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Introduction To Urban Design

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arrangement, appearance and functionality of towns andcities, and in particular the shaping and
uses of urban public space. It has traditionally beenregarded as a disciplinary subset of urban
planning, landscape architecture, or architecture andin more recent times has been linked to
emergent disciplines such as landscape urbanism.However, with its increasing prominence in
the activities of these disciplines, it is betterconceptualized as a design practice that operates
at the intersection of all three, and requires agood understanding of a range of others besides,
such as real estate development, urbaneconomics, political economy and social theory.Urban
design theory deals primarily with the design and management of public space(i.e. the 'public
environment', 'public realm' or 'public domain'), and the way public places areexperienced and used.
Public space includes the totality of spaces used freely on a day-to-daybasis by the general public,
such as streets, plazas, parks and public infrastructure. Someaspects of privately owned
spaces, such as building facades or domestic gardens, alsocontribute to public space and
are therefore also considered by urban design theory. Importantwriters on, and advocates for, urban
design theory include Christopher Alexander, Michael E.Arth, Edmund Bacon, Ian Bentley, Peter
Calthorpe, Alex Krieger, Gordon Cullen, Andres Duany,Jane Jacobs, Jan Gehl, Kevin Lynch, Roger
Montgomery, Aldo Rossi, Colin Rowe, RobertVenturi, William H. Whyte, Bill Hillier, and Elizabeth
Plater-Zyberk.While the two fields are closely related, 'urban design' differs from 'urban planning' in
itsfocus on physical improvement of the public environment, whereas the latter tends, in practice,to
focus on the management of private development through established planning methods
andprograms, and other statutory development controls.COMMUNITY PLANNING is a forward
planning process, which identifies human andmaterial resources and puts in place potential
response system. It involves active participationfrom the people residing in that locality in
making decision about the implementation ofprocesses, programmed and projects, which
affect them.In other words, a community plan is a list of activities a neighborhood, community or
agroup of people agree to follow to prevent loss of life, livelihoods and property in case
ofwarning or a disaster. The Plan identifies in advance action to be taken by individuals, in
thecommunity so that each one knows what to do when a warning is received or when a
disasterstrikes. The major thrust is to addresspossible scenario of an event and focus on the
impact the humanitarian operations.1. CONTEXTUALIZATION OF URBAN DESIGN & COMMUNITY
ARCHITECTUREUntil the 1970s, urban designers had taken little account of the needs of people
withdisabilities. At that time, disabled people began to form movements demanding recognition
oftheir potential contribution if social obstacles were removed. Disabled people challenged
the'medical model' of disability which saw physical and mental problems as an individual
'tragedy'and people with disabilities as 'brave' for enduring them. They proposed instead a 'social
model'which said that barriers to disabled people result from the design of the built environment
andattitudes of able-bodied people. 'Access Groups' were established composed of people
withdisabilities who audited their local areas, checked planning applications and
maderepresentations for improvements. The new profession of 'access officer' was
establishedaround that time to produce guidelines based on the recommendations of access groups
and tooversee adaptations to existing buildings as well as to check on the accessibility
of newproposals. Many local authorities now employ access officers who are regulated by the
Access Association. A new chapter of the Building Regulations (Part M) was introduced
in 1992.Although it was beneficial to have legislation on this issue the requirements were fairly
minimalbut continue to be improved with ongoing amendments. The Disability Discrimination Act
1995continues to raise awareness and enforce action on disability issues in the urban environment.

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