Important Things To Remember

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Regular Participation / Attendance

It is expected that you will participate and “attend” class regularly. This is accomplished

 actively participating in weekly/semi-weekly discussions

 completing, reading and studying the entire weekly modules
and completing assignments and quizzes
 responding to instructors comments in a timely manner
 submitting materials in on time
 asking questions about the material (questions about due dates and points will
not count toward participation and attendance)

Module Discussions will occur weekly to semi-weekly. You must read the entire
discussion prompt. In general you are expected to complete at least 2 posts for each
module discussion (some discussions have 3 posts). 
Read the specifics for details of each post (in general your initial post should be
between 50-100 words, however there is some discussions with a higher word count).
Then read through the posts that your classmates have uploaded. Reply to at least 1
other students’ post (read discussion prompts for details).
Some of these may be group discussions, these discussions are to help facilitate
communication and interaction between you and your classmates. I will drop into the
discussions from time to time. I will read your posts and may comment on your posts.
Remember to always be polite and professional when speaking with your classmates in
the discussion threads. Differences of opinion and perspective can often lead to new
views on how to learn material.
Practice Netiquette:
Be scholarly- use proper language, grammar and spelling. Make sure to cite your
source or properly credit ideas.
Be professional- represent yourself well. Be truthful, accurate, use spell check and re-
read your posts (edit if necessary)
Be polite- address others by name or appropriate title. Be mindful of your tone. Tone
can be hard to read, especially without cues (facial or voice etc.).
Be respectful- respect privacy, respect diversity and opinions that are not your own.
Base disagreements on scholarly ideas or research. You can disagree with someone
but be tactful and polite.
Modules will be in the same basic format; an overview page, lecture page(s), lab
page(s), assignment(s), discussion(s), quizz(es) and recap page. There is variability in
how many pages, assignments and quizzes that are in each module. Make sure to read
the Overview page for the module details of what is expected to be submitted in that
week’s module. In general: you will be expected to complete the entire module in
sequence. You should start the module the day it opens, and work on the module
every day. You will not be able to complete the assignments or quizzes if you have not
read and studied the material from the previous pages. As you work through the
module- you should take notes on every page, video, assignment and quiz- as
this will be helpful for exams. In general modules will open on Monday at 8am and
close the following Monday at 5pm. However- keep in mind many modules have
prerequisites that you must complete in the previous module before moving on (if you
do not complete the previous module- you will not be able to move on- even if the
module is “open”). On average you should expect to be spending 15 hours a week on
this course alone. The more time you put into this course the more you will get out of
this course.
For quizzes you will have 2 attempts and no time limit on the quizzes. You will not see
the answers to quizzes. When you get answers wrong you are expected to read and
review the material and determine the correct answers (this is part of the studying
and learning the material in this class). If you are unable to determine correct
answers (after both) your quiz attempts you are encouraged to study (online) with your
fellow classmates to determine the correct answers. If you are still unable to determine
the correct answer stop by my office hours, the live discussion sessions, or review
sessions and ask about the subject. In this course you are expected to be actively
engaged in your own education, as such it is your responsibility to learn the
material. You are RESPONSIBLE for KNOWING the material in the modules. Please
stop by office hours and ask questions about the material! I love to chat about
environmental science!
I suggest that you do not leave CANVAS quizzes unattended and open for hours or
days at a time. As CANVAS will submit your quiz for you (regardless if it is complete or
Do not use your cell phones to take the CANVAS quizzes or to turn in CANVAS
assignments. CANVAS is notorious for locking people out of their quiz or assignment
when they are using their cell phone. CANVAS is also known to have other issues on
phones. Don't use a phone.. There is a grace week period (see below for details) for
using cell phones for quizzes and assignments-it is for the first week of class only. After
that- if you choose to use your cell phone for quizzes and assignments and get locked
out- that is a RISK that you are taking. There will be no grace week period after the first
week. If you need to check out a computer, or wifi hotspot please contact the
library technology loan program (Links to an external site.) about computer checkouts.
1st week grace period
For the first week of class you will have a grace week period- if CANVAS submits your
quiz and locks you out, contact me via CANVAS message and I will reopen the quiz or
assignment for you. After this week it is up to you to monitor CANVAS (there will not be
a grace week period for locked quizzes and assignments after the first week).
I suggest you prepare by going over all the material and studying prior to taking the
quizzes (as opposed to trying to look up every answer and taking hours or even days to
complete a quiz).
You need to know this material- so you might as well get in the habit of studying the
material before taking the quiz. Recall- exams are timed, and you will not have the
luxury of looking up answers on exams.

Do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments, quizzes or

labs. Many assignments, labs and case studies take a bit of time to
work through and understand. If you wait until the last minute (i.e.
until the due date) you will not be able to complete and understand
them. Start assignments, quizzes, labs and case studies early!
Studying for the materials in Modules:

 Take notes on the modules, review notes throughout the semester

 Write down main points for every module page and video
 Make flashcards and review flashcards/ notes every week
 Complete assignments early- be fully engaged in your education, if you throw something
together last minute to try to get points- you will not learn the material. Learning the material
takes time and should be your priority. 
 Remember, when you learn the material, you will be able to earn the points. 
 Make online study groups and review the material with fellow students
 Ask questions. Stop by office hours and review sessions/discussions and ask questions.
Be actively engaged in your education.

Exam dates can be found in the schedule. There will be 3 exams. Exam 1 and 2 will
have two parts. Part 1 of Exams 1 and 2 will consist of approximately 60
questions (approximately 2pts each; for 120 points, part 1 of exams 1 and 2 will be
multiple choice, select all that apply, fill in the blank, ect.), part 2 of exams 1 and 2 will
consist of a video answer (worth 30 points). In the video answer you must respond to
the question prompt with a video recording of yourself explaining the requested
material. The final exam (exam 3) will consist of approximately 100
questions (approximately 2pts each; for 200 points, and will consist of different types
of questions (multiple choice, select all that apply, fill in the blank, ect.) and will
be comprehensive. There will not be a video question on the final (Exam 3). You will
have 70 minutes for part 1 of Exams 1 and 2, you will have 45 minutes for part 2 (video
answer) of Exams 1 and 2. For the video answer I suggest you save 15 minutes for
loading the video and technical difficulties. For the video answer you will be provided a
topics list that I may pull questions from for the video question. Exams will open at 8am
and close at 10:00pm on the schedule day. Please plan accordingly. Make sure to start
your exam well before the due time, otherwise CANVAS will submit your exam for you
(regardless if you completed it or not). At this point I am not using zoom to monitor
exam taking. However, I reserve the right to use zoom to monitor exam taking. Please
be honorable and maintain academic honesty and do not cheat or plagiarize on
exams. If you know that you will not be able to make a exam, you must let me know a
week before the exam.
In general exams will be composed of 50% questions similar to quizzes, 25% of
questions will cover topics from modules (that may or may not have been asked about
in quizzes), and 25% of questions will cover topics from recorded lectures or videos
(that may or may not have been asked about in quizzes). ALL MATERIAL on exams
will be COVERED in the MODULES. It is very important that you work through the
entire module and take detailed notes and review your notes often throughout the
course. The more time you put into the course the better you will understand the
material and consequently better you will do in the course.
As you move through each module take detailed notes on each module. Keep your
notes and review them often. This will be a valuable study tool for you for exams.

Late work policy

 Late work is not accepted.

 In emergencies- I will examine each case individually. However, this must be a
legitimate emergency (I do not guarantee that you will be allowed to make up work).
 Note: technical difficulties are not considered emergencies. I suggest that you do not
wait to submit an assignment, quiz, discussion, etc. at the last minute or the last hour before
the assignment is due. Please plan accordingly. 
 I suggest you plan on submitting assignments at least a day before they are due to
avoid any late penalties, and to deal with any technical difficulties (i.e. check out a computer
from the library, get a wifi hotspot from the library, get CANVAS technical help, etc.) 

However, there are is 2 freebie modules (see below). Please keep in mind that
assignments and quizzes can be turned in early and you do not need to wait until the
last minute to submit assignments and quizzes. In addition, you can add due dates to
your CANVAS calendar so that you can remind yourself when modules open or to
submit assignments early.
There are 2 freebie modules- that allow you to make up 2 modules (exams not included)
no questions asked. I understand that in life things happen and sometimes you need to
concentrate on those things as opposed to school work. Use the freebie modules for
when you need to deal with other things in life. However, use these for really important
issues (you only get two freebie modules). If you would like to use the freebie module,
contact me before the module opens, during the module week or within 1 day after the
module due date. A freebie module must be submitted within 3 days after reopening. No
freebie modules will be accepted after week 16. Note- if you take a freebie module you
are still responsible for that material in an exam.


Students’ grades will be posted to the Canvas Gradebook. Please keep all of your work.
If you have questions regarding the grading of assignments/assessments, you must
contact the instructor within 1 week of the time the grade of an
assignments/assessment was posted in canvas. Assignments will not be reviewed for
grading after that time period. Please note you are expected in put in college level
effort to earn points on assignments, labs and discussions. Putting sub-college level
work will earn a zero score (For example turning in your name on a sheet of paper and
calling it a draft -will earn a zero score. Posting in a discussion hardly writing anything
and writing, "reply to my post so I can earn points" will earn a zero score). Drawing a
circle with a smiley face and calling it a detailed drawing of an organism - will earn a
zero score.  Assignments will be graded for accuracy and completion. Expectations for
each assignment will be stated in the CANVAS module it is assigned. For example:
Answer the questions from the article provided in the link. What was the article about?
(0.5 pts), What is the hypothesis of the paper? (1pts), What were some of the methods?
(0.5pts), Identify the dependent and independent variables (1pt), What were some of
the confounding variables? (1pts), What were the statistical tests used? (0.5), What
were the conclusions of the article? (1) etc. .
Please note- that in all posts, and assignments (whether stated or not) you are
expected to to be scientifically accurate, and cite your sources. Copying an image or
text and submitting it is plagiarism and will earn a Zero score. You may refer to an
image and recreate a modified version of the image by hand and explain that image-but
the image must be cited and properly attributed. You may paraphrase other text (rewrite
in your own words) the praphase must be cited and properly attributed. Copying from
yourself from another entry in this class or another class is self-plagiarism and is
considered plagiarism and you will earn a zero score. Copying from another
student is plagiarism and misconduct and both students will earn a zero
(regardless of who did the copying).


1. College students are expected to spend 15 hours of study time per week minimum for
this course. Get rid of distracting elements such as television, radio, friends, roommates,
spouses, and children. Log your time (don’t count breaks). If you are struggling with the
material, contact me! Do not wait until week 17!

Study habits of Students that have been successful in this class. Sample schedule:

 First day of Module week- Read lecture material take notes and highlight. Write
questions to look up more information.
 Next day- review module materials
 Rest of week attend office hours/ review sessions/ discussions, taking notes and
completing activities and labs
 Friday- Sunday complete the quizzes. Update notes with information covered for the

1. Listen and take good notes. Organize your notes and redo (type) if necessary.  Review your
notes frequently.  Please feel free to contact the instructor(s) if you are having difficulties.
2. Do your reading assignments prior to the lecture on that particular topic. Read your lecture
and lab material prior to the lectures.
3. Keep a vocabulary list of all terms mentioned in lecture, in bold print in the text, listed at the
end of each chapter, or those the instructor(s) write on the board. Know the meaning of each of these
terms and the correct spelling.
4. Do your studying in small doses. Review notes for 15-30 minutes at one time.  Reading
assignments are best done by spending an hour or two at one time.  Don’t try to complete five hours
all in one sitting or on the same day, as your efficiency will drop dramatically.  Try to spend some
time studying each day.  Review an additional 3-5 hours prior to examinations.  All of the test
question material will be covered in the modules.

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