layout combinations plus
point groups set by point descriptions and draw li- Create Profiles: From surfaces, screen entities, po- available rules to automatically fix label overlaps and
nework by several flexible methods ints on centerline, etc. revise labels when entities move
Field-to-Finish Inspector: Inspect all field-to-fi- Quick Profile: One step profile creation with re- Curve Labels: Label curve data in stack, along arc
nish elements, see description source and re-draw al-time update while adjusting centerline or in table
based on descriptions edits Input-Edit Profiles: Enter profile data in dual spre- Survey Text: Routines to create typical plat labels
COGO: Streamlined inverse, traverse, sideshot, in- adsheet and graphic window, and design in referen- such as offset and building dimensions
tersections, interpolation, translate, rotate, scale ce to controlling profile grade points Linetypes: Draw special linetypes
and align Draw Profiles: Draws profiles on grids or plan-pro-
Coordinate Transformations: Transform coordi- file sheets with auto-updating based on edits GIS Commands
nates and screen entities between lat/lon and grid Profiles To 3D: Create points and 3D polylines from
profiles GIS Data: Input, edit, query, report, label and inspe-
projections as well as local to local by Helmert and
ct database data attached to drawing entities
least-squares methods
Points ESRI: Import/Export feature data by Esri MSC or SHP
Deeds: Enter deed by description, read deed data
from deed file, deed reports, deed correlation and Geo-Referenced Images: Place geo-referenced
generate legal description from drawing Import/Export: User-defined import and export images into the drawing
of point data along with conversions with specific Place Camera Symbol/Image: Draw a camera
Cut Sheets: Create custom cut sheet reports with
other formats symbol with an attached image
reference grades and station-offsets
Draw Points: Draw points with settings for symbols,
Surface Commands layers and styles General
Point Groups: Point group manager to define sets
Build Surfaces: By triangulation or rectangular grids of point by filters Coordinate Systems: 100s of projections including
Coordinate File History: Tracks all changes to po- SurvCE
Contouring: One step triangulate and contour
from 3D ensities as well as contouring from surface ints with report and undo functions CSLReport Formatter: Create customized, profe-
files Fix Point Label Overlaps: Finds point label over- ssional reports
Surface Manager: Change surface display proper- laps with rule options to fix automatically Symbol Library: Hundreds of 2D and 3D symbols
ties and adjust surface functions to add and remove Point Tools: Utilities for modifying point labels such Project Setup: Flexible data storage methods
points and breaklines and swap edges as move with leader, twist and resize Drawing Explorer: Manage and access project data
Volumes: Earthwork volumes between triangulati- files
on or grid surfaces Area/Layout Drawing Cleanup: Fix common drafting errors
Pad Design: Tie cut/fill slopes from pad perimeter Drafting Enhancements: Handy tools for working
to surface, build pad surface, calculate and balance Label Areas: Customized area label styles and se- in Autocad® such as Join Nearest, Shrinkwrap En-
volumes, and edit pad parameters veral methods to select areas to label tities, Polyline Utilities, Drawing Inspector, Layer In-
Size Areas: Sliding side area, hinged area, area radial spector and Twist Screen
Centerlines from curve and bearing area cutoff Data Compatibility: Supports industry standard
Lot Network: Commands for subdividing a site into LandXML and scores of specific data conversions
Design and Edit Centerlines: Design or input ali- lot and ROW areas. Dynamically updates areas for Document Management: Use Data Depot for sha-
gnments on screen or in dialog with graphics any changes to boundaries. Includes ability to label ring and archiving files
Label Stations and Offsets: Annotate station and linework and areas and to draw setback boundaries CAD Standards: Draw items with standardized
offsets along centerline and at selected points Lot Manager: Lot definitions by point numbers properties
© Copyright 2018 Carlson Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Carlson Software is a registered trademark of Carlson Software, Inc. All other product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Carlson Software Inc | 33 East Second Street | Maysville, KY 41056 USA | 800-942-2540 |