City of Demons
City of Demons
City of Demons
By Christopher Kubasik
City of Demons
Christopher KubilSik
Greg Farshtey
Development and Editing
Cathleen Hunler
Hector Garrido
Cover lllustration
Published by
RD 3 Box 2345
Honesdale, PA 18431
Publisher. Daniel Scott Palter' Associate Publisher: Rit:hud HOIwnn • Editors: Creg Fnshley. Bill Smith. Ed Stan:
Art Director: Stephen <:nne' Graphic Artists: CAthlHn Hunter. John r,ut Lou • Sales Manager: Fitzroy Bonlerre
SilIes AssisUlnt: MarUi Kammeier-Kean • Administrilti~ Assistmt Jeff Dennis • Special Projects M.nager. Ron ~idVl
Warehouse ~n.ager. Ed Hill • Tr8SUrer: JUift Ricrio
Msar Utborion, AyW. &Nk KuJl. an Erorth. CcAn. CoAnwrw, c)'t-ppKy. DI~ Dtvior. Dr. Mobi~ C.UnI M.n. GoIpos. Hem oi t)w, CoyotIr. HJsh Lord,
lnfil'liwrw. KanawlI,l..ivin& Land. M.lstrom. MKlstrorn Brid8~ Nile Empire. Nippon T«h, Ornlrsh. PdLo Ard,nay. PoMibihty R.lldfts, ~bLllly Storm. POMibibty W;ll"lI,
RJ,vilgon. Stormert. Storm Knight$, TOfK,..lInd the Tors log<J.lIre tradema.rks oi W~ End Garnet. iI. no and C 1992 West End Garnet. All Righl5 Rnefved.
•• 2
Torg: City of Demons
reat flames rose out of Thratchen lowered his head, weary and would outlast Hie storm. And with
. ·...·~4-----------------------~
Torg: City of DemoN
1111 ilyofD<mons;sanadven-
ture for Torg: Roleplaying
the Possibility Wars. Ad-
maelstrom bridge was forming.
These defeats turned Malgest, the
Tharkoldu Darkness Device, against
Angeles and see if he might aid her in
any way. He decided to keep his pres-
ence in the city a secret, searching for
ventures for Torg take Kranod, Tharkold's High Lord. information that might prove valu-
placeonEarthin theNear Malgest gave strength to a woman able to her.
Now. Earthis besieged by several pow- named ]ezrael, a human warrior from It took a few months for him to sort
erful beings from other realities. The the ranks of Kranod's elite guard. out the politics. Thesuper-strugglesof
High Lords, the leaders of the invad- Jezrael defeated Kranod,and took con- the High Lords paled against the subtle
ers, have the power to conquer other trol of Tharkold. However, few de- power games played out in the ruined
rosms by imposing their own realities mons wish to follow the orders of a city of Los Angeles. Kanawa agents,
upon their victims. fanner human slave. Jezrael is only Tharkoldu demons, street gangs, the
Although the High Lords worked beginning to build her power base, US military, and the local city bureau~
together in the invasion of Earth, the and her attack on Earth had of neces- cracy aU contributed to a political
disappearance of the Gaunt Man has sity to be limited. nightmare. But Thratchen is an excep-
allowed each of the fonner allies to She attacked Earth with a Specific tional techno-demon, being both pa-
pursue his goals unchecked. Each of purpose in mind. She investigated tient and subtle. He watched from the
the High Lords is attempting tosecure Kranod's failed attack on this rosm shadows, hired gang members to be
enough possibility energy to become and learned that Nippon agents had his eyes and ears, gathered informa-
theTorg, a being of near infinite power been largely responsible for the techno- tion, sifted it, discarded the useless
and destruction. demon's defeat. Using the idea of ven- data, and correlated the important
You must have the Torg roleplaying geance against 3327 and his forces as a details.
game to play this adventure, and both rallying point to bring the demon lords After a few months he discovered
the Nippon Tuh and Tharkold in line with her rule, ]ezrael attacked something that might buy him a place
SOllJ"Cebooks would be helpful, but are Los Angeles, where the Kanawa Cor- inJezrael'scourt: a demon lord named
not necessary. poration has a strong presence. Garthak, leader of a powerful pride,
Aside from certain props, the con- Nippon has invested a tremendous was planning a coup against the new
tents of this adventure are for the amount of time and resources into the High Lord. Thratchen could not fmd
gamemaster only. Any player reading city, which makes it a tempting target. outwhyGarthakexpected to win such
this adventure will ruin theadventure In addition, it is farenough away from an endeavor, but the discovery of the
for herself and everyone else. 3327's power base in Japan that he can intended betrayal was enough.
The gamemaster should familiar- provide only limited aid to the forces Thratchen decided to eliminate
ize themselves with the entire adven- defending the city. Garthak without telling Jezrael. This
ture before running it. Thus if the play- Many of the demons decided to would make it his own victory, and
ers have their characters do something help her achieve her goal-at least for gain him more favor. Besides, if he
unexpected dUring the course of the the time being. And that was what defeated Garthak. himself, he might
adventure, thegamemasterwill beable Jezrael sought-time to gather power. get the demon lord to submit, and he
to handle it in a manner that will not Meanwhile, in the realm ofOrrorsh, would then gain a demon pride of his
conflict with later details of the story. Thratchen, a former lieutenant of own.
Kranod, watched the reality stann that But Thratchen knew he was no
held the Gaunt Man prisoner weaken. match for Garthak and his pride by
Adventure He knew that the High Lord would himself. He needed help. But whom to
soon be free. Fearing for his life, he turn to? Certainly not other techno--
Background decided to return to Tharkold, his na- demons, for he did not yet know who
tive reality, and try to claim a spot in he could trust. And it was extremely
The techno-horror realm of the new Tharkoldu court. doubtful that Nippon agents would
Tharkold recently invaded the city of However, he didn't want to simply be willing to work with him.
Los Angeles. The invasion was very appear and ask for grace from Jezrael. No. Thratchen knew he needed
small compared to the attacks made That would make him appear weak, someone on the outside of the conflict,
on Earth by other Possibility Raiders, and he would have to accept whatever someone used to working the ins and
but then, Tharkold has had a hard scraps she offered. An ever-ambitious outs of the Possibility Wars. Finally,
time of it of late. First, the Tharkoldu creature, Thratchen wanted to arrive Thratchen realized he had already
invasion of Kadandra was repelled, with a gift that would gain him great worked with exactly the kind of people
and then Tharkold's attack on the S0- glory in Jezrael's eyes. he needed now.
viet Union collapsed as Core Earth Thus he decided to travel to Los Storm Knights.
forces destroyed the stelae just as the
. ·. .·. ~6--------------------- . .
LA's Weather The Response Form Starting the
As noted in the 17ulrkold sou.n:ebook, On page 64 of this adventure. you Adventure
Los Angeles' climate is affected by its will find aspeciaJ response fonn. Once
proximity to the Living Land. Kanawa you have completed this adventure, Thisadventurecanbeginanywhere,
industrial activity, and Tharkoldu re- please fill it out and mail it to us. The under almost any circumstances, for
ality. outcome of this adventure is crucial to Thratchen will track down a strong
Rain will be falling for the entire the future of the Possibility Wars and group of Storm Knights to help him.
time the Storm Knights are in the city. the survival of Earth's reality, SO we No matter where the Storm Knights
Rain makes the task of spotting char· want to know how every group makes are, no matter what they're doing,
acters or items more difficult. The diE· out. For instructions on filling out the Thratchen can find them. After all,
ficulties of find or other Percqnion-re- form, please refer to page 13 of the he's Thratchen ...
latOO skills which require vision are Infiniverse CAmpaign Game, Issue 1
increased by +3 in a drizzle or steady (which is included in the Torg boxed
rain. and by +5 during a torrential set). Mail it to the address listed on the
downpour. Thedifficultyofhittingan form.
opponent in the rain, when the oppo-
Vnent is not at point blank or short
, range, has the difficulty increased by
+3 in a drizzle or steady rain, +5 dur-
ing a downpour. This is in addition to
the usual penalties. The Knightsshould
encounter all three levels of storm
during their stay in LA.
•• 8
Act One
Act One
Torg: City of Demon.
Thratchen's Servant Note: Parenthetical values apply to things settle down and the Storm
DEXTERITY 8 character while under influence of Knight approach him to examine his
Dodge 9, maneuver 9, stealth 9 ma:haniZAtion miracle. fallen form, he will attempt to deliver
STRENGTH 8 (] l) the message. If theStorm Knights have
Lifting 10 (13) The Storm Knights can either run, severely wounded or killed the metal
TOUGHNESS 8 (11) attack, or hear the servant out. If they man, cut to "Variables," below.
PERCEPTION 8 try to flee, the servant will pursue, If they wait to listen to him, or they
Find 10, tracking 13, trick 10 forcing them to either attack or listen stop their attack once they see that he
MJND7 to what he has to say. isn't fighting back, the servant deliv·
Test 11 If they attack, the servant wiD take ers the message.
CHARISMA 8 the blows and gunshots and sword
Persuasion 11, taunt 9 strokes or whatever the Storm Knights
SPlRIT 8 might pummel him with,as Thratchen The Message
Intimidation 12 instructed him to do. He will not fight
Possibilities: none back, and will probably end up flat on The servant approaches the Storm
Equipment: none his back within a round or two. When Knights, and when close enough to be
heard, he says, '1 havea message from
my master." His voice is cold and
mechanical, though not purposefully
menacing. If the Storm Knightslet him
speak, he says:
"I have come to bring you word
from Thratchen. He wishes to meet
with you, and make you an offer. He
desires your help, and believes coop-
eration between himself and your
group will be mutually beneficiaL"
Pause hereand let the implicationsof
the metal man's words sink in. Players
familiar with the Torg mythos will be
especially taken aback - Thratchen
wants to meet with them! This might be
very good, or very bad. Let the player
characters talk amongst themselves for
a few moments, before having the ser·
vant ask if there are any questions.
1be servant will answer any queries
put to him to the best of his ability (use
the infonnation listed under " ... But
Were Afraid to Ask" to provide the
answers). If the Knights don't ask a
that information, have the servant vol-
unteer it. Remember that his job is to
slavishly communicate Thratchen's
terms for the meeting with the Krugh...
If the Storm Knights make use of
any miracles or magic to determine
the veracity of the servant's words,
they will find that everything he is
saying is the truth, as he knows it. An
inclination check of the servant will
reveal that he is Good - merely a
victim of Thratchen's cruelty.
with the following information:
TOl'g: City 01 DtinOQ
into it. You should figure out a voice Knights. He says, '1 know you expect thing, is it not?
for Thratchen (something deep, with me to try to deceive you. Just to annoy If Garthak rebels, m ultiply by ten-
heavy breathing), and make sure to you, I am going tospeak the truth inall fold the number of innocent deaths
curl your fingers into claws as you matters." occuring in this place. If Garthak
speak for Thratchen. Thratchen also Thratchen then proceeds to the rebels, all of this city will be his battle.
loves being annoying, so you should other points, all the while attempting field; ally with me, and only
wear a smirk as much as possible. per5lUlSion on the Knights: Garthak's stronghold need suffer.
-The Gaunt Man is winning the fight And remember - it was only with
Thratchen my help that your fellow Knights
DEXTERITY 15 with the reality storm within lllmound
Keep, and might soon be free. trapped the Gaunt Man."
Dodge, 17, energy weapons 17, fire "I will curry Jezrael's favor, and
combat 16, flight 19, maneuver 18, -Thratchen wants to gain favor with you will delay the conquest of your
stealth 18, unarmed combat 23 Jezrael, the new High Lord of world. What do you say?"
STRENGTH IS Tharkold, so he can retreat to his home
TOUGHNESS 26 (30) cosm if the Gaunt Man frees himself.
PERCEPTION 2. -Thratchen has learned that a demon Checking Out
Evidence analysis 26, find 27, pride in Los Angeles is planning to
scholar (The ameless One) 27, rebel against Jezrael. He is not sure
the Story
tracking 25, trick 26 how its leader, Garthak, plans to de-
MlND25 The Storm Knights will most likely
feat Jezrael, but he is certain that the want tousewhatevermeans they have
Science 26, test 27, willpower 27 demon lord. would not be making the
CHARISMA 16 at their disposal to see if Thratchen is
attempt if he didn't have the means at trying to lead them on. As mentioned
Charm 21, petsuasion 22, taunt 23 claw to accomplish the deed.
SPIRIT 24 in the last scene, the use of magic and
Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 29, focus 30, -Thratchen wants to destroy ordomi- miracles will reveal that Thratchen is
intimidation 26, reality 28 nateGarthak to prevent theattack from telling the truth. Thratchen will let the
Possibilities: 40 occurring. This will curry favor with Storm Knights cast such spells on him,
Equipment: eybersenses, internal Jezrael. even if they are attempting to east it on
computer (+3 bonus to evidenceanaly· - He believes that the Storm Knights him without his knowledge, and he
sis, find, and targeting rolls if the target will want to help him with his plan, for takes notice. (He will, however, leave
generates electrical impulses; such as right now the forces of Tharkold and or defend himself if attacked with
a character with cyberware), cyber· Nippon are evenly matched. Garthak magic. See "Variables" below.>
claws, damage value STR+5/23; may be as strong as Jezrael, but he is The Storm Knights can also use
cyberwings, speed value 11; laser pis- not as clever. U he should become more mundane methods to discern
tol, damage value 23, ammo 30, range High Lord, he will not deAl with the the veracity and logic of Thratchen's
3-10/50/100; anno" TOU+4/30 Nippon forces as well as Jezrael can, statement. A character may attempt
and 3327's agents may quickly over· an evidena analysis or Perception roll
If the Storm Knights attack run Los Angeles and then the rest of against a difficulty number of
Thratchen, he'll Simply stand there the United States. Right now, with Thratchen's persuasion. What the
and take it for a while. He's got plenty Jezrael in power, the two realm raid· Knight comes away with depends
of Possibilities at the start of the ad· ers are in check. upon his level of success:
venture, and uses them to bum off On a Minimal success, the Knight
If asked why so powerful a techno- thinks Thratchen is telling the truth,
wounds. His goal is to show the Storm demon requires the help of Storm
Knights he has come in peace. He's but isn't certain;
Knights, Thratchen answers: On a Good level of success, the
willing to take some damage to make
that point. "I c~ot attack Garthak myseU, Knight is almost fully convinced that
The meeting is divided into two for I am not strong enough.• cannot Thratchen speaks the truth;
parts. The first is the Set-Up, where tum to my own kind, for there are On a SUperiDTor Spedacularsuccess,
Thratchen describes the situation in many demons who hate having a the Knight feels certain thatThratchen
Los Angeles. Mer Thratchen speaks, human for a High Lord.• donot know truly means all he is saying.
the Storm Knights can think through which of them I can trust. Nor can • Knights can also use scholar (realm
his statements and determine their seek the of the Nippon forces, as lore) to reflect on the situation within
veracity. Once that's done, Thratchen there is no love lost between us. So • the Tharkold area. Ona 12, he realizes
moves into the second part of the ne- tum to you. thatThratchen's logiC is sound: Nippon
gotiations, where hedesoibes his plan. "'You know the ways of moving and the Tharkoldu are deadlocked, in
freely between realities. You have part due to the fact that Jezrael is well
something to gain from this, as do I. near as subtle and crafty as 3327. A
The Set-Up It is not as good as a victory over a techno-demon would find it far more
difficult to counter the Nippon High
High Lord, I agree, but you will be
First, Thratchen wants to make it helping two High Lords remain Lord's carefully calrulated moves.
clear that he means no ill to the Storm locked in a stalemate. That is some.
•• 12
The Plan
Once the Storm Knights are ready
to hear it, Thratchen outlines his plan:
-Garthak's demon pride is made up
of2)XXJdemons livingin the Compton
district of Los Angeles, many only
recently arrived from the Tharkoldu
cosmo Even the combined might of the
Storm Knights and Thratchen would
not be enough to attack Garthak and
defeat him. They'll need more help.
-Thratchen wants to get this help from
Kanawa. He knows that Katana Secu-
rity,Inc., a Los Angeles based subsid-
iary of the Magnolia Station Research
Park (which is in tum owned by
Kanawa Petroleum, Kanawa Enter-
prises, and then Kanawa Co.) is keep-
ing close tabs on gang and demon
activity in Los Angeles. The company
is paid by thecity of Los Angeles to file
weeklyreportsofthecity's "hotspots."
Of course, 3327 and his aide-de-comp,
7710, also read the reports, looking for
data of interest.
-Thratchen's plan is to make Katana
believe that the eight-by-eight block
neighborhood where Garthak is lo-
cated is infested with demons that are
about to go on a rampage. He wants to
plant false data in Katana's computer
that will force the Nippon forces to
take immediate aggressive action, a
o. Slou\er
"first strike" as humans call it. If his
plan works properly, Nippon will
launch an attack on Garthak's pride
with hundreds upon hundreds of program on the disk to load the false This is part of the reason Thratchen
agents. Once the battle has begun, data smoothly into the Katana com- needs the Storm Knights. He cannot
Thratchen and the Storm Knights can puters. trust himself to keep his Tharkoldu
use the diversion to seek out Garthak The key to this plan is that it must be rage in check. If cornered, he might
and conquer or kill him. executed without alerting anyone to kill a guard rather than hide and jeop-
When Thratchen is done explain- the fact that the Katana offices were ardize the entire plan.
ing the above, he pulls a computer invaded. This is not a theft that can In addition, the Morgan Building.
disk out of a slot on his body and gives leave a string of guards dead as long as where Katana is located, isa hardpoint
it to the Knights. He explains they are the data is in the hands of the thieves. of Nippon reality. The disk will func-
free to examine it at their leisure. He Katana must not know their security tion perfectly, as it was created using
goes on to say that the disk contains was breached. If they suspect foul play, Nippon technology, but getting it into
false data designed to twist all of they rnay question or even completely the office will be that much more dan-
Katana's projections into a form of use disregard the data produced by the gerous.
to Thratchen. There is also a special computer.
~. 13
Tors: City of Demons
•• 14
Act One
Variables PERCEPTION 10
Evidence analysis 12, find 12, land
The Storm Knights might have tried
to booby-trap the meeting place be-
vehicles 11, trick 13
MIND 11 T hratchen's Disk
fore this scene occurs. You should re- Science (computers) 15, willpower
To examine the computer
member that Thratchen is keeping an 12
disk, the Storm Knights need a
eye on the Knights, and if he sees them CHARISMA 9 computer of at least Tech 24 (the
trapping the area, he'll remove the Charm 12, persuasion 12, taunt 10 same Tech axiom as Nippon,
traps at the first chance he gets. Thus, SPIRIT 11 whose machines it is designed. to
if the Storm Knights trap the area and Faith (Christianity) 12, reality 13 be run on). Thratchen did not
then leave, he'll come in and deacti- Possibilities: 2
put any security measures on the
vate the traps. Equipment: home-made computer disk, so examining it requires
If he doesn't get this chance, he'll (Tech 24) only a science (computers) total of
simply avoid the traps, but will com· Description: Victoria is a shy, per· 9.
ment on them, letting the Storm sonablecomputer genius. Daring and If none of the Storm Knights
Knights know he knows they're there. imaginative, Victoria would love to go
have this skill, they will need
The only real problem is once again on the adventure with the Storm to find someone who has some
the Storm Knights might decide to Knights, but will have to get out of the talent in this area. If a Connec-
ignore Thratchen. If this happens, they house without her parents knowing tion card is played, one of the
should bereminded that innocent lives where she is going. Knights knows Victoria
could be lost ifThratchen carry out his Victoria is very bright, but is not a Hester, a sixteen-year-old
plan on his own, or with less honor- "nerd," nor arrogant about intelli- computer whiz with friZZy
able Stormers by his side. gence. She loves computers, though, blonde hair and braces on her
and drifts off into some strange men- teeth. She's always thrilled to
tal state when she begins to work on help out Storm Knights, but
Cut To ... them. doesn't want her parents find-
ing out about it ("They
Thratchen has left the Storm Knights The following information is wouldn't understand") so
with a great deal of information to gleaned. from the disk, depending on they'll have to contact her se-
ponder and a computer disk. If they the resuItof thescience(computers) roll. cretly. She's built her own
want to check out the disk, see On a Minimal or Average success, Tech 24 computer, so even if
'Thratchen's Disk." If they want to the Knights see that the program is the Storm Knights have the
check out the politics of LA, cut to written in a very sophisticated com-
relevant skill, they might still
Scene Three, "Looking forTrouble." If puter language. need to borrow her computer.
they want to check out Garthak and Ona Good success, the Knights learn
his pride, cut to to Scene Four, that the program is a computer virus,
"Gutterpunk Alley." (Of course, the designed to worm its way into the
characters can examine the disk be- su~routines of a very sophisticated. quest to Los Angeles. She'll need to
fore they leave for Los Angeles, or number-erunching program. make up a story for her folks (a class
while they are in the city.) On a Superior success, the Knights trip, maybe), and the Storm Knights
If the Storm Knights accept discern that the program will divert can use whatever skills they have at
Thratchen's deal on the spot, he says data throughout the whole number- their disposal to help her.
he'IJ meet them in Los Angeles. When crunching programming, re-focusing
they get to LA, cut to Scene Eight, everything to give completely false
"And the Heavens Weep. " results. SCENE THREE:
There's no need to play out getting On a Speclacularsuccess, the Knights
to Los Angeles. It might be difficult for realize the virus will do exactly what Looking For
the Knights to get there (a group based Thratchen predicted. It's aimed at a
in CyberFrance would haveto be most security alert number~runchingpro- Trouble
careful about revealing their destina- gram, which logs criminal and violent
tion, for instance), but it can be as- activities throughout Los Angeles.
sumed that a group of Storm Knights Once fed into the Katana program, the The Situation
are resourceful enough to make it to virus will alter the results and give
Los Angeles relatively unscathed. completely false data, making it look Standard. The Knights arrive in Los
as if a tremendous amount of demon Angelesand try to get a feel forthe city
Victoria Hester activity is centered on an eight·by· and its bizarre post-invasion politics.
DEXTERITY 9 eight block area of Compton, a district Read aloud or paraphrase:
Dodge 12, running 10, stealth 13 ofLA. The city is worn down and tom by
STRENGTHS H the Storm Knights ask, Victoria strife. Wherever you go, you see the
TOUGHNESS 9 will gladly accompany them on their results of violence committed by
'rorg: City of Demon.
some of the city's factions - the scribed him with the raincoal and the to go to the FOOD Cafe on Wilshire
corpses of children cut down by cough. He took five bucks in return. Boulevard and ask the cook for some
~ger drive-by shootings; the inte- Nowyougettofindoutifyowmoney cooked sushi. The $500 dollars is his
riors of can splattered with blood was wen spent base negotiation price, and can be
from it tedmo-dernon hunt Squads Charlie won't notice the Storm rai.sesi or lowered using the haggling
of KanaWil securityguards and LAPO Knights as they approach.lf they speak rules (see pages 72-74 of the Torg
patrol sections of the city in full riot to him or touch him, he whirls in ter- Rulebook).
geM. ror. He will be certain a techno-demon The Storm Knights can also try to
A steady rain falls from the dark has come to kill him, and when he sees interrogate Chartie to get the informa-
sky. The rain is thick, and mixed with the Knights aren't Tharkoldu, he leans tion they want. For the purposes of
pollutants from Nippon factories, over, a bit relieved, and says, "What?" interrogation, Charlie is friendly with
giving the air it sulphur taste. Phoenix. If the Storm Knights use
You have heard it rumor that it Charlie threats or force or any approach other
Rauro Block agent codenamed Phoe- DEXTERITY? than giving him cash, Charlie will get
nix is working in the city. It's said he Dodge 8, stealth 10, unarmed com- on the phone to Phoenix as soon as the
knows i1.U the players in LA. and h.u ba.8 Storm Knights are gone. He will tell
aided Storm Knights before. His STRENGTH? Phoenix some people roughed him up
street contact isa bum named Charlie TOUGHNESS 8 and are on their way to see him.
- find him, and you've: got it good PERCEPTION 12 U the Knights ask Charlie to show
shot at finding Phoenix. Find 15, trick 13 them the way to the FOOD Cafe, he
MIND 11 .refuses. He feels uncomfortable in that
Survival 13 area of the city, and will be hostile
The Action CHARISMA 11 toward any efforts to get him to go
Persuasion 12 there.
Each day the Storm Kni his spend SPIRlT 11
searchin for Charlie, ey ge en Possibilities: none
r e it n r ion total (c rae Equipment: none Ambush!
ters Cit pport ch other on this rol Description: Charlie is a 54 year-
- coord inatiofi'difficulty is 8). ChaIli old bum with rheumy eyes and white After the Storm Knights have
~Iy stavs'in one place for very long, stubble on his chin. He has an odd searched for four days, Nippon opera-
soatotalof16isneeded"to '. relationship with Phoenix: he really tives will be aware of their presence in
e Storm g ve four days likes the ancient Japanese cook, but LA and who they are searching for.
to find Charlie. U they encounter him mostly for the food he receives in pay- Since Kanawa Corp. wants to find
in that time, cut to "Charlie." ment for his services. Thus, he can be Phoenix as much as the Storm Knights
On the fifth day, the Knights will bribed, but there's an emotional check do (though they intend on killing him).
find him as soon as they make their in place that has to be overcome first they start .searching for Charlie, too.
roll, but he is being attacked by corpo- Charlie has seen some horrible On the fifth day of the Knights'
rate ninjas. Cut to "Ambush!" things since the invasion of Los Ange- search, they come across Charlie in an
If you'd like, you may play out a les, and he's convinced himself there alley, dressed in the same manner de-
small scene from each day's search: are at least a dozen factions out to get scribed above. However, this time in-
talking to an LA cop, meeting with a him. Sowhile the Storm Knights nego- stead of finding him picking through a
drug dealer who might have seen tiate with him, he should be scanning garbage can, they find himsurrounded
Charlie. But since these people really the rooftops, looking over their shoul- by a group of ninjas who are system·
don't know him that well, and have no ders, laughing slightly when there's atically beating the life out of him.
relevant information to offer theStorm no reason to laugh. It's a tough call as They had offered him money, butthere
Knights, you can choose to let the days to whether he's actually insane. He was no way a group of ninjas could
pass quickly in terms of real time. might Simply be responding app~ convince him that they meant well for
priately to the Possibility Wars. Phoenix.
Rounds begin as soon as the Storm
Charlie To bribeChartie, the Storm Knights Knights see the beating.lf the Knights
must first prove their gfXKi intentions receive the initiative in the first round,
As soon as the Knights have gener- toward Phoenix with a ptrSlllJSion roll. they have the advantage of surprise
ated a successful find or PUcqJtion to- Charlie begins the scene neutral to the on the ninjas.
tal, read aloud or paraphrase: Storm Knights. Until they convince There is one ninja for each Storm
You see a man picking through a him they don't want to hurt Phoenix, Knight in the group. Two ninjas are
garbage dumpster. He's wearing a he'll say over and over again, "I don't hidden on the rooftops overlooking
long, battered rain coat and coughs know who you're talking about." the alley. Storm Knights will have to
violently every once in a while. A Once assured of their good inten· generate find or Perception totals against
bum down the block said you could tions, Charlie will accept a bribe. U the adifficulty numberoftheninjas' stealth
find Charlie in this alley, ~d he de- Storm Knightsoffer$500, he'll tell them values to spot them. One round after
_00-:': - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . .
1 6 . . ,
Act One
® D
1. Charlie
2. Ninja
3. Lamp store
4. Fast food
5. Furniture store
the Knights haveentered. the fray, these TOUGHNESS 10 As soon as the ninjas are aware of
two ninjas attack. You can have them PERCEPTION 11 the Storm Knights, they'll forget about
simply jump down three flights, ninja Find 12, tracking 12, trick 12 Charlie for the moment. His face is a
style, and land gracefully on thealJey's MINDS bloody mess, and he won't be going
pavement. Test to anywhere soon. He collapses to the
CHARISMA 7 ground dUring the fight.
Corporate Ninja (one per Storm Charm (11), persuasion 12, taunt 10 If two-thirds of their number have
Knight) SPIRIT 7 been defeated, the ninjas will attempt
DEXTERITY 16 Intimidation to, reality to to retreat. The Storm Knights can, of
Acrobatics 17, dodge 17, energy Possibilities: 1 course, pursue.
weapons 17, fire combat 17, ma- Equipment:shirnsisword,damage If captured and successfully inter-
neuver 18, martial arts (ninjulsu) value STR+5/16; 13mm Chunyokai, rogated, a ninja reveals what was stated
18, melee weapons 17, unarmed damage value 18, ammo 9, range 3- above: Kanawa is aware of the Storm
combat 17 10/40/50; laser rifle, Tech 25, damage Knights' presence in LA, they heard
STRENGTH 11 value 23, ammo 10, range lQ.40/BO/ they were searching for Phoenix, and
Climbing 12 ISO they heard Charlie was the link to
Torg: City of Demons
Phoenix. If they failed to learn about Phoe- pick up some interesting information
Once the fight is over, the Storm nix, they can look for information about this way. If they choose toabsorbsome
Knights can deal with Charlie. He's gangs and demons in Compton. Cut of the local atmosphere, cut to "Ru-
beaten up, but has only suffered a KO to Scene Five, "Gutterpunk Alley." If mors."
6. Once revived, he will gladly accept they decide to accept Thratchen's deal, If the Storm Knights choose to enter
any medical assistance the Storm cut to Scene Six, "And the Heavens the restaurant and go right to the cook
Knights offer, but won't go with them Weep ... " to deliver the password, cut to
to a hospital. He's convinced that "Cooked Sushi."
people who go to hospitals are en-
slaved and sold to the demons. SCENE FOUR:
AU of the negotiations described in Rumors
"Charlie" above now take place, with FOOD and Phoenix
the following changes: If the Storm Knights choose to en-
.If the Storm Knights have not at- ter the restaurant, they can easily find
tempted fiTSt aid or some other form of The Situation an empty seat, and most likely no one
healing on him, Charlie will have a will take any notice of their appear-
hostile attitude toward them. He will Standard. The Storm Knights visit ance. (Los Angeles was always pretty
beconvinced the Knights arejust more the FOOD Cafe on Wilshire Blvd, a free-w heeling before the invasion, and
thugs out to kill Phoenix. rundown diner that used. to be a first- since the scales and the demons ar-
class restaurant, in search of Phoenix. rived - well, LA's inhabitants have
• If the Storm Knights have attempted Read aloud or paraphrase: always considered the city a metro-
first aid or any other form of healing politan weirdness magnet, and now
(successfully or unsuccessfully) on The outside of the diner is pink-
they know they were right.) However,
Charlie, his attitude toward them will painted stucco. The original
if the group is especially fantastic in a
be friendly. His base price for the bribe restaurant's sign is gone, replaced by
dark or dangerous way-cyberpapist
remains the same ($500). an assortment of mismatched blink-
priests with attitudes, werewolves in
ingneon letters that proclaim UfOOD
full fur- a few folks might get up and
Cafe:" Through large windows you
takeoffintotherain. When they leave,
Flags can see a varied clientele-rundown
it's with fear clearly marked on their
locals, gangers wearing blue jackets
faces. They've known buildings to
If a hero setback appears, another with silver strips on the arms,. and
blow up around people like the
ninja shows up for every ninja already even a couple of edeinos. Some of the Knights.
knocked down. They leap down from folks are staring quietly into their By sitting and listening to conver-
the roof. cups. Others are quite boisterous.
sations, the Knights might overhear a
If a Nemesis card is played, one of few rumors floatin aroun the din-
the ninjas escapes and may return to rs. ave ea rm t rna a
bedevil the Knights later in the adven- The Action Per tionr aga~'ns iffi yof8.
tu.... Read or raphr the 'antIDfor
If a Romance card is played, and The action here centers around find-
ing Phoenix and the information he ati bela a n the-1Uoo
Victoria has accompanied the Knights,
shedevelops a crush on a male Knight. imparts to the Knights. Charlie told Ie e~I!;.~~:,.. _ _-::-::-:--:~~
them to give the password to the cook, I ~~ ...·.. lmaIIAverage: Nothing of note.
who would connect them with Phoe- Good: You hear some of the gang-
ers talking about a war escalating in
Variables nix. What he didn't tell them is that the
Compton between the Posse, aganger
cook is Phoenix. All they have to do is
The Storm Knights may wish to say "cooked sushi" and Phoenix will federation, and the Mercuries, a
simply grab Charlie and escape from smile and lead them to a quiet place to s1avegang hooked up wilh a pride
the ninjas. If they can pull it off, let talk. run by a demon lord named Garthick,.
them. The ninjas will chase after them, An alley runs alongside the restau- or something.
however, for they really want to find rant, and contains the back entrance to U the Storm Knights were already
Phoenix. You'll have to play out the the restaurant. Thisdoor islocked (lock involved in the fight in Compton in
chase to see what happens. picking difficulty of 8). If the Knights Scene Five, have the gangers mention
choose to break in, they will find them- that as well.
selves in the kitchen, but may be mis- Superior: You hear a group of old
Cut To ... taken for gangers in the employ of men and women arguing local poli-
tics. Seems Ihat all the Japanese cor-
Kanawa. If Phoenix suspects danger,
If the Storm Knights have learned he will slip out of the diner and try to porations that the city welcomed have
about the FOOD Cafe, they can go lose himself in the night. stalled on their promises to deliver
there and hook up with Phoenix. Cut The Storm Knights might want to economic recovery. Several theories
to Scene Four. check the restaurant out before they are bandied about - the gangs,
make contact with Phoenix. They can crooked politicians, and so on - but
•• 18
Act One
\ 0
I ~
0 0 ..... vOoooo 0
- - ~ ~ ~ ~
I 1
. ® 0
_0 1 1°
~ ®
....... I I
1. Entrance 6. Sacks of flour
2. Exit to alley 7. Shelves
Basement 3. Kitchen 8. Cot
4. Stairs to basement 9. Sink
5. Stairs to first floor
Torg: City of O..molUl
•• 20
. At this point the characters can in- Storm Knight, one after another, and to Phoenix's question (or, again, the
troduce themselves, explain what they looks into their eyes. Go around the general indination is positive) Phoe-
want, and so on. If they don't under- table and have each player generate a nix says:
stand that the old man is Phoenix, he Spirit total, one after another. Phoenix "Exactly. Especially in Los Ange-
laughs and tells them. stops at the first Storm Knight to gen- les. It is a place far different from
erate a total of 15 or more. If no one other cities, other realities. Here,
Phoenix generates a successful total he sighs, sometimes the good warrior must
DEXTERITY 9 shakes his head, and goes back to the walk down the road with a silver
Acrobatics 10, dodge II, fire com- beginning of the group. He will do this demon, for there is no other road
bat 14, maneuver 11, melee weap- until someone makes a successful roll. available. But he must never behave
ons 15, stealth 12, unarmed combat Once someone does so, he will look like the demon. Doyou understand?"
15 at them and say, "Ahhh. You will an-
STRENGTH 10 swer for your group, yes?" Hedoesn't And then, as above, if the Storm
TOUGHNESS 10 even wait for an answer and says: Knights did not use force against
"Does the good wamortraffic with Charlie, cut to "The Warning." If they
Evidence analysis 14, find IS, trick
evil?" did, they must persuade Phoenix to
give his help.
Artist (chef) 16, survival 15, test 16, Let the player come up with a re-
sponse for his character. If any other
willpower 16 TheWaming
Storm Knight tries to feed the chosen
Survival 13
one an answer, Phoenix hushes them
CHARISMA 11 Read aloud or paraphrase:
with a wave of his hand. When the
Charm 15, persuasion 16, taunt 14
Knight has given his answer, Phoenix "Very well," he says. "Here is what
nods his head sagely. I know. The demons of Tharkold,
Intimidation IS, reality 17
If the Storm Knight answered in the underthecommandoftheirnewHigh
Possibilities: 5
negative (or a general trend of the Lord, Jezrael, have attacked Los An-
Equipment: bamboo staff, damage
negative, as the answer might be quite geles almost specifically to halt the
value STR+3/13; Uzi, damage value
obtuse), Phoenix says: progress of Kanawa Enterprises. The
17, ammo II, range 3-15/40/100
Description: Phoenix is a native of "I will tell you this: you are in Los defeat of the Tharkoldu on Earth was
Japan who now works as an operative Angeles. It is a place far different engineered by Kanawa, and the
for the Rauru Block. He'sa competent from other cities, other realities. Here, techno-demons bum for revenge. At
agent, but people sometimes feel un- sometimes the good warrior must this point the two sides are fighting
o comfortable around him because he's walk down the road with a silver to a standstill. For people like you
got a strange mystical side to him. He demon, for there is no other road and me, this is a very good thing, for
believes in the concept of moderation available. But he must never behave they waste their resources against one
in aU things. A man who devotes all like the demon. Do you understand?" another, but donot grow in strength."
his energies to remaining pure is so
outside of life that he can be no help to If the Storm Knights did not use If anybody mentions the possibility
those trapped in the mire. force to obtain information from of Garthak taking over the High Lord
Phoenix is an old, old man, and yet Charlie, cut to "The Warning." position from ]ezrael, Phoenix says:
quite able to take care of himself. His If the Stann Knights used force "Oh, now Garthak. That would
limbs are long and thin, and his face against Charlie (a frightened, out-of- be very bad. The only reason the
bears deep wrinkles. his-mind old homeless man), Phoenix techno-demons are successfully
Play Phoenix like the old mystical says: countering Kanawa's maneuvers is
coot he is. He should come off a bit "Unfortunately, despite your because of ]ezrael. She is a schemer,
creepy-not scary, but creepy, so the words, you treated my infonnant to like Kanawa. They are matched.
Storm Knights are worried about what the demon's talons. You have proven There are few of the demons who
sins the old guy might find Iwking yourself unworthy for my aid. You could plan in such a way. Thratchen,
inside them. walk with the demons, but you also perhaps, but of even him, I cannot be
act like them." certain. It is not their way, you see.
Once the Knights are done explain- Theirs is the life of pain, of tonnent.
ing themselves, Phoenix says: At this point the Storm Knights can There is no discipline."
HI must examine you before I can tum tail and leave in shame, or they
help you. Will you let me do that?" can plead with Phoenix to help them. After a moment of consideration he
Pleading requires a persuasion roll. adds:
If the Storm Knights answer in the Phoenix's attitude toward the Storm "For Garthak to threaten Jezrael,
negative, he tells them to go away. If Knights is hostile if they attacked he would need the support of
they try to force him, he fights back. Charlie. Tharkold's Darkness Device. J won-
If they agree, he steps up to each If the Storm Knight answers "Yes," der how he will accomplish that?"
,. --------------_.-.
~. 21
Tors: City of Demont
last few days you've confirmed ru· the guards retreat as weU.
Phoenix has no more to offer, and mors that the Posse is particularly The guards also attack if the Stonn
asks them to leave so hecan get back to concerned about a demon pride in Knights try to do anything they were
work in the lcitchen. the area, run by a demon named specifically told not to, or if they don't
Garthak. The pride rules an eight- do something they were specifically
by·eight block area on the east side of told to do.
Flags the city.
The Posse is currently at war with Posse Gangers (20)
If a True Identity card is played, one the red-jacketed Mercuries, who have DEXTERITY 9
of the Knights has seen Phoenix at a sworn themselves as Garthak's Dodge Il,firecombat 12maneuver
Rauru Block meeting. and recognizes slavegangers. 10, melee weapons II, stealth 12,
him immediately in the diner. [nformants have pointed you to a unanned combat 11
Posse safehouse-a three story apart· STRENGTH 10
ment building. A casual glance re· TOUGHNESS 10
Variables veals a teenager on the roof armed PERCEPTION 9
with an Uzi. Around you are empty Find 10, trick 11
If the Stonn Knights decide to in- buildings, their windows boarded up. MIND 9
vestigate the theft of the cross, they Old cars rest on boxes, while next to Survival 11, willpower 12
can doso. They will find that the house them are parked shiny new sports CHARISMA 8
has already been picked clean of clues
by the police, who have laid thecaseat c"". Taunt 10
Sitting on the steps of the building
the feet of the gangers. There's no other is a kid, maybe fourteen, dressed in a Intimidation 12
in£onnation available. black jacket covered with patches of Possibilities: none
sports team logos. He's got shades Equipment: Uzi, damage value 17,
on, and looks like he's got an attitude ammo 11, range 3-15/40/100
Cut To ••• as thick as an edeinoshide. Two more
teenagers, maybe eighteen years old Danger Danger
If theStonn Knights haven't inv~ each, are leaning against lamp posts
tigated the gangers and Compton yet, on either side of the building. Sitting on the stoop of the building
they may choose to do so now. If so, isa fourteen-year~ldlcid named "Dan-
cut to Scene Five, "Gutterpunk Alley." ger Danger." He's the doorman for the
If they're ready to accept Thratchen's
deal, cut to Scene Six, "And the Heav-
The Action safehouse. U the Stann Knights want
to deal with the Posse, they'll have to
ens Weep .. :' The Stonn Knights have the chance talk to him.
to get some information about
Garthak's pride from its neighbors. Danger Danger
SCENE FIVE: The Posse members are tough gang DEXTERITY 11
members who commit terrible acts of Dodge, 13, fire combat 12, maneu-
Gutterpunk Alley violence against demons, other gang· ver 13, stealth 14, unarmed combat
ers,and people in LA who really don't 12
consider themselves part of the war. STRENGTH'
The Situation They'll try to cut the Stonn Knights TOUGHNESS 9
down in a second if it looks like it
Stnldud. The Stonn Knights turn would profit them. Evidence analysis 11, find 13
to the local gangs to gather informa- But they're pragmatic up toa point, M1ND10
tion on Garthak and his alleged plot to and will lei the Knights speak their Test 12, willpower 13
overthrow jezrael. piece if they have something gain by CHARISMA 11
Read aloud or paraphrase: it. Persuasion 12, taunt 13
After checking around Los Ange·
Intimidation 13
les, you learn that the gangs of the
city are as influential as Kanawa and Security Possibilities: none
Equipment: Uzi, damage value 17,
the Tharkold demons, and almost as
The safehouse is crawling with ammo 11, range 3-15/40/100
powerful. Their lack of orgnlization,
gangers with guns. Theirpositionsare Description: Danger Dangerwears
however, k~ps them from wielding
marked on the map. If the Stonn dark glasses, and shows as little eIllO-"
that power effectively.
Knights start an attack on the place, tion as he can. Play him as a tough kid
Compton hosts a treacherous gang
they guards open fire and fight for six who is truly tough, and feels no need
confederation know as The Posse that
rounds. During that time, everyone to show off
is trying to overcome this problem.
else in the building will take off Like the other members of the Posse,
The Posse brings gangs together and
through thebackdoor. Aftersix rounds Danger Danger wears a black jacket
ads as a forum for disputes. Over the
. ·...· ""22"....-------------------- ~
Act One
covered with fourteen sports patches, over concrete blocks. The worn floor- SPIRIT 11
each placed in a particular spot on the boards are covered with paint chips lntimidation 16
jacket. and rat feces. Possibilities: none
Equipment: Uzi, damage value 17,
Toeitherget information from Dan· Nanosec ammo II, range 3-15/40/100; Cyber-
ger Danger, or to get into the building ware: Neuracal, CSI Hotshot U; eyber
to meet with his fellow gangers, the After a few moments, Danger Dan- value 7.
Stann Knights need to get a negotiated ger returns with a huge eighteen-year- Description: Nanosec is a massive
agreement result on a persuasion roll. old. Danger Danger introduces the eighteen year-old pumped up on iron
Danger Danger's attitude, as well as newcomer as Nanosec. Nanosec takes and steroids. His head is completely
the attitude of all the gangers, is hostile. a position in the doorway, pulls off his shaved, and his looks are arresting
TheStonn Knights' offer should entail shades, revealing his one silver eye, enough to catch the Stann Knights off
exchanging information about the and folds his arms. "Yes?"he asks. guard. Like Danger Danger, he wears
Mercuries or Garthak's pride. a black jacket covered with sports
If they do this successfully, Danger Nanosec patches.
Danger says, "Come on, meat," leads DEXTERITY 12 Before running this scene, lookover
them up the stairs to the front door, Dodge 13, fire combat 14, maneu- thedialogue written for Nanosec. Most
and lets them in. He gestures for them ver 13, stealth 14, unanned combat of the slang is referenced to comput-
to enter the room marked ~eeting 14 ers, and when playing Nanosec, you
Room" on the map, and tells them to STRENGTH 13 should try to get this kind of feel into
sit. He also makes it clear that they Lifting 15 the way he speaks.
aren't welcome anywhere else in the TOUGHNESS 13 anosec is very low-key, almost
building. PERCEPTION 9 gentle, despite his appearance, and as
The meeting room is very dark. MlND9 long as the Stonn Knights don't give
Drops of rain spla tter though cracks in Test 12, willpower 13 him a hard time, he won't give them a
the boards in the windows. The only CHAR1SMA 11 hard time.
furniture is two-by-fours stretched out Persuasion 12, taunt 13
~. 23
Torg: City 01 [h,molUl
The Storm Knights must onceagain ning on sacrificing to Malgest. ries following the battle. Have the
make a ptrSUQSion roll, but for the mOo" Note that Nanosec doesn't know Mercuries arrive three rounds after
ment Nanosec's attitude is neutral, much about High Lords, Darkness any fight begins with the Posse.
since Danger Danger spoke for the Devices, and eternity shards. That's
group. The ptrSuasion roll should be why he gets the names wrong.
made in the context of the characters Crossfire
roleplaying questions about Garthak,
the Mercuries, and trying to get Event The Storm Knights are either al-
Nanosec's trust. ready involved in a gun fight with the
If the Storm Knights get enough As soon as the Knights have re- Posse, or they are conversing with
result points for a neutral result, he ceived what information Nanosec is Nanosec, when:
says: going to give them, the Mercuries You hear the roar of approaching
mount their attack. Cut to "Crossfire." motorcycles, followed by rapid bursts
"Sweat,. ye~, I know them claws.
GMthd. Righl Them Mercuries boys of automatic fire. Bullets slam
all hot for their 'wue, but it's dealing through the wooden boards over the
with the chrome devil. Themgangers
Flags windows and fierce rain washes into
gonna get their ends plated someday. [f a Mistaken Identity card or Suspi- the room. You hear someone shout-
The Mercuries all hot for some plan. cion card is played,Nanosec looks care- ing, ....Mercuries!" and then the sound
Say they gonna rule it all soon. Chips fully at the Storm Knight for a moment of a great many machine guns firing.
... Dead as all hell what they gonna and then asks, "Password. Didn't you
be if I ever get my piece near their slag RAM out ofthe Mercuries?" (He's The Mercuries are wired up with
clac.kin' asses. asking if the Storm Knight killed a 1ltarkold technology. Some have got
ganger out of the Mercuries.) If the red eyes, some have silver hands with
If the Storm Knights get enough Storm Knight says yes, Nanosec's re- claws, others have metal spikes that
result points for a hostile result he says action becomes friendly, and the re- grow out of the sides of their arms.
the above and adds: sults for the above information are They all wear red jackets.
"Mercuries say Garthak is going made easier. If he says no, then Mercuries (20)
for their claws's new High Woman, Nanosec looks at him carefully again DEXTERITY 8
Jezrium or whatever. Or so the byte and the scene proceeds. Dodge 10, energy weapons 9, fire
says. Now what's mean to you, sys combat 10, melee weapons 9, stealth
op?You got a beads on this I missed? 10, unarmed combat 10
What're they up to?'" Variables STRENGTH 9
This scene sets up the living condi- Climbing 10
If the Storm Knights get enough TOUGHNESS 9
result points for a ennny result he says tions of some of the inhabitants of Los
Angeles and introduces the Storm PERCEPTION 8
all of the above, and adds: Find 10, land vehicles 9, tracking
Knights to some LA gangers. Play it to
"They say he's got some shard or 10, trick 9
keep them off balance. Though they
something, a little exira meg could probably take out all the kids in MIND 9
Garthak's gonna use to get in good the safe house, they'll be better served Test 10, willpower 10
with some big mainframe back on CHARISMA 8
by staying cool. This means playing
Tharkold." by the rules of the gang. Charm 9, persuasion 9, taunt 11
However, since they don't know SPIRIT 8
Translated, with some information the rules, you should take the time to Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 10, intimi-
Nanosec doesn't have thrown in: make them feel uncomfortable. For dation 10
1) The Mercuries are getting Possibilities: none
example, St0rt11 Knights are probably
cyberware, but it's going to cost them. used to people reacting to them with Equipment: Nanocord; SlaveChip;
The Mercuries are bragging about be- excitement, or fear,orsometrung. Dan- darksight; talons, damage value
ing on the vergeofgaining great power, ger Danger doesn't shift his position STR+2/11; Cyber value: 6. 9/Gam
but Nanosec doubts it'll amount to when they saunter up. This fourteen automatic pistol, damage value 15,
anything. And if he sees any of them, year-old kid doesn't expect to live past ammo 9, range 3-10/20/30
Nanosec will waste them himself. the age ofeighteen. He'sseen toomuch
2) The Mercuries also say that The Mercuries tracked down the
already, and one thing he knows is
Garthak is out to kill Jezrael, or sosays you don't let your reactions show Posse safehouse and sent twenty
the word on the street. But Nanosec you're impressed. It marks you as slavegangers on motorcycles to hit the
isn't sure about thatone,and he wants meat. place. The fight is a turf war between
the Storm Knights to give him some Uthe Storm Knights get into a fight the Posse membersand theMercurials,
details. with the Posse, they'll lose the infor- and because of this the Storm Knights
3) The Mercuries say that Garthak mation they'd get from Nanosec, but have a great deal of leeway as to how
has an eternity shard that he's plan- they'll beable to get it from the Mercu- they respond to the fight.
: - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ....
Act One
Gangs of Trouble
Although there are 20 gangers to a
side, the Storm Knights won't be deal-
ing with all of them at once, no matter
which option they pick. During the
fight there are little sub-fights around
the building. Members of both gangs
are all over the place - on the roof, in
the back alley, hanging out windows,
riding by on motorcycles (only five of
the Mercuries actually stay on their
motorcycles after the first pass - the
rest get on foot to raid the building).
hiding behind cars and so on.
The Storm Knights will probably
make up their own sub-fight, or they
may split up and form several sub-
fights. In any case, in any given round
no more than 10 enemy gang mem-
bers (enemy as defined by the Stonn
Knights) are within combat range of gang members in sub-fights the Stonn sue if they wish, but the winning gang
Knights are not participating in. You is content to sit on their turf and bask
the Storm Knights. For example, if the
Storm Knights are attacking both should keep track of the number of in their victory.
gangs, they're able to fight five Posse dead on both sides. The tide of the
members and five Mercuries each battle is determined by the Storm
round. The other 30 gangers are off Knights, for without them, the two Event
somewhereelseshooting at each other. gangs would fight to draw.
When either gang is cui down to 10 During most of the battle, a ganger
After the third round of combat. will think the Storm Knights areon his
one ganger from eac.h side is assumed or fewer breathing members, that side
retreats. The Storm Knights can pur- side as long as he sees them shooting
killed from damage inflicted by other
~. 25
Torg: City of Demon.
1st Floor
2nd Floor
... 0 0
0 =
0 JJ
......... o 02
0 Landins
(6) .
1'1 10 01
. Jl
1,\ 0
I~' c·
1. Main entrance 0 0
2. Posse ganger
3. Meeting room
0 3rd Floor
•• 26
Act One
at gangers from the other side. Variables rooms that were secure a second ago.
If the Storm Knights try to work
But it's also possible that, during
the battle, the Storm Knights might be This should bea nice, chaotic shoot- with the Mercuries, the gangers will
attacked by gangers on the side they out. Make sure that the Storm Knight thank them, but WILL NOT offer any
are defending. After all, the only ones hear the spray of automatic weapons help. If the Storm Knights are insis-
who know them are Danger Danger coming from the other side of the build· tent, they gangers will try to take off. If
and Nanosec. If you want, you can ing, and the screams of gangers stak- they want information from the Mer-
have the Storm Knights assaulted by ing out their final piece of turf. The feel curies, they'll have to fight for it.
gangers at their backs who just don't you should try to communicate is that This is the common behavior of LA
know any better. in LA there is no single, clear fight. The gangs. The Posse is a unique gang
To avoid this, if the Storm Knights fighting occurs all over the place, and because it knows how to cooperate-
are working with the Posse, they're you can't beeverywhereat once. Spice other gangs don't. Oust likeThratchen,
best off hanging with Danger Danger it up with enemy gang members slip- compared to other techno-demons.)
or Nanosec. Other Posse members will ping in through windows, taking If the Storm Knights should cap-
assume the Knights are clean if they're
with these guys.
If a hero setback appears at any time
dUring the combat, one of the Storm
Knights spots a mother and her son
trapped in a small alcove doorway at
the street level of an apartment build- 1\
ing across the street. They have to get
the two innocents to safety before stray
bullets rake them down. If the Storm
Knights don't act on the situation, the
mother and son die in five rounds. The
setback occurs because the Storm
Knights will have to expose themselves
to enemy fire to rescue the mother and
son. If the Knights make no attempt to
save them, subtract a Possibility from
their award at the end of this act.
If a Mistaken Identity card or Suspi-
don card is played, one of the Mercu-
ries gangers shouts at the Storm
Knight, "It's the chip who magged
RAM!" ("It's the jerk who killed
RAM!") Needless to say, every one of
the Mercuries is very upset about this,
and will take special pains to nail that
Storm Knight with automatic fire.
If a Nemesiscard is played, the Storm
Knight confronts a Mercuries ganger
who will come back to haunt him later.
In this scene they should end up away
from the other combatants, and ex-
change blows for a while. Then the
ganger should run off, to reappear in
Act Three. Use the statistics for the
slavegangers from Act Three for this
character, not the slavegangers from
this act.
Torg: City of InllJlon.
lure a Mercuries member and attempt This is an important piece of infor- "50. We are, for the moment, allies?"
to obtain information from him, cut to mation, because it tells the Storm Suddenly, there is a rustling of
"Data Spill." Knights that Garthak"s got an eternity leaves as a group of ThiUkoldu de-
If the Knights do not grab a ganger shard he's planning on surrendering monsflyoutofthesunoundingtrees.
to interrogate, see "Cut To .. :' below. to Malgest. This, combined with some They make a circle around you and
of the information Nanosec had to Thratchen. The demons all but ig-
offer, gives the Storm Knights their nore you, their focus on Thratchen,
Data Spill own reason for helping Thratchen. He their faces filled with fury. "50,
wants the demon pride, they want the Thratchen," spits out one of the de-
The Knights have managed to cap- shard. At this point they might well be mons, "'You would betray our kind to
turea wounded Mercuries ganger for ready to accept Thratchen's offer. these thiltgs?'" and It gestures at you.
interrogation. "'You would betray our one ch~ce to
Read aloud or paraphrase: remove the monkey from the throne
He's a sixteen year-old kid with Flags of High Lord?"
gleaming red metal eyes. The sarlet Thratchen smiles c.ooly ~d says,
chrome nearly matches the bright red If a Mistaken Identity card is played, "Ah, Vachab, you do not know the
blood that flows out of a bullet wound the Mercuries member the Knights are ways of the world. Times have
just to the left of his collar bone. He questioning mistakes one of them for changed. We are at war with forces
glares at you like a wounded and RAM's killer. All intimidation rolls re- we barely understand. The rules we
d~gerous ~imal.
ceive a +5 bonus modifier. lived by are useless now. I throw
them out because I cannot afford them
The Storm Knights might hold sev· ~ymore. U I must ally myself with
eral Mercuries prisoner, and each can Cut To ... Storm Knights, I will. Because I know
be questioned separately, to increase that the best ch~ce our world has is
If the Knights wish to confirm more to be ruled by JezraeI. Now, if you
the chances of getting the information
of Thratchen's story, and have not yet will forgive me, I must kill you ..."
encountered Phoenix, cut to Scene
To ask the kid about Garthak, the
Three, "LookingforTrouble." If they're
Storm Knights need to interrogate him.
The ganger is loyal to the Mercuries,
ready to accept the deal, cut to Scene
Six, "And the Heavens Weep ... "
The Action
Garthak's pride, and Garthak. The in·
terrogation must generate 15 or more There are three Tharkoldu techno-
demons for each Storm Knight. How-
result points, as per the Interaction
Results Table.
SCENE SIX: ever, thedemonsknow thatThratchen
is the biggest threat at the gathering.
If the Storm Knights fail to crack
him, he says:
And the Heavens Two thirds of the demons attack
"'You might as well spike me here, Weep ... Thratchen, and the other third attack
the Storm Knights, so each Storm
chips, cause I ain't turning on my Knight battles one demon.
daws. They done things to meat I
never want to scan again." The Situation Tharkoldu Techno-Demons
(three per Storm Knight)
If the Storm Knights successfully Dramatic. TheStorm Knights travel DEXTERITY 10
interrogate him, he says: to Griffith Observatory for a second Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, fire
. . . Hey, hey, hey, sweat. I'll hook meeting with Thratchen. When they combat 12, flight 15, melee wea~
you on line. Here's the biggest file I speak the words, 'Thratchen, come to 005 12 (15 defense), missile wea~
got for you. We dug up this cross, us now so we can work together," 005 12, stealth 11, unarmed combat
run? 'Cause Garthak, he says he Thratchen flies out of the surrounding 15(8)
thinks there's this thing nearby, a trees. (Remember, Thratchen has been STRENGTH 16
shard or some chip. We ripped it out keeping an eye on the Storm Knights. Lilting 18
of a fat meat's home. But Garthak. he He followed them up to the observa- TOUGHNESS 16 (21)
goes on·line when he touches it. He tory, and waits for them to speak the PERCEPTION 10
does a data scan on it. It's a shard, words just to keep everything or- Alteration magic 13, divination
whatever. Checks with some locals dered.) magic 13, find 14 (17), first aid 11,
he's got by the claw, they says it's out Read aloud or paraphrase: land vehicles 12, tracking 14, trick
of Engl~d, long time past. Big mojo. You hear a beating of wings ~d 12
Garthak's gonna give it to his 100 look up to see Thratchen floating MIND 11
Meg Darkness on Tharkold, ~d get down to you from over the dome of Apportation magic 14, conjuration
enough juice to waste the new High the observatory. He wearsa wide grin magic 14, test 15, wiUpower 15
udy." on his demonic face. When his feet CHAR1SMA9
: ':""""----------------
touch the ground he smiles and says, Persuasion 11, taunt 13
.. . ,
Torg: City of Inmon.
SPIRIT 11 madly. Even an Orrorshan vampyre planning, it's happening soon. There
Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 16, intimi- would be taken aback by the maniacal is no more time available. (If the
dation 16, reality 15 grin. Then he says: Knights accepted Thratchen's deal
Possibility Pot~ntia1: some (45) "We have a few matters to dis- back in Scene Two, you can come up
Arcane Knowledges: folk 4, entity cuss." with a reason why the Knights had to
3, inanimate forces 2, Jiving forces 2, wait until now to make the raid -
water 1, metal 1, perhaps there was additional security
Spells: bullet, fog, stealth walk Target: Katana posted at the building, or it was being
Natural Tools: teeth, damagevalue watched by members of Garthak's
STR+2/18; talons (non-eybered limb), First, Thratchen confirms that the pride.)
damage value STR+3/19; wing strike Storm Knights still have the disk he
Thratchen wishes them luck, and
(Urulrmed combat to hit; damage value gave them. U they lost it, or it was
says he'll wait for them in Compton,
STR+7/13), flight speed 10. damaged, he gives them a copy. He on the border ofGarthalc"s turf. There
Equipment Nanocord;windsniffer then runs down the following infor-
they will wait to see if the Nippon
(+3 to Perception or find skills using mation:
forces have taken the bait.
smell, noted above), balance-wires (+3 • Katana Security Systems' main of-
to skills using agility, noted in paren· fices are located on Santa Monica Bou-
theses above), interdermal plate, ar-
mor value TOU+5/21; talon, enhance
levard in Santa Monica. The offices Variables
take up the fifth and sixth floors of the
normaltalonstodamagevalueSTR+S/ Morgan Building, which is currently If the Storm Knights are defeated
21; cyberwings (+3 to push for {light, owned by Kanawa Enterprises. by the techno-demons, Thratchen can
lifting while flying)speed value 10; life disposeofthe lotofthem.lfThratchen,
cyber; 3-5lot chipholder. Cyber value: ·The data and the program on
Thratchen's disk must be loaded on- too, is being defeated, he'll attempt to
16. Res-14/ Alph lasers, damage value create a diversion and spirit the
25, ranges 3-150/400/2,000 site. The portion of the data storage
that must be affected is not on external Knights to a place of safety. At this
data lines. ThisiswhyThratchenneeds stage, it's too late for him to recruit
Ou t of the comer of their eyes, even the Storm Knights. He's not the first another party of Knights - for good
when engaged with their opposing choice for going intoa guarded facility or ill, these will have to do.
demons, the Storm Knights see some- and sneaking around (in addition to
thing quite terrible. Thratchen and the the fact that the building is a Nippon
other demons attack each other with a hardpoint). Everything must be done
fury the like of which few of the Storm without Kanawa knowing about it, or
Knights have ever seen. Read aloud or Each Storm Knight should receive
the plan won't work. three Possibilities for completing this
• As the program is designed, it will act. However, if the Storm Knights
Metal claws rend through take fifteen minutes for the informa- harmed or killed any innocents - in-
cyberflesh. All of the demons are tion on the disk to load into the Katana cluding Charlie, and the women and
possessed by an apparently uncon- computer system. The Storm Knights herson in Compton, thoseresponsible
trollable bloodlusl. They never seem might be able to make it go faster if receive no points. Also, if the woman
to stop moving. Never have you seen they have computing skills, but it's and her son were ignored by the Storm
anything so well·suited to battle, nor tricky. Knights, those who could have helped
so enjoying the act of killing. and did not also receive only two Pos-
.0£ course, the Storm Knights cannot
simply slip the disk in and leave. sibilities.
Thratchen dispatches two of his
demonseachtimeaStormKnighttakes They've got to wait around to make
sure the data loads properly, and then
one oul. If a free Storm Knight at-
eliminate any traces of their intrusion Cut To ...
tempts to help him, hespitsout, "Help
your companions, fool!IO' into the building.
Once the Knights are ready to p~
When the fight is done, Thratchen • The job must be done tonight. His ceed to the Morgan Building, cut to
will look around at the mess, grinning sources say that whatever Carthak is Act Two, "Garbage In, Garbage Out."
•• 30
Act Two
Act Two
Garbage In,
Garbage Out
The Major Beat The Action
The Storm Knights break into the This scene calls for the Knights to
offices of Katana Security to plant move quickly and quietly. If every-
Thratchen's program on the firm's thing goes well, no one will know they
computers. While there, they encoun- have been in the building orwhat they
ter a second group of industrial sabo- have done while there. If they break
teurs, and must decide whether to into the building at night, there are
work with them or risk a fight that only seven people they will have to
could wreck their entire plan. avoid, so the odds are in their favor.
This scene should not be about
things going wrong, but about things
SCENE ONE: almost going wrong. Events listed be-
low should beused to keep the tension
The Break-In level high and make them think things
are about to blow apart.
Before getting into the Katana of-
The Situation fices, the Knights must get into the
building. Here's what the Storm
Standard. The Storm Knights may Knights can learn about the building
wish to learn more about the Morgan and ways they can go about getting
Building and its security before they the information. Keep in mind that
attempt to plant the false data. What this is also your listing of the building's
they learn is, of course, determined by security measures.
how they go about investigating and There are a number of ways the
how successful they are at it. Knights can gather data about the
All of the basic information about building and Katana. It is possible that
the Morgan Building is presented in there may be floor plans of the build-
this scene. This can be given to the ing available in a city office, providing
Knights during thecourseofthis scene, they were not shredded by Nippon
and should improve their chances of agents. The Knights might also per-
success in the next two scenes. suade or bribe an exiting office worker
When they first approach the build- to give them info. Finally, Rauru Block
ing, read: connections (other than Phoenix) could
probably help the Knights.
You see a six-story building.. an They can also glean some informa-
imposing edifice of glass and steel. tion casually. For example, if they
The lower lobby is walled only by watch the building from across the
glass, supported at the edge of the street in the evening, they'll see that
building by exposed I-beams. At the the lights of the Katana offices are still
center of the lobby is a central eleva- on, and that there are people moving
torblock painted mat-black. Between about inside. This will tell them that
the front doors and the elevator is a there are people working late at night.
large desk. Two guards sit behind If the Knights are conceivably
the desk. within view of the lobby guards (across
the street from the front of the build-
/ "-
Torg: City of Demons
•• 32
Act Two
......- - .
- . ..- .... -.
........ - - .. - - - .
Roof ~=========:::::...J
·Note: Solid lines extending from cameras
indicate field of vision at anyone time.
Dotted lines indicate sweep of cameras.
to slip em ~~n evidence the building - an edeinos, for ex- If a Personal Stake is played, one of
anal IS or Perc rion total of 11. ample - the guards will immediately the Knights once saved a relative of
ere 15 no way to judge, y look- call in the Kanawa security squad. one of the guards from Yakuza. The
ing at the cameras, whether or not Otherwise, they'll give the guard five guard will bewilling to "look the other
their images are currently being minutes to report in, and then call the way."
viewed on the lobby monitors. If a security squad. If a Connection card is played, a
camera is disabled, the lobby guards Knight knows someone at Tokyo Lim-
will know about it within four rounds, ited who can be bribed into providing
and dispatch the guard on patrol to Flags details on the building's security.
investigate. If he does not report in
within five minutes, they will send for If a Mistaken Identity card is played
the security team. and there is a Nippon Knight in the Variables
If the Knights are spotted by a cam- party, one of the lobby guards will
era, they'll send the patrolling guard mistake him for a friend of Rising Sun's If the Knights were defeated by the
I to investigate. If the Storm Knight is CEO. The Knights can take advantage ninjas in Act One, or one of the ninjas
clearly someone who shouldn't be in of this confusion to gain access to the was able to escape them, Kanawa in-
building. ternal security has notified the mega-
Torg: City of Demon.
corporation's holdings in LA that the larly inspired bit of theft, a good trick, combination. (Each smagnetic
Knights are about and causing trouble. or a bit of magic can obtain one of strip actually tains several e1ec·
Descriptions of the Knights will have those. Opening a door with an IOcard \ronic co nations, and can get
been faxed to the guards in the Mor- is asimp!eadion-opening an 10 lock ~ugh nydoo.y
gan Building. and they will immedi- without a card requires the use of Ora· C Conv~ the lock that the
ately recognize the Knights (particu- matic Skill Resolution. Pf' rcombtnation has been entered,
larly any unusual-looking ones) if they Play up the tension when the ahd it should swin 0 n.
spot them. Knights are attempting this. There is
always the chance someone will come The Katana Offices
along and see them while they are
Hitting the Target . 0 a 1 _ When the Knights reach the floors
picking" an ID lock which house Katana Securities, they
Every employee of one of the three requ steps A, B, and C. All three can begin searching for the computer
companies in the Morgan Building r ire a science or scoo e «tronics) room. Here are brief descriptions of
owns a photo identity card with a tatalof lOora Mi I of 13. Each of some of the other sections:
magnetic strip, used to unlock doors. thestopsrep tsaccomplishin
The IDs open those doors specifically correspondi task: Executive Offices
stated on the map to have an 10 lock, A- ting the s alann sys-
as well as accessing the elevators. All tem. The"Stonn .ghts cannot pro- Theseroomscontainlargewooden
guestsaregivenguest IDs, which open ceed with the sk until this is done. If desks. book shelves, and two guest
only the elevator doors. The recep- the lock is tampered with while the chairs. Most also sport a computer
tionist must buzz in any guests at the alarm system is still intact, a red light station, but these cannot be used to
company's main doors. goes on at the front des ving the input the false data into the main banks.
The Knights can obtain an to card guards the location 0 break·in. If Note that a Katana staff member is
by stealing one from an exiting em- the lock is simply troyed, the same present in oneof the offices at the start
ployee. Guests IDs are kept in the se- thing happens. of this scene.
curity desk in the lobby, so a particu· B - DiscoVering the lock's unique
•• 34
Act Two
Work Stations by diversions created by the Storm They will begin on the first floor and
Knights, or by you, to create addi- work their way up. It will take them 10
These stations are where most of the tional tension in the scene. minutes to reach the fifth floor.
employees work. There is a terminal at If the Storm Knights are wandering
each station, but they cannot be used to around the offices, they might enter an
input the falsedata into the main banks. area with a Katana employee in it. Event
Note that two employees are at work Depending on the circumstances.. they
here at the start of this scene. can either quickly hide, or talk their Feel free to inject as much suspense
way out of the situation. into this scene as you wish, using the
Office Supply Closet No one on the Katana staff will events below and those you come up
actively look for intruders, so do not with yourself. Get a feel for how your
This closet is filled with office sup- make random rolls to see if they notice players are enjoying themselves - if
plies: paper, printer toners, staples, suspicious behavior on the part of the they're having a great time sneaking
and other odds and ends. There is Storm Knights. The staff is here for around the building. keep going. If it
nothing of use to the Knights in here, you to use at your whim. looks like they've gotten as much en~
but it is large enough for two people to If the Knights gained. entrance in joyment as they can out of this scene,
hide in it.. if necessary. disguise (as electricians or telephone let them reach the computer room
repairmen, say).. an employee may ask without further incident and cut to
Cleaning Supply Closet them to perform such a task ("As long Scene Two.
as you're here, could you fix this?") If the Storm Knights are about to
Thisclosetcontains buckets and mops This could create problems for an use the elevator when they aren't sup-
and other janitorialsupplies. It alsocon~ Ayslish Storm Knight who hasn't the posed. to be in the building, they might
tainstwomaintenanceworkeruniforms slightest notion what a phone is, let see that the elevator has stopped one
the Knights could don, and is large alone how to fix one. floor up (or down). Someone has got-
enough for one person to hide in. ten onto the elevator is heading to-
Katana Employees (4) ward them.
Conference Rooms DEXTERITYS If the Storm Knights are working
STRENGTHS on the 10 lock outside the elevator
These rooms contain large tables TOUGHNESS 7 bank they could hear the elevator en-
surrounded. by eight chairs. An easel PERCEPTION 9 gines in the elevator shaft begin to
with colored markers stands at one Evidence analysis 12, find 10, lan- grind, and know an elevator is mov-
end ofthe room. Note that a staffmem- guage (English) 10, trick 10 ing up or down toward them. Will it
ber is present in one of these rooms at MIND 9 stop at their floor?
the start of the scene. Science(computers) t 2, science(sta- While lurking about, the Storm
tistical analysis 12) Knights may heartwoemployees talk~
Spiral Staircase CHARISMAS ing from a distance, getting closer and
Persuasion 9 closer. At one point.. one of the em-
This staircase connects the fifth and SPIRIT 7 ployees calls out, "Hello?" and gets up
sixth floors and leads to the fire exit on Possibility Potential: none from his work station to investigate a
the roof. The door to the roof is kept Equipment: Zamftech Monolith noise. He might even add.. "Who's
locked, due to fears ofpossible break-in. computer there?" Then another employee might
come out from his work station and
The Computer Room Avoiding the Guards ask, "What is it?"
"I thought I heard something."
This chamber has reinforced glass The primary purpose of the guards, "What?"
walls (Toughness 21) and its door bears like the employees, is to give the Storm "Nothing, I guess."
an ID lock. It is kept cooler than the Knights people to avoid. The patrol~ During this time the Storm Knights
other rooms. Computer banks and file ling night guard should pass by the should be waiting, their breathing
cabinets line the walls.. so it is dUficult Storm Knights once every ten to thirty down to almost nothing. waiting to
to see movement within. minutes of game time. There should see if the employees will come closer.
When the Storm Knights reach the be at least one close call where the They probably won't, but let the em-
computer room, cut to Scene Two, guard thinks he hears something and ployees take a few steps toward wher-
"Check and Mate." comes searching for the Storm Knights. ever the Storm Knights are hiding.
He eventually gives up if the Storm The whole while they'll be saying
Skeleton Crew Knights maneuver themselves care- things like, ...Are you sure you heard
fully enough. something?" and "Maybe we should
At night there are four people on Ifthe Kanawa security squad is sum- call the guards .....
duty in the Katana offices. The start~ moned, the guards will seal off the
ing positions of these four people are
lobby doors, and the squad will begin
marked. on map. They can be moved a floor-by-floor search of the building.
Torg; CII)' of DrmolUl
(2) (2)
8{] @ ®
0 @
............... 8
CD 8
1 .
(2) (2)
•• 36
Act Two
There is every chance the Knights
will be spotted and tagged as intrud-
ers before they can get to the computer
room. U they can quietly subdue the
person. the mission can still be sal-
vince the inconvenient visitor that he
never saw the Knights. It's also p0s-
sible that the Knightscould steal some-
thing from the computer room, mak·
ing the whole operation look like a
standard theft.
If the Knights are spotted and de-
feated, either by the lobby guards or
the Kanawa security squad, they will
be brought to the lobby. While someof
the Kanawa guards search the build-
ing for other intruders, the Knights
will be held under guard until addi·
tional security forces arrive to take
them into custody. They will be taken
by hovercraft to the Kanawa Enter-
prises building, where they wiD be
held for questioning by MaJ5ec. The
Knights will have to make theirescape
to have any chance of succeeding at
their mission.
The Kanawa eight-man squad will
remain at the Morgan Building as ex·
trasecurity, making the Knights' job a
little tougher. But ifnoone hasdiscov·
ered their true purpose in breaking in.
they still have a chance to carry out
Thratchen's instructions.
Torg: Oty of Demont
City of Demons
Prop #1
•• 38
Act Two
ready figured out the Storm Knights 14, find 14,firstaid 14,land vehicles way she does. She'll try 10 force the
are lhieves. (She's wrong about the 14, trick 15 Storm Knights to be reasonable with
specifics, of course. TheStonn Knights MIND 13 logic, and then, if this approach fails,
aren't here to steal anything.) She's Science (computers) 16, test 14 she'll try lokilJ them as quickly and as
willing to cut a deal with them rather CHARISMA 11 quietly as possible.
than risk discovery by the Katana Charm 12, persuasion 13
guards - a discovery that would in- SPlRlTll Asuga Agents (5)
evitably take place if the two sides Intimidation 12, reality 14 DEXTERITY 11
fought. Possibilities: 5 Acrobatics 12, dodge 12, energy
U no fight breaks out between the Equipment: hand laser, damage weapons 12, maneuver 13, martial
Knights and the Asuga agents, or it is value 17, ammo 20, range 3-30/100/ arts 12 (Red Lotus - minor disci-
stopped before a disturbance is cre- 200; night vision goggles (+2 tofind or plines) melee weapons 13, stealth
ated, cut to "Talking It Out." U a fight Perception in darkness); retina pattern 12, unarmed combat 12
should take place, cut to 'War With recorder; Niyoki camouflage suil; STRENGTH 11
No Winners." Sorobu gloves and boots; electronic Climbing 13
safecracker; Allied microcamera TOUGHNESS 10
Mariko Description: Mariko is a loyal and PERCEPTION 11
DEXTERITY 12 dedicated Asuga agent. She is lithe Trick 12
Acrobatics 13, dodge 14, energy and attractive, and her major strength MIND 10
weapons 13, maneuver 13, martial is pragmatism - she will do what Science(computers)12, willpower12
arts 14 (Red Lotus - minor and needs to be done 10 complete a job CHARISMA 7
major disciplines), melee weapons successfully. Persuasion 9
13, stealth 15, unarmed combat 15 While working. Mariko is all busi- SPIRIT 8
STRENCTHll ness. If the Storm Knights refuse to Intimidation 10, reality 10
Climbing 13 cooperale with her, she will at first Possibilities: 3
TOUGHNESS 11 become quite annoyed. One of her Equipment: hand lasers, damage
PERCEPTION 13 shortcomings is that she doesn't un- value 17, ammo 10, range 3-30/100/
Air vehicles 14, evidence analysis derstand why people can't think the 200 thrOWing stars (5), damage value
Tors: City of Demon.
STR+3/14, range3-5/10/15; night vi- tained is dependent upon the type of ested in iL They may not yet recog.
sion goggles (+2 to find or Pm:eption in success attained by the Knights. nize ils value, and we would like to
darkness); Niyoki camouflage suit; Read aloud or paraphrase: keep it that way."
Sorubu gloves and boots; Allied ....1 tde it we are both here for the Mariko will not explain why Asuga
microcamera; nylon rope same purpose? We are employed by a is working against a Kanawa.-owned
rival mega-eorporation to steal data corporation. (In truth, she doesn't
from the Katana crime files." know. 7414, the CEO of that mega-
Talking It Out corporation, wishes to undermine
This is far as Mariko wants to go.
If violence is prevented, either be- TheStormKnightsshouldnowbeable 3327's financial ventures and win for
cause the Knights have enough sense to see that the Asuga agents and they himselfa place on the Triad. Hisagents
not to attack or through Mariko's in· are not in competition, she feels, and have been instructed to keep theireyes
tervention, the two groups have an should be willing to work together. open for any way to accomplish this.)
opportunity to negotiate a temporary If theStorm Knights press her, how· If the Storm Knights get a yes result
alliance. Mariko speaks for her group, ever, she will tell them more. She on a peTSUJlSion attempt, Manko will
and tries to keep as much information would rather give them information tell them:
to herself as she can. However, for the and win their cooperation than risk a ....We believe some gangers out of
purposes of the negotiations, she will fight that could result in the capture of Compton got hold of an eternity
let slip some things the Knights might her group by Kanawa security forces. shard. They probably don't even
wish to know. If the Storm Knights get a negotiated know what it is."
Here's what Mariko will say, be- agreement result on a peTSUJJs;on at·
ginning with that which she will freely tempt. Mariko will add the following: If the Storm Knights get a vow re-
offer the Knights and ending with in- ....We are employees of Asuga sult on a peTSUJJsion attempt, Mariko
formation she wiU only exchange for Hovercr.lft,. a large firm on Market- will go on to explain:
equivalent data from the Knights. The place. For reasons of its own., our -me artifact was stolen from a
Knights can attempt to chann and pu- company wishes us 10 obtain infor- collector of religious art. It is a cross,
suatk Manko to part with the informa· mation from Katana's computers. a small Christian cross, forged in
tion - if they have taken no hostile Asuga would pay for the data we Great Britain in the 5th century. The
action toward her or her group, she is seek, but we don't want Katana, and cross reportedly belonged to a Brit-
neutral toward them. Information ob- thus Kanawa, to know we are inter- ish monk known as Pelagius. H
1- ""-
much as they want to state, they can
attempt to reach an agreement. Mariko
rfj NJ!'l'otl
~ If is willing to accept an offer ofcoopera·
tion between the two groups until they
are safely out of the building. Any
~ ---...., .
other deal will require successful per-
SUJlSio,. or intimidation attempts on the
--", part of the Knights.
The Storm Knights mayor may not
have played out scenarios involving
NipponTech in-fighting. ButonaMind
total of 8, they remember hearing ru-
•• 40
Act Two
embolden its competitors, like Asuga, Electronic Peeking for their duplicity.
to strike at it. With or without the Asuga agents,
Good: Asuga Hovercraft is the par- While they are sitting at their termi- the Storm Knights can get out when
ent company of Minase Security and nal. working away, clever and sneaky their work is done (most likely the
World Perfect. These two companies Storm Knights might want to hack their way they came, orvia the roaO.If they
have opened up shop in Los Angeles, way into the work of the Asuga agents. want to try to digJnto th~mR.1.!.ter's
and would obviously be interested in Doing this will either augment informa- fi a genera~archt1 ey discover
keeping tabs on the criminal and de- tion they acquired from Mariko, or give hat they n~science or scholar (com·
monic activity in Los Angeles. them the full dirt if Marikosaid nothing ter.l...rolls of 16 orJ;ze.tteL-A-faihlre
Superior: Like most of the Nippon a~uther~n. will u~use an alarm to
Tech citizens, employees of Asuga ----ra-pplng into the Asuga g~ sound. Thrat'Chen's computer pro-
Hovercraft are probably willing to work without being detected requires grams did a lot of the hacking for
make a deal when it suits their needs. a science or scholar (computers) total of them.
Spectacular: Gossip in Nippon states 15 or better. If the et the total el
that 7414, Asuga's CEO, covets a seat em een full of text appears on
on Marketplace's Triad. He may wish their monitor, and hand them a copy Flags
to financiaUyruin Ursan/Kanawaand of Prop #1.
claim 3327's spot. He is believed to be If the Storm Knights fail the roll, the If the hero setback occurs during this
unaware of the true nature of the mael· information comes up on their scene, a guard shows up after hearing
strom technology and the true power terminal's screen, but the Asuga agents suspicious noises. He might not find
of his rival. are alerted to the intrusion. It will take anyone, but he'll send members of both
them three rounds to suspect the Storm groups scrambling for hiding places.
Knights. During that time they will If a Romance card is played, Mariko
War With No Winners assume that someone else in the build- becomes attracted to one of the male
ingis trying tostopthem with counter- Knights, and will try to convince him
[f everybody loses it and a fight hacking tactics. After that, one of the to join the Asuga team.
breaks out, either at the moment of the Asuga agents becomes suspicious and
encounter or during the negotiations, wants to check the screen the Storm
Mariko tries to calm both groups. If Knights are working at. In this case, Variables
this fails, she'll join the fray. give the Storm Knights the prop to
If the fight lasts for more than three look at, but only for 15 seconds or so. If a fight breaks out, the Knights
rounds, the guards hear the noise (cer- If they want to look at it longer, they have to finish their operation fast. The
tainly the employees do) and security must stall the Asuga agents. If they loading time of Thratchen's program
back-up is immediately called. Things delete the text from the screen, take can be cut to five minutes with a sci-
get worse from here on, for the Storm the prop back. ence or scholar (computers) total of 20.
Knights will only have 10 minutes to If the Asuga agents spot the text on To divert suspicion from their true
dispatch the Asugaagents,accomptish the screen, Mariko calms everyone goal, they might steal some data from
their mission, and get out before the down, smiles at the Storm Knights, the Katana computers, making it look
security squad arrives. See "Variables," and compliments them on their clev- like the Asuga group came in, stole
below. erness. She tells her people that it will data, and then had an internal conflict.
not harm their mission for the Storm (Maybe it will work. You'll have to
Knights to see the file. judge, depending on the plan the Storm
The Computer Room Knightscomeupwith. All inall, work-
ing with the Asuga team is thedeanest
Once the ID lock on the door is Getting Out way to get everything done.)
bypassed (see "Hitting the Target,"
above) the Knights (and the Asuga If the Asuga group does not catch
agents, if a deal has been struck) need the Storm Knights tapping into their Awards
only do their business. There are sev- file, Mariko and her team leave with
eral terminals in the room, and both the Knights. Award each player character three
groups can do their dirty work simul- If they do catch the Storm Knights Possibilities for successfully complet~
taneously. messing around with their files, ing this act.
The Storm Knights' program will Mariko pulls her people out as soon as
work fine when loaded into the they are done (about five minutes). If
puter. a a IS,a torm Ig tneeds the Storm Knights object to this, Mariko Cut To
to generate a science or scholar (comput· points out that she is done, while the
us) total of 12 or better. Each attempt Storm Knights are still waiting for their When the Knights are safely out of
to access the computer's files so the) work to finish. She then leaves. As the Morgan Building, and ready to
p ra n load requires five ~ soon as she is out of the building, she rendezvous with Thratchen in
utes. As Thratc ,e-pro-- phones the guards and tells them about Compton, cut to Act Three, "The
gram needs fifteen minutes to load. the Storm Knights, seeking revenge Gauntlet."
~. 41
Torg: City of Demons
Act Three
The Gauntlet
The Major Beat you see that the red flashes of light
are the power jets of Kanawa armored
The Storm Knights arrive in battlesuits. Nearly a thousand points
Compton, and find they must clear a of light fill the sky and begin their
path through the massive battle waged decent upon the area before you.
by Kanawa armored warriors and Already you see Tharkoldu taking
Garthalc's demon pride. The entire to the skies and meeting the armored
eight by eight block area is a war zone, warriors. They cut bullf't spells at
and the Storm Knights will have to the Nippon Tech warriors. The
make their way carefully through the Kanawa warriors return fire with la-
neighborhood,avoidingcrossfiresand sers built into their battlesuits. Some
enemy pursuit. of the warriors stay in the air, while
If they take too long getting to hundreds more fly down to street
Garthak's stronghold, Thratchen will level. Explosions rip through the
be in control of the situation, close to buildings beyond your line of sight.
ruling the pride and owning the eter· The battle is begun.
oity shard. "Well," says Thratchen, looking
beyond you, licking his lips. "Shall
we begin our race to determine
SCENE ONE: Garthak's fater
. ·....·":":42:--------------------~
Torg: City of IRmoM
~ : 1 2 ro 11 12 13 14 ~ 16 17 18 ~ ~ 21
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 ~ ~
, , ,.. ! , , !. :
N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
····t····':"····':'····.j.····.:.····¥····.j.····.:.····.:.····.:.····v .:. .:. .:. ~ + ~ .:.
:. .:. + ~ .:. .;. .:. .(. ~ .;. .:.._.. ~
[> 12 '" '
[>13 ' . . . . . . 'ii' ..:
~:: ['1!!·I··+·:+::;···:L+·t·i++I·~·!+T++i:+"i+:·l::
~. ....~ ....~ ..._ : ··f.'· .... ~ ~
[> 18 ~ .j. .1..._.: "'. . v... .~_ .. .1 .;. roo' .1 18
~: [ji.rf.ninl.:inlnin:: • . . in:n'n' . i..• :-.L··ln'•• • i i i.:,.. . L.:: L...
[>27""""""'" " ' "L
.j~ "'27
[> 29~.
[>isi . , ' . . " ' i ' · i
"lriI".. L l. i....
.;. . ,. .
~ ~....
, 'i,.
,.i 29
~ 30 L. _._ . _ .;. : ~ .L , _.L , _ J.. ~_._ 1 .L L - ; , , _~ i 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Torg: City of D~mon.
•• 46
Act l"hn<
.... -------------------_._.
For the advantages of flight in this tion for him.
situation, cut to "Seeking the Strong- they'll be neutral.)
~. 47
Torg: City of ~l1tons
PacqJtion totals. On an B, the Knights The Knights need only remove the totals of 10 to recall whether a particu-
will see a small glowing map ona box gauntlet and take it with them to have lar square had some sort of combat
attached to the battlesuit's wrist. access to the battlecomputer. It will going on within it. Otherwise, they
Examination will reveal more. A continue to display information even will have to work from memory until
scinJct or scholar (computm) total of B when separated from the rest of the three moves have passed, at which
allows a character to figure out the suit. (The Knights can, of course, take time they'll get another look at the
device's purpose (as described in the the entire battlesuit, but it will not screen.
sidebar). A total of 12 or more gives work for them, being attuned to the See 'The Battle Screens" above for
the above information, along with the original wearer's brainwaves.) the order in which todrawthescreens.
reason that the device only works in- When the Storm Knights have the
termittently. A separatesdenuorcom- computer, show them the current
puter (scholar) total of 12 lets the Storm Battlecomputer Screen every three Moving Through
Knights manipulate the device. Re- rounds. Hold it out foreveryone to see
member, however, that the battlecom- and count to five. At the end of the the Turf
puter only gives information once ev- count, pull the screen back out of their
Most of the bUildings on the Player's
ery three rounds. sight. Characters can generate Mind
Map are apartment buildings. The
......., .,."...-------------------
original human inhabitants of the
Act Three
City of Demons
Battle Computer Screen #2
+···1····· • LIGHT
....... F""'F-.. ....;
··t ····t··· '
; ;
...--!-... !
buildings were killed by the demons, since that time ... Well, rememberthat I
or fled. thedemons several months ago the Tharkoldu work and play rough,
when Garthak and his pride settled and then keep in mind 2000 techno-
the area. On occasion, you might want demons lived in the area for the last
to vary the architecture a bit. Besides month. Walls are knocked down, roofs
apartment buildings, a structure the caved in, windows shattered, doors
Storm Knights enter might be: tom off the hinges. The walls, interior /" 0-5 No?~
A church; apartment buildings with and exterior,aresplattered with blood 6-~O.;gn'
storefronts on the first floor wherethedemons have "played" with 11-15 Medium
(laundromat, pizza place, bar, unem- their prey.Theremainsofpeople, some 19, Heavy
ployment agency); grocery store; diner; fresh, some rotted, litter the streets. Target is completely
restaurant; fast-food place; auto re- Cars are flipped over, huge blocks of lost from view
pair garage; gas station; post office; a concrete, knocked down from build-
police station; a fire house. ings, stand in the middle of the road.
The entire area was in bad shape Use all of these details to give the
before the Tharkoldu took over, and players the feel of the battlefield.
. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·49
Torg: Cily 01 O~molU
City of Demons
Battle Computer Screen #3
•• 50
Act J hree
doesn't matter if the opponent(s) is dition, a Knight who successfully es· try to retreat when he realizes he's
engaged with someone else, or dis- capes an encounter amasses only half outnumbered.
tracted inotherways. The roll is needed the number of points he would nor·
to successful duck out of the fight in mally have received for the incident. If Kanawa BattJesuit Warrior
such a way that the opponent(s) can all of the Storm Knights can escape DEXTERITY 10
no longer see the Storm Knight. from a fight in the first round of rom· Dodge II, energy weapons 14, fire
If the Storm Knight fails the roll, bat, the encounter does not count to- combat 12, flight 15, melee weap-
there is nothing lost but his action for ward their total. ons 12, unarmed combat 12 (4)
that round. However, he can be at- Successfullyescapinganencounter STRENGTH 10 (15)
tacked by foes that tum. using sfetllth counts as a maneuver on TOUGHNESS 11 (21l
If he succeeds, he isstill in thesquare the Approved Action line. PERCEPTION 10
on the map where the fight began, but Fmd 11 (3), tracking 11 (3)
he is safe from the combat. If a Storm Light Encounters MIND 12
Knight escapes a combat, he may Test 13, willpower 14
choose to later return to the fight to -One Kanawa Battlesuit Squad CHARISMA 9
help his fellow Storm Knights. In ad· Leader: The warrior will take a few SPIRIT 11
shots at the Storm Knights, and then Intimidation 14
~. 51
Torg: City of Demons
Additional Skills: one at +2 adds • One TharkoJdu techno-demon: The land vehicles 12, tracking 14, trick 12
Possibility Potential: some (SO) Tharkoldu is ina battle frenzy and will MIND 11
Equipment: Samurai 68-0 attack until killed. Apportation magic 14, conjuration
Battlesuit, armor value TOU+I0/21; magic 14, test 15, willpower 15
defense modulator (+2 to U11Jlrma com- Tharkoldu Techno-Demon CHARlSMA9
bat active defense); power boosters, DEXTERITY 10 Persuasion 11, taunt 13
STR+5; sensor package, +2 to find and Dodge 14, energy weapons 14, fire SPIRIT 11
tracking skills; Sansu SOOK lasers, dam- combat 12, flight 15, melee weap- Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 16. intimi-
age value 23, ammo 40, range 3-150/ ons 12 (15 defense), missile weap- dation 16
300/1200; Katana 6800 battlecomputer ons 12,stealth II, unarmed combat Additional Skills: one at +2 adds
(squad leaders only); Flight speed 15 (18) Possibility Potential: some (45)
value 9. STRENGTH 16 Arcane Knowledges: folk 4, entity
Desai plion: All Samurai 68- Os are Lifting 18 3, inanimate forces 2, living forces 2,
linked tothe brainwaves of their wear- TOUGHNESS 16 (21) water 1, metal 1,
ers, and so cannot beoperated by any- PERCEPTION 10 Spells: buIld, fog, stmlth walk
one else. Alteration magic 13, divination NatunlTools:teeth,damagevalue
magic 13, find 14 (17), first aid II, STR+2/18; talons (non<ybered limb),
City of Demons
Battle Computer Screen #6
[> Ir.±:!::t
[> 1 I
[> .~mm~h
damage value SfR+3/19; wing strike until only fiveof their number are left. Faith (Tharkoldu Evil) 10. intimi-
(ummned combat to hit; damage value Mercuries (10) dation 10
5TR+7/23), flight speed 10. DEXTER1TY8 Possibilities: none
Equipment: Nanocord; windsniffer Equipment: Nanocord; SlaveChip; 10. energy weapons 9. fire
(+3 to Perception or find skills using combat 10, melee weapons9, stealth darksight; talons, damage value
smell, noted above), balance-wires (+3 STR+2/11; Cyber value: 6. 9/Gam
10. unanned combat 10
to skills using agility, noted in paren- automatic pistol, damage value 15.
theses above), interdermaJ. plate. ar- ammo 9, range 3-10/20/30
Climbing 10
mor value TOU+s/21; talon, enhance -One Bloater: A Storm Knight is am-
normaltalonstodamagevalueSTR+sl bushed by a bloater.
21; cyberwings (+3 to push for flight.
Find 10, land vehicles 9. tracking
lifting while flying) speed value 10; life 10, trick 9 Bloater
cyber; 3-5lot chipholder. Cyber value: MIND 9 DEXTERITY 12
16. Res-141 Alph lasers, damage value Test 10. willpower 10 Acrobatics 14,longjump-
25, ranges 3-150/400/2,000 CHARISMA 8 ing 18, maneuver 14. stealth 20,
-10 Mercuries Gangers: The gangers Charm 9, persuasion 9. taunt 11 swimming 12, unarmed combat 17
attack and pursue the Storm Knights SPIRIT 8 STRENGTH 12
...... 53
Torg; City of Demon.
. .·...·"':'54':""""-------------------- ~
Act Three
Torg: City of Dernons
Possibility Potential: some (45) Heavy Encounters tearing his armor off like so much tin
Natural Tools: shadowfangs,dam- foil, and ripping the man inside apart.
age value STR+4/18; claws, damage -A group of Kanawa Sattlesuit War-
value STR+3/17; shadowfangs and riors equal to the Siorm Knights. The
claws are insubstantial until they con- warriors fight until they have lost half Keeping Track of the
tact flesh-ignore target's annor adds, their number.
unless armor is made of magical light. -A group of Tharkoldu techno-de-
Darkthought venom, duration one mons equal to the Storm Knighls. The outcome of the race with
minute or until dispeUed; nightshroud The demons are in a battle frenzy and Thratchen to Garthak's fortress is de-
armor, value TOU+15/26 (effective will attack until killed.
against everything but enchanted light termined by how many fights the
attacks); wings, speed value 12 -A group of Kanawa Annored War- Storm Knights get involved with. The
riors equal to one and a half times the encounters score as follows:
Description: Darkfangs are shad-
owy creatures that are made of magi- Storm Knights. The Warriors fight Ught Encounter: +1
cal darkness. They can assume two until they have lost half their number.
Medium Encounter: +2
shapes: in their travel shape, they re- -A group of Kanawa Armored War-
semble jet-black manta rays (three riors equal to one and a half times the Heavy Encounter. +3
meters long),and in their attack shape, Storm Knights. The Warriors fight Keep a running tolal of the encoun-
they look like shark·toothed, tion- until they have lost half their number. ters. This determines the starting situ-
clawed ogres. In their travel shape, - A group of Tharkoldu techno-de- ation in the final scene of this adven-
they can fly, but not attack. In their mons equal to one and a half times ture.
ogre shape, they are confined to the Storm Knights. Thedemons are in
ground movement. a batlle frenzy and will attack until
In addition to tooth and claw, killed. Flags
darkfangs can use alteration magic to
animate shadows and cause them to - 20 Heavy Sanger Mercuries gang- If the Suspicion or Mistaken Identity
hold their victims. Difficulty number ers. The gangers all attack until killed. card is played, and the Storm Knights
is the opponent's willpower, and teth- encounter Mercuries slavegangers,
ers havea Toughnessof 12. Strength can Non·Combat Encounters they (of course) mistake the player
be used to damage the tethers, but character for the "Chip who magged
they must suffer a mortal wound be- U the Knights should have an en- RAM!" and try to kill him.lfthisStonn
foretheycoUapse. Durationof theteth- counter in a square where no combat Knight tries to escape Ihe slave gang-
ers is one hour. is currently taking place, one of the ers, the gangers get a +3 10 theirfind or
A successfulunarmal combat allows following may occur: tracking value when following him.
the darkfang to inject the victim with - the Knights see Kanawa warriors (They really want him dead.)
darkthought venom, which attacks the engaged in a fighl with Mercuries If the Nemesis card was played dur-
{Qith or Spirit. The duration of gangers just down an alley they are ing the fight with the Mercuries in Ad
darkthought venom attacks is six passing; One, the Mercuries ganger who es-
rounds or until dispelled. Read the caped comes back now and tries to
-a demon drops from the sky, killed
results on the intimidation column of waste the Storm Knight.
by Kanawa warrior in aerial combat.
the Interaction Table. If the Ideo card is played, and the
The demon's body falls and crushes a
If the victim is unskilled, she loses all Knights have the battlecomputer, one
car the Storm Knights are hiding be-
faith and focus adds (if any), in addi· ofthem figures out that the battle seems
tion to being unskilled. U the target is to be swirling around one building in
stymied, she experiences nightmare - the Knights see a squad of Kanawa the center of the area.
visions which prevent her from taking warriors rushing down the street to
any action (willpoulU or Mind of 26 to help comrades in trouble;
dispel). U the target is !>dback, evil vi· -the Knights see a Kanawa warrior Variables
sions drive her to attack her allies (will- zipping down the street, pursued by a
pouIU or Mind of 26 to dispel). half dozen Tharkoldu, flapping their The Knights may decide to simply
Darkfangs can also create illusory wings wildly; follow Thratchen. If they do so, peri-
members of theirspecies from the dark- odically generate find totals for him.
-a building down the street coUapses; Once he knows the Knightsarebehind
ness. None of the illusion's attributes
or values can exceed that of a real -the Knights see the flash of laser fire him, he will try to lose them. He will
darkfang. nor can they exceed thecon- from the upper stories of apartment not turn and attack them, as they may
juration magic total that generated building as the Kanawa warriors clear still be of use to him in distracting
them. IUusions last for an hour or until out the demon hiding spots; Garthak.
the target generates a willpower or Mind U the Knights attack Thratchen, he
-the Knights see a group of demons will try to escape them and find the
total of 15. clawing at a fallen Kanawa warrior,
stronghold. He has no lime to waste
battling Knights.
~'.'o-::-::------------------------------- ..-.....~
Act Three
1. Tunnel entrance
2. Ghuls' lair
3. Tunnel exit
Cut To ... SCENE TWO: daws are sealed with thick sheets of
steel and the walls are layered with
When the Stann Knights are in any Storming the armor. The Kanawa warriors fire their
powerful lasers against the walls, but
of the squares in the center building
surrounded. by Heavy Combat Mark- Stronghold their weapons have little effect.
ings on Battlecomputer Screen #6 Several stray laser shots blast the
(squares 13, 17; 13, 18; 14, 17; and 14, ground near you. You have to gel in
18) they have found Garthak's strong- The Situation quickly, if only to avoid the melee
around you.
hold. At that time the encounters from
the previous scene are finished, and Standard. When the Storm Knights
it's time to cut to Scene Two, "Stonn- have reached the outside of Garthak's
ing the Stronghold." stronghold, read aloud or paraphrase: The Action
Around you swirls the fiercest The Storm Knights have reached.
portion of the battle you've seen thus their goal, and now must search for a
far. It's clear that the demons are stmg- way inside. The armor covering the
gling to defend the abandoned fac- walls and windows has been magi-
tory that stands before you. Its win- cally reinforced, and has a TDughness
of 40. The metal tear extends only two The hmnel is narrow enough that
There are two possible means of feet above the battlesuit. and is only anyone entering it must crawl. After
entrance: threeinches wide. However. theStorm seven meters, the tunnel opens upinto
Knights could move the ruined a small chamber, about 6.5 meters long,
The Tear in the Wan battlesuit out of the way and then seven meters wide, and three meters
force the crack open more. Moving the high. The room and the hmnel are
Have each of the Knights generate battlesuit requires a Strength total of com letel dar. r Percq I
a find or Perception roll. A total of 12 12. Widening the crack requires a al 0 13 ights at
allows them to spot a crack in the Strength total of 17. Up to four Storm there is an r small elan the
metal of the outer wall, where a Knights maycoordinateon these tasks othe[...&i e of the mber, for faint
Kanawa warrior had crashed into it at (coordination difficulty of 9). ightcanbeseenco 'n frombe ond
full speed. The battlesuit is mixed in If the Storm Knights manage to en·
with other debris at the base of the ter the building this way, cut to Scene A 17 shows the Knights that inside
wall, which is why no else has noticed Tluee. thechamberarethreeghuls, aU former
the breach. ippon agents who were raised from
The Hole in the Ground the dead through the useof Relictin v.
All of them had proven troublesome
U the Storm Knights fail to see the to Garthak at one point, and he felt
Confrontation Table breach, or are unable to move the suit resurrecting them to serve him a fit-
and force the tear open, they can ex- ting punishment.
amine more of the exterior ofthe build- Thecreatures wait for the first Storm
Encounter Confrontation
ing for an entrance. Find or Perception Knight to enter the chamber, and then
Pis. totals of 7 reveal a hole in the base of attack. If the Storm Knights have a
0-3 Confrontation A the building large enough for an light with them, then the ghuls press
4-8 Confrontation B edeinos to crawl through. The hole is themselves against the wall so as not
9+ Confrontation C tunnel-like and seems to lead beneath to be seen as the Storm Knight ap-
the building. proaches (find or Perception of 15 to
•• 58
Act TIm<
Torg: City of Demon.
•• 60
Act Threo
Tapping Difficulty: 18 TheStorm Knights can react as they wound. Assume that Garthak uses one
Purpose: To keep alive freedom of wish. Thratchen will bash on Garthak of his Possibilities each round of com-
choice; to remind people that though until Garthak finally submits. This is bat to stave off damage from
there are guidelines for life, nothing his primary objective. Thratchen is not Thratchen.
can replace a man or woman's ulti- trying to kill Garthak, but he has to hit Garthak's assistants will attack
mate responsibility for his or her own him hard enough for Garthak to think Thratchen, thinking him a greater dan-
actions. he might die. Garthak will submit ger than the Storm Knights. Thratchen
Powers: Anyone who comes in con- when his wounds reach mortal status. pays them little heed, but kills one of
tact with the cross is freed from any Rather than have you generate to- them in the tenth round he's involved
magical or technological enslave- tals for Thratchen's fight against in the combat. If Garthak realizes the
ments. A person can still choose to Garthak, use the following guidelines: Storm Knightsare going for the shard,
follow his or her former master, but it On the fourth, eighth, and twelfth hecommandshishelperstostopthem.
is his or her choice. rounds of combat Garthak takes a The Storm Knights might wish to
Usomeone enslaved by technology wound from Thratchen. Thus, by the attack Garthak as well, to prevent him
or magic is touched by the cross, the 12th round, Garthak has a mortal from submitting to Thratchen. Apply
person generates a Spirit total. U the
total exceeds 16, the person is free.
Group Power: Shift Possibility
Resbidion~ The cross' Possibili-
ties may be used to augment Spirit
skills only. Users must have at least
one add in faith.
Confrontation B
Read aloud or paraphrase:
You stand in a dark corridor. Fresh
pools of blood on the ground. You
look up ~d see human bodies on
me.. t hooks, swinging slightly on
thick.. metal chains. You see light
down the corridor and hear the deep
growls of Tharkoldu voices.
Torg~ City of Of-mOnt
Knights successfully retreat. Once the
neighborho<Xl, theysee the same sight
....-62.~------------------- -w-v
Act Three
Adventure Awards
For successful completion of this
adventure, each player character re-
ceives seven Possibilities. Success is
defined as keeping Garthak from hav-
ing the means to lead an attack against
]ezrael. If this was accomplished by
letting the Demon Lord submit to
Thratchen, the Knights receive no ad-
ditional Possibilities. If the Knights
defeated Garthak and prevented him
from submitting, they receive two ad-
ditional Possibilities.
If the Knights killed Thratchen (un-
likely, but always possible) they re-
as above, and again, the adventure is will have other opportunities. I wish ceive an additional three Possibilities.
over. you good fortune in your efforts to If the Knights acquired the eternity
If the Knights managed to prevent escape this hell you helped create." shard, they receive one additional Pos-
Thratchen from winning the submis- With that, Thratchen flies off sibility.
sion of Garthak, the Regent ofOrrorsh through the ceiling and disappears If Garthak was neither defeated by
will be philosophical (as much as a amid the aerial combatants. the Knights nor forced to submit by
Tharkoldu can be, at any rate): Thratchen, the Knights receive no Pos-
"You have won our little race, If the Knights attempt to attack sibilities for this adventure.
Stormers," Thratchen says, with more Thratchen, he makes every effort to
than a trace of menace in his voice. escape them - he has nothing to gain
"But this failure means nothing, for by combat now.
Jezrael will never know of it, and I If the Knights leave immediately,
/f~~ Response Form
Rolepu.ying the POS!Iibility WUS Dl
D I / I D
Nile Empire"" _ _
D I / I D
Nippon Tech'" _ _
D I / I Other:
D St.uting
D Possibilities
D~J D Adventure
IIlWEG Notes
1. Did the Knights meet Phoenix?
2. Was Nanosec killed?
3. Was Mariko killed?
4. Did Garthak submit to Thratchen?
5. Was Garthak killed?
6. Was Thratchen killed?
7. Are Garthak and his pride still able to mount a rebellion?
9. Did the Knights get the Cross?
By Christopher Kubasik
The Near Now', The Possibility Wars' have taken a
new tum, as the techno-honor realm ofTharkold' reigns
in Los Angeles. Now the threat of a bloody civil war
between demon prides forces the Storm Knights to ally
with a deadly enemy - Thratchen, High Lord- Regent
of Orrorsh~,
A rebellious Demon Lord plans a rebellion against Jezrael.
High Lord of Tharkold, a war which would leave the forces of
ippon Tech'the only winners. Thratchen, in a bid to ,,;n
Jezrael's favor, offers the Storm Knights a deal: aid him in his
quest, and preserve the deadlock between ippon and Tharkold.
This strange alliance leads the Knights to a daring attempt at
sabotage, battles with ninja and undead ghuls, while Thratchen
weaves an intricate web to snare both Kanawa and the demon
In the end, the Storm Knights must race against time across a
war-tom section of the realm to reach the Demon Lord's strong-
hold. The prize: the future of Los Angeles, and perhaps that of
Thratchen, as well.
Adventure for
Roleplaying the Possibility Wars. You need the
boxed game to play. This adventure is (or
veteran characters. While the material in this
supplement is set in Torg's Earth of the Near
ow, many of the situations and adventure R 'JB x2345
ideas can be incorporated into other game sys- ~ nesd I PA t
tems. 2llS6S
For ages 12 and up.