Edward Christian Enebrad, SSP Theology 1 San Carlos Seminary
Edward Christian Enebrad, SSP Theology 1 San Carlos Seminary
Edward Christian Enebrad, SSP Theology 1 San Carlos Seminary
One of the key words used during Vatican II was “aggiornamento!” It is defined as an “act of bringing
something to date to meet current needs.”1 The documents of the council showed the church embracing many
of the things that Leo XIII had condemned. The Roman Catholic Church now believes, sincerely, in human
rights, in democracy, in freedom of religion, and that anti-Semitism is a dreadful sin. In theory, at least, the
church even believes in a sort of democracy for itself. The laity is as much part of the "Pilgrim people of God"
as any pope or conclave.2 But in the mind of Pope John XXIII it is more than that, rather, it is going back to
the roots, to draw deeper from the richness of its sources, Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scriptures in order to
be able to meet the needs of the present. 3 Even Pope Benedict XVI looked at the Second Vatican Council as a
council of reform in the church and has its rootedness in the rich deposits of faith and its continuity. 4 The
Second Vatican Council sought renews the Church’s life and activity in the light of the needs of contemporary
world. The Council emphasized the Church’s “missionary nature”, basing it in a dynamic way on the
Trinitarian mission itself.5 Vatican II has opened its doors to the outside world, engaging itself in dialogue and
pastoral renewal. Belonging to a family with aunts, uncles and cousins who are non-Catholics, I grew in an
environment with utmost respect for others. During the priestly ordination of my brother, I see how our non-
Catholic relatives show also their participation and welcoming support. I could consider two things as the
influences of Vatican II and mission in my own life. First, dialogue is finding a common ground. I supposed,
the common ground is faith in God. Even as I assent that it is only in the Catholic Church that there is fullness
of God’s revelation, I believe that there are sparks of truth in other faith-beliefs. Hence, respect is
magnanimous. In many occasions’ especially burial or wedding masses, I saw these relatives joining in the
mass. They never receive communion but they kneel or stand during the mass. Such is a manifestation of
respect in the same manner as we welcome their pastors to pray with us when a relative is sick or died.
Second, religion is a point of convergence and not division. Never in my family did we argue about religion.
We share our beliefs with them just as they share their views with us. In relation to the document, given that I
came from the province I consider it a foreign land; I can say that our town is one of the places where the
missionaries became successful because of which there are now many priests, nuns, and seminarians coming
from our place. The document Princeps Pastorum, it said that to speak to you with a fatherly heart, by means
of this letter, on the necessity and hopes of extending God's kingdom to the many parts of the world where
missionaries labor zealously, sparing no effort in order that new branches of the Church may grow and
produce wholesome fruits.6 It celebrates the success of Roman Catholic missions promote the faith,
encourages the fostering of native clergy in the countries to which the missions extended and emphasizes the
importance of lay Catholics as representatives of the church in non-Catholic countries. In today’s world,
mission is giving witness and not proselytizing.
John Paul II, Redemtoris Missio, Daughters of St. Paul 2650 F.B. Harrison 1300 Pasay City, Philippines, 1992, p. 4.