Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax)
Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax)
Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax) Generator Registration Fees (El - Tax)
Name and address of Remitter Name and address of Remitter Name and address of Remitter
Nature of remittance: Generator Registration Fees (El.Tax) Nature of remittance Generator Registration Fees (El.Tax) Nature of remittance Generator Registration Fees (El.Tax)
Signature of Officer* Signature of the Remitter Signature of Officer* Signature of the Remitter Signature of Officer* Signature of the Remitter
verifying Challan verifying Challan verifying Challan
For use of Bank/Treasury For use of Bank/Treasury For use of Bank/Treasury
Received Rs. Received Rs. Received Rs.
* Computer generated challan, no signature needed * Computer generated challan, no signature needed * Computer generated challan, no signature needed