Œ - The American Society Of: Asme BI.5-1997
Œ - The American Society Of: Asme BI.5-1997
Œ - The American Society Of: Asme BI.5-1997
Date of Issuance: December 6, 1999
The 1997 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in
response to public review comments or committee actions to be published
as necessary. The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication
in 2002.
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review
and comment which provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,
regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ASME does not "approve," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device,
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Copyright ¸ 1999 by
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Printed in U.S.A.
The finaldraftof theproposed
revisionto the 1945Editionof thisStandardwascompleted
in June1951. It was submittedto Standards CommitteeB1 for letterballoton September
17, 1951, and was approvedwith minoramendments. Followingapprovalby the sponsor
the proposedStandardwas submittedto the ASA for approvalanddesignation
as an AmericanStandard.This was grantedMay 7, 1952.
The next revisionaddedthe no allowanceClass 5G thread.Approvalby ANSI was
grantedon March26, 1973.Corrections weremadein the revisionapprovedMay 1l, 1977.
Data for Classes5G, 5C, and 6G was transferred to Appendices D and E for reference,
and this revisionwas approvedby ANSI on January1l, 1988.
The presentrevisionto the Standardincludesthe additionof gagetablesand drawings
for GagingSystems21, 22, and 23, table changesto conformto ASME Bl.30M, lead and
angletolerances for productthreads, measurement uncertaintyvaluesfor Acmethreadgages,
anddescriptions anddrawingsfor indicatinggages.The pitchdiametercompensation table
andtext weredeletedandreplacedwith dataon standard gageblanksfor gagelengthwith
texton pitchdiameteradjustment for gagelengthovertwo diameters. Tablevaluesof gage
dimensions for generalpurposeand centralizing Acme threadswere added,alongwith
formulasto determinediametersof multiple-startthreads.Recommendation in the use of
formulasand examplesto calculatepitch diametermeasurement over wires was revised.
Additionally,the Appendixcontainsrevisionof alternatecentralizing Acme threadsand of
multiple-startthreads,and was expandedto includeball measurement of internalpitch
diameter,limit gagingof settingringgages,gagingof problemareas,Acmetolerances over
5 in., and meansfor determining limitsof sizefor specialdiameter/pitch
This Standardwas approvedby the AmericanNational StandardsInstituteon December
9, 1997.
Screw Threads
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)
I General ....................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope .................................................................... 1
1.2 Federal Government Use .................................................. 1
1.3 References ................................................................ 1
1.4 ReferenceTemperature .................................................... 2
1.5 Units of Measure ......................................................... 2
1.6 Terminology .............................................................. 2
1.7 Computer-Generated Size ................................................... 2
3.12 Tolerances ................................................................ 24
3.13 Allowances(Minimum Clearance)(es) ..................................... 29
3.14 Limits of Size ............................................................ 29
3.15 ThreadDesignations....................................................... 29
3.16 Formulasfor DeterminingDiameters....................................... 29
3.17 Maximum-MaterialProfileOption .......................................... 30
19 Maximum-Material Go Functional Limit for Internal Thread ...................... 54
20 IndicatingThreadGages Maximum-MaterialGo FunctionalSize for
Internal Thread ............................................................... 55
21 Not Go Functional Diameter Limit for Internal Thread ........................... 56
22 IndicatingThreadGages- Minimum-MaterialPitch DiameterLimit and
Size, Cone and Vee, for Internal Thread ...................................... 57
23 IndicatingThread (;ages Minimum-MaterialThread Groove Diameter
Limit and Size, Ball and Radius,for Internal Thread ........................... 58
24 ThreadFormof SolidThreadSettingRingGagefor InternalThread.............. 59
25 Minor DiameterLimit CylindricalPlugGagesfor InternalThread ............. 59
26 IndicatingThread (Jages Diameter Runout,Minor to Pitch Diameter,
for Internal Thread ........................................................... 61
27 DifferentialGagingfor InternalThread .......................................... 62
28 Single-Thread,Full--FormIndicatingGages Cone and Vee Helical
and Zero Lead Rolls for InternalThread............................. 63
29 IndicatingPlain DiameterGages Maximum/MinimumMinor Diameter
Limit and Size for Internal Thread ............................................ 65
30 IndicatingDiameter'Gages Maximum/MinimumMajor DiameterLimit and
Size for Internal Thread ...................................................... 66
31 Not Go ThreadPlug Gage for Major Diameterof Centralizing
Internal Thread ............................................................... 78
I GeneralPurpose
AcmeScrewThreadForm,DesignDimensions.................. 3
2 Basic Diameters and Thread Data fi)r General PurposeSingle-Start Acme
Screw Threads, StandardSeries ............................................... 7
3 Toleranceson Major and Minor Diametersof GeneralPurposeExternal and
InternalSingle-StartThreads .................................................. 9
4 Tolerancesand Allowancesfor Major and Minor Diameters,General Purpose
Acme Single-Start
ScrewThreads............................................. 9
5 Pitch Diameter Tolerancesfor Single-StartAcme Screw Threads,
Classes 2G and 2C ............................................................ 10
6 Pitch DiameterTolerancesfor Single-StartAcme ScrewThreads,
Classes 3G and 3C ........................................................... 12
7 Pitch Diameter Tolerancesfor Single-StartAcme Screw Threads,
Classes 4G and 4C ........................................................... 14
8 Toleranceson 14.5 deg Flank Angle for External and Internal
Product Threads .............................................................. 16
9 External Pitch Diameter Allowances.(es) for Single-StartAcme
Screw Threads ............................................................... 17
10 Limiting Dimensionsand Tolerancesfor GeneralPurposeSingle-StartAcme
Screw Threads,StandardSeries,Classes2G, 3G, and 4G ...................... 18
11 CentralizingAcmeScrewThreadForm,BasicDimensions ........................ 21
12 CentralizingAcme Single-StartScrewThreads,BasicDiametersand
Thread Data ................................................................. 24
13 Toleranceson Major and Minor Diametersof Single-StartCentralizing
External and Internal Threads ................................................. 25
14 Tolerancesand Allowancesfor Major Diameter,CentralizingSingle-Start
Acme Screw Threads ......................................................... 26
15 LimitingDimensionsand Tolerancesfor CentralizingSingle-StartAcme
ScrewThreads,StandardSeries,Classes2C, 3C, and 4C ....................... 27
16 EstimatedMeasurementUncertaintyValues for Screw Thread
Gage Elements ............................................................... 30
17 Tolerancesfor Go and Not Go Thread Gages, Working and Setting, General
PurposeSingle-StartAcme Screw Threads(0.250 in. Through 5.000 in.) ........ 32
18 ASME B47.1 Go Gage Blank Lengths .......................................... 33
19 Go Setting Plug Gagesfor Working AdjustableRing Gages and Indicating
Gages for External Thread and Go Working Plug Gages for Internal Thread,
General PurposeSingle-StartAcme Screw Threads,StandardSeries,
Classes 2G, 3G, and 4G ...................................................... 34
20 Not Go Setting Plug Gages for Working AdjustableRing Gages for
External Threadsand Not Go Working Plug Gages for Internal Threads,
General PurposeSingle-StartAcme Screw Threads,StandardSeries,
Classes 2G, 3G, and 4G ...................................................... 49
21 Limiting Dimensions,Go and Not Go Working Adjustable
Ring Gages for External Threads, General PurposeSingle-Start
Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2G, 3G, and 4G ................ 52
22 Limiting Dimensions,Solid-SettingThread Ring Gages for Internal Thread
Indicating Gages, Single-StartAcme Screw Threads ............................ 60
23 Plain Gage Tolerances .......................................................... 60
24 Tolerancesfor Go and Not Go Thread Gages, Working and Setting,
for Centralizing Single-StartAcme Screw Threads (0.250 in. Through
5.000 in.) .................................................................... 67
25 Limiting Dimensions,Go and Not Go Setting Plug Gages for
Adjustable Ring and Indicating Gages for External Thread,
Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series,
Classes 2C, 3C, and 4C ...................................................... 68
26 Limiting Dimensions,Go and Not Go Working Adjustable
Ring Gages for External Thread, Centralizing Single-Start
Acme Screw Threads, Standard Series, Classes 2C, 3C, and 4C ................ 71
27 Limiting Dimensions,Go and Not Go Working Plug Gages for
Internal Thread, Centralizing Single-Start Acme Screw Threads,
Standard Series, Classes 2C, 3C, and 4C ...................................... 74
28 Limiting Dimensions,Not Go Thread Plug Gages for Major Diameter
of Centralizing Single-StartInternal Acme Screw Threads, StandardSeries,
Classes 2C, 3C, and 4C ...................................................... 76
Nonmandatory Appendices
A Acme Centralizing Threads Alternate Series With Minor Diameter
Centralizing Control .......................................................... 79
B Multiple-Start Acme Threads .................................................... 81
C General PurposeAcme Thread Class 5G ......................................... 85
D Centralizing Acme Thread Classes 5C and 6C ................................... 89
E Three-Wire Method for Measurementof Pitch Diameter of 29 deg
External Acme Threads ....................................................... 93
F Ball Method for Measurementof Internal Pitch Diameter of 29 deg
Acme Screw Threads ......................................................... 103
G Go Gage FunctionalSize Compensation,Flank Angle Correction,Limit
Gaging of Setting Ring, and Gaging Problem Areas ............................ 107
H Tolerancesfor Acme Screw Thread Gages Over 5.000 in......................... 111
I Determining Limits of Size for Multiple-Start Diameter/PitchCombinations ........ 113
ASME B 1.5-1997
Publisher:The American Society of MechanicalEngi- distance traversed in one revolution of a screw thread.
neers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY On multiple-start threads, the lead equals pitch
10016; Order Department:22 Law Drive, Box 2300, multiplied by the numberof starts.
Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300
2.3 Height of Thread
1.4 Reference Temperature
The basic height of the thread is equal to one-half
The referencetemperatureis 68øF (20øC) for dimen- of the pitch.
sions listed.
Definitions, terms, and symbols relating to Acme A minimum diametral clearanceis provided at the
screw threadsare found in ASME BI.7M. Explanation minor diameter of all threadsby establishingthe maxi-
of ISO fundamentaldeviationsymbolsusedfor allow- mum minor diameter of the external thread 0.020 in.
ance in this Standard are: less than the basic minor diameter for 10 threads/in.
El.' lower deviation, internal thread allowance (funda- and coatset, and 0.010 in. less for finer pitches.
mental deviation). A minimum diametral clearanceat the major diameter
is obtainedby establishingthe minimum major diameter
es.' upper deviation,external threadallowance(funda- of the internal thread 0.020 in. greater than the basic
mentaldeviation);es is alwaysnegativefor an allowance major diameterfor 10 threads/in.and coarser,and 0.010
fit or zero for no allowance.
in. greater for finer pitches.
2.2 Pitch and Lead of Thread as preferred.These diametersand pitches have been
carefullyselectedto meet presentneedswith the fewest
The pitch of the thread is the distance, measured number of items in order to reduce to a minimum the
parallel to its axis, between correspondingpoints on inventory of both tools and gages. For sizes over 5
adjacent thread forms. The lead of a thread is the in., see Appendix H.