A Study of Efficiency of Breathing Exercises To Improve Pulmonary FX in SCi Pts
A Study of Efficiency of Breathing Exercises To Improve Pulmonary FX in SCi Pts
A Study of Efficiency of Breathing Exercises To Improve Pulmonary FX in SCi Pts
Spinal cord injury lesions above D5 disable respiratory muscles, resulting in restriction of
total lung capacity and vital capacity, increasing markedly at high thoracic and cervical lesion.2
Thirty tetraplegic and high paraplegic subjects who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were
studied prospectively. Their pulmonary function was measured using Pony spirometer and
breathing exercises were advised, which were done thrice a day for 6 weeks and reviewed.
Restrictive type of pulmonary function in the quadriplegics and high paraplegics were
found in initial assessment. Following rehabilitation therapy with breathing exercise, we found
significant improvement in FVC. FEV1, PEF, PIF and FEF25-75%, improvement was significant,
signifying more effective clearance of the respiratory secretions. Vital capacity and ERV improved
in high paraplegic. Respiratory rate showed trend towards reduction. Significant improvement
in cough PEF and maximum voluntary ventilation signifies the effectiveness of assisted cough
technique, which helps in decreasing the mucus plugging and accumulation of secretions.
We concluded that the rehabilitation therapy with breathing exercise, is a simple and an effective
therapy resulted in significant improvement of the pulmonary function.
Key words: Tetraplegia, Paraplegia, pulmonary function, Forced vital capacity, Vital capacity,
Maximum voluntary ventilation.
respiratory complication. 1 Lesions above D 5
Introduction disable respiratory muscles, resulting in
People with spinal cord injury are at restriction of total lung capacity and vital
increased risk of chronic respiratory symptoms, capacity, increasing markedly at high thoracic
added disability and early death from and cervical lesion levels. Restriction may lead
Address for correspondence: Dr.Suresh.R, Lecturer, Dept of to atelectasis and chronic infection, which in
PMR, CMC, Vellore-632004, India turn may lead to chronic airway obstruction,
with reduced expiratory flow rates and added consciousness, after 6 weeks of injury and
disability due to breathlessness. Bronchial informed consent. Pony Spirometer, which
hyperreactivity also may result from higher- satisfied the American Thoracic Society (ATS)
level SCI, 2,3 further increasing the risk of regulations, was used to evaluate static and
obstructive dysfunction. Nevertheless, most dynamic lung functionality.
people with SCI retain reasonable normal Accordingly 36 subjects were available
expiratory lung volumes. 4,5 Thus, restrictive to be included in the study. However, thirty
dysfunction is predominant respiratory cases successfully completed the study. At the
manifestation of SCI. beginning of the study all subjects pulmonary
Various types of breathing exercises, function test were measured in sitting position
including abdominal weight (AW) and using Pony spirometer identically. Subjects were
inspiratory resistance (IR) breathing have been instructed on the performance of the Forced vital
used to train tetraplegic patients to improve their capacity test , Slow vital test and Maximum
respiratory muscle functions.7, 8 Efficiency of voluntary ventilation test as demonstrated by
respiration is reduced because of paradoxical the tester. The test was performed a maximum
movement of the chest wall inspiration and of three times with 1-2 minutes rest between
reduced lung and chest wall compliance. 9,10 each test.. The tester gave standardized verbal
Thus, as a result of respiratory muscle encouragement to each subject. The Pony
dysfunction and intrapulmonary abnormalities, spirometer reports predicted, actual and percent-
breathing patterns become altered; breaths are predicted values for each subject.
more shallow and rapid with a shorter The breathing exercises 1.Diaphragmatic
expiratory time, predisposing individuals to breathing, 2.Use of Weights for strengthening
ventilatory muscle fatigue.4, 11 the diaphragm, 3. Manual assisted cough, 4.
The primary interest of the study was to Inspiratory resistance training was demonstrated
to the patient and the attendees of the patient.
observe how pulmonary rehabilitation
Patients did these breathings exercise regularly
programs lead to change in pulmonary function
in Indian patients without using any thrice daily for a period of maximum 30 min as
tolerated for 6 week in home or ward. At the
sophisticated instruments, as there were not
end of 6 weeks pulmonary function was
enough studies in the literature. The main
objective of the study was to see the effect of measure and values obtained were compared
with the baseline values.
breathing exercise on pulmonary function in
tetraplegic and high paraplegic patients. Statistical method
Descriptive statistics were found out for each
quantitative variable. For comparing clinical
Materials and Method variables Paired t test/Wilcoxon Sign Rank test
In this prospective study all patients with was applied. The result was considered
tetraplegia or high paraplegia (D 6 or higher significant at 5% level of significance, that is,
neurological level) of any sex, age above 12 p<0.05. SPSS -10 statistical Software was used
years, who attended Dept of PMR, at AIIMS, for statistical analysis.
New Delhi between Dec 2000 to Aug 2002, who
satisfied the inclusion criteria, were included in Observations and Results
the study. Inclusion Criteria: Tetraplegia, high When analyzing the 30 subjects who
paraplegia (D6 and above), without altered completed the study, the male and female ratio
as was 7.5:1. In Tetraplegic (37 %) there were i.e. the % of predicted vital capacity <60% and
10 males and 1 female.and in high paraplegics >34% and reduction in maximum voluntary
(63%) there were 16 males and 3 females. The ventilation.( Table 1) Out come to the exercise
age distribution of the subjects was varying from was quantified in terms of change is the clinical
18 to 48 years. The mean age was 29.53±7.84 measured variables from that of the baseline
years. Neurologically there were C5 and C6 i.e. measured value of the subjects.. A statistical
13.3% each, and D5 & D6 is 20% and 16.6% significance (p< 0.05) improvement was found
respectively in the study. 70 % of subjects
in forced vital capacity -FVC, FEV1, PEF, PIF,
belonged to ASIA group B. Mean duration at
FEF 25-75 , Slow vital capacity- VC, ERV,
which the study was done from the date of spinal
cord injury was 12.10±6.91 months. 19 patients Maximum Voluntary ventilation and Cough
(63 %) had spasticity grade of 2 on Ashworth PEF. at 6 weeks,(Table 1) There was a trend in
modified scale and were medicated for that. reduction of post therapy Rf, which signifies
About 11 patients had secondary complications that our subjects could take slow and deep
of pressure sore and two had heterotropic respiration. Among the tetraplegics it was
ossification. Six subjects who were smokers observed that highly statistically significant
had discontinued after the injury. (p<0.005) improvement was present in FVC,
Table 1:Over the time comparison in the clinical variables in all subjects(n =30)
variable Baseline 6 weeks p value
mean±SD mean±SD
FVC 1.94±0.54 2.22±0.56 0.000*
FEV1 1.83±0.54 2.17±0.56 0.000*
PEF 3.64±1.82 4.01±1.41 0.049*
PIF 2.73±1.23 2.80±1.45 0.779
FEV1/FCV 94.3±9.00 96.15±3.88 0.306
FEF25-75 2.59±0.78 2.95±0.77 0.001*
FEV1/VC 94.5±14.78 100.01±14.69 0.097
Cough PEF 4.86±1.04 6.03±1.40 0.000*
VC 1.93±0.82 2.13±0.51 0.136
ERV 0.33±0.16 0.44±0.21 0.045*
Rf 24.20±11.42 21.71±8.44 0.100
MVV 61.36±19.65 79.72±23.04 0.000*
Cough PEF, and MVV (Table 2). High
* p<0.05 significant
paraplegic showed statistically significant
All the subjects were having moderate to (p<0.05) improvement in FVC, FEV 1 PEF,
severe restrictive type of pulmonary function FEF 25-75 , Cough PEF, VC, ERV and MVV
Cough PEF 4.86±1.04 6.03±1.40 0.000
VC 1.93±0.82 2.13±0.51 0.136
ERV 0.33±0.16 0.44±0.21 0.045*
Rf 24.20±11.42 21.71±8.44 0.100
MVV 61.36±19.65 79.72±23.04 0.000*
* p<0.05 significant
* p<0.05 significant
(Table 3). Six subjects were excluded from our . All our subjects underwent a rehabilitation
study as they did not came for follow up. exercise protocol, which was to improve the
strength and endurance of the diaphragm,
Discussion intercostal muscles and assisted coughing.
The main objective of our study was to Respiratory muscle training has been studied
see any quantified improvement in the in several different populations, including
pulmonary function in our study group patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
following the rehabilitation exercise protocol. disease, muscular dystrophy, and SCI. The most
It is well known that patients of tetraplegia and
successful findings, however, have been
high paraplegia are having restrictive type of
attained using a resistive device in the SCI
respiratory dysfunction, which is observed in
populations, consisting of both acute and
many studies.2-6,11. In our study group, we found
the pulmonary function was pronounced chronic tetraplegia, in which several
restrictive type, without any sign of obstructive investigators have demonstrated significant and
dysfunction. FEV1/FVC % was more that 75% progressive increase in respiratory muscle
in our subjects, which rules out any kind of strength and endurance while improving lung
obstructive airway disease. Reines & Harris 12 volumes.
studied pulmonary function and incidence of We observed that after exercises a
respiratory infection of individuals with SCI statistically significant improvement (p<0.05)
ranging from C1-L5 and it was concluded that was present in the FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEF25-75%,
FVC was an important predictor of respiratory Cough PEF, ERV, and MVV (table 1). It is
difficulties. A reduced PEFR, FEF 25-75 , may consistent with the finding of previous
occur due to large airway obstruction, as well researchers,8 but they did not measure all these
as lack of sufficient effect to inhale maximally variables in their study. Derrikson 8 study
and exhale forcibly. 13 Reduced FEF 25-75 may involved 6 patients with cervical cord injury
occur due to small airway obstruction as well indicated that FVC, MVV, PEF, and MIP
as lack of effort to sustain maximal exhalation. significantly increased after 7 weeks of
Vital capacity and ERV were severely reduced exercises. High paraplegic subjects showed
in almost all subjects. Which confirms those of significant post therapy improvement in FVC,
other study 8. A reduction of vital capacity FEV1, PEF, FEF25-75, Cough PEF, VC, ERV and
occurs in restrictive lung diseases because the MVV (table 3). Crane LD 16 , in a study on
subject’s inhaled volume is reduced and there
paraplegic after endurance exercise, found a
is a reduction in TLC.14 Normally ERV depends
significant improvement of FEV 1 and MVV,
on the action of abdominal muscles in co-
which supports the findings of our study.
ordination with expirationally active intercostal
muscles. 14 Completeness of the injury had no
It is well known that tidal volume is within greater out come on the study similar
normal limits and increase in the respiratory rate observation was done by Almenoff et al, 4
is present, this is in confirmation with other Cough PEF was significantly improved in our
findings.11 In our study, MVV was reduced to study (table-1, 2 and 3), which was a proof that
more than 50% predicted. MVV reflects both the method of coughing used was very effective
the dimensions of the pulmonary system and in both quadriplegic and high paraplegic.
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