Universidad Técnica Del Norte Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Automotriz
Universidad Técnica Del Norte Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Automotriz
Universidad Técnica Del Norte Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Automotriz
What environment you leave for your children? This is a question that is our hands
because we are in the exactly point to determinate this, in our country every family has
almost two cars but only one person can drive and every day our environment will be
more polluted because of this electric car could be the solution it has many benefits like
less pollution, less fossil fuel, new energy generation.
First, the word currently has the highest levels of pollution in the history and the big car
companies productors haven’t lifted a finger to try to solve this, but there are a lot of
companies that this situation concerned and developed new designed of environment
friendly cars for this reason the world needs break the taboos whit the electric car and try
to understand this new concept for the futures automobile for example, Nissan has built
an electric vehicle which has 0% pollution and is able of equaling the autonomy of a
normal vehicle.
Second, our country is known in the world for exporting petrol and has some petrol
refineries, but our country has the worst fuel in America Latina, so our country comes to
vehicles whit the worst emissions technologic, for example Volkswagen have a lot of
vehicles operating whit diesel that comply whit Euro 6 but, in our country, only came
euro 3 of our poor diesel.
Third, it could be a joke but we are in the future whit old technology a big part of country
don’t have idea about the new technology implemented in the car and they look more
and more like robots and need more efficient ways to produce energy as a result we have
big hydroelectric and thermoelectrical to cover this necessity but the people having the
opportunity to be better don’t make use of this as in others countries that do it and became
worlds powers in new energies.
In conclusion, in our hands is the future of world, the environment and our children.
Would you like that your children know a waterfall, green parks and the blue sky, only
on photos, Not really? if we priorities the use of new energy alternatives pollution could
be just a nightmare of our age, a lot of people are at war to protect natural reserves so that
petrol can’t be extracted from these areas, but if the change doesn’t start with us, as the
saying goes, we will be ploughing in the sea.