Viii. Evidence: A. General Principles
Viii. Evidence: A. General Principles
Viii. Evidence: A. General Principles
b. In terms of evidence arising from procedure or the ultimate fact can be established. [Dela Llana vs.
e.g.: Biong, G.R. No. 182356 (2018)]
1. Judicial Affidavit Rule [A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC]
does not apply to criminal case where 6. Classes of Evidence
penalty exceeds six years)
2. Guidelines in the Conduct of Pre-Trial and According to Form
Use of Deposition-Discovery Measures
[A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC] a. Object - those addressed to the senses of the
admissions made or entered during the pre- court [Sec. 1, Rule 130]
trial conference shall be reduced in writing b. Documentary - consists of writings or any
and signed by the accused and counsel, material containing letters, words, numbers,
otherwise, they cannot be used against the figures, symbols or other modes of written
accused. The agreements covering the expressions offered as proof of their contents
matters referred to in Section 1 of Rule 118 [Sec. 2, Rule 130]
8, Part c. Testimonial - evidence elicited from the mouth
B) of a witness [Riano 180, 2016 Ed., citing
c. The rules on search and seizure in Law Dictionary] It involves two levels of
constitutional law in connection with perception: that of the witness perceiving the
criminal procedure do not apply in civil event, and that of the judge evaluating the witness
actions involving infringement of intellectual
property, where the applicable rule is A.M. There is no hierarchy with respect to the physical
No. 02-1-06-SC (Rule on Search and Seizure forms of evidence. A fact may be proved by any kind;
in Civil Actions for Infringement of the court may admit. There is no rule (in general) that
Intellectual Property Rights) prefers one form rule as against another [Adzuara v.
C.A., G.R. No. 125134 (1999)]
4. Proof v. Evidence In Adzuara, the petitioner claimed that the medical
certificate presented by the prosecution was
Proof Evidence uncorroborated by actual testimony of the physician
Result or who accomplished the same and as such has no
Mode and manner of proving
effect of probative value insofar as the physical injuries
competent facts in judicial
evidence [2 suffered by the victim are concerned. The SC
proceedings [Bustos v. Lucero,
Regalado 698, disagreed, ruling that the fact of the injury resulting
G.R. No. L-2068, (1948)]
2008 Ed.] from the collision may be proved in other ways such
The end result The means to an end as the testimony of the injured person.
Secondary evidence
In the context of the Best Evidence rule in Sec. 3,
Rule 130, secondary evidence may be admitted
a. When the original document has been lost or
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court, the
offeror, upon proof of its execution or existence
and the cause of its unavailability without bad
faith on his part, may prove its contents by a
copy, or by a recital of its contents in some
B. Admissibility of Evidence
Admissibility of evidence refers to the question of the information in court the prosecutor would have
whether or not the circumstance (or evidence) is to be already presented all the evidence necessary to secure
considered at all. On the other hand, the probative
value of evidence refers to the question of whether or inadmissibility of evidence cannot be ruled upon in a
not it proves an issue [PNOC Shipping and Transport preliminary investigation. [Maza v. Judge Turla, G.R.
Corporation v. C.A., G.R. No. 107518 (1998)] No. 187094 (2017)].
Admissibility does not concern weight
Admissibility of evidence should not be equated with 1. Requisites for Admissibility
weight of evidence. The admissibility of evidence
depends on its relevance and competence, while the a. Relevant to the issue; and
weight of evidence pertains to evidence already b. Not excluded by law or the ROC [Sec. 3, Rule 128]
admitted and its tendency to convince and persuade. Regalado
Thus, a particular item of evidence may be admissible, 704, 2008 Ed.]
but its evidentiary weight depends on judicial
evaluation within the guidelines provided by the Rules The Importance of Offer In Relation To
of Court [Dela Llana v. Biong, G.R. No. 182356 (2013)] Admissibility
Parties are required to inform the courts of the
Weight involves the effect of evidence admitted, its purpose of introducing their respective exhibits to
tendency to convince and persuade. It is not assist the latter in ruling on their admissibility in case
determined mathematically by the numerical an objection thereto is made [Star Two v. Ko, G.R. No.
superiority of the witnesses testifying to a given fact, 185454 (2011)]
but depends upon its practical effect in inducing belief
on the part of the judge trying the case [Francisco 11, Objection
1996 Ed.] a. Objection to evidence offered orally must be
made immediately after the offer is made.
Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue 1. As regards the testimony of a witness, the
and is not excluded by the law or the rules or is offer must be made at the time the witness is
competent [Sec. 3, Rule 132]. Since admissibility of called to testify.
evidence is determined by its relevance and 2. Documentary and object evidence shall be
competence, admissibility is, therefore, an affair of
logic and law. On the other hand, the weight to be testimonial evidence. Such offer shall be
given to such evidence, once admitted, depends on done orally unless allowed by the court to be
judicial evaluation within the guidelines provided in done in writing.
Rule 133 and the jurisprudence laid down by the [Sec. 35, Rule 132]
Court. Thus, while evidence may be admissible, it may b. Objection to a question propounded in the
be entitled to little or no weight at all. Conversely, course of the oral examination of a witness shall
evidence which may have evidentiary weight may be be made as soon as the grounds therefor shall
inadmissible because a special rule forbids its become reasonably apparent.
reception. [People v. Turco, G.R. No. 137757, (2000)] c. An offer of evidence in writing shall be objected
to within three (3) days after notice of the offer
The admissibility of evidence cannot be ruled unless a different period is allowed by the court.
upon in a preliminary investigation. d. In any case, the grounds for the objections must
In a preliminary investigation, ... the public be specified.
prosecutors do not decide whether there is evidence [Sec. 36, Rule 132]
beyond reasonable doubt of the guilt of the person
charged; they merely determine whether there is Every objection to the admissibility of evidence shall
sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief be made at the time such evidence is offered, or as
that a crime has been committed and that respondent soon thereafter as the objection to its admissibility
is probably guilty thereof, and should be held for trial. have become apparent, otherwise the objection shall
be considered waived [Abrenica v. Gonda, G.R. No. L-
10100 (1916)]
device/arrangement to secretly
Moreover, Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7438 overhear/intercept/record such information
requires that "any person arrested, detained or under by using any device, shall not be admissible
custodial investigation shall at all times be assisted by in evidence in any judicial/quasi-
judicial/legislative/administrative hearing or
investigation [Secs. 1 and 4, R.A. 4200 (Wire-
G.R. No. 218130 (2018) Tapping Act)]
Fernandez testified that he was brought to the
Binmaley Police Station at 6:00 a.m. on June 16, The use of a telephone extension for the
2011 and was asked if he was the one responsible purpose of overhearing a private
for the crime and if he would rather admit the conversation without authorization did not
same. Despite the fact that he was already violate R.A. 4200 because a telephone
considered as a suspect of the crime, Fernandez extension devise was neither among those
was not assisted by a lawyer at that time. Atty.
Francisco only arrived past 1:00 p.m. after therein, following the principle that "penal
Fernandez had already been subjected to statutes must be construed strictly in favor of
questioning by the police officers starting 6:00 a.m. Ganaan v. IAC, 145 SCRA
Thus, prior to 1:00 p.m., while Fernandez was in 112]
the custody of the Binmaley police and under
investigation as a suspect, he was not able to confer c. Under the ROC, Rule is the applicable
with any lawyer. rule in determining the admissibility of
Moreover, Atty. Francisco was not an independent d. Court issuances, such as
counsel. Atty. Francisco was a legal consultant in 1. Rule on Electronic Evidence, e.g.
the Office of the Municipal Mayor of Binmaley. As compliance with authentication
such, his duty was to provide legal advice to the requirements for electronic evidence
Mayor whose duty, in turn, is to execute the laws 2. Rule on Examination of a Child Witness, e.g.
and ordinances and maintain peace and order in sexual abuse shield rule
the municipality. 3. Judicial Affidavit Rule
The burden of proof rests on the prosecution [Boac v In criminal cases, the equipoise rule provides that
People, G.R. No. 180597 (2008)] where the evidence is evenly balanced, the
constitutional presumption of innocence tilts the
A party will have the burden of evidence only (i.e., scales in favor of the accused [Malana v. People, G.R.
will have to be a proponent) if there is any factum No. 173612, (2008)]
probandum (whether evidentiary or otherwise) that
the adverse party has already established (whether by
law, rule, or by virtue of evidence that he has
presented) that he (the potential proponent) has to
overcome. That factum probandum may, but does
not have to be, nor is limited to a "prima facie
presumption." Likewise, a party will not have any
burden of evidence at all if the adverse party has not
Presumption of fact Presumption of law What a tenant is estopped from denying is the title of
Praesumptiones hominis [2 Praesumptiones juris [2 his landlord at the time of the commencement of the
Regalado 819, 2008 Ed.] Regalado 819, 2008 Ed.] landlord-tenant relation. If the title asserted is one
Those which the law that is alleged to have been acquired subsequent to the
Those which the commencement of that relation, the presumption will
requires to be drawn
experience of mankind not apply. Hence, the tenant may show that the
from the existence of
has shown to be valid, landlord's title has expired or been conveyed to
established facts in the
founded on general another or himself; and he is not estopped to deny a
absence of contrary
knowledge and claim for rent, if he has been ousted or evicted by title
evidence; derived from
information; essentially paramount [Ermitaño v Paglas, G.R. No. 174436
the law itself rather
an inference (2013)]
from common logic or
e.g. Inference of guilt
upon discovery of 2. Disputable Presumptions
e.g. Presumption of
bloodied garment in
innocence in favor of a. Person is innocent of crime or wrong;
possession of accused
the accused b. Unlawful act is done with an unlawful intent;
c. Person intends the ordinary consequences of his
Conclusive Disputable voluntary act;
Satisfactory if d. Person takes ordinary care of his concerns;
Inferences which the law
uncontradicted, e. Evidence willfully suppressed would be adverse
makes so peremptory that it
but may be if produced;
will not allow them to be
contradicted and f. Money paid by one to another was due to the
overturned by any contrary
overcome by latter;
proof however strong
other evidence g. Thing delivered by one to another belonged to
[Datalift Movers v. Belgravia
[Sec. 3, Rule 131] the latter;
h. Obligation delivered up to the debtor has been death, an absence of only 2 years shall
paid; be sufficient for remarriage
i. Prior rents or installments had been paid when a 2. Qualified absence The following shall be
receipt for the later ones is produced; considered dead for all purposes including
j. A person found in possession of a thing taken in the division of the estate among the heirs
the doing of a recent wrongful act is the taker and i. A person on board a vessel lost during
doer of the whole act; otherwise, that things a sea voyage, or an aircraft which is
which a person possesses or exercises acts of missing, who has not been heard of for
ownership over are owned by him; 4 years since the loss of the vessel or
k. Person in possession of an order on himself for aircraft
the payment of the money, or the delivery of ii. A member of the armed forces who
anything, has paid the money or delivered the has taken part in armed hostilities, and
thing accordingly; has been missing for 4 years
l. Person acting in a public office was regularly iii. A person who has been in danger of
appointed or elected to it; death under other circumstances and
m. Official duty has been regularly performed; whose existence has not been known
n. A court, or judge acting as such, whether in the for 4 years
Philippines or elsewhere, was acting in the lawful x. Acquiescence resulted from a belief that the thing
exercise of jurisdiction; acquiesced in was conformable to the law or fact
o. All the matters within an issue raised in a case y. Things have happened according to the ordinary
were laid before the court and passed upon by it; course of nature and the ordinary habits of life
and in like manner that all matters within an issue z. Persons acting as co-partners have entered into a
raised in a dispute submitted for arbitration were contract of co-partnership;
laid before the arbitrators and passed upon by aa. A man and woman deporting themselves as
them; husband and wife have entered into a lawful
p. Private transactions have been fair and regular; contract of marriage;
q. Ordinary course of business has been followed; bb. Property acquired by a man and a woman who
r. There was a sufficient consideration for a are capacitated to marry each other and who live
contract; exclusively with each other as husband and wife
s. Negotiable instrument was given or indorsed for without the benefit of marriage or under a void
a sufficient consideration; marriage, has been obtained by their joint efforts,
t. An indorsement of a negotiable instrument was work or industry;
made before the instrument was overdue and at cc. In cases of cohabitation by a man and a woman
the place where the instrument is dated; who are not capacitated to marry each other and
u. A writing is truly dated; who have acquired property through their actual
v. Letter duly directed and mailed was received in joint contribution of money, property or
the regular course of the mail; industry, such contributions and their
w. Presumptions concerning absence: corresponding shares including joint deposits of
1. Ordinary but continued absence of: money and evidences of credit are equal;
a. 7 years, it being unknown WON the dd. Presumptions governing children of women who
absentee still lives, he is considered contracted another marriage within 300 days after
dead for all purposes, except for those termination of her former marriage (in the
of succession absence of proof to the contrary):
b. 10 years the absentee shall be
considered dead for the purpose of When Child was
opening his succession; but if he Born
disappeared after the age of 75 years, Considered to have
an absence of 5 years shall be sufficient been conceived during
to open his succession Before 180 days after
the former marriage,
c. 4 consecutive years the spouse the solemnization of
provided it be born
present may contract a subsequent the subsequent
within 300 days after
marriage if s/he has a well-founded marriage
the termination of the
belief that the absent spouse is already former marriage
dead; but where there is danger of
Considered to have
been conceived during No presumption of legitimacy or illegitimacy
After 180 days the subsequent There is no presumption of legitimacy or illegitimacy
following the marriage, even though of a child born after 300 days following the
celebration of the it be born within the dissolution of marriage or the separation of spouses.
subsequent marriage 300 days after the Whoever alleges the legitimacy or illegitimacy of such
termination of the child must prove his allegation [Sec. 4, Rule 131]
former marriage.
The application of disputable presumptions on a
ee. A thing once proved to exist continues as long as given circumstance must be based on the existence of
is usual with things of the nature; certain facts on which they are meant to operate
ff. The law has been obeyed; [University of Mindanao, Inc. v. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas,
gg. A printed/published book, purporting to be G.R. No. 194964-65 (2016)]
printed/published by public authority, was so
printed/published; MCMP contends that the Contract presented by
hh. A printed/published book, purporting to contain Monark is not the contract that they entered into. Yet,
reports of cases adjudged in tribunals of the it has failed to present a copy of the Contract even
country where the book is published, contains despite the request of the trial court for it to produce
correct reports of such cases; its copy of the Contract. Normal business practice
ii. A trustee or other person whose duty it was to dictates that MCMP should have asked for and
convey real property to a particular person has retained a copy of their agreement. Thus, MCMP's
actually conveyed it to him when such failure to present the same and even explain its failure
presumption is necessary to perfect the title of gives rise to the disputable presumption adverse to
such person or his successor in interest; MCMP that "evidence willfully suppressed would be
jj. Presumptions regarding survivorship: adverse if produced [MCMP Construction v. Monark
(Applicable for all purposes except succession) Equipment, G.R. No. 201001 (2014)]
1. When 2 persons perish in the same calamity
2. It is not shown who died first; and The adverse presumption of suppression of
3. There are no particular circumstances from evidence is not applicable when:
which it can be inferred, a. The suppression is not willful;
b. The evidence suppressed or withheld is merely
The survivorship is determined from the probabilities corroborative or cumulative;
resulting from the strength and the age of the sexes: c. The evidence is at the disposal of both parties;
Person and
Situation presumed to d. The suppression is an exercise of a privilege
have survived [Tarapen v. People, G.R. No. 173824 (2008)]
Both < 15 y/o The older
Both > 60 y/o The younger The presumption of regularity in the performance of
One < 15 y/o, official duty obtains only when there is no deviation
The one < 15 from the regular performance of duty. Where the
the other > 60 y/o
Both > 15 and < 60 y/o, of official act in question is irregular on its face, no
The male presumption of regularity can arise [People v.
different sexes
Both > 15 and <60 y/o, of Casabuena, G.R. No. 186455 (2014)]
The older
the same sex
One < 15 or > 60 y/o, and The one between When there is gross disregard of the procedural
the other between those ages those ages safeguards set forth in Republic Act No. 9165
(Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002),
kk. As between 2 or more persons called to succeed serious uncertainty is generated as to the identity of
each other: If there is a doubt as to which of them the seized items that the prosecution presented in
died first, whoever alleges the death of one prior evidence. Such doubt cannot be remedied by merely
to the other, shall prove the same. In the absence invoking the presumption of regularity in the
of proof, they shall be considered to have died at performance of official duties [People v. Lagahit, G.R.
the same time. No. 200877 (2014)]
[Sec. 3, Rule 131]
F. Quantum of Evidence
3. Substantial Evidence
(Weight and Sufficiency
of Evidence) a. Degree of evidence required in cases filed before
administrative or quasi-judicial bodies
b. Definition: Amount of relevant evidence which a
1. Proof beyond Reasonable reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
justify a conclusion.
Doubt [Sec. 5, Rule 133]
In a criminal case, the accused is entitled to an Also applies to petitions under the Rule on the Writ
acquittal, unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable of Amparo [Sec. 17, Rule on the Writ of Amparo] and
doubt. Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean the Rule on the Writ of Habeas data [Sec. 16, Rule on
such a degree of proof as, excluding possibility of the Writ of Habeas data]
error, produces absolute certainty. Moral certainty
only is required, or that degree of proof which Substantial Evidence Rule
produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind [Sec. 2, Factual findings, especially when affirmed by the
Rule 133] Court of Appeals, are accorded not only great respect
but also finality, and are deemed binding upon this
The burden is on the prosecution to prove guilt Court so long as they are supported by substantial
beyond reasonable doubt, NOT on the accused to evidence [Tan Brothers Corp. v. Escudero, G.R. No.
prove his/her innocence [Boac v People, G.R. No. 188711 (2013)]
180597, (2008)]
The prosecution must not rely on the weakness of the 4. Clear and Convincing
evidence of the defense [Ubales v People, G.R. No. Evidence
175692, (2008); People v. Hu, G.R. No. 182232, (2008)]
The standard of proof required in granting or denying
2. Preponderance of Evidence onvincing
Applicable quantum of evidence in civil cases [Sec. 1, risk and will abide with all the orders and process of
Rule 133] the extradition court [Government of Hongkong Special
Administrative Region v. Olalia, Jr., G.R. No. 153675,
Means that the evidence adduced by one side is, as a (2007)]
whole, superior to or has greater weight than that of
the other [Habagat Grill v. DMC-Urban Property It must be added that the defenses of denial and
Developer, Inc., G.R. No. 155110, (2005); Bank of the improper motive can only prosper when
Philippine Islands v. Reyes, G.R. No. 157177, (2008)] substantiated by clear and convincing evidence [People
v. Colentava, G.R. No. 190348 (2015)]
In determining preponderance of evidence, the court
may consider: It is used for overturning disputable presumptions,
a. All the facts and circumstances of the case; such as the presumption of regularity in the
b. performance of official duties [Portuguez v. People, G.R.
intelligence, their means and opportunity of No. 194499, (2015)] or the existence of a valuable
knowing the facts to which they testify, the nature consideration [Tolentino v. Sps. Jerera, G.R. No. 179874
of the facts to which they testify, the probability (2015)]
or improbability of their testimony, their interest
or want of interest, and also their personal Note direct denial
credibility so far as the same may legitimately receipt of mail alleged to have been mailed to it
appear upon the trial; defeats the presumption in Sec. 3(v), Rule 131 and
c. Number of witnesses (although preponderance is shifts the burden upon the party favored by the
not necessarily with the greater number) [Sec. 1, presumption to prove that the mailed letter was
Rule 133] indeed received by the addressee [Commissioner of
Internal Revenue v. Metro Star, G.R. No. 185371 (2010)]
a. When Mandatory
1. Existence and territorial extent of states;
2. Their political history, forms of government, and
symbols of nationality;
3. Law of nations;
4. Admiralty and maritime courts of the world and
their seals;
5. Political constitution and history of the
6. Official acts of the legislative, executive and
judicial departments of the Philippines;
7. Laws of nature;
8. Measure of time; and
9. Geographical divisions [Sec. 1, Rule 129]
considered an official act of the executive department. 12435 (1917); U.S. v. Hernandez, G.R. No. 9699
The PPA was only performing a proprietary function (1915)]
when it entered into a Management Contract with Note: The principal guide in determining what facts
petitioner. As such, judicial notice cannot be applied may be assumed to be judicially-known is that of
[Asian Terminals v. Malayan Insurance, G.R. No. 171406 notoriety. Hence, it can be said that judicial notice is
(2011)] limited to facts evidenced by public records and facts
of general notoriety. Morever, a judicially-noticed fact
The RTC declared that the discrepancy arose from the must be one not subject to a reasonable dispute in that
fact that Barrio Catmon was previously part of Barrio it is either (1) generally known within the territorial
Tinajeros. The RTC has authority to declare so jurisdiction of the trial court; or (2) capable of
because this is a matter subject of mandatory judicial accurate and ready determination by resorting to
notice. Geographical divisions are among matters that sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be
courts should take judicial notice of [B.E. San Diego, questionable [Riano 76-77, 2016 Ed.]
Inc. v. C.A., G.R. No. 159230 (2010)]
c. When Hearing Necessary
b. When Discretionary
During the Trial
1. Matters of public knowledge; The court, on its own initiative, or on request of a
2. Matters capable of unquestionable party, may announce its intention to take judicial
demonstration; and notice of any matter and allow the parties to be heard
3. Matters ought to be known to judges because of thereon [Sec. 3, Rule 129]
their judicial functions [Sec. 2, Rule 129]
After the Trial and Before Judgment or on Appeal
Requisites The proper court, on its own initiative or on request
1. The matter must be one of common and general of a party, may take judicial notice of any matter and
knowledge; allow the parties to be heard thereon if such matter is
2. It must be well and authoritatively settled and not decisive of a material issue in the case [Sec. 3, Rule
doubtful or uncertain; 129]
3. It must be known to be within the limits of the
jurisdiction of the court
[State Prosecutors v, Muro, A.M. No. RTJ-92-876 (1994)] Records
A court will take judicial notice of its own acts and
Judicial notice is not judicial knowledge. The mere records in the same case, of facts established in prior
personal knowledge of the judge is not the judicial proceedings in the same case, of the authenticity of its
knowledge of the court, and he is not authorized to own records of another case between the same
make his individual knowledge of a fact, not generally parties, of the files of related cases in the same court,
or professionally known, the basis of his action. and of public records on file in the same court
Judicial cognizance is taken only of those matters [Republic v. C.A., G.R. No. 119288 (1997)]
which are "commonly" known [State Prosecutors v,
Muro, A.M. No. RTJ-92-876 (1994)] d. With Respect to Records of
With Respect to Ordinances Other Cases
Municipal trial courts are required to take judicial
notice of the ordinances of the municipality or city General rule: Courts are not authorized to take judicial
wherein they sit [2 Regalado 833, 2008 Ed.] notice of the contents or records of other cases even
if both cases may have been tried or are pending
Regional Trial Courts must take judicial notice of before the same judge [Prieto v. Arroyo, G.R. No. L-
such ordinances only: 17885 (1965)]
1. When required to do so by statute e.g. in Manila
as required by the city charter [City of Manila v. Exceptions:
Garcia, et al., G.R. No. L-26053 (1967)]; and In the absence of objection, and as a matter of
2. In a case on appeal before them and wherein the convenience to all parties, a court may properly treat
inferior court took judicial notice of an ordinance all or any part of the original record of a case filed in
involved in said case [U.S. v. Blanco, G.R. No.
its archives as read into the record of a case pending sharing with the accused's sister [People v. Tundag, G.R.
before it, when: Nos. 135695-96. (2000)]
1. With the knowledge of the opposing party,
reference is made to it for that purpose, by name Laws of nature involving the physical sciences,
and number or in some other manner by which it specifically biology, include the structural make-up
is sufficiently designated; or and composition of living things such as human
2. The original record of the former case or any part beings. The Court may take judicial notice that a
of it, is actually withdrawn from the archives by
the court's direction, at the request or with the locations [Atienza v. Board of Medicine, G.R. No. 177407
consent of the parties, and admitted as a part of (2011)]
the record of the case then pending
[US v Claveria, G.R. No. G.R. No. 9282 (1915)] The distance between places may be taken as a matter
of judicial notice [Maceda v. Vda. De Macatangay, G.R.
Courts may also take judicial notice of proceedings in No. 164947 (2006)]
other causes because of their:
1. Close connection with the matter in controversy. The Court may take judicial notice of the assessed
Ex: In a separate civil action against the value of the property. Considering that the subject
administrator of an estate arising from an appeal land was more than 4 million square kilometers, RTC
against the report of the committee on claims acted properly when it took judicial notice of the total
appointed in the administration proceedings of area of the property involved and the prevailing
the said estate, the court took judicial notice of assessed value of the titled property, and it would also
the record of the administration proceedings to be at the height of absurdity if the assessed value of
determine whether or not the appeal was taken the property with such an area is less than P20,000
on time, [Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas v. Legaspi, G.R. No. 205966
2. To determine whether or not the case pending is (2016)]
a moot one or whether or not a previous ruling is
applicable in the case under consideration. The Court may not take judicial notice of contracts
3. The other case had been decided by the same entered into by GOCCs in the exercise of their
court, involving the same subject matter, with the proprietary function. These cannot be considered an
same cause of action, and was between the same official act of the executive department [Asian
parties (which was not denied), and constituted Terminals v. Malayan Insurance, G.R. No. 171406 (2011)]
res judicata on the current cause before the court
[Tiburcio v. PHHC, G.R. No. L-13479, (1959)] 3. Judicial Admissions
Courts cannot take judicial notice that vehicular
In General
accidents cause whiplash injuries [Dela Llana v Biong,
To be a judicial admission, the same:
G.R. No. 182356 (2013)]
a. Must be made by a party to the case;
b. Must be made in the course of the proceedings in
The classification of the land is obviously essential to
the same case; and
the valuation of the property. The parties should thus
c. May be verbal or written
have been given the opportunity to present evidence
[Sec. 4, Rule 129]
on the nature of the property before the lower court
took judicial notice of the commercial nature of a
Note: The admission, to be judicial, must be made in
portion of the subject landholdings [LBP v. Honeycomb
the course of the proceedings in the same case. Thus,
Farms, G.R. No. 166259 (2012)]
an admission made in another judicial proceeding will
not be deemed a judicial admission in another case
It can be considered of public knowledge and
where the admission is not made. Instead, it will be
judicially noticed that the scene of the rape is not
considered an extrajudicial admission for purposes of
always nor necessarily isolated or secluded for lust is
the other proceeding where such admission is offered
no respecter of time or place. The offense of rape can
[Riano 87, 2016 Ed.]
and has been committed in places where people
congregate, e.g. inside a house where there are
Judicial admissions may be made in
occupants, a five (5) meter room with five (5) people
a. the pleadings filed by the parties,
inside, or even in the same room which the victim is
b. in the course of the trial, either by verbal or Note: The theory of adoptive admission has been
written manifestations or stipulations, or adopted by the court in this jurisdiction. An adoptive
c. in other stages of the judicial proceeding; as in the
pre-trial of the case. by another person when it is reasonable to treat the
Admissions obtained through depositions, written or implied by the other person. The basis for
interrogatories or requests for admission are also admissibility of admissions made vicariously is that
considered judicial admissions [2 Regalado 836-837, arising from the ratification or adoption by the party
2008 Ed.] of the statements which the other person had made.
In the Angara Diary
Examples of item (c) above are dwindle when the armed forces withdrew its support.
1. Stipulations of facts by the parties in a pre-trial Thus, Executive Secretary Angara had to ask Senate
conference. See People v. Hernandez [G.R. No. President Pimentel to advise petitioner to consider
108028 (1996)] the option of dignified exit or resignation. Estrada
2. Motions, see Republic v. de Guzman, G.R. No. did not object to the suggested option but simply said
175021 (2011), where allegations made in a he could never leave the country. His silence on this
motion to dismiss were considered to be, among and other related suggestions can be taken as an
others requiring denial by the adverse party and admission by him [Estrada v. Desierto, G.R. Nos.
absence of such led to the application of Sec. 4, 146710-15 (2001)]
Rule 129
Judicial Proceeding [Sec. 3, Rule 1]
Note: a. Civil includes special civil actions
a. Sec. 8, Rule 10 b. Criminal
pleading supersedes the pleading that it amends. c. Special Proceeding
However, admissions in superseded
pleadings may be received in evidence Examples of statements made that are not judicial admissions
against the pleader a. Statements made during preliminary
evidenc - b. Statements during Court-Annexed Mediation
judicial in nature the moment the pleading
containing them are superseded by virtue of Note: Execution of judgment is part of a judicial
amendment. See Bastida v. Menzi & Co, Inc [G.R. proceeding. The Court retains control over the case
No. L-35840 (1933)], cited in 2 Regalado 837, 2008 until the full satisfaction of the final judgment [People
Ed. v. Gallo, G.R. No. 124736 (1999)]
b. Admissions made by a party pursuant to a request
for admission is for the purpose of the pending a. Effect of Judicial Admissions
action only [Sec. 3, Rule 26]
c. In criminal cases, all agreements or admissions It does not require proof and CANNOT be
made or entered during the pre-trial conference contradicted [Sec. 4, Rule 129]
shall be reduced in writing and signed by the
accused and counsel, otherwise, they cannot be An original complaint, after being amended, loses its
used against the accused [Sec. 2, Rule 118] character as a judicial admission, which would have
However, in the civil case instituted with the required no proof. It becomes merely an extra-judicial
criminal case, such admission will be admissible admission requiring a formal offer to be admissible
against any other party. [Torres v. C.A., G.R. No. L-37420, (1984)]
There are averments made in pleadings which are not A party who judicially admits a fact cannot later
deemed admissions even if the adverse party fails to challenge that fact as judicial admissions are a waiver
make a specific denial of the same like immaterial of proof; production of evidence is dispensed with
allegations [Sec. 11, Rule 8], conclusions, non- [Alfelor v. Halasan, G.R. No. 165987 (2006)]
ultimate facts in the pleading [Sec. 1, Rule 8] as well
as the amount of liquidated damages [Sec. 11, Rule 8] A party who judicially admits a fact cannot later
[Riano 89, 2016 Ed.] challenge that fact as judicial admissions are a waiver
of proof; production of evidence is dispensed with. A
An admission against interest binds the person who Unwritten foreign law
makes the same, and absent any showing that this was Where the foreign law sought to be proved is
made through palpable mistake, no amount of "unwritten," the oral testimony of expert witnesses is
rationalization can offset it, especially so in this case admissible, as are printed and published books of
where respondents failed to present even one piece of reports of decisions of the courts of the country
evidence in their defense. [Heirs of Donton v. Stier, G.R. concerned if proved to be commonly admitted in
No. 216491 (2017)] such courts [Wildvalley Shipping Co., Ltd. v. C.A., G.R.
No. 119602 (2000)]