Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax)

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Remitter's copy Treasury Copy Department Copy

T.N.T.C.9 T.N.T.C.9 T.N.T.C.9


Date. Date. Date.

For payment of money at For payment of money at For payment of money at

Name and address of Remitter Name and address of Remitter Name and address of Remitter

Nature of remittance: Generator Registration Fees (El.Tax) Nature of remittance Generator Registration Fees (El.Tax) Nature of remittance Generator Registration Fees (El.Tax)

D.O.Code 0 0 4 3 D.O.Code 0 0 4 3 D.O.Code 0 0 4 3

Data Processing Code Data Processing Code Data Processing Code

0 0 4 3 0 0 1 0 1 A G 1 6 4 1 0 0 4 3 0 0 1 0 1 A G 1 6 4 1 0 0 4 3 0 0 1 0 1 A G 1 6 4 1

Head of Account Rs. P. Head of Account Rs. P. Head of Account Rs. P.

0043 -00 - Taxes and Duties on Electricity 0043 -00 - Taxes and Duties on Electricity 0043 -00 - Taxes and Duties on Electricity
101 - Taxes on Consumption and Sale of 101 - Taxes on Consumption and Sale of 101 - Taxes on Consumption and Sale of
Electricity - AG - Receipt under The Tamil Electricity - AG - Receipt under The Tamil Electricity - AG - Receipt under The Tamil
Nadu Tax on Consumption or Sale of Nadu Tax on Consumption or Sale of Nadu Tax on Consumption or Sale of
Electricity Act, 2003 Registration Fees 16 – Electricity Act, 2003 Registration Fees 16 – Electricity Act, 2003 Registration Fees 16 –
Taxation Fees – 41 Registration Taxation Fees – 41 Registration Taxation Fees – 41 Registration
Total Total Total
Rupees Rupees Rupees

Signature of Officer* Signature of the Remitter Signature of Officer* Signature of the Remitter Signature of Officer* Signature of the Remitter
verifying Challan verifying Challan verifying Challan
For use of Bank/Treasury For use of Bank/Treasury For use of Bank/Treasury
Received Rs. Received Rs. Received Rs.

Cashier Manager/Accountant/SubtreasuryOfficer Cashier Manager/Accountant/SubtreasuryOfficer Cashier Manager/Accountant/SubtreasuryOfficer

* Computer generated challan, no signature needed * Computer generated challan, no signature needed * Computer generated challan, no signature needed

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