The Contemporary World Syllabus

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Course Syllabus
Second Semester, SY 2019-2020

Vision: “Siquijor State College as a center of excellence in Higher and Technical-Vocational Education in the Province of

Mission: “To provide effective and excellent higher and technical-vocational education in the different areas through instruction,
research, extension and production and serves as catalysts and partner for local, regional and national growth and

1. Produce graduates equipped with knowledge, skills, attitudes, habits, and values for self or corporate employment
required in business and industries;
2. Inculcate work ethics, develop an understanding and appreciation of corporate social responsibility; and,
3. Enhance capability in conducting research, community extension and production activities.


CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

The Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management Program aims to produce graduates who:

1. Are morally upright, globally competitive, imbued with ideas, aspirations, values and traditions of Philippine life
sufficiently equipped with entrepreneurial and managerial knowledge and skills for self or corporate employment;
2. Have gained understanding and appreciation of corporate social responsibility;
3. Are exposed to actual work environment in various hospitality industries;
4. Can participate actively in local, regional, and international development program through linkages and with
partnership with other agencies and industries; and,
5. Can conduct research, community extension and production activities of the college.

Target Population : BS Hospitality Management 1

Course Credit : 3 units
Course Contact Hours : 3 hours/week; 54 hours/semester
Pre-requisites : None

Course Description
This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. Using the
various disciplines of social sciences, it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have
created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around globe. To this end, the course provides an
overview of the various debates in social governance, development and sustainability. Beyond exposing the students to the world outside
the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.
This course includes topics on population education in the context of population and demography.

General Objectives

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

A. Competencies
1. Distinguish different interpretations and approaches to globalization.
2. Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social and cultural systems.

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

3. Analyze the contemporary drivers of globalization.
4. Understand the issues confronting nation-states.
5. Asses the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses.

B. Skills
1. Analyze contemporary news events in the context of globalization.
2. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines.
3. Write a research paper with proper citations on a topic related to globalization.

C. Values
1. Articulate personal positions on various global issues.
2. Identify the ethical implications of global citizenship.


Teaching and Expected

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Assessment Resource Time Integrated
Learning Quality
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter References Tasks (ATs) Materials Table Values
Activities (TLAs) Results
Recall rules they have Orientation to Student Classroom sharing Class recitation Course 3 hrs. Demonstrate Clear
to follow. the Course Handbook (Introductions) Syllabus proficient and understanding
Introduce self to effective of the topics
classmates and the Classroom Introduced Lecture Student communication. discussed.
instructor. Policies textbook: Handbook Meaningful
Manfred Steger, Personal concept Appreciate the discussions
List expectations for the Course Paul Battersby, map of Books complexity of and
course. Requirements and Joseph M. globalization: human interactions.
Siracusa, eds. Students will News condition.
Analyze how the study Grading System 2014. The engage in a free clippings
of the Contemporary SAGE association Organize one’s
World shares in Overview of the Handbook of exercise of ideas Laptop self or lifelong
achieving the vision subject matter Globalization. they associate learning
and mission of the Two vols. with Projector
college. Thousand Oaks: “globalization.”
SAGE. Based on the PPT

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

Analyze the content of concepts they list,
the course syllabus and they will
requirements. synthesize a
personal definition
Write a personal of the concept.
definition of

Differentiate the Introduction to the Chapter of the Lecture Quiz on the Textbook 3 hrs. Analyze Clear
competing definitions of study of textbook: reading written/oral text understanding
globalization. globalization “Approaches to Student Activity: materials News critically. of the topics
Identify the underlying the study of The World Made reports discussed.
philosophies of the globalization” by Closer: to see the Class recitation Interpret
varying definitions of M. Steger actual application Laptop human
globalization. of globalization on Graded group experience
Agree on a working Steger, Manfred. the different activity Projector from various
definition of “Ideologies of aspects of daily perspective
globalization for the globalization.” life. PPT
course. 2005. Journal of 1. Enumerate at Make decisions
Political least three of the based on moral
Ideologies 10(1): most recent songs norms and
11-30. you’ve listened. imperatives.
Identify the
Aldama, P.K., nationality of the
(2018). The writer and/or artist
Contemporary for each music.
World. Chapter 2. What gadgets
1: Defining or devices do you
Globalization. usually use to
Manila. Rex listen to music?
Bookstore, Inc. 3. Where were
these gadgets or
devices made?
Where is the
company based?
4. How did you
access these
music? Did you
purchase them

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

online or through
online streaming

News report

Define economic The Global Chapter 9 of Student activity: Class recitation Textbook 3 hrs. Use basic Meaningful
globalization. Economy textbook: Follow the concepts discussions
Product: Allow the News across the and
Identify the actors that “The students to reports domains of interactions.
facilitate economic Globalization of investigate the knowledge.
globalization. Economic origin and spread Laptop
Relations” by of the products Examine the
Define the modern Istvan Benzces and services sold Projector contemporary
world system. in our country. world from both
Wallerstein, PPT Philippine and
Articulate a stance on Immanuel. 2004. Lecture global
global economic “The Modern perspective.
integration. World System Discussion
as a Capitalist
World Economy:
Production, Debate: “That
Surplus-Value, global free trade
and has done more
Polarization”: In harm than good.”
Analysis: An
Durnham and
London: Duke
Press, 23-41.

Explain the roles of Market Integration Chapter 17 of Lecture Quiz on the Textbook 4 hrs. Demonstrate Clear
international financial textbook: “The reading critical, understanding
institutions in the Rise of the Discussion materials News analytical, and of the topics
creation of a global Global reports creative discussed.
economy. Corporation” by Film viewing Class recitation thinking.

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

Deane Film
Narrate a short history Neubauer. Reflection Make decisions
of global market paper on Laptop based on moral
integration in the 20th Bello, Walden F. reactions and norms and
century. 2006. “The insights on the Projector imperatives.
Multiple Crises movie.
Identify the attributes of in Market Speakers Use current
global corporations. Globalism”. In technology to
Deglobalization: assist and
Ideas for a New facilitate
World Economy. learning and
Quezon City: research.
Ateneo de
Press, pp. 1-31.

Film: “The
directed by Mark
Achbar and
Jennifer Abbot
Explain the effects of The Global Inter- Chapter 7 of Discovery Quiz on the Books 3 hrs. Use basic Meaningful
globalization on state System textbook reading concepts discussions
governments. “Governments Discussion materials News across the and
and Citizens in clippings domains of interactions.
Identify the institutions the Globally knowledge.
that govern Interconnected Laptop
international relations. World of States” Examine the
by Hans Projector contemporary
Differentiate Schattle. world from both
internationalism PPT Philippine and
Mazower, Mark. global
2006. “An perspective.
International Reflect critically
Civilization? on shared
Empire, concerns.
Crisis of the

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

Affairs 82(3):

Identify the roles and Contemporary Chapter 29a of Inductive Class recitation Books 3 hrs. Examine the Clear and in
functions of the United Global textbook: “The contemporary depth
Nations. Governance United Nations Case Study News world from both understanding
Identify the challenges Meets the 21st clippings Philippine and of the topics
of global governance in Century: global discussed.
the 21st century. Confronting the Laptop perspective.
Explain the relevance Challenges of
of the state amid Global Projector Use current
globalization. Governance” by technology to
Thomas G. PPT assist and
Weiss and facilitate
Ramesh Thakur. learning and
Hobsbawm, Eric
J. 1996. “The
Future of the
and Change
27(2): 267-278.

Define the term “Global The Global Chapter 12 of Discovery Class recitation Books 3 hrs. Analyze Meaningful
South”. Divides: The North textbook: written/oral text discussions
Differentiate the “Global and the South “Locating the Discussion Graded Group Laptop critically. and relevant
South” from the Third (focus on Latin Global South” by reporting. interactions.
World. America) Lisandro E. Group Reporting: Projector Work
Analyze the concept of Claudio Students will form effectively in a
global relations groups of 3-5. PPT group.
emerged from the Connell, Each group will be
experiences of Latin Raewyn. 2007. assigned a Latin
American countries. “Dependency, American country
Autonomy, and to report on.

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

Culture. In These
Southern groups will deliver
Theory: The 10-
Global minute
Dynamics of presentations
Knowledge in on the
Social Science”. contemporary
Cambridge, UK: foreign and
Polity Press, pp. economic policies
139-163. of their respective

Differentiate between Asian Regionalism Chapter 13 of Discovery Class recitation Books 4 hrs. Examine the Clear
regionalization and textbook: contemporary understanding
globalization. “Globalization Discussion Graded Group Laptop world from both of the topics
and the Asia reporting Philippine and discussed.
Identify the factors Pacific and Group Reporting: Projector global
leading to a greater South Asia” by Students will form perspective.
integration of the Asian Ehito Kimura. groups of 3-5. PPT
region Each group will be Work
Shiraishi, assigned an Asian effectively in a
Analyze how different Takashi. 2006. country to group.
Asian states confront “The Third research and
the challenges of Wave: report on. These
globalization and Southeast Asia groups will deliver
regionalization. and Middle- 10-
class Formation minute
in the Making of presentations
a Region.” In on the
The Dynamics contemporary
of East Asian foreign and
Regionalism, ed. economic policies
Peter of their respective
Katzenstein and countries.
Shiraishi. Ithaca,
NY: Cornell

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

Press, pp. 237-

Midterm Examination – 1 hour

Analyze how various Global Media Chapter 22 of Discovery Class recitation Books 3 hrs. Analyze Clear
media drive various Cultures textbook: written/oral text understanding
forms of global “Globalization Discussion Graded Group Laptop critically. of the topics
integration. and the Media: reporting discussed.
Creating the Group Reporting: Projector Reflect critically
Explain the dynamics Global Village” Each group will be on shared
between local and by Jack Lule. asked to pick an PPT concerns.
global cultural Asian musical act
production. Chapter 23 of that became Work
textbook: internationally effectively in a
“Popular Music famous. In their group.
and group report, they
Globalization” by must answer the
Yara El- following
Ghadban questions:
1. Where did the
musical act/artist
2. In which
countries did the
artist become
3. How did the
artist become
4. Why do you
think the artist
became famous?
Explain how The Globalization Chapter 10 of Lecture Quiz on the Books 4 hrs. Make decisions Meaningful
globalization affects of Religion textbook: reading based on moral discussions
religious practices and “Religion and Film review materials Film norms and and
beliefs. Globalization” by imperatives. interactions.
Victor Class recitation Laptop
Analyze the relationship Roudometof. Use current

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

between religion and Reflection Projector technology to
global conflict, and Chapter 42 of paper on assist and
conversely, global textbook: reactions and Speakers facilitate
peace. “Religion and insights on the learning and
Global Conflict” movie. research.
by Mark

Film: PBS
Frontline: “The
Rise of ISIS

Identify the attributes of The Global City Chapter 26 of Discovery Quiz on the Books 3 hrs. Analyze Clear
a global city. textbook: reading written/oral text understanding
“Mobility, Discussion materials Laptop critically. of the topics
Analyze how cities Diversity and discussed.
serve as engines of Community in Group Reporting: Graded Group Projector Examine the
globalization. the Global City” Each group will be reporting contemporary
by Val Colic- assigned a global PPT world from both
Peisker. city to discuss and Philippine and
research on. Their global
Sassen, Saskia. reports should perspective.
2005. “The answer the
Global City: following Work
Introducing a questions: effectively in a
Concept.” 1. How would you group.
Brown Journal describe your city?
of World Affairs 2. What is your
XI(2): 27-43. city known for?
3. What makes
your city a global

Explain the theory of Global Lee, Ronald. Discovery Quiz on the Books 3 hrs. Demonstrate Meaningful
demographic transition Demography 2003. “The reading proficient and discussions

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

as it affects global Demographic Discussion materials Laptop effective and
population. Transition: communication. interactions.
Three Centuries Short Research Projector
of Fundamental Paper to Take
Change.” discuss the PPT responsibility
Journal of topic: Has the for knowing
Economic Philippines and being
Perspectives undergone the Filipino.
17(4): 167-190. demographic
transition? Why Manage one’s
Lesthaeghe, or why not? knowledge,
Ron. 2010. “The skills, and
Unfolding Story values for
of the Second responsible
Demographic and productive
Transition.” living.
Population and
Review 36(2):

2005. “What We
Can and Cannot
Learn from the
History of World
Studies: A
Journal of
69(S1): S21-

Analyze the economic, Global Migration Castles, Discovery Quiz on the Books 3 hrs. Apply different Meaningful
political, cultural, and Stephen. 2000. reading analytical discussions
social factors “International Lecture/ materials Laptop modes in and
underlying the global Migration at the Discussion problem interactions.

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

movements of people. Beginning of the Projector solving.
21st Century:
Display first-hand Global Trends PPT Contribute
knowledge of the and Issues.” personally and
experiences of OFWs. International meaningfully to
Social Science the country’s
and Journal development.
52(165): 269-

Felomino V.
from Modular
m: The View
from East Asia.”
Asian and
Pacific Migration
Journal 21(2):

Differentiate Global Chapter 48 of Lecture Class Books 4 hrs. Analyze Meaningful

sustainability from Sustainable textbook: Recitation written/oral text discussions
stability. Development “Sustainable Discussion Laptop critically. and
Economic Quiz on the interactions.
Articulate models of Systems” by reading Projector Reflect critically
global sustainable Sebastian materials on shared
development goals. Piociennik PPT concerns.

Define global food The Global Food Chapter 50 of Lecture Class Books 3 hrs. Analyze Meaningful
security. Security textbook: Recitation written/oral text discussions
“Global Food Discussion Laptop critically. and
Critique existing models Security: The Quiz on the interactions.
of global food security. Challenge of Film viewing reading Projector Examine the
Feeding the materials contemporary
World” by PPT world from both

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

Monika Reflection Philippine and
Barthwal-Datta. paper on global
reactions and perspective.
McMichael, insights on the
Philip. 2009. “A movie. Advocate
Food Regime respect for
Analysis of the human rights.
World Food
Agriculture and
Human Values
26(4): 281-95.

Film: “The Price

of Sugar”
directed by Bill

Articulate a personal The Global Carter, April. Lecture Class Books 3 hrs. Demonstrate Meaningful
definition of global Citizenship 2001. “Global Recitation critical, discussions
citizenship. Civil Society: Discussion Laptop analytical, and and
Acting as Global Quiz on the creative interactions.
Appreciate the ethical Citizens” in The reading Projector thinking
obligations of global Political Theory materials
citizenship. of Global PPT Make decisions
Citizenship. based on moral
London:Routled norms and
ge, pp. 147-176. imperatives.

Final Examination – Research Paper Writing

The final grade of the student is interpreted as shown on the table below:
AVERAGE 95% - 100% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80% 79% 78% 77% 76% 75% Failure
FINAL GRADE 1.00 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1-3.5 4.0-5.0

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

INC = Incomplete 1.0 = Excellent 2.1 to 2.5 = Good
NG = No Grade 1.1 to 1.5 = Superior 2.6 to 3.0 = Passing
W = Withdraw 1.6 to 2.0 = Very Good 4.0 to 5.0 = Failure

Course Requirements:
Long Quizzes/Oral Recitations/Report/Seatworks 30%
Project/Outputs, etc. 30%
Midterm/Final examination 40%

Nota bene: A student who has incurred absences more than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of school days shall not be given credit to the course regardless of class standing. For further
provisions of the said policy, please refer to the SSC Student Handbook.

Other References:

Aldama, P.K., (2018). The Contemporary World. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Lobo, J.L., Ambida, M.N., Maliban, N.P., and Mesinas, M.M. (2019). The Contemporary World. Mandaluyong: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Part-time Instructor Dean, College of Business and Management

CBM-05-12; Course Syllabus/6th January 2020

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