2.4 Chinese Business Protocol

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Chinese business protocol

Read these notes on Chinese business protocol.


1. You must greet the oldest person first.

2. You don't have to be serious all the time. The Chinese have a great sense of humour. You
should be ready to laugh at yourself sometimes.
3. You mustn't move to a first-name basis until advised to. You should address the person by an
honorific title and their surname.

Business cards

4. You should exchange cards after

the initial introduction.
5. You should hold the card in both
hands when offering it.
6. You mustn't write on someone's
card unless asked to.


7. You shouldn't give flowers, as

many Chinese associate these
with funerals.
8. You mustn't give four of anything, as four is an unlucky number.

Entertaining at home

9. It is a great honour to be invited to someone’s home. If you cannot accept the invitation, you
must offer a very good excuse.
10. You should arrive on time, remove your shoes, bring a small gift and eat well to show you are
enjoying the food.
11. You don't have to eat loudly, but if you slurp or belch, it shows that you are enjoying your


A. How does each piece of advice compare with the situation in your country?

For example:

1. “You must greet the oldest person first.” – In the Netherlands, when you meet new
people, you do not have to greet the oldest person first.
2. Et cetera

B. Can you think of some examples of our behaviour that other cultures find strange?

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