Marlaw (Review) : C. Chartering A Ship
Marlaw (Review) : C. Chartering A Ship
Marlaw (Review) : C. Chartering A Ship
1. In obtaining a ship an activity within the shipping industry whereby shipowner hires out the use of vessel to
A. Financing C. Chartering a ship
B. Buying a ship D. Building a ship
2. In operating your ship, during an inspection of foreign ship in national ports to verify that the condition of ship
and equiptment comply with the international regulation.
A. Class Control C. Port State Control
B. Flag State Control D. Customer Control
3. An organization that develops official standard for the shipping industry and check the condition of ships and
their equipment to make certain they are safe and meet the official standards of the shipping industry.
A. Class Control C. Port State Control
B. Flag State Control D. Customer Control
4. When ensuring your ship , an policy protect ships owner against physical loss or damaged to the vessel hull,
machinery everything connected therewith.
A. P & I Insurance C. H & M insurance
B. Defence Cover D. Loss of hire insurance
5. In ensuring your ship , A carrier third party risk for damaged caused to cargo during carriage, war risk and risk
environmental damaged such as oil spill and pollution.
A. P & I Insurance C. H & M Insurance
B. Defence cover D. Loss of hire insurance
6. Your vessel in trouble is a principle of Maritime law whereby any person who help recover another persons ship
or cargo in peril at sea is entitled to a reward commensurate with the value of the property.
A. Salvaged C. Wreck removal
B. Ship Arrest D. Liability for Pollution /damaged
7. A ship which is not subject to the provision of the present convention at the time of its departure on any voyage,
shall not become subject to the provision of the present convention on account of any deviation from intended
voyage .
A. Article III C. Article II
B. Article 1V D. Article V
8. The contracting government undertake to communicate to and deposit with the Secretary general of the inter
governmental Maritime consultative organization.
a. Article lll c. Article ll
b. Article 1V d. Article V
9. The present convention shall remain open for signature at the headquarter of the organization from Nov. 1 1974
until July 1, 1975 and shall thereafter remain open for accession
A. Article V c. Article Vll
B. Article VII d. Article IX
10. What date SOLAS was adopted.
A. Nov 1, 1974 c. Nov 11, 1974
B. Nov 9, 1974 d. Dec 11, 1974
11. What date did SOLAS was entry into force.
A. Nov 1, 1974 c. 25 May 1980
B. 25 May 1974 d. Nov 1, 1980
12. This concerning the survey of the various type of ships and the issuing of documents signifying that the meet
the requirement of the convention.
A. Chapter l c. Chapter III
B. Chapter ll d. Chapter IV
13. The subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartment must be such that after assumed damaged to
the hull the vessel will remain afloat and stable.
A. Chapter 1 c. Chapter III
B. Chapter II-1 d. chapter IV
14. Details fire safety provision for all ships and specific measures for passenger ships, cargo ship and tankers.
A. Chapter 1 c. Chapter II-2
B. Chapter II-1 d. Chapter III
15. They include the following principles: division of the ship into main and vertical zones by thermal and structural
boundaries: separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural
A. Chapter I c. chapter II-2
B. Chapter II-1 d. Chapter IV
16. This chapter regarding Life-saving appliances and arrangement.
A. Chapter l c. Chapter III
B. Chapter II-2 d. Chapter V
17. The chapter incorporates the Global Maritime Distress System.
A. Chapter II-2 c. Chapter IV
B. Chapter III d. Chapter V
18. Identifies navigation safety services which should be provided by Contracting government and sets forth
provision of an operational nature applicable in general to all ship on all voyages
A. Chapter II-2 C. Chapter IV
B. Chapter III d. Chapter V
19. This chapter also include a general obligation for master to proceed to the assistance of those in distress
A. Chapter III C. Chapter V
B. Chapter IV D. Chapter VI
20. This Chapter covers all type of cargo(except liquids and gases in bulk) which , owing to their particular hazards
to ships or person board, may require special precautions.
A. Chapter III C. Chapter V
B. Chapter IV D. Chapter VI
21. This chapter requires cargo ships carrying grain to comply with the International Grain Code.
A. Chapter IV C. Chapter VI
B. Chapter V D. Chapter VII
22. Part A Carriages of dangerous goods in packaged form includes provision for the classification, packing, marking,
labelling and placarding.
A. Chapter V C. Chapter VII
B. Chapter VI D. Chapter VIII
23. Part A-1 Carriage of dangerous good in solid form in bulk covers documentation, stowage and segregation
requirements for these goods and requires reporting of incidents involving such goods.
A. Chapter V C. Chapter VII
B. Chapter VI D. Chapter VIII
24. Part B cover s construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous liquid chemical in bulk and requires
chemical tankers to comply with the International bulk Chemical Code.
A. Chapter V C. Chapter VII
B. Chapter VI D. Chapter VIII
25. Requirements for nuclear powered ships and is particularly concerned with radiation hazards.
A. Chapter VI C. Chapter VIII
B. Chapter VII D. Chapter IX
26. Management for the Safe Operation of the Ships
A. Chapter VI C. Chapter VIII
B. Chapter VII D. Chapter IX
27. Widely known as the “______________________” the MLC, 2006 was adopted by government employer and
workers representatives at a special ILO international Labour Conference in February 2006
A. Seaferer’s “Bill of Right” C. Declaration of Maritime labour convention
B. Five years to achieve the 30/33 Formulae D. No more favourable treatment
28. In accordance with MLC 2006 the minimum hour of rest for all seaferer’s are _______hrs in any 24 hours period
and 77 hours in any 7 day period.
A. 6 hours C. 10 hrs
B. 8 hours D. 12 hours
29. In accordance with MLC 2006 about hours of work rest The interval between consecutive periods of rest shall
not exceed of ________ hrs.
A. 6 hours C. 12 hours
B. 8 hours D. 14 hours
30. Regulation 1.1,paragraph 2, of the MLC 2006 SET _______years old as the current minimum age for a person to
work as a seaferer’
A. 16 years old C. 21 years old
B. 18 years old d. 23 years old
31. Widely known as the “SEAFERERS BILL OF RIGHTS” the MLC, 2006 was adopted by government employer and
workers representatives at a special ILO international Labour Conference in___________ .
A. January 2006 C. March 2006
B. February 2006 D. April 2006
32. In MLC 2006 a medical certificate shall be valid for a maximum period of validity of ______ years unless the
seaferers is under the age of 18.
A. 1 years C. 3 years
B. 2 years D. 4 years
33. MLC , 2006 and the time needed to consult, implement and develop capacity to inspect ships and certify those
that need to be certified, the delegates in 2006 expected that it would take
A. No more favourable treatment C. Declaration of Maritime labour convention
B. Seaferer’s “Bill of Right D. Five years to achieve the 30/33 formulae
34. On August 20, 2013 the MLC, 2006 will enter into force and become binding international law for the first 30
countries with registered ratification on ______________.
A. August 2004 C. August 20, 2012
B. February 2006 D. December 2013
35. On ____________ , all commercially ships of 500 gross tons or over that the flag fly of any of the 30 countries
that brought the MLC 2006 be required to carry, among other things, two specific documents: the Maritime
Labour Certificate and Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.
A. August 20, 2004 C. August 20, 2013
B. August 20, 2012 D. August 20, 2014
36. Ship flying the flag of countries that have not ratified the MLC, 2006 are also subject to inspection with respect
to working and living condition for seaferers when those ships enter in port of countries where MLC, 2006 is in
for . This is called ___________________________.
A. Seaferes’s ‘Bill of Right” C. No more favourable treatment
B. Achieve the 30/33 Formulae D. Declaration of Maritime labour convention
37. All seaferers working on board ships that fly the flag of countries that have ratified the MLC, 2006 are covered,
once it enter into force fosr the country concerned(__________Months after its ratification is registered by the
A. 6 Months C. 12 Months
B. 8 Months D. 24 Months
38. Through its maritime labour Academy based at its International Training Center in _____________, the ILO
provides a comprehensive range of training activities under the MLC , 2006
A. Bermen, Germany C. Turin, Italy
B. Irik , Switzerland D. Washington, USA
39. The amendments in the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, approved by the International labour Conference at
its One Hundred and Third Session, at Geneva, ___________.
A. August 20, 2004 C. August 20, 2012
B. February 20, 2006 D. June 11, 2014
40. On the assumption that cadets are performing work on the ship, although under training, they would be be
considered as …………………. In accordance with the provision and principles.
A. Deck hands C. Seaferer
B. Officers D. Deck rating
41. Under Article 5 of ILO Convention No. 180. The minimum hours of rest for any 24 hrs. period shall not exceed:
A. 08 hours B. 10 hours C. 12 hours D. 14 hours
42. Under Article 5 of ILO Convention No. 180. The maximum hours of work in any 24 hrs. period shall not exceed:
A. 08 hours B. 14 hours C. 12 hours D. 16 hours
43. When and where was the First Special Maritime Session of the International Labor Conference?
A. 1920-New York B. 1920-Genoa C. 1925-London D. 1925-Geneva
44. Seafarer’s Hour’s of work and Manning of Ships Convention is also known as:
A. ILO Convention No. 180 C. ILO Convention No. 108
B. ILO Convention No. 185 D. ILO Convention No. 118
45. ILO Convention No. 185 was adopted in June 2033, It was ratified by member states to go into force?
A. July 1, 2005 B. February 9, 2005 C. February 1, 2004 D. December 9, 2004
46. One of the most important improvement to maritime safety took place on 1 February 1992 when the 1998
amendments to the ______________ Convention to introduce the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System,
entered into force.
A. 1995 STCW C. 1974 SOLAS
B. 1978 MARPOL D. International Telecommunications Union Regulations
47. When reference is made to Regulation II/2, what does the Roman Numeral stand for?
A. Chapter B. Article C. Regulation D. Resolution
48. Under SOLAS 74 as amended, what chapter requires the provisions for International Standards for Life Saving
A. Chapter X b. Chapter IV C. Chapter III D. Chapter XI-1
49. On the basis of the requirement of_____________the recommendation on testing and evaluation of life saving
Appliances have been developed:
A. Chapter V, SOLAS 1974 C. Chapter VI, SOLAS 1974
B. Chapter IV, SOLAS 1974 D. Chapter III, SOLAS 1974
50. The “Carriage of dangerous goods” is fully covered in:
A. Chapter V, of SOLAS 1974 C. Chapter VI, of SOLAS 1974
B. Chapter IV, of SOLAS 1974 D. Chapter VII, of SOLAS 1974