Without Humility and Compassion You Will Not Grow in Your Christian Life

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H. Alquizola St.,Poblacion,Barili,Cebu
“Without humility and compassion you will not grow in your Christian life”

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Directions: Encircle the letter of correct answer.
1. It is made up of five lines and four spaces. 8. A music performance in where it is performed by
a) notes b) clef c) staff three persons?
2. Pitches that are located under the first line and a) solo b) duo c) trio
written on a small line outside the staff is called? 9. A music performance in where it is performed by
a) legder line b) time signature c) staff one person only?
3. Shape of the melody brought about by the upward a) solo b) duo c) trio
and downward motions in steps and skips and by 10. A music performance in where it is performed by
repeated tones. more than three persons?
a) lines b) contour c) note a) solo b) ensemble c) trio
4. It is compare to a stair where notes move up or 11. A music performance in where it is performed by
down in steps or skips. two persons?
a) ledger line b) note c) musical staff a) solo b) duo c) trio
5. In music, what do you call the phrases that appears 12. It is produced by the human voice?
to be having a conversation? a) instrumental sound b) vocal sound c) triple
a) staff b) musical phrases c) contour 13. It is created from musical instrument?
6. In musical phrases what do you call the first phrase a) instrumental sound b) vocal sound c) duple
that seems to be a question? 14. Refers to the quality of sound.
a) antecedent b) consequent c) flats a) timbre b) dynamics c) loud
7. In musical phrases what do you call the second 15. Refers to the volume of a sound.
phrase that seems to be the answer? a) timbre b) dynamics c) loud
a) antecedent b) consequent c) flats

Directions: Draw a note or rest on the blank to complete the four beats in each set of rhythmic patterns.

_________ _________

_________ _________

♪ ♪ _________ ♪♪ _________

♪ ♪♪ ♪ _________

Complete the chart by drawing the symbol and the time value.

Whole note Whole rest

Half note Half rest

Quarter note Quarter rest

Eighth note Eighth rest

Sixteenth note Sixteenth rest

Give what is asked below.
1. What are the primary colors? ______________ ______________ ______________
2. What are the secondary colors? ______________ ______________ ______________
3. What are the three properties of colors? ______________ ______________ ______________
4. What are the two elements of shape? ______________ ______________
5. What are the two elements of lines? ______________ ______________

Directions: Encircle the letter of correct answer.
1. These are irregular and uneven shape. 9. What do you call the woven mat made by Sulu
a) geometrical b) organic c) inorganic by the Samal Tribe.?
2. An important element in a masterpiece is a) trapo b) banig c) tuwalya
called? 10. They are the settlers from Basilan Island in
a) motif b) lines c) colors Mindanao.?
3. A shape or object is being used over and over A) Yakans b) Vinta c) T’bolis
again in a regular arrangement. 11. The special art from the tribe of Mangyans in
a) non-repeat b) repetition c) contour Mindoro.
4. What are precise shapes that are also used in a) Pakudos b) Tattooing c) Vinta
math? 12. It is traditional boat in the Southern-most part
a) geometrical b) organic c) inorganic of the Philippines.
5. Get by mixing the primary colors. a) Pakudos b) Tattooing c) Vinta
a a) secondary colors b) tertiary colors 13. This is the slash-and-burn methods used by the
c) primary colors majority of Manobo farmers.
6. This is the tattooing practice of the Manobo a) Pakudos b) Kaingin c) Vinta
Tribe? 14. Formed when a line is enclosed with each
a) Yakans b) Vinta c) Pang-o-tub other.
7. Manobo Tribe use this to symbolize a motif b) lines c) shape
belongingness in the tribe. 15. Considered as parents in the family of colors.
a) Tattooing b) dancing c) singing a) secondary colors b) tertiary colors
8. Who are known weavers in Mindanao.? c) primary colors
a) Yakans b) Vinta c) T’bolis

Directions: Encircle the letter of correct answer.
1. Tumbang Preso is called in Luzon as?
a) tumba-tumba b) Tumba Patis c) presohan
2. In English it means “hit the can”
a) patintero b) tumbang preso c) tagu-taguan
3. This is commonly played by children, usually by using native materials or instruments.
a) Modern game b) Philippine league c) Traditional Filipino Games
4. Tumbang Preso is called in Visayan region as?
a) tumba-tumba b) Tumba Patis c) presohan
5. This is a popular games not only for kids but including adult. Played also in the evening wherein we use water or
chalk to make lines.
a) patintero b) tumbang preso c) tagu-taguan
6. This is generally known as “piñata”
a) patintero b) tumbang preso c) basagang palayok
7. This game needs one long (1 foot) and one short (5 inches) stick and a small hole on the ground.
a) patintero b) tumbang preso c) syato
8. One player crouches while the other players jump over him/her.
a) patintero b) luksong tinik c) syato
9-10. Write your own two examples of traditional Filipino games.

Read the following labels and answer the question that follows.
Use the Nutrition Facts Label above to fill in the chart and answer the questions. See if your food is a healthy
Prepared by:


Grade 4 Adviser
English: Reading and Language Teacher

Approved by:

Sir Crescente Carvajal

School Head Master

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