LAW 102 (Reviewer)
LAW 102 (Reviewer)
LAW 102 (Reviewer)
a. Only A and B are liable equally to the creditors being 15. In case of an imminent loss of the business of the
capitalists. partnership, which partner is not liable to contribute
an additional share to the capital of the partnership in
b. C is not liable an industrial partner who is exempt order to save the business?
from losses.
a. managing partner
c. Only A and B are liable at 1/3 and 2/3 respectively.
b. capitalist partner
d. All of A, B, and C are liable pro rata to the creditors.
c. limited partner
11. Which of the following has no right to inspect the
books of the partnership? d. industrial partner
a. limited partner 16. Jane, Erik and Matet are partners in buying and
selling cars. Jane, by the partners agreement, was
b. nominal partner authorized to buy only in cash. One day, Jane bought
on credit a car from Joanne, a client, who did not
c. dormant partner
know of Janes lack of authority. Janes purchase was
d. secret partner made in the name of the partnership. Is the
partnership bound in the sale?
12. A, B and C are partners each contributing P10,000.
The firm’s indebtedness amounts to P90,000. It was a. It is bound if it ratifies the contract of sale by
stipulated that A would be exempted from liability. acceptance of benefits.
Assuming that the capital of P30,000 is still in the firm,
b. It is not bound because the contract with Joanne is
which of the following is not correct?
not in the ordinary course of business.
a. A cannot recover his original capital of P10,000.
c. It is bound because Joanne was in good faith and the
b. The creditors may get the P30,000 and still collect act of Jane was apparently in the conduct of the
each 20,000 from A, B and C. business.
c. A can recover P10,000 each from B and C should he d. The partnership is not bound because the contract is
(A) be required to pay the creditors. unenforceable, Jane exceeded his authority.
d. The creditors can recover P45,000 each from B and 17. A partnership which comprises all the profits that
C. the partners may acquire by their work or industry
during the existence of the partnership is called:
13. The following are the rules in case a managing
partner collects a demandable debt from a person a. Universal partnership of all present property
who also owes the partnership a demand debt, except
b. Particular partnership
a. It shall be applied to the two credits in proportion to
c. Partnership at will
their amounts
d. Universal partnership of profits
b. The debtor has the right to have the payment
applied in his debt to the partner if it should be more
onerous to him
18. The minimum capital in money or property except
c. The sum shall be fully applied to the partnership when immovable property or real rights thereto are
credit, if the receipt given is for the account of the contributed, that will require the contract of
partnership. partnership to be in public instrument and be
registered with SEC partner who has died or has assigned his interest in
the partnership is known as
a. 30,000
a. A general-limited partner
b. 5,000
b. A liquidating partner
c. 10,000
c. An ostensible partner
d. 3,000
d. A substituted limited partner
19. Essential elements or feature of a partnership,
except 23. In general , to show the existence of a partnership,
three of the following characteristics must be proved.
a. Must be established for the common benefit or Which is the exception?
interest of the partners
a. There was a joint interest in the profits.
b. Must have a lawful object or purpose
b. There was an agreement in writing.
c. With intention to divide and contribute whatever
profits they make to other people c. There was a common or joint fund obtained from
d. There must be a contribution of money, property or
industry to a common fund d. There was an intention to create a partnership.
20. A and B entered into a universal partnership of all 24. Which of the following is not a prohibition on a
present property. The common property of the limited partner?
partnership shall be
a. Limited partner may not take part in the control of
a. All the properties which shall belong to each of the the business.
partners after the constitution of the partnership
b. Limited partner may not contribute service.
b. All the properties which belonged to each of the
partners at the time of the constitution of the c. Surname of a limited partner may not appear in the
partnership as well as the properties which each may partnership name.
acquire thereafter.
d. Limited partner may not constitute his assignee as
c. All the properties which belonged to each of the substituted limited partner.
partners at the time of the constitution of the
25. A partnership which comprises all the profits that
partnership as well as the profits which they may
the partners may acquire by their work or industry
acquire therewith
during the existence of the partnership is called:
d. All the properties which belonged to each of the
a Universal partnership of all present property
partners at the time of the constitution of the
partnership b. Universal partnership of profits
21. A,B and C entered into an oral contract of c. Particular partnership
partnership each contributing P1M each to the
common fund plus other personal properties of the d. Partnership at will
same amount and failed to register the partnership
with the SEC. Is the partnership valid? 26. A and B put up a partnership to engage in
distribution of books and school supplies. A
a. Yes, because a partnership contract can always be contributed P1M while B his services. A wants to put
oral. up a restaurant on the opposite side of the street. On
the other hand, B wants to have a bakery beside A’s
b. No, because registration with the SEC is essential for restaurant. Which of the following is correct?
a partnership to be valid and acquire juridical
personality. a. B may put up his bakery without need of securing A’s
c. Yes, because public instrument is necessary only in
case of contributions of immovable. b. Neither A nor B can put up another business
d. No, because every contract of partnership having a c. Both A and B can put up their restaurant and bakery
capital of three thousand pesos or more in money or businesses without the need of securing each other’s
property must be in public instrument and registered consent
with the SEC.
d. A may put up his restaurant without need of securing
22. A person admitted to all the rights of a limited B’s consent
27. Which of the following claims shall be paid last in reach of corporate directors
the liquidation of general partnership?
32. A corporation created in strict compliance with
a. Those owing to partners other than capital and all the legal requirements and whose right to exist as
profits. a corporation cannot be successfully attacked in a
direct proceeding for that purpose by the State is? *
b. Those owing to partners in respect of profits.
30. Under this theory, the nationality of the A. The owners are liable only up to the extent of their
corporation is that of the country under whose laws investment
it was formed B. The owners are not entitled to dividends unless
declared by Board
A. Control test C. Its income shall be used only for the furtherance of
B. Incorporation test the purpose for which it was organized
C. Domicile test D. Straight on cumulative voting may be used in
D. Grandfather rule choosing the members of the Board
50. The corporation shall be deemed dissolved and 56. A corporate officer or director cannot take
its corporate power cease, if from the date of its advantage for their personal benefit a business
incorporation, it does not formally organize and opportunity which the corporation is financially able
commence the transaction of its business or the to undertake *
construction of its works within *
A. Doctrine of corporate fiction
A. 4 years B. Trust fund doctrine
B. 3 years C. Doctrine of corporate opportunity
C. 2 years D. Doctrine of limited capacity
D. 5 years
57. Each incorporator of a stock corporation must
51. May rightfully question an ultra-vires act of a own or be a subscriber to at least *
corporation, except *
A. one share of the capital stock
A. Stockholders B. five shares of the capital stock
B. State C. ten shares of the capital stock
C. Competitors D. fifty shares of the capital stock
D. Creditors, if fraud is charged
58. Corporations being to have corporate existence
52. The veil of corporate fiction may be pierced in and juridical personality *
the following cases, except *
A. from the moment of the execution of the Articles
A. when used as a cloak to cover fraud, illegality, or it of Incorporation
results in injustice B. from the moment of the execution of the
B. to defeat public convenience, justify wrong, defend Constitution and by-laws
crime C. from the moment of the execution of the
C. when two factories are made to appear as one and Treasurer's affidavit
used as a device to defeat the ends of law or as a D. from the date of the issuance of the certificate of
shield to confuse legitimate issues incorporation by the SEC under its official seal
D. where two corporations have the same president E. from the date the stockholders and BOD's/BOT's
53. As regards treasury shares, which is not correct? 59. Shares without par value may not be issued for a
A. they have no voting rights as long as they remain in consideration of *
the treasury
B. they are considered as part of earned or surplus A. less than P1 per share
profits and therefore distributable as dividends B. less than P5 per share
C. they are not entitled to dividends of assets C. outstanding capital stock
D. they may be distributed as property dividend if D. less than P100 per share
there are retained earnings arising from the business
of the corporations
54. The assets of the corporation as represented by 60. Which statement is incorrect? *
its capital stock are to be maintained unimpaired
that there can be no distribution of such assets A. If all actual partners of an existing partnership
among stockholders without provision being first consented the representation of a person as part of
made for the payment of corporate debts * partnership even though he's not become liable to
third persons who rely on his representation
A. Doctrine of corporate fiction B. A person not a partner in an existing partnership
will be treated as a partner because of the concept of
estoppel for the purpose to hold him liable to 66. Papasaka company, a partnership engaged in the
innocent third persons whom he represented himself trading business, has for its members and their
as part of the partnership respective contributions the following:
C. If not all partners of existing partnership consent Pressuredsiako P10, 000, Itreallyhurts P20,
ostensible partner to represent himself as part of 000,Lalabanpa P50, 000, Chillaxlang P40, 000 and
partnership, the partnership is still liable to the Goforthegoal P40,000. In the course of the
injured third person partnership's operations, Itreallyhurts propose to
D. Injured innocent third person with whom the buy books from Risakawaam but was opposed by
alleged partner contracted must show that the Pressuredsiako together with Goforthegoal and
purported partner represents him as a partner and Chillaxlang while Lalabanpa sided with Itreallyhurts.
dealt with partnership to his injury by relying in the *
A. The decision of Itreallyhurts and Lalabanpa will
61. The death of a partner will require that all prevail because they constitute the controlling
noncash assets are sold for cash, all liabilities are interests
paid, and remaining cash be distributed to the estate B. Pressuredsiako, Gorforthegoal and Chillaxlang's
of the dead partner on the basis of the partnership group will prevail because they constitute the
income and loss agreement. * majority
C. No group will prevail because the other
a. True comstitutes the controlling interests while the other
b. False constitutes the majority
D. All of the above
62. Which of the following is not a requirement for
formation of limited partnership? * 67. These are order of priority of payment of
liabilities upon liquidation *
A. The character of business
B. The term for which the partnership is non A. Outside Creditors; Inside Creditors; Those to the
existence partners in respect of profits; Those to the partners in
C. The location of the place of business respect of Capital.
D. The time, if agreed upon, when the contribution of B. Outside Creditors; Inside Creditors; Those to the
each limited partners is to be returned partners in respect of Capital; Those to the partners
in respect of profits
63. Exempting a partner from Pro rata and Subsidiary C. Those to the partners in respect of profits; Those
liability after the exhaustion of partnership asset. * to the partners in respect of Capital; Inside Creditors;
Outside Creditors
A. Valid as to third Person. D. Those to the partners in respect of profits; Those
B. Valid as to Law. to the partners in respect of Capital; Outside
C. Void as to third Person. Creditors; Inside Creditors.
D. Void among Partners.
68. Which of the following may wind up a
64. Which of the following kind of partners allowed partnership affair? *
his name to be included in the firm name? *
A. Extra-judicially and Judicially
A. Secret partner B. Tulfo in Action
B. Silent partner C. Face to face
C. Dormant partner D. Online and Modular
D. Ostensible partner E. Secret di ko sasabihin
65. All of the following are the requisites for the 69. TuraKyut, debtor, pledged her share of profits to
return of the erroneously contribution by a limited GerasmiaKyut, creditor, hence as stated in Article
partner except * 1804, Gerasmia can now intervene with the
management and administration of the partnership.
71. Partner Georgin is obliged to the following, A. Yes, because he knows who are the solvent and
except. * insolvent partners
B. No, because the important for him is only the
A. He is obliged to deliver the amount of money or receivable which is his main objective
the property at the time it was constituted or on the C. Yes, because he knows who are the solvent
date of stipulation. partners and he can assure that those receivable will
B. He is obliged to reimburse the amount he has be collected from them
taken from the partnership coffers. D. No, because he is not part of the partnership
C. He is obliged to contribute equally to the capital of
the partnership. 77. General partners are liable. *
D. He is obliged to bear the risk of specific things
owned by him which are fungible. A. For debts of the partnership personally for their
portion of the partnership debts.
B. For debts of the partnership only to the extent of
72. The character of notice required to relieve the their contribution to the partnership and only for
retiring partner or the representative of the their portion of the partnership debts
deceased partner from subsequent partnership C. For all of the partnerships debts personally
obligations as to prior dealers should be: * D. All of them.
A. Advertisement in local newspaper
78. The obligations of partners with respect to
B. Actual notice
amount appropriated, which is not TRUE: *
C. Either of the two
D. None of the above
A. To reimburse to the partnership the amount that
he has taken from the partnership coffers.
73. Which of the following is incorrect? *
B. To pay interest on the amount he had converted
for his own use from the time of conversion
A. Ma. Shiena become a member of the partnership
C. To pay damages suffered by the partnership by
with the consent of the other associates.
reason of the conversion
B. Ma. Shiena as a limited partner contributed cash in
D. To be liable for damages in case of default
the amount of ₱1,500.
C. Ma. Shiena contributed land in the partnership.
The inventory of the said property was made and 79. The following are obligation of the partnership to
signed by the parties and the partnership contract the partners except: *
was not placed in a public instrument.
D. Both a and b. A. To pay for the things in which the partner
performed for his own interest during the partnership
74. YG is authorized to collect the credits of TXT B. To pay to the partner any amounts he may have
partnership. Kai, third person with no knowledge of disbursed for the partnership with interest from the
the authority, paid SB, partner of partnership, time the expenses were made.
P10kpayment of his debt to partnership. Sb issued a C. To pay for the obligations which a partner may
TXT partnership receipt, later turn-over the collected have contracted in good faith in the interest of the
amount to YG. The transaction is acceptable despite partnership business.
SB’s lack of authority. * D. To answer for risks in consequence of its
A. True
82. A limited partner may contribute money and/or A. A - cash (Ltd.); B - cash (Gen.); C - service (Gen.)
property to a partnership but not services. * B. A - property (Ltd.); B - cash (Gen.); C - service
A. True C. A - service (Ltd.); B - cash (Gen.); C - service (Gen.)
B. False D. A - cash (Ltd.); B - property (Gen.); C - service
95. A limited partnership formed in 2015 by X as 99. S1: A universal partnership of present property
general partner and Y and as limited partners in 2016, shall include the profits which the partners may
Y and Z got married. Did the marriage dissolve or acquire therewith such as properties to be acquired
change the form of the partnership? 1st answer - Yes, through inheritance, legacy or donation. S2: A
partnership is dissolved by the marriage because partnership contract begins from the moment of the
there is a change in equity and Status among the execution of the contract unless it is otherwise
partners. 2nd answer - No, because spouses can enter stipulated. *
into a universal partnership *
A. First statement is true, second is false;
A. Both answers are correct. B. Both statements are true;
B. 1st answer wrong, 2nd answer correct C. First statement is false, second is true;
C. Both answers are wrong. D. Both statements are true.
D. 1st answer correct, 2nd answer wrong
100. Which of the following is not correct: *
96. Which of the following persons are not A. A limited partner shall not be bound by the
disqualified to form a universal partnership? * obligation of the partnership
B. A partnership contract is not conveyed by the
A. Those guilty of adultery and concubinage. Statue of frauds;
B. Husband and wife. C. A limited partner who takes part in the control of
C. Brother and sister. the business shall be liable as general partner.
D. Those guilty of the same of the criminal offense, D. A stipulation which excluded a partner from
the partnership is entered into a consideration of the sharing of the profits or loss is void.
101. Which of the following is incorrect: *
97. A, B, C and D organized a general partnership
with A and B as industrial partnership and C and D as A. A capitalist partner may engaged in the same line
capitalist partners. C contributed P5M and D of business as that the partnership;
contributed P2M to the common fund. By a B. An offending capitalist partnership may not
unanimous vote of the partners, A and D were engaged excluded from the firm;
appointed managing partners, without specification C. An industrial partner may not engaged in business
of their duties and powers. W applied as secretary for himself unless there is a contrary stipulation;
and X applied as accountant of the partnership. The D. An industrial partner who engages in business for
hiring of W was decided upon by A and B but was himself may be excluded from the firm.
opposed by C and D. Whose decision shall prevail. *
A. The decision of A and B shall prevail because the 102. A limited partner shall be liable as a general
hiring is an act of administration and as managers partner unless: *
they can do so;
A. he takes part in the control of the business
B. The decision of C and D because they have the
B. his surname appears in the partnership name
controlling interest;
C. his contribution is service
C. The decision of A and B because it is an act of
D. he renounces his shares in the profits after
knowledge of the error that he was made a general
D. Answer not given.
103. A, B, and C as partners contributed the A. SM because it is the supplier selected by the
following: A - P6,000; B - P4,000; C - service. They partners having controlling interest
agreed that the profits and losses shall be divided as B. Neither SM nor Ayala because selection of supplier
follows: A-35%; B-25%; C-40%. How shall the loss of requires unanimity of the partners.
P10,000 be distributed? * C. Both SM and Ayala because they are both selected
by the partners.
A. A - 6,000; B - 4,000; C - none D. Ayala because it is the supplier selected by the
B. A - 3,333; B - 3,333; C - 3,333 majority of the partners.
C. A - 3,500; B - 2,500; C - 4,000
D. A - 5,000; B - 5,000; C - none
109. A partner is personally indebted to his creditor.
104. A partnership acquires juridical personality If such creditor obtains a judgment award against
separate and distinct from that of the partners from that partner, can the creditor enforce judgment
the time of its registration with the SEC. A contract of against a specific partnership property? *
limited partnership must be in public instrument and
A. Yes, being a partner he has an interest over the
registered with the SEC. *
property of the partnership which can be attached.
A. Both are true B. No, because the partnership was not sued therein.
B. Both are false C. No, the partners right over the specific property is
C. First is true, second false free from execution and attachment if it is not a claim
D. First is false, second true against the partnership.
D. Yes, in order not to defeat the court judgment
105. In the absence of stipulation, the share of the
industrial partner in the profits shall be equal to the
share of a capitalist partner with the smallest share. 110. A and B entered into a universal partnership of
The industrial partner shall not share in the losses all present property. At the time of their agreement,
unless stipulated. * A had a four-door apartment which he inherited
from his father 3 years earlier. B, on the other hand
A. first is false, second true had a fishpond which he acquired by dacion en pago
B. first is true, second false from C. during the first year of the partnership,
C. both are true rentals collected on the four-door apartment
D. parehas mali amounted to P480,000; while fish harvested from the
fishpond were sold for P300,000. During the same
106. A and B orally entered into a partnership with period, B received by way of donation a vacant lot
each contributing P3,000 and some personal from his uncle. The partners had a stipulation that
properties in the amount of P1,000 each. The future property shall belong to the partnership.
partnership contract is * Which of the following does not belong to the
common fund of the partnership? *
A. Unenforceable because the amount involved
exceeds P500 A. Apartment
B. Void because it is not in public instrument B. Vacant land
C. Valid C. Fishpond
D. Void because it is not in public instrument and not D. Rental of P480,000
registered with SEC
111. Which of the following will not cause the
automatic dissolution of a general partnership? *
107. A person admitted to all the rights of a limited
partner who has died or has assigned his interest in A. Insanity of an industrial partner
the partnership is known as * B. Civil interdiction of an industrial partner
C. Death of a capitalist partner
A. Substituted limited partner D. Insolvency of a capitalist partner
B. General-limited partner
C. Ostensible partner
D. Limited partner 112. A partnership the existence of which was only
108. A, B, C, D and E are partners in ABCDE known to those who had an interest in the same,
Partnership with capital contribution ratio of being no mutual agreements between the partners
5:4:3:2:1, respectively. No one is appointed as and without a corporate name indicating to the
managing partner in Articles of Co-Partnership. The public in some way that there were other people
partners held a meeting to determine its supplier. A besides the one who ostensibly managed and
and B voted in favor of SM while C, D and E voted in conducted the business, as defined in article 239 of
favor of Ayala. Who shall be considered the supplier the Code of Commerce. *
A. Cuentas en Participacion
B. Professional Partnership
C. Commercial Partnership 117. A,B and C entered into an oral contract of
D. Accidental Partnership partnership each contributing P1M each to the
common fund plus other personal properties of the
same amount and failed to register the partnership
113. The following are the rules in case a managing with the SEC. Is the partnership valid? *
partner collects a demandable debt from a person
who also owes the partnership a demand debt, A. Yes, because a partnership contract can always be
except oral.
B. No, because registration with the SEC is essential
A. The sum shall be fully applied to the partnership for a partnership to be valid and acquire juridical
credit, if the receipt given is for the account of the personality.
partnership C. No, because every contract of partnership having a
B. The debtor has the right to have the payment capital of three thousand pesos or more in money or
applied in his debt to the partner if it should be more property must be in public instrument and registered
onerous to him with the SEC.
C. It shall be applied to the two credits in proportion D. Yes, because public instrument is necessary only in
to their amounts case of contributions of immovable.
D. The sum collected shall be applied to the
partnership credit
118. Which of the following acts of the partnership
may be done by the managing partner alone? *
114. Which of the following is not an obligation of a
partner? * A. disposition of the goodwill of the business
B. approval of collecting bargaining agreement
A. To pay partnership for damages suffered by it C. renunciation of a claim of the partnership
through his fault. D. confession of judgment
B. To inspect and copy partnership books.
C. To give his capital contribution.
D. Not to engage in unfair competition with the 119. Which of the following losses will not cause the
partnership. dissolution of a partnership? *