Case by Proving and Giving Evidences

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Week 10

Activity 1: Detective Cases

Goal: Give evidences based on the cases given.

Role: Students roles will be detectives

Audience: The teacher and students

Situation: Different situations were given in the detective cases. Students will solve each

case by proving and giving evidences.

Product: A definite answers back-up with evidences.

Specific Standards/Indicators: Answer key

Week 10

Activity 1.1: Textual Evidences as Support

Goal: Use textual evidences as support to the assertions/claims.

Role: Students role will be finders of evidences.

Audience: The teacher and students

Situation: Poem analysis and pointing out textual evidences.

Product: Analysis of poem and textual evidences

Specific Standards/Indicators: Answer key.


Week 10

Activity 1.2: Textual Evidences as Validators of Assertions

Goal: Use textual evidences as validators to the assertions made.

Role: Students role will be finders of evidences.

Audience: The teacher and students

Situation: Text analysis and pointing out textual evidences as validating ideas

Product: Analysis of text and textual evidences

Specific Standards/Indicators: Answer key.

Week 10

Activity 2: Skit Presentation (Formative)

Goal: Present a skit presentation on making use of excuses and evidences.

Role: Students role will be actors and actresses

Audience: The teacher and students

Situation: Different situations and roles will be acted: teacher and student, parent and

child, manager and employee.

Product: Skit presentation on making excuses

Specific Standards/Indicators: Rubric for skit presentation.


Skit Performance Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles
and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly or cannot be
all (100- 95%) all (100-95%) most (94-85%) understood OR
the time, the time, the time, mispronounces
mispronounces mispronounces mispronounces more than one
no words. one word. no more than word.
one word.

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding understanding understanding to understand
of the topic. of the topic. of parts of the the topic very
topic well.

Preparedness Students are Students seem The students Students do not

completely pretty prepared are somewhat seem at all
prepared and but might have prepared, but it prepared to
has obviously needed more is clear that present.
rehearsed. rehearsal. rehearsal was

Acting/Dialogue The students The students The students The students

use consistent often use try to use tell the story
voices, facial voices, facial voices, facial but do not use
expressions and expressions and expressions and voices, facial
movements to movements to movements to expressions or
make the make the make the movement to
characters more characters more characters more make the
believable and believable and believable and storytelling
the story more the story more the story more more
easily easily easily interesting or
understood understood. understood clear.


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Week 10

Activity 2.1: Citing and Pointing-out Textual Evidences

Goal: Cite and point out textual evidences presented in the text.

Role: Critical and creative thinkers

Audience: The teacher and students

Situation: Students will read texts “Five Lectures on Blindness” by Kate M. Foley and

“It is more Fun in the Philippines”

Product: Cited and pointed out evidences in the text read.

Specific Standards/Indicators: Answer key.

Week 10

Activity 3: Textual Evidences

Goal: Write a critique paper based on the current issues in the Philippines.

Role: Students will act as a critics.

Audience: The teacher and students

Situation: Students will choose from the topics given and critique it based on its claim/s,
context, and properties as a written material.

Product: 1000-word critique paper based on the chosen topic

Specific Standards/Indicators: Rubric for a critique paper.


Critique Paper Rubric

Criteria 5 4 3 2 Comments

Introduction There is a Introduction Introduction Background

and well- creates adequately details are a
Conclusion developed interest. explains the random,
introduction Thesis states background, unclear
with an the position. but may lack collection of
attention Conclusion detail. Thesis information.
grabber that effectively states the Thesis is
grabs the summarizes topic, but key vague and
reader’s the topic. elements are unclear.
interest and missing Conclusion is
continues to not effective
engage the and does not
reader up summarize
until the main points.

Main Points Well- Three or Three or Less than

developed more main more main three
main points relate points are ideas/main
points/topic to the thesis, present, but points are
sentences but some lack details in explained
that relate may lack describing the and/or they
directly to details. The event. Little are poorly
the thesis. analysis descriptive developed.
Supporting shows events language is The story
examples are from the used. tells; it
concrete and author’s doesn’t show
detailed. The point of
analysis is view, but
developed could use
with an more
effective descriptive
point of language.

Organization Logical Logical Organization Writing is not

Progression progression is clear. organized.
of ideas with of ideas. Transitions The
a clear Transitions are present at transitions
structure that are present times, but between ideas
enhances the throughout there is very are unclear or

thesis. the essay, little variety. non existent.

Transitions but lacks
are effective variety
and vary
not just in
the topic

Style Writing is Writing is Writing is Writing is

smooth, clear and clear, but confusing and
skillful, and sentences could use a hard to
coherent. have varied little more follow.
Sentences structure, sentence Contains
are strong Diction is variety to fragments
and consistent. make the and/or runon
expressive writing more sentences.
with varied interesting.
Diction is
and words
are well

Mechanics Punctuation, Punctuation, There are Distracting

spelling, and spelling, and only a few (3- errors in
capitalization capitalization 4) errors in punctuation,
are all are generally punctuation, spelling, and
correct. No correct with spelling, and capitalization.
errors. few errors capitalization.

(Retrieved from:



1. There is a man found dead in a circular mansion. The detective interviews the cook,
maid, and babysitter. The cook said he couldn't have done it because he was preparing the
meal. The maid said she couldn't have done it because she was dusting the corners. The
babysitter said she couldn't because she was playing with the children. Who was lying?

(Retrieved from:

2. A dead female body lies at the bottom of a multistory building. It looks as though she
committed suicide by jumping from one of the floors.
When the detective arrives, he goes to the first floor of the building, opens the closed
window, and flips a coin towards the floor. He goes to the second floor and does the
exact same thing. He continues to do this until he gets to the top floor of the building.
When he comes back down, he states that it was a murder and not a suicide. How does he
know that?
(Retrieved from:

3. On the first day of the school year, a geography teacher was murdered. The police had
4 suspects: the gardener, the math teacher, the coach, and the school principal. They all
had alibis:
The gardener was cutting bushes.
The math teacher was holding a mid-year test.
The coach was playing basketball.
The principal was in his office.

The killer was arrested immediately. Who killed the geography teacher, and how did the
police solve the mystery?

(Retrieved from



A Boundless Moment
By Robert Frost

He halted in the wind, and, what was that

Far in the maples, pale, but not a ghost?
He stood there bringing March against his
thought,And yet too ready to believe the most.

'Oh, that's the Paradise-in-bloom,' I said;

And truly it was fair enough for flowers
had we but in us to assume in March
Such white luxuriance of May for ours.

We stood a moment so in a strange world,

Myself as one his own pretense deceives;
And then I said the truth (and we moved on).
A young beech clinging to its last year's leaves.

(Retrieved from:


The Lost City of Atlantis – Unknown

People have long wondered about the alleged “lost” city of Atlantis, but in fact
Atlantis has never been lost at all. Its story was first told in two Platonic dialogues, the
“Timaeus” and the “Critias” (330 B.C.). According to professor of archeology Ken
Feder’s book, Frauds, Myths and Mysteries, Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology,
Plato’s Atlantis was "a technologically sophisticated but morally bankrupt evil empire. . .
Atlantis . . . attempts world domination by force. The only thing standing in its way is a
relatively small group of spiritually pure, morally principled and incorruptible people —
the ancient Athenians. Overcoming overwhelming odds . . . the Athenians are able to
defeat their far more powerful adversary simply through the force of their spirit.” Plato’s
story of Atlantis is less about a “lost” civilization than it is about the virtue of the
Athenians, and scholars believe that Atlantis never in fact existed, but was a literary
creation on the part of Plato. Atlantis has never been mentioned in any other Greek
literature that has ever been found. In fact, for most of history people have believed that
Atlantis was a fictional place, until the late 1800s when a writer named Ignatius Donnelly
proposed that significant achievements of the ancient world, like metallurgy, agriculture,
religion and language — must have originated in Atlantis. His argument was that the
known ancient civilizations weren’t sophisticated enough to have developed these things
on their own, rather they were given to them by some more intelligent civilization.
Donnelly’s ideas captured enough of the imaginations of others for later writers to add
their own speculations. Mystics and psychics well known at the time jumped on the
bandwagon, helping to popularize the idea of there having been a real Atlantis. Interest in
Atlantis was furthered by a book published in 1969 by Charles Berlitz called The
Mystery of Atlantis because Berlitz claimed that Atlantis was both real and the reason
behind the mystery of The Bermuda Triangle. Since then, thousands of books, magazine
and websites have been devoted to the topic of Atlantis.

(Retrieved from:



Five Lectures on Blindness

By: Kate M. Foley

When mentally equipped, all blind students should be sent to college, and urged
to fit themselves as teachers. In every college and university blind men should occupy
chairs in history, English, economics, and mathematics. I know two blind men in this
state well qualified to teach any of these subjects, who are forced to accept inferior
positions, because educators generally fail to realize that blindness is no bar to mental
attainment, and that the ability to teach does not depend upon the ability to see with the
eyes. This will be better understood when the coeducation of blind and seeing children
becomes more general—God speed the day! As music teachers, concert players, leaders
of orchestra, or masters of the violin and 'cello, the blind should have an even chance of
success, but their inability to read music at sight, or watch the director's baton often
deprives them of positions which their quick ear and well trained memory would enable
them to fill with profit to themselves and satisfaction to the public. And so in all the
professions. I know a man who, before he lost his eyesight, was considered an eminent
lawyer, but now his associates regard him pityingly, and his clients take their business

When the light went out of the eyes of this brilliant man, it did not take his brain
as well. He is fitted to be a consulting lawyer or court pleader, and could occupy a chair
in a college of law. Surely, there is something radically wrong when these conditions
exist! Surely the public needs to open its eyes, and polish its glasses in order to see more
clearly that there is a mental blindness, more pitiful, more far‐reaching in its
consequences, than physical blindness, however hard or uncomfortable the latter
condition may be. Someone facetiously suggested that I call this lecture "bringing light to
the seeing," and, in a sense, this is what I am trying to do. But the light is carried by a
kindly hand, and the hand is the index to a heart in which there is no bitterness, no
malice, no distrust―a heart brimming over with love, with hope, with confidence, and
with a belief that the public will see the light, and, seeing it, and reading my message in

its beams, will pass it on to others, adding to it as it goes, until it floods every corner of
our vast state, and result in untold good for my people. 

(Retrieved from:


Why it’s More Fun in the Philippines?

The current slogan of Philippine tourism is “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”.
But many people wonder is it really more fun in the Philippines? What’s so special about
the country? Well, aside from the friendliness and hospitality of the Pinoys and the
Pinays (which are Filipino slang for Filipino men and women respectively), there are so
many activities that you can do in this small country. Their national language is Tagalog,
or Filipino, but you don’t have to learn it so that you can enjoy in the Philippines. This is
why it is always a good idea to visit the many Pinoys and Pinays of the Philippines.
The most famous tourist spots in the Philippines are water bodies. There they
have hundreds of great beaches that have the finest white sand. There are rivers and
gigantic lakes that are rich in history too. The favourite tourist destination of many people
is the island of Boracay. Well, we all know what this island offers, right? Basically the
Boracay Island, which is found in the Visayas islands of the Philippines, is the home of
the finest white sand that doesn’t even get hot no matter how hot the sun may be. Yes,
this is true. The island is also home to many different activities that everyone can
participate in. In the evening, the island becomes the hottest party place as the shore is
lined up with bars and the like.
However, if you are more into the solitude and relaxation kind of vacation, you
can always go to any island in Palawan. This is an island in the Philippines that is known
to be an animal sanctuary. There are many different land and sea animals present there. It
is also home to many different beaches and dive spots that will really make your vacation
in the Philippines one to remember. Indeed, it is more fun in the Philippines.
If you want to be near the beach but would like to be in a city as well, you can
always go to Cebu. This is a city that has the best beaches minutes away from its center.

Many Pinoys and Pinays love to live here, actually as it definitely defines what a paradise
in the metro is. The language of the people here is not Tagalog, though. Their main
dialect is called Visaya. However, you shouldn’t worry because the second language of
the Pinoys and the Pinays here is English. Therefore, you can rest assured that when you
visit this part of the Philippines you will be able to roam around without getting lost. You
will surely be able to enjoy the place.
If you are into hiking and trekking, the Philippines have a lot to offer as well. The
small archipelago is home to many mountains and volcanoes that any thrill seeker will
enjoy. Sure enough, no matter what age you are or no matter what kind of mountain you
would want to climb, the Philippines will be able to offer you the most wonderful time.
This is why more and more people are visiting the Philippines. Aside from the friendly
Pinoys and Pinays that are willing to be your guide, you will be astonished with the
untouched beauty of most of the mountains and volcanoes that they have.
The Philippines is also the home of one of the new 7 wonders of the world, the
Subterranean River Park. Basically, this is a river that is under a cave of limestone and
such. Many Pinoys and Pinays offer tours here that the whole family will surely enjoy.
After your trip of the Subterranean River Park, you can enjoy swimming and feeding the
fishes in their marine sanctuary. You will be surprised with how colourful and vivid these
corals and marine animals are. This is one reason why it is more fun in the Philippines.
It is more fun in the Philippines because of the diverse activities that you can do
here. The Philippines is not a huge country. You can travel from the north to the south in
less than a month – even when you are spending quality time in each of their tourist
spots. Tagalog or not, you will be able to communicate well with the Pinoys and Pinays
there, which will guarantee you that it is indeed more fun in the Philippines.

(Retrieved from:


Death Penalty
The idea of putting another human to death is hard to completely fathom. The
physical mechanics involved in the act of execution are easy to grasp, but the emotions
involved in carrying out a death sentence on another person, regardless of how much they
deserve it, is beyond my own understanding. However, this act is sometimes necessary
and it is our responsibility as a society to see that it is done. Opponents of capital
punishment have basically four arguments.

The first is that there is a possibility of error. However, the chance that there
might be an error is separate from the issue of whether the death penalty can be justified
or not. If an error does occur, and an innocent person is executed, then the problem lies in
the court system, not in the death penalty. Furthermore, most activities in our world, in
which humans are involved, possess a possibility of injury or death. Construction, sports,
driving, and air travel all offer the possibility of accidental death even though the highest
levels of precautions are taken.  These activities continue to take place, and continue to
occasionally take human lives, because we have all decided, as a society, that the
advantages outweigh the unintended loss. We have also decided that the advantages of
having dangerous murderers removed from our society outweigh the losses of the

The second argument against capital punishment is that it is unfair in its

administration. Statistics show that the poor and minorities are more likely to receive the
death penalty. Once again, this is a separate issue.  It can’t be disputed sadly, the rich are
more likely to get off with a lesser sentence, and this bias is wrong. However, this is yet
another problem of our current court system. The racial and economic bias is not a valid
argument against the death penalty. It is an argument against the courts and their unfair
system of sentencing.

The third argument is actually a rebuttal to a claim made by some supporters of

the death penalty. The claim is that the threat of capital punishment reduces violent
crimes. Opponents of the death penalty do not agree and have a valid argument when
they say, “The claims that capital punishment reduces violent crime is inconclusive and
certainly not proven.”

The fourth argument is that the length of stay on death row, with its endless
appeals, delays, technicalities, and retrials, keep a person waiting for death for years on
end. It is both cruel and costly. This is the least credible argument against capital
punishment. The main cause of such inefficiencies is the appeals process, which allows
capital cases to bounce back and forth between state and federal courts for years on end.

If supporting a death row inmate for the rest their life costs less than putting them to
death, and ending their financial burden on society, then the problem lies in the court
system, not in the death penalty. As for the additional argument, that making a prisoner
wait for years to be executed is cruel, then would not waiting for death in prison for the
rest of your life be just as cruel, as in the case of life imprisonment without parole.
Many Americans will tell you why they are in favor of the death penalty. It is
what they deserve. It prevents them from ever murdering again. It removes the burden
from taxpayers. We all live in a society with the same basic rights and guarantees. We
have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with equal opportunities. This
is the basis for our society. It is the foundation on which everything else is built upon.
When someone willfully and flagrantly attacks this foundation by murdering another,
robbing them of all they are, and all they will ever be, then that person can no longer be a
part of this society. The only method that completely separates cold blooded murderers
from our society is the death penalty.
As the 20th century comes to a close, it is evident that our justice system is in
need of reform. This reform will shape the future of our country, and we cannot jump to
quick solutions such as the elimination of the death penalty. As of now, the majority of
American supports the death penalty as an effective solution of punishment.
“An eye for an eye,” is what some Americans would say concerning the death
penalty. Supporters of the death penalty ask the question, “Why should I, an honest
hardworking taxpayer, have to pay to support a murderer for the rest of their natural life?
Why not execute them and save society the cost of their keep?” Many Americans believe
that the death penalty is wrong. However, it seems obvious to some Americans that the
death penalty is a just and proper way to handle convicted murderers.
Cite this article as: Schoolworkhelper Editorial Team, "Essay: Arguments against the
Death Penalty," in SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,


Where There’s no Need for Homework in High School

This is something that students have been doing since before America was
colonized by New Worlders. It is a trick that ancient British people were using long
before digital plagiarism and other such things. The fact is that students are going to cheat
when it comes to homework in high school. So why not have all the learning done in
schools and forget the homework bit? After all, isn’t homework just an expression of how
school is failing children? For example, if a worker takes work home then it is often
because it was not finished at work. This either indicates that poor quality and
insufficient work was done in the workplace and may mean the workplace is being poorly
run. So isn’t homework just a way of saying that the child has not learned enough at
school so has to take his or her time at home to do it? Homework should be removed in
place of longer hours at school or a better quality of teaching. If the child learnt enough at
school then homework would not be needed.
It is true that students are going to find ways of not doing their homework, but
that is called cheating. It is up to the parents to explain the difference between right and
wrong. It is up to the parent to explain why cheating is bad. The school cannot be held
accountable if the student breaks the rules in the same way that the government cannot be
blamed if its citizens break the law. There are now tools that allow students to cheat with
consummate ease. There are even math completion tools that do the math for a student.
This means that homework cannot be used to test the knowledge of a child. It is therefore
something that needs to be gotten rid of in the place of something else. Instead of using
online tools to complete homework, the student should have more integrity and complete
the given tasks as instructed.
Students are forced to learn and so remaining honest is impossible. This means
that homework probably is a bad idea but it should be replaced and not removed. Either
the school hours should be lengthened to fit in the learning that would have taken place
whilst homework was being done, or the school should adopt new and more efficient
ways of teaching so that a child does not need homework in order to reinforce learning.
Retrieved from:


Legalizing Divorce in the Philippines

Marriage is sacred and a must. Marriage is the process by which two people

make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a
bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by
separation. Over the course of a relationship that can last as many as seven or eight
decades, a lot happens. Personalities change, bodies age, and romantic love waxes and
wanes. And no marriage is free of conflict. What enables a couple to endure is how they
handle that conflict. It is lawful which should be follow and taken care by a married
people or a family. In addition, it is necessary in general. But if a marriage is not working
anymore that only leads to fighting then it only becomes an abuse, it requires a legal
separation to any of the spouses. This process undergone legally and has a sanction of the
court. It could be an annulment just like here in our country, the Philippines, we allow it.

People who say that divorce is not advisable for the Philippines forget or ignore
our history. The ethno-linguistic communities of the Philippine archipelago before the
Spanish conquest practiced divorce. We had a divorce law from 1917 until August 30,
1950, when the Civil Code of 1950 took effect. The latter law prohibited divorce for
Filipinos, and the prohibition continues under the present Family Code. But Muslim
Filipinos have always practiced divorce, which Philippine law allowed. Today, divorce
continues to be available to Muslim Filipinos under the Code of Muslim Personal Law of
the Philippines (Presidential Decree No. 1083), promulgated in 1977.

In the Philippines as well as the other states such as Vatican City and British
Crown Dependency of Shark the thing called ‘Divorce’ is not applicable now a day in the
said countries. But a bill recently filed in Congress provides hope for thousands of
couples trapped in failed and often abusive marriages, by legalizing divorce. It is now the
fight to make divorce legal in the Philippines. The dissolution of a marriage is almost
always an unhappy event, at the very least marked by disappointment and the loss
of dreams and expectations. In addition, there are usually many legal, financial, parental,
emotional, and practical aspects that require changes in responsibilities and routines, and
it can take people years to regain equilibrium. Nevertheless, divorce serves an important
function in legally and emotionally freeing people to form a more stable relationship.

A divorce law will provide a remedy that Article 36 does not. Divorce does not
concern itself with validity or invalidity of a marriage.  It terminates a marriage based on
a ground that occurred during the marriage, which makes the marital relationship no
longer tenable, regardless of the spouse’s psychological constitution. A divorce law will
provide a straightforward remedy to a marital failure. It will benefit Filipinos wherever
they are.

It is time to give the remedy of divorce to those who need it, even as we respect the
decision of those who want to stay married despite their miserable marital life. First thing
is that a couple’s conflicts often lead to maltreatment and the women are the most
affected in the situation. Simple, because compare to women men are more aggressive
and stronger when it comes to strength. Another is that a man has a power to rule the
house even in a wrong way, so a woman was set aside because of its poor capability.
Lastly, a woman is more emotional so if its trust will be misuse it leads to overthinking
and makes a woman struggle a depression which is really unhealthy.

The Catholic Church need not worry. To be sure, the Catholic Church will be the
staunchest opponent of the divorce bill. It will once again argue against the bill on moral
grounds. It will appeal the constitutional provision directing the State to protect marriage
and the family, and another that refers to the sanctity of family life. But these
constitutional provisions were never intended to prohibit Congress from legalizing
divorce. First, we are a secular state, where no religious group has the right to define law
or policy for the entire population. The law should only give people a choice, to be
exercised according to their own personal beliefs.  Second, non-divorced Catholics need
to be careful of assumptions, to discard any trace of judgment toward the divorced. Since
most the Filipinos have “been there, done that” when it comes to being judgmental, we
can address this issue personally. It is too easy for those who have never experienced the
desperation and sorrow of a failed marriage to believe that “they could have done
something to save it.” They really have no idea at all. Lastly, not every marriage was
joined by ‘God’ even it took place in church. This may seem like a rationalization, but
Jesus’ statement in Matthew 19:6 (“Therefore, what God has joined together, no human
being must separate”) does not apply to all marriages.

Divorce should be legalized to avoid adultery. It is a voluntary sexual intercourse

between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman
and someone other than her husband. First, a man or a woman does not need to be
trapped in a horrible marriage. If they do not have the love for each other anymore in a
way that they tend to cheat, they can have the answer for now and do not need to break
the law or even the God’s Ten Commandments. A divorce is an open door for every
individual to escape for. Then, every individual could have the power to decide for their
own good just like marrying other people whom they really love. It made them set aside
their spouse but at least they only think on what is right than to cheat. Lastly, people will
get nervous on the consequences and will only do their best in avoidance in committing

As been stated above it is better to legalize divorced because first it only leads to
maltreatment, stereotyping, and depression which may affects women the most. Second,
because not all marriage was joined by God, which makes sense that any of the religious
beliefs do not have the right to hinder our country in legalizing divorce which is

beneficial otherwise. Lastly, it could promote a healthy marriage and family through the
succession of finally approving or legalizing divorce in the Philippines.

We are the only country that does not allow divorce now a days it was once a law
during American colonial. A divorce law will provide a remedy that Article 36 does not;
it terminates a marriage based on a ground that occurred during the marriage, which
makes the marital relationship no longer tenable, regardless of the spouse’s psychological
constitution. A divorce law will provide a straightforward remedy to a marital failure. It
will benefit Filipinos wherever they are.

Every day people bear children, they get married, and die after all. It is a big
breaks again to us Filipinos the enactment of divorce that serves important function in
legally and emotionally freeing people to form a more stable relationship.

Retrieved from:



Article Critique Graduate student enrollment has increased in recent years, but
these students face many challenges on their path to a degree. Researchers have noted
that graduate students experience anxiety and stress that may be connected to high
attrition rates (Poock, 2002). In the article “Student anxiety: Effects of a new graduate
student orientation program,” Megan Hullinger and Dr. R. Lance Hogan (2014) examined
the impact of an online orientation program on student anxiety. While this article
produced significant results showing that an orientation program could reduce anxiety of
new graduate students there are limitations related to the replicability, sample, and
generalizability of results.
Hullinger and Hogan (2014) used a sample of 32 incoming graduate students to
examine the impact of an online orientation program designed to connect new students
with resources across the university. The researchers collected demographic information
of participants and used the State Trait Anxiety Inventory to measure anxiety before and
after the orientation program. Using t-tests, Hullinger and Hogan found that the
participants experienced a significant reduction in anxiety following the completion of
the online orientation program.
The researchers discussed an important topic, as administrators continue to
attempt to improve retention efforts in higher education. The approach of an online
orientation program could be useful for students as it would allow them to have important
information at their fingertips, regardless of if they are on campus or not. However,

Hullinger and Hogan (2014) did not provide key information about the orientation
program they used in their study. This lack of detail would make it difficult to replicate
their program in order to further expand the research on this kind of program.
Significant results were noted in the results of this study, but there are limitations
to these findings. First, the sample size was small. Out of 802 incoming students who
were invited to participate, only 32 students completed the pre- and post- anxiety
inventory. With such a small sample size it is difficult to generalize these findings to the
larger graduate student population. Also, all participants in this study were from a state
university in the Midwest; this also limits the generalizability of these findings to the
larger student population. While Hullinger and Hogan (2014) stated that the study should
be replicated with a larger population and at other schools, the authors did not discuss
how these factors of their study were limitations.
This article focused on an important topic within higher education, as
administrators need to find solutions to improve retention. One of the barriers graduate
students face is anxiety, so an online orientation designed to reduce anxiety could be one
useful tool to address this problem. Hullinger and Hogan (2014) shared encouraging
results of an online orientation program designed to connect incoming graduate students
with university resources. However, this study did not adequately describe this
orientation program so that future researchers can replicate this program in other samples.
Furthermore, the small sample size and lack of diversity among participants limits the
generalizability of these findings. Future research on online orientation programs with a
clear description of the program among a larger more diverse sample is necessary to
provide evidence of the impact of online orientation programs.

(Retrieved from:


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